- a4Base::nlcvTTData to Demonstrate nlcv and Co Functions
- ABSSeq::simuN5Simulated study with random outliers
- acde::phytophthoraGene Expression Data for Tomato Plants Inoculated with _Phytophthora infestans_
- ACE::copyNumbersSegmentedSegmented data of two tumor samples
- aCGH::colorectalColorectal array CGH dataset
- aCGH::ex.acgh.hmmClass aCGH
- ACME::example.agffAn example ACME data structure of class ACMESet
- ADaCGH2::inputExA fictitious aCGH data set
- ADaCGH2::inputEx-spA fictitious aCGH data set
- ADAM::ExpressionAedesAedes aegypti RNA-seq data expression
- ADAM::KeggPathwaysAedesRelation between Aedes aegypti genes and KEGG pathways as ADAM input
- ADAMgui::DiffAedesAedes aegypti RNA-seq differential expression data example
- ADAMgui::GeneFunctionAedesRelation between Aedes aegypti genes and KEGG pathways
- ADAMgui::ResultAnalysisAedesResult from an example of ADAM Aedes aegypti analysis
- ADAPT::ecc_plaquePlaque samples from early childhood dental caries studies
- ADAPT::ecc_salivaSaliva samples from early childhood dental caries studies
- ADImpute::demo_dataSmall dataset for example purposes
- ADImpute::demo_netSmall regulatory network for example purposes
- ADImpute::demo_sceSmall dataset for example purposes
- ADImpute::network.coefficientsTranscriptome wide gene regulatory network
- ADImpute::transcript_lengthTable for transcript length calculations
- adSplit::golubKEGGSplitsExamplar splitSet
- AffiXcan::exprMatrixExpression data of two genes for 229 individuals
- AffiXcan::regionAssocAssociations between regulatory regions and expressed genes
- AffiXcan::trainingCovariatesCovariates of the population structure for 229 individuals
- affy::SpikeInSpikeIn Experiment Data: ProbeSet Example
- affy::cdfenv.exampleExample cdfenv
- affy::mapCdfNameClean Affymetrix's CDF name
- affycomp::dilution.phenodataPhenotypic Information for Dilution Study
- affycomp::hgu133a.spikein.phenodataphenotypic information for HGU133A spike in study
- affycomp::hgu133a.spikein.xhybCross hybridizers
- affycomp::mas5.assessmentExample of the result of assessments
- affycomp::spikein.phenodataphenotypic information for spike in study
- AGDEX::agdex.resSaved result returned by agdex()
- AGDEX::gset.dataa sample gene-set data
- AGDEX::human.dataSample ExpressionSet object of human data
- AGDEX::map.dataProbe-set Mapping Data
- AGDEX::mouse.dataMouse Data
- aggregateBioVar::small_airwaySmall Airway 'SingleCellExperiment' object
- AIMS::AIMSmodelThe AIMS model
- AIMS::mcgillExampleSample of a breast cancer gene expression dataset generated at McGill University
- ALDEx2::selexSelection-based differential sequence variant abundance dataset
- ALDEx2::synth2Synthetic asymmetric dataset
- AllelicImbalance::ASEsetASEset objects
- AllelicImbalance::ASEset.simASEset.sim object
- AllelicImbalance::GRvariantsGRvariants object
- AllelicImbalance::genomatrixgenomatrix object
- AllelicImbalance::readsreads object
- AlpsNMR::HMDB_bloodThe Human Metabolome DataBase multiplet table: blood metabolites normally found in NMR-based metabolomics
- AlpsNMR::HMDB_cellThe Human Metabolome DataBase multiplet table: cell metabolites normally found in NMR-based metabolomics
- AlpsNMR::HMDB_urineThe Human Metabolome DataBase multiplet table: urine metabolites normally found in NMR-based metabolomics
- AlpsNMR::Parameters_bloodto rDolphin
- AlpsNMR::Parameters_cellParameters for cell samples profiling
- AlpsNMR::Parameters_urineParameters for urine samples profiling
- AlpsNMR::ROI_bloodROIs for blood (plasma/serum) samples
- AlpsNMR::ROI_cellROIs for cell samples
- AlpsNMR::ROI_urineROIs for urine samples
- AlpsNMR::hmdbThe Human Metabolome DataBase multiplet table
- altcdfenvs::cdfenvExCdfEnvAffy
- AMARETTO::BatchDataBatchData
- AMARETTO::Driver_GenesDriver_Genes
- AMARETTO::MsigdbMappingMsigdbMapping
- AMARETTO::ProcessedDataLIHCProcessedDataLIHC
- Anaquin::RnaQuinGeneMixtureRnaQuin mixture (gene level)
- Anaquin::RnaQuinIsoformMixtureRnaQuin mixture (isoform level)
- Anaquin::UserGuideData_5.4.5.1Section Assembly Dataset
- Anaquin::UserGuideData_5.4.6.3Gene expression (RnaQuin)
- Anaquin::UserGuideData_5.6.3Differential expression (RnaQuin)
- ANCOMBC::QMPQuantitative Microbiome Project data
- annaffy::aafExprSample ExpressionSet used for demonstration purposes
- annotate::hgByChromsA dataset to show the human genome base pair locations per chromosome.
- annotate::hgCLengthsA dataset which contains the lengths (in base pairs) of the human chromosomes.
- annotate::hgu95AProbLocschromLocation instance hgu95AProbLocs, an example of a chromLocation object
- annotate::hgu95AchrolocAnnotation data for the Affymetrix HGU95A GeneChip
- annotate::hgu95AchromAnnotation data for the Affymetrix HGU95A GeneChip
- annotate::hgu95AllAnnotation data for the Affymetrix HGU95A GeneChip
- annotate::hgu95AsymAnnotation data for the Affymetrix HGU95A GeneChip
- annotationTools::annot_HGU133Aannot\_HGU133A
- annotationTools::orthoortho
- annotationTools::table_humantable\_human
- annotationTools::table_mousetable\_mouse
- annotatr::annotationsexample_annotations data
- anota::anotaDataPSample data set for anota
- anota::anotaDataTSample data set for anota
- anota::anotaPhenoVecSample data set for anota
- anota2seq::anota2seq_data_PSample data set for anota2seq
- anota2seq::anota2seq_data_TSample data set for anota2seq
- anota2seq::anota2seq_pheno_vecSample data set for anota2seq
- AnVILBilling::demo_reca demonstration avReckoning object
- apComplex::HMSPCIHigh-Throughput Mass Spectromic Protein Complex Identification (HMS-PCI) Data from Ho, et al. (2002)
- apComplex::HMSPCIgraphHigh-Throughput Mass Spectromic Protein Complex Identification (HMS-PCI) Data from Ho, et al. (2002)
- apComplex::KroganHigh-Definition Macromolecular Composition of Yeast RNA-Processing Complexes (2004)
- apComplex::MBMEcHMSPCIHMSPCI data complex estimates
- apComplex::MBMEcKroganKrogan data complex estimates
- apComplex::MBMEcTAPTAP data complex estimates
- apComplex::SBMHcHMSPCIHMSPCI data complex estimates
- apComplex::SBMHcTAPTAP data complex estimates
- apComplex::TAPTandem Affinity Purification (TAP) Data from Gavin et al. (2002)
- apComplex::TAPgraphTandem Affinity Purification (TAP) Data from Gavin et al. (2002)
- apComplex::UnRBBcHMSPCIHMSPCI data complex estimates
- apComplex::UnRBBcTAPTAP data complex estimates
- apComplex::apEXExample data set for apComplex package
- apComplex::apEXGExample data set for apComplex package
- apComplex::gavin06FilteredEstimatesAP-MS data complex estimates
- apComplex::gavinBP2006Tandem Affinity Purification (TAP) Data from Gavin et al. (2006)
- apComplex::krogan06FilteredEstimatesAP-MS data complex estimates
- apComplex::kroganBPMat2006Tandem Affinity Purification (TAP) Data from Krogan et al. (2006)
- apComplex::yNameTAPTAP data complex estimates using standard gene names
- apComplex::yTAPyTAP Complexes published Gavin, et al. (2002).
- arrayQuality::HsReferenceDBReference slides for Mouse oligos hybridizations
- arrayQuality::MmDEGenesKnown DE genes for Mouse quality hybridizations.
- arrayQuality::MmReferenceDBReference slides for Mouse oligos hybridizations
- ARRmNormalization::ProbesTypeProbe Design information for the 450k methylation assay
- artMS::artms_configartMS configuration template
- artMS::artms_data_corum_mito_databaseCORUM Protein Complexes database use for complex enrichment analysis
- artMS::artms_data_pathogen_LPNLPN PATHOGEN: Legionella pneumophila subsp. pneumophila (strain Philadelphia 1 / ATCC 33152 / DSM 7513) UNIPROT IDS
- artMS::artms_data_pathogen_TBTB PATHOGEN: Mycobacterium tuberculosis (strain ATCC 35801 / TMC 107 / Erdman) UNIPROTS IDS
- artMS::artms_data_ph_configartMS configuration for the available PH dataset
- artMS::artms_data_ph_contrastContrast example for the PH dataset
- artMS::artms_data_ph_evidenceEvidence file example
- artMS::artms_data_ph_keysKeys File Example
- artMS::artms_data_ph_msstats_modelqcMSstats modelQC example
- artMS::artms_data_ph_msstats_resultsMSstats results example
- artMS::artms_data_randomDFRandom data set
- ASAFE::adm_ancestries_testAncestries of 250 admixed individuals at 6 SNPs
- ASAFE::adm_genotypes_testGenotypes of 250 admixed individuals at 6 markers
- ASGSCA::B0Matrix indicating connections between the latent variables for QCAHS data.
- ASGSCA::GenPhenDataset to test GSCAestim and GSCA functions.
- ASGSCA::QCAHSDataset used in the vignette.
- ASGSCA::ResQCAHSA list containing the results obtained for the QCAHS dataset.
- ASGSCA::W0Matrix indicating connections between the observed variables and the latent variables for QCAHS data.
- ASICS::pure_libraryPure spectra library
- ASSET::N00Data for the h.traits example
- ASSET::N10Data for the h.traits example
- ASSET::N11Data for the h.traits example
- ASSET::NeffData for the fast_asset example
- ASSET::SEData for the fast_asset example
- ASSET::SNPData for the fast_asset example
- ASSET::betahatData for the fast_asset example
- ASSET::dataData for the h.traits example
- ASSET::dataData for the h.traits example
- ASSET::ldscintmatData for the fast_asset example
- ASSET::traitsData for the fast_asset example
- ASSIGN::excludegenesExclude Gene List
- ASSIGN::geneList1Pathway signature gene sets
- ASSIGN::gfrn_geneListPathway Signature Gene Lists
- ASSIGN::testData1Gene expression profiling from cancer patients (test dataset)
- ASSIGN::trainingData1Gene expression profiling from cell line perturbation experiments (training dataset)
- ASURAT::human_COMSig_egA list of small Cell Ontology and MSigDB databases for human.
- ASURAT::human_GO_egA list of small Gene Ontology database for human.
- ASURAT::human_KEGG_egA list of small KEGG database for human.
- ASURAT::pbmc_egA SingleCellExperiment object made from a gene expression table.
- ASURAT::pbmcs_egA list of SingleCellExperiment objects made from sign-sample matrices.
- atSNP::encode_motifA motif library containing 2065 motifs downloaded from http://compbio.mit.edu/encode-motifs/motifs.txt.
- atSNP::encode_motifinfoThe information for the motif library downloaded from http://compbio.mit.edu/encode-motifs/motifs.txt.
- atSNP::jaspar_motifA motif library containing 593 motifs downloaded from http://jaspar.genereg.net/html/DOWNLOAD/JASPAR_CORE/pfm/nonredundant/pfm_all .txt.
- atSNP::jaspar_motifinfoThe information for the motif library downloaded from http://jaspar.genereg.net/html/DOWNLOAD/JASPAR_CORE/pfm/nonredundant/pfm_all .txt.
- atSNP::motif_libraryA sample motif library.
- atSNP::motif_matchComposit logo plotting input containing motif scores, the matching subsequences and the augmented matching subsequences on SNP and reference allele
- atSNP::motif_scoresScores for the sample snp data computed based on the motif data.
- atSNP::priorDefault stationary distribution for nucleotide sequences in the reference genome.
- atSNP::snpInfoA data set for SNP information.
- atSNP::snp_tblA data frame for SNP information.
- atSNP::transitionDefault transition probability matrix for nucleotide sequences in the reference genome.
- attract::exprs.datGene Expression Matrix of Published Data
- attract::loring.esetAn ExpressionSet Object containing published data from M?ller et al.
- attract::samp.infosamp.info Contains the Sample Information for the Mueller data set.
- attract::subset.loring.esetAn ExpressionSet Object containing published data from M?ller et al.
- AWFisher::data_mouseMetabolismMouse metabolism microarray data
- BaalChIP::BaalObjectBaalObject example dataset
- BaalChIP::ENCODEexampleENCODEexample example dataset
- BaalChIP::FAIREexampleFAIREexample example dataset
- BaalChIP::UniqueMappability50bp_hg19Genomic regions of unique mappability
- BaalChIP::blacklist_hg19Blacklisted genomic regions
- BaalChIP::pickrell2011cov1_hg19Genomic regions of collapsed repeats
- BAGS::AnnotationMFGOList containing a collection of gene symbols with their associated GO term for the Molecular function ontology
- ballgown::bgToy ballgown object
- BANDITS::gene_tr_idGene-transcript matching
- BANDITS::input_dataA 'BANDITS_data' object, generated with 'create_data'
- BANDITS::precisionEstimates for the log-precision parameter, generated with 'prior_precision'
- BANDITS::resultsResults of the DTU test, generated with 'test_DTU'
- Banksy::hippocampusMouse Hippocampus VeraFISH data
- Banksy::ringsAn unrealistic simulation of spatially-resolved omics data.
- banocc::compositions_hard_nullSimulated compositional data with no feature correlations
- banocc::compositions_neg_spikeSimulated compositional data with a negative count correlation
- banocc::compositions_nullSimulated compositional data with no feature correlations
- banocc::compositions_pos_spikeSimulated compositional data with a positive count correlation
- banocc::counts_hard_nullSimulated count data with no feature correlations
- banocc::counts_neg_spikeSimulated count data with one negative feature correlation
- banocc::counts_nullSimulated count data with no feature correlations
- banocc::counts_pos_spikeSimulated count data with one positive feature correlation
- barcodetrackR::wu_subsetSmall subset of Wu barcoding dataset
- BaseSpaceR::aAuthSample 'AppAuth' instance with 'browse global' scope
- Basic4Cseq::liverDataExample 4C-seq data set of fetal liver data
- Basic4Cseq::liverDataRawExample 4C-seq data set of fetal liver data
- BASiCS::ChainRNAExtract from the chain obtained for the Grun et al (2014) data: pool-and-split samples
- BASiCS::ChainRNARegExtract from the chain obtained for the Grun et al (2014) data: pool-and-split samples (regression model)
- BASiCS::ChainSCExtract from the chain obtained for the Grun et al (2014) data: single-cell samples
- BASiCS::ChainSCRegExtract from the chain obtained for the Grun et al (2014) data: single-cell samples (regression model)
- BatchQC::batch_indicatorBatch and Condition indicator for signature data
- BatchQC::protein_dataProtein data with 39 protein expression levels
- BatchQC::protein_sample_infoBatch and Condition indicator for protein expression data
- BatchQC::signature_dataSignature data with 1600 gene expression levels
- BayesKnockdown::lincs.kdLINCS L1000 Knockdown Example Dataset
- bayNorm::EXAMPLE_DATA_listA subset of Grun et al (2014) data: 2i samples
- baySeq::CDPost'countData' object derived from data file 'simData' with estimated likelihoods of differential expression.
- baySeq::CDPriors'countData' object derived from data file 'simData' with estimated priors.
- baySeq::mobAnnotationAnnotation data for a set of small RNA loci derived from sequencing of grafts of Arabidopsis thaliana intended for differential expression analyses.
- baySeq::mobDataData from a set of small RNA sequencing experiments carried out on grafts of Arabidopsis thaliana intended for differential expression analyses.
- baySeq::pairDataSimulated data for testing the baySeq package methods for paired data
- baySeq::simDataSimulated data for testing the baySeq package methods
- baySeq::zimDataSimulated data for testing the baySeq package methods
- BCRANK::BCRANKoutBCRANK results for USF1 ChIP-chip data
- beadarray::metaTemplateGEO required fields
- beadarray::platformSigsAnnotation definitions
- BEAT::positionsSample dataset of CpG positions for a single cell BS-seq sample
- BEAT::positions.referenceSample dataset of CpG positions for a reference BS-Seq sample
- BEclear::ex.corrected.dataExample matrix of corrected data for the BEclear-package
- BEclear::ex.dataExample data set for the BEclear-package
- BEclear::ex.samplesExample data set for the BEclear-package
- benchdamic::microbial_metabolism(Data) Microbial metabolism
- benchdamic::ps_plaque_16S(Data) 60 Gingival Plaque samples of 16S rRNA (HMP 2012)
- benchdamic::ps_stool_16S(Data) 33 Stool samples of 16S rRNA (HMP 2012)
- betaHMM::annotation_dataMethylationEPIC manifest data.
- betaHMM::pca_methylation_dataSimulated DNA methylation data
- betaHMM::sample_annotation_fileMethylationEPIC manifest data.
- betaHMM::sample_methylation_fileSimulated DNA methylation data
- BG2::SNPsA. Thaliana Genotype matrix
- BG2::Y_binaryA. Thaliana Simulated Phenotype matrix
- BG2::Y_poissonA. Thaliana Simulated Phenotype matrix
- BG2::kinshipA. Thaliana Kinship matrix
- BgeeDB::geneListExample of gene list object used to run a topAnat enrichment test, created on June 2018. The format of the gene list is the same as the gene list required to build a 'topGOdata' object in the 'topGO' package: a vector with background genes as names, and 0 or 1 values depending if a gene is in the foreground or not. In this example the foreground genes are zebrafish genes with an annotated phenotype related to "pectoral fin", and the background is composed of all zebrafish Ensembl genes with an annotated phenotype from ZFIN. The gene list was built using the biomaRt package, and the code used can be found in the vignette of the package.
- BicARE::sample.bicDataExample data set for BicARE
- BicARE::sample.biclusteringExample biclustering object
- BiGGR::E.coli_iAF1260Ecoli dataset with ORFs and thermodynamic information
- BiGGR::E.coli_iJR904Ecoli genome-scale model
- BiGGR::E.coli_textbookEcoli dataset from the BiGG database
- BiGGR::GlycolysisMetabolic reconstruction of Glycolysis pathway
- BiGGR::H.pylori_ilT341H.pylori in silico genome-scale characterization of single and double deletion mutants
- BiGGR::H.sapiens_Recon_1Reconstruction of human metabolism from the BiGG database
- BiGGR::M.barkeri_iAF692Metabolic reconstruction of M.barkeri from the BiGG database
- BiGGR::M.tuberculosis_iNJ661Metabolic reconstruction of M.tuberculosis from the BiGG database
- BiGGR::P.putida_iJN746Metabolic reconstruction of P.putida from the BiGG database
- BiGGR::Recon2Human metabolic reconstruction Recon2
- BiGGR::S.aureus_iSB619Metabolic reconstruction of S.aureus from the BiGG database
- BiGGR::S.cerevisiae_iND750Metabolic reconstruction of S.cerevisiae from the BiGG database
- BiGGR::lying.tunell.dataDataset of in vivo cerebral metabolite uptake and release rates in healthy humans (old subjects)
- bigmelon::cantaloupeSmall MethyLumi 450k data sets for testing
- bigmelon::honeydewSmall MethyLumi 450k data sets for testing
- bioassayR::samplebioassaySample activity data for use with bioassayR
- Biobase::SWClass to Contain High-Throughput Assays and Experimental Metadata
- Biobase::aaMapDataset: Names and Characteristics of Amino Acids
- Biobase::geneCovSample expression matrix and phenotype data.frames.
- Biobase::geneCovariateSample expression matrix and phenotype data.frames.
- Biobase::geneDataSample expression matrix and phenotype data.frames.
- Biobase::reporterExample data.frame representing reporter information
- Biobase::sample.ExpressionSetDataset of class 'ExpressionSet'
- Biobase::sample.MultiSetData set of class 'MultiSet'
- Biobase::seDSample expression matrix and phenotype data.frames.
- biobroom::hammerExpressionSet results from Hammer et al 2010
- bioCancer::epiGenomicsDefault dataset of bioCancer
- bioCancer::user_CNAExample of Copy Number Alteration (CNA) dataset
- bioCancer::user_MetHM27Example of Methylation HM27 dataset
- bioCancer::user_MetHM450Example of Methylation HM450 dataset
- bioCancer::user_MutExample of Mutation dataset
- bioCancer::user_mRNAExample of mRNA expression dataset
- BioCartaImage::BC2ENTREZPre-computed data objects
- BioCartaImage::BIOCARTA_PATHWAYSPre-computed data objects
- BioCartaImage::PATHWAY2BCPre-computed data objects
- BioCartaImage::PATHWAY2ENTREZPre-computed data objects
- BioCartaImage::PATHWAY2MSIGDBPre-computed data objects
- BiocFHIR::allincollection of synthea FHIR documents ingested
- BiocHail::kg_3202data.frame with metadata about 3202 samples genotyped against T2T reference
- BiocHail::pcs_191kHWE-normalized PCA scores for 3202 thousand-genomes samples genotyped with the telomere-to-telomere reference
- BiocHail::pcs_38kHWE-normalized PCA scores for 3202 thousand-genomes samples genotyped with the telomere-to-telomere reference
- biocViews::biocViewsVocabBioconductor Task Views Vocabulary Data
- biomvRCNS::coriellArray CGH data set of Coriell cell lines
- biomvRCNS::encodeTP53mapped RNA-seq data from ENCODE
- biomvRCNS::variosmDifferential methylation data from sequencing
- BioNAR::diseasomeBarabasi's Diseasome Network
- BioNERO::filt.seFiltered maize gene expression data from Shin et al., 2021.
- BioNERO::og.zma.osaOrthogroups between maize and rice
- BioNERO::osa.seRice gene expression data from Shin et al., 2021.
- BioNERO::zma.interproMaize Interpro annotation
- BioNERO::zma.seMaize gene expression data from Shin et al., 2021.
- BioNERO::zma.tfsMaize transcription factors
- BioNet::pvaluesExampleExample p-values for aggregation statistics
- biosigner::diaplasmaAnalysis of plasma from diabetic patients by LC-HRMS
- Biostrings::BLOSUM100Predefined scoring matrices
- Biostrings::BLOSUM45Predefined scoring matrices
- Biostrings::BLOSUM50Predefined scoring matrices
- Biostrings::BLOSUM62Predefined scoring matrices
- Biostrings::BLOSUM80Predefined scoring matrices
- Biostrings::HNF4alphaKnown HNF4alpha binding sequences
- Biostrings::PAM120Predefined scoring matrices
- Biostrings::PAM250Predefined scoring matrices
- Biostrings::PAM30Predefined scoring matrices
- Biostrings::PAM40Predefined scoring matrices
- Biostrings::PAM70Predefined scoring matrices
- Biostrings::yeastSEQCHR1An annotation data file for CHR1 in the yeastSEQ package
- BioTIP::GSE6136_cliGSE6136 cli dataset
- BioTIP::GSE6136_matrixGSE6136 matrix dataset
- BioTIP::ILEFChromosome ranges of chr21 dataset
- BioTIP::codcod dataset
- BioTIP::gencodeA chr21 data from GENCODE GRCh37
- BioTIP::intronCoding transcriptome in chr21 dataset
- BioTIP::membersL
- BioTIP::subcounts
- biovizBase::crc.grCRC
- biovizBase::crc1.GeRLcrc1.GeRL
- biovizBase::darned_hg19_subset500Subset of RNA editing sites in hg19...
- biovizBase::genesymbolGene symbols with position...
- biovizBase::hg19IdeogramHg19 ideogram without cytoband information...
- biovizBase::hg19IdeogramCytoHg19 ideogram with cytoband information...
- biovizBase::hg19subCRC
- biovizBase::ideoideogram without cytoband information
- biovizBase::ideoCytoideogram with cytoband information
- biovizBase::mut.grCRC
- BiRewire::BRCA_binary_matrixTCGA Brest Cancer data
- BiRewire::test_dsgTool example of dsg
- biscuiteer::ENSR_subset.hg19ENSR_subset data from hg19 genome
- biscuiteer::ENSR_subset.hg38ENSR_subset data from hg38 genome
- biscuiteer::GRCh37.chromArmGRCh37.chromArm
- biscuiteer::GRCh38.chromArmGRCh38.chromArm
- biscuiteer::H9state23unmeth.hg19H9state23unmeth.hg19
- biscuiteer::H9state23unmeth.hg38H9state23unmeth.hg38
- biscuiteer::HMM_CpG_islands.hg19HMM_CpG_islands.hg19
- biscuiteer::HMM_CpG_islands.hg38HMM_CpG_islands.hg38
- biscuiteer::clocksclocks
- biscuiteer::hg19.chromArmhg19.chromArm
- biscuiteer::hg38.chromArmhg38.chromArm
- biscuiteer::seqinfo.hg19seqinfo.hg19
- biscuiteer::seqinfo.hg38seqinfo.hg38
- biscuiteer::seqinfo.mm10seqinfo.mm10
- BiSeq::DMRsThe output of 'findDMRs'
- BiSeq::betaResultsThe output of 'betaRegression'
- BiSeq::betaResultsNullThe output of 'betaRegression' for resampled data
- BiSeq::predictedMethThe output of 'predictMeth'
- BiSeq::promotersA 'GRanges' of promoters of the human genome
- BiSeq::rrbsRRBS data of APL patient samples and controls.
- BiSeq::varioOutput of 'makeVariogram'
- blacksheepr::sample_annotationdatasample_annotationdata
- blacksheepr::sample_phosphodatasample_phosphodata
- blacksheepr::sample_rnadatasample_rnadata
- BLMA::data_GSE17054Gene expression dataset GSE17054 from Majeti et al.
- BLMA::data_GSE33223Gene expression dataset GSE33223 from Bacher et al.
- BLMA::data_GSE42140The gene expression dataset GSE42140 obtained from Gene Expression Omnibus
- BLMA::data_GSE57194Gene expression dataset GSE57194 from Abdul-Nabi et al.
- BLMA::group_GSE17054Gene expression dataset GSE17054 from Majeti et al.
- BLMA::group_GSE33223Gene expression dataset GSE33223 from Bacher et al.
- BLMA::group_GSE42140The gene expression dataset GSE42140 obtained from Gene Expression Omnibus
- BLMA::group_GSE57194Gene expression dataset GSE57194 from Abdul-Nabi et al.
- bnbc::cgExSample chr22 Data
- bnem::bcrB-Cell receptor signalling perturbations
- BOBaFIT::TCGA_BRCA_CN_segmentsSegments of 100 Breast Cancer samples, downloaded from TCGA-BRCA.
- BPRMeth::bernoulli_dataSynthetic Bernoulli data
- BPRMeth::beta_dataSynthetic Beta data
- BPRMeth::binomial_dataSynthetic Binomial data
- BPRMeth::encode_exprProcessed ENCODE expression data
- BPRMeth::encode_metProcessed ENCODE methylation data
- BPRMeth::gaussian_dataSynthetic Gaussian data
- BPRMeth::gex_dataSynthetic expression data
- BPRMeth::meth_dataSynthetic bulk methylation data
- brendaDb::acronymsInformation fields and their corresponding acronyms.
- bsseq::BS.chr22Whole-genome bisulfite sequencing for chromosome 22 from Lister et al.
- BubbleTree::all.somatic.lstall.somatic.lst
- BubbleTree::allCNV.lstallCNV.lst
- BubbleTree::allCall.lstallCall.lst
- BubbleTree::allHetero.lstallHetero.lst
- BubbleTree::allRBD.lstallRBD.lst
- BubbleTree::cancer.genes.minus2cancer.genes.minus2.rda
- BubbleTree::centromere.datcentromere.dat
- BubbleTree::cnv.grcnv.gr
- BubbleTree::cyto.grcyto.gr
- BubbleTree::gene.uni.clean.grgene.uni.clean.gr
- BubbleTree::hg19.seqinfohg19.seqinfo.Rd
- BubbleTree::snp.grsnp.gr
- BubbleTree::vol.genesvol.genes
- BulkSignalR::annotation.spaA skinny dataframe used in the spatial workflow
- BulkSignalR::bodyMap.mouseMouse transcriptomes across tissues
- BulkSignalR::bsrdmA skinny BSR-dataModel object related to sdc.
- BulkSignalR::bsrdm.compA skinny BSR-dataModelComp object related to sdc.
- BulkSignalR::bsrdm.spaA skinny BSR-dataModel object related to spatial dataset
- BulkSignalR::bsrinfA skinny BSR-Inference object related to sdc.
- BulkSignalR::bsrinf.compA skinny BSR-InferenceComp object related to sdc.
- BulkSignalR::bsrinf.mouseA skinny BSR-inference object related to bodyMap.mouse
- BulkSignalR::bsrinf.spaA skinny BSR-inference object related to spatial dataset
- BulkSignalR::immune.signaturesImmune cell gene signatures
- BulkSignalR::ortholog.dictA skinny dataframe used in the mouse workflow
- BulkSignalR::p.EMTPartial EMT gene signature
- BulkSignalR::sdcSalivary duct carcinoma transcriptomes
- BulkSignalR::tme.signaturesTumor microenvironment gene signatures
- BUMHMM::covFileExample coverage data set.
- BUMHMM::docFileExample drop-off count data set.
- BUMHMM::dorFileExample drop-off rate data set.
- BUMHMM::seExample RNA structure probing data set.
- BUMHMM::seqExample genomic sequence string.
- bumphunter::TTExample data
- BUS::copasicopasi data
- BUS::tumors.mRNAGene expression data from Human brain tumors
- BUS::tumors.miRNAmiRNA data from Human brain tumors
- BUScorrect::BUSexample_dataA simulated data set
- BUSpaRse::cellranger_biotypesCell Ranger gene biotypes
- BUSpaRse::ensembl_gene_biotypesGene biotypes from Ensembl
- BUSpaRse::ensembl_gff_mcolsThese are the column names of the 'mcols' when the Ensembl GTF file is read into R as a 'GRanges', including 'gene_id', 'transcript_id', 'biotype', 'description', and so on, and the mandatory tags like 'ID', 'Name', and 'Parent'.
- BUSpaRse::ensembl_gtf_mcolsTags in the attributes field of Ensembl GTF files
- BUSpaRse::ensembl_tx_biotypesTranscript biotypes from Ensembl
- BUSpaRse::refseq_gff_mcolsTags in the attributes field of RefSeq GFF files
- BUSseq::BUSseqfits_exampleAn external example of the output of the 'BUSseq_MCMC'
- CaDrA::CCLE_MUT_SCNAGenomic Data from CCLE MUT + SCNA
- CaDrA::CTNBB1_reporterTranscriptional Activity of Beta-Catenin in Cancers
- CaDrA::perm_resPre-computed permutation results for simulated data ('sim_FS')
- CaDrA::sim_FSSimulated Genomic Data
- CaDrA::sim_ScoresSimulated Input Scores
- CaDrA::topn_listTop-N Results for Simulated Data ('sim_FS')
- CAEN::realDataA real dataset of gene expression RNA-seq.
- CAFE::CAFE_dataCAFE data set
- CAGEfightR::exampleBidirectionalExample CAGE Data
- CAGEfightR::exampleCTSSsExample CAGE Data
- CAGEfightR::exampleDesignExample CAGE Data
- CAGEfightR::exampleGenesExample CAGE Data
- CAGEfightR::exampleUnidirectionalExample CAGE Data
- cageminer::chr_lengthPepper chromosome lengths
- cageminer::gcnSimulation of the output list from BioNERO::exp2gcn() with pepper data
- cageminer::gene_rangesGenomic coordinates of pepper genes
- cageminer::guidesGuide genes associated with defense and resistance to oomycetes
- cageminer::hubsExample hub genes for the network stored in the gcn object
- cageminer::mine2Example output from mine_step2()
- cageminer::mined_candidatesExample output from mined_candidates()
- cageminer::pepper_seGene expression data from Kim et al., 2018.
- cageminer::snp_posCapsicum annuum SNPs associated with resistance to Phytophthora root rot.
- cageminer::tfsPepper transcription factors
- CAGEr::FANTOM5humanSamplesFANTOM5 human samples
- CAGEr::FANTOM5mouseSamplesFANTOM5 mouse samples
- CAGEr::exampleCAGEexpExample CAGEexp object.
- CAGEr::exampleZv9_annotExample zebrafish annotation data
- calm::psoPsoriasis RNA-seq dataset
- CAMERA::mm14Extract of marker mixture 14 LC/MS data
- cancerclass::GOLUBGOLUB DATA
- cancerclass::GOLUB1GOLUB DATA
- cardelino::A_cloneA matrix of read numbers of alternative alleles for clone ID
- cardelino::A_germlineA matrix of read numbers of alternative alleles
- cardelino::Config_allA list of tree configuration
- cardelino::D_cloneA matrix of sequencing depths for clone ID
- cardelino::D_germlineA matrix of sequencing depths
- cardelino::D_inputA matrix of sequencing depths
- cardelino::treeA tree object
- cardelino::tree_3cloneA tree object
- cardelino::tree_4cloneA tree object
- cardelino::tree_5cloneA tree object
- casper::K562.r1l1Toy RNA-seq data from RGASP project.
- casper::distrsGSE37704Estimated read start and insert size distributions from MiSeq data in GEO dataset GSE37704.
- casper::hg19DBSubset of human genome (UCSC hg19 version)
- CATALYST::PBMC_fsExample data sets
- CATALYST::PBMC_mdExample data sets
- CATALYST::PBMC_panelExample data sets
- CATALYST::isotope_listExample data sets
- CATALYST::merging_tableExample data sets
- CATALYST::mp_cellsExample data sets
- CATALYST::raw_dataExample data sets
- CATALYST::sample_ffExample data sets
- CATALYST::sample_keyExample data sets
- CATALYST::ss_expExample data sets
- categoryCompare::ccOptsTest data for 'categoryCompare'
- categoryCompare::ccResultsTest data for 'categoryCompare'
- categoryCompare::ccResultsBPHierTest data for 'categoryCompare'
- categoryCompare::enrichListsTest data for 'categoryCompare'
- categoryCompare::gUniverseTest data for 'categoryCompare'
- categoryCompare::geneListsTest data for 'categoryCompare'
- categoryCompare::gseaResTest data for 'categoryCompare'
- categoryCompare::table10Test data for 'categoryCompare'
- categoryCompare::table48Test data for 'categoryCompare'
- CatsCradle::exSeuratObjexSeuratObj
- CatsCradle::humanLRNhumanLRN
- CatsCradle::ligandReceptorResultsligandReceptorResults
- CatsCradle::moransImoransI
- CatsCradle::moransILigandReceptormoransILigandReceptor
- CatsCradle::mouseLRNmouseLRN
- CatsCradle::seuratCellsseuratCells
- CatsCradle::seuratGenesseuratGenes
- CatsCradle::smallXeniumsmallXenium
- CatsCradle::xeniumCellsxeniumCells
- CBNplot::exampleEaResExample enrichment analysis result
- CBNplot::exampleGeneExpExample gene expression data
- CCPlotR::toy_dataToy data for CCPlotR
- CCPlotR::toy_expToy expression data for CCPlotR
- CCPROMISE::exmplESetExample of Conceptual Expression Set
- CCPROMISE::exmplGeneSetExample of Conceptual Gene Annotation
- CCPROMISE::exmplMSetExample of Conceptual Methylation Set
- CCPROMISE::exmplPatExample of Conceptual Phenotype Pattern Definition Set
- CDI::one_batch_matrixSimulated count matrix from one batch
- CDI::one_batch_matrix_celltypeCell type labels of simulated count matrix from one batch
- CDI::one_batch_matrix_label_dfClustering labels for simulated one-batch single-cell count matrix
- CDI::two_batch_matrixSimulated count matrix from two batches
- CDI::two_batch_matrix_batchBatch labels of simulated count matrix from two batches
- CDI::two_batch_matrix_celltypeCell type labels of simulated count matrix from two batches
- CDI::two_batch_matrix_label_dfClustering labels for simulated two-batch single-cell count matrix
- celaref::de_table.demo_queryDemo query de table
- celaref::de_table.demo_refDemo ref de table
- celaref::demo_cell_info_tableDemo cell info table
- celaref::demo_counts_matrixDemo count matrix
- celaref::demo_gene_info_tableDemo gene info table
- celaref::demo_microarray_exprDemo microarray expression table
- celaref::demo_microarray_sample_sheetDemo microarray sample sheet table
- celaref::demo_query_seDemo query se (summarizedExperiment)
- celaref::demo_ref_seDemo reference se (summarizedExperiment)
- celda::celdaCGGridSearchResceldaCGGridSearchRes
- celda::celdaCGModceldaCGmod
- celda::celdaCGSimceldaCGSim
- celda::celdaCModceldaCMod
- celda::celdaCSimceldaCSim
- celda::celdaGModceldaGMod
- celda::celdaGSimceldaGSim
- celda::contaminationSimcontaminationSim
- celda::sampleCellssampleCells
- celda::sceCeldaCsceCeldaC
- celda::sceCeldaCGsceCeldaCG
- celda::sceCeldaCGGridSearchsceCeldaCGGridSearch
- celda::sceCeldaGsceCeldaG
- CellBarcode::bc_objA dummy BarcodeObj object
- CellBench::sample_sce_dataThis is data for testing functions in CellBench.
- CelliD::HallmarkHallmark Pathways from MSigDB
- CelliD::HgProteinCodingGenesHomo Sapiens Protein Coding Genes
- CelliD::MgProteinCodingGenesMus Musculus Protein Coding Genes
- CelliD::seuratPbmcSeurat object of 400 PBMC cells
- cellity::extra_human_genesAdditional human genes that are used in feature extraction
- cellity::extra_mouse_genesAdditional mouse genes that are used in feature extraction
- cellity::feature_infoInformation which genes and GO categories should be included as features. Also defines which features are cell-type independent (common features)
- cellity::mES1_featuresReal test dataset containing all and common features from the paper (mES1)
- cellity::mES1_labelsReal test dataset containing annotation of cells
- cellity::param_mES_allParameters used for SVM classification
- cellity::param_mES_commonParameters used for SVM classification
- cellity::sample_countsSample gene expression data containing 40 cells
- cellity::sample_statsSample read statistics data containing 40 cells
- cellity::training_mES_featuresOriginal training dataset containing all and common features from the paper (training mES)
- cellity::training_mES_labelsOriginal training dataset containing annotation of cells
- CellMapper::ExampleQueryGenesExample Gene Lists
- CellMapper::NegativeControlGenesExample Gene Lists
- CellMapper::PositiveControlGenesExample Gene Lists
- cellmigRation::ThreeConditionsIntermediates and Results from Cell Tracking Analyses
- cellmigRation::TrackCellsDatasetSample Stack of Fluorescent Cells
- cellmigRation::TrajectoryDatasetTrajectories of 350 cells
- cellmigRation::WSADatasetTrajectories of 147 cells
- cellmigRation::preProcCellMigTrajectories of 11 cells
- CellNOptR::CNOlistDREAMData used for the DREAM3 challenge
- CellNOptR::CNOlistToyToy data
- CellNOptR::CNOlistToy2Toy data with 2 time points
- CellNOptR::CNOlistToyMMBToy data
- CellNOptR::DreamModelModel used for the DREAM3 challenge
- CellNOptR::ToyModelToy model
- CellNOptR::ToyModel2Toy model
- CellNOptR::cnodataGet data from a CellNOpt data repository
- CellNOptR::pknmodelpknmodel
- CellTrails::exSCEExample single-cell expression data
- CEMiTool::cemCEMiTool Object
- CEMiTool::expr0Yellow Fever gene expression data from GEO study GSE13485
- CEMiTool::sample_annotYellow Fever Sample Annotation data
- Cepo::cellbenchcellbench
- Cepo::sce_pancreassce_pancreas
- ceRNAnetsim::TCGA_E9_A1N5_mirnanormalTCGA_E9_A1N5_mirnanormal
- ceRNAnetsim::TCGA_E9_A1N5_mirnatumorTCGA_E9_A1N5_mirnatumor
- ceRNAnetsim::TCGA_E9_A1N5_normalTCGA_E9_A1N5_normal
- ceRNAnetsim::TCGA_E9_A1N5_tumorTCGA_E9_A1N5_tumor
- ceRNAnetsim::huge_examplehuge example
- ceRNAnetsim::midsampmidsamp
- ceRNAnetsim::midsamp_new_countsmidsamp_new_counts
- ceRNAnetsim::minsampminsamp
- ceRNAnetsim::mirtarbasegenemirtarbasegene
- ceRNAnetsim::new_countsnew_counts
- CeTF::CeTFdemoCeTFdemo class object example
- CeTF::RIF_inputRegulatory Impact Factors (RIF) input
- CeTF::TFsTranscripition Factors data
- CeTF::enrichdemoEnrichment data
- CeTF::refGenesList of reference genes for 5 different organisms to perform enrichment
- CeTF::simCountsSimulated counts data
- CeTF::simNormSimulated normalized data
- cfTools::CancerDetector.markersCancer-specific marker parameter
- cfTools::CancerDetector.readsFragment-level methylation state for cancer detection
- cfTools::CpG_OB_demoMethylation information for CpG on the original bottom strand (OB)
- cfTools::CpG_OT_demoMethylation information for CpG on the original top strand (OT)
- cfTools::beta_matrixBeta value matrix
- cfTools::cfDeconvolve.markersTissue-specific marker parameter
- cfTools::cfDeconvolve.readsFragment-level methylation state for tissue deconvolution
- cfTools::cfsort_markerscfSort markers
- cfTools::cfsort_readsFragment-level methylation state for cfSort tissue deconvolution
- cfTools::demo.fragment_level.meth.bedFragment-level methylation information
- cfTools::demo.refo_frag.bedFragment-level information
- cfTools::demo.refo_meth.bedMethylation information on fragments
- cfTools::demo.sorted.bedPaired-end sequencing reads
- cfTools::marker_indexMarker name
- cfTools::markers.bedGenomic postions of markers
- cfTools::sample_typeSample type
- CGEN::LocusMapDataLocus map data
- CGEN::XdataSample covariate and outcome data
- CGEN::Xdata2Sample covariate and outcome data
- CGHbase::WiltingCervical cancer arrayCGH data
- CGHbase::WiltingCalledCervical cancer arrayCGH data called with CGHcall
- CGHbase::WiltingNormNormalized log2 ratios from cervical cancer arrayCGH data.
- CGHbase::WiltingRawRaw log2 ratios from cervical cancer arrayCGH data.
- CGHbase::WiltingRegionsRegions of cervical cancer arrayCGH data as defined by CGHregions
- CGHbase::WiltingSegSegmented log2 ratios from cervical cancer arrayCGH data.
- CGHcall::WiltingCervical cancer arrayCGH data
- cghMCR::segDataThe constructor for the cghMCR class
- CGHnormaliter::LeukemiaArray CGH experiment data on childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in humans
- ChemmineR::apfpFrequent Atom Pairs
- ChemmineR::apsetAtom pairs stored in 'APset' object
- ChemmineR::atompropStandard atomic weights
- ChemmineR::pubchemFPencodingEnncoding of PubChem Fingerprints
- ChemmineR::sdfsampleSD file in 'SDFset' object
- ChemmineR::smisampleSMILES file in 'SMIset' object
- CHETAH::headneck_refA SingleCellExperiment with celltypes in the "celltypes" colData. A subset of the Head-Neck data from Puram et al. (2017) Cancer Cell.
- CHETAH::input_melA SingleCellExperiment on which CHEATHclassifier is run using the 'headneck_ref' It holds subset of the Melanoma data, from Tirosh et al. (2016), Science.
- chevreulProcess::cc.genes.cycloneCyclone cell cycle pairs by symbol
- chevreulProcess::ensembl_versionEnsembl version used for build
- chevreulProcess::grch38Human annotation data
- chevreulProcess::grch38_tx2geneHuman transcripts to genes
- chevreulProcess::human_to_mouse_homologsGene Homologs Between Human and Mouse
- chevreulProcess::small_example_datasetSmall example SingleCellExperiment
- chevreulProcess::tiny_sceTiny example SingleCellExperiment
- Chicago::cdUnitTestChicagoData object for unit testing
- ChIPanalyser::AccessChIPanalyserData
- ChIPanalyser::chipChIPanalyserData
- ChIPanalyser::csChIPanalyserData
- ChIPanalyser::geneRefChIPanalyserData
- ChIPanalyser::topChIPanalyserData
- ChIPComp::seqDataA 'ChIPComp' object.
- ChIPexoQual::blacklists'list' of 'GRanges' objects with the blacklists generated by the ENCODE and modENCODE projects.
- ChIPexoQual::exoExample'ExoData' results for FoxA1 ChIP-exo experiment
- ChIPpeakAnno::ExonPlusUtr.human.GRCh37Gene model with exon, 5' UTR and 3' UTR information for human sapiens (GRCh37) obtained from biomaRt
- ChIPpeakAnno::HOT.spotsHigh Occupancy of Transcription Related Factors regions
- ChIPpeakAnno::Peaks.Ste12.Replicate1Ste12-binding sites from biological replicate 1 in yeast (see reference)
- ChIPpeakAnno::Peaks.Ste12.Replicate2Ste12-binding sites from biological replicate 2 in yeast (see reference)
- ChIPpeakAnno::Peaks.Ste12.Replicate3Ste12-binding sites from biological replicate 3 in yeast (see reference)
- ChIPpeakAnno::TSS.human.GRCh37TSS annotation for human sapiens (GRCh37) obtained from biomaRt
- ChIPpeakAnno::TSS.human.GRCh38TSS annotation for human sapiens (GRCh38) obtained from biomaRt
- ChIPpeakAnno::TSS.human.NCBI36TSS annotation for human sapiens (NCBI36) obtained from biomaRt
- ChIPpeakAnno::TSS.mouse.GRCm38TSS annotation data for Mus musculus (GRCm38.p1) obtained from biomaRt
- ChIPpeakAnno::TSS.mouse.NCBIM37TSS annotation data for mouse (NCBIM37) obtained from biomaRt
- ChIPpeakAnno::TSS.rat.RGSC3.4TSS annotation data for rat (RGSC3.4) obtained from biomaRt
- ChIPpeakAnno::TSS.rat.Rnor_5.0TSS annotation data for Rattus norvegicus (Rnor_5.0) obtained from biomaRt
- ChIPpeakAnno::TSS.zebrafish.Zv8TSS annotation data for zebrafish (Zv8) obtained from biomaRt
- ChIPpeakAnno::TSS.zebrafish.Zv9TSS annotation for Danio rerio (Zv9) obtained from biomaRt
- ChIPpeakAnno::annotatedPeakAnnotated Peaks
- ChIPpeakAnno::enrichedGOEnriched Gene Ontology terms used as example
- ChIPpeakAnno::myPeakListAn example GRanges object representing a ChIP-seq peak dataset
- ChIPpeakAnno::peaks1An example GRanges object representing a ChIP-seq peak dataset
- ChIPpeakAnno::peaks2An example GRanges object representing a ChIP-seq peak dataset
- ChIPpeakAnno::peaks3An example GRanges object representing a ChIP-seq peak dataset
- ChIPpeakAnno::wgEncodeTfbsV3transcription factor binding site clusters (V3) from ENCODE
- ChIPQC::exampleExpExample data sets for 'ChIPQC' package, each containing a 'ChIPQCexperiment' object, as well as a pre-compiled blacklist for hg19.
- ChIPQC::tamoxifenExample data sets for 'ChIPQC' package, each containing a 'ChIPQCexperiment' object, as well as a pre-compiled blacklist for hg19.
- ChIPseeker::gsminfoInformation Datasets
- ChIPseeker::tagMatrixListInformation Datasets
- ChIPseeker::ucsc_releaseInformation Datasets
- chipseq::cstestA test ChIP-Seq dataset
- ChIPXpress::Oct4ESC_ChIPgenesPredicted Oct4 bound genes in embryonic stem cells (ESC) obtained from analyzing ChIP-seq data
- chopsticks::AsnpsTest data for the snpMatrix package
- chopsticks::AutosomesTest data for the snpMatrix package
- chopsticks::XchromosomeTest data for the snpMatrix package
- chopsticks::XsnpsTest data for the snpMatrix package
- chopsticks::snp.supportData for exercise in use of the snpMatrix package
- chopsticks::snps.10Data for exercise in use of the snpMatrix package
- chopsticks::subject.dataTest data for the snpMatrix package
- chopsticks::subject.supportData for exercise in use of the snpMatrix package
- ChromHeatMap::ALLs.chr22Chromosome 22 subset of ALL data for ALL1/AF4 and E2A/PBX1
- ChromHeatMap::chrdataThe ALLs.chr22 ExpressionSet, reformatted as a ChrStrandData object
- ChromHeatMap::cytobandsCytoband location information
- ChromHeatMap::stainsCytoband display information
- chromPlot::hg_cytoBandIdeocytoBandIdeo human
- chromPlot::hg_gapHuman Gap
- chromPlot::mm10_cytoBandIdeocytoBandIdeo
- chromPlot::mm10_gapGaps
- ChromSCape::CheA3_TF_nTargetsA data.frame with the number of targets of each TF in ChEA3
- ChromSCape::hg38.GeneTSSData.frame of gene TSS - hg38
- ChromSCape::hg38.chromosomesData.frame of chromosome length - hg38
- ChromSCape::hg38.cytoBandData.frame of cytoBandlocation - hg38
- ChromSCape::mm10.GeneTSSData.frame of gene TSS - mm10
- ChromSCape::mm10.chromosomesData.frame of chromosome length - mm10
- ChromSCape::mm10.cytoBandData.frame of cytoBandlocation - mm10
- ChromSCape::scExpA SingleCellExperiment outputed by ChromSCape
- chromVAR::example_countsexample_counts
- chromVAR::mini_countsmini_counts
- chromVAR::mini_devmini_dev
- chromVAR::mini_ixmini_ix
- cicero::cell_dataMetadata for example cells in cicero_data
- cicero::cicero_dataExample single-cell chromatin accessibility data
- cicero::gene_annotation_sampleExample gene annotation information
- cicero::human.hg19.genomeChromosome lengths from human genome hg19
- CINdex::clin.crcColon cancer clinical dataset
- CINdex::cnvgr.18.autoProbe annotation file for Affymetrix Genome Wide Human SNP Array 6.0
- CINdex::cyto.cin4heatmapCytoband CIN T-test output
- CINdex::cytobands.cinCytoband CIN dataset
- CINdex::geneAnnoCDS gene annotation file
- CINdex::grl.dataOutput of segmentation algorithm
- CINdex::hg18.ucsctrackHuman reference annotation file
- CINdex::snpgr.18.autoProbe annotation file for Affymetrix Genome Wide Human SNP Array 6.0
- circRNAprofiler::ahChainFilesahChainFile
- circRNAprofiler::ahRepeatMaskerahRepeatMasker
- circRNAprofiler::attractSpeciesattractSpecies
- circRNAprofiler::backSplicedJunctionsbackSplicedJunctions
- circRNAprofiler::gtfgtf
- circRNAprofiler::gwasTraitsgwasTraits
- circRNAprofiler::iupaciupac
- circRNAprofiler::memeDBmemeDB
- circRNAprofiler::mergedBSJunctionsmergedBSJunctions
- circRNAprofiler::miRspeciesCodesmiRspeciesCodes
- CiteFuse::CITEseq_exampleA subset of ECCITE-seq data (control)
- CiteFuse::lr_pair_subsetA subset of Ligand Receptor Pairs
- CiteFuse::sce_control_subsetA SingleCellExperiment of ECCITE-seq data
- CiteFuse::sce_ctcl_subsetA SingleCellExperiment of ECCITE-seq data
- ClassifyR::classesAsthma RNA Abundance and Patient Classes
- ClassifyR::clinicalMETABRIC Clinical Data
- ClassifyR::interactorsHuman Reference Interactome
- ClassifyR::measurementsAsthma RNA Abundance and Patient Classes
- cleanUpdTSeq::classifierNaiveBayes classifier
- cleanUpdTSeq::data.NaiveBayesTraining Data
- CleanUpRNAseq::feature_counts_listGC content and lengths of 2000 intergenic regions
- CleanUpRNAseq::gene_GCGC content and lengths of 2000 human genes
- CleanUpRNAseq::intergenic_GCGC content and lengths of 2000 intergenic regions
- CleanUpRNAseq::salmon_quantGC content and lengths of 2000 intergenic regions
- clippda::liverRawDataA dataframe of the protein expression data, peak information and sample information
- clippda::liver_phenoA dataframe of phenotypic information
- clippda::liverdataA dataframe of the protein expression data, peak information, and sample information
- clippda::pheno_urineA dataframe of phenotypic information
- cliqueMS::ex.cliqueGroupsExample m/z processed data
- cliqueMS::negative.adinfoDefault list of negative charged adducts
- cliqueMS::positive.adinfoDefault list of positive charged adducts
- Clomial::Clomial1000Pre-computed results of Clomial.
- Clomial::breastCancerBreast cancer data for clonal decomposition.
- clst::actinoActinomyces data set
- clst::bvseqsBV reference set.
- clst::strepStreptococcus data set.
- clstutils::seqdatAnnotation for the Enterococcus sequence data set.
- clstutils::seqsEnterococcus sequence data set.
- ClustAll::heart_dataHeart Disease Dataset
- ClustAll::obj_noNA1obj_noNA1: Processed wdbc dataset for testing purposed
- ClustAll::obj_noNA1simplifyobj_noNA1simplify: Processed wdbc dataset for testing purposed
- ClustAll::obj_noNAno1Validationobj_noNAno1Validation: Processed wdbc dataset for testing purposed
- ClustAll::wdbcwdbc: Diagnostic Wisconsin Breast Cancer Database.
- ClustAll::wdbcMIDSwdbcMIDS: Diagnostic Wisconsin Breast Cancer Database with imputed values
- ClustAll::wdbcNAwdbcNA: Diagnostic Wisconsin Breast Cancer Database with missing values
- clusterExperiment::fluidigmColDataSubset of fluidigm data
- clusterExperiment::fluidigmDataSubset of fluidigm data
- clusterExperiment::rsecFluidigmDocumentation of rsecFluidigm object
- clusterExperiment::simCountSimulated data for running examples
- clusterExperiment::simDataSimulated data for running examples
- clusterExperiment::trueClusterSimulated data for running examples
- ClusterJudge::Yeast.GO.assocsGene Ontology attributes associated to Yeast Gene entities
- ClusterJudge::mi.GO.Yeastprecalculated mutual information between Gene Ontology attributes of Yeast genes
- clusterProfiler::DE_GSE8057Datasets gcSample contains a sample of gene clusters.
- clusterProfiler::gcSampleDatasets gcSample contains a sample of gene clusters.
- clusterProfiler::kegg_categoryDatasets gcSample contains a sample of gene clusters.
- clusterProfiler::kegg_speciesDatasets gcSample contains a sample of gene clusters.
- clusterSeq::cD.ratThymusData from female rat thymus tissue taken from the Rat BodyMap project (Yu et al, 2014) and processed by baySeq.
- clusterSeq::ratThymusData from female rat thymus tissue taken from the Rat BodyMap project (Yu et al, 2014).
- ClusterSignificance::mlpMatrixSimulated data used to demonstrate the Mlp method.
- ClusterSignificance::pcpMatrixSimulated data used to demonstrate the Pcp method.
- clustifyr::cbmc_mreference marker matrix from seurat citeseq CBMC tutorial
- clustifyr::cbmc_refreference matrix from seurat citeseq CBMC tutorial
- clustifyr::downrefstable of references stored in clustifyrdata
- clustifyr::human_genes_10xVector of human genes for 10x cellranger pipeline
- clustifyr::mouse_genes_10xVector of mouse genes for 10x cellranger pipeline
- clustifyr::object_loc_lookuplookup table for single cell object structures
- clustifyr::pbmc_markersMarker genes identified by Seurat from single-cell RNA-seq PBMCs.
- clustifyr::pbmc_markers_M3DropMarker genes identified by M3Drop from single-cell RNA-seq PBMCs.
- clustifyr::pbmc_matrix_smallMatrix of single-cell RNA-seq PBMCs.
- clustifyr::pbmc_metaMeta-data for single-cell RNA-seq PBMCs.
- clustifyr::pbmc_vargenesVariable genes identified by Seurat from single-cell RNA-seq PBMCs.
- ClustIRR::BLOSUM62BLOSUM62 matrix
- ClustIRR::CDR3abMock data set of complementarity determining region 3 (CDR3) sequences and variable (V) and joining (J) genes from the alpha and beta chains of 10,000 T cell receptors.
- ClustIRR::mcpasCDR3 sequences and their matching epitopes obtained from McPAS-TCR
- ClustIRR::tcr3dCDR3 sequences and their matching epitopes obtained from TCR3d
- ClustIRR::vdjdbCDR3 sequences and their matching epitopes obtained from VDJdb
- CMA::golubALL/AML dataset of Golub et al. (1999)
- CMA::khanSmall blue round cell tumor dataset of Khan et al. (2001)
- cmapR::cdesc_charAn example table of metadata, as would be parsed from or parse.gctx. Initially all the columns are of type character.
- cmapR::dsAn example of a GCT object with row and column metadata and gene expression values in the matrix.
- cmapR::gene_setAn example collection of gene sets as used in the Lamb 2006 CMap paper.
- cmapR::kd_gctAn example GCT object of knockdown experiments targeting a subset of landmark genes.
- cn.mops::CNVRangesGenomic locations and indices of the simulated CNVs.
- cn.mops::XA simulated data set for CNV detection from NGS data.
- cn.mops::XRangesA simulated data set for CNV detection from NGS data.
- cn.mops::exomeCountsRead counts from exome sequencing for CNV detection
- CNAnorm::CNA CNAnorm object with information about most abundant ploidy states, obtained from data LS041.
- CNAnorm::LS041Mapped reads in tumor and matched blood for patient LS041
- CNAnorm::gParAn object with the default graphical parameters
- CNAnorm::hg19_hs_ideogrAn object with the ideogram information for homo sapiens - hg19
- CNEr::CNEDanRer10Hg38CNEHg38DanRer10 and CNEDanRer10Hg38 dataset
- CNEr::CNEHg38DanRer10CNEHg38DanRer10 and CNEDanRer10Hg38 dataset
- CNEr::axisTrackExample data for plotting annotation.
- CNEr::cneFinalListDanRer10Hg38cneFinalListDanRer10Hg38 dataset
- CNEr::cpgIslandsExample data for plotting annotation.
- CNEr::grangesPairsForDotplotgrangesPairsForDotplot
- CNEr::refGenesExample data for plotting annotation.
- CNORdt::CNOlistPBToy data
- CNORdt::modelPBmodelPB
- CNORfeeder::PPINigraphProtein-protein interaction netwrok
- CNORfeeder::UniprotIDdreamUniprot identifiers for proteins in DreamModel
- CNORfeeder::cnolistCNOlist
- CNORfeeder::cnolistCNOlist
- CNORfeeder::databaseOmniPath PPI
- CNORfeeder::feederObjectFeeder Object
- CNORfeeder::indicesMis-fit indices
- CNORfeeder::integratedModelIntegrated Model
- CNORfeeder::modelPrior Knowledge Network
- CNORfeeder::modelPrior Knowledge Network
- CNORfeeder::simDataCNORode simuation data
- CNORode::cnodataA cnodata from CellNoptR
- CNORode::cnolistA cnolist from CellNoptR
- CNORode::cnolistCNORodeExampleA cnolist from CellNoptR
- CNORode::indicesIndices that relate cnolist to model
- CNORode::modelA model from CellNoptR
- CNORode::pknmodelA pknmodel from CellNoptR
- CNORode::pknmodelA pknmodel from CellNoptR
- CNTools::geneInfomethod that convert segment data into reduced segment matrix
- CNTools::sampleDataClass "CNSeg" contains the output of DNACopy segmentation data that can be operated on by the associated methods
- CNViz::gene_dataGene data for vignette example
- CNViz::meta_dataMetadata for vignette example
- CNViz::probe_dataProbe data for vignette example
- CNViz::segment_dataSegment data for vignette example
- CNViz::variant_dataVariant data for vignette example
- CNVPanelizer::referenceReadCountsReference sample data
- CNVPanelizer::sampleReadCountsTest sample data
- CNVrd2::ccl3l1dataData of CCL3L1 gene (The 1000 Genomes Project)
- CNVrd2::copynumberGroupsMXL population data (The 1000 Genomes Project)
- CNVrd2::objectCNVrd2MXL population data (The 1000 Genomes Project)
- CNVrd2::resultSegmentMXL population data (The 1000 Genomes Project)
- COCOA::atf3_chr1Atf3 binding regions.
- COCOA::brcaATACCoord1A GRanges object with coordinates for select BRCA ATAC-seq peak regions from chr1.
- COCOA::brcaATACData1A matrix with ATAC-seq counts in select peak regions from chromosome 1 for 37 patients.
- COCOA::brcaMCoord1A GRanges object with genomic coordinates for cytosines from chr1 for the package's built-in DNA methylation data
- COCOA::brcaMetadataA data.frame with patient metadata for breast cancer patients.
- COCOA::brcaMethylData1A matrix with DNA methylation levels from some CpGs on chromosome 1
- COCOA::brcaPCScoresA matrix with principal component scores for PCs 1-4 for four breast cancer patients.
- COCOA::brcaPCScores657A data.frame with principal component scores for PCs 1-4 for 657 breast cancer patients as well as a column with estrogen receptor status.
- COCOA::esr1_chr1Estrogen receptor alpha binding regions.
- COCOA::gata3_chr1Gata3 binding regions.
- COCOA::nrf1_chr1Nrf1 binding regions.
- COCOA::rsScoresExample COCOA Results (made up)
- codelink::codelink.exampleDataset of class 'Codelink'
- codelink::codsetDataset of class 'CodelinkSet'
- CODEX::bambedObjDemoDemo data pre-stored for bambedObj.
- CODEX::coverageObjDemoDemo data pre-stored for coverageObj.
- CODEX::gcDemoDemo data pre-stored for GC content.
- CODEX::mappDemoDemo data pre-stored for mappability.
- CODEX::mapp_refPosition reference for pre-computed mappability results.
- CODEX::mappabilityPre-computed mappabilities
- CODEX::normObjDemoDemo data pre-stored for normObj.
- CODEX::qcObjDemoDemo data pre-stored for qcObj.
- CoGAPS::GIST.data_frameGIST gene expression data from Ochs et al. (2009)
- CoGAPS::GIST.matrixGIST gene expression data from Ochs et al. (2009)
- CoGAPS::GIST.resultCoGAPS result from running on GIST dataset
- CoGAPS::GIST.uncertaintyGIST gene expression uncertainty matrix from Ochs et al. (2009)
- CoGAPS::modsimdataToy example to run CoGAPS on.
- CoGAPS::modsimresultResult of applying CoGAPS on the Toy example.
- cogena::AllGeneSymbolsAll the gene symbols
- cogena::DEexprsgene expression of DEG
- cogena::sampleLabellabel of samples
- cogeqc::batch_summaryBUSCO summary output for batch mode
- cogeqc::interpro_athIntepro annotation for Arabidopsis thaliana's genes
- cogeqc::interpro_bolIntepro annotation for Brassica oleraceae's genes
- cogeqc::ogOrthogroups between Arabidopsis thaliana and Brassica oleraceae
- cogeqc::synnetSynteny network for Brassica oleraceae, B. napus, and B. rapa
- cogeqc::treeSpecies tree for model species
- Cogito::MurEpi.ChIP.smallExample data set: Murine ChIP-seq data of GEO GSE77004
- Cogito::MurEpi.RNA.smallExample data set: Murine RNA-seq RPKM values of GSE77004
- Cogito::MurEpi.RRBS.smallExample data set: Murine methylation status data set of GSE77004
- coGPS::CNV_classlab_matchedSample Data for coGPS
- coGPS::CNV_exprs_matchedSample Data for coGPS
- coGPS::Exon_classlab_matchedSample Data for coGPS
- coGPS::Exon_exprs_matchedSample Data for coGPS
- coGPS::Hs.gmtl.c1Sample Data for coGPS
- coGPS::Methy_classlab_matchedSample Data for coGPS
- coGPS::Methy_exprs_matchedSample Data for coGPS
- cola::cola_rlExample ConsensusPartitionList object
- cola::golub_colaExample ConsensusPartitionList object from Golub dataset
- cola::golub_cola_dsExample DownSamplingConsensusPartition object from Golub dataset
- cola::golub_cola_rhExample HierarchicalPartition object from Golub dataset
- comapr::coCountRangedSummarizedExperiment object containing the crossover counts across samples for the list of SNP marker intervals
- comapr::parents_genoParents' genotype for F1 samples in 'snp_geno'
- comapr::snp_genoMarkers by genotype results for a group of samples
- comapr::snp_geno_grMarkers by genotype results for a group of samples
- comapr::twoSamplesRangedSummarizedExperiment object containing the Viterbi states SNP markers for samples from two groups. 'colData(twoSamples)' contains the sample group factor.
- combi::zhangMetaboMetabolomes of mice that underwent Pulsed Antibiotic Treatment (PAT) and controls
- combi::zhangMetavarsBaseline sample variables of PAT and control mice
- combi::zhangMicrobioMicrobiomes of mice that underwent Pulsed Antibiotic Treatment (PAT) and controls
- coMET::DNaseI_RoadMapSingleData sets
- coMET::DupTrackData sets
- coMET::DupTrackData sets
- coMET::OtherRegulatoryRegionsTrackAllData sets
- coMET::OtherRegulatoryRegionsTrackSingleData sets
- coMET::PancreasIGData sets
- coMET::PancreasIGtrackData sets
- coMET::PancreasimprintedIGData sets
- coMET::PancreasimprintedIGtrackData sets
- coMET::RegulatoryEvidenceBiomartTrackAllData sets
- coMET::RegulatoryEvidenceBiomartTrackMultipleData sets
- coMET::RegulatoryEvidenceBiomartTrackSingleData sets
- coMET::RegulatoryFeaturesBiomartTrackAllData sets
- coMET::RegulatoryFeaturesBiomartTrackMultipleData sets
- coMET::RegulatoryFeaturesBiomartTrackSingleData sets
- coMET::RegulatorySegmentsBiomartTrackAllData sets
- coMET::RegulatorySegmentsBiomartTrackMultipleData sets
- coMET::RegulatorySegmentsBiomartTrackSingleData sets
- coMET::StomachIGData sets
- coMET::StomachIGtrackData sets
- coMET::allIGData sets
- coMET::allIGtrackData sets
- coMET::allimprintedIGData sets
- coMET::allimprintedIGtrackData sets
- coMET::bindMotifsBiomartTrackAllData sets
- coMET::bindMotifsBiomartTrackAllData sets
- coMET::bindMotifsBiomartTrackAllData sets
- coMET::bindMotifsBiomartTrackDoubleData sets
- coMET::bindMotifsBiomartTrackMultipleData sets
- coMET::bindMotifsBiomartTrackMultipleData sets
- coMET::bindMotifsBiomartTrackSingleData sets
- coMET::bindMotifsBiomartTrackSingleData sets
- coMET::bindMotifsBiomartTrackSingleData sets
- coMET::chipTFtrackData sets
- coMET::chipTFtrackData sets
- coMET::chromHMM_RoadMapAllData sets
- coMET::chromHMM_RoadMapAllE063Data sets
- coMET::chromHMM_RoadMapMultipleData sets
- coMET::chromHMM_RoadMapSingleData sets
- coMET::chromatinHMMRoadMapAllData sets
- coMET::chromatinHMMRoadMapMultipleData sets
- coMET::chromatinHMMRoadMapSingleData sets
- coMET::chromhmmNoPatternData sets
- coMET::chromhmmPatternData sets
- coMET::chromhmmtrackoneData sets
- coMET::clinCNVData sets
- coMET::clinVariantData sets
- coMET::coreilVariantData sets
- coMET::coreilVariantData sets
- coMET::cosmicVariantData sets
- coMET::cpgIstrackData sets
- coMET::cpgIstrackData sets
- coMET::dgfootprints_RoadMapSingleData sets
- coMET::dnasetrackData sets
- coMET::dyaRMData sets
- coMET::dyaRMtrackData sets
- coMET::eGTexTrackSNPData sets
- coMET::eGTexTrackallData sets
- coMET::eQTLTrackAllData sets
- coMET::eQTLTrackAllData sets
- coMET::eQTLTrackMultipleData sets
- coMET::eQTLTrackMultipleData sets
- coMET::eQTLTrackSingleData sets
- coMET::eQTLTrackSingleData sets
- coMET::enhFANTOMtrackData sets
- coMET::enhRMData sets
- coMET::enhRMtrackData sets
- coMET::gadtrackData sets
- coMET::gctrackData sets
- coMET::gctrackData sets
- coMET::geneNameEnsemblData sets
- coMET::geneNameEnsemblData sets
- coMET::geneRtrackData sets
- coMET::geneRtrackData sets
- coMET::genesUcsctrackData sets
- coMET::genesUcsctrackData sets
- coMET::genesUcsctrackData sets
- coMET::genetrackData sets
- coMET::genetrackData sets
- coMET::genetrackData sets
- coMET::genetrackData sets
- coMET::grtrackData sets
- coMET::grtrackData sets
- coMET::gwastrackData sets
- coMET::histonalltrackData sets
- coMET::histoneonetrackData sets
- coMET::imprintedGenesGTExData sets
- coMET::interestgenesENSMBLtrackData sets
- coMET::interestgenesENSMBLtrackData sets
- coMET::interesttransENSMBLtrackData sets
- coMET::interesttransENSMBLtrackData sets
- coMET::iscatrackData sets
- coMET::iscatrackData sets
- coMET::matrix_HiC_RaoData sets
- coMET::metQTLTrackAllData sets
- coMET::metQTLTrackMultipleData sets
- coMET::metQTLTrackSingleData sets
- coMET::metQTLTrackSingleData sets
- coMET::miRNATargetRegionsBiomartTrackData sets
- coMET::miRNATargetRegionsBiomartTrackData sets
- coMET::otherRegulatoryRegionsTrackAllData sets
- coMET::otherRegulatoryRegionsTrackSingleData sets
- coMET::promRMtrackData sets
- coMET::promRMtrackE063Data sets
- coMET::psiGTexData sets
- coMET::psiGTexTrackSNPData sets
- coMET::psiGTexTrackallData sets
- coMET::regulationENSEMBLtrackData sets
- coMET::regulatoryEvidenceBiomartTrackAllData sets
- coMET::regulatoryEvidenceBiomartTrackMultipleData sets
- coMET::regulatoryEvidenceBiomartTrackSingleData sets
- coMET::regulatoryFeaturesBiomartTrackAllData sets
- coMET::regulatoryFeaturesBiomartTrackMultipleData sets
- coMET::regulatoryFeaturesBiomartTrackSingleData sets
- coMET::regulatorySegmentsBiomartTrackAllData sets
- coMET::regulatorySegmentsBiomartTrackMultipleData sets
- coMET::regulatorySegmentsBiomartTrackSingleData sets
- coMET::rmtrackData sets
- coMET::snpUCSCtrackData sets
- coMET::snptrackData sets
- coMET::snptrackData sets
- coMET::snptrackData sets
- coMET::strutrackData sets
- coMET::strutrackData sets
- coMET::tfbsFANTOMtrackData sets
- coMET::transENSMBLtrackData sets
- coMET::xenogenestrackData sets
- coMET::xenogenestrackData sets
- coMethDMR::betaMatrix_ex1Alzheimer's Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) Methylation Data
- coMethDMR::betaMatrix_ex2Alzheimer's Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) Methylation Data
- coMethDMR::betaMatrix_ex3Alzheimer's Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) Methylation Data
- coMethDMR::betaMatrix_ex4Alzheimer's Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) Methylation Data
- coMethDMR::betasChr22_dfPrefrontal Cortex (PFC) Methylation Data from Alzheimer's Disease subjects
- coMethDMR::pheno_dfExample phenotype data file from Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) Methylation Data of Alzheimer's Disease subjects
- COMPASS::CCSimulated COMPASSContainer
- COMPASS::CRSimulated COMPASS fit
- compSPOT::compSPOT_example_mutationsSingle Nucleotide Variants and Patient Features in Lung Cancer Patients
- compSPOT::compSPOT_example_regionsGenomic Coordinates of Regions of Interest
- condiments::toy_datasetA toy dataset used in the vignette and in the examples
- CONFESS::ResultsResults
- CONFESS::cluclu
- CONFESS::estimatesestimates
- CONFESS::estimates.2estimates.2
- CONFESS::filesfiles
- CONFESS::step1step1
- CONFESS::step2step2
- CONFESS::step2.1step2.1
- CONFESS::step3step3
- CONFESS::step3.1step3.1
- CONFESS::step4step4
- CONFESS::steps2_4steps2_4
- consensus::AgilentAgilent microarray gene expression data
- consensus::HuexAffymetrix Huex gene expression data
- consensus::RNASeqRNA-Seq gene expression data
- consensus::U133AAffymetrix U133A gene expression data
- consensusOV::GSE14764.esetSample ExpressionSet from MetaGxOvarian
- consensusSeekeR::A549_CTCF_MYJ_NarrowPeaks_partialSites with the greatest evidence of transcription factor binding for the CTCF transcription factor (for demonstration purpose)
- consensusSeekeR::A549_CTCF_MYJ_Peaks_partialSites with the greatest evidence of transcription factor binding for the CTCF transcription factor (for demonstration purpose)
- consensusSeekeR::A549_CTCF_MYN_NarrowPeaks_partialSites with the greatest evidence of transcription factor binding for the CTCF transcription factor (for demonstration purpose)
- consensusSeekeR::A549_CTCF_MYN_Peaks_partialSites with the greatest evidence of transcription factor binding for the CTCF transcription factor (for demonstration purpose)
- consensusSeekeR::A549_FOSL2_01_NarrowPeaks_partialGenomic regions with the greatest evidence of transcription factor binding for the FOSL2 transcription factor (for demonstration purpose)
- consensusSeekeR::A549_FOSL2_01_Peaks_partialSites with the greatest evidence of transcription factor binding for the FOSL2 transcription factor (for demonstration purpose)
- consensusSeekeR::A549_FOXA1_01_NarrowPeaks_partialGenomic regions with the greatest evidence of transcription factor binding for the FOXA1 transcription factor (for demonstration purpose)
- consensusSeekeR::A549_FOXA1_01_Peaks_partialSites with the greatest evidence of transcription factor binding for the FOXA1 transcription factor (for demonstration purpose)
- consensusSeekeR::A549_NR3C1_CFQ_NarrowPeaks_partialRanges with the greatest evidence of transcription factor binding for the NR3C1 transcription factor from ENCODE (DDC accession: ENCFF002CFQ). For demonstration purpose.
- consensusSeekeR::A549_NR3C1_CFQ_Peaks_partialSites with the greatest evidence of transcription factor binding for the NR3C1 transcription factor from ENCODE (DDC accession: ENCFF002CFQ). For demonstration purpose.
- consensusSeekeR::A549_NR3C1_CFR_NarrowPeaks_partialRanges with the greatest evidence of transcription factor binding for the NR3C1 transcription factor from ENCODE (DDC accession: ENCFF002CFR). For demonstration purpose.
- consensusSeekeR::A549_NR3C1_CFR_Peaks_partialSites with the greatest evidence of transcription factor binding for the NR3C1 transcription factor from ENCODE (DDC accession: ENCFF002CFR). For demonstration purpose.
- consensusSeekeR::A549_NR3C1_CFS_NarrowPeaks_partialRanges with the greatest evidence of transcription factor binding for the NR3C1 transcription factor from ENCODE (DDC accession: ENCFF002CFS). For demonstration purpose.
- consensusSeekeR::A549_NR3C1_CFS_Peaks_partialSites with the greatest evidence of transcription factor binding for the NR3C1 transcription factor from ENCODE (DDC accession: ENCFF002CFS). For demonstration purpose.
- consensusSeekeR::NOrMAL_nucleosome_positionsNucleosome positions detected by the NOrMAL software using syntetic reads generated using a normal distribution. For demonstration purpose.
- consensusSeekeR::NOrMAL_nucleosome_rangesRanges associated to nucleosomes detected by the NOrMAL software using syntetic reads generated using a normal distribution. For demonstration purpose.
- consensusSeekeR::NucPosSimulator_nucleosome_positionsNucleosome positions detected by the NucPosSimulator software using syntetic reads generated using a normal distribution. For demonstration purpose.
- consensusSeekeR::NucPosSimulator_nucleosome_rangesRanges associated to nucleosomes detected by the NucPosSimulator software using syntetic reads generated using a normal distribution. For demonstration purpose.
- consensusSeekeR::PING_nucleosome_positionsNucleosome positions detected by the PING software using syntetic reads generated using a normal distribution. For demonstration purpose.
- consensusSeekeR::PING_nucleosome_rangesRanges associated to nucleosomes detected by the PING software using syntetic reads generated using a normal distribution. For demonstration purpose.
- consICA::samples_dataSamples of gene expression
- conumee::detail_regionsdetail_regions
- conumee::exclude_regionsexclude_regions
- conumee::tcgaBRCA.sentrix2nametcgaBRCA.sentrix2name
- coRdon::HD59Codon usage in healthy human gut microbiome.
- coRdon::HD59_KOCodon usage based KO enrichment analysis results from the healthy human gut microbiome. For more information, see '?HD59'.
- coRdon::HD59_PATHWAYSCodon usage based KEGG Pathway enrichment analysis results from a healthy human gut microbiome. For more information, see '?HD59'.
- coRdon::LD94Codon usage in human gut microbiome in liver cirrhosis.
- coRdon::LD94_KOCodon usage based KO enrichment analysis results from an gut microbiome of an individual with liver cirrhosis. For more information, see '?LD94'.
- coRdon::LD94_PATHWAYSCodon usage based KEGG Pathway enrichment analysis results from an gut microbiome of an individual with liver cirrhosis. For more information, see '?LD94'.
- CoreGx::clevelandSmall_cSetCleaveland_mut RadioSet subsetted and cast as CoreSet
- CoreGx::exampleDataMapperExample LongTableDataMapper
- CoreGx::merckLongTableMerck Drug Combination Data LongTable
- CoreGx::nci_TRE_smallNCI-ALMANAC Drug Combination Data TreatmentResponseExperiment Subset
- Cormotif::simu2_compgroupExample dataset for Cormotif
- Cormotif::simu2_groupidExample dataset for Cormotif
- Cormotif::simudata2Example dataset for Cormotif
- coseq::fietzRNA-seq data from the mouse neocortex in Fietz et al. (2012)
- cosmosR::HMDB_mapper_vecToy Input Transcription Data Set
- cosmosR::meta_networkMeta Prior Knowledge Network
- cosmosR::toy_RNAToy Input Transcription Data Set
- cosmosR::toy_metabolic_inputToy Metabolic Input Data
- cosmosR::toy_networkToy Input Network
- cosmosR::toy_signaling_inputToy Signaling Input
- COTAN::ERCCrawData-sets
- COTAN::raw.datasetData-sets
- COTAN::test.datasetData-sets
- COTAN::test.dataset.clusters1Data-sets
- COTAN::test.dataset.clusters2Data-sets
- COTAN::vignette.merge.clustersData-sets
- COTAN::vignette.merge2.clustersData-sets
- COTAN::vignette.split.clustersData-sets
- countsimQC::countsimExampleExample list with three count data sets
- countsimQC::countsimExample_dfmatExample list with three count data sets in different formats
- CoverageView::DF_H3K36me3Example of a coverage matrix using the ChIP-seq data for the H3K36me3 histone modification experiment
- CoverageView::DF_H3K36me3_controlExample of a coverage matrix using the control replicate for the ChIP-seq data for the H3K36me3 histone modification experiment
- CoverageView::DF_H3K4me3Example of a coverage matrix using the ChIP-seq data for the H3K4me3 histone modification experiment
- CoverageView::DF_H3K4me3_ctlExample of a coverage matrix using the control replicate for the ChIP-seq data for the H3K4me3 histone modification experiment
- CoverageView::DF_H3K4me3_nopeaks_ratiosExample of a matrix with the ratio of the coverages using the ChIP-seq data for the H3K4me3 histone modification experiment
- CoverageView::FoxA1_chr19Example of a coverage matrix using the ChIP-seq data for the FoxA1 transcription factor experiment
- covRNA::BacaThe Baca dataset
- cpvSNP::geneSetAnalysisData to run gene set analysis methods
- cqn::montgomery.subsetMongtomery RNA-seq data.
- cqn::sizeFactors.subsetMongtomery RNA-seq data.
- cqn::uCovarMongtomery RNA-seq data.
- CRISPRball::depmap_22q1_TPMDepMap expression data
- CRISPRball::depmap_22q1_cnDepMap copy number data
- CRISPRball::depmap_22q1_crisprDepMap CRISPR screen data
- CRISPRball::depmap_22q1_crispr_rnaiDepMap CRISPR & RNAi screen data
- CRISPRball::depmap_22q1_rnaiDepMap RNAi screen data
- crisprBase::AsCas12aAsCas12a CrisprNuclease object
- crisprBase::BE4maxBE4max BaseEditor object
- crisprBase::CasRxCasRx CrisprNuclease object
- crisprBase::CsmCsm CrisprNuclease object
- crisprBase::MAD7MAD7 CrisprNuclease object
- crisprBase::SaCas9SaCas9 CrisprNuclease object
- crisprBase::SpCas9SpCas9 CrisprNuclease object
- crisprBase::SpGCas9SpGCas9 CrisprNuclease object
- crisprBase::enAsCas12aenAsCas12a CrisprNuclease object
- crisprBase::restrictionEnzymesList of Nuclease objects representing common restriction enzymes
- crisprDesign::grListExampleExample of a TxDb object converted to a GRangesList
- crisprDesign::grRepeatsExampleExample of a GRanges object containing repeat elements
- crisprDesign::guideSetExampleExample of a GuideSet object storing gRNA sequences targeting the CDS of IQSEC3
- crisprDesign::guideSetExampleFullAnnotationExample of a fully-annotated GuideSet object storing gRNA sequences targeting the CDS of IQSEC3
- crisprDesign::guideSetExampleWithAlignmentsExample of a GuideSet object storing gRNA sequences targeting the CDS of IQSEC3 with off-target alignments.
- crisprDesign::tssObjectExampleExample of a GRanges object containing TSS coordinates
- crisprScore::scoringMethodsInfodata.frame detailing available scoring methods
- crisprScore::sgrnaExampleCrispraExample CRISPRa gRNAs data.frame for the getCrispraiScores function
- crisprScore::sgrnaExampleCrispriExample CRISPRi gRNAs data.frame for the getCrispraiScores function
- crisprScore::tssExampleCrispraExample TSS data.frame for the getCrispraiScores function
- crisprScore::tssExampleCrispriExample TSS data.frame for the getCrispraiScores function
- crisprShiny::guideSetExample_basicExample of a GuideSet object storing gRNA sequences targeting the CDS of the human gene KRAS
- crisprShiny::guideSetExample_krasExample of a GuideSet object storing gRNA sequences targeting the CDS of the human gene KRAS
- crisprShiny::guideSetExample_kras_beExample of a GuideSet object storing gRNA sequences targeting the CDS of the human gene KRAS
- crisprShiny::guideSetExample_ntcsExample of a GuideSet object storing gRNA sequences targeting the CDS of the human gene KRAS and NTCs
- crisprShiny::tooltipAnnotationList of tooltip annotations
- crisprShiny::tss_krasExample of a 'GenomicRanges' object storing annotated TSS ranges for the human gene KRAS
- crisprShiny::txdb_krasExample of a 'CompressedGenomicRangesList' object storing annotated ranges for the human gene KRAS
- CrispRVariants::golVariant sequences from golden clutch 1 (Burger et al)
- crisprViz::cageCAGE peak annotation from AnnotationHub
- crisprViz::cas12aGuideSetExample GuideSet targeting the human LTN1 gene.
- crisprViz::cas9GuideSetExample GuideSet targeting the human LTN1 gene.
- crisprViz::dnaseDNase I hypersensitive site annotation from AnnotationHub
- crisprViz::gpr21GeneModelCompressedGRangesList describing the human GPR21 gene.
- crisprViz::gpr21GuideSetExample GuideSet targeting the human GPR21 gene.
- crisprViz::krasGeneModelCompressedGRangesList describing the human KRAS gene.
- crisprViz::krasGuideSetExample GuideSet targeting the human KRAS gene.
- crisprViz::ltn1GeneModelCompressedGRangesList describing the human LTN1 gene.
- crisprViz::mmp7GeneModelCompressedGRangesList describing the human MMP7 gene.
- crisprViz::mmp7GuideSetExample GuideSet targeting the human MMP7 gene.
- crisprViz::repeatsSubset of repeat elements for hg38.
- crlmm::cnSetExampleObject of class 'CNSet'
- crlmm::cnSetExample2Object of class 'CNSet'
- CSAR::TAIR8_genes_testPartial dataset of a ChIP-seq experiment
- CSAR::controlSEP3_testPartial dataset of a ChIP-seq experiment
- CSAR::sampleSEP3_testPartial dataset of a ChIP-seq experiment
- csdR::normal_expressionSample expression matrices for CSD
- csdR::sick_expressionSample expression matrices for CSD
- CTDquerier::gala'CTDdata' for ilustrative purpouses
- cTRAP::ENCODEmetadataENCODE metadata sample
- cTRAP::cmapMetadataCMap metadata
- cTRAP::cmapPerturbationsCompoundsCMap perturbations sample for small molecules
- cTRAP::cmapPerturbationsKDCMap perturbations sample for knockdown experiments
- cTRAP::countsGene expression data sample
- cTRAP::diffExprStatDifferential expression's t-statistics sample
- CTSV::CTSVexample_dataA simulated data set
- cummeRbund::PINK1PINK1
- cummeRbund::sampleGeneSetsampleGeneSet
- cummeRbund::sampleIDssampleIDs
- cypress::ASD_propSimFromData example raw input data
- cypress::GSE60424PowerPower calculation results from immune-related disease (IAD) study (GSE60424)
- cypress::GSE60424_paramSimulation parameters estimated from immune-related disease (IAD) study (GSE60424)
- cypress::asd_nopropPowerPower calculation results From ASD data
- cypress::asd_noprop_paramSimulation parameters estimated from ASD study
- cypress::ibd_propPowerPower calculation results from pediatric inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) study (GSE57945)
- cypress::ibd_prop_paramSimulation parameters estimated from pediatric inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) study (GSE57945)
- cytoKernel::cytoHDBMWExample of processed dimensionally reduced flow cytometry (marker median intensities) Bodenmiller_BCR_XL_flowSet() expression dataset from HDCytoData Bioconductor data package.
- cytomapper::pancreasImagesExample CytoImageList object of image files
- cytomapper::pancreasMasksExample CytoImageList object of segmentation masks
- cytomapper::pancreasSCEExample SingleCellExperiment object
- cytoMEM::MEM_matrixMEM matrix
- cytoMEM::MEM_valuesMEM values
- cytoMEM::PBMCNormal Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs)
- CytoPipeline::OMIP021SamplesOMIP021Samples dataset
- dada2::errBalancedFAn empirical error matrix.
- dada2::errBalancedRAn empirical error matrix.
- dada2::tperr1An empirical error matrix.
- dagLogo::ecoli.proteomeAn object of 'Proteome-class' representing the _Escherichia coli_ proteome.
- dagLogo::proteome.exampleAn object of 'Proteome-class' representing the subset of _Drosophila melanogaster_ proteome.
- dagLogo::seq.exampleAn object of 'dagPeptides-class' representing acetylated lysine-containing peptides.
- daMA::cinfoVector indexing the matrix cmat
- daMA::cinfoB.ABVector indexing the matrix cmatB.AB
- daMA::cmatContrast matrix describing the experimental questions
- daMA::cmatB.ABContrast matrix describing the experimental questions
- daMA::data.3x23x2 microarray data
- daMA::designs.basicBasic designs for two-colour factorial 3 x 2 microarray data
- daMA::designs.compositeComposite designs for two-colour factorial 3 x 2 microarray data
- daMA::id.3x2A vector of length 30012 containing numeric identifiers of the genes from the microarray dataset data.3x2.
- DAMEfinder::extractbams_outputextract_bams() output.
- DAMEfinder::readtuples_outputread_tuples() output.
- DaMiRseq::SEExample gene-expression dataset for DaMiRseq package
- DaMiRseq::SEtest_normA sample dataset with a normalized count matrix for "testthat" functions.
- DaMiRseq::data_minExample gene-expression dataset for DaMiRseq package
- DaMiRseq::data_normA dataset with a normalized matrix to test several DaMiRseq functions: sample data are a subset of Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) RNA-Seq database (dbGap Study Accession: phs000424.v6.p1)
- DaMiRseq::data_reducedExample gene-expression dataset for DaMiRseq package
- DaMiRseq::data_reliefExample ranking dataset for DaMiRseq package
- DaMiRseq::dfExample gene-expression dataset for DaMiRseq package
- DaMiRseq::selected_featuresExample gene-expression dataset for DaMiRseq package
- DaMiRseq::svExample Surrogate Variables dataset for DaMiRseq package
- Damsel::dros_countsExample Drosophila DamID counts
- dar::metaHIV_phyPhyloseq object from metaHIV project
- dar::test_prep_recPrepRecipe for metaHIV_phy data
- dar::test_recRecipe for metaHIV_phy data
- DART::dataDARTExample data for DART package
- dcanr::sim102Simulated expression data with knock-outs
- DCATS::Haber2017Count matrices of intestinal epithelial scRNA-seq data from three conditions
- DCATS::Kang2017Count matrices of 8 pooled lupus patient samples within two conditions
- DCATS::Ren2021Count matrix and metadata of a large COVID-19 scRNA-seq data cohort.
- DCATS::simulationSimulated dataset with two conditions
- dce::df_pathway_statisticsBiological pathway information.
- dcGSA::dcGSAtestdcGSA test data
- dearseq::PBT_gmtPBT gene sets related to kidney transplant
- dearseq::baduel_gmtSmall portion of RNA-seq data from plant physiology study.
- dearseq::designSmall portion of RNA-seq data from plant physiology study.
- dearseq::expr_norm_corrSmall portion of RNA-seq data from plant physiology study.
- debCAM::ratMix3Gene expression data downsampled from GSE19380
- DECIPHER::BLOSUMBLOSUM Amino Acid Substitution Matrices
- DECIPHER::HEC_MI1Mutual Information for Protein Secondary Structure Prediction
- DECIPHER::HEC_MI2Mutual Information for Protein Secondary Structure Prediction
- DECIPHER::MIQSMIQS Amino Acid Substitution Matrix
- DECIPHER::MMLSUMMMLSUM Amino Acid Substitution Matrices
- DECIPHER::NonCodingRNA_ArchaeaNonCoding Models for Common Non-Coding RNA Families
- DECIPHER::NonCodingRNA_BacteriaNonCoding Models for Common Non-Coding RNA Families
- DECIPHER::NonCodingRNA_EukaryaNonCoding Models for Common Non-Coding RNA Families
- DECIPHER::PAMPAM Amino Acid Substitution Matrices
- DECIPHER::PFASUMPFASUM Amino Acid Substitution Matrices
- DECIPHER::RESTRICTION_ENZYMESCommon Restriction Enzyme's Cut Sites
- DECIPHER::TrainingSet_16STraining Set for Classification of 16S rRNA Gene Sequences
- DECIPHER::deltaGrulesFree Energy of Hybridization of Probe/Target Quadruplets on Microarrays
- DECIPHER::deltaGrulesRNAPseudoenergy Parameters for RNA Quadruplets
- DECIPHER::deltaHrulesChange in Enthalpy of Hybridization of DNA/DNA Quadruplets in Solution
- DECIPHER::deltaHrulesRNAChange in Enthalpy of Hybridization of RNA/RNA Quadruplets in Solution
- DECIPHER::deltaSrulesChange in Entropy of Hybridization of DNA/DNA Quadruplets in Solution
- DECIPHER::deltaSrulesRNAChange in Entropy of Hybridization of RNA/RNA Quadruplets in Solution
- DeconRNASeq::datasetsdata objects for liver and kidney mixing samples
- DeconRNASeq::datasetsdata objects for liver and kidney mixing samples
- DeconRNASeq::fractionmixing fractions for multi-tissues mixing samples
- DeconRNASeq::proportionsproportions for liver and kidney mixing samples
- DeconRNASeq::proportionsproportions for liver and kidney mixing samples
- DeconRNASeq::signaturesdata objects for liver and kidney pure samples
- DeconRNASeq::signaturesdata objects for liver and kidney pure samples
- DeconRNASeq::x.datadata objects for multi-tissues mixing samples
- DeconRNASeq::x.signaturedata objects for multi-tissues pure samples
- DeconRNASeq::x.signature.filteredfiltered signatures for multi-tissues pure samples
- DeconRNASeq::x.signature.filtered.optimalselected signatures from multi-tissues pure samples
- deconvR::HumanCellTypeMethAtlasThe comprehensive human methylome reference atlas
- deconvR::IlluminaMethEpicB5ProbeIDsA dataset Illumina probe IDs of 400000 genomic loci (identified using the “seqnames”, “ranges”, and “strand” values).
- DeepPINCS::SARS_CoV2_3CL_ProteaseAmino Acid Sequence for the SARS coronavirus 3C-like Protease
- DeepPINCS::antiviral_drugList of antiviral drugs with SMILES strings
- DeepPINCS::example_bioassayExample Data for PubChem AID1706 bioassay
- DeepPINCS::example_cciExample Data for Chemical-Chemical Interactions
- DeepPINCS::example_chemExample Data for Compounds
- DeepPINCS::example_cpiExample Data for Compound-Protein Interactions
- DeepPINCS::example_pdExample Data for Primer-Dimer
- DeepPINCS::example_ppiExample Data for Protein-Protein Interactions
- DeepPINCS::example_protExample Data for Proteins
- deepSNV::HIVmixExample .bam data and true SNVs.
- deepSNV::RCCExample RCC data
- deepSNV::countsExample count table
- deepSNV::phiXExample phiX data
- deepSNV::piExample prior
- deepSNV::trueSNVsExample .bam data and true SNVs.
- DeepTarget::OntargetMAn object containing a small part of the data from the Cancer Dependency Map (depmap.org) to demonstrate in DeepTarget pipeline
- DegCre::DexNR3C1DegCre input data for examples.
- DegNorm::coverage_res_chr21Example CoverageClass data
- DegNorm::res_DegNorm_chr21Example DegNormClass data
- DEGraph::annLoi2008Annotation data used in the DEGraph package vignette
- DEGraph::classLoi2008Tamoxifen treatment resistance status data used in the DEGraph package vignette
- DEGraph::exprLoi2008Gene expression data used in the DEGraph package vignette
- DEGraph::grListKEGGKEGG networks used in the DEGraph package vignette
- DEGreport::geneInfodata.frame with chromose information for each gene
- DEGreport::humanGenderDGEList object for DE genes betwen Male and Females
- DelayedTensor::human_mid_brainMatrix object of human mid brain data
- DelayedTensor::mouse_mid_brainMatrix object of mouse mid brain data
- deltaCaptureC::bigBinSizeBig bin size
- deltaCaptureC::binnedDeltaPlotPlot of Binned Delta Counts
- deltaCaptureC::binnedDeltaSEBinned difference of mean capture-C counts between EScells and Neurons
- deltaCaptureC::binnedSummarizedExperimentBinned Capture-C counts of EScells and Neurons
- deltaCaptureC::deltaSEDifference of mean capture-C counts between EScells and Neurons
- deltaCaptureC::miniDeltaSEDifference of mean capture-C counts between EScells and Neurons
- deltaCaptureC::miniSECapture-C counts of EScells and Neurons
- deltaCaptureC::miniSEDFCapture-C counts of EScells and Neurons
- deltaCaptureC::numPermutationsNumber of permutations used in example permutation testing.
- deltaCaptureC::pValueP-value
- deltaCaptureC::plotTitleTitle for delta capture-C plot
- deltaCaptureC::regionOfInterestRegion of interest surrounding the viewpoint
- deltaCaptureC::significanceTypeType for testing significance
- deltaCaptureC::significantRegionsRegions of significant remodeling in example data
- deltaCaptureC::significantRegionsPlotA plot of the significant regions in the sample data.
- deltaCaptureC::smallBinSizeSmall Bin Size
- deltaCaptureC::smallBinsSmall Bins
- deltaCaptureC::smallSetOfSmallBinsSmall Bins
- deltaCaptureC::smallerDeltaSEA subset of miniDeltaSE.
- deltaCaptureC::viewpointRegionRegion surrounding the viewpoint
- deltaCaptureC::weightsExampleBinsWeights example bins
- deltaCaptureC::weightsExampleGrWeights example
- deltaGseg::pvalspvalues data
- deltaGseg::simtrajSample trajectory series
- deltaGseg::simtraj.trSample trajectory series
- deltaGseg::simtraj.tr2Sample trajectory series
- deltaGseg::traj1Sample trajectory series
- deltaGseg::traj1.denoiseSample trajectory series
- deltaGseg::traj1.ssSample trajectory series
- deltaGseg::traj1.trSample trajectory series
- DeMAND::bcellAnnoAnnotation for the expression data
- DeMAND::bcellExpB cell expression data
- DeMAND::bcellNetworkB cell network
- DeMAND::caseIndexCase sample index
- DeMAND::controlIndexControl sample index
- DeMixT::test.data.2compSimulated two-component test data
- DeMixT::test.data.3compSimulated three-component mixed cell line test data
- demuxmix::csfHashtag oligonucleotide (HTO) counts from 2,590 droplets
- demuxSNP::commonvariants_1kgenomes_subsetSample vcf file
- demuxSNP::multiplexed_scrnaseq_sceSingleCellExperiment object containing multiplexed RNA and HTO data from six biological smamples
- demuxSNP::vartrix_consensus_snpsSample VarTrix output
- DEP::DiUbiDiUbi - Ubiquitin interactors for different diubiquitin-linkages (UbIA-MS dataset)
- DEP::DiUbi_ExpDesignExperimental design of the DiUbi dataset
- DEP::UbiLengthUbiLength - Ubiquitin interactors of different linear ubiquitin lengths (UbIA-MS dataset)
- DEP::UbiLength_ExpDesignExperimental design of the UbiLength dataset
- DepecheR::testDataA 14 color flow cytometry dataset for example execution and playing around
- DepecheR::testDataDepecheA depeche clustering of the testData set
- DepecheR::testDataSNESNE of the testData set
- DepInfeR::drug_response_GDSCdrug_response_GDSC
- DepInfeR::mutation_GDSCmutation_GDSC
- DepInfeR::responseInputresponseInput
- DepInfeR::targetInputtargetInput
- DepInfeR::targetMatrixtargetMatrix
- DepInfeR::targetsGDSCtargetsGDSC
- derfinder::genomeDataGenome samples processed data
- derfinder::genomeDataRawGenome samples processed data
- derfinder::genomeFstatsF-statistics for the example data
- derfinder::genomeInfoGenome samples information
- derfinder::genomeRegionsCandidate DERs for example data
- derfinder::genomicStateGenomic State for Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene
- DEsingle::countsTestData: A test dataset for DEsingle
- DEsingle::groupTestData: A test dataset for DEsingle
- DESpace::LIBD_subsetSubset from the human DLPFC 10x Genomics Visium dataset of the 'spatialLIBD' package
- DESpace::results_DESpace_testResults from 'DESpace_test' function
- DESpace::results_individual_testResults from 'individual_test' function
- destiny::guoGuo at al. mouse embryonic stem cell qPCR data
- destiny::guo_normGuo at al. mouse embryonic stem cell qPCR data
- DEWSeq::SLBP_K562_w50s20ENCODE eCLIP data for SLBP in K562, low count filtered
- DEWSeq::slbpDdsENCODE eCLIP data SLBP in K562
- DEWSeq::slbpRegionsENCODE eCLIP data SLBP in K562
- DEWSeq::slbpVstENCODE eCLIP data SLBP in K562
- DEWSeq::slbpWindowsENCODE eCLIP data SLBP in K562
- DFP::rmadatasetA sample ExpressionSet object
- DiffBind::tamoxifenTamoxifen resistance dataset used for DBA examples
- DiffBind::tamoxifenTamoxifen resistance dataset used for DBA examples
- DiffBind::tamoxifenTamoxifen resistance dataset used for DBA examples
- DiffBind::tamoxifen.greylistTamoxifen resistance dataset used for DBA examples
- diffcoexp::exprs.1exprs.1
- diffcoexp::exprs.2exprs.2
- diffGeneAnalysis::rawdataMicro array dataset
- diffuStats::graph_toyToy graph to play with diffusion
- diffUTR::example_bin_seExample bin-level 'RangedSummarizedExperiment'
- diffUTR::example_gene_annotationExample gene annotation
- diffUTR::rn6_PASPoly-A sites compendium for Rattus Norvegicus (Rno6)
- Dino::multimodalDatPlot data from simulated expression
- Dino::pbmcSmallSubset of 500 peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from a healthy donor
- Dino::unimodalDatPlot data from simulated expression
- dinoR::NomeDataNOMeseq data for WT and AdnpKO mouse ES cells
- Director::mesenchymalAnalysis results of Yang et al.'s (2013) master microRNA regulatory network
- Director::poorprogAnalysis results for poor prognosis serous ovarian cancer
- DirichletMultinomial::bestgrpData objects used for examples and the vignette
- DirichletMultinomial::fitData objects used for examples and the vignette
- DirichletMultinomial::xvalData objects used for examples and the vignette
- discordant::TCGA_Breast_RNASeqTCGA Breast Cancer RNASeq Sample Dataset
- discordant::TCGA_Breast_RNASeq_voomTCGA Breast Cancer RNASeq Sample Dataset
- discordant::TCGA_Breast_miRNASeqExample breast miRNA-Seq count dataset.
- discordant::TCGA_Breast_miRNASeq_voomExample breast miRNA-Seq voom-transformed count dataset.
- discordant::TCGA_GBM_miRNA_microarrayTCGA Glioblastoma Multiforme miRNA Sample Dataset
- discordant::TCGA_GBM_transcript_microarrayTCGA Glioblastoma Multiforme Transcript Sample Dataset
- DiscoRhythm::discoODAexclusionMatrixAlgorithm Exclusion Matrix
- DiscoRhythm::discoODAid2nameMapping Identifiers to Full Names
- distinct::Kang_subsetSubset from the 'Kang18_8vs8()' object of the 'muscData' package.
- distinct::resResults from 'distinct_test' function
- dittoSeq::demuxlet.exampledemuxlet.example
- divergence::breastTCGA_ERER positive or negative status of breast tumor samples
- divergence::breastTCGA_GroupNormal or Tumor status of breast samples
- divergence::breastTCGA_MatGene expression for 260 genes in 887 breast samples
- divergence::msigdb_HallmarksCancer Hallmark gene sets from the MSigDB collection
- dks::PSimulated null p-values from the uniform distribution.
- DMRcaller::DMRsNoiseFilterCGThe DMRs between WT and met1-3 in CG context
- DMRcaller::GEsThe genetic elements data
- DMRcaller::methylationDataListThe methylation data list
- DMRScan::DMRScan.methylationDataDMRScan
- DMRScan::DMRScan.phenotypesDMRScan
- dmrseq::BS.chr21BS.chr21: Whole-genome bisulfite sequencing for chromosome 21 from Lister et al.
- dmrseq::annot.chr21annot.chr21: Annotation information for chromosome 21, hg38 genome
- dmrseq::dmrs.exdmrs.ex: Example results of DMRs
- DNABarcodeCompatibility::IlluminaIndexesBarcode dataset from Illumina with features.
- DNABarcodeCompatibility::IlluminaIndexesRawBarcode dataset from Illumina.
- DNABarcodes::mutatedReadsMock Set of Mutated Reads
- DNABarcodes::supplierSetMock Set of DNA Barcodes
- DNAcopy::coriellArray CGH data set of Coriell cell lines
- DNAcopy::cytoBandCytogenic band data
- DNAcopy::default.DNAcopy.bdrySequential stopping boundary
- DominoEffect::DominoDataSample data
- DominoEffect::SnpDataSample data
- DominoEffect::TestDataSample data
- dominoSignal::CellPhoneDBCellPhoneDB subset
- dominoSignal::PBMCPBMC RNAseq data subset
- dominoSignal::SCENICSCENIC AUC subset
- Doscheda::doschedaDataPeptide Intensity data set for Doscheda
- Doscheda::processedExampleProcessed Peptide Intensity data set for Doscheda
- DOSE::geneListDatasets