1. a4Base::nlcvTT
    Data to Demonstrate nlcv and Co Functions
  2. ABSSeq::simuN5
    Simulated study with random outliers
  3. acde::phytophthora
    Gene Expression Data for Tomato Plants Inoculated with _Phytophthora infestans_
  4. ACE::copyNumbersSegmented
    Segmented data of two tumor samples
  5. aCGH::colorectal
    Colorectal array CGH dataset
  6. aCGH::ex.acgh.hmm
    Class aCGH
  7. ACME::example.agff
    An example ACME data structure of class ACMESet
  8. ADaCGH2::inputEx
    A fictitious aCGH data set
  9. ADaCGH2::inputEx-sp
    A fictitious aCGH data set
  10. ADAM::ExpressionAedes
    Aedes aegypti RNA-seq data expression
  11. ADAM::KeggPathwaysAedes
    Relation between Aedes aegypti genes and KEGG pathways as ADAM input
  12. ADAMgui::DiffAedes
    Aedes aegypti RNA-seq differential expression data example
  13. ADAMgui::GeneFunctionAedes
    Relation between Aedes aegypti genes and KEGG pathways
  14. ADAMgui::ResultAnalysisAedes
    Result from an example of ADAM Aedes aegypti analysis
  15. ADAPT::ecc_plaque
    Plaque samples from early childhood dental caries studies
  16. ADAPT::ecc_saliva
    Saliva samples from early childhood dental caries studies
  17. ADImpute::demo_data
    Small dataset for example purposes
  18. ADImpute::demo_net
    Small regulatory network for example purposes
    matrix|50 x 720
  19. ADImpute::demo_sce
    Small dataset for example purposes
  20. ADImpute::network.coefficients
    Transcriptome wide gene regulatory network
  21. ADImpute::transcript_length
    Table for transcript length calculations
  22. adSplit::golubKEGGSplits
    Examplar splitSet
  23. AffiXcan::exprMatrix
    Expression data of two genes for 229 individuals
  24. AffiXcan::regionAssoc
    Associations between regulatory regions and expressed genes
  25. AffiXcan::trainingCovariates
    Covariates of the population structure for 229 individuals
  26. affy::SpikeIn
    SpikeIn Experiment Data: ProbeSet Example
  27. affy::cdfenv.example
    Example cdfenv
  28. affy::mapCdfName
    Clean Affymetrix's CDF name
  29. affycomp::dilution.phenodata
    Phenotypic Information for Dilution Study
  30. affycomp::hgu133a.spikein.phenodata
    phenotypic information for HGU133A spike in study
  31. affycomp::hgu133a.spikein.xhyb
    Cross hybridizers
  32. affycomp::mas5.assessment
    Example of the result of assessments
  33. affycomp::spikein.phenodata
    phenotypic information for spike in study
  34. AGDEX::agdex.res
    Saved result returned by agdex()
  35. AGDEX::gset.data
    a sample gene-set data
  36. AGDEX::human.data
    Sample ExpressionSet object of human data
  37. AGDEX::map.data
    Probe-set Mapping Data
  38. AGDEX::mouse.data
    Mouse Data
  39. aggregateBioVar::small_airway
    Small Airway 'SingleCellExperiment' object
  40. AgiMicroRna::dd.micro
    data example (uRNAList)
  41. AgiMicroRna::ddPROC
    Processed miRNA data (uRNAList)
  42. AgiMicroRna::targets.micro
    Example of target file
  43. AIMS::AIMSmodel
    The AIMS model
  44. AIMS::mcgillExample
    Sample of a breast cancer gene expression dataset generated at McGill University
  45. ALDEx2::selex
    Selection-based differential sequence variant abundance dataset
  46. ALDEx2::synth2
    Synthetic asymmetric dataset
  47. AllelicImbalance::ASEset
    ASEset objects
  48. AllelicImbalance::ASEset.sim
    ASEset.sim object
  49. AllelicImbalance::GRvariants
    GRvariants object
  50. AllelicImbalance::genomatrix
    genomatrix object
  51. AllelicImbalance::reads
    reads object
  52. AlpsNMR::HMDB_blood
    The Human Metabolome DataBase multiplet table: blood metabolites normally found in NMR-based metabolomics
  53. AlpsNMR::HMDB_cell
    The Human Metabolome DataBase multiplet table: cell metabolites normally found in NMR-based metabolomics
  54. AlpsNMR::HMDB_urine
    The Human Metabolome DataBase multiplet table: urine metabolites normally found in NMR-based metabolomics
  55. AlpsNMR::Parameters_blood
    to rDolphin
  56. AlpsNMR::Parameters_cell
    Parameters for cell samples profiling
  57. AlpsNMR::Parameters_urine
    Parameters for urine samples profiling
  58. AlpsNMR::ROI_blood
    ROIs for blood (plasma/serum) samples
  59. AlpsNMR::ROI_cell
    ROIs for cell samples
  60. AlpsNMR::ROI_urine
    ROIs for urine samples
  61. AlpsNMR::hmdb
    The Human Metabolome DataBase multiplet table
  62. altcdfenvs::cdfenvEx
  63. AMARETTO::BatchData
  64. AMARETTO::Driver_Genes
  65. AMARETTO::MsigdbMapping
  66. AMARETTO::ProcessedDataLIHC
  67. Anaquin::RnaQuinGeneMixture
    RnaQuin mixture (gene level)
  68. Anaquin::RnaQuinIsoformMixture
    RnaQuin mixture (isoform level)
  69. Anaquin::UserGuideData_5.4.5.1
    Section Assembly Dataset
  70. Anaquin::UserGuideData_5.4.6.3
    Gene expression (RnaQuin)
  71. Anaquin::UserGuideData_5.6.3
    Differential expression (RnaQuin)
    Quantitative Microbiome Project data
    matrix|106 x 91
  73. annaffy::aafExpr
    Sample ExpressionSet used for demonstration purposes
  74. annotate::hgByChroms
    A dataset to show the human genome base pair locations per chromosome.
  75. annotate::hgCLengths
    A dataset which contains the lengths (in base pairs) of the human chromosomes.
  76. annotate::hgu95AProbLocs
    chromLocation instance hgu95AProbLocs, an example of a chromLocation object
  77. annotate::hgu95Achroloc
    Annotation data for the Affymetrix HGU95A GeneChip
  78. annotate::hgu95Achrom
    Annotation data for the Affymetrix HGU95A GeneChip
  79. annotate::hgu95All
    Annotation data for the Affymetrix HGU95A GeneChip
  80. annotate::hgu95Asym
    Annotation data for the Affymetrix HGU95A GeneChip
  81. annotationTools::annot_HGU133A
  82. annotationTools::ortho
  83. annotationTools::table_human
  84. annotationTools::table_mouse
  85. annotatr::annotations
    example_annotations data
  86. anota::anotaDataP
    Sample data set for anota
    matrix|1000 x 6
  87. anota::anotaDataT
    Sample data set for anota
    matrix|1000 x 6
  88. anota::anotaPhenoVec
    Sample data set for anota
  89. anota2seq::anota2seq_data_P
    Sample data set for anota2seq
    matrix|10748 x 8
  90. anota2seq::anota2seq_data_T
    Sample data set for anota2seq
    matrix|10748 x 8
  91. anota2seq::anota2seq_pheno_vec
    Sample data set for anota2seq
  92. AnVILBilling::demo_rec
    a demonstration avReckoning object
  93. apComplex::HMSPCI
    High-Throughput Mass Spectromic Protein Complex Identification (HMS-PCI) Data from Ho, et al. (2002)
    matrix|493 x 1578
  94. apComplex::HMSPCIgraph
    High-Throughput Mass Spectromic Protein Complex Identification (HMS-PCI) Data from Ho, et al. (2002)
  95. apComplex::Krogan
    High-Definition Macromolecular Composition of Yeast RNA-Processing Complexes (2004)
    matrix|153 x 485
  96. apComplex::MBMEcHMSPCI
    HMSPCI data complex estimates
    matrix|397 x 242
  97. apComplex::MBMEcKrogan
    Krogan data complex estimates
    matrix|200 x 82
  98. apComplex::MBMEcTAP
    TAP data complex estimates
    matrix|669 x 260
  99. apComplex::SBMHcHMSPCI
    HMSPCI data complex estimates
    matrix|1578 x 437
  100. apComplex::SBMHcTAP
    TAP data complex estimates
    matrix|1364 x 325
  101. apComplex::TAP
    Tandem Affinity Purification (TAP) Data from Gavin et al. (2002)
    matrix|455 x 1364
  102. apComplex::TAPgraph
    Tandem Affinity Purification (TAP) Data from Gavin et al. (2002)
  103. apComplex::UnRBBcHMSPCI
    HMSPCI data complex estimates
    matrix|1578 x 329
  104. apComplex::UnRBBcTAP
    TAP data complex estimates
    matrix|1364 x 123
  105. apComplex::apEX
    Example data set for apComplex package
  106. apComplex::apEXG
    Example data set for apComplex package
  107. apComplex::gavin06FilteredEstimates
    AP-MS data complex estimates
  108. apComplex::gavinBP2006
    Tandem Affinity Purification (TAP) Data from Gavin et al. (2006)
    matrix|1752 x 2551
  109. apComplex::krogan06FilteredEstimates
    AP-MS data complex estimates
  110. apComplex::kroganBPMat2006
    Tandem Affinity Purification (TAP) Data from Krogan et al. (2006)
    matrix|2264 x 5361
  111. apComplex::yNameTAP
    TAP data complex estimates using standard gene names
    matrix|1363 x 260
  112. apComplex::yTAP
    yTAP Complexes published Gavin, et al. (2002).
  113. arrayMvout::afxsubDEG
    Multivariate outlier detection based on PCA of QA statistics
  114. arrayMvout::fig3map
    Multivariate outlier detection based on PCA of QA statistics
  115. arrayMvout::ilmQA
    Multivariate outlier detection based on PCA of QA statistics
  116. arrayMvout::itnQA
    Multivariate outlier detection based on PCA of QA statistics
  117. arrayMvout::maqcQA
    Multivariate outlier detection based on PCA of QA statistics
  118. arrayMvout::s12cDEG
    Multivariate outlier detection based on PCA of QA statistics
  119. arrayMvout::spikQA
    Multivariate outlier detection based on PCA of QA statistics
  120. arrayQuality::HsReferenceDB
    Reference slides for Mouse oligos hybridizations
    matrix|15 x 27
  121. arrayQuality::MmDEGenes
    Known DE genes for Mouse quality hybridizations.
  122. arrayQuality::MmReferenceDB
    Reference slides for Mouse oligos hybridizations
    matrix|15 x 16
  123. ARRmNormalization::ProbesType
    Probe Design information for the 450k methylation assay
  124. artMS::artms_config
    artMS configuration template
  125. artMS::artms_data_corum_mito_database
    CORUM Protein Complexes database use for complex enrichment analysis
  126. artMS::artms_data_pathogen_LPN
    LPN PATHOGEN: Legionella pneumophila subsp. pneumophila (strain Philadelphia 1 / ATCC 33152 / DSM 7513) UNIPROT IDS
  127. artMS::artms_data_pathogen_TB
    TB PATHOGEN: Mycobacterium tuberculosis (strain ATCC 35801 / TMC 107 / Erdman) UNIPROTS IDS
  128. artMS::artms_data_ph_config
    artMS configuration for the available PH dataset
  129. artMS::artms_data_ph_contrast
    Contrast example for the PH dataset
  130. artMS::artms_data_ph_evidence
    Evidence file example
  131. artMS::artms_data_ph_keys
    Keys File Example
  132. artMS::artms_data_ph_msstats_modelqc
    MSstats modelQC example
  133. artMS::artms_data_ph_msstats_results
    MSstats results example
  134. artMS::artms_data_randomDF
    Random data set
  135. ASAFE::adm_ancestries_test
    Ancestries of 250 admixed individuals at 6 SNPs
  136. ASAFE::adm_genotypes_test
    Genotypes of 250 admixed individuals at 6 markers
  137. ASGSCA::B0
    Matrix indicating connections between the latent variables for QCAHS data.
    matrix|28 x 28
  138. ASGSCA::GenPhen
    Dataset to test GSCAestim and GSCA functions.
    Dataset used in the vignette.
    A list containing the results obtained for the QCAHS dataset.
  141. ASGSCA::W0
    Matrix indicating connections between the observed variables and the latent variables for QCAHS data.
    matrix|49 x 28
  142. ASICS::pure_library
    Pure spectra library
  143. ASSET::N00
    Data for the h.traits example
  144. ASSET::N10
    Data for the h.traits example
  145. ASSET::N11
    Data for the h.traits example
  146. ASSET::Neff
    Data for the fast_asset example
  147. ASSET::SE
    Data for the fast_asset example
  148. ASSET::SNP
    Data for the fast_asset example
  149. ASSET::betahat
    Data for the fast_asset example
  150. ASSET::data
    Data for the h.traits example
  151. ASSET::data
    Data for the h.traits example
  152. ASSET::ldscintmat
    Data for the fast_asset example
    matrix|116 x 116
  153. ASSET::traits
    Data for the fast_asset example
  154. ASSIGN::excludegenes
    Exclude Gene List
  155. ASSIGN::geneList1
    Pathway signature gene sets
  156. ASSIGN::gfrn_geneList
    Pathway Signature Gene Lists
  157. ASSIGN::testData1
    Gene expression profiling from cancer patients (test dataset)
  158. ASSIGN::trainingData1
    Gene expression profiling from cell line perturbation experiments (training dataset)
  159. ASURAT::human_COMSig_eg
    A list of small Cell Ontology and MSigDB databases for human.
  160. ASURAT::human_GO_eg
    A list of small Gene Ontology database for human.
  161. ASURAT::human_KEGG_eg
    A list of small KEGG database for human.
  162. ASURAT::pbmc_eg
    A SingleCellExperiment object made from a gene expression table.
  163. ASURAT::pbmcs_eg
    A list of SingleCellExperiment objects made from sign-sample matrices.
  164. atSNP::encode_motif
    A motif library containing 2065 motifs downloaded from http://compbio.mit.edu/encode-motifs/motifs.txt.
  165. atSNP::encode_motifinfo
    The information for the motif library downloaded from http://compbio.mit.edu/encode-motifs/motifs.txt.
  166. atSNP::jaspar_motif
    A motif library containing 593 motifs downloaded from http://jaspar.genereg.net/html/DOWNLOAD/JASPAR_CORE/pfm/nonredundant/pfm_all .txt.
  167. atSNP::jaspar_motifinfo
    The information for the motif library downloaded from http://jaspar.genereg.net/html/DOWNLOAD/JASPAR_CORE/pfm/nonredundant/pfm_all .txt.
  168. atSNP::motif_library
    A sample motif library.
  169. atSNP::motif_match
    Composit logo plotting input containing motif scores, the matching subsequences and the augmented matching subsequences on SNP and reference allele
  170. atSNP::motif_scores
    Scores for the sample snp data computed based on the motif data.
  171. atSNP::prior
    Default stationary distribution for nucleotide sequences in the reference genome.
  172. atSNP::snpInfo
    A data set for SNP information.
  173. atSNP::snp_tbl
    A data frame for SNP information.
  174. atSNP::transition
    Default transition probability matrix for nucleotide sequences in the reference genome.
  175. attract::exprs.dat
    Gene Expression Matrix of Published Data
    matrix|11044 x 68
  176. attract::loring.eset
    An ExpressionSet Object containing published data from M?ller et al.
  177. attract::samp.info
    samp.info Contains the Sample Information for the Mueller data set.
  178. attract::subset.loring.eset
    An ExpressionSet Object containing published data from M?ller et al.
  179. AWFisher::data_mouseMetabolism
    Mouse metabolism microarray data
  180. BaalChIP::BaalObject
    BaalObject example dataset
  181. BaalChIP::ENCODEexample
    ENCODEexample example dataset
  182. BaalChIP::FAIREexample
    FAIREexample example dataset
  183. BaalChIP::UniqueMappability50bp_hg19
    Genomic regions of unique mappability
  184. BaalChIP::blacklist_hg19
    Blacklisted genomic regions
  185. BaalChIP::pickrell2011cov1_hg19
    Genomic regions of collapsed repeats
  186. BAGS::AnnotationMFGO
    List containing a collection of gene symbols with their associated GO term for the Molecular function ontology
  187. ballgown::bg
    Toy ballgown object
  188. BANDITS::gene_tr_id
    Gene-transcript matching
  189. BANDITS::input_data
    A 'BANDITS_data' object, generated with 'create_data'
  190. BANDITS::precision
    Estimates for the log-precision parameter, generated with 'prior_precision'
  191. BANDITS::results
    Results of the DTU test, generated with 'test_DTU'
  192. Banksy::hippocampus
    Mouse Hippocampus VeraFISH data
  193. Banksy::rings
    An unrealistic simulation of spatially-resolved omics data.
  194. banocc::compositions_hard_null
    Simulated compositional data with no feature correlations
    matrix|1000 x 9
  195. banocc::compositions_neg_spike
    Simulated compositional data with a negative count correlation
    matrix|1000 x 9
  196. banocc::compositions_null
    Simulated compositional data with no feature correlations
    matrix|1000 x 9
  197. banocc::compositions_pos_spike
    Simulated compositional data with a positive count correlation
    matrix|1000 x 9
  198. banocc::counts_hard_null
    Simulated count data with no feature correlations
    matrix|1000 x 9
  199. banocc::counts_neg_spike
    Simulated count data with one negative feature correlation
    matrix|1000 x 9
  200. banocc::counts_null
    Simulated count data with no feature correlations
    matrix|1000 x 9
  201. banocc::counts_pos_spike
    Simulated count data with one positive feature correlation
    matrix|1000 x 9
  202. barcodetrackR::wu_subset
    Small subset of Wu barcoding dataset
  203. BaseSpaceR::aAuth
    Sample 'AppAuth' instance with 'browse global' scope
  204. Basic4Cseq::liverData
    Example 4C-seq data set of fetal liver data
  205. Basic4Cseq::liverDataRaw
    Example 4C-seq data set of fetal liver data
  206. BASiCS::ChainRNA
    Extract from the chain obtained for the Grun et al (2014) data: pool-and-split samples
  207. BASiCS::ChainRNAReg
    Extract from the chain obtained for the Grun et al (2014) data: pool-and-split samples (regression model)
  208. BASiCS::ChainSC
    Extract from the chain obtained for the Grun et al (2014) data: single-cell samples
  209. BASiCS::ChainSCReg
    Extract from the chain obtained for the Grun et al (2014) data: single-cell samples (regression model)
  210. BatchQC::batch_indicator
    Batch and Condition indicator for signature data
  211. BatchQC::protein_data
    Protein data with 39 protein expression levels
  212. BatchQC::protein_sample_info
    Batch and Condition indicator for protein expression data
  213. BatchQC::signature_data
    Signature data with 1600 gene expression levels
  214. BayesKnockdown::lincs.kd
    LINCS L1000 Knockdown Example Dataset
  215. bayNorm::EXAMPLE_DATA_list
    A subset of Grun et al (2014) data: 2i samples
  216. baySeq::CDPost
    'countData' object derived from data file 'simData' with estimated likelihoods of differential expression.
  217. baySeq::CDPriors
    'countData' object derived from data file 'simData' with estimated priors.
  218. baySeq::mobAnnotation
    Annotation data for a set of small RNA loci derived from sequencing of grafts of Arabidopsis thaliana intended for differential expression analyses.
  219. baySeq::mobData
    Data from a set of small RNA sequencing experiments carried out on grafts of Arabidopsis thaliana intended for differential expression analyses.
    matrix|3000 x 6
  220. baySeq::pairData
    Simulated data for testing the baySeq package methods for paired data
    matrix|1000 x 8
  221. baySeq::simData
    Simulated data for testing the baySeq package methods
    matrix|1000 x
  222. baySeq::zimData
    Simulated data for testing the baySeq package methods
    matrix|1000 x
  223. BCRANK::BCRANKout
    BCRANK results for USF1 ChIP-chip data
  224. beadarray::metaTemplate
    GEO required fields
  225. beadarray::platformSigs
    Annotation definitions
  226. BEARscc::BEAR_analyzed.sce
    BEARscc downstream example objects.
  227. BEARscc::BEAR_examples.sce
    Example data for BEARscc.
  228. BEARscc::BEARscc_clusts.df
    BEARscc downstream example objects.
  229. BEARscc::ERCC.counts.df
    Example data for BEARscc.
  230. BEARscc::ERCC.meta.df
    Example data for BEARscc.
  231. BEARscc::clusters.df
    BEARscc downstream example objects.
  232. BEARscc::data.counts.df
    Example data for BEARscc.
  233. BEARscc::noise_consensus
    BEARscc downstream example objects.
    matrix|50 x 50
  234. BEARscc::recluster
    BEARscc downstream example objects.
  235. BEAT::positions
    Sample dataset of CpG positions for a single cell BS-seq sample
  236. BEAT::positions.reference
    Sample dataset of CpG positions for a reference BS-Seq sample
  237. BEclear::ex.corrected.data
    Example matrix of corrected data for the BEclear-package
  238. BEclear::ex.data
    Example data set for the BEclear-package
    matrix|250 x 40
  239. BEclear::ex.samples
    Example data set for the BEclear-package
  240. benchdamic::microbial_metabolism
    (Data) Microbial metabolism
  241. benchdamic::ps_plaque_16S
    (Data) 60 Gingival Plaque samples of 16S rRNA (HMP 2012)
  242. benchdamic::ps_stool_16S
    (Data) 33 Stool samples of 16S rRNA (HMP 2012)
  243. betaHMM::annotation_data
    MethylationEPIC manifest data.
  244. betaHMM::pca_methylation_data
    Simulated DNA methylation data
  245. betaHMM::sample_annotation_file
    MethylationEPIC manifest data.
  246. betaHMM::sample_methylation_file
    Simulated DNA methylation data
  247. BG2::SNPs
    A. Thaliana Genotype matrix
    matrix|328 x 9000
  248. BG2::Y_binary
    A. Thaliana Simulated Phenotype matrix
  249. BG2::Y_poisson
    A. Thaliana Simulated Phenotype matrix
  250. BG2::kinship
    A. Thaliana Kinship matrix
    matrix|328 x 328
  251. BgeeDB::geneList
    Example of gene list object used to run a topAnat enrichment test, created on June 2018. The format of the gene list is the same as the gene list required to build a 'topGOdata' object in the 'topGO' package: a vector with background genes as names, and 0 or 1 values depending if a gene is in the foreground or not. In this example the foreground genes are zebrafish genes with an annotated phenotype related to "pectoral fin", and the background is composed of all zebrafish Ensembl genes with an annotated phenotype from ZFIN. The gene list was built using the biomaRt package, and the code used can be found in the vignette of the package.
  252. BicARE::sample.bicData
    Example data set for BicARE
  253. BicARE::sample.biclustering
    Example biclustering object
  254. BiGGR::E.coli_iAF1260
    Ecoli dataset with ORFs and thermodynamic information
  255. BiGGR::E.coli_iJR904
    Ecoli genome-scale model
  256. BiGGR::E.coli_textbook
    Ecoli dataset from the BiGG database
  257. BiGGR::Glycolysis
    Metabolic reconstruction of Glycolysis pathway
  258. BiGGR::H.pylori_ilT341
    H.pylori in silico genome-scale characterization of single and double deletion mutants
  259. BiGGR::H.sapiens_Recon_1
    Reconstruction of human metabolism from the BiGG database
  260. BiGGR::M.barkeri_iAF692
    Metabolic reconstruction of M.barkeri from the BiGG database
  261. BiGGR::M.tuberculosis_iNJ661
    Metabolic reconstruction of M.tuberculosis from the BiGG database
  262. BiGGR::P.putida_iJN746
    Metabolic reconstruction of P.putida from the BiGG database
  263. BiGGR::Recon2
    Human metabolic reconstruction Recon2
  264. BiGGR::S.aureus_iSB619
    Metabolic reconstruction of S.aureus from the BiGG database
  265. BiGGR::S.cerevisiae_iND750
    Metabolic reconstruction of S.cerevisiae from the BiGG database
  266. BiGGR::lying.tunell.data
    Dataset of in vivo cerebral metabolite uptake and release rates in healthy humans (old subjects)
  267. bigmelon::cantaloupe
    Small MethyLumi 450k data sets for testing
  268. bigmelon::honeydew
    Small MethyLumi 450k data sets for testing
  269. bioassayR::samplebioassay
    Sample activity data for use with bioassayR
  270. Biobase::SW
    Class to Contain High-Throughput Assays and Experimental Metadata
  271. Biobase::aaMap
    Dataset: Names and Characteristics of Amino Acids
  272. Biobase::geneCov
    Sample expression matrix and phenotype data.frames.
  273. Biobase::geneCovariate
    Sample expression matrix and phenotype data.frames.
  274. Biobase::geneData
    Sample expression matrix and phenotype data.frames.
    matrix|500 x 26
  275. Biobase::reporter
    Example data.frame representing reporter information
  276. Biobase::sample.ExpressionSet
    Dataset of class 'ExpressionSet'
  277. Biobase::sample.MultiSet
    Data set of class 'MultiSet'
  278. Biobase::seD
    Sample expression matrix and phenotype data.frames.
    matrix|500 x 26
  279. biobroom::hammer
    ExpressionSet results from Hammer et al 2010
  280. bioCancer::epiGenomics
    Default dataset of bioCancer
  281. bioCancer::user_CNA
    Example of Copy Number Alteration (CNA) dataset
  282. bioCancer::user_MetHM27
    Example of Methylation HM27 dataset
  283. bioCancer::user_MetHM450
    Example of Methylation HM450 dataset
  284. bioCancer::user_Mut
    Example of Mutation dataset
  285. bioCancer::user_mRNA
    Example of mRNA expression dataset
  286. BioCartaImage::BC2ENTREZ
    Pre-computed data objects
  287. BioCartaImage::BIOCARTA_PATHWAYS
    Pre-computed data objects
  288. BioCartaImage::PATHWAY2BC
    Pre-computed data objects
  289. BioCartaImage::PATHWAY2ENTREZ
    Pre-computed data objects
  290. BioCartaImage::PATHWAY2MSIGDB
    Pre-computed data objects
  291. BiocFHIR::allin
    collection of synthea FHIR documents ingested
  292. BiocHail::kg_3202
    data.frame with metadata about 3202 samples genotyped against T2T reference
  293. BiocHail::pcs_191k
    HWE-normalized PCA scores for 3202 thousand-genomes samples genotyped with the telomere-to-telomere reference
  294. BiocHail::pcs_38k
    HWE-normalized PCA scores for 3202 thousand-genomes samples genotyped with the telomere-to-telomere reference
  295. biocViews::biocViewsVocab
    Bioconductor Task Views Vocabulary Data
  296. biomvRCNS::coriell
    Array CGH data set of Coriell cell lines
  297. biomvRCNS::encodeTP53
    mapped RNA-seq data from ENCODE
  298. biomvRCNS::variosm
    Differential methylation data from sequencing
  299. BioNAR::diseasome
    Barabasi's Diseasome Network
  300. BioNERO::filt.se
    Filtered maize gene expression data from Shin et al., 2021.
  301. BioNERO::og.zma.osa
    Orthogroups between maize and rice
  302. BioNERO::osa.se
    Rice gene expression data from Shin et al., 2021.
  303. BioNERO::zma.interpro
    Maize Interpro annotation
  304. BioNERO::zma.se
    Maize gene expression data from Shin et al., 2021.
  305. BioNERO::zma.tfs
    Maize transcription factors
  306. BioNet::pvaluesExample
    Example p-values for aggregation statistics
    matrix|6154 x 2
  307. biosigner::diaplasma
    Analysis of plasma from diabetic patients by LC-HRMS
  308. Biostrings::BLOSUM100
    Predefined scoring matrices
    moved_to_pwalign_pkg|24 x 24
  309. Biostrings::BLOSUM45
    Predefined scoring matrices
    moved_to_pwalign_pkg|25 x 25
  310. Biostrings::BLOSUM50
    Predefined scoring matrices
    moved_to_pwalign_pkg|24 x 24
  311. Biostrings::BLOSUM62
    Predefined scoring matrices
    moved_to_pwalign_pkg|25 x 25
  312. Biostrings::BLOSUM80
    Predefined scoring matrices
    moved_to_pwalign_pkg|25 x 25
  313. Biostrings::HNF4alpha
    Known HNF4alpha binding sequences
  314. Biostrings::PAM120
    Predefined scoring matrices
    moved_to_pwalign_pkg|24 x 24
  315. Biostrings::PAM250
    Predefined scoring matrices
    moved_to_pwalign_pkg|24 x 24
  316. Biostrings::PAM30
    Predefined scoring matrices
    moved_to_pwalign_pkg|25 x 25
  317. Biostrings::PAM40
    Predefined scoring matrices
    moved_to_pwalign_pkg|24 x 24
  318. Biostrings::PAM70
    Predefined scoring matrices
    moved_to_pwalign_pkg|25 x 25
  319. Biostrings::yeastSEQCHR1
    An annotation data file for CHR1 in the yeastSEQ package
  320. BioTIP::GSE6136_cli
    GSE6136 cli dataset
  321. BioTIP::GSE6136_matrix
    GSE6136 matrix dataset
  322. BioTIP::ILEF
    Chromosome ranges of chr21 dataset
  323. BioTIP::cod
    cod dataset
  324. BioTIP::gencode
    A chr21 data from GENCODE GRCh37
  325. BioTIP::intron
    Coding transcriptome in chr21 dataset
  326. BioTIP::membersL
  327. BioTIP::subcounts
  328. biovizBase::crc.gr
  329. biovizBase::crc1.GeRL
  330. biovizBase::darned_hg19_subset500
    Subset of RNA editing sites in hg19...
  331. biovizBase::genesymbol
    Gene symbols with position...
  332. biovizBase::hg19Ideogram
    Hg19 ideogram without cytoband information...
  333. biovizBase::hg19IdeogramCyto
    Hg19 ideogram with cytoband information...
  334. biovizBase::hg19sub
  335. biovizBase::ideo
    ideogram without cytoband information
  336. biovizBase::ideoCyto
    ideogram with cytoband information
  337. biovizBase::mut.gr
  338. BiRewire::BRCA_binary_matrix
    TCGA Brest Cancer data
  339. BiRewire::test_dsg
    Tool example of dsg
  340. biscuiteer::ENSR_subset.hg19
    ENSR_subset data from hg19 genome
  341. biscuiteer::ENSR_subset.hg38
    ENSR_subset data from hg38 genome
  342. biscuiteer::GRCh37.chromArm
  343. biscuiteer::GRCh38.chromArm
  344. biscuiteer::H9state23unmeth.hg19
  345. biscuiteer::H9state23unmeth.hg38
  346. biscuiteer::HMM_CpG_islands.hg19
  347. biscuiteer::HMM_CpG_islands.hg38
  348. biscuiteer::clocks
  349. biscuiteer::hg19.chromArm
  350. biscuiteer::hg38.chromArm
  351. biscuiteer::seqinfo.hg19
  352. biscuiteer::seqinfo.hg38
  353. biscuiteer::seqinfo.mm10
  354. BiSeq::DMRs
    The output of 'findDMRs'
  355. BiSeq::betaResults
    The output of 'betaRegression'
  356. BiSeq::betaResultsNull
    The output of 'betaRegression' for resampled data
  357. BiSeq::predictedMeth
    The output of 'predictMeth'
  358. BiSeq::promoters
    A 'GRanges' of promoters of the human genome
  359. BiSeq::rrbs
    RRBS data of APL patient samples and controls.
  360. BiSeq::vario
    Output of 'makeVariogram'
  361. blacksheepr::sample_annotationdata
  362. blacksheepr::sample_phosphodata
  363. blacksheepr::sample_rnadata
  364. BLMA::data_GSE17054
    Gene expression dataset GSE17054 from Majeti et al.
  365. BLMA::data_GSE33223
    Gene expression dataset GSE33223 from Bacher et al.
  366. BLMA::data_GSE42140
    The gene expression dataset GSE42140 obtained from Gene Expression Omnibus
  367. BLMA::data_GSE57194
    Gene expression dataset GSE57194 from Abdul-Nabi et al.
  368. BLMA::group_GSE17054
    Gene expression dataset GSE17054 from Majeti et al.
  369. BLMA::group_GSE33223
    Gene expression dataset GSE33223 from Bacher et al.
  370. BLMA::group_GSE42140
    The gene expression dataset GSE42140 obtained from Gene Expression Omnibus
  371. BLMA::group_GSE57194
    Gene expression dataset GSE57194 from Abdul-Nabi et al.
  372. bnbc::cgEx
    Sample chr22 Data
  373. bnem::bcr
    B-Cell receptor signalling perturbations
  374. BOBaFIT::TCGA_BRCA_CN_segments
    Segments of 100 Breast Cancer samples, downloaded from TCGA-BRCA.
  375. BPRMeth::bernoulli_data
    Synthetic Bernoulli data
  376. BPRMeth::beta_data
    Synthetic Beta data
  377. BPRMeth::binomial_data
    Synthetic Binomial data
  378. BPRMeth::encode_expr
    Processed ENCODE expression data
  379. BPRMeth::encode_met
    Processed ENCODE methylation data
  380. BPRMeth::gaussian_data
    Synthetic Gaussian data
  381. BPRMeth::gex_data
    Synthetic expression data
  382. BPRMeth::meth_data
    Synthetic bulk methylation data
  383. brendaDb::acronyms
    Information fields and their corresponding acronyms.
  384. bsseq::BS.chr22
    Whole-genome bisulfite sequencing for chromosome 22 from Lister et al.
  385. BubbleTree::all.somatic.lst
  386. BubbleTree::allCNV.lst
  387. BubbleTree::allCall.lst
  388. BubbleTree::allHetero.lst
  389. BubbleTree::allRBD.lst
  390. BubbleTree::cancer.genes.minus2
  391. BubbleTree::centromere.dat
  392. BubbleTree::cnv.gr
  393. BubbleTree::cyto.gr
  394. BubbleTree::gene.uni.clean.gr
  395. BubbleTree::hg19.seqinfo
  396. BubbleTree::snp.gr
  397. BubbleTree::vol.genes
  398. BUMHMM::covFile
    Example coverage data set.
  399. BUMHMM::docFile
    Example drop-off count data set.
  400. BUMHMM::dorFile
    Example drop-off rate data set.
    matrix|1800 x
  401. BUMHMM::se
    Example RNA structure probing data set.
  402. BUMHMM::seq
    Example genomic sequence string.
  403. bumphunter::TT
    Example data
  404. BUS::copasi
    copasi data
  405. BUS::tumors.mRNA
    Gene expression data from Human brain tumors
    matrix|7089 x 12
  406. BUS::tumors.miRNA
    miRNA data from Human brain tumors
    matrix|93 x 12
  407. BUScorrect::BUSexample_data
    A simulated data set
  408. BUSpaRse::cellranger_biotypes
    Cell Ranger gene biotypes
  409. BUSpaRse::ensembl_gene_biotypes
    Gene biotypes from Ensembl
  410. BUSpaRse::ensembl_gff_mcols
    These are the column names of the 'mcols' when the Ensembl GTF file is read into R as a 'GRanges', including 'gene_id', 'transcript_id', 'biotype', 'description', and so on, and the mandatory tags like 'ID', 'Name', and 'Parent'.
  411. BUSpaRse::ensembl_gtf_mcols
    Tags in the attributes field of Ensembl GTF files
  412. BUSpaRse::ensembl_tx_biotypes
    Transcript biotypes from Ensembl
  413. BUSpaRse::refseq_gff_mcols
    Tags in the attributes field of RefSeq GFF files
  414. BUSseq::BUSseqfits_example
    An external example of the output of the 'BUSseq_MCMC'
    Genomic Data from TCGA BRCA MUT + GISTIC
    Genomic Data from CCLE MUT + SCNA
  417. CaDrA::CTNBB1_reporter
    Transcriptional Activity of Beta-Catenin in Cancers
    YAP/TAZ Activity in TCGA BRCA dataset
  419. CaDrA::perm_res
    Pre-computed permutation results for simulated data ('sim_FS')
  420. CaDrA::sim_FS
    Simulated Genomic Data
  421. CaDrA::sim_Scores
    Simulated Input Scores
  422. CaDrA::topn_list
    Top-N Results for Simulated Data ('sim_FS')
  423. CAEN::realData
    A real dataset of gene expression RNA-seq.
  424. CAFE::CAFE_data
    CAFE data set
  425. CAGEfightR::exampleBidirectional
    Example CAGE Data
  426. CAGEfightR::exampleCTSSs
    Example CAGE Data
  427. CAGEfightR::exampleDesign
    Example CAGE Data
  428. CAGEfightR::exampleGenes
    Example CAGE Data
  429. CAGEfightR::exampleUnidirectional
    Example CAGE Data
  430. cageminer::chr_length
    Pepper chromosome lengths
  431. cageminer::gcn
    Simulation of the output list from BioNERO::exp2gcn() with pepper data
  432. cageminer::gene_ranges
    Genomic coordinates of pepper genes
  433. cageminer::guides
    Guide genes associated with defense and resistance to oomycetes
  434. cageminer::hubs
    Example hub genes for the network stored in the gcn object
  435. cageminer::mine2
    Example output from mine_step2()
  436. cageminer::mined_candidates
    Example output from mined_candidates()
  437. cageminer::pepper_se
    Gene expression data from Kim et al., 2018.
  438. cageminer::snp_pos
    Capsicum annuum SNPs associated with resistance to Phytophthora root rot.
  439. cageminer::tfs
    Pepper transcription factors
  440. CAGEr::FANTOM5humanSamples
    FANTOM5 human samples
  441. CAGEr::FANTOM5mouseSamples
    FANTOM5 mouse samples
  442. CAGEr::exampleCAGEexp
    Example CAGEexp object.
  443. CAGEr::exampleZv9_annot
    Example zebrafish annotation data
  444. calm::pso
    Psoriasis RNA-seq dataset
  445. CAMERA::mm14
    Extract of marker mixture 14 LC/MS data
  446. cancerclass::GOLUB
  447. cancerclass::GOLUB1
  448. cardelino::A_clone
    A matrix of read numbers of alternative alleles for clone ID
    matrix|34 x 428
  449. cardelino::A_germline
    A matrix of read numbers of alternative alleles
    matrix|34 x 428
  450. cardelino::Config_all
    A list of tree configuration
  451. cardelino::D_clone
    A matrix of sequencing depths for clone ID
    matrix|34 x 428
  452. cardelino::D_germline
    A matrix of sequencing depths
    matrix|34 x 428
  453. cardelino::D_input
    A matrix of sequencing depths
    matrix|439 x 151
  454. cardelino::tree
    A tree object
  455. cardelino::tree_3clone
    A tree object
  456. cardelino::tree_4clone
    A tree object
  457. cardelino::tree_5clone
    A tree object
  458. casper::K562.r1l1
    Toy RNA-seq data from RGASP project.
  459. casper::distrsGSE37704
    Estimated read start and insert size distributions from MiSeq data in GEO dataset GSE37704.
  460. casper::hg19DB
    Subset of human genome (UCSC hg19 version)
  461. CATALYST::PBMC_fs
    Example data sets
  462. CATALYST::PBMC_md
    Example data sets
  463. CATALYST::PBMC_panel
    Example data sets
  464. CATALYST::isotope_list
    Example data sets
  465. CATALYST::merging_table
    Example data sets
  466. CATALYST::mp_cells
    Example data sets
  467. CATALYST::raw_data
    Example data sets
  468. CATALYST::sample_ff
    Example data sets
  469. CATALYST::sample_key
    Example data sets
  470. CATALYST::ss_exp
    Example data sets
  471. categoryCompare::ccOpts
    Test data for 'categoryCompare'
  472. categoryCompare::ccResults
    Test data for 'categoryCompare'
  473. categoryCompare::ccResultsBPHier
    Test data for 'categoryCompare'
  474. categoryCompare::enrichLists
    Test data for 'categoryCompare'
  475. categoryCompare::gUniverse
    Test data for 'categoryCompare'
  476. categoryCompare::geneLists
    Test data for 'categoryCompare'
  477. categoryCompare::gseaRes
    Test data for 'categoryCompare'
  478. categoryCompare::table10
    Test data for 'categoryCompare'
  479. categoryCompare::table48
    Test data for 'categoryCompare'
  480. CatsCradle::exSeuratObj
  481. CatsCradle::humanLRN
  482. CatsCradle::ligandReceptorResults
  483. CatsCradle::moransI
  484. CatsCradle::moransILigandReceptor
  485. CatsCradle::mouseLRN
  486. CatsCradle::seuratCells
  487. CatsCradle::seuratGenes
  488. CatsCradle::smallXenium
  489. CatsCradle::xeniumCells
  490. CBEA::hmp_gingival
    Gingival data set from the Human Microbiome Project
  491. CBNplot::exampleEaRes
    Example enrichment analysis result
  492. CBNplot::exampleGeneExp
    Example gene expression data
  493. CCPlotR::toy_data
    Toy data for CCPlotR
  494. CCPlotR::toy_exp
    Toy expression data for CCPlotR
  495. CCPROMISE::exmplESet
    Example of Conceptual Expression Set
  496. CCPROMISE::exmplGeneSet
    Example of Conceptual Gene Annotation
  497. CCPROMISE::exmplMSet
    Example of Conceptual Methylation Set
  498. CCPROMISE::exmplPat
    Example of Conceptual Phenotype Pattern Definition Set
  499. CDI::one_batch_matrix
    Simulated count matrix from one batch
    matrix|3000 x 2000
  500. CDI::one_batch_matrix_celltype
    Cell type labels of simulated count matrix from one batch
  501. CDI::one_batch_matrix_label_df
    Clustering labels for simulated one-batch single-cell count matrix
  502. CDI::two_batch_matrix
    Simulated count matrix from two batches
    matrix|3000 x 2000
  503. CDI::two_batch_matrix_batch
    Batch labels of simulated count matrix from two batches
  504. CDI::two_batch_matrix_celltype
    Cell type labels of simulated count matrix from two batches
  505. CDI::two_batch_matrix_label_df
    Clustering labels for simulated two-batch single-cell count matrix
  506. celaref::de_table.demo_query
    Demo query de table
  507. celaref::de_table.demo_ref
    Demo ref de table
  508. celaref::demo_cell_info_table
    Demo cell info table
  509. celaref::demo_counts_matrix
    Demo count matrix
    matrix|200 x 514
  510. celaref::demo_gene_info_table
    Demo gene info table
  511. celaref::demo_microarray_expr
    Demo microarray expression table
    matrix|200 x 20
  512. celaref::demo_microarray_sample_sheet
    Demo microarray sample sheet table
  513. celaref::demo_query_se
    Demo query se (summarizedExperiment)
  514. celaref::demo_ref_se
    Demo reference se (summarizedExperiment)
  515. celda::celdaCGGridSearchRes
  516. celda::celdaCGMod
  517. celda::celdaCGSim
  518. celda::celdaCMod
  519. celda::celdaCSim
  520. celda::celdaGMod
  521. celda::celdaGSim
  522. celda::contaminationSim
  523. celda::sampleCells
  524. celda::sceCeldaC
  525. celda::sceCeldaCG
  526. celda::sceCeldaCGGridSearch
  527. celda::sceCeldaG
  528. CellBarcode::bc_obj
    A dummy BarcodeObj object
  529. CellBench::sample_sce_data
    This is data for testing functions in CellBench.
  530. CelliD::Hallmark
    Hallmark Pathways from MSigDB
  531. CelliD::HgProteinCodingGenes
    Homo Sapiens Protein Coding Genes
  532. CelliD::MgProteinCodingGenes
    Mus Musculus Protein Coding Genes
  533. CelliD::seuratPbmc
    Seurat object of 400 PBMC cells
  534. cellity::extra_human_genes
    Additional human genes that are used in feature extraction
  535. cellity::extra_mouse_genes
    Additional mouse genes that are used in feature extraction
  536. cellity::feature_info
    Information which genes and GO categories should be included as features. Also defines which features are cell-type independent (common features)
  537. cellity::mES1_features
    Real test dataset containing all and common features from the paper (mES1)
  538. cellity::mES1_labels
    Real test dataset containing annotation of cells
  539. cellity::param_mES_all
    Parameters used for SVM classification
  540. cellity::param_mES_common
    Parameters used for SVM classification
  541. cellity::sample_counts
    Sample gene expression data containing 40 cells
  542. cellity::sample_stats
    Sample read statistics data containing 40 cells
  543. cellity::training_mES_features
    Original training dataset containing all and common features from the paper (training mES)
  544. cellity::training_mES_labels
    Original training dataset containing annotation of cells
  545. CellMapper::ExampleQueryGenes
    Example Gene Lists
  546. CellMapper::NegativeControlGenes
    Example Gene Lists
  547. CellMapper::PositiveControlGenes
    Example Gene Lists
  548. cellmigRation::ThreeConditions
    Intermediates and Results from Cell Tracking Analyses
  549. cellmigRation::TrackCellsDataset
    Sample Stack of Fluorescent Cells
  550. cellmigRation::TrajectoryDataset
    Trajectories of 350 cells
  551. cellmigRation::WSADataset
    Trajectories of 147 cells
  552. cellmigRation::preProcCellMig
    Trajectories of 11 cells
  553. CellNOptR::CNOlistDREAM
    Data used for the DREAM3 challenge
  554. CellNOptR::CNOlistToy
    Toy data
  555. CellNOptR::CNOlistToy2
    Toy data with 2 time points
  556. CellNOptR::CNOlistToyMMB
    Toy data
  557. CellNOptR::DreamModel
    Model used for the DREAM3 challenge
  558. CellNOptR::ToyModel
    Toy model
  559. CellNOptR::ToyModel2
    Toy model
  560. CellNOptR::cnodata
    Get data from a CellNOpt data repository
  561. CellNOptR::pknmodel
  562. CellTrails::exSCE
    Example single-cell expression data
  563. CEMiTool::cem
    CEMiTool Object
  564. CEMiTool::expr0
    Yellow Fever gene expression data from GEO study GSE13485
  565. CEMiTool::sample_annot
    Yellow Fever Sample Annotation data
  566. Cepo::cellbench
  567. Cepo::sce_pancreas
  568. ceRNAnetsim::TCGA_E9_A1N5_mirnanormal
  569. ceRNAnetsim::TCGA_E9_A1N5_mirnatumor
  570. ceRNAnetsim::TCGA_E9_A1N5_normal
  571. ceRNAnetsim::TCGA_E9_A1N5_tumor
  572. ceRNAnetsim::huge_example
    huge example
  573. ceRNAnetsim::midsamp
  574. ceRNAnetsim::midsamp_new_counts
  575. ceRNAnetsim::minsamp
  576. ceRNAnetsim::mirtarbasegene
  577. ceRNAnetsim::new_counts
  578. CeTF::CeTFdemo
    CeTFdemo class object example
  579. CeTF::RIF_input
    Regulatory Impact Factors (RIF) input
    matrix|154 x 20
  580. CeTF::TFs
    Transcripition Factors data
  581. CeTF::enrichdemo
    Enrichment data
  582. CeTF::refGenes
    List of reference genes for 5 different organisms to perform enrichment
  583. CeTF::simCounts
    Simulated counts data
  584. CeTF::simNorm
    Simulated normalized data
    matrix|69 x 10
  585. cfTools::CancerDetector.markers
    Cancer-specific marker parameter
  586. cfTools::CancerDetector.reads
    Fragment-level methylation state for cancer detection
  587. cfTools::CpG_OB_demo
    Methylation information for CpG on the original bottom strand (OB)
  588. cfTools::CpG_OT_demo
    Methylation information for CpG on the original top strand (OT)
  589. cfTools::beta_matrix
    Beta value matrix
  590. cfTools::cfDeconvolve.markers
    Tissue-specific marker parameter
  591. cfTools::cfDeconvolve.reads
    Fragment-level methylation state for tissue deconvolution
  592. cfTools::cfsort_markers
    cfSort markers
  593. cfTools::cfsort_reads
    Fragment-level methylation state for cfSort tissue deconvolution
  594. cfTools::demo.fragment_level.meth.bed
    Fragment-level methylation information
  595. cfTools::demo.refo_frag.bed
    Fragment-level information
  596. cfTools::demo.refo_meth.bed
    Methylation information on fragments
  597. cfTools::demo.sorted.bed
    Paired-end sequencing reads
  598. cfTools::marker_index
    Marker name
  599. cfTools::markers.bed
    Genomic postions of markers
  600. cfTools::sample_type
    Sample type
  601. CGEN::LocusMapData
    Locus map data
  602. CGEN::Xdata
    Sample covariate and outcome data
  603. CGEN::Xdata2
    Sample covariate and outcome data
  604. CGHbase::Wilting
    Cervical cancer arrayCGH data
  605. CGHbase::WiltingCalled
    Cervical cancer arrayCGH data called with CGHcall
  606. CGHbase::WiltingNorm
    Normalized log2 ratios from cervical cancer arrayCGH data.
  607. CGHbase::WiltingRaw
    Raw log2 ratios from cervical cancer arrayCGH data.
  608. CGHbase::WiltingRegions
    Regions of cervical cancer arrayCGH data as defined by CGHregions
  609. CGHbase::WiltingSeg
    Segmented log2 ratios from cervical cancer arrayCGH data.
  610. CGHcall::Wilting
    Cervical cancer arrayCGH data
  611. cghMCR::segData
    The constructor for the cghMCR class
  612. CGHnormaliter::Leukemia
    Array CGH experiment data on childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in humans
  613. ChemmineR::apfp
    Frequent Atom Pairs
  614. ChemmineR::apset
    Atom pairs stored in 'APset' object
  615. ChemmineR::atomprop
    Standard atomic weights
  616. ChemmineR::pubchemFPencoding
    Enncoding of PubChem Fingerprints
  617. ChemmineR::sdfsample
    SD file in 'SDFset' object
  618. ChemmineR::smisample
    SMILES file in 'SMIset' object
  619. CHETAH::headneck_ref
    A SingleCellExperiment with celltypes in the "celltypes" colData. A subset of the Head-Neck data from Puram et al. (2017) Cancer Cell.
  620. CHETAH::input_mel
    A SingleCellExperiment on which CHEATHclassifier is run using the 'headneck_ref' It holds subset of the Melanoma data, from Tirosh et al. (2016), Science.
  621. Chicago::cdUnitTest
    ChicagoData object for unit testing
  622. ChIPanalyser::Access
  623. ChIPanalyser::chip
  624. ChIPanalyser::cs
  625. ChIPanalyser::geneRef
  626. ChIPanalyser::top
  627. ChIPComp::seqData
    A 'ChIPComp' object.
  628. ChIPexoQual::blacklists
    'list' of 'GRanges' objects with the blacklists generated by the ENCODE and modENCODE projects.
  629. ChIPexoQual::exoExample
    'ExoData' results for FoxA1 ChIP-exo experiment
  630. ChIPpeakAnno::ExonPlusUtr.human.GRCh37
    Gene model with exon, 5' UTR and 3' UTR information for human sapiens (GRCh37) obtained from biomaRt
  631. ChIPpeakAnno::HOT.spots
    High Occupancy of Transcription Related Factors regions
  632. ChIPpeakAnno::Peaks.Ste12.Replicate1
    Ste12-binding sites from biological replicate 1 in yeast (see reference)
  633. ChIPpeakAnno::Peaks.Ste12.Replicate2
    Ste12-binding sites from biological replicate 2 in yeast (see reference)
  634. ChIPpeakAnno::Peaks.Ste12.Replicate3
    Ste12-binding sites from biological replicate 3 in yeast (see reference)
  635. ChIPpeakAnno::TSS.human.GRCh37
    TSS annotation for human sapiens (GRCh37) obtained from biomaRt
  636. ChIPpeakAnno::TSS.human.GRCh38
    TSS annotation for human sapiens (GRCh38) obtained from biomaRt
  637. ChIPpeakAnno::TSS.human.NCBI36
    TSS annotation for human sapiens (NCBI36) obtained from biomaRt
  638. ChIPpeakAnno::TSS.mouse.GRCm38
    TSS annotation data for Mus musculus (GRCm38.p1) obtained from biomaRt
  639. ChIPpeakAnno::TSS.mouse.NCBIM37
    TSS annotation data for mouse (NCBIM37) obtained from biomaRt
  640. ChIPpeakAnno::TSS.rat.RGSC3.4
    TSS annotation data for rat (RGSC3.4) obtained from biomaRt
  641. ChIPpeakAnno::TSS.rat.Rnor_5.0
    TSS annotation data for Rattus norvegicus (Rnor_5.0) obtained from biomaRt
  642. ChIPpeakAnno::TSS.zebrafish.Zv8
    TSS annotation data for zebrafish (Zv8) obtained from biomaRt
  643. ChIPpeakAnno::TSS.zebrafish.Zv9
    TSS annotation for Danio rerio (Zv9) obtained from biomaRt
  644. ChIPpeakAnno::annotatedPeak
    Annotated Peaks
  645. ChIPpeakAnno::enrichedGO
    Enriched Gene Ontology terms used as example
  646. ChIPpeakAnno::myPeakList
    An example GRanges object representing a ChIP-seq peak dataset
  647. ChIPpeakAnno::peaks1
    An example GRanges object representing a ChIP-seq peak dataset
  648. ChIPpeakAnno::peaks2
    An example GRanges object representing a ChIP-seq peak dataset
  649. ChIPpeakAnno::peaks3
    An example GRanges object representing a ChIP-seq peak dataset
  650. ChIPpeakAnno::wgEncodeTfbsV3
    transcription factor binding site clusters (V3) from ENCODE
  651. ChIPQC::exampleExp
    Example data sets for 'ChIPQC' package, each containing a 'ChIPQCexperiment' object, as well as a pre-compiled blacklist for hg19.
  652. ChIPQC::tamoxifen
    Example data sets for 'ChIPQC' package, each containing a 'ChIPQCexperiment' object, as well as a pre-compiled blacklist for hg19.
  653. ChIPseeker::gsminfo
    Information Datasets
  654. ChIPseeker::tagMatrixList
    Information Datasets
  655. ChIPseeker::ucsc_release
    Information Datasets
  656. chipseq::cstest
    A test ChIP-Seq dataset
  657. ChIPXpress::Oct4ESC_ChIPgenes
    Predicted Oct4 bound genes in embryonic stem cells (ESC) obtained from analyzing ChIP-seq data
  658. chopsticks::Asnps
    Test data for the snpMatrix package
  659. chopsticks::Autosomes
    Test data for the snpMatrix package
    snp.matrix|400 x 9445
  660. chopsticks::Xchromosome
    Test data for the snpMatrix package
    X.snp.matrix|400 x 155
  661. chopsticks::Xsnps
    Test data for the snpMatrix package
  662. chopsticks::snp.support
    Data for exercise in use of the snpMatrix package
  663. chopsticks::snps.10
    Data for exercise in use of the snpMatrix package
    snp.matrix|1000 x 28501
  664. chopsticks::subject.data
    Test data for the snpMatrix package
  665. chopsticks::subject.support
    Data for exercise in use of the snpMatrix package
  666. ChromHeatMap::ALLs.chr22
    Chromosome 22 subset of ALL data for ALL1/AF4 and E2A/PBX1
  667. ChromHeatMap::chrdata
    The ALLs.chr22 ExpressionSet, reformatted as a ChrStrandData object
  668. ChromHeatMap::cytobands
    Cytoband location information
  669. ChromHeatMap::stains
    Cytoband display information
  670. chromPlot::hg_cytoBandIdeo
    cytoBandIdeo human
  671. chromPlot::hg_gap
    Human Gap
  672. chromPlot::mm10_cytoBandIdeo
  673. chromPlot::mm10_gap
  674. ChromSCape::CheA3_TF_nTargets
    A data.frame with the number of targets of each TF in ChEA3
  675. ChromSCape::hg38.GeneTSS
    Data.frame of gene TSS - hg38
  676. ChromSCape::hg38.chromosomes
    Data.frame of chromosome length - hg38
  677. ChromSCape::hg38.cytoBand
    Data.frame of cytoBandlocation - hg38
  678. ChromSCape::mm10.GeneTSS
    Data.frame of gene TSS - mm10
  679. ChromSCape::mm10.chromosomes
    Data.frame of chromosome length - mm10
  680. ChromSCape::mm10.cytoBand
    Data.frame of cytoBandlocation - mm10
  681. ChromSCape::scExp
    A SingleCellExperiment outputed by ChromSCape
  682. chromVAR::example_counts
  683. chromVAR::mini_counts
  684. chromVAR::mini_dev
  685. chromVAR::mini_ix
  686. cicero::cell_data
    Metadata for example cells in cicero_data
  687. cicero::cicero_data
    Example single-cell chromatin accessibility data
  688. cicero::gene_annotation_sample
    Example gene annotation information
  689. cicero::human.hg19.genome
    Chromosome lengths from human genome hg19
  690. CINdex::clin.crc
    Colon cancer clinical dataset
  691. CINdex::cnvgr.18.auto
    Probe annotation file for Affymetrix Genome Wide Human SNP Array 6.0
  692. CINdex::cyto.cin4heatmap
    Cytoband CIN T-test output
    matrix|22 x 10
  693. CINdex::cytobands.cin
    Cytoband CIN dataset
  694. CINdex::geneAnno
    CDS gene annotation file
    matrix|219264 x 5
  695. CINdex::grl.data
    Output of segmentation algorithm
  696. CINdex::hg18.ucsctrack
    Human reference annotation file
  697. CINdex::snpgr.18.auto
    Probe annotation file for Affymetrix Genome Wide Human SNP Array 6.0
  698. circRNAprofiler::ahChainFiles
  699. circRNAprofiler::ahRepeatMasker
  700. circRNAprofiler::attractSpecies
  701. circRNAprofiler::backSplicedJunctions
  702. circRNAprofiler::gtf
  703. circRNAprofiler::gwasTraits
  704. circRNAprofiler::iupac
  705. circRNAprofiler::memeDB
  706. circRNAprofiler::mergedBSJunctions
  707. circRNAprofiler::miRspeciesCodes
  708. CiteFuse::CITEseq_example
    A subset of ECCITE-seq data (control)
  709. CiteFuse::lr_pair_subset
    A subset of Ligand Receptor Pairs
  710. CiteFuse::sce_control_subset
    A SingleCellExperiment of ECCITE-seq data
  711. CiteFuse::sce_ctcl_subset
    A SingleCellExperiment of ECCITE-seq data
  712. ClassifyR::classes
    Asthma RNA Abundance and Patient Classes
  713. ClassifyR::clinical
    METABRIC Clinical Data
  714. ClassifyR::interactors
    Human Reference Interactome
  715. ClassifyR::measurements
    Asthma RNA Abundance and Patient Classes
    matrix|190 x 2000
  716. cleanUpdTSeq::classifier
    NaiveBayes classifier
  717. cleanUpdTSeq::data.NaiveBayes
    Training Data
  718. CleanUpRNAseq::feature_counts_list
    GC content and lengths of 2000 intergenic regions
  719. CleanUpRNAseq::gene_GC
    GC content and lengths of 2000 human genes
  720. CleanUpRNAseq::intergenic_GC
    GC content and lengths of 2000 intergenic regions
  721. CleanUpRNAseq::salmon_quant
    GC content and lengths of 2000 intergenic regions
  722. clippda::liverRawData
    A dataframe of the protein expression data, peak information and sample information
  723. clippda::liver_pheno
    A dataframe of phenotypic information
  724. clippda::liverdata
    A dataframe of the protein expression data, peak information, and sample information
  725. clippda::pheno_urine
    A dataframe of phenotypic information
  726. cliqueMS::ex.cliqueGroups
    Example m/z processed data
  727. cliqueMS::negative.adinfo
    Default list of negative charged adducts
  728. cliqueMS::positive.adinfo
    Default list of positive charged adducts
  729. Clomial::Clomial1000
    Pre-computed results of Clomial.
  730. Clomial::breastCancer
    Breast cancer data for clonal decomposition.
  731. clst::actino
    Actinomyces data set
  732. clst::bvseqs
    BV reference set.
  733. clst::strep
    Streptococcus data set.
  734. clstutils::seqdat
    Annotation for the Enterococcus sequence data set.
  735. clstutils::seqs
    Enterococcus sequence data set.
    DNAbin|200 x
  736. ClustAll::heart_data
    Heart Disease Dataset
  737. ClustAll::obj_noNA1
    obj_noNA1: Processed wdbc dataset for testing purposed
  738. ClustAll::obj_noNA1simplify
    obj_noNA1simplify: Processed wdbc dataset for testing purposed
  739. ClustAll::obj_noNAno1Validation
    obj_noNAno1Validation: Processed wdbc dataset for testing purposed
  740. ClustAll::wdbc
    wdbc: Diagnostic Wisconsin Breast Cancer Database.
  741. ClustAll::wdbcMIDS
    wdbcMIDS: Diagnostic Wisconsin Breast Cancer Database with imputed values
  742. ClustAll::wdbcNA
    wdbcNA: Diagnostic Wisconsin Breast Cancer Database with missing values
  743. clusterExperiment::fluidigmColData
    Subset of fluidigm data
  744. clusterExperiment::fluidigmData
    Subset of fluidigm data
  745. clusterExperiment::rsecFluidigm
    Documentation of rsecFluidigm object
  746. clusterExperiment::simCount
    Simulated data for running examples
  747. clusterExperiment::simData
    Simulated data for running examples
  748. clusterExperiment::trueCluster
    Simulated data for running examples
  749. ClusterJudge::Yeast.GO.assocs
    Gene Ontology attributes associated to Yeast Gene entities
  750. ClusterJudge::mi.GO.Yeast
    precalculated mutual information between Gene Ontology attributes of Yeast genes
    matrix|2266 x 2266
  751. clusterProfiler::DE_GSE8057
    Datasets gcSample contains a sample of gene clusters.
  752. clusterProfiler::gcSample
    Datasets gcSample contains a sample of gene clusters.
  753. clusterProfiler::kegg_category
    Datasets gcSample contains a sample of gene clusters.
  754. clusterProfiler::kegg_species
    Datasets gcSample contains a sample of gene clusters.
  755. clusterSeq::cD.ratThymus
    Data from female rat thymus tissue taken from the Rat BodyMap project (Yu et al, 2014) and processed by baySeq.
  756. clusterSeq::ratThymus
    Data from female rat thymus tissue taken from the Rat BodyMap project (Yu et al, 2014).
    matrix|17230 x 16
  757. ClusterSignificance::mlpMatrix
    Simulated data used to demonstrate the Mlp method.
  758. ClusterSignificance::pcpMatrix
    Simulated data used to demonstrate the Pcp method.
  759. clustifyr::cbmc_m
    reference marker matrix from seurat citeseq CBMC tutorial
  760. clustifyr::cbmc_ref
    reference matrix from seurat citeseq CBMC tutorial
    matrix|2000 x 13
  761. clustifyr::downrefs
    table of references stored in clustifyrdata
  762. clustifyr::human_genes_10x
    Vector of human genes for 10x cellranger pipeline
  763. clustifyr::mouse_genes_10x
    Vector of mouse genes for 10x cellranger pipeline
  764. clustifyr::object_loc_lookup
    lookup table for single cell object structures
  765. clustifyr::pbmc_markers
    Marker genes identified by Seurat from single-cell RNA-seq PBMCs.
  766. clustifyr::pbmc_markers_M3Drop
    Marker genes identified by M3Drop from single-cell RNA-seq PBMCs.
  767. clustifyr::pbmc_matrix_small
    Matrix of single-cell RNA-seq PBMCs.
  768. clustifyr::pbmc_meta
    Meta-data for single-cell RNA-seq PBMCs.
  769. clustifyr::pbmc_vargenes
    Variable genes identified by Seurat from single-cell RNA-seq PBMCs.
  770. ClustIRR::BLOSUM62
    BLOSUM62 matrix
    matrix|25 x 25
  771. ClustIRR::CDR3ab
    Mock data set of complementarity determining region 3 (CDR3) sequences from the alpha and beta chains of 10,000 T cell receptors
  772. ClustIRR::mcpas
    CDR3 sequences and their matching epitopes obtained from McPAS-TCR
  773. ClustIRR::tcr3d
    CDR3 sequences and their matching epitopes obtained from TCR3d
  774. ClustIRR::vdjdb
    CDR3 sequences and their matching epitopes obtained from VDJdb
  775. CMA::golub
    ALL/AML dataset of Golub et al. (1999)
  776. CMA::khan
    Small blue round cell tumor dataset of Khan et al. (2001)
  777. cmapR::cdesc_char
    An example table of metadata, as would be parsed from or parse.gctx. Initially all the columns are of type character.
  778. cmapR::ds
    An example of a GCT object with row and column metadata and gene expression values in the matrix.
  779. cmapR::gene_set
    An example collection of gene sets as used in the Lamb 2006 CMap paper.
  780. cmapR::kd_gct
    An example GCT object of knockdown experiments targeting a subset of landmark genes.
  781. cn.mops::CNVRanges
    Genomic locations and indices of the simulated CNVs.
  782. cn.mops::X
    A simulated data set for CNV detection from NGS data.
    matrix|5000 x 40
  783. cn.mops::XRanges
    A simulated data set for CNV detection from NGS data.
  784. cn.mops::exomeCounts
    Read counts from exome sequencing for CNV detection
  785. CNAnorm::CN
    A CNAnorm object with information about most abundant ploidy states, obtained from data LS041.
  786. CNAnorm::LS041
    Mapped reads in tumor and matched blood for patient LS041
  787. CNAnorm::gPar
    An object with the default graphical parameters
  788. CNAnorm::hg19_hs_ideogr
    An object with the ideogram information for homo sapiens - hg19
  789. CNEr::CNEDanRer10Hg38
    CNEHg38DanRer10 and CNEDanRer10Hg38 dataset
  790. CNEr::CNEHg38DanRer10
    CNEHg38DanRer10 and CNEDanRer10Hg38 dataset
  791. CNEr::axisTrack
    Example data for plotting annotation.
  792. CNEr::cneFinalListDanRer10Hg38
    cneFinalListDanRer10Hg38 dataset
  793. CNEr::cpgIslands
    Example data for plotting annotation.
  794. CNEr::grangesPairsForDotplot
  795. CNEr::refGenes
    Example data for plotting annotation.
  796. CNORdt::CNOlistPB
    Toy data
  797. CNORdt::modelPB
  798. CNORfeeder::PPINigraph
    Protein-protein interaction netwrok
  799. CNORfeeder::UniprotIDdream
    Uniprot identifiers for proteins in DreamModel
  800. CNORfeeder::cnolist
  801. CNORfeeder::cnolist
  802. CNORfeeder::database
    OmniPath PPI
    matrix|12336 x
  803. CNORfeeder::feederObject
    Feeder Object
  804. CNORfeeder::indices
    Mis-fit indices
  805. CNORfeeder::integratedModel
    Integrated Model
  806. CNORfeeder::model
    Prior Knowledge Network
  807. CNORfeeder::model
    Prior Knowledge Network
  808. CNORfeeder::simData
    CNORode simuation data
  809. CNORode::cnodata
    A cnodata from CellNoptR
  810. CNORode::cnolist
    A cnolist from CellNoptR
  811. CNORode::cnolistCNORodeExample
    A cnolist from CellNoptR
  812. CNORode::indices
    Indices that relate cnolist to model
  813. CNORode::model
    A model from CellNoptR
  814. CNORode::pknmodel
    A pknmodel from CellNoptR
  815. CNORode::pknmodel
    A pknmodel from CellNoptR
  816. CNTools::geneInfo
    method that convert segment data into reduced segment matrix
  817. CNTools::sampleData
    Class "CNSeg" contains the output of DNACopy segmentation data that can be operated on by the associated methods
  818. CNViz::gene_data
    Gene data for vignette example
  819. CNViz::meta_data
    Metadata for vignette example
  820. CNViz::probe_data
    Probe data for vignette example
  821. CNViz::segment_data
    Segment data for vignette example
  822. CNViz::variant_data
    Variant data for vignette example
  823. CNVPanelizer::referenceReadCounts
    Reference sample data
    matrix|110 x 100
  824. CNVPanelizer::sampleReadCounts
    Test sample data
    matrix|110 x 4
  825. CNVrd2::ccl3l1data
    Data of CCL3L1 gene (The 1000 Genomes Project)
  826. CNVrd2::copynumberGroups
    MXL population data (The 1000 Genomes Project)
  827. CNVrd2::objectCNVrd2
    MXL population data (The 1000 Genomes Project)
  828. CNVrd2::resultSegment
    MXL population data (The 1000 Genomes Project)
  829. COCOA::atf3_chr1
    Atf3 binding regions.
  830. COCOA::brcaATACCoord1
    A GRanges object with coordinates for select BRCA ATAC-seq peak regions from chr1.
  831. COCOA::brcaATACData1
    A matrix with ATAC-seq counts in select peak regions from chromosome 1 for 37 patients.
    matrix|4053 x 37
  832. COCOA::brcaMCoord1
    A GRanges object with genomic coordinates for cytosines from chr1 for the package's built-in DNA methylation data
  833. COCOA::brcaMetadata
    A data.frame with patient metadata for breast cancer patients.
  834. COCOA::brcaMethylData1
    A matrix with DNA methylation levels from some CpGs on chromosome 1
    matrix|6004 x 300
  835. COCOA::brcaPCScores
    A matrix with principal component scores for PCs 1-4 for four breast cancer patients.
  836. COCOA::brcaPCScores657
    A data.frame with principal component scores for PCs 1-4 for 657 breast cancer patients as well as a column with estrogen receptor status.
  837. COCOA::esr1_chr1
    Estrogen receptor alpha binding regions.
  838. COCOA::gata3_chr1
    Gata3 binding regions.
  839. COCOA::nrf1_chr1
    Nrf1 binding regions.
  840. COCOA::rsScores
    Example COCOA Results (made up)
  841. codelink::codelink.example
    Dataset of class 'Codelink'
  842. codelink::codset
    Dataset of class 'CodelinkSet'
  843. CODEX::bambedObjDemo
    Demo data pre-stored for bambedObj.
  844. CODEX::coverageObjDemo
    Demo data pre-stored for coverageObj.
  845. CODEX::gcDemo
    Demo data pre-stored for GC content.
  846. CODEX::mappDemo
    Demo data pre-stored for mappability.
  847. CODEX::mapp_ref
    Position reference for pre-computed mappability results.
  848. CODEX::mappability
    Pre-computed mappabilities
  849. CODEX::normObjDemo
    Demo data pre-stored for normObj.
  850. CODEX::qcObjDemo
    Demo data pre-stored for qcObj.
  851. CoGAPS::GIST.data_frame
    GIST gene expression data from Ochs et al. (2009)
  852. CoGAPS::GIST.matrix
    GIST gene expression data from Ochs et al. (2009)
    matrix|1363 x 9
  853. CoGAPS::GIST.result
    CoGAPS result from running on GIST dataset
  854. CoGAPS::GIST.uncertainty
    GIST gene expression uncertainty matrix from Ochs et al. (2009)
    matrix|1363 x 9
  855. CoGAPS::modsimdata
    Toy example to run CoGAPS on.
  856. CoGAPS::modsimresult
    Result of applying CoGAPS on the Toy example.
  857. cogena::AllGeneSymbols
    All the gene symbols
  858. cogena::DEexprs
    gene expression of DEG
    matrix|706 x 116
  859. cogena::sampleLabel
    label of samples
  860. cogeqc::batch_summary
    BUSCO summary output for batch mode
  861. cogeqc::interpro_ath
    Intepro annotation for Arabidopsis thaliana's genes
  862. cogeqc::interpro_bol
    Intepro annotation for Brassica oleraceae's genes
  863. cogeqc::og
    Orthogroups between Arabidopsis thaliana and Brassica oleraceae
  864. cogeqc::synnet
    Synteny network for Brassica oleraceae, B. napus, and B. rapa
  865. cogeqc::tree
    Species tree for model species
  866. Cogito::MurEpi.ChIP.small
    Example data set: Murine ChIP-seq data of GEO GSE77004
  867. Cogito::MurEpi.RNA.small
    Example data set: Murine RNA-seq RPKM values of GSE77004
  868. Cogito::MurEpi.RRBS.small
    Example data set: Murine methylation status data set of GSE77004
  869. coGPS::CNV_classlab_matched
    Sample Data for coGPS
  870. coGPS::CNV_exprs_matched
    Sample Data for coGPS
  871. coGPS::Exon_classlab_matched
    Sample Data for coGPS
  872. coGPS::Exon_exprs_matched
    Sample Data for coGPS
  873. coGPS::Hs.gmtl.c1
    Sample Data for coGPS
  874. coGPS::Methy_classlab_matched
    Sample Data for coGPS
  875. coGPS::Methy_exprs_matched
    Sample Data for coGPS
  876. cola::cola_rl
    Example ConsensusPartitionList object
  877. cola::golub_cola
    Example ConsensusPartitionList object from Golub dataset
  878. cola::golub_cola_ds
    Example DownSamplingConsensusPartition object from Golub dataset
  879. cola::golub_cola_rh
    Example HierarchicalPartition object from Golub dataset
  880. comapr::coCount
    RangedSummarizedExperiment object containing the crossover counts across samples for the list of SNP marker intervals
  881. comapr::parents_geno
    Parents' genotype for F1 samples in 'snp_geno'
  882. comapr::snp_geno
    Markers by genotype results for a group of samples
  883. comapr::snp_geno_gr
    Markers by genotype results for a group of samples
  884. comapr::twoSamples
    RangedSummarizedExperiment object containing the Viterbi states SNP markers for samples from two groups. 'colData(twoSamples)' contains the sample group factor.
  885. combi::zhangMetabo
    Metabolomes of mice that underwent Pulsed Antibiotic Treatment (PAT) and controls
  886. combi::zhangMetavars
    Baseline sample variables of PAT and control mice
  887. combi::zhangMicrobio
    Microbiomes of mice that underwent Pulsed Antibiotic Treatment (PAT) and controls
  888. coMET::DNaseI_RoadMapSingle
    Data sets
  889. coMET::DupTrack
    Data sets
  890. coMET::DupTrack
    Data sets
  891. coMET::OtherRegulatoryRegionsTrackAll
    Data sets
  892. coMET::OtherRegulatoryRegionsTrackSingle
    Data sets
  893. coMET::PancreasIG
    Data sets
  894. coMET::PancreasIGtrack
    Data sets
  895. coMET::PancreasimprintedIG
    Data sets
  896. coMET::PancreasimprintedIGtrack
    Data sets
  897. coMET::RegulatoryEvidenceBiomartTrackAll
    Data sets
  898. coMET::RegulatoryEvidenceBiomartTrackMultiple
    Data sets
  899. coMET::RegulatoryEvidenceBiomartTrackSingle
    Data sets
  900. coMET::RegulatoryFeaturesBiomartTrackAll
    Data sets
  901. coMET::RegulatoryFeaturesBiomartTrackMultiple
    Data sets
  902. coMET::RegulatoryFeaturesBiomartTrackSingle
    Data sets
  903. coMET::RegulatorySegmentsBiomartTrackAll
    Data sets
  904. coMET::RegulatorySegmentsBiomartTrackMultiple
    Data sets
  905. coMET::RegulatorySegmentsBiomartTrackSingle
    Data sets
  906. coMET::StomachIG
    Data sets
  907. coMET::StomachIGtrack
    Data sets
  908. coMET::allIG
    Data sets
  909. coMET::allIGtrack
    Data sets
  910. coMET::allimprintedIG
    Data sets
  911. coMET::allimprintedIGtrack
    Data sets
  912. coMET::bindMotifsBiomartTrackAll
    Data sets
  913. coMET::bindMotifsBiomartTrackAll
    Data sets
  914. coMET::bindMotifsBiomartTrackAll
    Data sets
  915. coMET::bindMotifsBiomartTrackDouble
    Data sets
  916. coMET::bindMotifsBiomartTrackMultiple
    Data sets
  917. coMET::bindMotifsBiomartTrackMultiple
    Data sets
  918. coMET::bindMotifsBiomartTrackSingle
    Data sets
  919. coMET::bindMotifsBiomartTrackSingle
    Data sets
  920. coMET::bindMotifsBiomartTrackSingle
    Data sets
  921. coMET::chipTFtrack
    Data sets
  922. coMET::chipTFtrack
    Data sets
  923. coMET::chromHMM_RoadMapAll
    Data sets
  924. coMET::chromHMM_RoadMapAllE063
    Data sets
  925. coMET::chromHMM_RoadMapMultiple
    Data sets
  926. coMET::chromHMM_RoadMapSingle
    Data sets
  927. coMET::chromatinHMMRoadMapAll
    Data sets
  928. coMET::chromatinHMMRoadMapMultiple
    Data sets
  929. coMET::chromatinHMMRoadMapSingle
    Data sets
  930. coMET::chromhmmNoPattern
    Data sets
  931. coMET::chromhmmPattern
    Data sets
  932. coMET::chromhmmtrackone
    Data sets
  933. coMET::clinCNV
    Data sets
  934. coMET::clinVariant
    Data sets
  935. coMET::coreilVariant
    Data sets
  936. coMET::coreilVariant
    Data sets
  937. coMET::cosmicVariant
    Data sets
  938. coMET::cpgIstrack
    Data sets
  939. coMET::cpgIstrack
    Data sets
  940. coMET::dgfootprints_RoadMapSingle
    Data sets
  941. coMET::dnasetrack
    Data sets
  942. coMET::dyaRM
    Data sets
  943. coMET::dyaRMtrack
    Data sets
  944. coMET::eGTexTrackSNP
    Data sets
  945. coMET::eGTexTrackall
    Data sets
  946. coMET::eQTLTrackAll
    Data sets
  947. coMET::eQTLTrackAll
    Data sets
  948. coMET::eQTLTrackMultiple
    Data sets
  949. coMET::eQTLTrackMultiple
    Data sets
  950. coMET::eQTLTrackSingle
    Data sets
  951. coMET::eQTLTrackSingle
    Data sets
  952. coMET::enhFANTOMtrack
    Data sets
  953. coMET::enhRM
    Data sets
  954. coMET::enhRMtrack
    Data sets
  955. coMET::gadtrack
    Data sets
  956. coMET::gctrack
    Data sets
  957. coMET::gctrack
    Data sets
  958. coMET::geneNameEnsembl
    Data sets
  959. coMET::geneNameEnsembl
    Data sets
  960. coMET::geneRtrack
    Data sets
  961. coMET::geneRtrack
    Data sets
  962. coMET::genesUcsctrack
    Data sets
  963. coMET::genesUcsctrack
    Data sets
  964. coMET::genesUcsctrack
    Data sets
  965. coMET::genetrack
    Data sets
  966. coMET::genetrack
    Data sets
  967. coMET::genetrack
    Data sets
  968. coMET::genetrack
    Data sets
  969. coMET::grtrack
    Data sets
  970. coMET::grtrack
    Data sets
  971. coMET::gwastrack
    Data sets
  972. coMET::histonalltrack
    Data sets
  973. coMET::histoneonetrack
    Data sets
  974. coMET::imprintedGenesGTEx
    Data sets
  975. coMET::interestgenesENSMBLtrack
    Data sets
  976. coMET::interestgenesENSMBLtrack
    Data sets
  977. coMET::interesttransENSMBLtrack
    Data sets
  978. coMET::interesttransENSMBLtrack
    Data sets
  979. coMET::iscatrack
    Data sets
  980. coMET::iscatrack
    Data sets
  981. coMET::matrix_HiC_Rao
    Data sets
  982. coMET::metQTLTrackAll
    Data sets
  983. coMET::metQTLTrackMultiple
    Data sets
  984. coMET::metQTLTrackSingle
    Data sets
  985. coMET::metQTLTrackSingle
    Data sets
  986. coMET::miRNATargetRegionsBiomartTrack
    Data sets
  987. coMET::miRNATargetRegionsBiomartTrack
    Data sets
  988. coMET::otherRegulatoryRegionsTrackAll
    Data sets
  989. coMET::otherRegulatoryRegionsTrackSingle
    Data sets
  990. coMET::promRMtrack
    Data sets
  991. coMET::promRMtrackE063
    Data sets
  992. coMET::psiGTex
    Data sets
  993. coMET::psiGTexTrackSNP
    Data sets
  994. coMET::psiGTexTrackall
    Data sets
  995. coMET::regulationENSEMBLtrack
    Data sets
  996. coMET::regulatoryEvidenceBiomartTrackAll
    Data sets
  997. coMET::regulatoryEvidenceBiomartTrackMultiple
    Data sets
  998. coMET::regulatoryEvidenceBiomartTrackSingle
    Data sets
  999. coMET::regulatoryFeaturesBiomartTrackAll
    Data sets
  1000. coMET::regulatoryFeaturesBiomartTrackMultiple
    Data sets
  1001. coMET::regulatoryFeaturesBiomartTrackSingle
    Data sets
  1002. coMET::regulatorySegmentsBiomartTrackAll
    Data sets
  1003. coMET::regulatorySegmentsBiomartTrackMultiple
    Data sets
  1004. coMET::regulatorySegmentsBiomartTrackSingle
    Data sets
  1005. coMET::rmtrack
    Data sets
  1006. coMET::snpUCSCtrack
    Data sets
  1007. coMET::snptrack
    Data sets
  1008. coMET::snptrack
    Data sets
  1009. coMET::snptrack
    Data sets
  1010. coMET::strutrack
    Data sets
  1011. coMET::strutrack
    Data sets
  1012. coMET::tfbsFANTOMtrack
    Data sets
  1013. coMET::transENSMBLtrack
    Data sets
  1014. coMET::xenogenestrack
    Data sets
  1015. coMET::xenogenestrack
    Data sets
  1016. coMethDMR::betaMatrix_ex1
    Alzheimer's Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) Methylation Data
    matrix|110 x 4
  1017. coMethDMR::betaMatrix_ex2
    Alzheimer's Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) Methylation Data
    matrix|110 x 4
  1018. coMethDMR::betaMatrix_ex3
    Alzheimer's Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) Methylation Data
    matrix|110 x 6
  1019. coMethDMR::betaMatrix_ex4
    Alzheimer's Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) Methylation Data
    matrix|110 x 52
  1020. coMethDMR::betasChr22_df
    Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) Methylation Data from Alzheimer's Disease subjects
  1021. coMethDMR::pheno_df
    Example phenotype data file from Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) Methylation Data of Alzheimer's Disease subjects
  1022. COMPASS::CC
    Simulated COMPASSContainer
  1023. COMPASS::CR
    Simulated COMPASS fit
  1024. compSPOT::compSPOT_example_mutations
    Single Nucleotide Variants and Patient Features in Lung Cancer Patients
  1025. compSPOT::compSPOT_example_regions
    Genomic Coordinates of Regions of Interest
  1026. condiments::toy_dataset
    A toy dataset used in the vignette and in the examples
  1027. CONFESS::Results
  1028. CONFESS::clu
  1029. CONFESS::estimates
  1030. CONFESS::estimates.2
  1031. CONFESS::files
  1032. CONFESS::step1
  1033. CONFESS::step2
  1034. CONFESS::step2.1
  1035. CONFESS::step3
  1036. CONFESS::step3.1
  1037. CONFESS::step4
  1038. CONFESS::steps2_4
  1039. consensus::Agilent
    Agilent microarray gene expression data
    matrix|1000 x 27
  1040. consensus::Huex
    Affymetrix Huex gene expression data
    matrix|1000 x 27
  1041. consensus::RNASeq
    RNA-Seq gene expression data
    matrix|1000 x 27
  1042. consensus::U133A
    Affymetrix U133A gene expression data
    matrix|1000 x 27
  1043. consensusOV::GSE14764.eset
    Sample ExpressionSet from MetaGxOvarian
  1044. consensusSeekeR::A549_CTCF_MYJ_NarrowPeaks_partial
    Sites with the greatest evidence of transcription factor binding for the CTCF transcription factor (for demonstration purpose)
  1045. consensusSeekeR::A549_CTCF_MYJ_Peaks_partial
    Sites with the greatest evidence of transcription factor binding for the CTCF transcription factor (for demonstration purpose)
  1046. consensusSeekeR::A549_CTCF_MYN_NarrowPeaks_partial
    Sites with the greatest evidence of transcription factor binding for the CTCF transcription factor (for demonstration purpose)
  1047. consensusSeekeR::A549_CTCF_MYN_Peaks_partial
    Sites with the greatest evidence of transcription factor binding for the CTCF transcription factor (for demonstration purpose)
  1048. consensusSeekeR::A549_FOSL2_01_NarrowPeaks_partial
    Genomic regions with the greatest evidence of transcription factor binding for the FOSL2 transcription factor (for demonstration purpose)
  1049. consensusSeekeR::A549_FOSL2_01_Peaks_partial
    Sites with the greatest evidence of transcription factor binding for the FOSL2 transcription factor (for demonstration purpose)
  1050. consensusSeekeR::A549_FOXA1_01_NarrowPeaks_partial
    Genomic regions with the greatest evidence of transcription factor binding for the FOXA1 transcription factor (for demonstration purpose)
  1051. consensusSeekeR::A549_FOXA1_01_Peaks_partial
    Sites with the greatest evidence of transcription factor binding for the FOXA1 transcription factor (for demonstration purpose)
  1052. consensusSeekeR::A549_NR3C1_CFQ_NarrowPeaks_partial
    Ranges with the greatest evidence of transcription factor binding for the NR3C1 transcription factor from ENCODE (DDC accession: ENCFF002CFQ). For demonstration purpose.
  1053. consensusSeekeR::A549_NR3C1_CFQ_Peaks_partial
    Sites with the greatest evidence of transcription factor binding for the NR3C1 transcription factor from ENCODE (DDC accession: ENCFF002CFQ). For demonstration purpose.
  1054. consensusSeekeR::A549_NR3C1_CFR_NarrowPeaks_partial
    Ranges with the greatest evidence of transcription factor binding for the NR3C1 transcription factor from ENCODE (DDC accession: ENCFF002CFR). For demonstration purpose.
  1055. consensusSeekeR::A549_NR3C1_CFR_Peaks_partial
    Sites with the greatest evidence of transcription factor binding for the NR3C1 transcription factor from ENCODE (DDC accession: ENCFF002CFR). For demonstration purpose.
  1056. consensusSeekeR::A549_NR3C1_CFS_NarrowPeaks_partial
    Ranges with the greatest evidence of transcription factor binding for the NR3C1 transcription factor from ENCODE (DDC accession: ENCFF002CFS). For demonstration purpose.
  1057. consensusSeekeR::A549_NR3C1_CFS_Peaks_partial
    Sites with the greatest evidence of transcription factor binding for the NR3C1 transcription factor from ENCODE (DDC accession: ENCFF002CFS). For demonstration purpose.
  1058. consensusSeekeR::NOrMAL_nucleosome_positions
    Nucleosome positions detected by the NOrMAL software using syntetic reads generated using a normal distribution. For demonstration purpose.
  1059. consensusSeekeR::NOrMAL_nucleosome_ranges
    Ranges associated to nucleosomes detected by the NOrMAL software using syntetic reads generated using a normal distribution. For demonstration purpose.
  1060. consensusSeekeR::NucPosSimulator_nucleosome_positions
    Nucleosome positions detected by the NucPosSimulator software using syntetic reads generated using a normal distribution. For demonstration purpose.
  1061. consensusSeekeR::NucPosSimulator_nucleosome_ranges
    Ranges associated to nucleosomes detected by the NucPosSimulator software using syntetic reads generated using a normal distribution. For demonstration purpose.
  1062. consensusSeekeR::PING_nucleosome_positions
    Nucleosome positions detected by the PING software using syntetic reads generated using a normal distribution. For demonstration purpose.
  1063. consensusSeekeR::PING_nucleosome_ranges
    Ranges associated to nucleosomes detected by the PING software using syntetic reads generated using a normal distribution. For demonstration purpose.
  1064. consICA::samples_data
    Samples of gene expression
  1065. conumee::detail_regions
  1066. conumee::exclude_regions
  1067. conumee::tcgaBRCA.sentrix2name
  1068. coRdon::HD59
    Codon usage in healthy human gut microbiome.
  1069. coRdon::HD59_KO
    Codon usage based KO enrichment analysis results from the healthy human gut microbiome. For more information, see '?HD59'.
  1070. coRdon::HD59_PATHWAYS
    Codon usage based KEGG Pathway enrichment analysis results from a healthy human gut microbiome. For more information, see '?HD59'.
  1071. coRdon::LD94
    Codon usage in human gut microbiome in liver cirrhosis.
  1072. coRdon::LD94_KO
    Codon usage based KO enrichment analysis results from an gut microbiome of an individual with liver cirrhosis. For more information, see '?LD94'.
  1073. coRdon::LD94_PATHWAYS
    Codon usage based KEGG Pathway enrichment analysis results from an gut microbiome of an individual with liver cirrhosis. For more information, see '?LD94'.
  1074. CoreGx::clevelandSmall_cSet
    Cleaveland_mut RadioSet subsetted and cast as CoreSet
  1075. CoreGx::exampleDataMapper
    Example LongTableDataMapper
  1076. CoreGx::merckLongTable
    Merck Drug Combination Data LongTable
  1077. CoreGx::nci_TRE_small
    NCI-ALMANAC Drug Combination Data TreatmentResponseExperiment Subset
  1078. Cormotif::simu2_compgroup
    Example dataset for Cormotif
  1079. Cormotif::simu2_groupid
    Example dataset for Cormotif
  1080. Cormotif::simudata2
    Example dataset for Cormotif
  1081. coseq::fietz
    RNA-seq data from the mouse neocortex in Fietz et al. (2012)
  1082. cosmosR::HMDB_mapper_vec
    Toy Input Transcription Data Set
  1083. cosmosR::meta_network
    Meta Prior Knowledge Network
  1084. cosmosR::toy_RNA
    Toy Input Transcription Data Set
  1085. cosmosR::toy_metabolic_input
    Toy Metabolic Input Data
  1086. cosmosR::toy_network
    Toy Input Network
  1087. cosmosR::toy_signaling_input
    Toy Signaling Input
  1088. COTAN::ERCCraw
  1089. COTAN::raw.dataset
  1090. COTAN::test.dataset
  1091. COTAN::test.dataset.clusters1
  1092. COTAN::test.dataset.clusters2
  1093. COTAN::vignette.merge.clusters
  1094. COTAN::vignette.merge2.clusters
  1095. COTAN::vignette.split.clusters
  1096. countsimQC::countsimExample
    Example list with three count data sets
  1097. countsimQC::countsimExample_dfmat
    Example list with three count data sets in different formats
  1098. CoverageView::DF_H3K36me3
    Example of a coverage matrix using the ChIP-seq data for the H3K36me3 histone modification experiment
  1099. CoverageView::DF_H3K36me3_control
    Example of a coverage matrix using the control replicate for the ChIP-seq data for the H3K36me3 histone modification experiment
  1100. CoverageView::DF_H3K4me3
    Example of a coverage matrix using the ChIP-seq data for the H3K4me3 histone modification experiment
  1101. CoverageView::DF_H3K4me3_ctl
    Example of a coverage matrix using the control replicate for the ChIP-seq data for the H3K4me3 histone modification experiment
  1102. CoverageView::DF_H3K4me3_nopeaks_ratios
    Example of a matrix with the ratio of the coverages using the ChIP-seq data for the H3K4me3 histone modification experiment
  1103. CoverageView::FoxA1_chr19
    Example of a coverage matrix using the ChIP-seq data for the FoxA1 transcription factor experiment
  1104. covRNA::Baca
    The Baca dataset
  1105. cpvSNP::geneSetAnalysis
    Data to run gene set analysis methods
  1106. cqn::montgomery.subset
    Mongtomery RNA-seq data.
  1107. cqn::sizeFactors.subset
    Mongtomery RNA-seq data.
  1108. cqn::uCovar
    Mongtomery RNA-seq data.
    data.frame|23552 x 2
  1109. CRISPRball::depmap_22q1_TPM
    DepMap expression data
  1110. CRISPRball::depmap_22q1_cn
    DepMap copy number data
  1111. CRISPRball::depmap_22q1_crispr
    DepMap CRISPR screen data
  1112. CRISPRball::depmap_22q1_crispr_rnai
    DepMap CRISPR & RNAi screen data
  1113. CRISPRball::depmap_22q1_rnai
    DepMap RNAi screen data
  1114. crisprBase::AsCas12a
    AsCas12a CrisprNuclease object
  1115. crisprBase::BE4max
    BE4max BaseEditor object
  1116. crisprBase::CasRx
    CasRx CrisprNuclease object
  1117. crisprBase::Csm
    Csm CrisprNuclease object
  1118. crisprBase::MAD7
    MAD7 CrisprNuclease object
  1119. crisprBase::SaCas9
    SaCas9 CrisprNuclease object
  1120. crisprBase::SpCas9
    SpCas9 CrisprNuclease object
  1121. crisprBase::SpGCas9
    SpGCas9 CrisprNuclease object
  1122. crisprBase::enAsCas12a
    enAsCas12a CrisprNuclease object
  1123. crisprBase::restrictionEnzymes
    List of Nuclease objects representing common restriction enzymes
  1124. crisprDesign::grListExample
    Example of a TxDb object converted to a GRangesList
  1125. crisprDesign::grRepeatsExample
    Example of a GRanges object containing repeat elements
  1126. crisprDesign::guideSetExample
    Example of a GuideSet object storing gRNA sequences targeting the CDS of IQSEC3
  1127. crisprDesign::guideSetExampleFullAnnotation
    Example of a fully-annotated GuideSet object storing gRNA sequences targeting the CDS of IQSEC3
  1128. crisprDesign::guideSetExampleWithAlignments
    Example of a GuideSet object storing gRNA sequences targeting the CDS of IQSEC3 with off-target alignments.
  1129. crisprDesign::tssObjectExample
    Example of a GRanges object containing TSS coordinates
  1130. crisprScore::scoringMethodsInfo
    data.frame detailing available scoring methods
  1131. crisprScore::sgrnaExampleCrispra
    Example CRISPRa gRNAs data.frame for the getCrispraiScores function
  1132. crisprScore::sgrnaExampleCrispri
    Example CRISPRi gRNAs data.frame for the getCrispraiScores function
  1133. crisprScore::tssExampleCrispra
    Example TSS data.frame for the getCrispraiScores function
  1134. crisprScore::tssExampleCrispri
    Example TSS data.frame for the getCrispraiScores function
  1135. crisprShiny::guideSetExample_basic
    Example of a GuideSet object storing gRNA sequences targeting the CDS of the human gene KRAS
  1136. crisprShiny::guideSetExample_kras
    Example of a GuideSet object storing gRNA sequences targeting the CDS of the human gene KRAS
  1137. crisprShiny::guideSetExample_kras_be
    Example of a GuideSet object storing gRNA sequences targeting the CDS of the human gene KRAS
  1138. crisprShiny::guideSetExample_ntcs
    Example of a GuideSet object storing gRNA sequences targeting the CDS of the human gene KRAS and NTCs
  1139. crisprShiny::tooltipAnnotation
    List of tooltip annotations
  1140. crisprShiny::tss_kras
    Example of a 'GenomicRanges' object storing annotated TSS ranges for the human gene KRAS
  1141. crisprShiny::txdb_kras
    Example of a 'CompressedGenomicRangesList' object storing annotated ranges for the human gene KRAS
  1142. CrispRVariants::gol
    Variant sequences from golden clutch 1 (Burger et al)
  1143. crisprViz::cage
    CAGE peak annotation from AnnotationHub
  1144. crisprViz::cas12aGuideSet
    Example GuideSet targeting the human LTN1 gene.
  1145. crisprViz::cas9GuideSet
    Example GuideSet targeting the human LTN1 gene.
  1146. crisprViz::dnase
    DNase I hypersensitive site annotation from AnnotationHub
  1147. crisprViz::gpr21GeneModel
    CompressedGRangesList describing the human GPR21 gene.
  1148. crisprViz::gpr21GuideSet
    Example GuideSet targeting the human GPR21 gene.
  1149. crisprViz::krasGeneModel
    CompressedGRangesList describing the human KRAS gene.
  1150. crisprViz::krasGuideSet
    Example GuideSet targeting the human KRAS gene.
  1151. crisprViz::ltn1GeneModel
    CompressedGRangesList describing the human LTN1 gene.
  1152. crisprViz::mmp7GeneModel
    CompressedGRangesList describing the human MMP7 gene.
  1153. crisprViz::mmp7GuideSet
    Example GuideSet targeting the human MMP7 gene.
  1154. crisprViz::repeats
    Subset of repeat elements for hg38.
  1155. crlmm::cnSetExample
    Object of class 'CNSet'
  1156. crlmm::cnSetExample2
    Object of class 'CNSet'
  1157. crossmeta::gs.names
    Map between KEGG pathway numbers and names.
  1158. crossmeta::gslist
    KEGG human pathway genes.
  1159. CSAR::TAIR8_genes_test
    Partial dataset of a ChIP-seq experiment
  1160. CSAR::controlSEP3_test
    Partial dataset of a ChIP-seq experiment
  1161. CSAR::sampleSEP3_test
    Partial dataset of a ChIP-seq experiment
  1162. csdR::normal_expression
    Sample expression matrices for CSD
    matrix|399 x 1000
  1163. csdR::sick_expression
    Sample expression matrices for CSD
    matrix|504 x 1000
  1164. CTDquerier::gala
    'CTDdata' for ilustrative purpouses
  1165. cTRAP::ENCODEmetadata
    ENCODE metadata sample
  1166. cTRAP::cmapMetadata
    CMap metadata
  1167. cTRAP::cmapPerturbationsCompounds
    CMap perturbations sample for small molecules
    perturbationChanges|12328 x 22
  1168. cTRAP::cmapPerturbationsKD
    CMap perturbations sample for knockdown experiments
    perturbationChanges|12328 x 26
  1169. cTRAP::counts
    Gene expression data sample
  1170. cTRAP::diffExprStat
    Differential expression's t-statistics sample
  1171. CTSV::CTSVexample_data
    A simulated data set
  1172. cummeRbund::PINK1
  1173. cummeRbund::sampleGeneSet
  1174. cummeRbund::sampleIDs
  1175. cypress::ASD_prop
    SimFromData example raw input data
  1176. cypress::GSE60424Power
    Power calculation results from immune-related disease (IAD) study (GSE60424)
  1177. cypress::GSE60424_param
    Simulation parameters estimated from immune-related disease (IAD) study (GSE60424)
  1178. cypress::asd_nopropPower
    Power calculation results From ASD data
  1179. cypress::asd_noprop_param
    Simulation parameters estimated from ASD study
  1180. cypress::ibd_propPower
    Power calculation results from pediatric inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) study (GSE57945)
  1181. cypress::ibd_prop_param
    Simulation parameters estimated from pediatric inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) study (GSE57945)
  1182. cytoKernel::cytoHDBMW
    Example of processed dimensionally reduced flow cytometry (marker median intensities) Bodenmiller_BCR_XL_flowSet() expression dataset from HDCytoData Bioconductor data package.
  1183. cytomapper::pancreasImages
    Example CytoImageList object of image files
  1184. cytomapper::pancreasMasks
    Example CytoImageList object of segmentation masks
  1185. cytomapper::pancreasSCE
    Example SingleCellExperiment object
  1186. cytoMEM::MEM_matrix
    MEM matrix
  1187. cytoMEM::MEM_values
    MEM values
  1188. cytoMEM::PBMC
    Normal Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs)
    matrix|30000 x 26
  1189. CytoPipeline::OMIP021Samples
    OMIP021Samples dataset
  1190. dada2::errBalancedF
    An empirical error matrix.
    matrix|16 x 41
  1191. dada2::errBalancedR
    An empirical error matrix.
    matrix|16 x 41
  1192. dada2::tperr1
    An empirical error matrix.
    matrix|16 x 41
  1193. dagLogo::ecoli.proteome
    An object of 'Proteome-class' representing the _Escherichia coli_ proteome.
  1194. dagLogo::proteome.example
    An object of 'Proteome-class' representing the subset of _Drosophila melanogaster_ proteome.
  1195. dagLogo::seq.example
    An object of 'dagPeptides-class' representing acetylated lysine-containing peptides.
  1196. daMA::cinfo
    Vector indexing the matrix cmat
  1197. daMA::cinfoB.AB
    Vector indexing the matrix cmatB.AB
  1198. daMA::cmat
    Contrast matrix describing the experimental questions
  1199. daMA::cmatB.AB
    Contrast matrix describing the experimental questions
  1200. daMA::data.3x2
    3x2 microarray data
    matrix|30012 x 18
  1201. daMA::designs.basic
    Basic designs for two-colour factorial 3 x 2 microarray data
  1202. daMA::designs.composite
    Composite designs for two-colour factorial 3 x 2 microarray data
  1203. daMA::id.3x2
    A vector of length 30012 containing numeric identifiers of the genes from the microarray dataset data.3x2.
  1204. DAMEfinder::extractbams_output
    extract_bams() output.
  1205. DAMEfinder::readtuples_output
    read_tuples() output.
  1206. DaMiRseq::SE
    Example gene-expression dataset for DaMiRseq package
  1207. DaMiRseq::SEtest_norm
    A sample dataset with a normalized count matrix for "testthat" functions.
  1208. DaMiRseq::data_min
    Example gene-expression dataset for DaMiRseq package
  1209. DaMiRseq::data_norm
    A dataset with a normalized matrix to test several DaMiRseq functions: sample data are a subset of Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) RNA-Seq database (dbGap Study Accession: phs000424.v6.p1)
  1210. DaMiRseq::data_reduced
    Example gene-expression dataset for DaMiRseq package
  1211. DaMiRseq::data_relief
    Example ranking dataset for DaMiRseq package
  1212. DaMiRseq::df
    Example gene-expression dataset for DaMiRseq package
  1213. DaMiRseq::selected_features
    Example gene-expression dataset for DaMiRseq package
  1214. DaMiRseq::sv
    Example Surrogate Variables dataset for DaMiRseq package
  1215. Damsel::dros_counts
    Example Drosophila DamID counts
  1216. dar::metaHIV_phy
    Phyloseq object from metaHIV project
  1217. dar::test_prep_rec
    PrepRecipe for metaHIV_phy data
  1218. dar::test_rec
    Recipe for metaHIV_phy data
  1219. DART::dataDART
    Example data for DART package
  1220. dcanr::sim102
    Simulated expression data with knock-outs
  1221. DCATS::Haber2017
    Count matrices of intestinal epithelial scRNA-seq data from three conditions
  1222. DCATS::Kang2017
    Count matrices of 8 pooled lupus patient samples within two conditions
  1223. DCATS::Ren2021
    Count matrix and metadata of a large COVID-19 scRNA-seq data cohort.
  1224. DCATS::simulation
    Simulated dataset with two conditions
  1225. dce::df_pathway_statistics
    Biological pathway information.
  1226. dcGSA::dcGSAtest
    dcGSA test data
  1227. dearseq::PBT_gmt
    PBT gene sets related to kidney transplant
  1228. dearseq::baduel_gmt
    Small portion of RNA-seq data from plant physiology study.
  1229. dearseq::design
    Small portion of RNA-seq data from plant physiology study.
  1230. dearseq::expr_norm_corr
    Small portion of RNA-seq data from plant physiology study.
    matrix|2454 x 48
  1231. debCAM::ratMix3
    Gene expression data downsampled from GSE19380
    BLOSUM Amino Acid Substitution Matrices
    Mutual Information for Protein Secondary Structure Prediction
    Mutual Information for Protein Secondary Structure Prediction
    MIQS Amino Acid Substitution Matrix
    matrix|25 x 25
    MMLSUM Amino Acid Substitution Matrices
  1237. DECIPHER::NonCodingRNA_Archaea
    NonCoding Models for Common Non-Coding RNA Families
  1238. DECIPHER::NonCodingRNA_Bacteria
    NonCoding Models for Common Non-Coding RNA Families
  1239. DECIPHER::NonCodingRNA_Eukarya
    NonCoding Models for Common Non-Coding RNA Families
    PAM Amino Acid Substitution Matrices
    PFASUM Amino Acid Substitution Matrices
    Common Restriction Enzyme's Cut Sites
  1243. DECIPHER::TrainingSet_16S
    Training Set for Classification of 16S rRNA Gene Sequences
  1244. DECIPHER::deltaGrules
    Free Energy of Hybridization of Probe/Target Quadruplets on Microarrays
  1245. DECIPHER::deltaGrulesRNA
    Pseudoenergy Parameters for RNA Quadruplets
  1246. DECIPHER::deltaHrules
    Change in Enthalpy of Hybridization of DNA/DNA Quadruplets in Solution
  1247. DECIPHER::deltaHrulesRNA
    Change in Enthalpy of Hybridization of RNA/RNA Quadruplets in Solution
  1248. DECIPHER::deltaSrules
    Change in Entropy of Hybridization of DNA/DNA Quadruplets in Solution
  1249. DECIPHER::deltaSrulesRNA
    Change in Entropy of Hybridization of RNA/RNA Quadruplets in Solution
  1250. DeconRNASeq::datasets
    data objects for liver and kidney mixing samples
  1251. DeconRNASeq::datasets
    data objects for liver and kidney mixing samples
  1252. DeconRNASeq::fraction
    mixing fractions for multi-tissues mixing samples
  1253. DeconRNASeq::proportions
    proportions for liver and kidney mixing samples
  1254. DeconRNASeq::proportions
    proportions for liver and kidney mixing samples
  1255. DeconRNASeq::signatures
    data objects for liver and kidney pure samples
  1256. DeconRNASeq::signatures
    data objects for liver and kidney pure samples
  1257. DeconRNASeq::x.data
    data objects for multi-tissues mixing samples
  1258. DeconRNASeq::x.signature
    data objects for multi-tissues pure samples
  1259. DeconRNASeq::x.signature.filtered
    filtered signatures for multi-tissues pure samples
  1260. DeconRNASeq::x.signature.filtered.optimal
    selected signatures from multi-tissues pure samples
  1261. deconvR::HumanCellTypeMethAtlas
    The comprehensive human methylome reference atlas
  1262. deconvR::IlluminaMethEpicB5ProbeIDs
    A dataset Illumina probe IDs of 400000 genomic loci (identified using the “seqnames”, “ranges”, and “strand” values).
  1263. DeepPINCS::SARS_CoV2_3CL_Protease
    Amino Acid Sequence for the SARS coronavirus 3C-like Protease
  1264. DeepPINCS::antiviral_drug
    List of antiviral drugs with SMILES strings
  1265. DeepPINCS::example_bioassay
    Example Data for PubChem AID1706 bioassay
  1266. DeepPINCS::example_cci
    Example Data for Chemical-Chemical Interactions
  1267. DeepPINCS::example_chem
    Example Data for Compounds
  1268. DeepPINCS::example_cpi
    Example Data for Compound-Protein Interactions
  1269. DeepPINCS::example_pd
    Example Data for Primer-Dimer
  1270. DeepPINCS::example_ppi
    Example Data for Protein-Protein Interactions
  1271. DeepPINCS::example_prot
    Example Data for Proteins
  1272. deepSNV::HIVmix
    Example .bam data and true SNVs.
  1273. deepSNV::RCC
    Example RCC data
  1274. deepSNV::counts
    Example count table
    matrix|21 x 22
  1275. deepSNV::phiX
    Example phiX data
  1276. deepSNV::pi
    Example prior
    matrix|3917 x
  1277. deepSNV::trueSNVs
    Example .bam data and true SNVs.
    matrix|1512 x 5
  1278. DeepTarget::OntargetM
    An object containing a small part of the data from the Cancer Dependency Map (depmap.org) to demonstrate in DeepTarget pipeline
  1279. DegCre::DexNR3C1
    DegCre input data for examples.
  1280. DegNorm::coverage_res_chr21
    Example CoverageClass data
  1281. DegNorm::res_DegNorm_chr21
    Example DegNormClass data
  1282. DEGraph::annLoi2008
    Annotation data used in the DEGraph package vignette
    matrix|227 x 5
  1283. DEGraph::classLoi2008
    Tamoxifen treatment resistance status data used in the DEGraph package vignette
  1284. DEGraph::exprLoi2008
    Gene expression data used in the DEGraph package vignette
    matrix|227 x 255
  1285. DEGraph::grListKEGG
    KEGG networks used in the DEGraph package vignette
  1286. DEGreport::geneInfo
    data.frame with chromose information for each gene
  1287. DEGreport::humanGender
    DGEList object for DE genes betwen Male and Females
  1288. DelayedTensor::human_mid_brain
    Matrix object of human mid brain data
    matrix|500 x 1977
  1289. DelayedTensor::mouse_mid_brain
    Matrix object of mouse mid brain data
    matrix|500 x 1907
  1290. deltaCaptureC::bigBinSize
    Big bin size
  1291. deltaCaptureC::binnedDeltaPlot
    Plot of Binned Delta Counts
  1292. deltaCaptureC::binnedDeltaSE
    Binned difference of mean capture-C counts between EScells and Neurons
  1293. deltaCaptureC::binnedSummarizedExperiment
    Binned Capture-C counts of EScells and Neurons
  1294. deltaCaptureC::deltaSE
    Difference of mean capture-C counts between EScells and Neurons
  1295. deltaCaptureC::miniDeltaSE
    Difference of mean capture-C counts between EScells and Neurons
  1296. deltaCaptureC::miniSE
    Capture-C counts of EScells and Neurons
  1297. deltaCaptureC::miniSEDF
    Capture-C counts of EScells and Neurons
  1298. deltaCaptureC::numPermutations
    Number of permutations used in example permutation testing.
  1299. deltaCaptureC::pValue
  1300. deltaCaptureC::plotTitle
    Title for delta capture-C plot
  1301. deltaCaptureC::regionOfInterest
    Region of interest surrounding the viewpoint
  1302. deltaCaptureC::significanceType
    Type for testing significance
  1303. deltaCaptureC::significantRegions
    Regions of significant remodeling in example data
  1304. deltaCaptureC::significantRegionsPlot
    A plot of the significant regions in the sample data.
  1305. deltaCaptureC::smallBinSize
    Small Bin Size
  1306. deltaCaptureC::smallBins
    Small Bins
  1307. deltaCaptureC::smallSetOfSmallBins
    Small Bins
  1308. deltaCaptureC::smallerDeltaSE
    A subset of miniDeltaSE.
  1309. deltaCaptureC::viewpointRegion
    Region surrounding the viewpoint
  1310. deltaCaptureC::weightsExampleBins
    Weights example bins
  1311. deltaCaptureC::weightsExampleGr
    Weights example
  1312. deltaGseg::pvals
    pvalues data
  1313. deltaGseg::simtraj
    Sample trajectory series
  1314. deltaGseg::simtraj.tr
    Sample trajectory series
  1315. deltaGseg::simtraj.tr2
    Sample trajectory series
  1316. deltaGseg::traj1
    Sample trajectory series
  1317. deltaGseg::traj1.denoise
    Sample trajectory series
  1318. deltaGseg::traj1.ss
    Sample trajectory series
  1319. deltaGseg::traj1.tr
    Sample trajectory series
  1320. DeMAND::bcellAnno
    Annotation for the expression data
    matrix|1577 x 2
  1321. DeMAND::bcellExp
    B cell expression data
    matrix|1577 x 12
  1322. DeMAND::bcellNetwork
    B cell network
    matrix|682 x 4
  1323. DeMAND::caseIndex
    Case sample index
  1324. DeMAND::controlIndex
    Control sample index
  1325. DeMixT::test.data.2comp
    Simulated two-component test data
  1326. DeMixT::test.data.3comp
    Simulated three-component mixed cell line test data
  1327. demuxmix::csf
    Hashtag oligonucleotide (HTO) counts from 2,590 droplets
  1328. demuxSNP::commonvariants_1kgenomes_subset
    Sample vcf file
  1329. demuxSNP::multiplexed_scrnaseq_sce
    SingleCellExperiment object containing multiplexed RNA and HTO data from six biological smamples
  1330. demuxSNP::vartrix_consensus_snps
    Sample VarTrix output
    matrix|2542 x
  1331. DEP::DiUbi
    DiUbi - Ubiquitin interactors for different diubiquitin-linkages (UbIA-MS dataset)
  1332. DEP::DiUbi_ExpDesign
    Experimental design of the DiUbi dataset
  1333. DEP::UbiLength
    UbiLength - Ubiquitin interactors of different linear ubiquitin lengths (UbIA-MS dataset)
  1334. DEP::UbiLength_ExpDesign
    Experimental design of the UbiLength dataset
  1335. DepecheR::testData
    A 14 color flow cytometry dataset for example execution and playing around
  1336. DepecheR::testDataDepeche
    A depeche clustering of the testData set
  1337. DepecheR::testDataSNE
    SNE of the testData set
  1338. DepInfeR::drug_response_GDSC
  1339. DepInfeR::mutation_GDSC
  1340. DepInfeR::responseInput
    matrix|66 x 126
  1341. DepInfeR::targetInput
    matrix|66 x 118
  1342. DepInfeR::targetMatrix
    matrix|66 x 278
  1343. DepInfeR::targetsGDSC
  1344. derfinder::genomeData
    Genome samples processed data
  1345. derfinder::genomeDataRaw
    Genome samples processed data
  1346. derfinder::genomeFstats
    F-statistics for the example data
  1347. derfinder::genomeInfo
    Genome samples information
  1348. derfinder::genomeRegions
    Candidate DERs for example data
  1349. derfinder::genomicState
    Genomic State for Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene
  1350. DEsingle::counts
    TestData: A test dataset for DEsingle
  1351. DEsingle::group
    TestData: A test dataset for DEsingle
  1352. DESpace::LIBD_subset
    Subset from the human DLPFC 10x Genomics Visium dataset of the 'spatialLIBD' package
  1353. DESpace::results_DESpace_test
    Results from 'DESpace_test' function
  1354. DESpace::results_individual_test
    Results from 'individual_test' function
  1355. destiny::guo
    Guo at al. mouse embryonic stem cell qPCR data
  1356. destiny::guo_norm
    Guo at al. mouse embryonic stem cell qPCR data
  1357. DEWSeq::SLBP_K562_w50s20
    ENCODE eCLIP data for SLBP in K562, low count filtered
  1358. DEWSeq::slbpDds
    ENCODE eCLIP data SLBP in K562
  1359. DEWSeq::slbpRegions
    ENCODE eCLIP data SLBP in K562
  1360. DEWSeq::slbpVst
    ENCODE eCLIP data SLBP in K562
    matrix|28569 x 3
  1361. DEWSeq::slbpWindows
    ENCODE eCLIP data SLBP in K562
  1362. DFP::rmadataset
    A sample ExpressionSet object
    Extracted-ion chromatograms (XICs) of a peptide
  1364. DIAlignR::alignObj_DIAlignR
    Alignment object of a peptide.
  1365. DIAlignR::masterXICs_DIAlignR
    Master fragment-ion chromatograms from two parents
  1366. DIAlignR::multipeptide_DIAlignR
    Analytes information from multipeptide.
  1367. DIAlignR::oswFiles_DIAlignR
    Analytes information from osw files
  1368. DiffBind::tamoxifen
    Tamoxifen resistance dataset used for DBA examples
  1369. DiffBind::tamoxifen
    Tamoxifen resistance dataset used for DBA examples
  1370. DiffBind::tamoxifen
    Tamoxifen resistance dataset used for DBA examples
  1371. DiffBind::tamoxifen.greylist
    Tamoxifen resistance dataset used for DBA examples
  1372. diffcoexp::exprs.1
    matrix|400 x 14
  1373. diffcoexp::exprs.2
    matrix|400 x 12
  1374. diffGeneAnalysis::rawdata
    Micro array dataset
  1375. diffuStats::graph_toy
    Toy graph to play with diffusion
  1376. diffUTR::example_bin_se
    Example bin-level 'RangedSummarizedExperiment'
  1377. diffUTR::example_gene_annotation
    Example gene annotation
  1378. diffUTR::rn6_PAS
    Poly-A sites compendium for Rattus Norvegicus (Rno6)
  1379. Dino::multimodalDat
    Plot data from simulated expression
  1380. Dino::pbmcSmall
    Subset of 500 peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from a healthy donor
  1381. Dino::unimodalDat
    Plot data from simulated expression
  1382. dinoR::NomeData
    NOMeseq data for WT and AdnpKO mouse ES cells
  1383. Director::mesenchymal
    Analysis results of Yang et al.'s (2013) master microRNA regulatory network
  1384. Director::poorprog
    Analysis results for poor prognosis serous ovarian cancer
  1385. DirichletMultinomial::bestgrp
    Data objects used for examples and the vignette
  1386. DirichletMultinomial::fit
    Data objects used for examples and the vignette
  1387. DirichletMultinomial::xval
    Data objects used for examples and the vignette
  1388. discordant::TCGA_Breast_RNASeq
    TCGA Breast Cancer RNASeq Sample Dataset
  1389. discordant::TCGA_Breast_RNASeq_voom
    TCGA Breast Cancer RNASeq Sample Dataset
  1390. discordant::TCGA_Breast_miRNASeq
    Example breast miRNA-Seq count dataset.
  1391. discordant::TCGA_Breast_miRNASeq_voom
    Example breast miRNA-Seq voom-transformed count dataset.
  1392. discordant::TCGA_GBM_miRNA_microarray
    TCGA Glioblastoma Multiforme miRNA Sample Dataset
  1393. discordant::TCGA_GBM_transcript_microarray
    TCGA Glioblastoma Multiforme Transcript Sample Dataset
  1394. DiscoRhythm::discoODAexclusionMatrix
    Algorithm Exclusion Matrix
  1395. DiscoRhythm::discoODAid2name
    Mapping Identifiers to Full Names
  1396. distinct::Kang_subset
    Subset from the 'Kang18_8vs8()' object of the 'muscData' package.
  1397. distinct::res
    Results from 'distinct_test' function
  1398. dittoSeq::demuxlet.example
  1399. divergence::breastTCGA_ER
    ER positive or negative status of breast tumor samples
  1400. divergence::breastTCGA_Group
    Normal or Tumor status of breast samples
  1401. divergence::breastTCGA_Mat
    Gene expression for 260 genes in 887 breast samples
    matrix|260 x 887
  1402. divergence::msigdb_Hallmarks
    Cancer Hallmark gene sets from the MSigDB collection
  1403. dks::P
    Simulated null p-values from the uniform distribution.
  1404. DMRcaller::DMRsNoiseFilterCG
    The DMRs between WT and met1-3 in CG context
  1405. DMRcaller::GEs
    The genetic elements data
  1406. DMRcaller::methylationDataList
    The methylation data list
  1407. DMRScan::DMRScan.methylationData
    matrix|25139 x 100
  1408. DMRScan::DMRScan.phenotypes
  1409. dmrseq::BS.chr21
    BS.chr21: Whole-genome bisulfite sequencing for chromosome 21 from Lister et al.
  1410. dmrseq::annot.chr21
    annot.chr21: Annotation information for chromosome 21, hg38 genome
  1411. dmrseq::dmrs.ex
    dmrs.ex: Example results of DMRs
  1412. DNABarcodeCompatibility::IlluminaIndexes
    Barcode dataset from Illumina with features.
  1413. DNABarcodeCompatibility::IlluminaIndexesRaw
    Barcode dataset from Illumina.
  1414. DNABarcodes::mutatedReads
    Mock Set of Mutated Reads
  1415. DNABarcodes::supplierSet
    Mock Set of DNA Barcodes
  1416. DNAcopy::coriell
    Array CGH data set of Coriell cell lines
  1417. DNAcopy::cytoBand
    Cytogenic band data
  1418. DNAcopy::default.DNAcopy.bdry
    Sequential stopping boundary
  1419. DominoEffect::DominoData
    Sample data
  1420. DominoEffect::SnpData
    Sample data
  1421. DominoEffect::TestData
    Sample data
  1422. dominoSignal::CellPhoneDB
    CellPhoneDB subset
  1423. dominoSignal::PBMC
    PBMC RNAseq data subset
  1424. dominoSignal::SCENIC
    SCENIC AUC subset
  1425. Doscheda::doschedaData
    Peptide Intensity data set for Doscheda
  1426. Doscheda::processedExample
    Processed Peptide Intensity data set for Doscheda
  1435. DOSE::geneList
  1436. doseR::hmel.dat
    Hmel data set
  1437. doseR::se
    Hmel data set
  1438. doubletrouble::cds_scerevisiae
    Coding sequences (CDS) of S. cerevisiae
  1439. doubletrouble::diamond_inter
    Interspecies DIAMOND output for yeast species
  1440. doubletrouble::diamond_intra
    Intraspecies DIAMOND output for S. cerevisiae
  1441. doubletrouble::fungi_kaks
    Duplicate pairs and Ka, Ks, and Ka/Ks values for fungi species
  1442. doubletrouble::gmax_ks
    Duplicate pairs and Ks values for Glycine max
  1443. doubletrouble::yeast_annot
    Genome annotation of the yeast species S. cerevisiae and C. glabrata
  1444. doubletrouble::yeast_seq
    Protein sequences of the yeast species S. cerevisiae and C. glabrata
  1445. drawProteins::five_rel_data
    Dataframe features of 5 human NFkappaB proteins Uniprot on 1 Nov 2017
  1446. drawProteins::five_rel_list
    Features of five human Rel A proteins
  1447. drawProteins::protein_json
    Uniprot infor human Rel A protein in JSON format
  1448. drawProteins::rel_A_features
    Features of human Rel A protein
  1449. drawProteins::rel_json
    Human Rel A protein features in JSON format
  1450. drawProteins::tnfs_data
    Dataframe features of 2 human TNF receptors from Uniprot on 3 Jan 2018
  1451. DriverNet::sampleDriversList
    Sample DriverNet result
  1452. DriverNet::sampleGeneNames
    Sample gene names
  1453. DriverNet::sampleInfluenceGraph
    Sample influence graph
    matrix|1255 x 1255
  1454. DriverNet::samplePatientExpressionMatrix
    Sample patient expression matrix
    matrix|200 x 1255
  1455. DriverNet::samplePatientMutationMatrix
    Sample patient mutation matrix
    matrix|120 x 1255
  1456. DriverNet::samplePatientOutlierMatrix
    Sample patient outlier matrix
    matrix|200 x 1255
  1457. DriverNet::sampleRandomDriversResult
    Sample Result from computeRandomizedResult
  1458. DrugVsDisease::customClust
    Custom Clusters
  1459. DrugVsDisease::customDB
    Custom Gene Expression Profiles
    matrix|11863 x 56
  1460. DrugVsDisease::customedge
    Edge attributes for example custom network
  1461. DrugVsDisease::customsif
    SIF file for custom clusters
  1462. DrugVsDisease::profiles
    Gene Expression Profiles
  1463. DrugVsDisease::selprofile
    List: Differential gene expression and p-values
  1464. DSS::RRBS
    An example dataset for multiple factor design
  1465. DSS::design
    Experimental design for the example RRBS dataset
  1466. DSS::seqData
    A simulated 'SeqCountData' object.
  1467. dStruct::lai2019
    _Saccharomyces cerevisiae_ Structure-seq data
  1468. dStruct::wan2014
    _Homo sapiens_ PARS data
  1469. DTA::Dm.tnumber
    The amount of thymines in the cDNA of each transcript of Drosophila Melanogaster.
  1470. DTA::Hs.datamat
    Gene expression profiles of the Homo Sapiens DTA experiment from Doelken et al.
    matrix|19791 x 9
  1471. DTA::Hs.enst2ensg
    Mapping of Homo Sapiens gene and transcript identifiers.
  1472. DTA::Hs.phenomat
    Design of the Homo Sapiens DTA experiment from Doelken et al.
  1473. DTA::Hs.reliable
    Gene identifiers valid for parameter estimation from the Homo Sapiens Doelken et al. DTA experiment.
  1474. DTA::Hs.tnumber
    The amount of thymines in the cDNA of each transcript of Homo Sapiens.
  1475. DTA::Hs.tnumber
    The amount of thymines in the cDNA of each transcript of Homo Sapiens.
  1476. DTA::Mm.datamat
    Gene expression profiles of the Mus Musculus DTA experiment from Doelken et al.
    matrix|16747 x 9
  1477. DTA::Mm.enst2ensg
    Mapping of Mus Musculus gene and transcript identifiers.
  1478. DTA::Mm.phenomat
    Design of the Mus Musculus DTA experiment from Doelken et al.
  1479. DTA::Mm.reliable
    Gene identifiers valid for parameter estimation from the Mus Musculus Doelken et al. DTA experiment.
  1480. DTA::Mm.tnumber
    The amount of thymines in the cDNA of each transcript of Mus Musculus.
  1481. DTA::Mm.tnumber
    The amount of thymines in the cDNA of each transcript of Mus Musculus.
  1482. DTA::Pol.phenomat
    Design of the Saccharomyces Cerevisiae rpb1-N488D (Slow Polymerase) cDTA experiment from Sun et al.
  1483. DTA::Raw.datamat
    Gene expression profiles of the Saccharomyces Cerevisiae rpb1-N488D (Slow Polymerase) and wild-type cDTA experiment from Sun et al.
    matrix|10849 x 8
  1484. DTA::Sc.affy2ensg
    Mapping of SaccharomycesCerevisiae Affymetrix Yeast 2.0 and gene identifiers.
  1485. DTA::Sc.datamat
    Gene expression profiles of the Saccharomyces Cerevisiae wild-type DTA experiment from Miller et al.
    matrix|5976 x 12
  1486. DTA::Sc.datamat.dynamic
    Gene expression profiles of the Saccharomyces Cerevisiae salt stress DTA experiment from Miller et al.
    matrix|5976 x 24
  1487. DTA::Sc.ensg.reliable
    Gene identifiers valid for parameter estimation from the Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Sun et al. cDTA experiment.
  1488. DTA::Sc.phenomat
    Design of the Saccharomyces Cerevisiae wild-type DTA experiment from Miller et al.
  1489. DTA::Sc.phenomat.dynamic
    Design of the Saccharomyces Cerevisiae salt stress DTA experiment from Miller et al.
    matrix|24 x 11
  1490. DTA::Sc.reliable
    Gene identifiers valid for parameter estimation from the Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Miller et al. wild-type DTA experiment.
  1491. DTA::Sc.reliable.dynamic
    Gene identifiers valid for parameter estimation from the Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Miller et al. salt stress DTA experiment.
  1492. DTA::Sc.ribig.ensg
    Ribosome biogenesis genes.
  1493. DTA::Sc.rpg.ensg
    Ribosomal protein genes.
  1494. DTA::Sc.stress.ensg
    ISA stress module.
  1495. DTA::Sc.tf.ensg
    Transcription factors.
  1496. DTA::Sc.tnumber
    The amount of thymines in the cDNA of each transcript of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae.
  1497. DTA::Sc.tnumber
    The amount of thymines in the cDNA of each transcript of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae.
  1498. DTA::Sc.tnumber
    The amount of thymines in the cDNA of each transcript of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae.
  1499. DTA::Sc.tnumber
    The amount of thymines in the cDNA of each transcript of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae.
  1500. DTA::Sp.affy.reliable
    Gene identifiers valid for cDTA normalization from the Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Sun et al. cDTA experiment.
  1501. DTA::Sp.tnumber
    The amount of thymines in the cDNA of each transcript of Schizosaccharomyces Pombe.
  1502. DTA::Wt.phenomat
    Design of the Saccharomyces Cerevisiae wild-type cDTA experiment from Sun et al.
  1503. Dune::clusMat
    A clustering matrix used to demonstrate the ari-merging process.
    matrix|100 x 5
  1504. Dune::nuclei
    Cluster labels for a subset of the allen Smart-Seq nuclei dataset
  1505. DuplexDiscovereR::RNADuplexSampleClustReads
    RNA duplex reads of SPLASH, clustered and assigned to duplex groups
  1506. DuplexDiscovereR::RNADuplexSampleDGs
    RNA duplex reads of SPLASH, clustered and collapsed to duplex groups
  1507. DuplexDiscovereR::RNADuplexSampleGI
    RNA duplex reads of SPLASH derived from chimeric alignments
  1508. DuplexDiscovereR::RNADuplexesGeneCounts
    Gene counts on human chromosome 22, embryonic stem cells
  1509. DuplexDiscovereR::RNADuplexesRawBed
    Chimeric reads of SPLASH converted to .bedpe fromat
  1510. DuplexDiscovereR::RNADuplexesRawChimSTAR
    Chimeric reads of SPLASH
  1511. DuplexDiscovereR::SampleGeneAnnoGR
    Gene coordinates on human chromosome 22
  1512. DuplexDiscovereR::SampleSmallGI
    RNA duplex reads of SPLASH derived from chimeric alignments
  1513. DuplexDiscovereR::SampleSpliceJncGR
    Gene coordinates on human chromosome 22
  1514. dupRadar::dupRadar_examples
    Example data containing precomputed matrices for two RNASeq experiments
  1515. EasyCellType::cellmarker_tissue
    Tissues in CellMarker database.
  1516. EasyCellType::clustermole_tissue
    Tissues in Clustermole database.
  1517. EasyCellType::gene_pbmc
    Differential expressed marker genes in 9 clusters.
  1518. EasyCellType::panglao_tissue
    Tissues in Panglao database.
  1519. EasyCellType::pbmc_data
    Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMC) data.
  1520. easyRNASeq::RobinsonDelhomme2014
    Dataset included in the package
  1521. EBarrays::gould
    A dataset of class matrix
    matrix|5000 x 10
  1522. EBcoexpress::fiftyGenes
    The fiftyGenes expression matrix
    matrix|50 x 125
  1523. EBSEA::exonCounts
    Subset of Pasilla Dataset
  1524. EBSeq::GeneMat
    The simulated data for two condition gene DE analysis
    matrix|1000 x
  1525. EBSeq::IsoList
    The simulated data for two condition isoform DE analysis
  1526. EBSeq::IsoMultiList
    The simulated data for multiple condition isoform DE analysis
  1527. EBSeq::MultiGeneMat
    The simulated data for multiple condition gene DE analysis
  1528. ecolitk::ecoli.m52.genome
    Escherichia coli data
  1529. ecolitk::ecoli.operon
    Escherichia coli data
  1530. ecolitk::ecoligenome.operon
    Known operon in E.coli - data.frame
  1531. ecolitk::ecoligenomeBNUM
    Environment for 'bnum' identifiers
  1532. ecolitk::ecoligenomeBNUM2ENZYME
    Environment for 'bnum' identifiers
  1533. ecolitk::ecoligenomeBNUM2GENBANK
    Environment for 'bnum' identifiers
  1534. ecolitk::ecoligenomeBNUM2GENEPRODUCT
    Environment for 'bnum' identifiers
  1535. ecolitk::ecoligenomeBNUM2MULTIFUN
  1536. ecolitk::ecoligenomeBNUM2STRAND
  1537. ecolitk::ecoligenomeBNUM2SYMBOL
    Environment for 'bnum' identifiers
  1538. ecolitk::ecoligenomeCHRLOC
    Escherichia coli data
  1539. ecolitk::ecoligenomeMULTIFUN2GO
    multiFun classification
  1540. ecolitk::ecoligenomeSTRAND
    Escherichia coli data
  1541. ecolitk::ecoligenomeSYMBOL
    Escherichia coli data
  1542. ecolitk::ecoligenomeSYMBOL2AFFY
    Escherichia coli data
  1543. ecolitk::ecoligenomeSYMBOL2BNUM
    Environment for 'bnum' identifiers
  1544. ecolitk::multiFun
    multiFun classification
  1545. EDASeq::yeastGC
    GC-content of _S. Cerevisiae_ genes
  1546. EDASeq::yeastLength
    Length of _S. Cerevisiae_ genes
  1547. edge::endotoxin
    Gene expression dataset from Calvano et al. (2005) Nature
  1548. edge::gibson
    Gene expression dataset from Idaghdour et al. (2008)
  1549. edge::kidney
    Gene expression dataset from Rodwell et al. (2004)
  1550. EDIRquery::gene_chr
    Gene chromosome location
  1551. EGAD::GO.human
    GO - human
  1552. EGAD::GO.mouse
    GO - mouse
  1553. EGAD::GO.voc
    Gene ontology vocabulary
  1554. EGAD::attr.human
    Human GENCODE annotations (v22)
  1555. EGAD::attr.mouse
    Mouse GENCODE annotations (M7)
  1556. EGAD::biogrid
    BIOGRID v3.4.126
  1557. EGAD::example_annotations
    Example of annotations
  1558. EGAD::example_binary_network
    Example of binary network
  1559. EGAD::example_coexpression
    Example of binary network
  1560. EGAD::example_neighbor_voting
    Example of binary network
  1561. EGAD::genes
    Genes from BIOGRID v3.4.126
  1562. EGAD::ortho
    Gene orthologs
  1563. EGAD::pheno
  1564. EGSEA::arraydata
    Example dataset for 'egsea.ma'
  1565. eiR::example_compounds
    Example Compounds
  1566. EmpiricalBrownsMethod::allPvals
    Data used in tests and examples.
  1567. EmpiricalBrownsMethod::dat
    Data used in tests and examples.
  1568. EmpiricalBrownsMethod::pathways
    Data used in tests and examples.
  1569. EmpiricalBrownsMethod::randData
    Data used in tests and examples.
  1570. EnMCB::anno_matrix
  1571. EnMCB::demo_MCBinformation
    MCB information.
  1572. EnMCB::demo_data
    Expression matrix of demo dataset.
  1573. EnMCB::demo_survival_data
    Survival data of demo dataset.
    Surv|455 x 2
  1574. EnrichDO::dotermgenes
    All DO term annotated genes.
  1575. EnrichDO::doterms
    Detailed annotation information for 4831 DO terms.
  1576. enrichViewNet::demoGOST
    The result of a functional enrichment analysis done with 'gprofiler2' (<https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/gprofiler2/vignettes/gprofiler2.html>).
  1577. enrichViewNet::parentalNapaVsDMSODEG
    The result of a differential expression analysis done between napabucasin treated and DMSO control parental MiaPaCa2 cells. The cells were treated for 2 hours with 0.5 uM napabucasin. The protocol to generate the RNA-seq is described in Froeling F.E.M. et al 2019.
  1578. enrichViewNet::parentalNapaVsDMSOEnrichment
    The result of an enrichment analysis has been done using the significantly differentially expressed genes between napabucasin treated and DMSO control parental MiaPaCa2 cells. The cells were treated for 2 hour with 0.5 uM napabucasin. The protocol to generate the RNA-seq is described in Froeling F.E.M. et al 2019.
  1579. enrichViewNet::rosaNapaVsDMSODEG
    The result of a differential expression analysis done between napabucasin treated and DMSO control MiaPaCa2 cells stably expressing the Rosa26 control vector. The cells were treated for 2 hours with 0.5 uM napabucasin. The protocol to generate the RNA-seq is described in Froeling F.E.M. et al 2019.
  1580. enrichViewNet::rosaNapaVsDMSOEnrichment
    The result of an enrichment analysis that has been done using the significantly differentially expressed genes between napabucasin treated and DMSO control MiaPaCa2 cells stably expressing the Rosa26 control vector. The cells were treated for 2 hour with 0.5 uM napabucasin. The protocol to generate the RNA-seq is described in Froeling F.E.M. et al 2019.
  1581. EpiCompare::CnR_H3K27ac
    Example CUT&Run peak file
  1582. EpiCompare::CnR_H3K27ac_picard
    Example Picard duplication metrics file 2
  1583. EpiCompare::CnT_H3K27ac
    Example CUT&Tag peak file
  1584. EpiCompare::CnT_H3K27ac_picard
    Example Picard duplication metrics file 1
  1585. EpiCompare::encode_H3K27ac
    Example ChIP-seq peak file
  1586. EpiCompare::hg19_blacklist
    Human genome hg19 blacklisted regions
  1587. EpiCompare::hg38_blacklist
    Human genome hg38 blacklisted regions
  1588. EpiCompare::mm10_blacklist
    Mouse genome mm10 blacklisted regions
  1589. EpiCompare::mm9_blacklist
    Mouse genome mm9 blacklisted regions
  1590. EpiDISH::DummyBeta.m
    Dummy beta value matrix
    matrix|2000 x 10
  1591. EpiDISH::LiuDataSub.m
    Whole blood example beta value matrix
    matrix|500 x 50
  1592. EpiDISH::cent12CT.m
    Whole blood reference of 12 blood cell subtypes for EPIC array
    matrix|600 x 12
  1593. EpiDISH::cent12CT450k.m
    Whole blood reference of 12 blood cell subtypes for 450k array
    matrix|600 x 12
  1594. EpiDISH::centBloodSub.m
    Whole blood reference of 188 tsDHS-DMCs and 7 blood cell subtypes
    matrix|188 x 7
  1595. EpiDISH::centDHSbloodDMC.m
    Whole blood reference of 333 tsDHS-DMCs and 7 blood cell subtypes
    matrix|333 x 7
  1596. EpiDISH::centEpiFibFatIC.m
    Reference for breast tissue
    matrix|491 x 4
  1597. EpiDISH::centEpiFibIC.m
    Reference for genenric epithelial tissue
    matrix|716 x 3
  1598. EpiDISH::centUniLIFE.m
    DNAm reference matrix for 19 immune cell-types for blood of any age
    matrix|1906 x 19
  1599. epigenomix::eSet
    Example gene expression data set.
  1600. epigenomix::fpkm
    Example RNA-seq data set.
  1601. epigenomix::mappedReads
    Mapped reads obtained from a anti-histone ChIP-seq experiment.
  1602. epigenomix::transToTSS
    A data frame with Ensemble transcript IDs and transcriptional start sites.
  1603. epigraHMM::helas3
    ENCODE ChIP-seq broad data from Helas3 cell line
  1604. epimutacions::GRset
  1605. epimutacions::res.epi.manova
  1606. epiNEM::sameith_GO
    graph-based GO similarity scores, string GO annotations for Sameith et al., 2015 data
  1607. epiNEM::sameith_string
    sig. of string interaction scores for Sameith et al., 2015 data
  1608. epiNEM::samscreen
    Example data: epiNEM results for the Sameith et al., 2015 knock-out screen
  1609. epiNEM::sim
    Example data: simulation results
  1610. epiNEM::wageningen_GO
    graph-based GO similarity scores, string GO annotations for van Wageningen et al., 2015 data
  1611. epiNEM::wageningen_string
    sig. of string interaction scores for van Wageningen et al., 2010 data
  1612. epiNEM::wagscreen
    Example data: epiNEM results for the Wageningen et al., 2010 knock-out screen "http://www.holstegelab.nl/publications/GSTF_geneticinteractions/ downloads/del_mutants_limma.txt"
  1613. epiregulon.extra::regulon
    regulon created using 'epiregulon' package from reprogram-seq data
  1614. epistack::stackepi
    epistack example and test dataset
  1615. epistack::stackepi_gr
    epistack backward compatibility dataset
  1616. epistasisGA::case
    Genotypes for the affected children of case-parent triads.
  1617. epistasisGA::case.gxe
    Genotypes for the cases of case-parent triads with a simulated gene environment interaction.
    matrix|1000 x 24
  1618. epistasisGA::case.mci
    Genotypes for the affected cases of case-parent triads with a simulated maternal-fetal interaction.
    matrix|1000 x 24
  1619. epistasisGA::dad
    Genotypes for the fathers of case-parent triads.
  1620. epistasisGA::dad.gxe
    Genotypes for the fathers of case-parent triads with a simulated gene environment interaction.
    matrix|1000 x 24
  1621. epistasisGA::dad.mci
    Genotypes for the fathers of case-parent triads with a simulated maternal-fetal interaction.
    matrix|1000 x 24
  1622. epistasisGA::exposure
    Exposures for the cases of case-parent triads with a simulated gene environment interaction.
  1623. epistasisGA::mom
    Genotypes for the mothers of case-parent triads.
  1624. epistasisGA::mom.gxe
    Genotypes for the mothers of case-parent triads with a simulated gene environment interaction.
    matrix|1000 x 24
  1625. epistasisGA::mom.mci
    Genotypes for the mothers of case-parent triads with a simulated maternal-fetal interaction.
    matrix|1000 x 24
  1626. epistasisGA::snp.annotations
    RSID, REF, and ALT annotations for example dataset SNPs
  1627. epistasisGA::snp.annotations.mci
    RSID, REF, and ALT annotations for example dataset SNPs
  1628. EpiTxDb::rmbase_data
    EpiTxDb internal data
  1629. epivizr::tcga_colon_blocks
    Example methylation data (blocks) for epivizr vignette.
  1630. epivizr::tcga_colon_curves
    Example methylation data (smoothed methylation levels) for epivizr vignette
  1631. epivizr::tcga_colon_expression
    Example exon-level RNAseq data from TCGA project for epivizr vignette.
  1632. epivizrChart::bcode_eset
    Example expression data from the Gene Expression barcode project
  1633. epivizrChart::cgi_gr
    Locations of CpG Islands
  1634. epivizrChart::sumexp
    Example SummarizedExperiment for epivizr vignette
  1635. epivizrChart::tcga_colon_blocks
    Example methylation data (blocks) for epivizr vignette.
  1636. epivizrChart::tcga_colon_curves
    Example methylation data (smoothed methylation levels) for epivizr vignette
  1637. epivizrChart::tcga_colon_expression
    Example exon-level RNAseq data from TCGA project for epivizr vignette.
  1638. erccdashboard::ERCCDef
    ERCCDef dataframe
  1639. erccdashboard::ERCCMix1and2
    ERCCMix1and2 dataframe
  1640. erccdashboard::MET.CTL.countDat
    Rat toxicogenomics count data
  1641. erccdashboard::MET.CTL.totalReads
    Rat toxicogenomics total read data
  1642. erccdashboard::UHRR.HBRR.arrayDat
    UHRR and HBRR Illumina BeadArray data
  1643. erccdashboard::UHRR.HBRR.countDat
    UHRR and HBRR RNA-Seq Illumina count data
  1644. erccdashboard::UHRR.HBRR.totalReads
    UHRR and HBRR sample total read data
  1645. ERSSA::combinations.partial
    Example list of combinations generated by comb_gen function.
  1646. ERSSA::condition_table.full
    Example table of sample names and conditions
  1647. ERSSA::condition_table.partial
    Example table of sample names and conditions
  1648. ERSSA::count_table.filtered.partial
    Example count table of GTEx RNA-seq experiment, fitered by count_filter function
  1649. ERSSA::count_table.full
    Example count table of GTEx RNA-seq experiment
  1650. ERSSA::count_table.partial
    Example count table of GTEx RNA-seq experiment
  1651. ERSSA::deg.partial
    Example list of DE genes generated by edgeR
  1652. escape::escape.gene.sets
    Built-In Gene Sets for escape
  1653. eudysbiome::diffGenera
    Differential microbes in Genus-Species table A data frame containing 10 differential genera and the species included, which was to be annotated as '"harmful"' or '"harmless"'.
  1654. eudysbiome::harmGenera
    Manually curated genera annotation table A data frame containing 260 genera annotated as "harmful" and the harmful species included in these genera.
  1655. eudysbiome::microCount
    Microbial count contingency table
  1656. eudysbiome::microDiff
    Differential annotated genera with abundance variations among pair-wise condition comparisons
  1657. evaluomeR::bioMetrics
    Dataset: Metrics for biological pathways
  1658. evaluomeR::ontMetrics
    Dataset: Structural ontology metrics
  1659. evaluomeR::rnaMetrics
    Dataset: RNA quality metrics
  1660. EventPointer::AllEvents_RNASeq
    Alternative splicing events detected by EventPointer
  1661. EventPointer::AllEvents_RNASeq_MP
    Alternative splicing multi-path events detected by EventPointer
  1662. EventPointer::ArrayDatamultipath
    Preprocessed arrays data with multi-path events
  1663. EventPointer::ArraysData
    Preprocessed arrays data
  1664. EventPointer::EventXtrans
    relationship between isoforms and events
  1665. EventPointer::Fit
    Result of EventPointer_Bootstrap
  1666. EventPointer::MyPrimers
    Data frame with primers design for conventional PCR
  1667. EventPointer::MyPrimers_taqman
    Data frame with primers design for taqman PCR
  1668. EventPointer::PSIss
    relationship between isoforms and events
  1669. EventPointer::SG_RNASeq
    Splicing graph elements predicted from BAM files
  1670. EventPointer::SG_reclassify
    Splicing graph example for Events_ReClassification function
  1671. EventPointer::TxD
    Transcript x Protein Domain matrix: small matrix for examples
  1672. ExiMiR::GSE19183
    Affybatch object for the raw data from GEO series GSE19183
  1673. ExiMiR::GSE20122
    Affybatch object for the raw data from GEO series GSE20122
  1674. ExiMiR::galenv
    R annotation environment for GEO series GSE20122
  1675. ExpressionAtlas::allExps
    A SimpleList containing some dummy Expression Atlas datasets
  1676. ExpressionAtlas::atlasRes
    A DataFrame listing some Expression Atlas experiments
  1677. ExpressionAtlas::rnaseqExps
    A SimpleList containing a dummy RNA-seq Expression Atlas dataset
  1678. extraChIPs::ex_genes
    Datasets for an example region
  1679. extraChIPs::ex_hic
    Datasets for an example region
  1680. extraChIPs::ex_prom
    Datasets for an example region
  1681. extraChIPs::ex_trans
    Datasets for an example region
  1682. extraChIPs::grch37.cytobands
    Cytogenetic bands
  1683. extraChIPs::grch38.cytobands
    Cytogenetic bands
  1684. extraChIPs::peaks
    Datasets for the Fixed-Width Vignette
  1685. extraChIPs::se
    Datasets for the Fixed-Width Vignette
  1686. factDesign::estrogen
    Microarray Data from an Experiment on Breast Cancer Cells
  1687. factR::chrom_matched_query_gtf
    Chromosome matched version of "query_gtf"
  1688. factR::domains.known
    Example output of predictDomains()
  1689. factR::domains.out
    Example output of predictDomains()
  1690. factR::matched_query_gtf
    Seqlevels and gene_id matched query data
  1691. factR::new_query_gtf
    Query data containing CDS information
  1692. factR::query_cds
    CDS from 4 transcripts entries of the same gene
  1693. factR::query_exons
    GRangeList of exons from 4 transcripts entries from query_gtf
  1694. factR::query_gtf
    Imported GTF file containing 4 transcript entries of the same gene
  1695. factR::ref_cds
    CDS from 2 reference transcripts entries of the same gene
  1696. factR::ref_exons
    Exons from 2 reference transcripts entries of the same gene
  1697. factR::ref_gtf
    Imported GTF file containing 2 reference transcript entries of the same gene
  1698. famat::MPINetData
    The variables in the environment variable 'MPINetData' of the system
  1699. famat::compl_data_result
    Output of 'compl_data' function
  1700. famat::genes
    List of genes.
  1701. famat::interactions_result
    Output of 'interactions' function
  1702. famat::listk
    Pathway enrichment analysis results for KEGG pathways.
  1703. famat::listr
    Pathway enrichment analysis results for Reactome pathways.
  1704. famat::listw
    Pathway enrichment analysis results for Wikipathways pathways.
  1705. famat::meta
    List of metabolites.
  1706. fastLiquidAssociation::testmat
    Example results from fastMLA requiring all significance methods
  1707. fastseg::coriell
    Array CGH data set of Coriell cell lines
  1708. fastseg::fastsegData
    Example data set for fastseg
  1709. fCI::fci.data
    data frame of gene expression
  1710. fCI::multi.dimensional.fci.data
    data frame of gene expression
  1711. fdrame::design
    Experimental design
  1712. fdrame::exp.arr
    Normalized Expression Array
    matrix|6384 x 16
  1713. FEAST::Y
    An example single cell count expression matrix (Yan)
    matrix|19304 x 124
  1714. FEAST::trueclass
    An example single cell dataset for the cell label information (Yan)
  1715. fedup::geneDouble
    Example list of a background set and two sets of test genes to use for enrichment analysis.
  1716. fedup::geneMulti
    Example list of a background set and multiple sets of test genes to use for enrichment analysis.
  1717. fedup::geneSingle
    Example list of a background set and single set of test genes to use for enrichment analysis.
  1718. fedup::pathwaysGMT
    Named list of human pathway annotations obtained from a GMT file.
  1719. fedup::pathwaysTXT
    Example list of SAFE terms obtained from a TXT file.
  1720. fedup::pathwaysXLSX
    Example list of SAFE terms obtained from a XLSX file.
  1721. FELLA::FELLA.sample
    FELLA.DATA sample data
  1722. FELLA::input.sample
    A randomly generated list of affected metabolites
  1723. fenr::exmpl_all
    Example set of background genes.
  1724. fenr::exmpl_sel
    Example set of selected genes.
  1725. fenr::go
    GO-terms data downloaded for the vignette.
  1726. fenr::go_species
    GO species
  1727. fenr::yeast_de
    Differential expression results for yeast RNA-seq.
  1728. fgga::CfData
    A set of characterized protein coding genes from the Cannis familiaris organism annotated to a target GO subgraph considering both experimental and electronic evidence.
  1729. FGNet::FEA_tools
    FGNet data
  1730. FGNet::GOEvidenceCodes
    FGNet data
  1731. FGNet::groupTypes
    FGNet data
  1732. FGNet::organisms
    FGNet data
  1733. fgsea::exampleExpressionMatrix
    Example of expression values obtained for GSE14308.
    matrix|10000 x 12
  1734. fgsea::examplePathways
    Example list of mouse Reactome pathways.
  1735. fgsea::exampleRanks
    Example vector of gene-level statistics obtained for Th1 polarization.
  1736. findIPs::miller05
    miller05 data
  1737. FindIT2::ATAC_normCount
    ATAC normCount of E50h-72h in Chr5
    matrix|5902 x 16
  1738. FindIT2::RNADiff_LEC2_GR
    RNA diff result from LEC2_GR VS LEC2_DMSO
  1739. FindIT2::RNA_normCount
    RNA normCount of E50h-72h in Chr5
  1740. FindIT2::TF_target_database
    TF-target database
  1741. FindIT2::test_featureSet
  1742. FindIT2::test_geneSet
  1743. FLAMES::scmixology_lib10
    scMixology short-read gene counts - sample 2
  1744. FLAMES::scmixology_lib10_transcripts
    scMixology long-read transcript counts - sample 2
  1745. FLAMES::scmixology_lib90
    scMixology short-read gene counts - sample 1
  1746. flowAI::Bcells
    flowSet of B cells.
  1747. flowBeads::beads1
    Dako beads on day 1
  1748. flowBeads::beads2
    Dako beads on day 2
  1749. flowBeads::cytocalmef
    Cytocal config file
  1750. flowBeads::dakomef
    Dako config file
  1751. flowBin::aml.sample
    Multitube AML sample as example data for flowBin
  1752. flowcatchR::MesenteriumSubset
    A sample 'Frames' object
  1753. flowcatchR::candidate.platelets
    A sample 'ParticleSet' object
  1754. flowCHIC::Results_overlaps
    Dataset with labels and sums of informative pixels within the overlap area of the FCS files included to the package
  1755. flowCHIC::Results_overlaps_incol
    Dataset with labels and sums of informative pixels within the overlap area of the second downloadable dataset
  1756. flowCHIC::Results_overlaps_mix
    Dataset with labels and sums of informative pixels within the overlap area of the first downloadable dataset
  1757. flowCHIC::Results_xor
    Dataset with labels and intensity values of the FCS files included to the package
  1758. flowCHIC::Results_xor_incol
    Dataset with labels and intensity values of the second downloadable dataset
  1759. flowCHIC::Results_xor_mix
    Dataset with labels and intensity values of the first downloadable dataset
  1760. flowCHIC::abiotic_incol
    Dataset with abiotic data
  1761. flowClean::synPerturbed
    Synthetically Perturbed FCS.
  1762. flowClust::rituximab
    The Rituximab Dataset
  1763. flowCore::GvHD
    Extract of a Graft versus Host Disease monitoring experiment (Rizzieri et al., 2007)
  1764. flowCut::flowCutData
    A list containing two GvHD flow frames from flowCore
  1765. flowCyBar::Abiotic_data_sample
    Dataset with abiotic data and sample names
  1766. flowCyBar::Cell_number_sample
    Dataset with relative measured cell numbers and sample names
  1767. flowCyBar::Corr_data_sample
    Dataset with correlation data and sample names
  1768. flowFP::fs1
    Example FCS flowSet
  1769. flowFP::fs2
    Example FCS flowSet
  1770. flowFP::plate
    96 well plate data.
  1771. flowGraph::fg_data_fca
  1772. flowGraph::fg_data_pos2
  1773. flowGraph::fg_data_pos30
  1774. flowMeans::x
  1775. flowMerge::flowClust.res
    A flowClust model fitted to the rituximab data for 1:10 clusters.
  1776. flowPeaks::barcode
    The barcode dataset
  1777. flowPeaks::barcode.cid
    The barcode dataset
  1778. flowPeaks::concave
    The concave dataset
  1779. flowPeaks::concave.cid
    The concave dataset
  1780. flowPlots::adultsNeonates
    The adultsNeonates example data set of "stacked" data.
  1781. flowPlots::marginalDF
    An example of marginalData
  1782. flowPlots::markerMatrix
    An example of the markers data.
  1783. flowPlots::pfdDF
    An example of pfdData
  1784. flowPlots::pfdPartsList
    An example of pfdPartsData
  1785. flowPlots::profileDF
    An example of profileData
  1786. flowSpecs::fullPanel
    A fully stained spectral cytometry sample
  1787. flowSpecs::specMat
    Spectral unmixing matrix
    matrix|13 x 42
  1788. flowSpecs::unmixCtrls
    Unmixing controls
  1789. flowStats::BackGating
    Sample backgating results
  1790. flowStats::ITN
    Sample flow cytometry data
  1791. flowTime::dipdoubletGate
    A gate for the set of all diploid doublets
  1792. flowTime::dipsingletGate
    A gate for the set of all diploid singlet yeast cells
  1793. flowTime::hapdoubletGate
    A gate for the set of all haploid doublets
  1794. flowTime::hapsingletGate
    A gate for the set of all haploid singlets
  1795. flowTime::yeastGate
    A gate for the set of all yeast cells
  1796. flowVS::HD
    Sample flow cytometry data from healthy individuals
  1797. fmcsR::fmcstest
    SD file stored in 'SDFset' object
  1798. fobitools::fobi
    FOBI Table File - Jul 23, 2021
  1799. fobitools::fobi_terms
    FOBI's 'ontology_index' object - Jul 23, 2021
  1800. fobitools::foods
    FOBI Foods Table File - Feb 02, 2021
  1801. fobitools::idmap
    FOBI Identifier Map File - Jul 18, 2021
  1802. FuseSOM::risom_dat
    IMC Breast Cancer Data Data from A spatial atlas of breast cancer progression using MIBI-TOF and tissue transcriptomics
  1803. G4SNVHunter::snp_gr
    Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms GRanges Object
  1804. G4SNVHunter::snv_gr
    Single Nucleotide Variant GRanges Object
  1805. gage::bods
    Common gene set data collections
  1806. gage::carta.gs
    Common gene set data collections
  1807. gage::egSymb
    Mapping between Entrez Gene IDs and official symbols
    matrix|40784 x 2
  1808. gage::go.gs
    Common gene set data collections
  1809. gage::gse16873
    GSE16873: a breast cancer microarray dataset
    matrix|11979 x 12
  1810. gage::kegg.gs
    Common gene set data collections
  1811. gage::kegg.gs.dise
    Common gene set data collections
  1812. gage::khier
    Common gene set data collections
    matrix|552 x 3
  1813. gage::korg
    Common gene set data collections
    matrix|8282 x 10
  1814. GARS::GARS_Fitness_score
    RNA-seq dataset for testing GARS
  1815. GARS::GARS_classes
    RNA-seq dataset for testing GARS
  1816. GARS::GARS_data_norm
    RNA-seq dataset for testing GARS
    matrix|58 x 157
  1817. GARS::GARS_fit_list
    RNA-seq dataset for testing GARS
  1818. GARS::GARS_pop_list
    RNA-seq dataset for testing GARS
  1819. GARS::GARS_popul
    RNA-seq dataset for testing GARS
  1820. GARS::GARS_res_GA
    A GarsSelectedFeatures object for testing GARS
  1821. GateFinder::marker.names
  1822. GateFinder::prop.markers
  1823. GateFinder::rawdata
  1824. gatom::gEx
    Example metabolic graph with atom topology.
  1825. gatom::gene.de.rawEx
    Example gene differential expression data.
  1826. gatom::gsEx
    Example scored metabolic graph with atom topology.
  1827. gatom::mEx
    Example metabolic module.
  1828. gatom::met.de.rawEx
    Example metabolite differential abundance data.
  1829. gatom::met.kegg.dbEx
    Example KEGG-based metabolite database object
  1830. gatom::networkEx
    Example KEGG-based network object
  1831. gatom::org.Mm.eg.gatom.annoEx
    Example organism annotation object
  1832. gcatest::sim_geno
    Simulated data from PSD model
    matrix|10000 x
  1833. gcatest::sim_trait
    Simulated data from PSD model
  1834. gCrisprTools::aln
    Precalculated alignment statistics of a crispr screen
  1835. gCrisprTools::ann
    Annotation file for a mouse Crispr library
  1836. gCrisprTools::es
    ExpressionSet of count data from a Crispr screen with strong selection
  1837. gCrisprTools::essential.genes
    Artificial list of 'essential' genes in the example Crispr screen included for plotting purposes
  1838. gCrisprTools::fit
    Precalculated contrast fit from a Crispr screen
  1839. gCrisprTools::resultsDF
    Precalculated gene-level summary of a crispr screen
  1840. gcrma::affinity.spline.coefs
    Spline coefficients for estimation of affinity from probe sequence
  1841. GDCRNATools::DEGAll
    Output of 'gdcDEAnalysis' for downstream analysis
  1842. GDCRNATools::enrichOutput
    Output of 'gdcEnrichAnalysis' for visualization
  1843. GDCRNATools::lncTarget
    miRNA-lncRNA interactions
  1844. GDCRNATools::mirCounts
    miRNA counts data of TCGA-CHOL
    matrix|2588 x 45
  1845. GDCRNATools::pcTarget
    miRNA-mRNA interactions
  1846. GDCRNATools::rnaCounts
    RNAseq counts data of TCGA-CHOL
    matrix|1000 x 45
  1847. gDR::small_combo_data
    Small data.table with raw combo data used for processing via gDR
  1848. gDR::small_data
    Small data.table with raw data used for processing via gDR
  1849. GeDi::macrophage_KEGG_example
    A sample input RData file
  1850. GeDi::macrophage_Reactome_example
    A sample input RData file
  1851. GeDi::macrophage_topGO_example
    A sample input RData file
  1852. GeDi::macrophage_topGO_example_small
    A small sample input RData file
  1853. GeDi::ppi_macrophage_topGO_example_small
  1854. GeDi::sample_geneset
    A sample input text file
  1855. GeDi::sample_geneset_broken
    A broken input text file
  1856. GeDi::sample_geneset_empty
    An empty input text file
  1857. GeDi::sample_geneset_small
    A small sample input text file
  1858. GeDi::scores_macrophage_topGO_example_small
    Sample scores
  1859. gemini::Input
    Input object from Big Papi
  1860. gemini::Model
    Model object from Big Papi
  1861. gemini::counts
    Big Papi counts matrix
    matrix|9216 x 16
  1862. gemini::guide.annotation
    Big Papi guide annotations
  1863. gemini::sample.replicate.annotation
    Big Papi sample and replicate annotations
  1864. genArise::Simon
    Dataset: Little fragment of a microarray from IFC UNAM
  1865. genArise::WT.dataset
    Microarray from the IFC
  1866. GeneBreak::copynumber.data.chr18
    CGHcall Example copynumber data hg18 chr18
  1867. GeneBreak::copynumber.data.chr20
    CGHcall Example copynumber data hg18 chr20
  1868. GeneBreak::copynumber.data.chr21
    CGHcall Example copynumber data hg18 chr21
  1869. GeneBreak::ens.gene.ann.hg18
    Gene Annotation hg18
  1870. GeneBreak::ens.gene.ann.hg19
    Gene Annotation hg19
  1871. GeneBreak::ens.gene.ann.hg38
    Gene Annotation hg38
  1872. geneClassifiers::exampleMAS5
    Example MAS5.0 ExpressionSet
  1873. GeneExpressionSignature::exampleSet
    sample data, a subset of the C-MAP
  1874. genefilter::tdata
    A small test dataset of Affymetrix Expression data.
  1875. genefu::annot.expos
    Gene expression, annotations and clinical data from the International Genomics Consortium
  1876. genefu::annot.nkis
    Gene expression, annotations and clinical data from van de Vijver et al. 2002
  1877. genefu::annot.vdxs
    Gene expression, annotations and clinical data from Wang et al. 2005 and Minn et al 2007
  1878. genefu::claudinLowData
    claudinLowData for use in the claudinLow classifier. Data generously provided by Aleix Prat.
  1879. genefu::data.expos
    Gene expression, annotations and clinical data from the International Genomics Consortium
    matrix|353 x 966
  1880. genefu::data.nkis
    Gene expression, annotations and clinical data from van de Vijver et al. 2002
    matrix|150 x 922
  1881. genefu::data.vdxs
    Gene expression, annotations and clinical data from Wang et al. 2005 and Minn et al 2007
    matrix|150 x 966
  1882. genefu::demo.expos
    Gene expression, annotations and clinical data from the International Genomics Consortium
  1883. genefu::demo.nkis
    Gene expression, annotations and clinical data from van de Vijver et al. 2002
  1884. genefu::demo.vdxs
    Gene expression, annotations and clinical data from Wang et al. 2005 and Minn et al 2007
  1885. genefu::mod1
    Gene modules published in Desmedt et al. 2008
  1886. genefu::mod2
    Gene modules published in Wirapati et al. 2008
  1887. genefu::modelOvcAngiogenic
    Model used to classify ovarian tumors into Angiogenic and NonAngiogenic subtypes.
  1888. genefu::pam50
    PAM50 classifier for identification of breast cancer molecular subtypes (Parker et al 2009)
  1889. genefu::pam50.robust
    PAM50 classifier for identification of breast cancer molecular subtypes (Parker et al 2009)
  1890. genefu::pam50.scale
    PAM50 classifier for identification of breast cancer molecular subtypes (Parker et al 2009)
  1891. genefu::scmgene.robust
    Subtype Clustering Model using only ESR1, ERBB2 and AURKA genes for identification of breast cancer molecular subtypes
  1892. genefu::scmod1.robust
    Subtype Clustering Model using ESR1, ERBB2 and AURKA modules for identification of breast cancer molecular subtypes (Desmedt et al 2008)
  1893. genefu::scmod2.robust
    Subtype Clustering Model using ESR1, ERBB2 and AURKA modules for identification of breast cancer molecular subtypes (Desmedt et al 2008)
  1894. genefu::sig.endoPredict
    Signature used to compute the endoPredict signature as published by Filipits et al 2011
  1895. genefu::sig.gene70
    Signature used to compute the 70 genes prognosis profile (GENE70) as published by van't Veer et al. 2002
  1896. genefu::sig.gene76
    Signature used to compute the Relapse Score (GENE76) as published in Wang et al. 2005
  1897. genefu::sig.genius
    Gene Expression progNostic Index Using Subtypes (GENIUS) as published by Haibe-Kains et al. 2010.
  1898. genefu::sig.ggi
    Gene expression Grade Index (GGI) as published in Sotiriou et al. 2006
  1899. genefu::sig.oncotypedx
    Signature used to compute the OncotypeDX signature as published by Paik et al 2004
  1900. genefu::sig.pik3cags
    Gene expression Grade Index (GGI) as published in Sotiriou et al. 2006
  1901. genefu::sig.tamr13
    Tamoxifen Resistance signature composed of 13 gene clusters (TAMR13) as published by Loi et al. 2008.
  1902. genefu::sigOvcAngiogenic
    sigOvcAngiogenic dataset
  1903. genefu::sigOvcCrijns
    sigOvcCrijns dataset
  1904. genefu::sigOvcSpentzos
    sigOcvSpentzos dataset
  1905. genefu::sigOvcTCGA
    sigOvcTCGA dataset
  1906. genefu::sigOvcYoshihara
    sigOvcYoshihara dataset
  1907. genefu::ssp2003
    SSP2003 classifier for identification of breast cancer molecular subtypes (Sorlie et al 2003)
  1908. genefu::ssp2003.robust
    SSP2003 classifier for identification of breast cancer molecular subtypes (Sorlie et al 2003)
  1909. genefu::ssp2003.scale
    SSP2003 classifier for identification of breast cancer molecular subtypes (Sorlie et al 2003)
  1910. genefu::ssp2006
    SSP2006 classifier for identification of breast cancer molecular subtypes (Hu et al 2006)
  1911. genefu::ssp2006.robust
    SSP2006 classifier for identification of breast cancer molecular subtypes (Hu et al 2006)
  1912. genefu::ssp2006.scale
    SSP2006 classifier for identification of breast cancer molecular subtypes (Hu et al 2006)
  1913. GeneGA::wSet
    Codon Adaptation Index (CAI) w tables
  1914. GeneGeneInteR::data.SNP
    Multiple genes dataset
  1915. GeneGeneInteR::gene.pair
    A case-control dataset with two genes
  1916. GeneMeta::Nevins
    Intensity data for 46 Affymetrix slides with tissue samples of breast tumors
  1917. GeneNetworkBuilder::ce.IDsMap
    C.elegns gene name to wormbase identifier map
  1918. GeneNetworkBuilder::ce.interactionmap
    transcript regulatory map of _Caenorhabditis elegans_
  1919. GeneNetworkBuilder::ce.mapIDs
    map file for converting from wormbase identifier to _Caenorhabditis elegans_ gene name
  1920. GeneNetworkBuilder::ce.miRNA.map
    micro RNA of _Caenorhabditis elegans_
  1921. GeneNetworkBuilder::example.data
    example datasets for documentation
  1922. GeneNetworkBuilder::hs.IDsMap
    map file for converting gene name or sequence name of _Homo sapiens_ to Entrez identifier
  1923. GeneNetworkBuilder::hs.interactionmap
    transcript regulation map of _Homo sapiens_
  1924. GeneNetworkBuilder::hs.mapIDs
    map file for converting from Entrez identifier to _Homo sapiens_ gene name
  1925. GeneNetworkBuilder::hs.miRNA.map
    micro RNA of _Homo sapiens_
  1926. GeneOverlap::gs.RNASeq
    Genome size based on RNA-seq data
  1927. GeneOverlap::hESC.ChIPSeq.list
    ChIP-seq gene lists
  1928. GeneOverlap::hESC.RNASeq.list
    RNA-seq gene lists
  1929. geneplast::ppi.gs
    A pre-processed igraph object for the geneplast package.
  1930. geneplotter::IMCAEntrezLink
    A function to plot a graph colored by expression data
  1931. geneplotter::expressionSet133a
    A small dataset for testing
  1932. GeneRegionScan::exampleProbeLevelSet
    Example Dataset of class 'ProbeLevelSet'
  1933. GeneRegionScan::genomic
    genomic sequence of gene in ProbeLevelSet
  1934. GeneRegionScan::mrna
    mRNA sequence of gene in ProbeLevelSet
  1935. GENESIS::HapMap_ASW_MXL_KINGmat
    Matrix of Pairwise Kinship Coefficient Estimates for the combined HapMap ASW and MXL Sample found with the KING-robust estimator from the KING software.
    matrix|173 x 173
  1936. GENESIS::sample_annotation_1KG
    Annotation for 1000 genomes Phase 3 samples
  1937. geNetClassifier::geneSymbols
    Gene symbols associated to human Ensemble IDs.
  1938. geNetClassifier::leukemiasClassifier
    Sample leukemias classifier
  1939. GeneticsPed::Falconer5.1
    Pedigree and data examples
  1940. GeneticsPed::Mrode2.1
    Pedigree and data examples
  1941. GeneticsPed::Mrode3.1
    Pedigree and data examples
  1942. GeneTonic::enrichr_output_macrophage
    A sample output from Enrichr
  1943. GeneTonic::fgseaRes
    A sample output from fgsea
  1944. GeneTonic::gostres_macrophage
    A sample output from g:Profiler
  1945. GeneTonic::res_macrophage_IFNg_vs_naive
    A sample 'DESeqResults' object
  1946. GeneTonic::topgoDE_macrophage_IFNg_vs_naive
    A sample 'res_enrich' object
  1947. geneXtendeR::rat
    Gene transfer format (GTF) file for rat (Rattus_norvegicus.Rnor_6.0.84)
  1948. geneXtendeR::samplepeaksinput
    Sample peaks list to be used as input to geneXtendeR
  1949. genoCN::init.Para.CNA
    Initial parameters for the HMM
  1950. genoCN::init.Para.CNV
    Initial parameters for the HMM of genoCNV
  1951. genoCN::snpData
    Simulated LRR and BAF data for 17,348 SNPs on chromosome 22.
  1952. genoCN::snpInfo
    Information of 17,348 SNPs on chromosome 22.
  1953. genomation::cage
    Example CAGE data set.
  1954. genomation::cpgi
    Example CpG island data set.
  1955. genomation::genes
    Example RefSeq genes data set.
  1956. genomation::promoters
    Example promoter data set.
  1957. GenomAutomorphism::aaindex1
    List of 571 Amino Acid Physicochemical Indexes from AAindex Database
  1958. GenomAutomorphism::aaindex2
    List of 94 Amino Acid Matrices from AAindex
  1959. GenomAutomorphism::aaindex3
    Statistical protein contact potentials matrices from AAindex ver.9.2
  1960. GenomAutomorphism::aln
    Simulated 'DNAStringSet' class object
  1961. GenomAutomorphism::autby_coef
    Automorphisms between DNA Primate BRCA1 Genes Grouped by Coefficients
  1962. GenomAutomorphism::autm
    Automorphisms between DNA Sequences from two COVID-19 genomes
  1963. GenomAutomorphism::autm_3d
    Automorphisms between DNA Sequences from two COVID-19 genomes
  1964. GenomAutomorphism::autm_z125
    Automorphisms between DNA Sequences from two COVID-19 genomes
  1965. GenomAutomorphism::brca1_aln
    Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) of Primate BRCA1 DNA repair genes.
  1966. GenomAutomorphism::brca1_aln2
    Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) of Primate BRCA1 DNA repair genes.
  1967. GenomAutomorphism::brca1_autm
    Automorphisms between DNA Sequences from Primate BRCA1 Genes
  1968. GenomAutomorphism::brca1_autm2
    Automorphisms between DNA Sequences from Primate BRCA1 Genes
  1969. GenomAutomorphism::cdm_z64
    Codon Distance Matrices for the Standard Genetic Code on Z4
  1970. GenomAutomorphism::covid_aln
    Pairwise Sequence Alignment (MSA) of COVID-19 genomes.
  1971. GenomAutomorphism::covid_autm
    Automorphisms between DNA Sequences from two COVID-19 genomes
  1972. GenomAutomorphism::cyc_aln
    Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) of Primate Somatic Cytochrome C
  1973. GenomAutomorphism::cyc_autm
    Automorphisms between DNA Sequences from Primate Cytochrome C Genes
  1974. GenomAutomorphism::dna_phyche
    Some Physicochemical Properties of DNA bases
  1975. genomeIntervals::i
    Genome Intervals examples
    Genome_intervals_stranded|7 x
  1976. genomeIntervals::j
    Genome Intervals examples
    Genome_intervals_stranded|5 x
  1977. genomeIntervals::k
    Genome Intervals examples
    Genome_intervals_stranded|5 x
  1978. GenomicDistributions::TSS_hg19
    hg19 TSS locations
  1979. GenomicDistributions::cellTypeMetadata
    Table the maps cell types to tissues and groups
  1980. GenomicDistributions::chromSizes_hg19
    hg19 chromosome sizes
  1981. GenomicDistributions::exampleOpenSignalMatrix_hg19
    A dataset containing a subset of open chromatin regions across all cell types defined by ENCODE for Homo Sapiens hg19
  1982. GenomicDistributions::geneModels_hg19
    hg38 gene models
  1983. GenomicDistributions::setB_100
    Example BED file read with rtracklayer::import
  1984. GenomicDistributions::vistaEnhancers
    Example BED file read with rtracklayer::import
  1985. genomicInstability::geneLength
    Average length of human and mouse known genes
  1986. genomicInstability::geneLength
    Average length of human and mouse known genes
  1987. genomicInstability::genePosition
    Chromosomal coordinate of human and mouse known genes
  1988. genomicInstability::genePosition
    Chromosomal coordinate of human and mouse known genes
  1989. GenomicInteractions::hg19.refseq.transcripts
    Human Refseq transcripts from chr 17-18
  1990. GenomicInteractions::hic_example_data
    Example HiC dataset
  1991. GenomicInteractions::mm9_refseq_promoters
    Mouse Refseq promoters from chr 14-15
  1992. GenomicInteractions::thymus_enh
    Putative enhancers from mouse thymus data
  1993. GenomicPlot::gf5_genomic
    Toy data for examples and testing of the 'GenomicPlot' package
  1994. GenomicPlot::gf5_meta
    Toy data for examples and testing of the 'GenomicPlot' package
  1995. GenomicSuperSignature::droplist
    MeSH terms to be excluded in drawWordcloud function
  1996. GenomicSuperSignature::filterList
    RAVs that will output with quality-control messages
  1997. GenomicSuperSignature::miniAllZ
    Subset of allZ matrix constructed from 8 CRC training datasets
    matrix|100 x 160
  1998. GenomicSuperSignature::miniRAVmodel
    RAVmodel from 536 studies, annotated with MSigDB C2
  1999. GenomicSuperSignature::miniTCGA
    Subset of TCGA-COAD and TCGA-BRCA RNA sequencing datasets
  2000. GenomicSuperSignature::res_hcut
    Subset of allZ matrix constructed from 8 CRC training datasets
  2001. GenProSeq::example_PTEN
    Example Data for Protein Sequences
  2002. GenProSeq::example_luxA
    Example Data for Protein Sequences
  2003. GenVisR::HCC1395_Germline
    Germline Calls
  2004. GenVisR::HCC1395_N
    Normal BAM
  2005. GenVisR::HCC1395_T
    Tumor BAM
  2006. GenVisR::LucCNseg
    Truncated CN segments
  2007. GenVisR::PIK3CA
    Subset MAF file for PIK3CA gene
  2008. GenVisR::SNPloci
    Identity snps
  2009. GenVisR::brcaMAF
    Truncated BRCA MAF file
  2010. GenVisR::cytoGeno
    Cytogenetic banding dataset
  2011. GenVisR::hg19chr
    hg19 chromosome boundaries
  2012. GeoDiff::NBthDEmod2
    A demo example output list returned by function fitNBthDE
  2013. GeoDiff::NBthmDEmod2
    A demo example output list returned by function fitNBthmDE
  2014. GeoDiff::NBthmDEmod2slope
    A demo example output list returned by function fitNBthmDE
  2015. GeoDiff::demoData
    A demo dataset for GeoMx Cancer Transcriptome Atlas (CTA) panel
  2016. GeoDiff::kidney
    A demo dataset for GeoMx Human Whole Transcriptome Atlas (WTA) panel
  2017. GeoTcgaData::GSE66705_sample2
    a matrix of gene expression data in GEO
    matrix|999 x 3
  2018. GeoTcgaData::geneExpress
    a data.frame of gene expression data
  2019. GeoTcgaData::gene_cov
    a data.frame of gene length and GC content
  2020. GeoTcgaData::kegg_liver
    a matrix of gene expression data in TCGA
    matrix|100 x 150
  2021. GeoTcgaData::module
    a matrix of module name, gene symbols, and the number of gene symbols
    matrix|176 x 3
  2022. GeoTcgaData::profile
    a matrix of gene expression data in TCGA
  2023. GeoTcgaData::ventricle
    a matrix of gene expression data in GEO
    matrix|32 x 20
  2024. gg4way::airwayFit
    airwayFit data
  2025. GGPA::simulation
    Simulation dataa for graph-GPA
  2026. GIGSEA::MSigDB.KEGG.Pathway
  2027. GIGSEA::MSigDB.TF
  2028. GIGSEA::MSigDB.miRNA
  2029. GIGSEA::TargetScan.miRNA
  2030. GIGSEA::heart.metaXcan
  2031. gINTomics::mirna_hsa
    miRNA IDs. Dataset containing lastly definition of miRNAs (Names, Accessions, Sequences, Families and others) from different miRBase versions (From miRBase version 6 to version 22).
  2032. gINTomics::mmultiassay_ov
    Example data for a standard workflow. This is an example dataset containing a MultiAssayExperiment of 20 ovarian cancer (OVC) patients extracted from the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) database. The object contains all the available input data types: Gene expression data, miRNA expression data, gene methylation data, gene Copy Number Variations and miRNA Copy Number Variations.
  2033. GLAD::P20
    Public CGH data of Veltman
  2034. GLAD::P9
    Public CGH data of Veltman
  2035. GLAD::array1
    Bladder cancer CGH data
  2036. GLAD::array2
    Bladder cancer CGH data
  2037. GLAD::array3
    Bladder cancer CGH data
  2038. GLAD::cytoband
    Cytogenetic banding
  2039. GLAD::gm00143
    Public CGH data of Snijders
  2040. GLAD::gm01524
    Public CGH data of Snijders
  2041. GLAD::gm01535
    Public CGH data of Snijders
  2042. GLAD::gm01750
    Public CGH data of Snijders
  2043. GLAD::gm02948
    Public CGH data of Snijders
  2044. GLAD::gm03134
    Public CGH data of Snijders
  2045. GLAD::gm03563
    Public CGH data of Snijders
  2046. GLAD::gm03576
    Public CGH data of Snijders
  2047. GLAD::gm04435
    Public CGH data of Snijders
  2048. GLAD::gm05296
    Public CGH data of Snijders
  2049. GLAD::gm07081
    Public CGH data of Snijders
  2050. GLAD::gm07408
    Public CGH data of Snijders
  2051. GLAD::gm10315
    Public CGH data of Snijders
  2052. GLAD::gm13031
    Public CGH data of Snijders
  2053. GLAD::gm13330
    Public CGH data of Snijders
  2054. glmSparseNet::string.network.700.cache
    Cache of protein-protein network, as it takes some time to retrieve and process this will facilitate the vignette building
  2055. GlobalAncova::bindata
    Simulated binary data
  2056. GlobalAncova::colon.normal
    Gene expression data
    matrix|1747 x 12
  2057. GlobalAncova::colon.pheno
    Covariate information for the colon data
  2058. GlobalAncova::colon.tumour
    Gene expression data
    matrix|1747 x 12
  2059. GlobalAncova::pathways
    Cancer related pathways
  2060. GlobalAncova::phenodata
    Covariate information for the van t'Veer data
  2061. GlobalAncova::vantVeer
    Gene expression data
    matrix|1113 x 96
  2062. globalSeq::toydata
  2063. GloScope::example_SCE
    SingleCellExperiment containing example inputs to GloScope
  2064. GloScope::example_SCE_small
    SingleCellExperiment containing example inputs to GloScope
  2065. gmoviz::bright_colours_opaque
    gmoviz colour sets
  2066. gmoviz::bright_colours_transparent
    gmoviz colour sets
  2067. gmoviz::nice_colours
    gmoviz colour sets
  2068. gmoviz::pastel_colours
    gmoviz colour sets
  2069. gmoviz::rich_colours
    gmoviz colour sets
  2070. GMRP::SNP358.data
    Data of 358 SNPs
  2071. GMRP::SNP368annot.data
    Annotation data of 368SNPs
  2072. GMRP::beta.data
    Beta Data Of SNP Regressed on Causal Variables and Disease
  2073. GMRP::cad.data
    boldGWAS Meta-analyzed Data of Coronary Artery Disease
  2074. GMRP::lpd.data
    *GWAS* Meta-analyzed Data of Lipoprotein Cholesterols
  2075. GOexpress::AlvMac
    Sample data from a RNAseq experiment.
  2076. GOexpress::AlvMac_GOgenes
    Example of custom mapping between gene ontology identifiers and gene features.
  2077. GOexpress::AlvMac_allGO
    Example of custom gene ontology annotations.
  2078. GOexpress::AlvMac_allgenes
    Example of custom gene feature annotations.
  2079. GOexpress::AlvMac_results
    Sample output from the 'GO_analyse()' function on an RNAseq experiment.
  2080. GOexpress::AlvMac_results.pVal
    Sample output from the 'pValue_GO()' function on an RNAseq experiment.
  2081. GOexpress::microarray2dataset
    Table mapping probeset identifier prefixes to datasets in the Ensembl BioMart.
  2082. GOexpress::prefix2dataset
    Table mapping Ensembl gene identifier prefixes to BioMart datasets.
  2083. GOpro::exrtcga
    Expressions of human genes.
  2084. goProfiles::CD4LLids
    Entrez identifiers for CD4-TCells example
  2085. goProfiles::clustKidneyMF2
    Ready 2 cluster equivalence distance matrix obtained from the analysis of the "Kidney Dataset" at level 2 of the MF ontology
  2086. goProfiles::diseaseIds
    Entrez identifiers for disease-related genes in the OMIM database
  2087. goProfiles::dominantIds
    Entrez identifiers for disease-related genes in the OMIM database
  2088. goProfiles::dominantIdsEBI
    Entrez identifiers for disease-related genes in the OMIM database
  2089. goProfiles::dominantIdsNCBI
    Entrez identifiers for disease-related genes in the OMIM database
  2090. goProfiles::drosophilaIds
    Entrez identifiers for genes related with an eye mutation in drosophila
  2091. goProfiles::hugoIds
    Entrez Identifiers obtained from the Human Genome Organization
  2092. goProfiles::kidneyGeneLists
    Gene-lists related to kidney transplantation rejection
  2093. goProfiles::michaudIds
    Entrez identifiers for genes related with an eye mutation in drosophila
  2094. goProfiles::morbidmapIds
    Entrez identifiers for disease-related genes in the OMIM database
  2095. goProfiles::ostrinIds
    Entrez identifiers for genes related with an eye mutation in drosophila
  2096. goProfiles::recessiveIds
    Entrez identifiers for disease-related genes in the OMIM database
  2097. goProfiles::recessiveIdsEBI
    Entrez identifiers for disease-related genes in the OMIM database
  2098. goProfiles::recessiveIdsNCBI
    Entrez identifiers for disease-related genes in the OMIM database
  2099. goProfiles::singh01EntrezIDs
    Prostate cancer-related genes
  2100. goProfiles::singh05EntrezIDs
    Prostate cancer-related genes
  2101. goProfiles::welsh01EntrezIDs
    Prostate cancer-related genes
  2102. goProfiles::welsh05EntrezIDs
    Prostate cancer-related genes
  2103. GOSemSim::gotbl
    Information content of GO terms
  2104. goseq::genes
    Androgen stimulation of prostate cancer Cell lines.
  2105. goSorensen::BP.4
    An example of an object of class "equivSDhtestList" resulting from a call to 'equivSorensenTest'
  2106. goSorensen::allOncoGeneLists
    7 gene lists possibly related with cancer
  2107. goSorensen::allTabs
    An example of an object of class "allTableList" resulting from a call to 'buildEnrichTable'
  2108. goSorensen::allTabsBP.4
    An example of an object of class "tableList" resulting from a call to 'buildEnrichTable'
  2109. goSorensen::boot.cancerEquivSorensen
    An example of object of class "AllEquivSDhtest" resulting from a call to 'allEquivTestSorensen'
  2110. goSorensen::cancerEquivSorensen
    An example of an object of class "AllEquivSDhtest" resulting from a call to 'allEquivTestSorensen'
  2111. goSorensen::pbtGeneLists
    14 gene lists possibly related with kidney transplant rejection
  2112. goSorensen::tab_atlas.sanger_BP3
    Cross-tabulation of enriched GO terms at level 3 of ontology BP in two gene lists
    table|2 x 2
  2113. goSorensen::waldman_atlas.BP.4
    An example of an object of class "equivSDhtest" resulting from a call to function 'equivSorensenTest'
  2114. goSTAG::goSTAG_example_gene_lists
    goSTAG Example Gene Lists
  2115. goSTAG::goSTAG_go_genes_human
    goSTAG GO Genes (Human)
  2116. goSTAG::goSTAG_go_genes_mouse
    goSTAG GO Genes (Mouse)
  2117. goSTAG::goSTAG_go_genes_rat
    goSTAG GO Genes (Rat)
  2118. goSTAG::rat_cancer_therapeutics_gene_lists
    Rat Cancer Therapeutics Gene Lists
  2119. GOstats::Bdists
    Distance matrices for the BCR/ABL and NEG subgroups.
    matrix|206 x 206
  2120. GOstats::Ndists
    Distance matrices for the BCR/ABL and NEG subgroups.
    matrix|206 x 206
  2121. GOTHiC::filtered
    A GenomicRangesList object used as an example in the GOTHiC package
  2122. goTools::affylist
    List of probe ids from Affymetrix hgu133a chip and Operon Version 2 Human oligos
  2123. goTools::operonlist
    List of probe ids from Affymetrix hgu133a chip and Operon Version 2 Human oligos
  2124. GrafGen::HpyloriData
    H. pylori data
  2125. GrafGen::example_metadata
    Metadata for examples
  2126. GrafGen::grafGen_example_results
    Example results
  2127. GrafGen::grafGen_reference_dataframe
    Reference data results for plots
  2128. GrafGen::grafGen_reference_results
    Reference data results
  2129. granulator::bulkRNAseq_ABIS
    PBMCs expression profiles (ABIS dataset)
    matrix|1296 x 12
  2130. granulator::groundTruth_ABIS
    PBMCS true cell type proprotions (ABIS dataset)
    matrix|12 x 24
  2131. granulator::sigMatrix_ABIS_S0
    Signature matrix for deconvolution of PBMCs in 17 cell types
    matrix|1296 x 17
  2132. granulator::sigMatrix_ABIS_S1
    Signature matrix for deconvolution of PBMCs in 13 cell types
    matrix|1296 x 13
  2133. granulator::sigMatrix_ABIS_S2
    Signature matrix for deconvolution of PBMCs in 11 cell types
    matrix|1296 x 11
  2134. granulator::sigMatrix_ABIS_S3
    Signature matrix for deconvolution of PBMCs in 9 cell types
    matrix|1296 x 9
  2135. graph::IMCAAttrs
    KEGG Integrin Mediated Cell Adhesion graph
  2136. graph::IMCAGraph
    KEGG Integrin Mediated Cell Adhesion graph
  2137. graph::MAPKsig
    A graph encoding parts of the MAPK signaling pathway
  2138. graph::MAPKsig
    A graph encoding parts of the MAPK signaling pathway
  2139. graph::apopGraph
    KEGG apoptosis pathway graph
  2140. graph::biocRepos
    A graph representing the Bioconductor package repository
  2141. graph::esetsFemale
    MultiGraph edgeSet data
  2142. graph::esetsMale
    MultiGraph edgeSet data
  2143. graph::graphExamples
    A List Of Example Graphs
  2144. graph::pancrCaIni
    A graph encoding parts of the pancreatic cancer initiation pathway
  2145. GraphAT::Phenoclusters
    Yeast Gene-Knockout Fitness Data Cluster Memberships
  2146. GraphAT::causton
    Yeast mRNA Expression Data
    matrix|6015 x 45
  2147. GraphAT::ccCM
    Cell-Cycle Cluster Matrix
    matrix|2885 x 2885
  2148. GraphAT::depthmatBP
    Matrices of depth of association for pairs of YEAST genes with respect to each of the BP,CC and MF ontologies of the GO database
    matrix|3125 x
  2149. GraphAT::depthmatCC
    Matrices of depth of association for pairs of YEAST genes with respect to each of the BP,CC and MF ontologies of the GO database
    matrix|2771 x
  2150. GraphAT::depthmatMF
    Matrices of depth of association for pairs of YEAST genes with respect to each of the BP,CC and MF ontologies of the GO database
    matrix|2656 x
  2151. GraphAT::giaever
    Yeast Gene-Knockout Fitness Data
    matrix|5922 x
  2152. GraphAT::mRNAclusters
    Yeast mRNA Expression Data Cluster Memberships
  2153. GraphAT::nNamescc
    Cell-Cycle Cluster Matrix
  2154. GRENITS::Athaliana_ODE
    Gene expression time series generated with ODE model
  2155. GRENITS::Athaliana_ODE_4NoiseReps
    Gene expression time series generated with ODE model with added noise
  2156. GreyListChIP::ce10.blacklist
    A 'GRanges' object representing ENCODE signal artefact or "black list" regions.
  2157. GreyListChIP::ce11.blacklist
    A 'GRanges' object representing ENCODE signal artefact or "black list" regions.
  2158. GreyListChIP::dm3.blacklist
    A 'GRanges' object representing ENCODE signal artefact or "black list" regions.
  2159. GreyListChIP::dm6.blacklist
    A 'GRanges' object representing ENCODE signal artefact or "black list" regions.
  2160. GreyListChIP::grch37.blacklist
    A 'GRanges' object representing ENCODE signal artefact or "black list" regions.
  2161. GreyListChIP::grch38.blacklist
    A 'GRanges' object representing ENCODE signal artefact or "black list" regions.
  2162. GreyListChIP::greyList
    A sample 'GreyList' object for use in examples.
  2163. GreyListChIP::hg19.blacklist
    A 'GRanges' object representing ENCODE signal artefact or "black list" regions.
  2164. GreyListChIP::hg38.blacklist
    A 'GRanges' object representing ENCODE signal artefact or "black list" regions.
  2165. GreyListChIP::mm10.blacklist
    A 'GRanges' object representing ENCODE signal artefact or "black list" regions.
  2166. GreyListChIP::mm9.blacklist
    A 'GRanges' object representing ENCODE signal artefact or "black list" regions.
  2167. GRmetrics::inputCaseA
    Simulated dose-response assay data (Case A)
  2168. GRmetrics::inputCaseC
    Simulated dose-response assay data (Case C)
  2169. GSALightning::expression
    Breast Cancer Data from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA)
    matrix|909 x 1218
  2170. GSALightning::sampleInfo
    Sample Information for the Breast Cancer Data from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA)
  2171. GSALightning::targetGenes
    Target Genes of Distal Regulatory Elements
  2172. GSAR::p53DataSet
    p53 Dataset of the NCI-60 Cell Lines
    matrix|8655 x 50
  2173. GSCA::Oct4ESC_TG
    Oct4 activated (+) and repressed (-) target genes in embryonic stem cells
  2174. GSCA::STAT1_TG
    STAT1 activated (+) target genes defined from experimental ChIP-seq data and literature survey.
  2175. GSCA::geneIDdata
    Homologene data
  2176. GSEAmining::genesets_sel
    Selected gene sets as test
  2177. gsean::GO_dme
    Gene Ontology terms with gene ID for Drosophila melanogaster
  2178. gsean::KEGG_hsa
    KEGG pathways with gene symbol for human
  2179. GSReg::geneExrsGSReg
    matrix|20 x 50
  2180. GSReg::junc.RPM.Simulated
    matrix|242 x 50
  2181. GSReg::phenotypes
  2182. GUIDEseq::peaks.gr
    example cleavage sites
  2183. GUIDEseq::uniqueCleavageEvents
    example unique cleavage sites
  2184. Gviz::axTrack
    Data sets
  2185. Gviz::biomTrack
    Data sets
  2186. Gviz::biomTrack2
    Data sets
  2187. Gviz::bmTrack
    Data sets
  2188. Gviz::bmt
    Data sets
  2189. Gviz::conservation
    Data sets
  2190. Gviz::cpgIslands
    Data sets
  2191. Gviz::cpgIslands
    Data sets
  2192. Gviz::ctrack
    Data sets
  2193. Gviz::cyp2b10
    Data sets
  2194. Gviz::denseAnnTrack
    Data sets
  2195. Gviz::dtHoriz
    Data sets
  2196. Gviz::ensGenes
    Data sets
  2197. Gviz::from
    Data sets
  2198. Gviz::gcContent
    Data sets
  2199. Gviz::geneDetails
    Data sets
  2200. Gviz::geneModels
    Data sets
  2201. Gviz::idTrack
    Data sets
  2202. Gviz::ideoTrack
    Data sets
  2203. Gviz::idxTrack
    Data sets
  2204. Gviz::itrack
    Data sets
  2205. Gviz::knownGenes
    Data sets
  2206. Gviz::refGenes
    Data sets
  2207. Gviz::snpLocations
    Data sets
  2208. Gviz::to
    Data sets
  2209. Gviz::twoGroups
    Data sets
  2210. GWAS.BAYES::SNPs
    A. Thaliana Genotype matrix
    matrix|328 x 9000
  2211. GWAS.BAYES::Y
    A. Thaliana Simulated Phenotype matrix
  2212. GWAS.BAYES::kinship
    A. Thaliana Kinship matrix
    matrix|328 x 328
  2213. gwascat::ebicat_2020_04_30
    serialized gwaswloc instance from april 30 2020, sample of 50000 records
  2214. gwascat::efo.obo.g
    convert a typical OBO text file to a graphNEL instance (using Term elements)
  2215. gwascat::g17SM
    SnpMatrix instance from chr17
    SnpMatrix|90 x 89701
  2216. gwascat::gg17N
    genotype matrix from chr17 1000 genomes
    matrix|90 x 87957
  2217. gwascat::gr6.0_hg38
    image of locon6 in GRanges, lifted over to hg38
  2218. gwascat::gw6.rs_17
    character vector of rs numbers for SNP on chr17
  2219. gwascat::gwastagger
    GRanges with LD information on 9998 SNP
  2220. gwascat::locon6
    location data for 10000 SNP
  2221. gwascat::low17
    SnpMatrix instance from chr17
    SnpMatrix|60 x 196327
  2222. gwascat::si.hs.37
    Seqinfo for GRCh37
  2223. gwascat::si.hs.38
    Seqinfo for GRCh38
  2224. GWASTools::HLA.hg18
    HLA region base positions
  2225. GWASTools::HLA.hg19
    HLA region base positions
  2226. GWASTools::HLA.hg38
    HLA region base positions
  2227. GWASTools::centromeres.hg18
    Centromere base positions
  2228. GWASTools::centromeres.hg19
    Centromere base positions
  2229. GWASTools::centromeres.hg38
    Centromere base positions
  2230. GWASTools::pcaSnpFilters.hg18
    Regions of SNP-PC correlation to filter for Principal Component Analysis
  2231. GWASTools::pcaSnpFilters.hg19
    Regions of SNP-PC correlation to filter for Principal Component Analysis
  2232. GWASTools::pcaSnpFilters.hg38
    Regions of SNP-PC correlation to filter for Principal Component Analysis
  2233. GWASTools::pseudoautosomal.hg18
    Pseudoautosomal region base positions
  2234. GWASTools::pseudoautosomal.hg19
    Pseudoautosomal region base positions
  2235. GWASTools::pseudoautosomal.hg38
    Pseudoautosomal region base positions
  2236. GWASTools::relationsMeanVar
    Mean and Variance information for full-sibs, half-sibs, first-cousins
  2237. GWENA::gtex_expr
    Transcriptomic muscle data from GTEx consorsium RNA-seq data
  2238. GWENA::gtex_traits
    Traits data linked to samples in transcriptomic data from GTEx
  2239. GWENA::kuehne_expr
    Transcriptomic data from the Kuehne et al. publication
  2240. GWENA::kuehne_traits
    Traits data linked to samples in transcriptomic data from the Kuehne et al. publication
  2241. h5vc::bases
    Mutation spectrum analyses
  2242. hapFabia::chr1ASW1000G
    Example genotype data in 'vcf' format
  2243. hapFabia::hapRes
    Example result of 'hapFabia'
  2244. hapFabia::mergedIBDsegmentList
    Example IBD segment list as a result of 'hapFabia'
  2245. hapFabia::res
    Example result of 'spfabia'
  2246. hapFabia::simu
    Example simulation data for 'hapFabia'
  2247. Harshlight::sim
    blemish simulations from 100.000 random chips
  2248. Harshlight::sim.int
    blemish simulations from 100.000 random chips
  2249. HDTD::VEGFmouse
    Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Mouse Dataset
  2250. hdxmsqc::BRD4df
    This is data to be included in my package
  2251. hdxmsqc::BRD4df_full
    This is data to be included in my package
  2252. heatmaps::hm
    Data for man page examples
  2253. heatmaps::hm2
    Data for man page examples
  2254. heatmaps::mat
    Data for man page examples
    matrix|500 x 200
  2255. heatmaps::rle_list
    Data for man page examples
  2256. heatmaps::string_set
    Data for man page examples
  2257. heatmaps::tata_pwm
    Data for man page examples
  2258. heatmaps::windows
    Data for man page examples
  2259. HELP::base.stacking.thermodynamics
    Base-stacking thermodynamic parameters
  2260. HEM::mubcp
    Gene expression data for mouse B cell development
  2261. HEM::pbrain
    Gene expression data for primate brains
  2262. hermes::expression_set
    Example 'ExpressionSet' Data
  2263. hermes::hermes_data
    Example 'HermesData' Data
  2264. hermes::multi_assay_experiment
    Example 'MultiAssayExperiment' Data
  2265. hermes::summarized_experiment
    Example 'SummarizedExperiment' Data
  2266. HERON::heffron2021_wuhan
    SARS CoV-2 Wuhan Peptide Binding Array Data
  2267. HGC::Pollen
    Embeddings of the Pollen datasets in the principal component space.
  2268. hiAnnotator::genes
    Sample RefSeq genes annotation
  2269. hiAnnotator::sites
    Sample Retrovirus Integration Sites data
  2270. hiAnnotator::sites.ctrl
    Controls for Sample Retrovirus Integration Sites data
  2271. HIBAG::HLA_Type_Table
    Four-digit HLA types of a study simulated from HapMap CEU
  2272. HIBAG::HapMap_CEU_Geno
    SNP genotypes of a study simulated from HapMap CEU genotypic data
  2273. HicAggR::Beaf32_Peaks.gnr
    D.melanogaster Beaf-32 ChIP-seq.
  2274. HicAggR::HiC_Ctrl.cmx_lst
    In situ Hi-C control.
  2275. HicAggR::HiC_HS.cmx_lst
    In situ Hi-C heat treated.
  2276. HicAggR::TADs_Domains.gnr
    D.melanogaster TADs.
  2277. HicAggR::TSS_Peaks.gnr
    D.melanogaster Transcription starting sites.
  2278. HiCcompare::HMEC.chr10
    Hi-C data from HMEC cell line - chromosome 10 at 500kb resolution
  2279. HiCcompare::HMEC.chr22
    Hi-C data from HMEC cell line - chromosome 22 at 500kb resolution
  2280. HiCcompare::NHEK.chr10
    Hi-C data from NHEK cell line - chromosome 10 at 500kb resolution
  2281. HiCcompare::NHEK.chr22
    Hi-C data from NHEK cell line - chromosome 22 at 500kb resolution
  2282. HiCcompare::brain_table
    Hi-C data from two regions of the brain at 100KB resolution
  2283. HiCcompare::centromere_locations
    Locations of the centromeres for hg19
  2284. HiCcompare::cooler
    Hi-C data in the cooler format
  2285. HiCcompare::hg19_blacklist
    BED file for hg19 blacklisted regions
  2286. HiCcompare::hg38_blacklist
    BED file for hg38 blacklisted regions
  2287. HiCcompare::hmec.IS
    Hi-C data from HMEC cell line - chromosome 22 at 500kb resolution
  2288. HiCcompare::nhek.IS
    Hi-C data from NHEK cell line - chromosome 22 at 500kb resolution
  2289. HiCDOC::exampleHiCDOCDataSet
    Example HiCDOCDataSet.
  2290. HiCDOC::exampleHiCDOCDataSetProcessed
    Example HiCDOCDataSet, filtered, normalized and with compartements detected.
  2291. HiCExperiment::centros_yeast
    Example datasets provided in 'HiCExperiment' & 'HiContactsData'
  2292. hierGWAS::simGWAS
    Simulated GWAS data
  2293. hierinf::simGWAS
    Simulated GWAS data set
  2294. hipathia::DAdata
    Wilcoxon and limma comparison object for nodes, pathways and functional annotations
  2295. hipathia::brca
    BRCA gene expression dataset as SummarizedExperiment
  2296. hipathia::brca_data
    BRCA gene expression dataset
    matrix|3187 x 40
  2297. hipathia::brca_design
    BRCA experimental design
  2298. hipathia::comp
    Wilcoxon comparison of pathways object
  2299. hipathia::exp_data
    Normalized BRCA gene expression dataset
  2300. hipathia::go_vals
    Gene Ontology matrix of the BRCA gene expression dataset
  2301. hipathia::hidata
    Results object
  2302. hipathia::path_vals
    Pathways matrix of the BRCA gene expression dataset
  2303. hipathia::pathways
    Pathways object including pathways has03320 and hsa04012.
  2304. hipathia::results
    Results object
  2305. HIPPO::ensg_hgnc
    A reference data frame that matches ENSG IDs to HGNC symbols
  2306. HIPPO::toydata
    A sample single cell sequencing data subsetted from Zheng2017
  2307. hiReadsProcessor::psl
    PSL file output
  2308. hiReadsProcessor::seqProps
    Sample Integration Sites Sequencing Data
  2309. HiTC::E14
    HiTC - 5C data
  2310. HiTC::MEF
    HiTC - 5C data
  2311. hmdbQuery::hmdb1
    hmdb1: demonstration HMDB entry
  2312. hmdbQuery::hmdb_disease
    hmdb_disease: Sept 2017 extract from hmdb.ca of direct disease associations
  2313. hmdbQuery::hmdb_gene
    hmdb_gene: Sept 2017 extract from hmdb.ca of direct gene associations
  2314. hmdbQuery::hmdb_omim
    hmdb_omim: Sept 2017 extract from hmdb.ca of direct omim associations
  2315. hmdbQuery::hmdb_protein
    hmdb_protein: Sept 2017 extract from hmdb.ca of direct protein associations
  2316. HMMcopy::normal_copy
    HMMcopy example dataset
  2317. HMMcopy::tumour_copy
    HMMcopy example dataset
  2318. HMMcopy::tumour_param
    HMMcopy example dataset
  2319. HMMcopy::tumour_reads
    HMMcopy example dataset
  2320. HMMcopy::tumour_segments
    HMMcopy example dataset
  2321. hoodscanR::spe
    Example test spatial transcriptomics data
  2322. hopach::golub
    Gene expression dataset from Golub et al. (1999)
    matrix|3051 x
  2323. hopach::golub.cl
    Gene expression dataset from Golub et al. (1999)
  2324. hopach::golub.gnames
    Gene expression dataset from Golub et al. (1999)
    matrix|3051 x
  2325. HPAanalyze::hpa_histology_data
    HPA histology dataset
  2326. HPiP::Gold_ReferenceSet
    Gold-standard Reference Set of Inter-Species PPIs
  2327. HPiP::UP000464024_df
    Data.frame Containing SARS-CoV-2 FASTA Sequences
  2328. HPiP::enrich.df
    Enrichment Result
  2329. HPiP::example_data
    Input Data for Prediction Algorithm
  2330. HPiP::host_se
    Host SummarizedExperiment object
  2331. HPiP::predicted_PPIs
    Predicted HP-PPIs
  2332. HPiP::unlabel_data
    HP-PPIs with Unknown Class Labels
  2333. HPiP::viral_se
    Viral SummarizedExperiment object
  2334. HTSFilter::sultan
    RNA-seq data from humans in Sultan et al. (2008)
  2335. hummingbird::abnormM
    Sample matrix
    matrix|4746 x
  2336. hummingbird::abnormUM
    Sample matrix
    matrix|4746 x
  2337. hummingbird::exampleSECase
    Sample input data
  2338. hummingbird::exampleSEControl
    Sample input data
  2339. hummingbird::normM
    Sample matrix
    matrix|4746 x
  2340. hummingbird::normUM
    Sample matrix
    matrix|4746 x
  2341. hummingbird::pos
    Sample matrix
    matrix|4746 x
  2342. HybridExpress::deg_counts
    Data frame with frequencies (absolute and relative) of DEGs per contrast
  2343. HybridExpress::deg_list
    List of differentially expressed genes for all contrasts
  2344. HybridExpress::go_chlamy
    Data frame with GO terms annotated to each gene of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
  2345. HybridExpress::se_chlamy
    Expression data (in counts) for 3 Chlamydomonas lines (P1, P2, and F1)
  2346. HybridMTest::GroupComp.data
    Sample ExpressionSet of GroupComp.data
  2347. HybridMTest::correlation.data
    Sample ExpressionSet object of correlation.data
  2348. iASeq::sampleASE_exprs
    Example Dataset for iASeq
    matrix|5504 x 20
  2349. iASeq::sampleASE_refid
    Example Dataset for iASeq
  2350. iASeq::sampleASE_repid
    Example Dataset for iASeq
  2351. iASeq::sampleASE_studyid
    Example Dataset for iASeq
  2352. iBMQ::PPA.liver
    A matrix with Posterior Probabilities of Association
    matrix|290 x 5000
  2353. iBMQ::gene
    Gene expression from whole eye tissue from n = 68 BXD RIS mice.
  2354. iBMQ::genepos
    Gene position data frame
  2355. iBMQ::genotype.liver
    A set of 290 SNPs from 60 F2 mice.
  2356. iBMQ::map.liver
    SNP position data frame
  2357. iBMQ::phenotype.liver
    Gene expression from liver tissue from n = 60 F2 mice.
  2358. iBMQ::probe.liver
    Gene position data frame
  2359. iBMQ::snp
    A set of 1700 SNP from 68 BXD RIS mice.
  2360. iBMQ::snppos
    SNP position data frame
  2361. iCARE::bc_72_snps
    Data for examples
  2362. iCARE::bc_inc
    Data for examples
  2363. iCARE::bc_model_cov_info
    Data for examples
  2364. iCARE::bc_model_formula
    Data for examples
  2365. iCARE::bc_model_log_or
    Data for examples
  2366. iCARE::bc_model_log_or_post_50
    Data for examples
  2367. iCARE::mort_inc
    Data for examples
  2368. iCARE::new_cov_prof
    Data for examples
  2369. iCARE::new_snp_prof
    Data for examples
  2370. iCARE::output
    Data for examples
  2371. iCARE::ref_cov_dat
    Data for examples
  2372. iCARE::ref_cov_dat_post_50
    Data for examples
  2373. iCARE::validation.cohort.data
    Data for examples
  2374. iCARE::validation.nested.case.control.data
    Data for examples
  2375. Icens::cmv
    Data on times to shedding of cytomegalovirus and to colonization of mycobacterium avium complex.
    matrix|204 x 4
  2376. Icens::cosmesis
    The time taken until cosmetic deterioration of breast cosmesis.
  2377. Icens::hiv
    Intervals for infection time and disease onset for 257 hemophiliac patients.
  2378. Icens::pruitt
    A small artificial, bivariate right-censored data set.
  2379. iChip::oct4
    Oct4 data
  2380. iChip::p53
    p53 data
  2381. iClusterPlus::breast.chr17
    Breast cancer data set DNA copy number and mRNA expression measure on chromosome 17
  2382. iClusterPlus::coord
    genomic coordinates
  2383. iClusterPlus::gbm.exp
    GBM data
    matrix|84 x 1740
  2384. iClusterPlus::gbm.mut
    GBM data
    matrix|84 x 306
  2385. iClusterPlus::gbm.seg
    GBM data
  2386. iClusterPlus::glp
    good lattice points using the uniform design
  2387. iClusterPlus::simuResult
    The results for the analysis of the simulated data.
  2388. iClusterPlus::variation.hg18.v10.nov.2010
    Human genome variants of the NCBI 36 (hg18) assembly
  2389. iCNV::filenm
    Name of the file
  2390. iCNV::icnv_res0
    Example iCNV calling results.
  2391. iCNV::ngs_baf
    BAF list from NGS
  2392. iCNV::ngs_baf.chr
    BAF chromosome from NGS
  2393. iCNV::ngs_baf.id
    BAF variants id from NGS
  2394. iCNV::ngs_baf.nm
    BAF variants sample name from NGS
  2395. iCNV::ngs_baf.pos
    BAF position list from NGS
  2396. iCNV::ngs_plr
    Normalized Poisson likelihood ratio list from NGS
  2397. iCNV::ngs_plr.pos
    Exon location list from NGS
  2398. iCNV::normObj
    Demo data pre-stored for normObj.
  2399. iCNV::qcObj
    Demo data pre-stored for qcObj.
  2400. iCNV::sampname
    CODEX sample name
  2401. iCNV::sampname_qc
    QCed sample name
  2402. iCNV::snp_baf
    BAF list from Array
  2403. iCNV::snp_baf.pos
    BAF position list from Array
  2404. iCNV::snp_lrr
    Normalized log R ratio list from Array
  2405. iCNV::snp_lrr.pos
    SNP position list from Array
  2406. iCOBRA::cobradata_example
    Example data set with three differential gene expression methods
  2407. iCOBRA::cobradata_example_sval
    Example data set with three differential gene expression methods
  2408. IdeoViz::GSM733664_broadPeaks
    Data for vignette example 4.
  2409. IdeoViz::binned_fullGenome
    Data for example 3.
  2410. IdeoViz::binned_multiSeries
    Data for vignette example 1.
  2411. IdeoViz::binned_singleSeries
    Data for example 2.
  2412. IdeoViz::hg18_ideo
    Ideogram table for hg18
  2413. IdeoViz::wins
    Data for vignette example 1.
  2414. IdeoViz::wins
    Data for vignette example 1.
  2415. IdeoViz::wins_discrete
    Data for example 2.
  2416. IdeoViz::wins_discrete
    Data for example 2.
  2417. IdeoViz::wins_entiregenome
    Data for example 3.
  2418. IdeoViz::wins_entiregenome
    Data for example 3.
  2419. idiogram::Cf.cytoband
    Cytogenetic Banding information
  2420. idiogram::Hs.cytoband
    Cytogenetic Banding information
  2421. idiogram::Mm.cytoband
    Cytogenetic Banding information
  2422. idiogram::Rn.cytoband
    Cytogenetic Banding information
  2423. idiogram::colo.eset
    data included for idiogram package examples
    matrix|2031 x 15
  2424. idiogram::ucsf.chr
    data included for idiogram package examples
  2425. idiogram::vai.chr
    data included for idiogram package examples
  2426. idpr::DUNMat
    A Substitution Matrix for Aligning Intrinsically Disordered Proteins
    matrix|20 x 20
  2427. idpr::Disorder40
    Disorder-based Substitution Matrices.
    matrix|24 x 24
  2428. idpr::Disorder60
    Disorder-based Substitution Matrices.
    matrix|24 x 24
  2429. idpr::Disorder85
    Disorder-based Substitution Matrices.
    matrix|24 x 24
  2430. idpr::EDSSMat50
    EDSSMat Disorder-based Substitution Matrices.
    matrix|24 x 24
  2431. idpr::EDSSMat60
    EDSSMat Disorder-based Substitution Matrices.
    matrix|24 x 24
  2432. idpr::EDSSMat62
    EDSSMat Disorder-based Substitution Matrices.
    matrix|24 x 24
  2433. idpr::EDSSMat70
    EDSSMat Disorder-based Substitution Matrices.
    matrix|24 x 24
  2434. idpr::EDSSMat75
    EDSSMat Disorder-based Substitution Matrices.
    matrix|24 x 24
  2435. idpr::EDSSMat80
    EDSSMat Disorder-based Substitution Matrices.
    matrix|24 x 24
  2436. idpr::EDSSMat90
    EDSSMat Disorder-based Substitution Matrices.
    matrix|24 x 24
  2437. idpr::GorillaTP53
    Human Cellular tumor antigen p53 and homologs
  2438. idpr::KDNorm
    Kyte and Doolittle Scaled Hydropathy Index
  2439. idpr::TP53Sequences
    Human Cellular tumor antigen p53 and homologs
  2440. idpr::pKaData
    Sets of pKa values for Charged Amino Acids
  2441. idr2d::chiapet
    Example Genomic Interaction Data Set
  2442. idr2d::chipseq
    Example Genomic Peak Data Set
  2443. idr2d::hic
    Example Hi-C data set
  2444. iGC::hg19DBNM
  2445. IgGeneUsage::CDR3_Epitopes
    Net charge usage in CDR3 sequences of T-cell receptor repertoires disturbed by Influenza-A and CMV
  2446. IgGeneUsage::IGHV_HCV
    IGHV gene usage in HCV+ and healthy individuals
  2447. IgGeneUsage::Ig
    IGHV gene family usage in vaccine-challenged B-cell repertoires
  2448. IgGeneUsage::Ig_SE
    IGHV gene family usage in vaccine-challenged B-cell repertoires (SummarizedExperiment object)
  2449. IgGeneUsage::d_zibb_1
    Simulated Ig gene usage data
  2450. IgGeneUsage::d_zibb_2
    Simulated Ig gene usage data
  2451. IgGeneUsage::d_zibb_3
    Simulated Ig gene usage data
  2452. IgGeneUsage::d_zibb_4
    Simulated Ig gene usage data
  2453. IgGeneUsage::d_zibb_5
    Simulated Ig gene usage data
  2454. IgGeneUsage::d_zibb_6
    Simulated Ig gene usage data
  2455. ILoReg::pbmc3k_500
    A toy dataset with 500 cells downsampled from the pbmc3k dataset.
  2456. IMAS::Clinical.data
    A data frame for clinical data
  2457. IMAS::GroupSam
    Group of each sample.
  2458. IMAS::sampleMedata
    Methylation level data
  2459. IMAS::sampleMelocus
    Genomic locus of methylations
  2460. IMAS::samplebamfiles
    A data frame for example expression bam files.
  2461. IMAS::samplesnp
    Genotype data
  2462. IMAS::samplesnplocus
    Genomic locus of SNPs
  2463. IMMAN::Celegance
  2464. IMMAN::FruitFly
    Fruit Fly
  2465. IMMAN::H.sapiens
    Homo sapiens (Human)
  2466. IMMAN::R.norvegicus
    Rattus norvegicus (Rat)
  2467. immApex::immapex_AA.data
    A list of amino acid properties
  2468. immApex::immapex_blosum.pam.matrices
    List of amino acid substitution matrices
  2469. immApex::immapex_example.data
    Example contig data for Apex
  2470. immApex::immapex_gene.list
    A list of IMGT gene names by genes, loci, and species
  2471. immunoClust::dat.exp
    immunoClust Meta-clustering Sample
  2472. immunoClust::dat.fcs
    immunoClust Cell-clustering Sample
  2473. immunoClust::dat.meta
    immunoClust Meta-clustering Results Sample
  2474. impute::khanmiss
    Khan microarray data with random missing values
  2475. INDEED::Met_GU
    GU cirrhosis (CIRR) and GU Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) data.
  2476. INDEED::Met_Group_GU
    Group label.
  2477. INDEED::Met_name_GU
  2478. INDEED::pvalue_M_GU
    P-values obtained by differential expression (DE) analysis.
  2479. iNETgrate::toyCleanedAml
    A subset of cleaned TCGA-LAML data
  2480. iNETgrate::toyComputEloci
    A subset of weighted DNA methylation profile of TCGA-LAML data
  2481. iNETgrate::toyEigengenes
    A subset of weighted average of gene expression present in each module
    matrix|158 x 4
  2482. iNETgrate::toyRawAml
    A subset of TCGA-LAML data
  2483. infercnv::HMM_states
    infercnv object result of the processing of run() in the HMM example, to be used for other examples.
    matrix|4613 x 20
  2484. infercnv::infercnv_annots_example
    Generated classification for 10 normal cells and 10 tumor cells.
  2485. infercnv::infercnv_data_example
    Generated SmartSeq2 expression data with 10 normal cells and 10 tumor cells. This is only to demonstrate how to use methods, not actual data to be used in an analysis.
  2486. infercnv::infercnv_genes_example
    Downsampled gene coordinates file from GrCh37
  2487. infercnv::infercnv_object_example
    infercnv object result of the processing of run() in the example, to be used for other examples.
  2488. infercnv::mcmc_obj
    infercnv object result of the processing of inferCNVBayesNet in the example, to be used for other examples.
  2489. infinityFlow::steady_state_lung
    Subset of a massively parallel cytometry experiment of mouse lung single cells
  2490. infinityFlow::steady_state_lung_annotation
    Target and isotypes annotation for the data object infinityFlow::steady_state_lnug
  2491. infinityFlow::steady_state_lung_backbone_specification
    Backbone and Infinity antibodies specification for the data object infinityFlow::steady_state_lnug
  2492. InPAS::utr3.mm10
    Annotation of 3' UTRs for mouse (mm10)
  2493. INSPEcT::allcounts
    A list containing mature and nascent counts for exons and introns, three replicates and 11 time points: 0,1/6,1/3,1/2,1,1.5,2,4,8,12,16 hours.
  2494. INTACT::exprwt_sumstats
    TWAS weights for a simulated gene.
  2495. INTACT::gene_set_list
    Simulated gene set list.
  2496. INTACT::ld_sumstats
    LD correlation matrix from a simulated data set.
    matrix|1500 x
  2497. INTACT::multi_simdat
    Simulated TWAS, PWAS, and pairwise colocalization summary data.
  2498. INTACT::protwt_sumstats
    PWAS weights for a simulated gene.
  2499. INTACT::simdat
    Simulated TWAS and colocalization summary data.
  2500. INTACT::z_sumstats
    TWAS and PWAS z-score for a simulated gene.
  2501. InTAD::enhSel
    Enhancer signals subset detected from medulloblatoma samples
  2502. InTAD::enhSelGR
    Genomic coordiantes of enhancer signals subet
  2503. InTAD::loopsDfSel
    Data frame containing coordinates of loops
  2504. InTAD::mbAnnData
    Data frame containing information about samples
  2505. InTAD::rpkmCountsSel
    Gene expression subset from medulloblastoma samples
  2506. InTAD::tadGR
    Genomic coordiantes of topologically associated domains
  2507. InTAD::txsSel
    Genomic coordiantes of genes subset
  2508. interacCircos::arcExample
    Arc plot example data
  2509. interacCircos::bubbleExample
    Bubble plot example data
  2510. interacCircos::chord.pExample
    Example data of chord plot of circosJS
  2511. interacCircos::chordExample
    Example data of chord plot of NG-Circos
  2512. interacCircos::cnvExample
    Cnv module example data
  2513. interacCircos::geneExample
    Gene plot example data
  2514. interacCircos::heatmapExample
    Heatmap plot example data
  2515. interacCircos::hg19_ideogram
    Ideogram for hg19
  2516. interacCircos::histogramExample
    Histogram plot example data
  2517. interacCircos::lineExample
    Line plot example data
  2518. interacCircos::linkExample
    Link plot example data
  2519. interacCircos::lollipopExample
    Lollipop plot example data
  2520. interacCircos::scatterExample
    Scatter plot example data
  2521. interacCircos::snpExample
    Snp plot example data
  2522. interacCircos::wigExample
    Wig plot example data
  2523. InteractiveComplexHeatmap::rand_mat
    A random matrix
    matrix|60 x 60
  2524. interactiveDisplay::expr
    An Example ExpressionSet object
  2525. interactiveDisplay::mmgr
    An Example GRanges Object
  2526. interactiveDisplay::mmgrl
    An Example GRangesList Object
  2527. interactiveDisplay::se
    An Example RangedSummarizedExperiment Object
  2528. InterCellar::input.data
    Input Data example
  2529. IntEREst::mdsChr22ExObj
    Object of SummarizedExperiment type for exon-exon junction of MDS data
  2530. IntEREst::mdsChr22IntSpObj
    Object of SummarizedExperiment type for intron spanning reads of MDS data
  2531. IntEREst::mdsChr22Obj
    Object of SummarizedExperiment type for intron retention MDS data
  2532. IntEREst::pwmU12db
    PWM of U12 and U2-type introns splice sites
  2533. IntEREst::u12
    U12 data
  2534. IntramiRExploreR::Affy1_Distance_Final
    Targets for the microRNA analyzed from Affy1 plaform using Distance.
  2535. IntramiRExploreR::Affy1_Pearson_Final
    Targets for the microRNA analyzed from Affy1 plaform using Pearson.
  2536. IntramiRExploreR::Affy2_Distance_Final
    Targets for the microRNA analyzed from Affy2 plaform using Distance.
  2537. IntramiRExploreR::Affy2_Pearson_Final
    Targets for the microRNA analyzed from Affy2 plaform using Pearson.
  2538. IntramiRExploreR::miRNA_ID_to_Function
    Contains the miRNA function information from Flybase database.
  2539. IntramiRExploreR::miRNA_summary_DB
    Contains the summary for the intragenic miRNA.
  2540. iPAC::KRAS.Mutations
    matrix|149 x 188
  2541. iPAC::PIK3CA.Mutations
    matrix|96 x 1068
  2542. iPath::GSDB_example
    example gene set database (GSDB)
  2543. iPath::prad_cli
    simulated clinical data for PRAD cancer patients
  2544. iPath::prad_exprs
    expression matrix for PRAD cancer patients in TCGA
    matrix|10000 x 91
  2545. iPath::prad_inds
    normal (0) and tumor (1) classes associated with PRAD expression data
  2546. ISAnalytics::association_file
    Example of association file.
  2547. ISAnalytics::integration_matrices
    Example of imported multi-quantification integration matrices.
  2548. ISAnalytics::proto_oncogenes
    Data frames for proto-oncogenes (human and mouse) amd tumor-suppressor genes from UniProt.
  2549. ISAnalytics::refGenes_hg19
    Gene annotation files for hg19, mm9 and mm10.
  2550. ISAnalytics::refGenes_mm9
    Gene annotation files for hg19, mm9 and mm10.
  2551. ISAnalytics::tumor_suppressors
    Data frames for proto-oncogenes (human and mouse) amd tumor-suppressor genes from UniProt.
  2552. iSeq::nrsf
    nrsf data
  2553. ISLET::GE600_se
    ISLET deconvolution example raw input data
  2554. ISLET::GE600age_se
    ISLET example datasets for slope variable testing in csDE
  2555. isobar::ib_phospho
    Isobar Data packages
  2556. isobar::ibspiked_set1
    Isobar Data packages
  2557. isobar::ibspiked_set2
    Isobar Data packages
  2558. isobar::noise.model.hcd
    Isobar Data packages
  2559. IsoCorrectoR::IsoCorrectoR
    IsoCorrectoR example data
  2560. IsoformSwitchAnalyzeR::exampleSwitchList
    Example data for IsoformSwitchAnalyzeR
  2561. IsoformSwitchAnalyzeR::exampleSwitchListAnalyzed
    Example data for IsoformSwitchAnalyzeR
  2562. IsoformSwitchAnalyzeR::exampleSwitchListIntermediary
    Example data for IsoformSwitchAnalyzeR
  2563. ISoLDE::filteredASRcounts
    matrix|6062 x 14
  2564. ISoLDE::normASRcounts
    matrix|8364 x 14
  2565. ISoLDE::rawASRcounts
    matrix|8364 x 14
  2566. ISoLDE::target
  2567. isomiRs::dat286.long
    Data frame containing mirna from Argyropoulos's paper
  2568. isomiRs::ego
    enrichResult class
  2569. isomiRs::gene_ex_rse
    Data frame containing gene expression data
  2570. isomiRs::ma_ex
    Data frame containing gene-mirna relationship
  2571. isomiRs::mirData
    Example of IsomirDataSeq with human brain miRNA counts data
  2572. isomiRs::mirTritation
    Data frame containing mirna from Argyropoulos's paper
  2573. isomiRs::mirna_ex_rse
    Data frame containing mirna expression data
  2574. iterativeBMA::testClass
    Sample Test Data for the Iterative BMA Algorithm
  2575. iterativeBMA::testData
    Sample Test Data for the Iterative BMA Algorithm
  2576. iterativeBMA::trainClass
    Sample Training Data for the Iterative BMA Algorithm
  2577. iterativeBMA::trainData
    Sample Training Data for the Iterative BMA Algorithm
  2578. iterativeBMAsurv::testCens
    Sample Test Data for the Iterative BMA Algorithm for Survival Analysis
  2579. iterativeBMAsurv::testData
    Sample Test Data for the Iterative BMA Algorithm for Survival Analysis
  2580. iterativeBMAsurv::testSurv
    Sample Test Data for the Iterative BMA Algorithm for Survival Analysis
  2581. iterativeBMAsurv::trainCens
    Sample Training Data for the Iterative BMA Algorithm for Survival Analysis
  2582. iterativeBMAsurv::trainData
    Sample Training Data for the Iterative BMA Algorithm for Survival Analysis
  2583. iterativeBMAsurv::trainSurv
    Sample Training Data for the Iterative BMA Algorithm for Survival Analysis
  2584. IVAS::sampleexp
    CEU expression data
    data.frame|64 x 78
  2585. IVAS::samplesnp
    CEU genotype data
  2586. IVAS::samplesnplocus
  2587. ivygapSE::ivySE
    ivySE: SummarizedExperiment for IvyGAP expression data and metadata
  2588. IWTomics::ETn_example
    ETn Recombination hotspots data
  2589. IWTomics::features_example
    Example of features
  2590. IWTomics::regionsFeatures_center
    Example of '"IWTomicsData"' object with center alignment
  2591. IWTomics::regionsFeatures_scale
    Example of '"IWTomicsData"' object with scale alignment
  2592. IWTomics::regions_example
    Example of regions
  2593. KBoost::D4_multi_1
    Dream 4 multifactorial pertubation challenge dataset 1
  2594. KBoost::D4_multi_2
    Dream 4 multifactorial pertubation challenge dataset 2
  2595. KBoost::D4_multi_3
    Dream 4 multifactorial pertubation challenge dataset 3
  2596. KBoost::D4_multi_4
    Dream 4 multifactorial pertubation challenge dataset 4
  2597. KBoost::D4_multi_5
    Dream 4 multifactorial pertubation challenge dataset 5
  2598. KBoost::G_D4_multi_1
    Gold Standard Dream 4 multifactorial pertubation challenge dataset 1
    matrix|176 x 3
  2599. KBoost::G_D4_multi_2
    Gold Standard Dream 4 multifactorial pertubation challenge dataset 2
    matrix|249 x 3
  2600. KBoost::G_D4_multi_3
    Gold Standard Dream 4 multifactorial pertubation challenge dataset 3
    matrix|195 x 3
  2601. KBoost::G_D4_multi_4
    Gold Standard Dream 4 multifactorial pertubation challenge dataset 4
    matrix|211 x 3
  2602. KBoost::G_D4_multi_5
    Gold Standard Dream 4 multifactorial pertubation challenge dataset 5
    matrix|193 x 3
  2603. KBoost::Gerstein_Prior_ENET_2
    Gene Regulatory Network from human ChIP-Seq data in Encode
    matrix|26070 x 2
  2604. KBoost::Human_TFs
    Index of human genes' Symbols, Entrez and Ensembl for K-Boost Pacakge that correspond to transcription factors.
  2605. KBoost::IRMA_Gold
    IRMA Gold Standard Network
  2606. KBoost::irma_off
    IRMA Off Dataset
  2607. KBoost::irma_on
    IRMA On Dataset
  2608. KCsmart::hsMirrorLocs
    Mirror locations of the human genome
  2609. KCsmart::hsSampleData
    Homo Sapiens artificial cgh data set
  2610. KCsmart::mmMirrorLocs
    Mirror locations of the mouse genome
  2611. kebabs::ccannot
    KeBABS Sequence Data
  2612. kebabs::ccgroups
    KeBABS Sequence Data
  2613. kebabs::ccseq
    KeBABS Sequence Data
  2614. kebabs::enhancerFB
    KeBABS Sequence Data
  2615. kebabs::yCC
    KeBABS Sequence Data
  2616. kebabs::yFB
    KeBABS Sequence Data
  2617. kebabs::yMC
    KeBABS Sequence Data
  2618. kebabs::yReg
    KeBABS Sequence Data
  2619. KEGGgraph::KEGGEdgeSubtype
    KEGG edge subtypes
  2620. KEGGgraph::KEGGEdgeType
    KEGG edge types
  2621. KEGGgraph::KEGGNodeType
    KEGG node types
    KEGG pathway identifier to name
  2623. keggorthology::KOgraph
    create a graph from a specific data frame format for KEGG orthology
  2624. keggorthology::keggOrthDF
    create a graph from a specific data frame format for KEGG orthology
  2625. KinSwingR::example_phosphoproteome
    Example phosphoproteome.
  2626. KinSwingR::phosphositeplus_human
    Human kinase-substrates derived from PhosphositePlus.
    matrix|11985 x 2
  2627. LACE::inference
    Results obtained with the function LACE on the provided input data from Rambow, Florian, et al. "Toward minimal residual disease-directed therapy in melanoma." Cell 174.4 (2018): 843-855.
  2628. LACE::longitudinal_sc_variants
    Mutation data from Rambow, Florian, et al. "Toward minimal residual disease-directed therapy in melanoma." Cell 174.4 (2018): 843-855.
  2629. LBE::golub.pval
    p-values corresponding to the gene expression data from Golub et al. (1999).
  2630. LBE::hedenfalk.pval
    p-values corresponding to the gene expression data from Hedenfalk et al. (2001).
  2631. ldblock::EUR_singletons
    singletons from EUR
  2632. ldblock::sampinf_1kg
    population and relationship information for 1000 genomes
  2633. LEA::example_ancestrymap
    'ancestrymap' format description
  2634. LEA::example_geno
    Input file for 'snmf'
  2635. LEA::example_lfmm
    Input file for 'lfmm'
  2636. LEA::example_ped
    'ped' format description
  2637. LEA::example_vcf
    'vcf' format description
  2638. LEA::offset_example
    Example data for genetic offset analysis
  2639. LedPred::crm.features
    This is data to be included in my package
  2640. LedPred::feature.ranking
    This is data to be included in my package
  2641. lefser::zeller14
    Example dataset for lefser
  2642. lemur::glioblastoma_example_data
    The 'glioblastoma_example_data' dataset
  2643. les::exprs
    Spike-in ChIP-chip data set
    matrix|452 x 6
  2644. les::pos
    Spike-in ChIP-chip data set
  2645. les::pval
    Spike-in ChIP-chip data set
  2646. les::reference
    Spike-in ChIP-chip data set
  2647. lfa::hgdp_subset
    HGDP subset
    matrix|5000 x 159
  2648. limpca::UCH
    UCH: the Urine Citrate-Hippurate metabolomic dataset
  2649. limpca::trout
    trout: the Rainbow trouts transcriptomic dataset
  2650. LimROTS::UPS1.Case4
    Spectronaut and ScaffoldDIA UPS1 Spiked Dataset case 4
  2651. LinkHD::Ruminotypes
    Whole Ruminotypes dataset communities
  2652. LinkHD::Taraoceans
    TARA Oceans datasets
  2653. Linnorm::Islam2011
    scRNA-seq data from Islam et al. 2011
    matrix|14913 x 96
  2654. Linnorm::LIHC
    Partial RNA-seq data from TCGA LIHC (Liver Hepatocellular Carcinoma)
    matrix|19442 x 10
  2655. Linnorm::SEQC
    Partial RNA-seq data from SEQC/MAQC-III Sample A
    matrix|42639 x 10
  2656. LinTInd::cellsinfo
    example of cellsinfo
  2657. LinTInd::celltype
    example of celltype
  2658. LinTInd::cutsite
    example of cutsite
  2659. LinTInd::data
    example of data
  2660. LinTInd::ref
    example of ref
  2661. LinTInd::scarform
    example of scarform
  2662. LinTInd::scarinfo
    example of scarinfo
  2663. LinTInd::scarref
    example of scarref
  2664. LinTInd::scarref_all
    example of scarref_all
  2665. LinTInd::tag
    example of tag
  2666. LinTInd::treeinfo
    example of treeinfo
  2667. lionessR::exp
    OS data
  2668. lionessR::targets
    OS data
  2669. lipidr::data_normalized
    Example dataset (normalized and log2 transformed)
  2670. lipidr::lipidDefaults
    Default values for lipidr internal functions A set of default mappings and annotation used internally to correctly parse lipid molecule names.
  2671. lipidr::lipidnames_pattern
    Patterns used in parsing lipid names
  2672. LOBSTAHS::default.LOBdbase
    LOBSTAHS default databases and database generation parameters
  2673. LOBSTAHS::default.acylRanges
    LOBSTAHS default databases and database generation parameters
  2674. LOBSTAHS::default.adductHierarchies
    LOBSTAHS default databases and database generation parameters
  2675. LOBSTAHS::default.componentCompTable
    LOBSTAHS default databases and database generation parameters
  2676. LOBSTAHS::default.oxyRanges
    LOBSTAHS default databases and database generation parameters
  2677. LOBSTAHS::default.rt.windows
    LOBSTAHS default databases and database generation parameters
  2678. loci2path::biocarta
    eQTL geneset enrichment query demo data
  2679. loci2path::eset.list
    eQTL geneset enrichment query demo data
  2680. loci2path::query.gr
    eQTL geneset enrichment query demo data
  2681. logicFS::cl.logicfs
    Example Data of logicFS
  2682. logicFS::data.logicfs
    Example Data of logicFS
    matrix|400 x 15
  2683. LOLA::userSets
    An example set of regions, sampled from the example database.
  2684. LOLA::userUniverse
    A reduced GRanges object from the example regionDB database
  2685. LPE::Ley
    Gene Expression Data from Mouse Immune response study, (2002)
  2686. lpNet::dat.normalized
    matrix|408 x 17
  2687. lpNet::dat.unnormalized
    matrix|408 x 17
  2688. LRcell::example_LRcell_res
    An example output of LRcell using data example_gene_pvals and mouse_FC_marker_genes.
  2689. LRcell::example_gene_pvals
    Example gene_pvals named vector from mouse experiment.
  2690. LRcell::mouse_FC_marker_genes
    Example marker genes from mouse FC brain region.
  2691. LRcell::mouse_celltypes
    Mapping between subclusters and cell types in Mouse Brain
  2692. lumi::example.lumi
    Example Illumina Expression data in LumiBatch class
  2693. lumi::example.lumiMethy
    Example Illumina Infinium Methylation data in MethyLumiM class
  2694. lumi::example.methyTitration
    Example Illumina Infinium Methylation titration data in MethyLumiM class
  2695. M3C::desx
    GBM clinical annotation data
  2696. M3C::mydata
    GBM expression data
  2697. maCorrPlot::datA.amp
    Example data for package maCorrSample
    matrix|1000 x 30
  2698. maCorrPlot::datA.mas5
    Example data for package maCorrSample
    matrix|1000 x 30
  2699. maCorrPlot::datA.rma
    Example data for package maCorrSample
    matrix|1000 x 30
  2700. maCorrPlot::datB.amp
    Example data for package maCorrSample
    matrix|1000 x 30
  2701. maCorrPlot::datB.mas5
    Example data for package maCorrSample
    matrix|1000 x 30
  2702. maCorrPlot::datB.rma
    Example data for package maCorrSample
    matrix|1000 x 30
  2703. made4::NCI60
    Microarray gene expression profiles of the NCI 60 cell lines
  2704. made4::khan
    Microarray gene expression dataset from Khan et al., 2001. Subset of 306 genes.
  2705. MADSEQ::aneuploidy_chr18
    An S4 class MadSeq object
  2706. magpie::power.test
    Power calculation results for GSE46705
  2707. magpie::power.test
    Power calculation results for GSE46705
  2708. magpie::power.test
    Power calculation results for GSE46705
  2709. magpie::power.test
    Power calculation results for GSE46705
  2710. magpie::power.test
    Power calculation results for GSE46705
  2711. magpie::power.test
    Power calculation results for GSE46705
  2712. magrene::gma_grn
    Sample soybean GRN
  2713. magrene::gma_paralogs
    Soybean (Glycine max) duplicated genes
  2714. magrene::gma_ppi
    Sample soybean PPI network
  2715. magrene::nulls
    Null distribution of motif frequencies for vignette data set
  2716. MAI::untargeted_LCMS_data
    Example data set containing missing values
  2717. MAIT::Database
    Human Metabolome Database
  2718. MAIT::MAIT
  2719. MAIT::biotransformationsTable
  2720. MAIT::negAdducts
    Negative adducts table
  2721. MAIT::posAdducts
    Positive adducts table
  2722. MANOR::SNR.flag
    Examples of flag objects to apply to CGH arrays
  2723. MANOR::amplicon.flag
    Examples of flag objects to apply to CGH arrays
  2724. MANOR::chromosome.flag
    Examples of flag objects to apply to CGH arrays
  2725. MANOR::clone.qscore
    Examples of qscore objects (quality scores) to apply to CGH arrays
  2726. MANOR::control.flag
    Examples of flag objects to apply to CGH arrays
  2727. MANOR::dapi.snr.flag
    Examples of flag objects to apply to CGH arrays
  2728. MANOR::dyn.x.qscore
    Examples of qscore objects (quality scores) to apply to CGH arrays
  2729. MANOR::dyn.y.qscore
    Examples of qscore objects (quality scores) to apply to CGH arrays
  2730. MANOR::dynamics.qscore
    Examples of qscore objects (quality scores) to apply to CGH arrays
  2731. MANOR::edge
    Examples of array-CGH data with spatial artifacts
  2732. MANOR::edge.norm
    Examples of array-CGH data with spatial artifacts
  2733. MANOR::global.spatial.flag
    Examples of flag objects to apply to CGH arrays
  2734. MANOR::gradient
    Examples of array-CGH data with spatial artifacts
  2735. MANOR::gradient.norm
    Examples of array-CGH data with spatial artifacts
  2736. MANOR::intensity.flag
    Examples of flag objects to apply to CGH arrays
  2737. MANOR::local.spatial.flag
    Examples of flag objects to apply to CGH arrays
  2738. MANOR::num.chromosome.flag
    Internal Functions for MANOR Package
  2739. MANOR::pct.clone.qscore
    Examples of qscore objects (quality scores) to apply to CGH arrays
  2740. MANOR::pct.replicate.qscore
    Examples of qscore objects (quality scores) to apply to CGH arrays
  2741. MANOR::pct.spot.before.qscore
    Examples of qscore objects (quality scores) to apply to CGH arrays
  2742. MANOR::pct.spot.qscore
    Examples of qscore objects (quality scores) to apply to CGH arrays
  2743. MANOR::position.flag
    Examples of flag objects to apply to CGH arrays
  2744. MANOR::ref.snr.flag
    Examples of flag objects to apply to CGH arrays
  2745. MANOR::rep.flag
    Examples of flag objects to apply to CGH arrays
  2746. MANOR::replicate.aux
    Internal Functions for MANOR Package
  2747. MANOR::replicate.flag
    Examples of flag objects to apply to CGH arrays
  2748. MANOR::smoothness.qscore
    Examples of qscore objects (quality scores) to apply to CGH arrays
  2749. MANOR::spatial.flag
    Examples of flag objects to apply to CGH arrays
  2750. MANOR::spot.corr.flag
    Internal Functions for MANOR Package
  2751. MANOR::spot.flag
    Examples of flag objects to apply to CGH arrays
  2752. MANOR::unique.flag
    Examples of flag objects to apply to CGH arrays
  2753. MANOR::val.mark.flag
    Examples of flag objects to apply to CGH arrays
  2754. MANOR::var.replicate.qscore
    Examples of qscore objects (quality scores) to apply to CGH arrays
  2755. MantelCorr::GolubTrain
    Golub Training Set
  2756. MAPFX::ord.fcs.raw.meta.df.out_ffc
    Metadata of the example MPC data
  2757. MAPFX::ord.fcs.raw.meta.df.out_mpc
    Metadata of the example FFC data
  2758. MAPFX::ord.fcs.raw.mt_ffc
    Subset of the single-cell murine lung data at steady state from an MPC experiment
    matrix|250 x 19
  2759. MAPFX::ord.fcs.raw.mt_mpc
    Subset of the sorted CD4+ and CD8+ T cells from mice splenocytes from an FFC experiment
    matrix|13300 x 22
  2760. marr::msprepCOPD
    Example of processed mass spectrometry dataset
  2761. marray::swirl
    Gene expression data from Swirl zebrafish cDNA microarray experiment
  2762. martini::minigwas
    Description of the minigwas dataset.
  2763. martini::minippi
    PPIs for the minigwas dataset.
  2764. martini::minisnpMapping
    Genes for the minigwas dataset.
  2765. maSigPro::ISOdata
    RNA-Seq dataset example for isoforms
  2766. maSigPro::ISOdesign
    Experimental design for ISOdata dataset example
  2767. maSigPro::NBdata
    RNA-Seq dataset example
    matrix|100 x 36
  2768. maSigPro::NBdesign
    Experimental design for RNA-Seq example
  2769. maSigPro::data.abiotic
    Gene expression data potato abiotic stress
  2770. maSigPro::edesign.abiotic
    Experimental design potato abiotic stress
  2771. maSigPro::edesignCT
    Experimental design with a shared time
  2772. maSigPro::edesignDR
    Experimental design with different replicates
  2773. maskBAD::exmask
    Output object of the function mask
  2774. maskBAD::newAffyBatch
    AffyBatch with reduced genes
  2775. maskBAD::newCdf
    Object of type environment
  2776. maskBAD::sequenceMask
    Object containing sequence information for probes.
  2777. MassArray::MassArray.example.data
    MassArray Data object
  2778. massiR::massi.eset
  2779. massiR::massi.test.dataset
    The massi test dataset
  2780. massiR::massi.test.probes
    The massi test probes
  2781. massiR::y.probes
    Y chromosome probe list
  2782. MassSpecWavelet::exampleMS
    An example mass spectrum
    matrix|37656 x
  2783. MAST::maits
    MAITs data set, RNASeq
  2784. MAST::predicted_sig
    Predicted signatures
  2785. MAST::vbeta
    Vbeta Data Set
  2786. MAST::vbetaFA
    Vbeta Data Set, FluidigmAssay
  2787. mastR::ccle_crc_5
    RNA-seq TPM data of 5 CRC cell line samples from CCLE.
  2788. mastR::im_data_6
    RNA-seq TMM normalized counts data of 6 sorted immune subsets.
  2789. mastR::lm22
    LM22 matrix for CIBERSORT.
  2790. mastR::lm7
    LM7 matrix for CIBERSORT.
  2791. mastR::msigdb_gobp_nk
    Sub-collection of MSigDB gene sets.
  2792. mastR::nk_markers
    NK cell markers combination.
  2793. matchBox::matchBoxExpression
    Example data: ranking from three differential gene expression experiments
  2794. MBCB::expressionSignal
    MBCB - Bayesian Background Correction for Illumina Beadarray
  2795. MBCB::negativeControl
    MBCB - Bayesian Background Correction for Illumina Beadarray
  2796. MBECS::dummy.list
    Mock-up microbiome abundance table and meta-data.
  2797. MBECS::dummy.mbec
    Mock-up microbiome abundance table and meta-data.
  2798. MBECS::dummy.ps
    Mock-up microbiome abundance table and meta-data.
  2799. mBPCR::jekoChr11Array250Knsp
    Affymetrix GeneChip Mapping 250K NSP Array data of JEKO-1 cell line (chr. 11)
  2800. mBPCR::rec10k
    Affymetrix GeneChip Mapping 10K Array data of REC-1 cell line
  2801. mbQTL::CovFile
    'mbQTL' "CovFile"
  2802. mbQTL::SnpFile
    'mbQTL' "SnpFile"
  2803. mbQTL::metagenomeSeqObj
    'mbQTL' "metagenomeSeqObj" "MetagenomSeqObj" is an 'MRexperiment' object format of the "microbeAbund" file.
  2804. mbQTL::microbeAbund
    'mbQTL' "microbiomeAbund" File
  2805. MBttest::dat
    The Transcriptomic data and t-test results.
  2806. MBttest::jkttcell
    Jurkat T-cell Transcritomic Data
  2807. MBttest::skjt
    Simulated Null Transcriptomic data
  2808. MCbiclust::CCLE_samples
    Clinical information for CCLE data
  2809. MCbiclust::CCLE_small
    Subset of expression levels of CCLE data
  2810. MCbiclust::Mitochondrial_genes
    List of known mitochondrial genes
  2811. mCSEA::exprTest
    Expression data example
    matrix|101 x 20
  2812. mCSEA::myRank
    Precomputed mCSEA results
  2813. mCSEA::myResults
    Precomputed mCSEA results
  2814. mdp::example_data
    Expression data example
  2815. mdp::example_pheno
    Phenotypic data example
  2816. mdp::sample_data
    Sample score results
  2817. mdqc::allQC
    QC report for MLL.B
  2818. MEAT::CpGs_in_MEAT
    Description of the CpGs used in MEAT
  2819. MEAT::CpGs_in_MEAT2.0
    Description of the CpGs used in MEAT2.0
  2820. MEAT::GSE121961
    GSE121961 methylation data
  2821. MEAT::GSE121961_pheno
    GSE121961 phenotypes
  2822. MEAT::elasticnet_model_MEAT
    Elastic net model used in the original muscle clock (MEAT).
  2823. MEAT::elasticnet_model_MEAT2.0
    Elastic net model used in the updated muscle clock (MEAT 2.0).
  2824. MEAT::gold.mean.MEAT
    Mean methylation in dataset GSE50498 reduced to the 19,401 CpGs of MEAT
  2825. MEAT::gold.mean.MEAT2.0
    Mean methylation in dataset GSE50498 reduced to the 18,747 CpGs of MEAT 2.0
  2826. MEB::real_data_dsp
    A real dataset of genes between the different species.
  2827. MEB::real_data_sp
    A real dataset of genes between the same species.
  2828. MEB::sim_data_dsp
    A simulation dataset of genes between the differetn species.
  2829. MEB::sim_data_sp
    A simulation dataset of genes between the same species.
  2830. MEB::sim_scRNA_data
    A simulation scRNA-seq dataset from splatter package.
  2831. MEB::stable_gene
    The name of the stable genes in all dataset.
  2832. MEDME::testMEDMEset
    Dataset of class MEDMEset for testing MEDME
  2833. MEIGOR::cnolist
    A CNOlist from CellNOptR paclage
  2834. MEIGOR::cnolist
    A CNOlist from CellNOptR paclage
  2835. MEIGOR::cnolist
    A CNOlist from CellNOptR paclage
  2836. MEIGOR::cnolist_cellnopt
    A CNOlist from CellNOptR paclage
  2837. MEIGOR::model
    A model from CellNoptR
  2838. MEIGOR::model
    A model from CellNoptR
  2839. MEIGOR::model
    A model from CellNoptR
  2840. MEIGOR::model_cellnopt
    A model from CellNoptR
  2841. MEIGOR::paramsOpt
    Optimal parameters for simulation with CNORode
  2842. Melissa::melissa_encode_dt
    Synthetic ENCODE single cell methylation data
  2843. Melissa::melissa_synth_dt
    Synthetic single cell methylation data
  2844. memes::example_ame
    Example runAme() output
  2845. memes::example_ame_large
    runAme() output for example_chip_summits split by binding description
  2846. memes::example_chip_summits
    Annotated Transcription Factor ChIP-seq summits
  2847. memes::example_dreme
    Example runDreme() output
    universalmotif_df|2 x 26
  2848. memes::example_dreme_by_binding
    runDreme() output for example_chip_summits split by binding description
  2849. memes::example_dreme_tomtom
    Example runDreme() output after passing to runTomTom()
    universalmotif_df|2 x 36
  2850. memes::example_fimo
    Example runFimo() output
  2851. memes::example_peaks
    Example ChIP-seq peaks
  2852. memes::example_rnaseq
    RNAseq data from Early and Late Drosophila wings
  2853. memes::example_tomtom
    Example runTomTom() output
    universalmotif_df|1 x 26
  2854. Mergeomics::job.kda
    Key Driver Analyzing results
  2855. meshes::hsamd
    DATA Sets
  2856. meshes::meshtbl
    DATA Sets
  2857. messina::kirc.exprs
    Example TCGA KIRC RNAseq expression and survival data
    matrix|3 x 422
  2858. messina::kirc.surv
    Example TCGA KIRC RNAseq expression and survival data
    Surv|422 x 2
  2859. metabCombiner::metabBatches
    Three LC-MS Metabolomics Batch Datasets
  2860. metabCombiner::plasma20
    20 minute LC-MS Analysis of Human Plasma
  2861. metabCombiner::plasma30
    30 minute LC-MS Analysis of Human Plasma
  2862. metabomxtr::euMetabCData
    A sample data set of truncated metabolomics data.
  2863. metabomxtr::euMetabData
    A sample data set of truncated metabolomics data.
  2864. metabomxtr::metabdata
    A sample data set of truncated metabolomics data
  2865. MetaboSignal::MetaboSignal_table
    Example of MetaboSignal network-table
    matrix|1745 x 3
  2866. MetaboSignal::directionality_reactions
    List of KEGG reactions with incorrect/inconsistent directionality
    matrix|101 x 2
  2867. MetaboSignal::hpaNormalTissue
    Expression profiles for proteins in human tissues
  2868. MetaboSignal::keggNet_example
    KEGG network example
    matrix|45779 x 3
  2869. MetaboSignal::kegg_pathways
    Examples of metabolic and signaling human KEGG pathways
    matrix|211 x 4
  2870. MetaboSignal::mergedNet_example
    Network containing KEGG, OmniPath and TRRUST interactions
    matrix|87624 x 3
  2871. MetaboSignal::ppiNet_example
    Signaling-transduction network
    matrix|50087 x 3
  2872. MetaboSignal::regulatory_interactions
    Regulatory interactions from OmniPath and TRRUST
    matrix|50566 x 7
  2873. metaCCA::N1
    Number of individuals in study 1.
  2874. metaCCA::N2
    Number of individuals in study 2.
  2875. metaCCA::S_XX_study1
    Correlations between 10 SNPs corresponding to the population underlying study 1.
  2876. metaCCA::S_XX_study2
    Correlations between 10 SNPs corresponding to the population underlying study 2.
  2877. metaCCA::S_XY_full_study1
    Univariate summary statistics of 10 traits across 1000 SNPs (study 1).
  2878. metaCCA::S_XY_full_study2
    Univariate summary statistics of 10 traits across 1000 SNPs (study 2).
  2879. metaCCA::S_XY_study1
    Univariate summary statistics of 10 traits across 10 SNPs (study 1).
  2880. metaCCA::S_XY_study2
    Univariate summary statistics of 10 traits across 10 SNPs (study 2).
  2881. metagenomeSeq::lungData
    OTU abundance matrix of samples from a smoker/non-smoker study
  2882. metagenomeSeq::mouseData
    OTU abundance matrix of mice samples from a diet longitudinal study
  2883. metahdep::HGU.DifExp.list
    HGU.DifExp.list: A list of 4 ES.obj objects
  2884. metahdep::HGU.newnames
  2885. metahdep::HGU.prep.list
  2886. metahdep::gloss.Table1
    gloss: Data from the JEBS glossing paper
  2887. metahdep::gloss.V
    gloss: Data from the JEBS glossing paper
  2888. metahdep::gloss.X
    gloss: Data from the JEBS glossing paper
  2889. metahdep::gloss.theta
    gloss: Data from the JEBS glossing paper
  2890. metaMS::DB
    Information on three chemical standards measured in GC-MS (liquid injection)
  2891. metaMS::GCresults
    Results of metaMS for a small GC-MS data set
  2892. metaMS::LCDBtest
    Sample DB for LC-MS annotation
  2893. metaMS::LCresults
    Result metaMS for a small LC-MS data set
  2894. metaMS::Orbitrap.RP
    Example settings for 'metaMS'
  2895. metaMS::Synapt.NP
    Example settings for 'metaMS'
  2896. metaMS::Synapt.RP
    Example settings for 'metaMS'
  2897. metaMS::TSQXLS.GC
    Example settings for 'metaMS'
  2898. metaMS::errf
    Mass error surface for Waters Synapt Q-TOF spectrometers
  2899. metaMS::exptable
    Sample table for the generation of a database of standards (LCMS)
  2900. metaMS::smallDB
    Information on three chemical standards measured in GC-MS (liquid injection)
  2901. metaMS::stdInfo
    Information on three chemical standards measured in GC-MS (liquid injection)
  2902. MetaNeighbor::GOhuman
  2903. MetaNeighbor::GOmouse
  2904. MetaNeighbor::mn_data
  2905. metapone::hmdbCompMZ
    the m/z values of common adduct ions of HMDB metaboites
  2906. metapone::hmdbCompMZ.metapone
    the m/z values of common adduct ions of metapone metaboites
  2907. metapone::neg
    Example negative mode data from the Metabolome Atlas of the Aging Mouse Brain
    matrix|6947 x 4
  2908. metapone::pa
    Pathway-metabolite match file.
  2909. metapone::pos
    Example positive mode data from the Metabolome Atlas of the Aging Mouse Brain
    matrix|10085 x 4
  2910. metaSeq::BreastCancer
    Multiple RNA-Seq count data designed as Breast Cancer cell lines vs Normal cells
  2911. metaSeq::Result.Meta
    Result of meta.oneside.noiseq against Brast Cancer data
  2912. metaSeq::StudyA
    Count data of SRP008746
  2913. metaSeq::pvals
    P-values or probability calculated by DESeq, edgeR, baySeq, NOISeq, and DEGseq against StudyA
  2914. metaSeq::text.busca_unix
    One of C++ re-implimated components in NOISeq
  2915. metaSeq::text.busca_win
    One of C++ re-implimated components in NOISeq
  2916. metaSeq::text.n.menor_unix
    One of C++ re-implimated components in NOISeq
  2917. metaSeq::text.n.menor_win
    One of C++ re-implimated components in NOISeq
  2918. metaseqR2::hg19pvalues
    p-values from human RNA-Seq data with two conditions, four samples
    matrix|1000 x 9
  2919. metaseqR2::libsizeListMm9
    Mouse RNA-Seq data with two conditions, four samples
  2920. metaseqR2::mm9GeneCounts
    Mouse RNA-Seq data with two conditions, four samples
  2921. metaseqR2::sampleListMm9
    Mouse RNA-Seq data with two conditions, four samples
  2922. MetCirc::compartmentTissue
    Example data for 'MetCirc': 'compartmentTissue'
  2923. MetCirc::convertExampleDF
    Example data for 'MetCirc': convertExampleDF
  2924. MetCirc::msp2spectra
    Example data for 'MetCirc': 'msp2spectra'
  2925. MetCirc::sd01_outputXCMS
    Example data for 'MetCirc': 'sd01_outputXCMS'
  2926. MetCirc::sd02_deconvoluted
    Example data for 'MetCirc': sd02_deconvoluted
  2927. MetCirc::similarityMat
    Example data for 'MetCirc': 'similarityMat'
    matrix|259 x 259
  2928. MetCirc::sps_tissue
    Example data for 'MetCirc': 'sps_tissue'
  2929. MetCirc::tissue
    Example data for 'MetCirc': 'tissue'
  2930. methimpute::arabidopsis_TEs
    Transposable element coordinates for Arabidopsis (chr1)
  2931. methimpute::arabidopsis_chromosomes
    Chromosome lengths for Arabidopsis
  2932. methimpute::arabidopsis_genes
    Gene coordinates for Arabidopsis (chr1)
  2933. methimpute::arabidopsis_toydata
    Toy data for Arabidopsis (200.000bp of chr1)
  2934. methInheritSim::dataSimExample
    A 'list' containing methylation information used by some internal functions (for demo purpose.
  2935. methInheritSim::samplesForChrSynthetic
    All samples information, formated by 'methylKit', in a 'methylBase' format (for demo purpose).
    methylBase|9864 x 40
  2936. methodical::TumourMethDatasets
  2937. methodical::hg38_cpgs_subset
  2938. methodical::infinium_450k_probe_granges_hg19
  2939. methodical::tubb6_correlation_plot
  2940. methodical::tubb6_cpg_meth_transcript_cors
  2941. methodical::tubb6_meth_rse
  2942. methodical::tubb6_tmrs
  2943. methodical::tubb6_transcript_counts
  2944. methodical::tubb6_tss
  2945. MethPed::MethPed_900probes
    List of 900 probes in the predictor data
  2946. MethPed::MethPed_sample
    Sample dataset to MethPed package.
  2947. MethReg::clinical
    TCGA-COAD clinical matrix for 38 samples retrieved from GDC using TCGAbiolinks
  2948. MethReg::dna.met.chr21
    TCGA-COAD DNA methylation matrix (beta-values) for 38 samples (only chr21) retrieved from GDC using TCGAbiolinks
    matrix|3012 x 38
  2949. MethReg::gene.exp.chr21.log2
    TCGA-COAD gene expression matrix (log2 (FPKM-UQ + 1)) for 38 samples (only chromosome 21) retrieved from GDC using TCGAbiolinks
    matrix|752 x 38
  2950. methrix::methrix_data
    WGBS for colon cancer, chr21 and chr22
  2951. MethylAid::exampleData
    summarizedData object on 500 450k Human Methylation samples
  2952. methylCC::FlowSorted.Blood.450k.sub
    A reduced size of the FlowSorted.Blood.450k dataset
  2953. methylCC::offMethRegions
    Unmethylated regions for all celltypes
  2954. methylCC::onMethRegions
    Methylated regions for all celltypes
  2955. methylclock::progress_data
    PROGRESS cohor data
  2956. methylclock::progress_vars
    PROGRESS cohort variables
  2957. methylGSA::CpG2Gene
    An example of user user-supplied mapping between CpGs and genes
  2958. methylGSA::GS.list
    An example of user input gene sets
  2959. methylGSA::cpg.pval
    An example of user input cpg.pval
  2960. methyLImp2::beta
    A subset of GSE199057 dataset for vignette demonstration
    matrix|24 x 6064
  2961. methyLImp2::beta_meta
    Metadata information for GSE199057 dataset for vignette demonstration
  2962. methyLImp2::custom_anno_example
    An example of how custom (user provided) annotation data frame should look like
  2963. methylInheritance::demoForTransgenerationalAnalysis
    The methylation information from samples over three generations. Information for each generation is stored in a 'methylRawList' format (for demo purpose).
  2964. methylInheritance::methylInheritanceResults
    All observed and permutation results formatted in a 'methylInheritanceResults' class (for demo purpose).
  2965. methylInheritance::samplesForTransgenerationalAnalysis
    All samples information, formated by 'methylKit', in a 'methylRawList' format (for demo purpose).
  2966. methylKit::methylBase.obj
    Example methylBase object.
    methylBase|963 x 16
  2967. methylKit::methylDiff.obj
    Example methylKit objects.
    methylDiff|963 x 7
  2968. methylKit::methylRawList.obj
    Example methylRawList object.
  2969. MethylMix::BatchData
    BatchData data set
  2970. MethylMix::GEcancer
    Cancer Gene expression data of glioblastoma patients from the TCGA project
    matrix|14 x 251
  2971. MethylMix::METcancer
    DNA methylation data from cancer tissue from glioblastoma patients from the TCGA project
    matrix|14 x 251
  2972. MethylMix::METnormal
    DNA methylation data from normal tissue from glioblastoma patients
  2973. MethylMix::ProbeAnnotation
    ProbeAnnotation data set
  2974. MethylMix::SNPprobes
    SNPprobes data set
  2975. methylscaper::human_bm
    Human gene symbols and positions
  2976. methylscaper::mouse_bm
    Mouse gene symbols and positions
  2977. methylscaper::reads_sm
    Example reads from single-molecule experiment
  2978. methylscaper::ref_seq
    Example reference sequence to align reads to from a single-molecule experiment
  2979. methylscaper::singlecell_subset
    Example preprocessed single-cell experiment subset
  2980. methylscaper::singlemolecule_example
    Example preprocessed single-molecule experiment
  2981. methylSig::bsseq_destranded
    BSseq object read from destranded coverage files
  2982. methylSig::bsseq_multichrom
    BSseq object with loci on multiple chromosomes
  2983. methylSig::bsseq_stranded
    BSseq object read from stranded coverage files
  2984. methylSig::promoters_gr
    GRanges object with collapsed promoters on chr21 and chr22
  2985. methylumi::CpGs
    Data frame describing loci on the 27 and 450k arrays.
  2986. methylumi::mldat
    Example SAM format Illumina methylation dataset
  2987. MetID::InchiKey
    Inchikey database.
  2988. MetID::demo1
    Example of input dataset, in which colnames does not meet requirement.
  2989. MetID::demo2
    Example of input dataset, in which colnames does not meet requirement.
  2990. MetID::kegg_network
    Pairs of kegg network.
  2991. MetNet::mat_test
    Example data for 'MetNet': unit tests
  2992. MetNet::mat_test_z
    Example data for 'MetNet': unit tests
  2993. MetNet::peaklist
    Example data for 'MetNet': data input
  2994. MetNet::sps_sub
    Spectra data to test addSpectralSimilarity
  2995. MetNet::x_annotation
    Example annotation for 'MetNet': data input
  2996. MetNet::x_test
    Example data for 'MetNet': data input
  2997. Mfuzz::yeast
    Gene expression data of the yeast cell cycle
  2998. Mfuzz::yeast.table
    Gene expression data of the yeast cell cycle as table
  2999. Mfuzz::yeast.table2
    Gene expression data of the yeast cell cycle as table
  3000. MGFM::ds2.mat
    Microarray gene expression data set
    matrix|22283 x 15
  3001. MGFR::ref.mat
    RNA-seq gene expression data set
    matrix|35287 x 15
  3002. mgsa::example_go
    Example GO sets for mgsa
  3003. mgsa::example_o
    Example objects for mgsa
  3004. mia::GlobalPatterns
    Global patterns of 16S rRNA diversity at a depth of millions of sequences per sample.
  3005. mia::HintikkaXOData
    Multiomics dataset from 40 rat samples
  3006. mia::Tengeler2020
    Gut microbiota profiles of 27 individuals with ADHD and healthy controls
  3007. mia::Tito2024QMP
    Fecal microbiota samples from 589 patients across different colorectal cancer stages
  3008. mia::dmn_se
    Twins' microbiome data from 278 individuals
  3009. mia::enterotype
    Human gut microbiome dataset from 22 subjects based on shotgun DNA sequencing
  3010. mia::esophagus
    Human esophageal community from 3 individuals
  3011. mia::peerj13075
    Skin microbial profiles 58 genetically unrelated individuals
  3012. miaViz::col_graph
    miaViz example data
  3013. miaViz::row_graph
    miaViz example data
  3014. miaViz::row_graph_order
    miaViz example data
  3015. microbiome::atlas1006
    HITChip Atlas with 1006 Western Adults
  3016. microbiome::dietswap
    Diet Swap Data
  3017. microbiome::hitchip.taxonomy
    HITChip Taxonomy
  3018. microbiome::peerj32
    Probiotics Intervention Data
  3019. MicrobiomeProfiler::Psoriasis_data
    Example data: a vector of 134 significantly different functional COGs between Psoriasis patients and controls
  3020. MicrobiomeProfiler::Rat_data
    Example data: a vector of 91 KEGG Orthologies (KOs) showing significant associations with weaning weight
  3021. MicrobiomeProfiler::microbiota_taxlist
    Example data: a vector of 54 bacterial genera tested for significantly between T2D metformin samples
  3022. MicrobiotaProcess::kostic2012crc
    (Data) Genomic analysis identifies association of Fusobacterium with colorectal carcinoma (2012)
  3023. MicrobiotaProcess::mouse.time.mpse
    (Data) An example data
  3024. MicrobiotaProcess::test_otu_data
    (Data) simulated dataset.
  3025. microRNA::hsSeqs
    Human Mature microRNA Sequences
  3026. microRNA::hsTargets
    Human microRNAs and their target IDs
  3027. microRNA::mmSeqs
    Mouse Mature microRNA Sequences
  3028. microRNA::mmTargets
    Mouse microRNAs and their target IDs
  3029. microRNA::s3utr
    Test sequence data
  3030. microSTASIS::clr
    Detected ASV from multiple individuals at four different sampling times.
    matrix|131 x 226
  3031. MICSQTL::se
    Example data
  3032. midasHLA::MiDAS_tut_HLA
    MiDAS tutorial HLA data
  3033. midasHLA::MiDAS_tut_KIR
    MiDAS tutorial KIR data
  3034. midasHLA::MiDAS_tut_object
    MiDAS tutorial MiDAS object
  3035. midasHLA::MiDAS_tut_pheno
    MiDAS tutorial phenotype data
  3036. midasHLA::allele_frequencies
    Alleles frequencies scraped from allelefrequencies.net
  3037. midasHLA::dict_dist_grantham
    Grantham distance
  3038. midasHLA::kir_frequencies
    KIR genes frequencies scraped from allelefrequencies.net
  3039. miloR::sim_discrete
  3040. miloR::sim_family
  3041. miloR::sim_nbglmm
  3042. miloR::sim_trajectory
    Simulated linear trajectory data
  3043. mina::hmp_des
    Design file for HMP project, including 2711 samples in total.
  3044. mina::hmp_otu
    OTU table of HMP project, data downloaded from https://www.hmpdacc.org/hmp/HMQCP/
    matrix|27627 x 2711
  3045. mina::maize
    Internal testing data of maize project, vegetative stage samples only, including quantitative table (maize_asv.rds) and descriptive table (maize_des.txt) for testing.
  3046. mina::maize_asv
    ASV table of maize project, vegetative stage samples only.
    matrix|11098 x 437
  3047. mina::maize_asv2
    Subset of ASV table of maize project, ASVs appear in less than 100 samples were filtered for later analysis.
    matrix|1219 x 313
  3048. mina::maize_des
    Design file of maize project, vegetative stage samples only, including 528 samples in total.
  3049. mina::maize_des2
    Subset of design file of maize project, 313 samples are included.
  3050. MineICA::icaSetCarbayo
    IcaSet-object containing a FastICA decomposition of gene expression microarrray-based data of bladder cancer samples.
  3051. minet::syn.data
    Simulated Gene Expression Data
  3052. minet::syn.net
    SynTReN Source Network
    matrix|50 x 50
  3053. MinimumDistance::md_exp
    An example 'MinDistExperiment'
  3054. MinimumDistance::md_gr
    An example 'MinDistGRanges' object
  3055. MinimumDistance::trioSetList
    An example 'TrioSetList' object
  3056. MiPP::colon
    Gene expression data for colon cancer
  3057. MiPP::leuk1
    Gene expression data for leukemia
  3058. MiPP::leuk2
    Gene expression data for leukemia
  3059. miQC::metrics
    Basic scRNA-seq QC metrics from an ovarian tumor
  3060. MIRA::bigBinDT1
    DNA methylation data for the "Applying MIRA to a Biological Question" vignette (1st part).
  3061. MIRA::bigBinDT2
    DNA methylation data for the "Applying MIRA to a Biological Question" vignette (2nd part).
  3062. MIRA::exampleAnnoDT1
    A data.table with annotation for a bisulfite sample.
  3063. MIRA::exampleAnnoDT2
    Annotation data for the "Applying MIRA to a Biological Question" vignette.
  3064. MIRA::exampleBSDT
    A data.table containing DNA methylation data.
  3065. MIRA::exampleBSseqObj
    A small BSseq object.
  3066. MIRA::exampleBins
    A data.table with artificial binned methylation data
  3067. MIRA::exampleRegionSet
    A Granges object with Nrf1-binding regions.
  3068. MiRaGE::gene_exp
    This ExpressionSet represents gene expression of lung cancer cell line one day after let-7a transfection.
  3069. miRBaseConverter::miRNATest
    Dataset: miRNA Test Dataset
  3070. miRcomp::lifetech
    The processed data generated using the LifeTech software.
  3071. miRcomp::qpcRb4
    The processed data generated using the 4 parameter sigmoidal method from the qpcR software.
  3072. miRcomp::qpcRb5
    The processed data generated using the 5 parameter sigmodial method from the qpcR software.
  3073. miRcomp::qpcRdefault
    The processed data generated using the default method (4 parameter log-logistic) implemented in the qpcR software package.
  3074. miRcomp::qpcRl5
    The processed data generated using the 5 parameter log-logistic method from the qpcR software.
  3075. miRcomp::qpcRlinexp
    The processed data generated using the linear-exponential method implemented in the qpcR software package.
  3076. mirIntegrator::GSE43592_mRNA
    Top table of preprocessed mRNA of GSE43592 dataset.
  3077. mirIntegrator::GSE43592_miRNA
    Top table of preprocessed miRNA of GSE43592 dataset.
  3078. mirIntegrator::augmented_pathways
    Signaling pathways augmented with miRNA.
  3079. mirIntegrator::kegg_pathways
    List of KEGG signaling pathways of human.
  3080. mirIntegrator::mirTarBase
    MicroRNA-target interactions in human.
  3081. mirIntegrator::names_pathways
    List of KEGG signaling pathways' names.
  3082. MIRit::geneCounts
    Count matrix for gene expression in thyroid cancer
    matrix|23710 x 16
  3083. MIRit::mirnaCounts
    Count matrix for microRNA expression in thyroid cancer
    matrix|2576 x 16
  3084. miRNAmeConverter::example.miRNAs
    miRNA names.
  3085. miRNApath::mirnaobj
    mirnaobj, an S4 object of class "mirnapath"
  3086. miRSM::BRCA_genes
    BRCA genes
  3087. miRSM::ceRExp
    ceRNA expression data
  3088. miRSM::mRExp
    mRNA expression data
  3089. miRSM::miRExp
    miRNA expression data
  3090. miRSM::miRTarget
    miRNA-target ineractions
  3091. mirTarRnaSeq::Combine
    This is data is the mRNA expression across samples and miRNA expression data which is to be investigated in one file. This data set is used in documentation examples.
  3092. mirTarRnaSeq::corr_0
    This is data is the mRNA FC and miRNA FC correlation data. This data set is used in documentation examples.
  3093. mirTarRnaSeq::final_results
    This is data is the mRNA FC and miRNA FC correlation/interaction data results after filteration. This data set is used in documentation examples.
  3094. mirTarRnaSeq::geneVariant
    This is data is the mRNA expression across samples and miRNA expression data which is to be investigated giving directions on which data is miRNA and which is mRNA. This data set is used in documentation examples.
  3095. mirTarRnaSeq::inter0
    This is data is the mRNA FC and miRNA FC correlation/interaction original data. This data set is used in documentation examples.
  3096. mirTarRnaSeq::mRNA
    This is data is the mRNA expression file. This data set is used in documentation examples.
  3097. mirTarRnaSeq::mRNA0_2
    This is data is the mRNA0_2 FC for 0-2 time point. This data set is used in documentation examples.
  3098. mirTarRnaSeq::mRNA0_5
    This is data is the mRNA0_5 FC for 0-5 time point. This data set is used in documentation examples.
  3099. mirTarRnaSeq::mRNA2_5
    This is data is the mRNA2_5 FC for 2-5 time point. This data set is used in documentation examples.
  3100. mirTarRnaSeq::mRNA_fc
    This is data is the combined mRNA FC for all time points. This data set is used in documentation examples.
  3101. mirTarRnaSeq::mRNA_fc2
    This data is the mRNA fold change data set for difference or interrelation section. This data set is used in documentation examples.
  3102. mirTarRnaSeq::miRNA
    This is data is the miRNA expression file. This data set is used in documentation examples.
  3103. mirTarRnaSeq::miRNA0_2
    This is data is the miRNA0_2 FC for 0-2 time point. This data set is used in documentation examples.
  3104. mirTarRnaSeq::miRNA0_5
    This is data is the miRNA0_5 FC for 0-5 time point. This data set is used in documentation examples.
  3105. mirTarRnaSeq::miRNA2_5
    This is data is the miRNA2_5 FC for 2-5 time point. This data set is used in documentation examples.
  3106. mirTarRnaSeq::miRNA_fc
    This is data is the combined miRNA FC for all time points. This data set is used in documentation examples.
  3107. mirTarRnaSeq::miRNA_fc2
    This data is the miRNA fold change data set for difference or interrelation section. This data set is used in documentation examples.
  3108. mirTarRnaSeq::miRanda
    This is data is the results file from EBV miRanda getInputSpecies function. This data set is used in documentation examples.
  3109. mirTarRnaSeq::miRandaM
    This is data is the results file from mouse miRanda getInputSpecies function. This data set is used in documentation examples.
  3110. mirTarRnaSeq::outs
    This is data is the output file resulted from time point/conditions background correlation model. This data set is used in documentation examples.
  3111. mirTarRnaSeq::outs2
    This is data is the output file resulted from time point/conditions background difference/interelation model. This data set is used in documentation examples.
  3112. mirTarRnaSeq::results
    This is data is the output file resulted from time point or conditions or correlation or interrelation model. This data set is used in documentation examples.
  3113. mirTarRnaSeq::sig_InterR
    This is data is the output file resulted from time point or conditions experiment for interrelation model after filtering and threshold modification. This data set is used in documentation examples.
  3114. mirTarRnaSeq::sig_corrs
    This is data is the output file resulted from time point or conditions experiment for correlation model after filtering and threshold modification. This data set is used in documentation examples.
  3115. mirTarRnaSeq::some_model
    This is data is the results file from regression analysis and its estimates. This data set is used in documentation examples.
  3116. missRows::NCI60
    Data of the NCI-60 Cell Lines with Missing Individuals
  3117. mistyR::synthetic
    Synthetic benchmark data for mistyR
  3118. mitch::genesetsExample
    Reactome gene sets
  3119. mitch::k36a
    H3K36ac profile
  3120. mitch::k9a
    H3K9ac profile
  3121. mitch::myImportedData
    myImportedData: Example imported profiles
  3122. mitch::myList
    myList: A list of three edgeR results
  3123. mitch::resExample
    resExample: Example mitch result
  3124. mitch::rna
    RNA profile
  3125. mitoClone2::M_P1
    Mitochondrial exclusionlist
  3126. mitoClone2::M_P2
    Mitochondrial exclusionlist
  3127. mitoClone2::N_P1
    Mitochondrial exclusionlist
  3128. mitoClone2::N_P2
    Mitochondrial exclusionlist
  3129. mixOmics::Koren.16S
    16S microbiome atherosclerosis study
  3130. mixOmics::breast.TCGA
    Breast Cancer multi omics data from TCGA
  3131. mixOmics::breast.tumors
    Human Breast Tumors Data
  3132. mixOmics::diverse.16S
    16S microbiome data: most diverse bodysites from HMP
  3133. mixOmics::linnerud
    Linnerud Dataset
  3134. mixOmics::liver.toxicity
    Liver Toxicity Data
  3135. mixOmics::multidrug
    Multidrug Resistence Data
  3136. mixOmics::nutrimouse
    Nutrimouse Dataset
  3137. mixOmics::srbct
    Small version of the small round blue cell tumors of childhood data
  3138. mixOmics::stemcells
    Human Stem Cells Data
  3139. mixOmics::vac18
    Vaccine study Data
  3140. mixOmics::vac18.simulated
    Simulated data based on the vac18 study for multilevel analysis
  3141. mixOmics::yeast
    Yeast metabolomic study
  3142. MLInterfaces::brennan_2013_tabS7exc
    Clinical characterization of 158 GBM samples from https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2013.09.034 supp table S7
  3143. MLSeq::cervical
    Cervical cancer data
  3144. MMDiff2::MMD
    DBAmmd Object for Cfp1 example
  3145. MMUPHin::CRC_abd
    Species level feature abundance data of five public CRC studies
    matrix|484 x 551
  3146. MMUPHin::CRC_meta
    Sample metadata of five public CRC studies
  3147. MMUPHin::vaginal_abd
    Species level feature abundance data of two public vaginal studies
    matrix|119 x 86
  3148. MMUPHin::vaginal_meta
    Sample metadata of two public vaginal studies
  3149. mnem::app
    Processed scRNAseq from pooled CRISPR screens
  3150. moanin::testData
    Small data set for running examples
  3151. moanin::testGenesGO
    Small data set for running examples
  3152. moanin::testMeta
    Small data set for running examples
  3153. mobileRNA::mRNA_data
    mRNA_data: simulated messenger RNA data for biological replicates
  3154. mobileRNA::sRNA_data
    sRNA_data: simulated data for biological replicates
  3155. MODA::datExpr1
    matrix|20 x 500
  3156. MODA::datExpr2
    matrix|25 x 500
  3157. ModCon::Codons
    Table of codons and encoded amino acids
  3158. ModCon::cds
    CDS of firefly luciferase
  3159. ModCon::hbg
    Donor sequences and their HBS
  3160. ModCon::hex
    Hexamers and Z scores
  3161. Modstrings::MOD_RNA_DICT_MODOMICS
    Modstrings internals
  3162. Modstrings::MOD_RNA_DICT_TRNADB
    Modstrings internals
  3163. Modstrings::modsDNA
    Modstrings internals
  3164. Modstrings::modsRNA
    Modstrings internals
  3165. mogsa::NCI60_4array_supdata
    supp data for Microarray gene expression profiles of the NCI 60 cell lines from 4 different platforms
  3166. mogsa::NCI60_4arrays
    Microarray gene expression profiles of the NCI 60 cell lines from 4 different platforms
  3167. MoleculeExperiment::small_me
    A subsetted Xenium dataset include for demostration purposes.
  3168. MOMA::example.gbm.mae
    Glioblastoma (GBM) Example Dataset
  3169. MOMA::gbm.pathways
    Glioblastoma (GBM) Pathways
  3170. MOMA::gene.map
    Gene Location Mapping
  3171. MOMA::mutSig
    MutSig Blacklisted genes
  3172. monocle::spike_df
    Spike-in transcripts data.
  3173. Moonlight2R::DEG_Methylation_Annotations
    Output example from GMA function
  3174. Moonlight2R::DEG_Mutations_Annotations
    Differentially expressed genes's Mutations
  3175. Moonlight2R::DEGsmatrix
    Differentially expressed genes
  3176. Moonlight2R::DiseaseList
    Cancer-related biological processes
  3177. Moonlight2R::EAGenes
    Information about genes
  3178. Moonlight2R::EncodePromoters
  3179. Moonlight2R::EpiMix_Results_Regular
    Output example from GMA function
  3180. Moonlight2R::GEO_TCGAtab
    Information on GEO and TCGA data
  3181. Moonlight2R::LOC_protein
    Level of Consequence: Protein
  3182. Moonlight2R::LOC_transcription
    Level of Consequence: Transcription
  3183. Moonlight2R::LOC_translation
    Level of Consequence: Translation
  3184. Moonlight2R::LUAD_sample_anno
    Sample annotations of TCGA-LUAD project
  3185. Moonlight2R::MetEvidenceDriver
    Methylation evidence table to define driver genes
  3186. Moonlight2R::NCG
    Network of Cancer Genes 7.0
  3187. Moonlight2R::Oncogenic_mediators_methylation_summary
    Output example from GMA function
  3188. Moonlight2R::Oncogenic_mediators_mutation_summary
    Oncogenic Mediators Mutation Summary
  3189. Moonlight2R::cscape_somatic_output
    Cscape-somatic annotations of TCGA-LUAD
  3190. Moonlight2R::dataDMA
    Output example from the function Driver Mutation Analysis
  3191. Moonlight2R::dataFEA
    Functional enrichment analysis
  3192. Moonlight2R::dataFilt
    Gene expression data from TCGA-LUAD
    matrix|3000 x 20
  3193. Moonlight2R::dataGLS
    Literature search of driver genes
  3194. Moonlight2R::dataGMA
    Output example from GMA function
  3195. Moonlight2R::dataGRN
    Gene regulatory network
  3196. Moonlight2R::dataGRN_no_noise
    Gene regulatory network
  3197. Moonlight2R::dataMAF
    Mutation data from TCGA LUAD
  3198. Moonlight2R::dataMAVISp
  3199. Moonlight2R::dataMethyl
    Methylation data matrix from TCGA-LUAD project
    matrix|73 x 27
  3200. Moonlight2R::dataPRA
    Output example from function Pattern Recognition Analysis
  3201. Moonlight2R::dataURA
    Upstream regulator analysis
  3202. Moonlight2R::dataURA_plot
    Upstream regulator analysis
  3203. Moonlight2R::knownDriverGenes
    Information of known cancer driver genes from COSMIC
  3204. Moonlight2R::listMoonlight
    List of oncogenic mediators of 5 TCGA cancer types
  3205. Moonlight2R::tabGrowBlock
    Information of growing/blocking characteristics of 101 biological processes
  3206. MoonlightR::DEGsmatrix
    DEG Differentially expressed genes
  3207. MoonlightR::DiseaseList
    Information on 101 biological processes
  3208. MoonlightR::EAGenes
    Information about genes
  3209. MoonlightR::GDCprojects
    Information on GDC projects
  3210. MoonlightR::GEO_TCGAtab
    Information on GEO data (and overlap with TCGA)#' A data set containing the following data:
  3211. MoonlightR::dataFilt
    Gene Expression (Rnaseqv2) data from TCGA LUAD
    matrix|13742 x 20
  3212. MoonlightR::dataGRN
    GRN gene regulatory network output
  3213. MoonlightR::dataURA
    Output example from function Upstram Regulator Analysis
    matrix|100 x 2
  3214. MoonlightR::geneInfo
    Information about genes for normalization
    matrix|20531 x 3
  3215. MoonlightR::knownDriverGenes
    Information on known cancer driver gene from COSMIC
  3216. MoonlightR::listMoonlight
    Output list from Moonlight
  3217. MoonlightR::tabGrowBlock
    Information growing/blocking characteristics for 101 selected biological processes
  3218. mosbi::mouse_data
    Mouse brain lipidomics data
  3219. MOSClip::multiOmics
    Omics class object with TCGA ovarian data
  3220. MOSClip::multiOmicsTopo
    Omics class object with TCGA ovarian data for topological analysis
  3221. MOSClip::ovarianDataset
    ExperimentList class object with TCGA ovarian data
  3222. MOSClip::reactSmall
    PathwayList of pathways from Reactome
  3223. mosdef::res_enrich_macrophage_cluPro
    A sample enrichment object
  3224. mosdef::res_enrich_macrophage_goseq
    A sample enrichment object
  3225. mosdef::res_enrich_macrophage_topGO
    A sample enrichment object
  3226. mosdef::res_macrophage_IFNg_vs_naive
    A sample 'DESeqResults' object
  3227. MOSim::TF_human
    Data to extract human TF
  3228. MOSim::associationList
    Data to showcase scRNA and scATAC-seq association
  3229. MOSim::sampleData
    Default data
  3230. MOSim::scatac
    Data to test scMOSim
    matrix|108377 x 40
  3231. MOSim::scrna
    Data to test scMOSim
    matrix|36601 x 40
  3232. motifbreakR::encodemotif
    MotifDb object containing motif information from the known and discovered motifs for the ENCODE TF ChIP-seq datasets.
  3233. motifbreakR::example.results
    Example Results from motifbreakR
  3234. motifbreakR::factorbook
    MotifDb object containing motif information from around the genomic regions bound by 119 human transcription factors in Factorbook.
  3235. motifbreakR::hocomoco
    MotifDb object containing motif information from Homo Sapiens Comprehensive Model Collection (HOCOMOCO) of transcription factor (TF) binding models
  3236. motifbreakR::homer
    MotifDb object containing motif information from motif databases included in HOMER.
  3237. motifbreakR::motifbreakR_motif
    MotifDb object containing motif information from the motif databases of HOCOMOCO, Homer, FactorBook and ENCODE
  3238. motifmatchr::example_motifs
  3239. MotifPeeker::CTCF_ChIP_peaks
    Example ChIP-seq peak file
  3240. MotifPeeker::CTCF_TIP_peaks
    Example TIP-seq peak file
  3241. MotifPeeker::motif_MA1102.3
    Example CTCFL JASPAR motif file
  3242. MotifPeeker::motif_MA1930.2
    Example CTCF JASPAR motif file
  3243. motifTestR::ar_er_peaks
    A set of peaks with AR and ER detected
  3244. motifTestR::ar_er_seq
    Sequences from peaks with AR and ER detected
  3245. motifTestR::ex_pfm
    Example Position Frequency Matrices
  3246. motifTestR::hg19_mask
    Regions from hg19 with high N content
  3247. motifTestR::zr75_enh
    Candidate Enhancer Regions from ZR-75-1 Cells
  3248. MPFE::patternsExample
  3249. mpra::mpraSetAggExample
    Example data for the mpra package.
  3250. mpra::mpraSetAllelicExample
    Example data for the mpra package.
  3251. mpra::mpraSetExample
    Example data for the mpra package.
  3252. MPRAnalyze::ce.colAnnot
    Sample MPRA data
  3253. MPRAnalyze::ce.control
    Sample MPRA data
  3254. MPRAnalyze::ce.dnaCounts
    Sample MPRA data
    matrix|110 x 40
  3255. MPRAnalyze::ce.rnaCounts
    Sample MPRA data
    matrix|110 x 40
  3256. MSA2dist::AAMatrix
    matrix|27 x 27
  3257. MSA2dist::hiv
  3258. MSA2dist::iupac
  3259. MsFeatures::se
    Quantified LC-MS preprocessing result test data
  3260. msgbsR::cuts
    A GRanges object of differentially methylated MspI cut sites on chromosome 20 in Rat from a MS-GBS experiment.
  3261. msgbsR::ratdata
    Read counts of potential MspI cut sites from a MS-GBS experiment of prostates from rats
  3262. msgbsR::ratdata2
    Read counts of correct MspI cut sites from a MS-GBS experiment of prostates from rats
  3263. msImpute::pxd007959
    Processed peptide intensity matrix and experimental design table from PXD007959 study
  3264. msImpute::pxd010943
    SWATH-MS Analysis of Gfi1-mutant bone marrow neutrophils
  3265. msImpute::pxd014777
    Processed peptide intensity matrix from PXD014777 study
  3266. mslp::example_compSLP
    SLPs predicted by comp_slp
  3267. mslp::example_comp_mut
    Patients mutations to be use in the comp_slp
  3268. mslp::example_corrSLP
    SLPs predicted by corr_slp
  3269. mslp::example_corr_mut
    Patients mutations to be use in the corr_slp
  3270. mslp::example_expr
    Expression data to be used in comp_slp
    matrix|290 x 41
  3271. mslp::example_z
    Expression data to be used in corr_slp
    matrix|290 x 41
  3272. msmsEDA::msms.dataset
    LC-MS/MS dataset
  3273. msmsEDA::pnms
    Accessions and gene symbols
  3274. msmsTests::msms.spk
    Yeast lisate samples spiked with human proteins
  3275. MSnbase::TMT10
    TMT 6/10-plex sets
  3276. MSnbase::TMT10ETD
    TMT 6/10-plex sets
  3277. MSnbase::TMT10HCD
    TMT 6/10-plex sets
  3278. MSnbase::TMT11
    TMT 6/10-plex sets
  3279. MSnbase::TMT11HCD
    TMT 6/10-plex sets
  3280. MSnbase::TMT16
    TMT 6/10-plex sets
  3281. MSnbase::TMT16HCD
    TMT 6/10-plex sets
  3282. MSnbase::TMT6
    TMT 6/10-plex sets
  3283. MSnbase::TMT6b
    TMT 6/10-plex sets
  3284. MSnbase::TMT7
    TMT 6/10-plex sets
  3285. MSnbase::TMT7b
    TMT 6/10-plex sets
  3286. MSnbase::iTRAQ4
    iTRAQ 4-plex set
  3287. MSnbase::iTRAQ5
    iTRAQ 4-plex set
  3288. MSnbase::iTRAQ8
    iTRAQ 4-plex set
  3289. MSnbase::iTRAQ9
    iTRAQ 4-plex set
  3290. MSnbase::itraqdata
    Example 'MSnExp' and 'MSnSet' data sets
  3291. MSnbase::msnset
    Example 'MSnExp' and 'MSnSet' data sets
  3292. MSnbase::msnset2
    Example 'MSnExp' and 'MSnSet' data sets
  3293. MSnbase::naset
    Quantitative proteomics data imputation
  3294. MSnID::msnidObj
    Example mzIdenML File and MSnID Object
  3295. mspms::all_possible_8mers_from_228_library
    all_possible_8mers_from_228_library All possible 8mers from the standard (as of 26April2024) 228 MSP-MS peptide library (This is equivalent to the result of mspms::calculate_all_cleavages(mspms::peptide_library$real_cleavage_seq,n=4)) vector of the 14 AA peptides used in the library.
  3296. mspms::colData
    colData A tibble containing the colData associated with an experiment to proc
  3297. mspms::log2fc_t_test_data
    log2fc_t_test_data A tibble containing the results of t-tests and log2fc compared to time 0 14,497 × 19
  3298. mspms::mspms_tidy_data
    mspms_tidy_data A tibble containing tidy data derived from QFeatures object
  3299. mspms::peaks_prepared_data
    peaks_prepared_data A QFeatures object prepared from PEAKS data of cathepsin data/.
  3300. mspms::peptide_library
  3301. mspms::processed_qf
    processed_qf A QFeatures object prepared from PEAKS data of Cathepsin data that has been processed (imputation/normalization)
  3302. MSPrep::COPD_131
    Example mass spectrometry dataset
  3303. MSPrep::msquant
    Example mass spectrometry dataset.
  3304. msqrob2::pe
    Example data for 100 proteins
  3305. MsQuality::meta
    Example data for 'MsQuality': data set of Lee et al. (2019)
  3306. MsQuality::msexp_hilic
    Example data for 'MsQuality': data set of Lee et al. (2019)
  3307. MsQuality::msexp_rplc
    Example data for 'MsQuality': data set of Lee et al. (2019)
  3308. MsQuality::sps_hilic
    Example data for 'MsQuality': data set of Lee et al. (2019)
  3309. MsQuality::sps_rplc
    Example data for 'MsQuality': data set of Lee et al. (2019)
  3310. MsQuality::vals
    Example data for 'MsQuality': data set of Lee et al. (2019)
  3311. MSstats::DDARawData
    Example dataset from a label-free DDA, a controlled spike-in experiment.
  3312. MSstats::DDARawData.Skyline
    Example dataset from a label-free DDA, a controlled spike-in experiment, processed by Skyline.
  3313. MSstats::DIARawData
    Example dataset from a label-free DIA, a group comparison study of S.Pyogenes.
  3314. MSstats::SRMRawData
    Example dataset from a SRM experiment with stable isotope labeled reference of a time course yeast study
  3315. MSstats::example_SDRF
    Example SDRF.
  3316. MSstatsLiP::LiPRawData
  3317. MSstatsLiP::MSstatsLiP_Summarized
  3318. MSstatsLiP::MSstatsLiP_data
  3319. MSstatsLiP::MSstatsLiP_model
  3320. MSstatsLiP::SkylineTest
  3321. MSstatsLiP::TrPRawData
  3322. MSstatsLiP::raw_lip
  3323. MSstatsLiP::raw_prot
  3324. MSstatsLOBD::raw_data
    Example of dataset that contains spike in data for 43 distinct peptides.
  3325. MSstatsLOBD::spikeindata
    Example of normalized datasets from raw_data,
  3326. MSstatsPTM::fragpipe_annotation
    Example annotation file for a TMT FragPipe experiment.
  3327. MSstatsPTM::fragpipe_annotation_protein
    Example annotation file for a global profiling run TMT FragPipe experiment.
  3328. MSstatsPTM::fragpipe_input
    Output of FragPipe TMT PTM experiment
  3329. MSstatsPTM::fragpipe_input_protein
    Output of FragPipe TMT global profiling experiment
  3330. MSstatsPTM::maxq_lf_annotation
    Example annotation file for a label-free MaxQuant experiment.
  3331. MSstatsPTM::maxq_lf_evidence
    Example MaxQuant evidence file from the output of a label free experiment
  3332. MSstatsPTM::maxq_tmt_annotation
    Example annotation file for a TMT MaxQuant experiment.
  3333. MSstatsPTM::maxq_tmt_evidence
    Example MaxQuant evidence file from the output of a TMT experiment
  3334. MSstatsPTM::pd_annotation
    Example annotation file for a label-free Proteome Discoverer experiment.
  3335. MSstatsPTM::pd_psm_input
    Example Proteome Discoverer evidence file from the output of a label free experiment
  3336. MSstatsPTM::pd_testing_output
    Example output of Proteome Discoverer converter
  3337. MSstatsPTM::raw.input
    Example of input PTM dataset for LabelFree/DDA/DIA experiments.
  3338. MSstatsPTM::raw.input.tmt
    Example of input PTM dataset for TMT experiments.
  3339. MSstatsPTM::spectronaut_annotation
    Example annotation file for a label-free Spectronaut experiment.
  3340. MSstatsPTM::spectronaut_input
    Example Spectronaut evidence file from the output of a label free experiment
  3341. MSstatsPTM::summary.data
    Example of output from dataSummarizationPTM function for non-TMT data
  3342. MSstatsPTM::summary.data.tmt
    Example of output from dataSummarizationPTM_TMT function for TMT data
  3343. MSstatsQC::QCloudDDA
    DDA QC data from QCloud System
  3344. MSstatsQC::QCloudSRM
    SRM QC data from QCloud System
  3345. MSstatsQC::QuiCDIA
    DIA iRT data from QuiC System
  3346. MSstatsQC::S9Site54
    CPTAC study 9.1 site 54 dataset
  3347. MSstatsQCgui::S9Site54
    CPTAC study 9.1 site 54 dataset
  3348. MSstatsShiny::annotation.mine
    Example annotation file for Spectromine
  3349. MSstatsShiny::annotation.mq
    Example annotation file for MaxQuant
  3350. MSstatsShiny::annotation.pd
    Example annotation file for PD
  3351. MSstatsShiny::dia_skyline_model
    Example of Sklyine DDA dataset modeled using MSstats 'groupComparison' function.
  3352. MSstatsShiny::dia_skyline_summarized
    Example of Sklyine DDA dataset processed using MSstats summarization function.
  3353. MSstatsShiny::evidence
    Example evidence file for MaxQuant
  3354. MSstatsShiny::example_dia_skyline
    Example of input Sklyine DDA dataset.
  3355. MSstatsShiny::example_skyline_annotation
    Example annotation file
  3356. MSstatsShiny::proteinGroups
    Example ProteinGroups file for MaxQuant
  3357. MSstatsShiny::raw.mine
    Example output file Spectromine
  3358. MSstatsShiny::raw.om
    Example output file Spectromine
  3359. MSstatsShiny::raw.pd
    Example output file PD
  3360. MSstatsShiny::tmt_pd_model
    Example of TMT dataset modeled using MSstatsTMT 'groupComparisonTMT' function.
  3361. MSstatsShiny::tmt_pd_summarized
    Example of TMT dataset processed using MSstatsTMT summarization function.
  3362. MSstatsTMT::annotation.mine
    Example of annotation file for raw.mine, which is the output of SpectroMine.
  3363. MSstatsTMT::annotation.mq
    Example of annotation file for evidence, which is the output of MaxQuant.
  3364. MSstatsTMT::annotation.pd
    Example of annotation file for raw.pd, which is the PSM output of Proteome Discoverer
  3365. MSstatsTMT::evidence
    Example of output from MaxQuant for TMT-10plex experiments.
  3366. MSstatsTMT::input.pd
    Example of output from PDtoMSstatsTMTFormat function
    MSstatsValidated|20360 x 11
  3367. MSstatsTMT::proteinGroups
    Example of proteinGroups file from MaxQuant for TMT-10plex experiments.
  3368. MSstatsTMT::quant.pd.msstats
    Example of output from proteinSummarizaiton function
  3369. MSstatsTMT::raw.mine
    Example of output from SpectroMine for TMT-6plex experiments.
  3370. MSstatsTMT::raw.om
    Example of MSstatsTMT report from OpenMS for TMT-10plex experiments.
  3371. MSstatsTMT::raw.pd
    Example of output from Proteome Discoverer 2.2 for TMT-10plex experiments.
  3372. MSstatsTMT::test.pairwise
    Example of output from groupComparisonTMT function
  3373. Mulcom::Affy
    Affy Dataset
  3374. Mulcom::AffyIlmn
    cross mapping table
  3375. Mulcom::limmaAffySymbols
    significant gene list with limma in Affymetrix
  3376. Mulcom::limmaIlmnSymbols
    significant gene list with limma in Illumina
  3377. Mulcom::mulcomGeneListIlmn
    significant gene list with limma in Illumina
  3378. Mulcom::samAffySymbols
    significant gene list with SAM in Affymetrix
  3379. Mulcom::samIlmnSymbols
    significant gene list with SAM in Illumina
  3380. MultiAssayExperiment::miniACC
    Adrenocortical Carcinoma (ACC) MultiAssayExperiment
  3381. MultiBaC::A.gro
    Transcription rate data from yeast
    matrix|200 x 6
  3382. MultiBaC::A.rna
    Gene expression data from yeast
    matrix|200 x 6
  3383. MultiBaC::B.ribo
    Gene translation rate data from yeast
    matrix|200 x 4
  3384. MultiBaC::B.rna
    Gene expression data from yeast
    matrix|200 x 4
  3385. MultiBaC::C.par
    Protein binded mRNA data from yeast
    matrix|200 x 4
  3386. MultiBaC::C.rna
    Gene expression data from yeast
    matrix|200 x 4
  3387. MultiDataSet::rset
    Example 'ResultSet'
  3388. multiGSEA::metabolome
    Metabolomic data set that is used in the toy example provided by the 'multiGSEA' package.
  3389. multiGSEA::proteome
    Proteomic data set that is used in the toy example provided by the 'multiGSEA' package.
  3390. multiGSEA::transcriptome
    Transcriptomic data set that is used in the toy example provided by the 'multiGSEA' package.
  3391. multiHiCcompare::HCT116_r1
    A 4 column sparse matrix for a Hi-C matrix.
  3392. multiHiCcompare::HCT116_r2
    A 4 column sparse matrix for a Hi-C matrix.
  3393. multiHiCcompare::HCT116_r3
    A 4 column sparse matrix for a Hi-C matrix.
  3394. multiHiCcompare::HCT116_r4
    A 4 column sparse matrix for a Hi-C matrix.
  3395. multiHiCcompare::HCT116_r5
    A 4 column sparse matrix for a Hi-C matrix.
  3396. multiHiCcompare::HCT116_r6
    A 4 column sparse matrix for a Hi-C matrix.
  3397. multiHiCcompare::hg19_cyto
    A GenomicRanges object containing centromeric, gvar, and stalk regions.
  3398. multiHiCcompare::hg38_cyto
    A GenomicRanges object containing centromeric, gvar, and stalk regions.
  3399. multiHiCcompare::hicexp2
    hicexp object with 4 samples from two groups.
  3400. multiHiCcompare::hicexp_diff
    hicexp object with 7 samples from two groups.
  3401. MultiMed::NavyAdenoma
    Data from the Sinha et al. 1999 and Boca et al. 2014 studies concerning the Navy Colorectal Adenoma case-control study.
  3402. MultimodalExperiment::pbRNAseq
    MultimodalExperiment Example Data
    matrix|3000 x 1
  3403. MultimodalExperiment::scADTseq
    MultimodalExperiment Example Data
    matrix|8 x 5000
  3404. MultimodalExperiment::scRNAseq
    MultimodalExperiment Example Data
    matrix|3000 x 5000
  3405. MultiRNAflow::RawCounts_Antoszewski2022_MOUSEsub500
    Mouse raw counts data
  3406. MultiRNAflow::RawCounts_Leong2014_FISSIONsub500wt
    Yeast times series raw counts data after stimulation with and without silencing
  3407. MultiRNAflow::RawCounts_Schleiss2021_CLLsub500
    Human CCL times series raw counts data after stimulation with and without silencing
  3408. MultiRNAflow::RawCounts_Weger2021_MOUSEsub500
    Mouse count data with four biological conditions, six time measurements and 500 genes.
  3409. MultiRNAflow::Results_DEanalysis_sub500
    DE results of three dataset
  3410. MultiRNAflow::Transcript_HomoSapiens_Database
    Homo sapiens transcript database
  3411. multiscan::murine
    A subset of murine macrophage gene expression data from Khondoker et al.(2006).
  3412. multiWGCNA::permutationTestResults
    Permutation test results
  3413. multtest::golub
    Gene expression dataset from Golub et al. (1999)
    matrix|3051 x
  3414. multtest::golub.cl
    Gene expression dataset from Golub et al. (1999)
  3415. multtest::golub.gnames
    Gene expression dataset from Golub et al. (1999)
    matrix|3051 x
  3416. MungeSumstats::sumstatsColHeaders
    Summary Statistics Column Headers
  3417. muscat::example_sce
    Example datasets
  3418. muscle::umax
    Unaligned MAX sequences
  3419. musicatk::cosmic_v2_sigs
    COSMIC v2 SBS96 Signatures Result Object
  3420. musicatk::cosmic_v3_dbs_sigs
    COSMIC v3 DBS Genome Signatures Result Object
  3421. musicatk::cosmic_v3_indel_sigs
    COSMIC v3 Indel Genome Signatures Result Object
  3422. musicatk::cosmic_v3_sbs_sigs
    COSMIC v3 SBS96 Genome Signatures Result Object
  3423. musicatk::cosmic_v3_sbs_sigs_exome
    COSMIC v3 SBS96 Exome Signatures Result Object
  3424. musicatk::dbs_musica
  3425. musicatk::indel_musica
  3426. musicatk::musica
  3427. musicatk::musica_annot
  3428. musicatk::musica_sbs96
  3429. musicatk::musica_sbs96_tiny
  3430. musicatk::rep_range
    Replication Timing Data as GRanges Object
  3431. musicatk::res
  3432. musicatk::res_annot
  3433. MWASTools::KEGG_metabolic_paths
    KEGG human metabolic pathways
  3434. MWASTools::MS_data
    Simulated LC-MS features
    matrix|6485 x 2
  3435. MWASTools::metabo_SE
    NMR plasma metabolic profiles dataset
  3436. MWASTools::targetMetabo_SE
    Target NMR metabolites dataset
  3437. NADfinder::single.count
    Counts data for chromosome 18 for an experiment of a single pair of samples
  3438. NADfinder::triplicate.count
    Counts data for chromosome 18 for an expriment with triplicates
  3439. NanoStringDiff::NanoStringData
    A real 'NanoStringSet' object.
  3440. NanoTube::ExamplePathways
    Example pathway database
  3441. NanoTube::ExampleResults
    Example results from runLimmaAnalysis
  3442. ncGTW::xcmsExamples
    Examples of xcmsSet for inputs of ncGTW
  3443. NCIgraph::NCI.demo.cyList
    10 raw NCI networks from Nature curated pathways and BioCarta imported as graphNEL objects, for demonstration purpose
  3444. netboost::tcga_aml_meth_rna_chr18
    TCGA RNA and methylation measurement on a subset of chromosome 18 for 80 AML patients.
  3445. netDx::MB.pheno
    Sample metadata table for medulloblastoma dataset.
  3446. netDx::cnv_GR
    CNV locations for breast cancer (subset)
  3447. netDx::cnv_TTstatus
    list of train/test statuses for CNV example
  3448. netDx::cnv_netPass
    Vector of pathways that pass class enrichment
  3449. netDx::cnv_netScores
    List of pathway-level feature selection scores
  3450. netDx::cnv_patientNetCount
    Binary matrix of patient occurrence in networks
    matrix|1229 x 1555
  3451. netDx::cnv_pheno
    data.frame of patient labels and status for CNV example
  3452. netDx::confmat
    Confusion matrix example
  3453. netDx::featScores
    Demo feature-level scores from running feature selection on two-class problem
  3454. netDx::genes
    Table of gene definitions (small subsample of human genes)
  3455. netDx::modelres
    Sample output of getResults()
  3456. netDx::npheno
    Toy sample metadata table
  3457. netDx::pathwayList
    Sample list of pathways
  3458. netDx::pathway_GR
    List of genomic ranges mapped to pathways
  3459. netDx::pheno
    Sample metadata table
  3460. netDx::pheno_full
    Subsample of TCGA breast cancer data used for netDx function examples
  3461. netDx::predRes
    Example output of getPatientRankings, used to call labels for test patients.
  3462. netDx::silh
    Toy network.
  3463. netDx::toymodel
    Example model returned by a buildPredictor() call.
  3464. netDx::xpr
    Example expression matrix
    matrix|300 x 525
  3465. NetPathMiner::ex_biopax
    Biopax example data
  3466. NetPathMiner::ex_kgml_sig
    Singaling network from KGML example
  3467. NetPathMiner::ex_microarray
    An microarray data example.
    matrix|281 x 126
  3468. NetPathMiner::ex_sbml
    Metabolic network from SBML example
  3469. netprioR::simulation
    Example data: Simulated networks, phenotypes and labels for N = 1000 genes
  3470. netresponse::dna
    Dna damage data set (PPI and expression)
  3471. netresponse::osmo
    Osmoshock data set (PPI and expression)
  3472. netresponse::toydata
  3473. NetSAM::netsam_output
    An example of the list object returned by NetSAM function
  3474. netSmooth::human.ppi
    Human Protein-Protein interaction graph
  3475. netSmooth::mouse.ppi
    Mouse Protein-Protein interaction graph
  3476. netSmooth::smallPPI
    A small human Protein-Protein interaction graph for use in examples.
    matrix|611 x 611
  3477. netSmooth::smallscRNAseq
    A small single cell RNA-seq dataset for use in examples.
  3478. netZooR::exon.size
    Gene length
  3479. netZooR::genes
    Example of a gene list
  3480. netZooR::monsterRes
    MONSTER results from example cell-cycle yeast transition
  3481. netZooR::mut.ucec
    Example of mutation data
    table|248 x 19754
  3482. netZooR::small1976
    Pollinator-plant interactions
  3483. netZooR::yeast
    Toy data derived from three gene expression datasets and a mapping from transcription factors to genes.
  3484. NeuCA::Baron_counts
    Single-cell RNA-seq example dataset: Baron data
    matrix|2000 x 2812
  3485. NeuCA::Baron_true_cell_label
    Single-cell RNA-seq example dataset: Baron data
  3486. NeuCA::Seg_counts
    Single-cell RNA-seq example dataset: Seg data
    matrix|2000 x 702
  3487. NeuCA::Seg_true_cell_label
    Single-cell RNA-seq example dataset: Seg data
  3488. ngsReports::gcTheoretical
    Theoretical GC content
  3489. nipalsMCIA::data_blocks
    NCI-60 Multi-Omics Data
  3490. nipalsMCIA::metadata_NCI60
    NCI-60 Multi-Omics Metadata
  3491. NOISeq::mybiotypes
    Marioni's dataset
  3492. NOISeq::mychroms
    Marioni's dataset
  3493. NOISeq::mycounts
    Marioni's dataset
  3494. NOISeq::mydata
    Example of objects used and created by the NOISeq package
  3495. NOISeq::myfactors
    Marioni's dataset
  3496. NOISeq::mygc
    Marioni's dataset
  3497. NOISeq::mylength
    Marioni's dataset
  3498. NOISeq::mynoiseq
    Example of objects used and created by the NOISeq package
  3499. NoRCE::brain_disorder_ncRNA
    Differentially expressed non-coding gene
  3500. NoRCE::brain_mirna
    Differentially expressed human brain data
  3501. NoRCE::breastmRNA
    Protein coding genes that are differentially expressed in TCGA breast cancer RNAseq data.
  3502. NoRCE::mirna
    Brain miRNA expression retrieved from the TCGA
  3503. NoRCE::mrna
    Brain mRNA expression retrieved from the TCGA
  3504. NoRCE::ncRegion
    Differentially expressed non-coding gene regions
  3505. NoRCE::tad_dmel
    TAD regions for the fly
  3506. NoRCE::tad_hg19
    TAD regions for human hg19 assembly
  3507. NoRCE::tad_hg38
    TAD regions for human hg38 assembly
  3508. NoRCE::tad_mm10
    TAD regions for mouse
  3509. NormalyzerDE::example_data
    Small example dataset used to demonstrate code consistency in testing and as dummy data in the vignette.
    matrix|101 x 33
  3510. NormalyzerDE::example_data
    Small example dataset used to demonstrate code consistency in testing and as dummy data in the vignette.
    matrix|100 x 12
  3511. NormalyzerDE::example_data_only_values
    Same data as in "example_data", but omitting the annotation meaning that it only contains the expression data.
    matrix|100 x 27
  3512. NormalyzerDE::example_data_only_values
    Same data as in "example_data", but omitting the annotation meaning that it only contains the expression data.
    matrix|100 x 6
  3513. NormalyzerDE::example_design
    Design matrix corresponding to the small example datasets.
  3514. NormalyzerDE::example_design
    Design matrix corresponding to the small example datasets.
  3515. NormalyzerDE::example_stat_data
    Same data as in "example_data", but normalized and ready for statistical processing.
  3516. NormalyzerDE::example_stat_summarized_experiment
    SummarizedExperiment object prepared with design-matrix, data-matrix and annotation columns for normalized data
  3517. NormalyzerDE::example_summarized_experiment
    SummarizedExperiment object prepared with design-matrix, data-matrix and annotation columns loaded for raw data
  3518. NormalyzerDE::example_wide_data
    Full raw NormalyzerDE matrix used for internal testing
    matrix|100 x 33
  3519. NormalyzerDE::example_wide_design
    Design matrix belonging together with example_wide_data. Used for internal testing.
  3520. NormqPCR::Bladder
    Bladder dataset of Andersen et al (2004)
  3521. NormqPCR::BladderRepro
    Dataset of Andersen et al (2004)
  3522. NormqPCR::Colon
    Colon dataset of Andersen et al (2004)
  3523. NormqPCR::geNorm.qPCRBatch
    Data set of Vandesompele et al (2002)
  3524. NPARC::stauro_TPP_data_tidy
    TPP dataset of staurosporine treated cells.
  3525. NTW::sos.data
    SOS pathway perturbation data
  3526. nucleR::nucleosome_htseq
    Example reads from high-troughtput sequencing nucleosome positioning experiment
  3527. nucleR::nucleosome_tiling
    Example intensities from Tiling Microarray nucleosome positioning experiment
  3528. occugene::sampleAnnotation
    Annotation for a Hypothetical Prokayote
  3529. occugene::sampleInsertions
    Insertions for a Hypothetical Clonal Library
  3530. octad::res_example
    Differential expression example for HCC vs adjacent liver tissue computed in diffExp() function
  3531. octad::sRGES_example
    Data of computed example sRGEs for HCC vs liver adjacent tissues on octad.small dataset
  3532. odseq::seqs
    PFAM plus random data.
  3533. oligoClasses::efsExample
    ExpressionFeatureSet Object
  3534. oligoClasses::locusLevelData
    Basic data elements required for the HMM
  3535. oligoClasses::oligoSet
    An example instance of oligoSnpSet class
  3536. oligoClasses::scqsExample
    SnpCnvQSet Example
  3537. oligoClasses::sfsExample
    SnpFeatureSet Example
  3538. oligoClasses::sqsExample
    SnpQSet Example
  3539. OLIN::sw
    cDNA microarray data of SW480/SW620 experiment
  3540. OLIN::sw.olin
    Normalised cDNA microarray data of SW480/SW620 experiment
  3541. OLIN::sw.xy
    Spatial coordinates of spot locations of SW480/SW620 experiment
  3542. omada::toy_gene_memberships
    Cluster memberships for toy gene data for package examples
  3543. omada::toy_genes
    Toy gene data for package examples
    matrix|100 x 24
  3544. OmaDB::group
    An example OMA group object.
  3545. OmaDB::hog
    An example HOG object.
  3546. OmaDB::orthologs
    An example orthologs object.
  3547. OmaDB::pairs
    An example genome alignment object.
  3548. OmaDB::protein
    An example protein object.
  3549. OmaDB::sequence_annotation
    An example dataframe containing GO annotations identified from a given sequence.
  3550. OmaDB::sequence_map
    An example dataframe containing proteins identified from a given sequence.
  3551. OmaDB::taxonomy
    An example newick format taxonomy object.
  3552. OmaDB::xref
    An example xref object.
  3553. omicade4::NCI60_4arrays
    Microarray gene expression profiles of the NCI 60 cell lines from 4 different platforms
  3554. OmicCircos::TCGA.BC.cnv.2k.60
    copy number data of TCGA Breast Cancer
  3555. OmicCircos::TCGA.BC.fus
    TCGA Breast Cancer gene fusion data.
  3556. OmicCircos::TCGA.BC.gene.exp.2k.60
    TCGA BRCA expression data
  3557. OmicCircos::TCGA.BC.sample60
    TCGA BRCA Sample names and subtypes
  3558. OmicCircos::TCGA.BC_Her2_cnv_exp
    TCGA BRCA expression and cnv association
  3559. OmicCircos::TCGA.PAM50_genefu_hg18
    BRCA PAM50 gene list (hg18)
  3560. OmicCircos::UCSC.chr.colors
    chromosome banding colors
  3561. OmicCircos::UCSC.hg18
    human hg18 circumference coordinates
  3562. OmicCircos::UCSC.hg18.chr
    human hg18 segment data.
  3563. OmicCircos::UCSC.hg19
    human hg19 circumference coordinates
  3564. OmicCircos::UCSC.hg19.chr
    human hg19 segment data
  3565. OmicCircos::UCSC.mm10
    mouse mm10 circumference coordinates
  3566. OmicCircos::UCSC.mm10.chr
    mouse mm10 segment data.
  3567. OmicCircos::UCSC.mm9
    mouse mm9 circumference coordinates
  3568. OmicCircos::UCSC.mm9.chr
    mouse mm9 segment data.
  3569. omicplotR::metadata
    Vaginal microbiome OTU table metadata
  3570. omicplotR::otu_table
    Vaginal microbiome OTU table
  3571. omicRexposome::asr
    'ResultSet' for testing and illustration purpouses
  3572. omicRexposome::crs
    'ResultSet' for testing and illustration purpouses
  3573. omicRexposome::mds
    'MultiDataSet' for testing and illustration purpouses
  3574. OmicsMLRepoR::mini_cmd
    A subset of cMD metadata
  3575. OmicsMLRepoR::sample_metadata
  3576. omicsPrint::hg19.GoNLsnps
    Dataframe with overlaps GoNL variants and 450K probes
  3577. omicsPrint::hm450.manifest.pop.GoNL
    HM450 population-specific probe-masking recommendations
  3578. omXplore::sub_R25
    Feature example data
  3579. omXplore::vdata
    Feature example data
  3580. oncomix::exprNmlIsof
    Human Breast Cancer RNA-sequencing data from TCGA - Adj. Normal Tissue
    matrix|700 x 113
  3581. oncomix::exprTumIsof
    Human Breast Cancer RNA-sequencing data from TCGA - Tumor Tissue
    matrix|700 x 113
  3582. oncomix::queryRes
    Oncogene Database Mapping Gene Symbol to UCSC ID (kgID)
  3583. oncoscanR::cntypes
    Accepted types of CN for the segments - 'Gain': 1-2 extra copies - 'Weak amplification': 3-7 extra copies - 'Strong amplification': 8 or more extra copies - 'Heterozygote loss': Loss of one copy out of two - 'Homozygote loss': Loss of all copies - 'LOH': copy-neutral loss of one parental allele
  3584. oncoscanR::oncoscan_na33.cov
    GenomicRanges object of the chromosomal arms coverage for the oncoscan assay (based on file extdata/Oncoscan.na33.r2.cov.processed.bed).
  3585. oncoscanR::segs.chas_example
    Expected segments from loading the ChAS file 'chas_example.txt'.
  3586. OncoScore::genes
    A list of genes
  3587. OncoScore::query
    The result of perform.web.query on genes
  3588. OncoScore::query.timepoints
    The result of perform.time.series.query on genes and timepoints
  3589. OncoScore::timepoints
    A list of timepoints
  3590. OncoSimulR::atex2b
    Runs from simulations of interventions examples shown in the vignette. Most, but not all, are from intervention examples.
  3591. OncoSimulR::atex4
    Runs from simulations of interventions examples shown in the vignette. Most, but not all, are from intervention examples.
  3592. OncoSimulR::atex5
    Runs from simulations of interventions examples shown in the vignette. Most, but not all, are from intervention examples.
  3593. OncoSimulR::benchmark_1
    Summary results from some benchmarks reported in the vignette.
  3594. OncoSimulR::benchmark_1_0.05
    Summary results from some benchmarks reported in the vignette.
  3595. OncoSimulR::benchmark_2
    Summary results from some benchmarks reported in the vignette.
  3596. OncoSimulR::benchmark_3
    Summary results from some benchmarks reported in the vignette.
  3597. OncoSimulR::ex_missing_drivers_b11
    An example where there are intermediate missing drivers.
  3598. OncoSimulR::ex_missing_drivers_b12
    An example where there are intermediate missing drivers.
  3599. OncoSimulR::examplePosets
    Example posets
  3600. OncoSimulR::examplesFitnessEffects
    Examples of fitness effects
  3601. OncoSimulR::mcfLs
    mcfLs simulation from the vignette
  3602. OncoSimulR::osi
    Runs from simulations of interventions examples shown in the vignette. Most, but not all, are from intervention examples.
  3603. OncoSimulR::osi_with_ints
    Runs from simulations of interventions examples shown in the vignette. Most, but not all, are from intervention examples.
  3604. OncoSimulR::s_3_a
    Runs from simulations of interventions examples shown in the vignette. Most, but not all, are from intervention examples.
  3605. OncoSimulR::s_3_b
    Runs from simulations of interventions examples shown in the vignette. Most, but not all, are from intervention examples.
  3606. OncoSimulR::simT2
    Runs from simulations of interventions examples shown in the vignette. Most, but not all, are from intervention examples.
  3607. OncoSimulR::simT3
    Runs from simulations of interventions examples shown in the vignette. Most, but not all, are from intervention examples.
  3608. OncoSimulR::simul_period_1
    Runs from simulations of interventions examples shown in the vignette. Most, but not all, are from intervention examples.
  3609. OncoSimulR::smyelo3v57
    Runs from simulations of interventions examples shown in the vignette. Most, but not all, are from intervention examples.
  3610. OncoSimulR::uvex2
    Runs from simulations of interventions examples shown in the vignette. Most, but not all, are from intervention examples.
  3611. OncoSimulR::uvex3
    Runs from simulations of interventions examples shown in the vignette. Most, but not all, are from intervention examples.
  3612. OncoSimulR::woAntibS
    Runs from simulations of frequency-dependent examples shown in the vignette.
  3613. ontoProc::PROSYM
    PROSYM: HGNC symbol synonyms for PR (protein ontology) entries identified in Cell Ontology
  3614. ontoProc::allGOterms
    allGOterms: data.frame with ids and terms
  3615. ontoProc::humrna
    humrna: a data.frame of SRA metadata related to RNA-seq in humans
  3616. ontoProc::minicorpus
    minicorpus: a vector of annotation strings found in 'study title' of SRA metadata.
  3617. ontoProc::packDesc2019
    packDesc2019: overview of ontoProc resources
  3618. ontoProc::packDesc2021
    packDesc2021: overview of ontoProc resources
  3619. ontoProc::packDesc2022
    packDesc2022: overview of ontoProc resources
  3620. ontoProc::packDesc2023
    packDesc2023: overview of ontoProc resources
  3621. ontoProc::stopWords
    stopWords: vector of stop words from xpo6.com
  3622. openPrimeR::feature.matrix
    Data Sets.
  3623. openPrimeR::primer.data
    Data Sets.
  3624. openPrimeR::primer.data
    Data Sets.
  3625. openPrimeR::primer.df
    Data Sets.
    Primers|8 x 151
  3626. openPrimeR::ref.data
    Data Sets.
  3627. openPrimeR::settings
    Data Sets.
  3628. openPrimeR::settings
    Data Sets.
  3629. openPrimeR::template.data
    Data Sets.
  3630. openPrimeR::template.df
    Data Sets.
    Templates|147 x 35
  3631. openPrimeR::tiller.primer.df
    Data Sets.
    Primers|4 x 151
  3632. openPrimeR::tiller.settings
    Data Sets.
  3633. openPrimeR::tiller.template.df
    Data Sets.
    Templates|147 x 35
  3634. oposSOM::opossom.genesets
    Additional literature genesets
  3635. oposSOM::opossom.tissues
    Example data set.
    matrix|20957 x 12
  3636. oppar::bcm
    Breast cancer metastases from different anatomical sites
  3637. oppar::eset
    Tomlins et al. Prostate Cancer data (GEO: GSE6099)
  3638. oppar::maupin
    Maupin's TGFb data and a TGFb gene signature
  3639. OrderedList::OL.data
    Gene Expression and Clinical Information of Two Cancer Studies
  3640. OrderedList::OL.result
    Three Examples of Class 'OrderedList'
  3641. orthogene::exp_mouse
    Gene expression data: mouse
  3642. orthogene::exp_mouse_enst
    Transcript expression data: mouse
  3643. OSAT::BeadChip96ToMSA4MAP
    Class '"MSAroboticPlate"'
  3644. OSAT::GenotypingChip
    Class '"BeadChip"'
  3645. OSAT::IlluminaBeadChip
    Class '"BeadChip"'
  3646. OSAT::IlluminaBeadChip24Plate
    Class '"BeadPlate"'
  3647. OSAT::IlluminaBeadChip48Plate
    Class '"BeadPlate"'
  3648. OSAT::IlluminaBeadChip96Plate
    Class '"BeadPlate"'
  3649. OSAT::MSA4.plate
    Class '"MSAroboticPlate"'
  3650. OSAT::gSetup
    R data object based on example file.
  3651. OSAT::gSetup2
    R data object based on example file.
  3652. OSAT::gc
    R data object based on example file.
  3653. OSAT::gs
    R data object based on example file.
  3654. OSAT::pheno
    R data object based on example file.
  3655. Oscope::OscopeExampleData
    Simulated gene level data set with 600 genes and 30 cells.
    matrix|500 x 30
  3656. OVESEG::RocheBT
    mRNA expression data downsampled from GSE28490 (Roche)
  3657. OVESEG::countBT
    RNAseq count data downsampled from GSE60424
  3658. packFinder::arabidopsisThalianaRefseq
    Arabidopsis thaliana Refseq Genome Chromosome 3 Subset
  3659. packFinder::packMatches
    Sample packFinder Output
  3660. padma::LUAD_subset
    Subset of batch-corrected multi-omic TCGA data in lung adenocarcinoma
  3661. padma::mirtarbase
    Curated miR-target interaction predictions from miRTarBase
  3662. padma::msigdb
    MSigDB canonical pathways and corresponding gene lists
  3663. PAIRADISE::sample_dataset
  3664. PAIRADISE::sample_dataset_CEU
  3665. PAIRADISE::sample_dataset_LUSC
  3666. paircompviz::brokentrans
    Artificial dataset that suffers with broken transitivity of the pairwise t-test comparisons
  3667. pairedGSEA::example_diff_result
    Output of running paired_diff on example_se.
  3668. pairedGSEA::example_gene_sets
    MSigDB gene sets from humans, category C5 with ensemble gene IDs
  3669. pairedGSEA::example_ora_results
    Output of running paired_ora on example_diff_result and gene sets extracted from MSigDB
  3670. pairedGSEA::example_se
    A small subset of the GEO:GSE61220 data set.
  3671. pairkat::smokers
    Smokers - PaIRKAT Example Data
  3672. pandaR::pandaResult
    Analysis result from PANDA algorithm on toy data
  3673. pandaR::pandaResultPairs
    Analysis result from PANDA algorithm on toy data converted into pairs
  3674. pandaR::pandaToyData
    Toy gene expression, motif, and ppi data
  3675. panelcn.mops::control
    GRanges object of countWindows with read counts for control samples as elementMetadata.
  3676. panelcn.mops::countWindows
    result object of getWindows - a data.frame with the contents of the provided BED file with an additional gene name and exon name column
  3677. panelcn.mops::read.width
    read width used for calculating RCs of test and control
  3678. panelcn.mops::resultlist
    result object of runPanelcnMops - a list of instances of "CNVDetectionResult"
  3679. panelcn.mops::test
    GRanges object of countWindows with read counts for a test sample as elementMetadata.
  3680. PanomiR::gscExample
    Example genesets from MSigDB
  3681. PanomiR::miniTestsPanomiR
    Readouts and datasets for minimal reproducible examples of the PanomiR.
  3682. PanomiR::msigdb_c2
    Canonical pathways from Molecular Signatures Database, MsigDb V6.2
  3683. PanomiR::path_gene_table
    A table of gene-pathway association. based on the pathways of MSigDB.
  3684. PanomiR::targetScan_03
    A processed list of miRNA target gene sets from the TargetScan dataset. Each list item is a list of genes targeted by the respective miRNA family
  3685. panp::NSMPnames.hgu133a
    Negative Strand Matching Probeset (NSMP) names for HG-U133A chip type
    matrix|300 x 1
  3686. panp::NSMPnames.hgu133plus2
    Negative Strand Matching Probeset (NSMP) names for HG-U133 Plus 2.0 chip type
  3687. panp::gcrma.ExpressionSet
    ExpressionSet resulting from gcrma processing of 3 HG-U133A chips
  3688. PANR::Bakal2007
    Rich morphological phenotypes for gene overexpression and RNA interference screens
    matrix|273 x 7
  3689. PANR::Bakal2007Cluster
    Rich morphological phenotypes for gene overexpression and RNA interference screens
  3690. PANR::bm1
    Rich morphological phenotypes for gene overexpression and RNA interference screens
  3691. PANR::nodeColor
    Rich morphological phenotypes for gene overexpression and RNA interference screens
  3692. PanViz::er_snp_vector
    Summary-level GWAS data vector for estrogen-receptor positive breast cancer (EFO_1000649)
  3693. pareg::pathway_similarities
    Collection of pathway similarity matrices.
  3694. parody::bushfire
    satellite data on bushfire scars
  3695. parody::tcost
    Data on milk transportation costs, from Johnson and Wichern, Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis, 3rd edition
  3696. partCNV::Hg38_gtf
    GTF data for Hg38 genome
  3697. partCNV::SimData
    Simulation data to examplify the usage of the method
  3698. partCNV::SimDataSce
    Simulation SingleCellExperiment object to examplify the usage of the method
  3699. Path2PPI::human.ai.irefindex
    Data set to predict autophagy induction in _Podospora anserina_
  3700. Path2PPI::human.ai.proteins
    Data set to predict autophagy induction in _Podospora anserina_
  3701. Path2PPI::pa2human.ai.homologs
    Data set to predict autophagy induction in _Podospora anserina_
  3702. Path2PPI::pa2yeast.ai.homologs
    Data set to predict autophagy induction in _Podospora anserina_
  3703. Path2PPI::yeast.ai.irefindex
    Data set to predict autophagy induction in _Podospora anserina_
  3704. Path2PPI::yeast.ai.proteins
    Data set to predict autophagy induction in _Podospora anserina_
  3705. pathlinkR::exampleDESeqResults
    List of example results from DESeq2
  3706. pathlinkR::groupedPathwayColours
    Colour assignments for grouped pathways
  3707. pathlinkR::hallmarkDatabase
    Table of Hallmark gene sets and their genes
  3708. pathlinkR::innateDbPPI
    InnateDB PPI data
  3709. pathlinkR::keggDatabase
    Table of KEGG pathways and genes
  3710. pathlinkR::mappingFile
    Table of human gene ID mappings
  3711. pathlinkR::pathwayCategories
    Top-level pathway categories
  3712. pathlinkR::reactomeDatabase
    Table of all Reactome pathways and genes
  3713. pathlinkR::sigoraDatabase
    Table of all Sigora pathways and their constituent genes
  3714. pathlinkR::sigoraExamples
    Sigora enrichment example
  3715. PathoStat::pstat
    pathostat object generated from example pathoscope report files
  3716. PathoStat::pstat
    pathostat object generated from example pathoscope report files
  3717. PathoStat::pstat
    pathostat object generated from example pathoscope report files
  3718. PathoStat::pstat
    pathostat object generated from example pathoscope report files
  3719. pathview::KEGGEdgeSubtype
    Internal functions
  3720. pathview::bods
    Mapping data on KEGG species code and corresponding Bioconductor gene annotation package
  3721. pathview::cpd.accs
    Mapping data between compound or gene IDs and KEGG accessions
  3722. pathview::cpd.names
    Mapping data between compound or gene IDs and KEGG accessions
  3723. pathview::cpd.simtypes
    Mapping data between compound or gene IDs and KEGG accessions
  3724. pathview::demo.paths
    Data for demo purpose
  3725. pathview::gene.idtype.bods
    Mapping data between compound or gene IDs and KEGG accessions
  3726. pathview::gene.idtype.list
    Mapping data between compound or gene IDs and KEGG accessions
  3727. pathview::gse16873.d
    Data for demo purpose
    matrix|11979 x 6
  3728. pathview::kegg.met
    Mapping data between compound or gene IDs and KEGG accessions
    matrix|694 x 3
  3729. pathview::ko.ids
    Mapping data between compound or gene IDs and KEGG accessions
  3730. pathview::korg
    Mapping data on KEGG species code and corresponding Bioconductor gene annotation package
    matrix|9767 x 10
  3731. pathview::paths.hsa
    Data for demo purpose
  3732. pathview::rn.list
    Mapping data between compound or gene IDs and KEGG accessions
  3733. pathwayPCA::colonSurv_df
    Colon Cancer -Omics Data
  3734. pathwayPCA::colon_pathwayCollection
    Gene Pathway Subset
  3735. pathwayPCA::wikipwsHS_Entrez_pathwayCollection
    Wikipathways Homosapiens EntrezIDs
  3736. pathwayPCA::wikipwsHS_Symbol_pathwayCollection
    Wikipathways Homosapiens Gene Symbols
  3737. pcaMethods::helix
    A helix structured toy data set
    matrix|1000 x 3
  3738. pcaMethods::metaboliteData
    A incomplete metabolite data set from an Arabidopsis coldstress experiment
    matrix|154 x 52
  3739. pcaMethods::metaboliteDataComplete
    A complete metabolite data set from an Arabidopsis coldstress experiment
    matrix|154 x 52
  3740. PCAN::geneByHp
    Entrez gene IDs associated to HP terms (Example data)
  3741. PCAN::geneByTrait
    Gene associated to trait (Example data)
  3742. PCAN::geneDef
    Description of genes (Example data)
  3743. PCAN::hpByTrait
    HP IDs associated to trait (Example data)
  3744. PCAN::hpDef
    Description of HP terms (Example data)
  3745. PCAN::hp_ancestors
    HP ancestors (Example data)
  3746. PCAN::hp_class
    HP class (Example data)
  3747. PCAN::hp_descendants
    HP descendants (Example data)
  3748. PCAN::hqStrNw
    STRIND database network of Homo sapiens genes (Example data)
  3749. PCAN::hsEntrezByRPath
    Homo sapiens entrez gene ID by Reactome pathway (Example data)
  3750. PCAN::rPath
    Reactome pathways (Example data)
  3751. PCAN::traitDef
    Description of Traits (Example data)
    A 'MultiAssayExperiment' containing cohorts of pancreatic cancer patients, for use in package examples.
  3753. PDATK::birnbaum
    Published classifier gene signature for Birnbaum
  3754. PDATK::chen
    Published classifier gene signature for Chen
  3755. PDATK::cohortSubtypeDFs
    A list of sample subtypes for the data in sampleCohortList
  3756. PDATK::haiderSigScores
    Classifier survival scores for Haider
  3757. PDATK::sampleClinicalModel
    Sample ClinicalModel Containing the ICGC micro-array cohort from 'MetaGxPancreas' as training data.
  3758. PDATK::sampleCohortList
    A Set of Example Patient Cohorts
  3759. PDATK::sampleICGCmicro
    A Sample SurvivalExperiment Containing Data from the ICGC micro-array cohort from 'MetaGxPancreas'
  3760. PDATK::samplePCOSPmodel
    A Sample PCOSP Model Containing the ICGC micro-array cohort from 'MetaGxPancreas' as training data.
  3761. PDATK::samplePCOSPpredList
    Sample CohortList with PCOSP Risk Predictions
  3762. PDATK::samplePCSIsurvExp
    Sample SurvivalExperiment Containing the PCSI rna-sequencing cohort from 'MetaGxPancreas'.
  3763. PDATK::sampleRGAmodel
    Sample RGA Model Containing the ICGC micro-array cohort from 'MetaGxPancreas' as training data.
  3764. PDATK::sampleRLSmodel
    Sample RLS Model Containing the ICGC micro-array cohort from 'MetaGxPancreas' as training data.
  3765. PDATK::sampleTrainedPCOSPmodel
    A Sample Trained PCOSP Model Containing the ICGC micro-array cohort from 'MetaGxPancreas' as training data.
  3766. PDATK::sampleValPCOSPmodel
    Sample Validated PCOSP Model for Plotting Examples
  3767. peco::cellcyclegenes_whitfield2002
    list of cell cycle genes identified in Whitfield et al. 2002.
  3768. peco::model_5genes_predict
    A SingleCellExperiment object
  3769. peco::model_5genes_train
    Traing model results among samples from 5 individuals.
  3770. peco::sce_top101genes
    Molecule counts of the 101 significant cyclical genes in the 888 samples analyzed in the study.
  3771. peco::training_human
    Training data from 888 single-cell samples and 101 top cyclic genes
  3772. Pedixplorer::minnbreast
    Minnesota Breast Cancer Study
  3773. Pedixplorer::relped
    Relped data
  3774. Pedixplorer::sampleped
    Sampleped data
  3775. periodicDNA::ce11_ATACseq
  3776. periodicDNA::ce11_TSSs
  3777. periodicDNA::ce11_WW_10bp
  3778. periodicDNA::ce11_all_REs
  3779. periodicDNA::ce11_proms
  3780. periodicDNA::ce11_proms_seqs
  3781. pgca::BET1947_v339
    Data Files From BiT Heart Cohort
  3782. pgca::BET2007_v339
    Data Files From BiT Heart Cohort
  3783. pgca::BET2047_v339
    Data Files From BiT Heart Cohort
  3784. pgca::BET2067_v339
    Data Files From BiT Heart Cohort
  3785. pgxRpi::hg19_cytoband
    A dataframe containing cytoband annotation details extracted from the hg19 gennome. It is used for CNV frequency visualization.
  3786. pgxRpi::hg38_cytoband
    A dataframe containing cytoband annotation details extracted from the hg38 gennome. It is used for CNV frequency visualization.
  3787. phantasus::es
    Example dataset
  3788. phantasus::fgseaExample
    Example pathway data.frame for fgsea tool
  3789. PharmacoGx::CCLEsmall
    Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia (CCLE) Example PharmacoSet
  3790. PharmacoGx::CMAPsmall
    Connectivity Map Example PharmacoSet
  3791. PharmacoGx::GDSCsmall
    Genomics of Drug Sensitivity in Cancer Example PharmacoSet
  3792. PharmacoGx::HDAC_genes
    HDAC Gene Signature
  3793. phenoTest::epheno
    epheno object.
  3794. phenoTest::eset
    Example data.
  3795. phenoTest::eset.genelevel
    Example data.
  3796. phosphonormalizer::enriched.rd
    Enriched dataset
  3797. phosphonormalizer::non.enriched.rd
    Non-enriched dataset
  3798. PhosR::KinaseFamily
    matrix|425 x 6
  3799. PhosR::PhosphoSite.human
    PhosphoSitePlus annotations for human
  3800. PhosR::PhosphoSite.mouse
    PhosphoSitePlus annotations for mouse
  3801. PhosR::PhosphoSite.rat
    PhosphoSitePlus annotations for rat
  3802. PhosR::SPSs
    A list of Stably Phosphorylated Sites (SPSs)
  3803. PhosR::hSEGs
    A list of Stably Expressed Genes (SEGs)
  3804. PhosR::mSEGs
    A list of Stably Expressed Genes (SEGs)
  3805. PhosR::motif.human.list
    List of human kinase motifs
  3806. PhosR::motif.mouse.list
    List of mouse kinase motifs
  3807. PhosR::motif.rat.list
    List of rat kinase motifs
  3808. PhosR::phospho.L6.ratio
    matrix|6660 x 12
  3809. PhosR::phospho.L6.ratio.pe
  3810. PhosR::phospho.cells.Ins
    matrix|5000 x 24
  3811. PhosR::phospho.cells.Ins.pe
  3812. PhosR::phospho.liver.Ins.TC.ratio.RUV
    matrix|800 x 90
  3813. PhosR::phospho.liver.Ins.TC.ratio.RUV.pe
  3814. PhyloProfile::filteredProfile
    An example of a filtered phylogenetic profile
  3815. PhyloProfile::finalProcessedProfile
    An example of a final processed & filtered phylogenetic profile
  3816. PhyloProfile::fullProcessedProfile
    An example of a fully processed phylogenetic profile
  3817. PhyloProfile::idList
    NCBI ID list for experimental data sets
  3818. PhyloProfile::mainLongRaw
    An example of a raw long input file
  3819. PhyloProfile::ppTaxonomyMatrix
    An example of a taxonomy matrix
  3820. PhyloProfile::ppTree
    An example of a taxonomy tree in newick format
  3821. PhyloProfile::profileWithTaxonomy
    An example of a raw long input file together with the taxonomy info
  3822. PhyloProfile::rankList
    NCBI rank list for experimental data sets
  3823. PhyloProfile::taxonNamesReduced
    NCBI Taxonomy reduced data set
  3824. PhyloProfile::taxonomyMatrix
    Taxonomy matrix for experimental data sets
  3825. phyloseq::GlobalPatterns
    (Data) Global patterns of 16S rRNA diversity at a depth of millions of sequences per sample (2011)
  3826. phyloseq::enterotype
    (Data) Enterotypes of the human gut microbiome (2011)
  3827. phyloseq::esophagus
    (Data) Small example dataset from a human esophageal community (2004)
  3828. phyloseq::soilrep
    (Data) Reproducibility of soil microbiome data (2011)
  3829. piano::gsa_input
    Random input data for gene set analysis
  3830. piano::gsa_results
    Gene set analysis result data
  3831. Pigengene::aml
    AML gene expression profile
    matrix|202 x 1000
  3832. Pigengene::eigengenes33
    Eigengenes of 33 modules
  3833. Pigengene::mds
    MDS gene expression profile
    matrix|164 x 1000
  3834. Pigengene::pigengene
    An object of class 'Pigengene'
  3835. pipeComp::clustMetricsCorr
    Correlations across clustering evaluation metrics
  3836. pipeComp::ctrlgenes
    Lists of control genes
  3837. pipeComp::exampleDEAresults
    Example results from the DEA pipeline
  3838. pipeComp::exampleResults
    Example pipeline results
  3839. pipeComp::stableG
    Lists of stable genes
  3840. Pirat::ropers
    Ropers dataset
  3841. Pirat::subbouyssie
    Sub-Bouyssie dataset
  3842. Pirat::subropers
    Sub-Ropers dataset
  3843. PIUMA::df_test_proj
    A dataset to test the 'dfToProjection' and 'dfToDistance' funtions of 'PIUMA' package.
  3844. PIUMA::tda_test_data
    A TDAobj to test the 'PIUMA' package.
  3845. PIUMA::vascEC_meta
    Example datasets for PIUMA package
  3846. PIUMA::vascEC_norm
    We tested PIUMA on a subset of the single-cell RNA Sequencing dataset (GSE:GSE193346 generated and published by Feng et al. (2022) on Nature Communication to demonstrate that distinct transcriptional profiles are present in specific cell types of each heart chambers, which were attributed to have roles in cardiac development. In this tutorial, our aim will be to exploit PIUMA for identifying sub-population of vascular endothelial cells, which can be associated with specific heart developmental stages. The original dataset consisted of three layers of heterogeneity: cell type, stage and zone (i.e., heart chamber). Our testing dataset was obtained by subsetting vascular endothelial cells (cell type) by Seurat object, extracting raw counts and metadata. Thus, we filtered low expressed genes and normalized data by DaMiRseq
    matrix|1180 x 838
  3847. planet::ageCpGs
    Placental gestational age CpGs
  3848. planet::ethnicityCpGs
    CpGs to predict ethnicity
  3849. planet::plBetas
    Example placental DNA methylation data
    matrix|13918 x 24
  3850. planet::plCellCpGsFirst
    First trimester placental cell type coefficients
    matrix|600 x 6
  3851. planet::plCellCpGsThird
    Third trimester placental cell type coefficients
    matrix|600 x 6
  3852. planet::plColors
    A color palette for placental cell types
  3853. planet::plPhenoData
    Sample information accompanying 'pl_betas'
  3854. planttfhunter::classification_scheme
    Data frame of TF family classification scheme
  3855. planttfhunter::gsu
    Protein sequences of the algae species Galdieria sulphuraria
  3856. planttfhunter::gsu_annotation
    Domain annotation for the algae species Galdieria sulphuraria The data set was created using the funcion 'annotate_pfam()' in local mode.
  3857. planttfhunter::gsu_families
    TFs families of the algae species Galdieria sulphuraria The data set was created using the funcion 'classify_tfs()'.
  3858. planttfhunter::tf_counts
    TF counts per family in 4 simulated species
  3859. plasmut::crcseq
    This data is an example dataset to show how to use the package
  3860. plgem::LPSeset
    ExpressionSet for Testing PLGEM
  3861. PLPE::plateletSet
    LCMS proteomic data for platelte MPs
  3862. PLSDAbatch::AD_data
    Anaerobic digestion study
  3863. PLSDAbatch::sponge_data
    Sponge _A. aerophoba_ study
  3864. plyinteractions::GM12878_HiCCUPS
    Loops identified in GM12878 with HiCCUPS
  3865. plyinteractions::ce10_ARCC
    Interactions identified in L3 C. elegans by ARC-C
  3866. plyinteractions::ce10_REs
    Annotated regulatory elements in C. elegans
  3867. plyxp::se_simple
    Plyxp Simple Example Summarized Experiment
  3868. pmm::kinome
    Example Data from InfectX
  3869. pmp::MTBLS79
    Direct-infusion mass spectrometry (DIMS) data set
  3870. PoDCall::thrTable
    PoDCall Example Threshold Table
  3871. podkat::b36Unmasked
    Unmasked Regions of Human Genomes
  3872. podkat::b37Unmasked
    Unmasked Regions of Human Genomes
  3873. podkat::hg18Unmasked
    Unmasked Regions of Human Genomes
  3874. podkat::hg19Unmasked
    Unmasked Regions of Human Genomes
  3875. podkat::hg38Unmasked
    Unmasked Regions of Human Genomes
  3876. podkat::hgA
    Artificial Human Chromosome for Testing Purposes
  3877. pogos::CCLE_drts
    compounds_v1: serialization of compounds info from PharmacoDb v1
  3878. pogos::cell_lines_v1
    compounds_v1: serialization of compounds info from PharmacoDb v1
  3879. pogos::compounds_v1
    compounds_v1: serialization of compounds info from PharmacoDb v1
  3880. pogos::datasets_v1
    compounds_v1: serialization of compounds info from PharmacoDb v1
  3881. pogos::tissues_v1
    compounds_v1: serialization of compounds info from PharmacoDb v1
  3882. PolySTest::liver_example
    Example data set liver_example for PolySTest
  3883. POMA::st000284
    Colorectal Cancer Detection Using Targeted Serum Metabolic Profiling
  3884. POMA::st000336
    Targeted LC/MS of urine from boys with DMD and controls
  3885. powerTCR::repertoires
    Two toy examples of sample TCR repertoires.
  3886. POWSC::es_mef_sce
    sample data for POWSC
  3887. POWSC::sce
    sample data for GSE67835
  3888. ppcseq::counts
  3889. preciseTAD::arrowhead_gm12878_5kb
    Domain data from ARROWHEAD TAD-caller for GM12878 at 5 kb
  3890. preciseTAD::tfbsList
    A list of the chromosomal coordinates for 26 transcription factor binding sites from the Gm12878 cell line
  3891. PrInCE::gold_standard
    Reference set of human protein complexes
  3892. PrInCE::kristensen
    Interactome of HeLa cells
    matrix|1875 x 48
  3893. PrInCE::kristensen_gaussians
    Fitted Gaussian mixture models for the 'kristensen' dataset
  3894. PrInCE::scott
    Cytoplasmic interactome of Jurkat T cells during apoptosis
    matrix|1560 x 55
  3895. PrInCE::scott_gaussians
    Fitted Gaussian mixture models for the 'scott' dataset
  3896. proActiv::promoterAnnotation.gencode.v34.subset
    Promoter annotation for Gencode.v34 (subset)
  3897. procoil::PrOCoilModel
    Class "CCModel"
  3898. procoil::PrOCoilModelBA
    Class "CCModel"
  3899. profileplyr::K27ac_GRlist_hind_liver_top5000
    GRangesList of the top 5000 H3K27ac peaks from hindbrain and liver downloaded from ENCODE
  3900. profileplyr::gene_list_character
    Character vector of the top differentially expressed genes from hindbrain versus liver as measured by RNA-seq
  3901. profileplyr::gene_list_dataframe
    Dataframe of top differentially expressed genes from hindbrain versus liver as measured by RNA-seq
  3902. profileScoreDist::INR
    The position count matrix for INR.
  3903. progeny::model_human_full
    The full human linear model underlying PROGENy
  3904. progeny::model_mouse_full
    The full mouse linear model underlying PROGENy
  3905. progeny::vignette_data
    The RNA data used in the progeny vignette
  3906. projectR::AP.RNAseq6l3c3t
    CoGAPS patterns and genes weights for p.RNAseq6l3c3t
  3907. projectR::CR.RNAseq6l3c3t
    CogapsResult object for p.RNAseq6l3c3t
  3908. projectR::cr_microglial
    CogapsResult object for microglial_counts
  3909. projectR::glial_counts
    log-normalized count data from astrocytes and oligodendrocytes in the p6 mouse cortex.
  3910. projectR::map.ESepiGen4c1l
    RNAseqing and ChIPSeq of matched genes in differentiated human iPS cells
  3911. projectR::map.RNAseq6l3c3t
    RNAseqing from human 3 iPS & 3 ES cell lines in 3 experimental condition at 3 time points
  3912. projectR::microglial_counts
    log-normalized count data from microglial cells in the p6 mouse cortex.
  3913. projectR::multivariateAnalysisR_seurat_test
    Truncated Seurat Object with latent space projection done to unspecified cells in different stages for multivariateAnalysisR analysis
  3914. projectR::p.ESepiGen4c1l
    RNAseqing and ChIPSeq of matched genes in differentiated human iPS cells
  3915. projectR::p.RNAseq6l3c3t
    RNAseqing from human 3 iPS & 3 ES cell lines in 3 experimental condition at 3 time points
  3916. projectR::pd.ESepiGen4c1l
    RNAseqing and ChIPSeq of matched genes in differentiated human iPS cells
  3917. projectR::pd.RNAseq6l3c3t
    RNAseqing from human 3 iPS & 3 ES cell lines in 3 experimental condition at 3 time points
  3918. projectR::retinal_patterns
    CoGAPS patterns learned from the developing mouse retina.
  3919. pRoloc::andy2011params
    Class '"AnnotationParams"'
  3920. pRoloc::dunkley2006params
    Class '"AnnotationParams"'
  3921. PROMISE::phPatt
    Phenotype Pattern Definition Set
  3922. PROMISE::sampExprSet
    An Example Expression Set
  3923. PROMISE::sampGeneSet
    An Example Gene Set Collection
  3924. PRONE::spike_in_de_res
    Example data.table of DE results of a spike-in proteomics data set
  3925. PRONE::spike_in_se
    Example SummarizedExperiment of a spike-in proteomics data set
  3926. PRONE::tuberculosis_TMT_de_res
    Example data.table of DE results of a real-world proteomics data set
  3927. PRONE::tuberculosis_TMT_se
    Example SummarizedExperiment of a real-world proteomics data set
  3928. PROPER::GE.human
    Some existing RNA-seq and gene expression microarray data
  3929. PROPER::param
    Some existing RNA-seq and gene expression microarray data
  3930. PROPER::param
    Some existing RNA-seq and gene expression microarray data
  3931. PROPER::param
    Some existing RNA-seq and gene expression microarray data
  3932. PROPER::param
    Some existing RNA-seq and gene expression microarray data
  3933. PROPER::pbmc
    Some existing RNA-seq and gene expression microarray data
    matrix|22215 x 2
  3934. PROPS::example_data
    Example data, 50 samples, 22600 genes.
  3935. PROPS::example_edges
    Example pathway edges. Contains 3 randomly generated pathways.
  3936. PROPS::example_healthy
    Example healthy data, 100 samples, 22600 genes.
  3937. PROPS::kegg_pathway_edges
    KEGG pathway edges
  3938. proteinProfiles::annotation
    IPS sample data
  3939. proteinProfiles::ratios
    IPS sample data
    matrix|247 x 10
  3940. ProteoDisco::ProteoDiscographyExample.hg19
    Example ProteoDiscography.
  3941. ProteoMM::hs_peptides
    hs_peptides - peptide-level intensities for human
  3942. ProteoMM::mm_peptides
    mm_peptides - peptide-level intensities for mouse
  3943. puma::Clust.exampleE
    The example data of the mean gene expression levels
    matrix|700 x 20
  3944. puma::Clust.exampleStd
    The example data of the standard deviation for gene expression levels
    matrix|700 x 20
  3945. puma::Clustii.exampleE
    The example data of the mean gene expression levels
  3946. puma::Clustii.exampleStd
    The example data of the standard deviation for gene expression levels
  3947. puma::eset_mmgmos
    An example ExpressionSet created from the Dilution data with mmgmos
  3948. puma::exampleE
    The example data of the mean gene expression levels
    matrix|200 x 6
  3949. puma::exampleStd
    The example data of the standard deviation for gene expression levels
    matrix|200 x 6
  3950. puma::hgu95aphis
    Estimated parameters of the distribution of phi
  3951. PureCN::centromeres
    A list of data.frames containing centromere positions.
  3952. PureCN::purecn.DNAcopy.bdry
    DNAcopy boundary data
  3953. PureCN::purecn.example.output
    Example output
  3954. pwalign::BLOSUM100
    Predefined scoring matrices
    matrix|24 x 24
  3955. pwalign::BLOSUM45
    Predefined scoring matrices
    matrix|25 x 25
  3956. pwalign::BLOSUM50
    Predefined scoring matrices
    matrix|24 x 24
  3957. pwalign::BLOSUM62
    Predefined scoring matrices
    matrix|25 x 25
  3958. pwalign::BLOSUM80
    Predefined scoring matrices
    matrix|25 x 25
  3959. pwalign::PAM120
    Predefined scoring matrices
    matrix|24 x 24
  3960. pwalign::PAM250
    Predefined scoring matrices
    matrix|24 x 24
  3961. pwalign::PAM30
    Predefined scoring matrices
    matrix|25 x 25
  3962. pwalign::PAM40
    Predefined scoring matrices
    matrix|24 x 24
  3963. pwalign::PAM70
    Predefined scoring matrices
    matrix|25 x 25
  3964. pwalign::phiX174Phage
    Versions of bacteriophage phiX174 complete genome and sample short reads
  3965. pwalign::quPhiX174
    Versions of bacteriophage phiX174 complete genome and sample short reads
  3966. pwalign::srPhiX174
    Versions of bacteriophage phiX174 complete genome and sample short reads
  3967. pwalign::wtPhiX174
    Versions of bacteriophage phiX174 complete genome and sample short reads
  3968. qcmetrics::psm
    15N example data
  3969. QDNAseq::LGG150
    LGG150 chromosomes 7-10
  3970. QFeatures::feat1
    Feature example data
  3971. QFeatures::feat2
    Feature example data
  3972. QFeatures::feat3
    Example 'QFeatures' object after processing
  3973. QFeatures::ft_na
    Feature example data
  3974. QFeatures::hlpsms
    hyperLOPIT PSM-level expression data
  3975. QFeatures::se_na2
    Feature example data
  3976. qmtools::faahko_se
    FAAH knockout LC/MS data SummarizedExperiment
  3977. qpcrNorm::qpcrBatch.object
    qpcrBatch instance qpcrBatch.object
  3978. qpgraph::filtered.regulon6.1
    Preprocessed microarray oxygen deprivation data and filtered RegulonDB data
  3979. qpgraph::gds680.eset
    Preprocessed microarray oxygen deprivation data and filtered RegulonDB data
  3980. qpgraph::subset.filtered.regulon6.1
    Preprocessed microarray oxygen deprivation data and filtered RegulonDB data
  3981. qpgraph::subset.gds680.eset
    Preprocessed microarray oxygen deprivation data and filtered RegulonDB data
  3982. qPLEXanalyzer::ER_ARID1A_KO_MCF7
    ER_ARID1A_KO_MCF7 dataset
  3983. qPLEXanalyzer::exp2_Xlink
    exp2_Xlink dataset
  3984. qPLEXanalyzer::exp3_OHT_ESR1
    exp3_OHT_ESR1 dataset
  3985. qPLEXanalyzer::human_anno
    human_anno dataset
  3986. qPLEXanalyzer::mouse_anno
    mouse_anno dataset
  3987. qsmooth::gc
    matrix|18629 x 2
  3988. qsvaR::degradation_tstats
    Degradation time t-statistics
  3989. qsvaR::rse_tx
    Example of RSE object with RNA-seq transcript quantification data
  3990. qsvaR::transcripts
    Transcripts for Degradation Models
  3991. quantiseqr::dataset_racle
    An exemplary dataset with samples from four patients with metastatic melanoma
  3992. quantiseqr::ti_quant_sim1700mixtures
    quanTIseq output for the simulation data of 1700 mixtures for RNA-seq data
  3993. quantro::flowSorted
    A subset of FlowSorted.DLPFC.450k data set
  3994. quantsmooth::affy.cn
    Example data from several quantitative genomic methods
  3995. quantsmooth::affy.pos
    Example data from several quantitative genomic methods
  3996. quantsmooth::bac.cn
    Example data from several quantitative genomic methods
    matrix|112 x 3
  3997. quantsmooth::bac.pos
    Example data from several quantitative genomic methods
  3998. quantsmooth::chrom.bands
    Dataset of human chromosomes and their banding patterns
  3999. quantsmooth::chrom.bands.hg18
    Dataset of human chromosomes and their banding patterns
  4000. quantsmooth::chrom.bands.hg19
    Dataset of human chromosomes and their banding patterns
  4001. quantsmooth::chrom.bands.hg38
    Dataset of human chromosomes and their banding patterns
  4002. quantsmooth::chrom.bands.mm10
    Dataset of human chromosomes and their banding patterns
  4003. quantsmooth::ill.cn
    Example data from several quantitative genomic methods
    matrix|207 x 3
  4004. quantsmooth::ill.pos
    Example data from several quantitative genomic methods
  4005. qusage::BTM.geneSets
    Example Gene Sets
  4006. qusage::ISG.geneSet
    Example Gene Sets
  4007. qusage::MSIG.geneSets
    Example Gene Sets
  4008. qusage::eset.full
    Example gene expression set
    matrix|4147 x 252
  4009. qusage::flu.meta
    Example gene expression set
  4010. qusage::fluVaccine
    Gene expression sets from Flu Vaccine trials
  4011. qvalue::hedenfalk
    P-values and test-statistics from the Hedenfalk et al. (2001) gene expression dataset
  4012. R3CPET::Chromosoms
    Human chromosom lenghts
  4013. R3CPET::PPI.Biogrid
    Biogrid Network
  4014. R3CPET::PPI.HPRD
    HPRD protein interaction Network
  4015. R3CPET::RPKMS
    A gene expression dataset
  4016. R3CPET::geneLocations.nucleus
    Nucleus located genes
  4017. R453Plus1Toolbox::avaSetExample
    Amplicon Variant Analyzer data import
  4018. R453Plus1Toolbox::avaSetFiltered
    Amplicon Variant Analyzer data import
  4019. R453Plus1Toolbox::avaSetFiltered_annot
    AVASet variant annotations
  4020. R453Plus1Toolbox::breakpoints
    Putative breakpoints of chimeric reads
  4021. R453Plus1Toolbox::captureArray
    Custom capture array design
  4022. R453Plus1Toolbox::mapperSetExample
    GS Reference Mapper data import
  4023. R453Plus1Toolbox::mutationInfo
    Example data for 'plotVariants'
  4024. R453Plus1Toolbox::regions
    Example data for 'plotVariants'
  4025. R453Plus1Toolbox::variants
    Example data for 'plotVariants'
  4026. R4RNA::fasta
    Helices predicted by TRANSAT with p-values
  4027. R4RNA::helix
    Helices predicted by TRANSAT with p-values
  4028. R4RNA::known
    Helices predicted by TRANSAT with p-values
  4029. RAIDS::demoKnownSuperPop1KG
    The known super population ancestry of the demo 1KG reference profiles.
  4030. RAIDS::demoPCA1KG
    The PCA results of the demo 1KG reference dataset for demonstration purpose. Beware that the PCA has been run on a very small subset of the 1KG reference dataset and should not be used to call ancestry inference on a real profile.
  4031. RAIDS::demoPCASyntheticProfiles
    The PCA result of demo synthetic profiles projected on the demo subset 1KG reference PCA.
  4032. RAIDS::demoPedigreeEx1
    The pedigree information about a demo profile called 'ex1'.
  4033. RAIDS::matKNNSynthetic
    A small 'data.frame' containing the inferred ancestry on the synthetic profiles.
  4034. RAIDS::pedSynthetic
    A small 'data.frame' containing the information related to synthetic profiles. The ancestry of the profiles used to generate the synthetic profiles must be present.
  4035. RAIDS::snpPositionDemo
    A small 'data.frame' containing the SNV information.
  4036. rain::menetRNASeqMouseLiver
    Time courses of gene expression in mouse liver
  4037. ramr::ramr.data
    Simulated Illumina HumanMethylation 450k data set with 3000 CpGs and 100 samples
  4038. ramr::ramr.samples
    Simulated Illumina HumanMethylation 450k data set with 3000 CpGs and 100 samples
  4039. ramr::ramr.tp.nonunique
    Simulated Illumina HumanMethylation 450k data set with 3000 CpGs and 100 samples
  4040. ramr::ramr.tp.unique
    Simulated Illumina HumanMethylation 450k data set with 3000 CpGs and 100 samples
  4041. randPack::CT1
    demonstration data for use with randPack
  4042. randPack::SampleData
    Randomly generated data representing a potential patient cohort.
  4043. randPack::alltabs
    demonstration data for use with randPack
  4044. randPack::pD1
    demonstration data for use with randPack
  4045. randPack::sco
    demonstration data for use with randPack
  4046. RankProd::Biom
    Metabolomics data on spiked apples
  4047. RankProd::apples.cl
    Metabolomics data on spiked apples
  4048. RankProd::apples.data
    Metabolomics data on spiked apples
    AsIs|197 x 20
  4049. RankProd::apples.data.vsn
    Metabolomics data on spiked apples
    matrix|197 x 20
  4050. RankProd::arab
    Genomic Response to Brassinosteroid in Arabidopsis
    matrix|500 x 10
  4051. RankProd::arab.cl
    Genomic Response to Brassinosteroid in Arabidopsis
  4052. RankProd::arab.gnames
    Genomic Response to Brassinosteroid in Arabidopsis
  4053. RankProd::arab.origin
    Genomic Response to Brassinosteroid in Arabidopsis
  4054. RankProd::golub
    A subset of the Gene expression dataset from Golub et al. (1999)
  4055. RankProd::golub.cl
    A subset of the Gene expression dataset from Golub et al. (1999)
  4056. RankProd::golub.gnames
    A subset of the Gene expression dataset from Golub et al. (1999)
  4057. RankProd::lym.exp
    Subset of the Intensity data for 8 cDNA slides with CLL and DLBL samples from the Alizadeh et al. paper in Nature 2000
    matrix|500 x 16
  4058. RankProd::mz
    Metabolomics data on spiked apples
  4059. RankProd::rt
    Metabolomics data on spiked apples
  4060. RAREsim::afs_afr
    African/African American target data from gnomAD v2.1 (Karczewski, 2020)
  4061. RAREsim::nvariant_afr
    African target data for the Number of Variants function from gnomADv2.1 (Karczewski, 2020)
  4062. RbcBook1::bcr.cor
    Illustrative datasets for distance measures
  4063. RbcBook1::bcr.euc
    Illustrative datasets for distance measures
  4064. RbcBook1::bcr.kldist
    Illustrative datasets for distance measures
  4065. RbcBook1::bcr.man
    Illustrative datasets for distance measures
  4066. RbcBook1::bcr.mi
    Illustrative datasets for distance measures
  4067. RbcBook1::bcr.spear
    Illustrative datasets for distance measures
  4068. RbcBook1::bcr.tau
    Illustrative datasets for distance measures
  4069. RbcBook1::performance
    Results of tedious computations for computational inference
  4070. RbcBook1::performance
    Results of tedious computations for computational inference
  4071. RbcBook1::performance
    Results of tedious computations for computational inference
  4072. RBGL::FileDep
    FileDep: a graphNEL object representing a file dependency dataset example in boost graph library
  4073. rBiopaxParser::biopax
    Biopax example data set
  4074. rBiopaxParser::biopaxLevel3Example
    Biopax example data set
  4075. RBM::ovarian_cancer_methylation
    ovarian cancer methylation example from United Kingdom Ovarian Cancer Population Study (UKOPS)
  4076. rbsurv::gliomaSet
    Gene expression and survival data of the patients with gliomas
  4077. RCAS::gff
    Sample GFF file imported as a GRanges object
  4078. RCAS::queryRegions
    Sample BED file imported as a GRanges object
  4079. RCASPAR::Bergamaschi
    Gene expression data of 82 patients with 10 genes as covariates
    matrix|82 x 10
  4080. RCASPAR::survData
    Survial data of 82 patients
  4081. rcellminer::Drug_MOA_Key
    A data frame with descriptive information for all compound mechanism of action (MOA) abbreviations used in CellMiner.
  4082. rCGH::agilentDB
    aCGH Agilent Probes GC Fraction
  4083. rCGH::hg18
    Hg18 Chromosome Lengths and Centromere Locations
  4084. rCGH::hg19
    Hg19 Chromosome Lengths and Centromere Locations
  4085. rCGH::hg38
    Hg38 Chromosome Lengths and Centromere Locations
  4086. RcisTarget::dbRegionsLoc_hg19_v9
    Genomic location for the database regions
  4087. RcisTarget::motifAnnotations
    Annotations of Motifs to TFs
  4088. RcisTarget::motifAnnotations
    Annotations of Motifs to TFs
  4089. RcisTarget::motifAnnotations
    Annotations of Motifs to TFs
  4090. RcisTarget::motifAnnotations_dmel_v8
    Annotations of Motifs to TFs
  4091. RcisTarget::motifAnnotations_dmel_v9
    Annotations of Motifs to TFs
  4092. RcisTarget::motifAnnotations_hgnc_v9
    Annotations of Motifs to TFs
  4093. RcisTarget::motifAnnotations_mgi_v9
    Annotations of Motifs to TFs
  4094. RCM::Zeller
    Microbiomes of colorectal cancer patients and healthy controls
  4095. Rcpi::AA2DACOR
    2D Autocorrelations Descriptors for 20 Amino Acids calculated by Dragon
  4096. Rcpi::AA3DMoRSE
    3D-MoRSE Descriptors for 20 Amino Acids calculated by Dragon
  4097. Rcpi::AAACF
    Atom-Centred Fragments Descriptors for 20 Amino Acids calculated by Dragon
  4098. Rcpi::AABLOSUM100
    BLOSUM100 Matrix for 20 Amino Acids
    matrix|20 x 20
  4099. Rcpi::AABLOSUM45
    BLOSUM45 Matrix for 20 Amino Acids
    matrix|20 x 20
  4100. Rcpi::AABLOSUM50
    BLOSUM50 Matrix for 20 Amino Acids
    matrix|20 x 20
  4101. Rcpi::AABLOSUM62
    BLOSUM62 Matrix for 20 Amino Acids
    matrix|20 x 20
  4102. Rcpi::AABLOSUM80
    BLOSUM80 Matrix for 20 Amino Acids
    matrix|20 x 20
  4103. Rcpi::AABurden
    Burden Eigenvalues Descriptors for 20 Amino Acids calculated by Dragon
  4104. Rcpi::AACPSA
    CPSA Descriptors for 20 Amino Acids calculated by Discovery Studio
  4105. Rcpi::AAConn
    Connectivity Indices Descriptors for 20 Amino Acids calculated by Dragon
  4106. Rcpi::AAConst
    Constitutional Descriptors for 20 Amino Acids calculated by Dragon
  4107. Rcpi::AADescAll
    All 2D Descriptors for 20 Amino Acids calculated by Dragon
  4108. Rcpi::AAEdgeAdj
    Edge Adjacency Indices Descriptors for 20 Amino Acids calculated by Dragon
  4109. Rcpi::AAEigIdx
    Eigenvalue-Based Indices Descriptors for 20 Amino Acids calculated by Dragon
  4110. Rcpi::AAFGC
    Functional Group Counts Descriptors for 20 Amino Acids calculated by Dragon
  4111. Rcpi::AAGETAWAY
    GETAWAY Descriptors for 20 Amino Acids calculated by Dragon
  4112. Rcpi::AAGeom
    Geometrical Descriptors for 20 Amino Acids calculated by Dragon
  4113. Rcpi::AAInfo
    Information Indices Descriptors for 20 Amino Acids calculated by Dragon
  4114. Rcpi::AAMOE2D
    2D Descriptors for 20 Amino Acids calculated by MOE 2011.10
  4115. Rcpi::AAMOE3D
    3D Descriptors for 20 Amino Acids calculated by MOE 2011.10
  4116. Rcpi::AAMetaInfo
    Meta Information for the 20 Amino Acids
  4117. Rcpi::AAMolProp
    Molecular Properties Descriptors for 20 Amino Acids calculated by Dragon
  4118. Rcpi::AAPAM120
    PAM120 Matrix for 20 Amino Acids
    matrix|20 x 20
  4119. Rcpi::AAPAM250
    PAM250 Matrix for 20 Amino Acids
    matrix|20 x 20
  4120. Rcpi::AAPAM30
    PAM30 Matrix for 20 Amino Acids
    matrix|20 x 20
  4121. Rcpi::AAPAM40
    PAM40 Matrix for 20 Amino Acids
    matrix|20 x 20
  4122. Rcpi::AAPAM70
    PAM70 Matrix for 20 Amino Acids
    matrix|20 x 20
  4123. Rcpi::AARDF
    RDF Descriptors for 20 Amino Acids calculated by Dragon
  4124. Rcpi::AARandic
    Randic Molecular Profiles Descriptors for 20 Amino Acids calculated by Dragon
  4125. Rcpi::AATopo
    Topological Descriptors for 20 Amino Acids calculated by Dragon
  4126. Rcpi::AATopoChg
    Topological Charge Indices Descriptors for 20 Amino Acids calculated by Dragon
  4127. Rcpi::AAWHIM
    WHIM Descriptors for 20 Amino Acids calculated by Dragon
  4128. Rcpi::AAWalk
    Walk and Path Counts Descriptors for 20 Amino Acids calculated by Dragon
  4129. Rcpi::AAindex
    AAindex Data of 544 Physicochemical and Biological Properties for 20 Amino Acids
  4130. RCSL::ann
    Cell type annotations of 'yan' datasets by Yan et al.
  4131. RCSL::yan
    A public scRNA-seq dataset by Yan et al.
  4132. Rdisop::isotopes
    isotope information.
  4133. Rdisop::mono_masses
    Monoisotopic mass information..
  4134. REBET::genotypes
    Data for the example
    matrix|4000 x
  4135. REBET::response
    Data for the example
  4136. REBET::subRegions
    Data for the example
  4137. receptLoss::nhrs
    Table of Nuclear Hormone Receptors (NHRs)
  4138. reconsi::Vandeputte
    Microbiomes of Crohn's disease patients and healthy controls
  4139. recount::recount_abstract
    Summary information at the project level for the recount project
  4140. recount::recount_exons
    Exon annotation used in recount
  4141. recount::recount_genes
    Gene annotation used in recount
  4142. recount::recount_url
    Files and URLs hosted by the recount project
  4143. recount::rse_gene_SRP009615
    RangedSummarizedExperiment at the gene level for study SRP009615
  4144. recoup::test.design
    Reference and genomic sample regions for recoup testing
  4145. recoup::test.exons
    Reference and genomic sample regions for recoup testing
  4146. recoup::test.genome
    Reference and genomic sample regions for recoup testing
  4147. recoup::test.input
    Reference and genomic sample regions for recoup testing
  4148. RedeR::ER.limma
    Pre-processed dataset for RedeR case studies.
  4149. RedeR::hs.inter
    Pre-processed igraph object for RedeR case studies.
  4150. REDseq::example.REDseq
    an example sequencing dataset from a restoration enzyme digestion (RED) experiment
  4151. REDseq::example.assignedREDseq
    an example assigned REDseq dataset
  4152. REDseq::example.map
    an example REmap dataset
  4153. RegEnrich::Lyme_GSE63085
    Example RNAseq dataset [Human]
  4154. RegEnrich::TFs
    Human gene regulators
  4155. RegionalST::exampleRes
    Example DE output
  4156. RegionalST::example_sce
    Example single cell experiment for input
  4157. RegionalST::pathways_hallmark
    Hallmark database
  4158. RegionalST::pathways_kegg
    KEGG database
  4159. RegionalST::pathways_reactome
    REACTOME database
  4160. regioneReloaded::AlienGenome
  4161. regioneReloaded::AlienRSList_broad
  4162. regioneReloaded::AlienRSList_narrow
  4163. regioneReloaded::cw_Alien_RaR
  4164. regioneReloaded::cw_Alien_ReG
  4165. regioneReloaded::cw_Alien_ReG_no_Square
  4166. regioneReloaded::cw_Alien_ReR
  4167. regioneReloaded::mLZ_regA_ReG
  4168. regioneReloaded::mLZ_regA_ReG_br
  4169. regioneReloaded::mLZ_regD_ReG
  4170. REMP::Alu.hg19.demo
    Subset of Alu genomic location dataset (hg19)
  4171. REMP::Alu.hg38.demo
    Subset of Alu genomic location dataset (hg38)
  4172. Repitools::chr21genes
    Positions of Genes on Human Chromosome 21
  4173. ReportingTools::mockRnaSeqData
    A counts table of mock RNA-deq data in mouse.
  4174. RESOLVE::background
    Germline replication error
  4175. RESOLVE::background2
    COSMIC replication error
  4176. RESOLVE::cn_example_reduced
    A reduced version of the copy number data for 5 TCGA samples in the format compatible with the import function
  4177. RESOLVE::id_example_reduced
    A reduced version of the indel data for 3 samples in the format compatible with the import function
  4178. RESOLVE::patients
    Point mutations for 560 breast tumors
    matrix|560 x 96
  4179. RESOLVE::plot_data_examples
    List data structure to run examples
  4180. RESOLVE::ssm560_reduced
    A reduced version of the point mutations for 560 breast tumors in the format compatible with the import function
  4181. retrofit::testSimulationData
    simulation data
  4182. retrofit::vignetteColonData
    colon vignette
  4183. retrofit::vignetteSimulationData
    simulation vignette
  4184. rexposome::ex_imp
    'imExposomeSet' for testing purpouses
  4185. rexposome::expo
    'ExposomeSet' for testing purpouses
  4186. rexposome::expo_c
    'ExposomeClust' for testing purpouses
  4187. rexposome::me
    'data.frame' for testing purpouses
  4188. rfPred::example_GRanges
    Toy example of GRanges object
  4189. rfPred::variant_list_Y
    Toy example of data.frame
  4190. RGSEA::cmap
    Data from Connectivity map build 01
    matrix|22268 x 6
  4191. RGSEA::e1
    Data from GDS4102
    matrix|54675 x 2
  4192. RGSEA::e2
    Data from GDS4100
    matrix|54675 x 4
  4193. rgsepd::IlluminaBodymap
    Sample RNA-Seq Counts data
  4194. rgsepd::IlluminaBodymapMeta
    Metadata table for the included sample data
  4195. RiboDiPA::data.binned
    An example of binned P-sites data
  4196. RiboDiPA::data.psite
    An example of P-site coverage data
  4197. RiboDiPA::result.exon
    An example of exon-level differential pattern analysis result
  4198. RiboDiPA::result.pst
    An example of differential pattern analysis result
  4199. RiboProfiling::cdsPosTransc
    Per transcript relative position of start and end codons for dataset ctrlGAlignments
  4200. RiboProfiling::codonDataCtrl
    Codon frequency and coverage in ORFs on chromosome 1, for dataset ctrlGAlignments
  4201. RiboProfiling::codonIndexCovCtrl
    The read coverage for each codon in ORFs on chromosome 1, for dataset ctrlGAlignments
  4202. RiboProfiling::ctrlGAlignments
    Ribosome profiling data on chr1 in human primary BJ fibroblasts control data: PMID: 23594524.
  4203. rifi::example_input_e_coli
    An example SummarizedExperiment from E. coli An example SummarizedExperiment from RNA-seq containing information about the intensities at all time points (assay). Seqnames, IRanges and strand columns (rowRanges)and colData with time point series and replicates.
  4204. rifi::example_input_minimal
    An artificial example SummarizedExperiment An example SummarizedExperiment containing information about the intensities at all time points (assay). Seqnames, IRanges and strand columns (rowRanges) and colData with time point series and replicates.
  4205. rifi::example_input_synechocystis_6803
    An example input data frame from Synechocystis PCC 6803 A SummarizedExperiment from microarrays data containing information about the intensities at all time points (assay), Seqnames, IRanges and strand columns (rowRanges) and colData with time point series and averaged replicates.
  4206. rifi::fit_e_coli
    The result of rifi_fit for E.coli example data A SummarizedExperiment containing the output from rifi_fit as an extension of rowRanges and metadata.
  4207. rifi::fit_minimal
    The artificial result of rifi_fit for artificial example data A SummarizedExperiment containing the output from rifi_fit.
  4208. rifi::fit_synechocystis_6803
    The result of rifi_fit for Synechocystis 6803 example data A SummarizedExperiment containing the output from rifi_fit as an extension of rowRanges and metadata.
  4209. rifi::fragmentation_e_coli
    The result of rifi_fragmentation for E.coli example data A SummarizedExperiment containing the output from rifi_fragmentation as an extension of rowRanges
  4210. rifi::fragmentation_minimal
    The result of rifi_fragmentation for artificial example data A SummarizedExperiment containing the output from rifi_fragmentation as an extension of rowRanges and metadata.
  4211. rifi::fragmentation_synechocystis_6803
    The result of rifi_fragmentation for Synechocystis 6803 example data A SummarizedExperiment containing the output from rifi_fragmentation as an extension fo rowRanges
  4212. rifi::penalties_e_coli
    The result of rifi_penalties for E.coli example data. A SummarizedExperiment containing the output from rifi_penalties including the logbook and the four penalty objects as metadata.
  4213. rifi::penalties_minimal
    The result of rifi_penalties for artificial example data A SummarizedExperiment containing the output from rifi_penalties including the logbook and the four penalty objects as metadata.
  4214. rifi::penalties_synechocystis_6803
    The result of rifi_penalties for Synechocystis 6803 example data. A SummarizedExperiment containing the output from rifi_penalties including the logbook and the four penalty objects as metadata.
  4215. rifi::preprocess_e_coli
    The result of rifi_preprocess for E.coli example data A SummarizedExperiment containing the output from rifi_penalties including the logbook and the four penalty objects as metadata. A list containing the output from rifi_preprocess, including the inp and the modified input_df.
  4216. rifi::preprocess_minimal
    The result of rifi_preprocess for artificial example data A SummarizedExperiment containing the output from rifi_preprocess
  4217. rifi::preprocess_synechocystis_6803
    The result of rifi_preprocess for Synechocystis 6803 example data is a A SummarizedExperiment containing the output of rifi_preprocess as an extention to rowRanges
  4218. rifi::res_minimal
    The result of event_dataframe for E.coli artificial example. A data frame combining the processed genome annotation and a SummarizedExperiment data from rifi_stats. The dataframe is
  4219. rifi::stats_e_coli
    The result of rifi_stats for E.coli example data A SummarizedExperiment containing the output from rifi_stats
  4220. rifi::stats_minimal
    The result of rifi_stats for artificial example data A SummarizedExperiment containing the output of rifi_stats as an extention to rowRanges and metadata (gff file processed, see gff file documentation)
  4221. rifi::stats_synechocystis_6803
    The result of rifi_stats for Synechocystis 6803 example data A SummarizedExperiment containing the output of rifi_stats as an extention to rowRanges
  4222. rifi::summary_e_coli
    The result of rifi_summary for E.coli example data A SummarizedExperiment containing the output of rifi_stats as an extention to rowRanges
  4223. rifi::summary_minimal
    The result of rifi_summary for artificial example data A SummarizedExperiment with the output from rifi_summary as metadata
  4224. rifi::summary_synechocystis_6803
    The result of rifi_summary for Synechocystis 6803 example data A list containing the output from rifi_summary, including the fragment based data frame, bin based data frame, event data frame and the TI dataframe.
  4225. rifi::wrapper_e_coli
    The result of rifi_wrapper for E.coli example data A list of SummarizedExperiment containing the output of rifi_wrapper. The list contains 6 elements of SummarizedExperiment output of rifi_preprocess, rifi_fit, rifi_penalties, rifi_fragmentation, rifi_stats and rifi_summary. The plot is generated from rifi_visualization. for more detail, please refer to each function separately.
  4226. rifi::wrapper_minimal
    The result of rifi_wrapper for E.coli artificial example. A list of SummarizedExperiment containing the output of rifi_wrapper. The list contains 6 elements of SummarizedExperiment output of rifi_preprocess, rifi_fit, rifi_penalties, rifi_fragmentation, rifi_stats and rifi_summary. The plot is generated from rifi_visualization. for more detail, please refer to each function separately.
  4227. rifi::wrapper_summary_synechocystis_6803
    The result of rifi_wrapper for summary_synechocystis_6803 example data A list of SummarizedExperiment containing the output of rifi_wrapper. The list contains 6 elements of SummarizedExperiment output of rifi_preprocess, rifi_fit, rifi_penalties, rifi_fragmentation, rifi_stats and rifi_summary. The plot is generated from rifi_visualization. for more detail, please refer to each function separately.
  4228. rifiComparative::annot_g
    The result of gff3_preprocessing of gff3 file A list containing all necessary information from a gff file for adjusting_HLToInt and visualization.
  4229. rifiComparative::data_combined_minimal
    The result of joining_by_row for inp_s and inp_f example data A data frame containing the output of joining_by_row as a data frame
  4230. rifiComparative::df_comb_minimal
    The result of joining_by_column for data_combined_minimal example data A data frame containing the output of joining_by_row as a data frame
  4231. rifiComparative::df_mean_minimal
    The result of adjusting_HLToInt for stats_df_comb_minimal and annotation example data A data frame containing the output of adjusting_HLToInt as a data frame
  4232. rifiComparative::differential_expression
    An example data frame from Synechosystis PCC 6803 differential probes expression obtained from limma package and only interesting variables were selected. The data frame was used entirely.
  4233. rifiComparative::fragment_int
    The result of fragmentation for df_comb_minimal example data A data frame containing the output of fragmentation as a data frame
  4234. rifiComparative::inp_f
    The result of loading_fun for stats_se_cdt2 example data Two data frame containing the output of loading_fun as second element of a list.
  4235. rifiComparative::inp_s
    The result of loading_fun for stats_se_cdt1 example data Two data frame containing the output of loading_fun as first element of a list.
  4236. rifiComparative::pen_HL
    The result of penalties for df_comb_minimal example data. A list containing the output from penalties including the logbook and two penalty objects.
  4237. rifiComparative::pen_int
    The result of penalties for df_comb_minimal example data. A list containing the output from penalties including the logbook and two penalty objects.
  4238. rifiComparative::penalties_df
    The result of penalties for df_comb_minimal example data A data frame containing the output of penalties as a data frame
  4239. rifiComparative::stats_df_comb_minimal
    The result of statistics for fragment_int example data A data frame containing the output of statistics as a data frame
  4240. rifiComparative::stats_se_cdt1
    An example SummarizedExperiment from Synechosystis PCC 6803 first condition obtained from rifi_statistics and used as input for rifiComparative
  4241. rifiComparative::stats_se_cdt2
    An example SummarizedExperiment from Synechosystis PCC 6803 second condition obtained from rifi_statistics and used as input for rifiComparative
  4242. RITAN::vac1.day0vs31.de.genes
    This dataset is included as an example in the package:
  4243. RITAN::vac1.day0vs56.de.genes
    This dataset is included as an example in the package:
  4244. RITAN::vac2.day0vs31.de.genes
    This dataset is included as an example in the package:
  4245. RITAN::vac2.day0vs56.de.genes
    This dataset is included as an example in the package:
  4246. RJMCMCNucleosomes::RJMCMC_result
    Nucleosomes obtained by running RJMCMC function using reads from reads_demo_02 dataset (for demo purpose).
  4247. RJMCMCNucleosomes::reads_demo_01
    Forward reads and reverse reads in 'GRanges' format (for demo purpose).
  4248. RJMCMCNucleosomes::reads_demo_02
    Forward reads and reverse reads in 'GRanges' format (for demo purpose).
  4249. RJMCMCNucleosomes::syntheticNucleosomeReads
    Simulated dataset of reads generated by 'nucleoSim' package (for demo purpose).
  4250. RLassoCox::dGMMirGraph
    The KEGG network
  4251. RLassoCox::mRNA_matrix
    The expression data
    matrix|314 x 670
  4252. RLassoCox::survData
    Survival data
  4253. Rmagpie::vV70genes
    vV70genes: van't Veer et al. 70 best genes in an object of class dataset.
  4254. RNAAgeCalc::fpkm
    An example of FPKM data
    matrix|24989 x 2
  4255. RNAAgeCalc::rawcount
    An example of RNASeq counts data
    matrix|24989 x 2
  4256. RNAdecay::RPMs
    RNA abundance reads per million over RNA decay timecourse
  4257. RNAdecay::decay_data
    Normalized RNA abundance RNA decay timecourse
  4258. RNAdecay::models
    Example double exponential decay modeling results
  4259. RNAdecay::results
    Example double exponential decay modeling results
  4260. rnaEditr::rnaedit_df
    Example breast cancer RNA editing dataset.
  4261. rnaEditr::t_rnaedit_df
    Transposed breast cancer example dataset.
  4262. RNAmodR::csd
    Example data in the RNAmodR package
  4263. RNAmodR::e3sd
    Example data in the RNAmodR package
  4264. RNAmodR::e5sd
    Example data in the RNAmodR package
  4265. RNAmodR::esd
    Example data in the RNAmodR package
  4266. RNAmodR::msi
    Example data in the RNAmodR package
  4267. RNAmodR::ne3sd
    Example data in the RNAmodR package
  4268. RNAmodR::ne5sd
    Example data in the RNAmodR package
  4269. RNAmodR::pesd
    Example data in the RNAmodR package
  4270. RNAmodR::psd
    Example data in the RNAmodR package
  4271. RNAmodR::sdl
    Example data in the RNAmodR package
  4272. RNAmodR::sds
    Example data in the RNAmodR package
  4273. RNAmodR.AlkAnilineSeq::msaas
    Example data in the RNAmodR.AlkAnilineSeq package
  4274. RNAmodR.ML::dmod
    Example data in the RNAmodR.ML package
  4275. RNAmodR.ML::me
    Example data in the RNAmodR.ML package
  4276. RNAmodR.ML::mod7
    Example data in the RNAmodR.ML package
  4277. RNAmodR.ML::model
    Example data in the RNAmodR.ML package
  4278. RNAmodR.RiboMethSeq::msrms
    Example data in the RNAmodR.RiboMethSeq package
  4279. RNAsense::MZsox
    Time resolved RNA seq data for early zygotic development of zebra fish.
  4280. rnaseqcomp::simdata
    Example of Quantifications on Simulation Data
  4281. RNAseqCovarImpute::example_DGE
    Simulated counts in DGE list
  4282. RNAseqCovarImpute::example_data
    Simulated dataset
  4283. RnBeads::lump.hg19
    LUMP Support
  4284. RnBeads::lump.hg38
    LUMP Support (hg38)
  4285. Rnits::yeastchemostat
    Yeast chemostat data from Ronen and Botstein (Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2006 Jan 10;103(2):389-94. Epub 2005 Dec 28.)
  4286. roastgsa::dragtable
    dragtable for html writings
  4287. roastgsa::expr.tcga
    Tumor Bladder TCGA data
    matrix|3621 x 38
  4288. roastgsa::fd.tcga
    Tumor Bladder TCGA data
  4289. roastgsa::hallmarks.hs
    Hallmarks homo sapiens gene symbol
  4290. roastgsa::kegg.hs
    KEGG genesets homo sapiens entrez
  4291. roastgsa::pd.tcga
    Tumor Bladder TCGA data
  4292. roastgsa::sorttable
    sorttable for html writings
  4293. RolDE::data1
    A proteomics dataset with random protein expression values - no missing values.
    matrix|1045 x 30
  4294. RolDE::data2
    A small dataset with 50 proteins and 30 samples for the example usage of RolDE
    matrix|50 x 30
  4295. RolDE::data3
    A semi-simulated UPS1 spike-in dataset with differences in longitudinal expression for the spike-in proteins - no missing values.
    matrix|1033 x 30
  4296. RolDE::des_matrix1
    A RolDE design matrix for data1
  4297. RolDE::des_matrix2
    A RolDE design matrix for data2
  4298. RolDE::des_matrix3
    A RolDE design matrix for data3
  4299. RolDE::res1
    RolDE results for data1
  4300. RolDE::res3
    RolDE results for data3
  4301. ropls::NCI60
    Microarray gene expression profiles of the NCI 60 cell lines from 4 different platforms
  4302. ropls::aminoacids
    Amino-Acids Dataset
  4303. ropls::cellulose
    NIR-Viscosity example data set to illustrate multivariate calibration using PLS, spectral filtering and OPLS
  4304. ropls::cornell
    Octane of various blends of gasoline
  4305. ropls::foods
    Food consumption patterns accross European countries (FOODS)
  4306. ropls::linnerud
    Linnerud Dataset
  4307. ropls::lowarp
    A multi response optimization data set (LOWARP)
  4308. ropls::mark
    'mark' Dataset
  4309. ropls::sacurine
    Analysis of the human adult urinary metabolome variations with age, body mass index and gender
  4310. ROSeq::L_Tung_single
    Single cell samples for DE genes analysis
  4311. ROTS::affySpikeIn
    Gene expression data from the Affymetrix spike-in experiment
    matrix|1000 x 10
  4312. ROTS::affySpikeIn.L
    Gene expression data from the Affymetrix spike-in experiment
  4313. ROTS::affySpikeIn.gnames
    Gene expression data from the Affymetrix spike-in experiment
  4314. ROTS::spikedgene
    Gene expression data from the Affymetrix spike-in experiment
  4315. ROTS::upsSpikeIn
    Protein expression data from the CPTAC Technology Assessment (Study 6)
  4316. rprimer::exampleRprimerAlignment
    Example datasets
  4317. rprimer::exampleRprimerAssay
    Example datasets
  4318. rprimer::exampleRprimerMatchAssay
    Example datasets
  4319. rprimer::exampleRprimerMatchOligo
    Example datasets
  4320. rprimer::exampleRprimerOligo
    Example datasets
  4321. rprimer::exampleRprimerProfile
    Example datasets
  4322. RRHO::HNP
    RRHO comparison data sets.
  4323. RRHO::My
    RRHO comparison data sets.
  4324. RRHO::Sestan
    RRHO comparison data sets.
  4325. rsemmed::g_mini
    Example data for the rsemmed package
  4326. rsemmed::g_small
    Example data for the rsemmed package
  4327. RSVSim::segDups
    Segmental duplications
  4328. RSVSim::weightsMechanisms
    Weights for SV formation mechanisms
  4329. RSVSim::weightsRepeats
    Weights for repeat region bias
  4330. RTCGAToolbox::accmini
    A subset of the Adrenocortical Carcinoma (ACC) dataset
  4331. RTN::pksData
    Pre-processed datasets for the RTN package.
  4332. RTN::stni
    A pre-processed TNI for demonstration purposes only.
  4333. RTN::tfsData
    Pre-processed datasets for the RTN package.
  4334. RTN::tnaData
    Pre-processed datasets for the RTN package.
  4335. RTN::tniData
    Pre-processed datasets for the RTN package.
  4336. RTNsurvival::survival.data
    A pre-processed dataset for demonstration purposes only.
  4337. RTopper::dat
    A test dataset for the RTopper package
  4338. RTopper::fgsList
    A list of Functional Gene Set (FGS) to be used to run the examples in the RTopper package
  4339. RTopper::gseResultsSep
    A list of separated gene set enrichment p-values to be used to run the examples in the RTopper package
  4340. RTopper::intScores
    A list of genomic scores integrated across distinct data sets to be used to run the examples in the RTopper package
  4341. RTopper::pheno
    A test dataset for the RTopper package
  4342. RTopper::sepScores
    A list of separate gene-to-phenotype association scores, obtained indipendently for each distinct data set to be used to run the examples in the RTopper package
  4343. Rtpca::ori_et_al_complex_ppis
    Data frame of eukaryotic protein-protein interactions inferred from annotated protein complexes by Ori et al. and StringDB interations with a combined score of at least 900
  4344. Rtpca::ori_et_al_complexes_df
    Data frame of annotated protein complexes by Ori et al.
  4345. Rtpca::string_ppi_df
    Data frame of annotated human protein-protein interactions retrieved from stringDB with a combined interaction score equal or higher than 700
  4346. rtracklayer::cpneTrack
    CPNE1 SNP track
  4347. rtracklayer::targets
    microRNA target sites
  4348. Rtreemix::hiv.data
    Example of an RtreemixData object
  4349. rTRM::biogrid_hs
    Network dataset of class 'igraph'
  4350. rTRM::biogrid_mm
    Network dataset of class 'igraph'
  4351. RVS::ex.ped.mat
    matrix of pedigree information and genotype data from famVCF stored in the LINKAGE format
  4352. RVS::fam15157.vcf
    VCF objects containing genotype data for two families: fam15157 and fam28003 (corresponding to the secondCousinTriple and firstAndSecondCousinsTriple families in samplePedigrees)
  4353. RVS::fam28003.vcf
    VCF objects containing genotype data for two families: fam15157 and fam28003 (corresponding to the secondCousinTriple and firstAndSecondCousinsTriple families in samplePedigrees)
  4354. RVS::samplePedigrees
    list of 8 sample pedigree objects
  4355. RVS::snpMat
    SnpMatrix with genotype information from famVCF for fam15157
    SnpMatrix|17 x 179
  4356. safe::p53.stat
    p53 Mutation Status
  4357. sagenhaft::SAGEartifacts
    Functions for SAGE library extraction
  4358. sangeranalyseR::qualityReportData
    QualityReport instance
  4359. sangeranalyseR::sangerAlignmentData
    SangerAlignment instance
  4360. sangeranalyseR::sangerContigData
    SangerContig instance
  4361. sangeranalyseR::sangerReadFData
    SangerRead instance
  4362. SANTA::edgelist.humannet
    Pre-processed dataset for the SANTA vignette
  4363. SANTA::edgelist.intact
    Pre-processed dataset for the SANTA vignette
  4364. SANTA::g.bandyopadhyay.treated
    Pre-processed dataset for the SANTA vignette
  4365. SANTA::g.bandyopadhyay.untreated
    Pre-processed dataset for the SANTA vignette
  4366. SANTA::g.costanzo.cor
    Pre-processed dataset for the SANTA vignette
  4367. SANTA::g.costanzo.raw
    Pre-processed dataset for the SANTA vignette
  4368. SANTA::g.srivas.high
    Pre-processed dataset for the SANTA vignette
  4369. SANTA::g.srivas.untreated
    Pre-processed dataset for the SANTA vignette
  4370. SANTA::go.entrez
    Pre-processed dataset for the SANTA vignette
  4371. SANTA::rnai.cheung
    Pre-processed dataset for the SANTA vignette
    matrix|10690 x 6
  4372. SARC::test_cnv
    test cnv
  4373. SARC::test_cnv2
    test cnv 2
  4374. SARC::test_cov
    test coverage file
  4375. sarks::simulatedScores
    Scores associated with simulated sequences from SArKS paper.
  4376. sarks::simulatedSeqs
    Simulated sequences from SArKS paper.
  4377. saseR::ASpliSE
  4378. saseR::SEbins
  4379. saseR::SEgenes
  4380. saseR::SEjunctions
  4381. saseR::features
  4382. satuRn::Tasic_counts_vignette
    A 'Matrix' with transcript-level counts derived from our case study which builds on the dataset of Tasic et al. We used Salmon (V1.1.0) to quantify all L5IT cells (both for ALM and VISp tissue) from mice with a normal eye condition. From these cells, we randomly sampled 20 cells of each of the following cell types to use for this vignette; L5_IT_VISp_Hsd11b1_Endou, L5_IT_ALM_Tmem163_Dmrtb1 and L5_IT_ALM_Tnc. The data has already been leniently filtered with the 'filterByExpr' function of edgeR.
    matrix|22273 x 60
  4383. satuRn::Tasic_metadata_vignette
    Metadata associated with the expression matrix 'Tasic_counts_vignette'. See '?Tasic_counts_vignette' for more information on the dataset.
  4384. satuRn::sumExp_example
    A 'SummarizedExperiment' derived from our case study which builds on the dataset of Tasic et al. It contains the same cells as the data object used in the vignette (see '?Tasic_counts_vignette' for more information). In this SummarizedExperiment, we performed a filtering with 'filterByExpr' of edgeR with more stringent than default parameter settings (min.count = 100,min.total.count = 200, large.n = 50, min.prop = 0.9) to reduced the number of retained transcripts. We used this object to create an executable example in the help files of satuRn.
  4385. SBGNview::SBGNhub.id.mapping.tables
    Mapping tables available in SBGNhub
    matrix|822 x 1
  4386. SBGNview::mapped.ids
    IDs mappable by SBGNview
  4387. SBGNview::pathways.info
    Information of collected pathways
  4388. SBGNview::pathways.stats
    Number of pathways collected
  4389. SC3::ann
    Cell type annotations for data extracted from a publication by Yan et al.
  4390. SC3::yan
    Single cell RNA-Seq data extracted from a publication by Yan et al.
  4391. Scale4C::liverData
    Example 4C-seq data set of fetal liver data
  4392. Scale4C::liverDataVP
    Example 4C-seq data set of fetal liver data, with added VP
  4393. scanMiR::SampleKdModel
    Example KdModel (hsa-miR-155-5p)
  4394. scanMiR::SampleTranscript
    Example transcript sequence
  4395. scAnnotatR::tirosh_mel80_example
    A Seurat Object Sample
  4396. SCANVIS::GBM
    list of 3 TCGA glioblastoma samples, parts thereof, outputs of SCANVISscan and SCANVISlinkvar functions with toy variants supplied for the variant-SJ mapping
    list of 3 TCGA lung adenocarcinoma samples, parts thereof, outputs of SCANVISscan
    list of 3 TCGA lung squamous cell carcinoma samples, parts thereof, both outputs of SCANVISscan with the second sample being variant-mapped via SCANVISlinkvar
  4399. SCANVIS::gbm3
    part of a TCGA glioblastoma sample from STAR alignment SJ.tab file
    matrix|131 x 4
  4400. SCANVIS::gbm3.vcf
    a toy set of 6 variants that pair up with the gbm3 data example
  4401. SCANVIS::gen19
    parts of the annotation object created by the SCANVISannotation function when used with the url ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/gencode/Gencode_human/release_19/ which references the gencode v19 GTF file for human hg19
  4402. scatterHatch::pdacData
    Tissue-CyCIF data of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma (PDAC)
  4403. scBFA::celltype
    Cell types as labels of example scRNA-seq dataset(exprdata)
  4404. scBFA::celltype_toy
    toy cell type vector with 3 cell types generated for 5 cells in toy dataset
  4405. scBFA::disperPlot
    Reference dataset(disperPlot)
  4406. scBFA::exprdata
    scRNA-seq dataset(exprdata)
    matrix|100 x 950
  4407. scBFA::zinb_toy
    example zinb object after fitting a toy dataset with 5 cells and 10 genes
  4408. SCBN::orthgenes
    A real dataset of orthologous genes between the different species.
  4409. SCBN::sim_data
    A simulation dataset of orthologous genes between the different species.
  4410. scBubbletree::d_500
    Dataset: 500 PBMCs
  4411. scBubbletree::d_ccl
    Dataset: scRNA-seq data of 3,918 cells from 5 adenocarcinoma cell lines
  4412. scCB2::mbrainSub
    Subset of 1k Brain Cells from an E18 Mouse
  4413. scClassify::scClassify_example
    Example data used in scClassify package
  4414. scClassify::trainClassExample_wang
    Subset of pretrained model of Wang et al.
  4415. scClassify::trainClassExample_xin
    Subset of pretrained model of Xin et al.
  4416. sccomp::counts_obj
  4417. sccomp::multipanel_theme
  4418. sccomp::sce_obj
  4419. sccomp::seurat_obj
  4420. scDD::scDatEx
    Data: Toy example data
  4421. scDD::scDatExList
    Data: Toy example data list
  4422. scDD::scDatExSim
    Data: Toy example of simulated data
  4423. scDDboost::sim_dat
  4424. scde::es.mef.small
    Sample data
  4425. scde::knn
    Sample error model
  4426. scde::o.ifm
    Sample error model
  4427. scde::pollen
    Sample data
    matrix|23710 x 64
  4428. scde::scde.edff
    Internal model data
  4429. scDesign3::example_sce
    A SingelCellExperiment object containing both cell type and pseudotime
  4430. scDiagnostics::qc_data
    Quality Control Single-Cell RNA-Seq Dataset
  4431. scDiagnostics::query_data
    Query Single-Cell RNA-Seq Dataset
  4432. scDiagnostics::reference_data
    Reference Single-Cell RNA-Seq Dataset
  4433. scds::sce_chcl
    Example single cell experiment ('SingleCellExperiment') object
  4434. SCFA::GBM
  4435. scFeatureFilter::scData_hESC
    Expression data from 32 human embryonic stem cells
  4436. scFeatures::example_scrnaseq
    Example of scRNA-seq data
  4437. scFeatures::scfeatures_result
    Example of scFeatures() output
  4438. scGPS::day_2_cardio_cell_sample
    One of the two example single-cell count matrices to be used for training 'scGPS' model
  4439. scGPS::day_5_cardio_cell_sample
    One of the two example single-cell count matrices to be used for 'scGPS' prediction
  4440. scGPS::training_gene_sample
    Input gene list for training 'scGPS', e.g. differentially expressed genes
  4441. scHOT::MOB_subset
    MOB_subset spatial example data
  4442. scHOT::liver
    Liver trajectory example data
  4443. scider::spe
    Description of the scider example datasets
  4444. scmap::ann
    Cell type annotations for data extracted from a publication by Yan et al.
  4445. scmap::yan
    Single cell RNA-Seq data extracted from a publication by Yan et al.
  4446. scMerge::example_sce
    Subsetted mouse ESC 'SingleCellExperiment' object
  4447. scMerge::segList
    Stably expressed gene list in official gene symbols for both human and mouse
  4448. scMerge::segList_ensemblGeneID
    Stably expressed gene list in EnsemblGeneID for both human and mouse
  4449. scMET::scmet_diff_dt
    Synthetic methylation data from two groups of cells
  4450. scMET::scmet_dt
    Synthetic methylation data from a single population
  4451. scMultiSim::GRN_params_100
    100_gene_GRN is a matrix of GRN params consisting of 100 genes where: # - column 1 is the target gene ID, # - column 2 is the gene ID which acts as a transcription factor for the target (regulated) gene # - column 3 is the effect of the column 2 gene ID on the column 1 gene ID
  4452. scMultiSim::GRN_params_1139
    GRN_params_1139 is a matrix of GRN params consisting of 1139 genes where: # - column 1 is the target gene ID, # - column 2 is the gene ID which acts as a transcription factor for the target (regulated) gene # - column 3 is the effect of the column 2 gene ID on the column 1 gene ID
  4453. scMultiSim::dens_nonzero
    this is the density function of log(x+1), where x is the non-zero values for ATAC-SEQ data
  4454. scMultiSim::gene_len_pool
    a pool of gene lengths to sample from
  4455. scMultiSim::len2nfrag
    from transcript length to number of fragments (for the nonUMI protocol)
    matrix|8118 x
  4456. scMultiSim::match_params
    distribution of kinetic parameters learned from the Zeisel UMI cortex datasets
    matrix|78120 x 3
  4457. SCnorm::ExampleSimSCData
    Example datasets for SCnorm
    matrix|5000 x 90
  4458. scone::cellcycle_genes
    Data: Positive and Negative Control Genes
  4459. scone::cortical_markers
    Data: Positive and Negative Control Genes
  4460. scone::housekeeping
    Data: Positive and Negative Control Genes
  4461. scone::housekeeping_revised
    Data: Positive and Negative Control Genes
  4462. Sconify::bz.gmcsf.final
    Bodenmiller-Zunder GM-CSF post-SCONE final data
  4463. Sconify::bz.gmcsf.final.norm.scale
    Bodenmiller-Zunder GM-CSF post-SCONE final data, that's been quantile normalized and z scored.
  4464. Sconify::exist
    Random musing
  4465. Sconify::funct.markers
    Functional markers from the Wanderlust dataset.
  4466. Sconify::input.markers
    Input markers for the Wanderlust dataset
  4467. Sconify::markers
    Markers for the Wanderlust dataset
  4468. Sconify::wand.combined
    Wanderlust data combined basal and IL7 cells
  4469. Sconify::wand.final
    Post-scone output of the "combiend" Wanderlust data.
  4470. Sconify::wand.ideal.k
    A named vector to help the user determine the ideal k for the Wanderlust dataset.
  4471. Sconify::wand.il7
    Wanderlust IL7 data
  4472. Sconify::wand.scone
    Wanderlust scone output
  4473. SCOPE::QCmetric.scopeDemo
    Pre-stored QCmetric data for demonstration purposes
  4474. SCOPE::Y_sim
    A read count matrix in the toy dataset
    matrix|1544 x 5
  4475. SCOPE::coverageObj.scopeDemo
    Pre-stored coverageObj.scope data for demonstration purposes
  4476. SCOPE::iCN_sim
    A post cross-sample segmentation integer copy number matrix returned by SCOPE in the demo
    matrix|1544 x 5
  4477. SCOPE::normObj.scopeDemo
    Pre-stored normObj.scope data for demonstration purposes
  4478. SCOPE::ref.scopeDemo
    Pre-stored 500kb-size reference genome for demonstration purposes
  4479. SCOPE::ref_sim
    A reference genome in the toy dataset
  4480. scoreInvHap::Refs
    Genotype frequency in references
  4481. scoreInvHap::SNPsR2
    R2 between the SNPs and the inversion status
  4482. scoreInvHap::hetRefs
    Heterozygote genotypes in the references
  4483. scoreInvHap::info
    SNP reference description
  4484. scoreInvHap::inversionGR
    Inversions' description
  4485. scp::leduc_minimal
    Minimally processed single-cell proteomics data set
  4486. scp::mqScpData
    Example MaxQuant/SCoPE2 output
  4487. scp::sampleAnnotation
    Single cell sample annotation
  4488. scp::scp1
    Single Cell QFeatures data
  4489. scPCA::background_df
    Simulated Background Data for cPCA and scPCA
  4490. scPCA::toy_df
    Simulated Target Data for cPCA and scPCA
  4491. scPipe::UMI_duplication
    UMI duplication statistics for a small sample scRNA-seq dataset to demonstrate capabilities of scPipe
  4492. scPipe::cell_barcode_matching
    cell barcode demultiplex statistics for a small sample scRNA-seq dataset to demonstrate capabilities of scPipe
  4493. scPipe::sc_sample_data
    a small sample scRNA-seq counts dataset to demonstrate capabilities of scPipe
    matrix|1000 x 383
  4494. scPipe::sc_sample_qc
    quality control information for a small sample scRNA-seq dataset to demonstrate capabilities of scPipe.
  4495. scReClassify::gse87795_subset_sce
    GSE827795 subset data
  4496. scRecover::counts
    scRecoverTest: A test dataset for scRecover
  4497. scRecover::labels
    scRecoverTest: A test dataset for scRecover
  4498. scRecover::oneCell
    scRecoverTest: A test dataset for scRecover
    matrix|24538 x 1
  4499. ScreenR::annotation_table
    Table for the annotation of Barcode
  4500. ScreenR::count_table
    Table of the count table
  4501. scRepertoire::contig_list
    A list of 8 single-cell T cell receptor sequences runs.
  4502. scRepertoire::mini_contig_list
    Processed subset of 'contig_list'
  4503. scRepertoire::scRep_example
    A Seurat object of 500 single T cells,
  4504. scruff::bamExample
    Example GAlignments Object
  4505. scruff::barcodeExample
    A vector of example cell barcodes.
  4506. scruff::cbtop10000
    Top 10,000 rows for v1, v2, and v3 cell barcode whitelist files
  4507. scruff::sceExample
    Example SingleCellExperiment Object
  4508. scruff::validCb
    Cell barcode whitelist (737K-august-2016.txt)
  4509. scShapes::scData
    Sample data for analysis
  4510. scTensor::GermMale
    The matrix which is used as test data of scTensor.
    matrix|242 x 852
  4511. scTensor::labelGermMale
    The vector contains the celltype information and color scheme of GermMale
  4512. scTensor::m
    The gene-wise mean vector of Quartz-Seq data.
  4513. scTensor::tsneGermMale
    The result of Rtsne against GermMale
  4514. scTensor::v
    The gene-wise variance vector of Quartz-Seq data.
  4515. scTGIF::DistalLungEpithelium
    Gene expression matrix of DistalLungEpithelium dataset containing five cluster.
    matrix|3397 x 80
  4516. scTGIF::label.DistalLungEpithelium
    Cellular label of DistalLungEpithelium dataset containing five cluster.
  4517. scTGIF::pca.DistalLungEpithelium
    The result of PCA of the DistalLungEpithelium dataset.
  4518. scviR::clusters.adt
    ADT-based cluster labels for 7472 cells in OSCA chapter 12 analysis
  4519. scviR::clusters.rna
    mRNA-based cluster labels for 7472 cells in OSCA chapter 12 analysis
  4520. SDAMS::exampleSingleCell
    Two example datasets for SDAMS package
  4521. SDAMS::exampleSumExp
    Two example datasets for SDAMS package
  4522. seahtrue::revive_output_donor_A
    Dataset PBMC donor A
    tbl_df|1 x 9
  4523. sechm::Chen2017
    Example dataset
  4524. segmenter::test_obj
    A segmentation object generated from the test data
  4525. segmenter::test_objs
    A a list of segmentation objects generated from the test data
  4526. segmentSeq::hSL
    Preprocessed 'lociData' object containing likelihoods of methylation at each locus.
  4527. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4528. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4529. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4530. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4531. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4532. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4533. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4534. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4535. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4536. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4537. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4538. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4539. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4540. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4541. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4542. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4543. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4544. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4545. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4546. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4547. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4548. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4549. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4550. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4551. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4552. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4553. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4554. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4555. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4556. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4557. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4558. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4559. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4560. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4561. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4562. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4563. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4564. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4565. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4566. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4567. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4568. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4569. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4570. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4571. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4572. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4573. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4574. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4575. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4576. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4577. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4578. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4579. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4580. SemDist::IAccr
    Information Accretion Data
  4581. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4582. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4583. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4584. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4585. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4586. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4587. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4588. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4589. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4590. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4591. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4592. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4593. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4594. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4595. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4596. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4597. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4598. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4599. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4600. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4601. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4602. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4603. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4604. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4605. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4606. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4607. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4608. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4609. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4610. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4611. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4612. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4613. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4614. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4615. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4616. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4617. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4618. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4619. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4620. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4621. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4622. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4623. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4624. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4625. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4626. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4627. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4628. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4629. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4630. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4631. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4632. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4633. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4634. SemDist::parentcnt
    Parent Count Data
  4635. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4636. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4637. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4638. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4639. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4640. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4641. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4642. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4643. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4644. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4645. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4646. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4647. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4648. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4649. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4650. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4651. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4652. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4653. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4654. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4655. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4656. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4657. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4658. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4659. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4660. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4661. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4662. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4663. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4664. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4665. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4666. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4667. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4668. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4669. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4670. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4671. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4672. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4673. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4674. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4675. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4676. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4677. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4678. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4679. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4680. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4681. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4682. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4683. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4684. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4685. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4686. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4687. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4688. SemDist::termcnt
    Term Count Data
  4689. semisup::toydata
  4690. seq.hotSPOT::mutation_data
    Single Nucleotide Variants in Clinically-Normal Epidermis
  4691. seq2pathway::Chipseq_Peak_demo
    chip seq loci data example
  4692. seq2pathway::GRanges_demo
    loci information with GRanges format
  4693. seq2pathway::dat_RNA
    RNA sequence data example
  4694. seq2pathway::dat_chip
    chip seq data example
  4695. SeqArray::KG_P1_SampData
    Simulated sample data for 1000 Genomes Phase 1
  4696. seqCAT::test_comparison
    Overlapping and compared SNVs
  4697. seqCAT::test_profile_1
    SNV profile 1
  4698. seqCAT::test_profile_2
    SNV profile 2
  4699. seqCAT::test_profile_3
    SNV profile 3
  4700. seqCAT::test_similarities
    Collated similarities object
  4701. seqCAT::test_variant_list
    Modified variant list object
  4702. SeqGate::data_MiTF_1000genes
    Extract of a Transciptome Dataset from Human Melanoma Cell Line
  4703. SeqGSEA::DEscore
    Pre-calculated DE/DS scores
  4704. SeqGSEA::DEscore.perm
    Pre-calculated DE/DS scores
    matrix|182 x 100
  4705. SeqGSEA::DSscore
    Pre-calculated DE/DS scores
  4706. SeqGSEA::DSscore.perm
    Pre-calculated DE/DS scores
    matrix|182 x 100
  4707. SeqGSEA::GS_example
    SeqGeneSet object example
  4708. SeqGSEA::RCS_example
    ReadCountSet object example
  4709. seqPattern::TBPpwm
    Position-weight matrix for TATA-box binding protein motif
  4710. seqPattern::zebrafishPromoters
    Zebrafish promoters sequences
  4711. seqPattern::zebrafishPromoters24h
    Zebrafish promoters genomic coordinates
  4712. seqsetvis::Bcell_peaks
    4 random peaks for paired-end data
  4713. seqsetvis::CTCF_in_10a_bigWig_urls
    FTP URL path for vignette data.
  4714. seqsetvis::CTCF_in_10a_narrowPeak_grs
    list of GRanges that results in 100 random subset when overlapped
  4715. seqsetvis::CTCF_in_10a_narrowPeak_urls
    FTP URL path for vignette data. from
  4716. seqsetvis::CTCF_in_10a_overlaps_gr
    100 randomly selected regions from overlapping CTCF peaks in 10a cell ChIP-seq
  4717. seqsetvis::CTCF_in_10a_profiles_dt
    Profiles for 100 randomly selected regions from overlapping CTCF peaks in 10a cell ChIP-seq Results from fetching bigwigs with CTCF_in_10a_overlaps_gr.
  4718. seqsetvis::CTCF_in_10a_profiles_gr
    Profiles for 100 randomly selected regions from overlapping CTCF peaks in 10a cell ChIP-seq Results from CTCF_in_10a_overlaps_gr
  4719. seqsetvis::chromHMM_demo_bw_states_gr
    MCF10A CTCF profiles at 20 windows per chromHMM state, hg38.
  4720. seqsetvis::chromHMM_demo_chain_url
    URL to download hg19ToHg38 liftover chain from UCSC
  4721. seqsetvis::chromHMM_demo_overlaps_gr
    overlap of MCF10A CTCF with MCF7 chromHMM states, hg38.
  4722. seqsetvis::chromHMM_demo_segmentation_url
    URL to download hg19 MCF7 chromHMM segmentation
  4723. seqsetvis::chromHMM_demo_state_colors
    original state name to color mappings stored in segmentation bed
  4724. seqsetvis::chromHMM_demo_state_total_widths
    state name to total width mappings, hg38
  4725. seqsetvis::test_peaks
    4 random peaks for single-end data and 4 control regions 30kb downstream from each peak.
  4726. SeqVarTools::pedigree
    Pedigree for example data
  4727. SEtools::SE
    Example dataset
  4728. sevenC::TFspecificModels
    TF specific parameters for logistic regression in sevenC
  4729. sevenC::cutoffBest10
    Default optimal cutoff value of logistic regression.
  4730. sevenC::cutoffByTF
    Optimal cutoff values for logistic regression models.
  4731. sevenC::modelBest10Avg
    Default parameters for logistic regression model in sevenC.
  4732. sevenC::motif.hg19.CTCF
    CTCF motif locations in human genome hg19.
  4733. sevenC::motif.hg19.CTCF.chr22
    CTCF motif locations on chromosome 22 in human genome hg19.
  4734. sevenC::motif.hg19.CTCF.chr22.cov
    CTCF motifs on human chromosome 22 with example coverage.
  4735. SGCP::cheng
    Normalized gene expression data from Cheng et al.'s publication on ischemic cardiomyopathy (ICM).
  4736. SGCP::resClus
    An example of the output from 'clustering' function in the SGCP pipeline
  4737. SGCP::resFinalGO
    An example of the output from 'geneOntololgy' function in the SGCP pipeline
  4738. SGCP::resInitialGO
    An example of the output from the 'geneOntololgy' function in the SGCP pipeline
  4739. SGCP::resSemiLabel
    An example of the output from 'semiLabeling' function in the SGCP pipeline
  4740. SGCP::resSemiSupervised
    An example of the output from 'semiSupervised' function in the SGCP pipeline
  4741. SGCP::sgcp
    An example of the output of 'ezSGCP' function in the SGCP pipeline
  4742. SGSeq::gr
    Example genomic region of interest
  4743. SGSeq::sgf_ann
    Example splice graph features (annotation-based)
  4744. SGSeq::sgf_pred
    Example splice graph features (predicted)
  4745. SGSeq::sgfc_ann
    Example splice graph feature counts (annotation-based)
  4746. SGSeq::sgfc_pred
    Example splice graph feature counts (predicted)
  4747. SGSeq::sgv_ann
    Example splice variants (annotation-based)
  4748. SGSeq::sgv_pred
    Example splice variants (predicted)
  4749. SGSeq::sgvc_ann
    Example splice variant counts (annotated)
  4750. SGSeq::sgvc_ann_from_bam
    Example splice variant counts (annotated) from BAM files
  4751. SGSeq::sgvc_pred
    Example splice variant counts (predicted)
  4752. SGSeq::sgvc_pred_from_bam
    Example splice variant counts (predicted) from BAM files
  4753. SGSeq::si
    Example sample information
  4754. SGSeq::tx
    Example transcripts
  4755. SGSeq::txf_ann
    Example transcript features (annotation-based)
  4756. SGSeq::txf_pred
    Example transcript features (predicted)
  4757. SIAMCAT::feat.crc.zeller
    Example feature matrix
  4758. SIAMCAT::meta.crc.zeller
    Example metadata matrix
  4759. SIAMCAT::siamcat_example
    SIAMCAT example
  4760. SigCheck::knownSignatures
    Previously identified gene signatures for use in 'sigCheckKnown'
  4761. SigCheck::nkiResults
    Precomputed list of results for a call to 'sigCheckAll' using the 'breastCancerNKI' dataset.
  4762. sigFeature::ExampleRawData
    Example dataset to test the performance of the sigFeature package.
  4763. sigFeature::featsweepSigFe
    Processed output data after using the function named "sigCVError()".
  4764. sigFeature::featureRankedList
    Processed output data after using the function named "svmrfeFeatureRanking()".
  4765. sigFeature::results
    Processed output data after using the function named "sigFeature.enfold()".
  4766. sigFeature::sigfeatureRankedList
    Processed output data after using the function named "sigFeature()".
  4767. SigFuge::geneAnnot
    CDKN2A gene locus annotation
  4768. SigFuge::geneDepth
    Coverage matrix across CDKN2A gene locus
  4769. sights::ex_dataMatrix
    High-Throughput Screening example data - CMBA
  4770. sights::inglese
    High-Throughput Screening example data - Inglese
  4771. signatureSearch::cell_info
    LINCS 2017 Cell Type Information
  4772. signatureSearch::cell_info2
    LINCS 2020 Cell Type Information
  4773. signatureSearch::chembl_moa_list
    MOA to Gene Mappings
  4774. signatureSearch::clue_moa_list
    MOA to Drug Name Mappings
  4775. signatureSearch::drugs10
    Drug Names Used in Examples
  4776. signatureSearch::lincs_expr_inst_info
    Instance Information of LINCS Expression Database
  4777. signatureSearch::lincs_pert_info
    LINCS 2017 Perturbation Information
  4778. signatureSearch::lincs_pert_info2
    LINCS 2020 Perturbation Information
  4779. signatureSearch::lincs_sig_info
    LINCS Signature Information
  4780. signatureSearch::targetList
    Target Sample Data Set
  4781. signeR::cosmic_data
    COSMIC Mutational Signatures
  4782. signeR::tcga_similarities
    TCGA Cosmic similarities
  4783. signeR::tcga_tumors
    TCGA tumors used on TCGA Explorer
  4784. signifinder::ovse
    Example expression data.
  4785. SigsPack::cosmicSigs
    COSMIC Signature Profiles
    matrix|96 x 30
  4786. SigsPack::hg19context_freq
    Trinuecleotide frequencies of the human reference genome hg19
  4787. SigsPack::sigProfiler20190522
    COSMIC v3 whole genome SBS Signature Profiles
    matrix|96 x 67
  4788. SigsPack::sigProfilerExome
    COSMIC v3 exome SBS Signature Profiles
    matrix|96 x 67
  4789. sigsquared::BrCa443
    Breast Cancer 443 Data Set
  4790. SIM::acgh.data
    Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization data
  4791. SIM::chrom.table
    Table with chromosome information
  4792. SIM::expr.data
    Expression data example
  4793. SIM::samples
    Samples for example data
  4794. SIMAT::Library
    Extracted compound information from an MSL library.
  4795. SIMAT::RItable
    Extracted RI standard information from a 'csv' file.
  4796. SIMAT::Run
    Extracted peaks from one SIM run.
  4797. SIMAT::Targets
    Targets information in a list.
  4798. SIMAT::target.table
    Extracted target information from a 'csv' file.
  4799. SIMD::EM2_H1ESB1_MeDIP_sigleCpG
    A simulation dataset of MeDIP CpG sites.
  4800. SIMD::EM2_H1ESB2_MeDIP_sigleCpG
    A simulation dataset of MeDIP CpG sites.
  4801. SIMD::EM_H1ESB1_MeDIP_sigleCpG
    A simulation dataset of MeDIP CpG sites.
  4802. SIMD::H1ESB1_MRE_sigleCpG
    A simulation dataset of MRE CpG sites.
  4803. SIMD::H1ESB2_MRE_sigleCpG
    A simulation dataset of MRE CpG sites.
  4804. SIMD::all_CpGsite_bin_chr18
    A simulation dataset of CpG sites.
  4805. SIMD::three_mre_cpg
    A simulation dataset of MRE CpG sites.
  4806. similaRpeak::chr7Profiles
    ChIP-Seq profiles of region chr7:61968807-61969730 related to enhancers H3K27ac and H3K4me1 (for demonstration purpose)
  4807. similaRpeak::demoProfiles
    ChIP-Seq profiles of region chr7:61968807-61969730 related to enhancers H3K27ac and H3K4me1 (for demonstration purpose)
  4808. SIMLR::BuettnerFlorian
    test dataset for SIMLR
  4809. SIMLR::ZeiselAmit
    test dataset for SIMLR large scale
  4810. sincell::ExpressionMatrix
    Single-cell expression data for genes differentially expressed in differentiating human skeletal muscle myoblasts cells
    matrix|575 x 271
  4811. sincell::geneset.list
    Example of a geneset collection
  4812. SingleCellSignalR::LRdb
    Ligand/Receptor interactions data table
  4813. SingleCellSignalR::PwC_ReactomeKEGG
    Pathway Commons Reactome KEGG 2019-05-08
  4814. SingleCellSignalR::example_dataset
    Example dataset
  4815. SingleCellSignalR::markers_default
    A list of cell types markers
  4816. SingleCellSignalR::mm2Hs
    Mus Musculus (mm) to Homo Sapiense (Hs) Orthology table
  4817. singleCellTK::MitoGenes
    List of mitochondrial genes of multiple reference
  4818. singleCellTK::SEG
    Stably Expressed Gene (SEG) list obect, with SEG sets for human and mouse.
  4819. singleCellTK::mouseBrainSubsetSCE
    Example Single Cell RNA-Seq data in SingleCellExperiment Object, GSE60361 subset
  4820. singleCellTK::msigdb_table
    MSigDB gene get Category table
  4821. singleCellTK::sce
    Example Single Cell RNA-Seq data in SingleCellExperiment Object, subset of 10x public dataset
  4822. singleCellTK::sceBatches
    Example Single Cell RNA-Seq data in SingleCellExperiment object, with different batches annotated
  4823. singscore::scoredf_ccle_epi
    Pre-computed scores of the CCLE dataset against an epithelial gene signature
  4824. singscore::scoredf_ccle_mes
    Pre-computed scores of the CCLE dataset against a mesenchymal gene signature
  4825. singscore::scoredf_tcga_epi
    Pre-computed scores of the TCGA breast cancer gene expression matrix against an epithelial signature
  4826. singscore::scoredf_tcga_mes
    Pre-computed scores of the TCGA breast cancer gene expression matrix against a mesenchymal signature
  4827. singscore::tgfb_expr_10_se
    An example gene expression dataset
  4828. singscore::tgfb_gs_dn
    Gene set of down-regulated genes for the TGFb-induced EMT gene signature
  4829. singscore::tgfb_gs_up
    Gene set of up-regulated genes for the TGFb-induced EMT gene signature
  4830. singscore::toy_expr_se
    A toy gene expression dataset of two samples
  4831. singscore::toy_gs_dn
    A gene set object of down-regulated genes for the toy dataset
  4832. singscore::toy_gs_up
    A gene set object of up-regulated genes for the toy dataset
  4833. sitePath::h3n2_align
    Multiple sequence alignment of H3N2's HA protein
  4834. sitePath::h3n2_align_reduced
    Multiple sequence alignment of H3N2's HA protein
  4835. sitePath::h3n2_tree
    Phylogenetic tree of H3N2's HA protein
  4836. sitePath::h3n2_tree_reduced
    Phylogenetic tree of H3N2's HA protein
  4837. sitePath::sars2_align
    Multiple sequence alignment of SARS-CoV-2 genome CDS
  4838. sitePath::sars2_tree
    Phylogenetic tree of SARS-CoV-2 genome CDS
  4839. sitePath::zikv_align
    Multiple sequence alignment of Zika virus polyprotein
  4840. sitePath::zikv_align_reduced
    Multiple sequence alignment of Zika virus polyprotein
  4841. sitePath::zikv_tree
    Phylogenetic tree of Zika virus polyprotein
  4842. sitePath::zikv_tree_reduced
    Phylogenetic tree of Zika virus polyprotein
  4843. slalom::mesc
    A single-cell expression dataset to demonstrate capabilities of slalom from mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs)
  4844. slingshot::slingshotExample
    Bifurcating lineages data
  4845. SLqPCR::SLqPCRdata
    SIRS-Lab inhouse qPCR data
  4846. SLqPCR::vandesompele
    Data set of Vandesompele et al (2002)
  4847. SMAD::TestDatInput
    Test data for SMAD
  4848. smartid::sim_sce_test
    scRNA-seq test data of 4 groups simulated by 'splatter'.
    An Igraph network for REACTOME with nodes as gene symbols
  4850. SMITE::expression_curated
    A toy dataset ofcurated RNA-seq to test within SMITE
  4851. SMITE::genes
    A small set of RefSeq genes for converting
  4852. SMITE::h3k4me1
    A toy dataset of H3k4me1 peaks to test within SMITE
  4853. SMITE::hg19_genes
    A bed file annotating Refseq genes for the hg19 genome build
  4854. SMITE::methylation
    A toy dataset of DNA methylation to test within SMITE
  4855. SMITE::test_annotation
    A toy PvalueAnnotation
  4856. SNPhood::SNPhood.o
    SNPhood example data
  4857. SNPRelate::hapmap_geno
    SNP genotypes of HapMap samples
  4858. snpStats::Asnps
    Test data for the snpStats package
  4859. snpStats::Autosomes
    Test data for the snpStats package
    SnpMatrix|400 x 9445
  4860. snpStats::Xchromosome
    Test data for the snpStats package
    XSnpMatrix|400 x 155
  4861. snpStats::Xsnps
    Test data for the snpStats package
  4862. snpStats::ceph.1mb
    Datasets to illustrate calculation of linkage disequilibrium statistics
    SnpMatrix|90 x 603
  4863. snpStats::genotypes
    Test data for family association tests
    SnpMatrix|3017 x 43
  4864. snpStats::pedData
    Test data for family association tests
  4865. snpStats::snp.support
    Data for exercise in use of the snpStats package
  4866. snpStats::snps.10
    Data for exercise in use of the snpStats package
    SnpMatrix|1000 x 28501
  4867. snpStats::subject.data
    Test data for the snpStats package
  4868. snpStats::subject.support
    Data for exercise in use of the snpStats package
  4869. snpStats::support.ld
    Datasets to illustrate calculation of linkage disequilibrium statistics
  4870. snpStats::yri.1mb
    Datasets to illustrate calculation of linkage disequilibrium statistics
    SnpMatrix|90 x 603
  4871. soGGi::chipExampleBig
    Example ChIPprofiles
  4872. soGGi::ik_Example
    Example Ikaros peaksets
  4873. soGGi::ik_Profiles
    Example Ikaros signal over peaksets
  4874. soGGi::pwmCov
    Example motif coverage
  4875. soGGi::singleGRange
    A single GRange
  4876. SomaticSignatures::k3we
    Kmer datasets
  4877. SomaticSignatures::k3wg
    Kmer datasets
  4878. SomaticSignatures::sca_mm
    SomaticCancerAlterations Results
  4879. SomaticSignatures::sca_motifs_tiny
    SomaticCancerAlterations Results
  4880. SomaticSignatures::signatures21
    21 Signatures
    matrix|96 x 27
  4881. SomaticSignatures::sigs_nmf
    SomaticCancerAlterations Results
  4882. SomaticSignatures::sigs_pca
    SomaticCancerAlterations Results
  4883. SOMNiBUS::RAdat
    Methylation data from a rheumatoid arthritis study
  4884. SOMNiBUS::RAdat2
    A simulated methylation dataset based on a real data.
  4885. SpaceMarkers::curated_genes
    Curated Genes for example purposes
  4886. SpaceMarkers::optParams
    Optimal paramters of 5 patterns from CoGAPS.
  4887. SpaNorm::HumanDLPFC
    Human dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) visium sample
  4888. sparsenetgls::bandprec
    bandprec data for vignette
  4889. SparseSignatures::background
    germline replication error
  4890. SparseSignatures::background2
    COSMIC replication error
  4891. SparseSignatures::cv_example
    example of results obtained with the function nmf.LassoCV on the counts input from Nik-Zainal, Serena, et al. (2016).
  4892. SparseSignatures::imported_data
    example of imported data from Nik-Zainal, Serena, et al. (2016).
  4893. SparseSignatures::lambda_range_example
    example of results obtained with the function evaluate.lambda.range on the counts input from Nik-Zainal, Serena, et al. (2016).
    matrix|1 x 7
  4894. SparseSignatures::mutation_categories
    trinucleotides mutation categories
  4895. SparseSignatures::nmf_LassoK_example
    example of results obtained with the function nmf.LassoK on the counts input from Nik-Zainal, Serena, et al. (2016).
  4896. SparseSignatures::patients
    point mutations for 560 breast tumors
    matrix|560 x 96
  4897. SparseSignatures::ssm560_reduced
    a reduced version of the point mutations for 560 breast tumors in the format compatible with the import function
  4898. SparseSignatures::starting_betas_example
    example of results obtained with the function starting.betas.estimation on the counts input from Nik-Zainal, Serena, et al. (2016).
  4899. spaSim::bg1
    Background cells (4915 cells in a 2000*2000 window)
  4900. spatialDE::MOB_sample_info
    Mouse Olfactory Bulb sample metadata
  4901. spatialDE::Rep11_MOB_0
    Mouse Olfactory Bulb spatial gene expression data
    matrix|16218 x 262
  4902. SpatialDecon::cellcols
    Default colors for the cell types in the safeTME matrix
  4903. SpatialDecon::mean.resid.sd
    Genes' biological variability in immune deconvolution from TCGA.
  4904. SpatialDecon::mini_geomx_dataset
    Small example GeoMx data
  4905. SpatialDecon::mini_singleCell_dataset
    Mini human colon single cell dataset
  4906. SpatialDecon::nsclc
    Large example GeoMx data
  4907. SpatialDecon::safeTME
    SafeTME matrix
    matrix|906 x 18
  4908. SpatialDecon::safeTME.matches
    Mapping from granularly-defined cell populations to broaded cell populations
  4909. SpatialFeatureExperiment::visium_row_col
    Row and columns of Visium barcodes on the slide
  4910. spatialHeatmap::aSVG.remote.repo
    A list of URLs of remote aSVG repos
  4911. spatzie::anchor_pair_example_count
    spatzie count correlation data set
  4912. spatzie::anchor_pair_example_match
    spatzie match association data set
  4913. spatzie::anchor_pair_example_score
    spatzie score correlation data set
  4914. spatzie::compare_pairs_example
    compare_motif_pairs example
  4915. spatzie::filter_pairs_example
    spatzie score correlation filtered data set
  4916. spatzie::int_data_k562
    K562 Enhancer - Promoter Interactions Data Set
  4917. spatzie::int_data_mslcl
    MSLCL Enhancer - Promoter Interactions Data Set
  4918. spatzie::int_data_yy1
    Mouse YY1 Enhancer - Promoter Interactions Data Set
  4919. spatzie::interactions_yy1
    Mouse YY1 Enhancer - Promoter Interactions Data Set
  4920. spatzie::interactions_yy1_enhancer
    Mouse YY1 Enhancer - Promoter Interactions Data Set - YY1 enhancers
  4921. spatzie::interactions_yy1_ep
    Mouse YY1 Enhancer - Promoter Interactions Data Set - YY1 enhancers/promoters
  4922. spatzie::interactions_yy1_promoter
    Mouse YY1 Enhancer - Promoter Interactions Data Set - YY1 promoters
  4923. spatzie::scan_interactions_example
    Interactions scanned for motifs - interactionData object
  4924. spatzie::scan_interactions_example_filtered
    Interactions with motifs filtered for significance - interactionData object
  4925. speckle::pbmc_props
    Cell type proportions from single cell PBMC data
  4926. specL::iRTpeptides
    iRT peptides - independent retention time peptides
  4927. specL::ms1.p2069
    ms1 mass
  4928. specL::peptideStd
    Peptide standard
  4929. specL::peptideStd.redundant
    Peptide standard
  4930. SpeCond::expSetSpeCondExample
    An ExpressionSet example object used in the SpeCond package
  4931. SpeCond::expressionSpeCondExample
    The expression matrix example used in the SpeCond package
    matrix|220 x 32
  4932. SpeCond::simulatedSpeCondData
    An example of simulated expression matrix used in the SpeCond package
    matrix|600 x 30
  4933. Spectra::fft_spectrum
    Fast fourier transform artefact filter
  4934. SpectralTAD::rao_chr20_25_rep
    Contact matrix from Rao 2014, chromosome 20, 25kb resolution
  4935. SPEM::sos
    SOS pathway time series data
  4936. SPIA::ALL_Colorectal
    Results from a microarray experiment comparing colorectal cancer samples and normal tissue samples.
  4937. SPIA::ALL_Vessels
    Results from a microarray expriment comparing umbilical veins and arteries tissues
  4938. SPIA::DE_Colorectal
    Results from a microarray experiment comparing colorectal cancer samples and normal tissue samples.
  4939. SPIA::DE_Vessels
    Results from a microarray expriment comparing umbilical veins and arteries tissues
  4940. SPIA::top
    Results from a microarray experiment comparing colorectal cancer samples and normal tissue samples.
  4941. SPIAT::defined_image
    SPE object of a simulated image with defined cell types based on marker combinations.
  4942. SPIAT::image_no_markers
    SPE object of a formatted image without marker intensities (simulated by 'spaSim' package)
  4943. SPIAT::simulated_image
    SPE object of a formatted image (simulated by 'spaSim' package)
  4944. spicyR::diabetesData
    Diabetes IMC data in SCE format.
  4945. spicyR::spicyTest
    Results from spicy for diabetesData
  4946. spikeLI::SPIKE_IN
    Spike-in Probe-Set Names
  4947. spikeLI::SPIKE_IN95
    set of spike-in genes contained in the HGU95 dataset
  4948. spikeLI::SPIKE_INA
    Artificial Spike-in probesets
  4949. spikeLI::SPIKE_INB
    Bacteria Spike-in probeset names
  4950. spikeLI::SPIKE_INH
    Human Spike-in probe-set names
  4951. spikeLI::conc133
    Concentration 95
  4952. spikeLI::conc95
    Concentration 95
  4953. spikeLI::hgu
    Selected Probe Set data
  4954. spiky::dedup
    spike-in counts for two samples, as a wide data.frame
  4955. spiky::genbank_mito
    various mitochondrial genomes sometimes used as endogenous spike-ins
  4956. spiky::genomic_res
    A Granges object with genomic coverage from chr21q22, binned every 300bp for the genomic contigs then averaged across the bin. (In other words, the default output of scan_genomic_contigs or scan_genomic_bedpe, restricted to a small enough set of genomic regions to be practical for examples.) This represents what most users will want to generate from their own genomic BAMs or BEDPEs, and is used repeatedly in downstream examples throughout the package.
  4957. spiky::phage
    lambda and phiX phage sequences, sometimes used as spike-ins
  4958. spiky::spike
    spike-in contig properties for Sam's cfMeDIP spikes
  4959. spiky::spike_cram_counts
    spike-in counts, as a long data.frame
  4960. spiky::spike_read_counts
    spike-in counts, as a long data.frame
  4961. spiky::spike_res
    A Granges object with spike-in sequence coverage, and summarized for each spike contig as (the default) 'max' coverage. (In other words, the default output of scan_spike_contigs or scan_spike_bedpe) This represents what most users will want to generate from their own spike-in BAMs or BEDPEs, and is used repeatedly in downstream examples throughout the package.
  4962. spiky::ssb_res
    scan_spiked_bam results from a merged cfMeDIP CRAM file (chr22 and spikes)
  4963. spiky::testGR
    a test GRanges with UMI'ed genomic sequences used as controls
  4964. spkTools::affy
    SpikeInExpressionSet of Affymetrix Spike-in Experiment Data
  4965. SplicingFactory::tcga_brca_luma_dataset
    TCGA Luminal A breast cancer dataset
  4966. splineTimeR::TCsimData
    Simulated time-course gene expression data set
  4967. SPLINTER::acceptor.m
  4968. SPLINTER::compatible_cds
  4969. SPLINTER::compatible_tx
  4970. SPLINTER::donor.m
  4971. SPLINTER::pcr_result1
  4972. SPLINTER::primers
  4973. SPLINTER::region_minus_exon
  4974. SPLINTER::roi
  4975. SPLINTER::splice_data
  4976. SPLINTER::splice_fasta
  4977. SPLINTER::thecds
  4978. SPLINTER::theexons
  4979. SPLINTER::valid_cds
  4980. SPLINTER::valid_tx
  4981. SPONGE::ceRNA_interactions
    ceRNA interactions
  4982. SPONGE::ensembl.df
    example potential central nodes
  4983. SPONGE::gene_expr
    Gene expression test data set
    matrix|364 x 25
  4984. SPONGE::mir_expr
    miRNA expression test data set
    matrix|364 x 50
  4985. SPONGE::mir_interactions
    miRNA / gene interactions
  4986. SPONGE::mircode_ensg
    mircode predicted miRNA gene interactions
    matrix|50665 x 186
  4987. SPONGE::mircode_symbol
    mircode predicted miRNA gene interactions
    matrix|47458 x 186
  4988. SPONGE::precomputed_cov_matrices
    covariance matrices under the null hypothesis that sensitivity correlation is zero
  4989. SPONGE::precomputed_null_model
    A null model for testing purposes
  4990. SPONGE::targetscan_ensg
    targetscan predicted miRNA gene interactions
    matrix|12262 x 348
  4991. SPONGE::targetscan_symbol
    targetscan predicted miRNA gene interactions
    matrix|12238 x 348
  4992. SPONGE::test_cancer_gene_expr
    example test expression data for spongEffects
    matrix|1961 x 95
  4993. SPONGE::test_cancer_metadata
    example test sample meta data for spongEffects
  4994. SPONGE::test_cancer_mir_expr
    example test miRNA data for spongEffects
    matrix|215 x 95
  4995. SPONGE::train_cancer_gene_expr
    example training expression data for spongEffects
    matrix|1961 x 96
  4996. SPONGE::train_cancer_metadata
    example training sample meta data for spongEffects
  4997. SPONGE::train_cancer_mir_expr
    example training miRNA data for spongEffects
    matrix|215 x 96
  4998. SPONGE::train_ceRNA_interactions
    example train ceRNA interactions for spongEffects
  4999. SPONGE::train_genes_miRNA_candidates
  5000. SPONGE::train_network_centralities
    example train network centralities for spongEffects
  5001. SpotClean::mbrain_raw
    Example 10x Visium spatial data: raw count matrix
  5002. SpotSweeper::DLPFC_artifact
    human DLPFC dataset with a technical artifact (hangnail).
  5003. SpotSweeper::biased_spots
    Biased Spots Data
  5004. SPsimSeq::scNGP.data
    Neuroblastoma NGP cells single-cell RNA-seq.
  5005. SPsimSeq::zhang.data.sub
    Neuroblastoma bulk RNA-seq data retrieved from Zhang et (2015).
  5006. sRACIPE::CoupledToggleSwitchSA
    Five coupled toggle switches
  5007. sRACIPE::EMT1
    A circuit for epithelial to mesenchymal transition
  5008. sRACIPE::EMT2
    A circuit for epithelial to mesenchymal transition including microRNAs
  5009. sRACIPE::configData
    Configuration Data
  5010. sRACIPE::demoCircuit
    A toggle switch circuit for demonstrations
  5011. sSeq::countsTable
    An Example Simulation Data
    matrix|29516 x 4
  5012. sSeq::countsTable
    An Example Simulation Data
    matrix|52580 x 4
  5013. sSeq::countsTable
    An Example Simulation Data
    matrix|10453 x 6
  5014. sSeq::countsTable
    An Example Simulation Data
    matrix|10000 x 2
  5015. ssize::exp.sd
    Example baseline variability for gene expression experiment
  5016. sSNAPPY::gsAnnotation_df
    gsAnnotation_df: Categorization of KEGG pathways used for community annotation
  5017. sSNAPPY::logCPM_example
    logCPM_example: Normalised logCPM of patient-derived explant models obtained from 5 ER-positive primamry breast cancer tumours (GSE80098)
    matrix|7672 x 15
  5018. sSNAPPY::metadata_example
    metadata_example: Sample metadata for malignant breast cancer tumours PDE from 5 ER+ breast cancer tumour (GSE80098)
  5019. ssPATHS::expected_score_output
    Gene Expression Values for PDAC Cancer Cell Lines exposed to Hypoxia
  5020. ssPATHS::gene_weights_reference
    Gene Expression Values for PDAC Cancer Cell Lines exposed to Hypoxia
  5021. ssPATHS::new_samp_df
    Gene Expression Values for PDAC Cancer Cell Lines exposed to Hypoxia
  5022. ssPATHS::tcga_expr_df
    Gene Expression Values for PDAC Cancer Cell Lines exposed to Hypoxia
  5023. ssrch::docset_cancer68
    DocSet instance with metadata from 68 cancer studies
  5024. ssrch::study_publ_dates
    publication dates for 6000 SRA transcriptome studies
  5025. ssrch::titles68
    titles for 68 cancer studies
  5026. ssrch::urls68
    pubmed URLs for subset of 68 cancer studies
  5027. ssviz::counts
    counts data
  5028. ssviz::ctrlbam
    ctrlbam data
  5029. ssviz::pctrlbam
    pctrlbam data
  5030. ssviz::ptreatbam
    ptreatbam data
  5031. ssviz::treatbam
    treatbam data
  5032. stageR::esetProstate
    Transcript-level abundance estimates in 14 Chinese prostate cancer patients
  5033. stageR::hammer.eset
    Hammer dataset
  5034. standR::dkd_spe_subset
    Description of the standR example datasets
  5035. STATegRa::Block1
    STATegRa data
    matrix|1740 x 169
  5036. STATegRa::Block1.PCA
    STATegRa data
  5037. STATegRa::Block2
    STATegRa data
    matrix|443 x 169
  5038. STATegRa::Block2.PCA
    STATegRa data
  5039. STATegRa::TCGA_BRCA_Data
    STATegRa data
  5040. STATegRa::ed
    STATegRa data
  5041. STATegRa::ed.PCA
    STATegRa data
  5042. STATegRa::mapdata
    STATegRa data
  5043. Statial::kerenKontextual
    Kontextual results from kerenSCE
  5044. Statial::kerenSCE
    MIBI-TOF Breast cancer intensities
  5045. STRINGdb::diff_exp_example1
    example of microarray data (data processed from GEO GSE9008)
  5046. STRINGdb::interactions_example
    example of a protein-protein interactions sorted data frame
  5047. Structstrings::dbs
    Structstrings example data
  5048. Structstrings::nseq
    Structstrings example data
  5049. SubCellBarCode::hcc827Ctrl
    HCC827 Control Cell Line
  5050. SubCellBarCode::hcc827CtrlPSMCount
    Minimum PSM Count in HCC827Ctrl Cell Line.
  5051. SubCellBarCode::hcc827GEF
    Gefitinib treated HCC827 Cell Line
  5052. SubCellBarCode::hcc827GEFClass
    Gefitinib treated HCC827 Cell Line Classification
  5053. SubCellBarCode::hcc827GefPSMCount
    Minimum PSM Count in HCC827 Gefitinib Cell Line.
  5054. SubCellBarCode::hcc827exon
    HCC827 Control Exon Cell Line
  5055. SubCellBarCode::markerProteins
    Marker Proteins Source
  5056. subSeq::hammer
    ExpressionSet results from Hammer et al 2010
  5057. subSeq::ss
    Subsampling results using the hammer dataset
  5058. SUITOR::SimData
    Data for examples
    matrix|96 x 300
  5059. SUITOR::plotData
    Example data for plotting
  5060. SUITOR::results
    suitor return object
  5061. Summix::ancestryData
  5062. supersigs::example_dt
    Example dataset of mutations
  5063. supersigs::supersig_ls
    Trained SuperSigs from TCGA
  5064. supraHex::Fang
    Human embryo gene expression dataset from Fang et al. (2010)
  5065. supraHex::Golub
    Leukemia gene expression dataset from Golub et al. (1999)
    matrix|3051 x 38
  5066. supraHex::Xiang
    Arabidopsis embryo gene expression dataset from Xiang et al. (2011)
  5067. SurfR::countData
    matrix|2500 x 4
  5068. SurfR::enrichedList
  5069. SurfR::ind_deg
  5070. SurfR::metadata
  5071. survClust::simdat
    Simulated dataset with 3-class solution
  5072. survClust::simsurvdat
    Simulated survival dataset with accompanying 'simdat'
    matrix|150 x 2
  5073. survClust::uvm_dat
    TCGA UVM Mutation and Copy Number datasets
  5074. survClust::uvm_survClust_cv.fit
    survClust cv.survclust output of integrated TCGA UVM Mutation and Copy Number datasets.
  5075. survClust::uvm_survdat
    TCGA UVM Clinical file
  5076. survcomp::mainz7g
    Subset of MAINZ dataset containing gene expression, annotations and clinical data.
  5077. survcomp::nki7g
    Subset of NKI dataset containing gene expression, annotations and clinical data.
  5078. survcomp::transbig7g
    Subset of the TRANSBIG dataset containing gene expression, annotations and clinical data.
  5079. survcomp::unt7g
    Subset of UNT dataset containing gene expression, annotations and clinical data.
  5080. survcomp::upp7g
    Subset of UPP dataset containing gene expression, annotations and clinical data.
  5081. survcomp::vdx7g
    Subset of VDX dataset containing gene expression, annotations and clinical data.
  5082. SWATH2stats::MSstats_data
    Testing dataset in MSstats format.
  5083. SWATH2stats::OpenSWATH_data
    Testing dataset from OpenSWATH.
  5084. SWATH2stats::Study_design
    A table containing the meta-data defining the study design of the OpenSWATH data.
  5085. SWATH2stats::data
    Testing dataset from OpenSWATH.
  5086. swfdr::BMI_GIANT_GWAS_sample
    Subset of SNPs from meta-analysis of BMI GWAS study.
  5087. swfdr::journals_pVals
    P-values from abstracts from articles in 5 biomedical journals (American Journal of Epidemiology, BMJ, JAMA, Lancet, New England Journal of Medicine), over 11 years (2000-2010).
  5088. switchBox::matTesting
    Gene expression matrix for test set data
    matrix|70 x 307
  5089. switchBox::matTraining
    Gene expression matrix for training set data
    matrix|70 x 78
  5090. switchBox::testingGroup
    Testing set phenotypes
  5091. switchBox::trainingGroup
    Training set phenotypes
  5092. switchde::ex_pseudotime
    Synthetic gene pseudotimes
  5093. switchde::synth_gex
    Synthetic gene expression matrix
    matrix|12 x 100
  5094. synapter::synapterTiny
    Loads a small test data for the 'synapter' package
  5095. synergyfinder::NCATS_screening_data
    A high-throughput 3 drug combination screening data
  5096. synergyfinder::ONEIL_screening_data
    A high-throughput 2 drugs combination screening data with replication
  5097. synergyfinder::mathews_screening_data
    A high-throughput drug combination screening data
  5098. SynExtend::BuiltInEnsembles
    Pretrained EvoWeaver Ensemble Models
  5099. SynExtend::Endosymbionts_GeneCalls
    Example genecalls
  5100. SynExtend::Endosymbionts_LinkedFeatures
    Example synteny links
    LinkedPairs|4 x 4
  5101. SynExtend::Endosymbionts_Pairs01
    Example predicted pairs
  5102. SynExtend::Endosymbionts_Pairs02
    Example predicted pairs
  5103. SynExtend::Endosymbionts_Pairs03
    Example predicted pairs
  5104. SynExtend::Endosymbionts_Sets
    A list of disjoint sets.
  5105. SynExtend::Endosymbionts_Synteny
    A synteny object
    Synteny|4 x 4
  5106. SynExtend::ExampleStreptomycesData
    Example EvoWeaver Input Data from _Streptomyces_ Species
  5107. SynExtend::Generic
    Model for predicting PID based on k-mer statistics
  5108. synlet::example_dt
    Synthetic lethal RNAi screen example data.
  5109. syntenet::angiosperm_phylogeny
    Microsynteny-based angiosperm phylogeny.
  5110. syntenet::annotation
    Filtered genome annotation for Ostreococcus sp. species
  5111. syntenet::blast_list
    List of data frames containing BLAST-like tabular output
  5112. syntenet::clusters
    Synteny network clusters of BUSCO genes for 25 eudicot species
  5113. syntenet::edges
    Synteny network of Ostreococcus genomes represented as an edge list
  5114. syntenet::network
    Synteny network of BUSCO genes for 25 eudicot species
  5115. syntenet::proteomes
    Filtered proteomes of Ostreococcus sp. species
  5116. syntenet::scerevisiae_annot
    Genome annotation of the yeast species S. cerevisiae
  5117. syntenet::scerevisiae_diamond
    Intraspecies DIAMOND output for S. cerevisiae
  5118. tadar::chr1_genes
    Genomic feature example data
  5119. tadar::chr1_tt
    Differential expression example data
  5120. TADCompare::GM12878.40kb.raw.chr2
    A subset of chomosome 2 contact matrix, GM12878 cell line.
    matrix|1001 x 1001
  5121. TADCompare::IMR90.40kb.raw.chr2
    A subset of chomosome 2 contact matrix, IMR90 cell line.
    matrix|1001 x 1001
  5122. TADCompare::rao_chr22_prim
    Chromosome 22 combined intrachromosomal primary contact matrix from Rao et al. 2014.
    matrix|704 x 704
  5123. TADCompare::rao_chr22_rep
    Chromosome 22 combined intrachromosomal replicate contact matrix from Rao et al. 2014.
    matrix|704 x 704
  5124. TADCompare::time_mats
    Chromosome 22 time-varying contact matrices from Rao et al. 2017.
  5125. TAPseq::bone_marrow_genex
    Mouse bone marrow 10x data
  5126. TAPseq::chr11_genes
    Chromosome 11 genes
  5127. TAPseq::chr11_polyA_sites
    Chromosome 11 polyA sites
  5128. TAPseq::chr11_primers
    Chromosome 11 primers
  5129. TAPseq::chr11_truncated_txs
    Chromosome 11 truncated transcripts
  5130. TAPseq::chr11_truncated_txs_seq
    Chromosome 11 truncated transcript sequences
  5131. target::real_peaks
    AR peaks in LNCaP cell line
  5132. target::real_transcripts
    Differential expression of DHT treated LNCaP cell line
  5133. target::sim_peaks
    Simulated peaks
  5134. target::sim_transcripts
    Simulated transcripts The transcripts chromosome 1 of the mm10 mouse genome with randomly singed statistics assigned to each.
  5135. TargetDecoy::ModSwiss
    Swiss-Prot MS-GF+ data
  5136. TargetDecoy::ModSwissXT
    Swiss-Prot X!Tandem data
  5137. TargetSearch::RImatrix
    Example GC-MS data for TargetSearch Package
  5138. TargetSearch::corRI
    Example GC-MS data for TargetSearch Package
    matrix|12 x 15
  5139. TargetSearch::metabProfile
    Example GC-MS data for TargetSearch Package
  5140. TargetSearch::peakData
    Example GC-MS data for TargetSearch Package
  5141. TargetSearch::refLibrary
    Example GC-MS data for TargetSearch Package
  5142. TargetSearch::rimLimits
    Class for representing retention index markers
  5143. TargetSearch::sampleDescription
    Example GC-MS data for TargetSearch Package
  5144. TBSignatureProfiler::COVIDsignatures
    A list of published/pre-print COVID-19 signatures.
  5145. TBSignatureProfiler::OriginalTrainingData
    Discovery datasets for corresponding gene signatures.
  5146. TBSignatureProfiler::TB_hiv
    An example TB dataset with TB/HIV data.
  5147. TBSignatureProfiler::TB_indian
    An example TB dataset with Indian population data.
  5148. TBSignatureProfiler::TBcommon
    A list of published TB signatures, using author-given names.
  5149. TBSignatureProfiler::TBsignatures
    A list of published TB signatures.
  5150. TBSignatureProfiler::TBsignaturesSplit
    Up/Down-regulated genes information for selected TB signatures.
  5151. TBSignatureProfiler::common_sigAnnotData
    Annotation information for published TB signatures.
  5152. TBSignatureProfiler::sigAnnotData
    Annotation information for published TB signatures.
  5153. TCC::arab
    Arabidopsis RNA-Seq data set
    matrix|26222 x 6
  5154. TCC::hypoData
    A simulation dataset for comparing two-group tag count data, focusing on RNA-seq
    matrix|1000 x 6
  5155. TCC::hypoData_mg
    A simulation dataset for comparing three-group tag count data, focusing on RNA-seq
    matrix|1000 x 9
  5156. TCC::hypoData_ts
    A sample microarray data for detecting tissue-specific patterns.
  5157. TCC::nakai
    DNA microarray data set
    matrix|31099 x 8
  5158. TCGAbiolinks::DE_PCBC_stemSig
    A numeric vector with SC-derived definitive endoderm (DE) signature trained on PCBC's dataset
  5159. TCGAbiolinks::EB_PCBC_stemSig
    A numeric vector with stem cell (SC)-derived embryoid bodies (EB) signature trained on PCBC's dataset
  5160. TCGAbiolinks::ECTO_PCBC_stemSig
    A numeric vector with SC-derived ectoderm (ECTO) signature trained on PCBC's dataset
  5161. TCGAbiolinks::MESO_PCBC_stemSig
    A numeric vector with SC-derived mesoderm (MESO) signature trained on PCBC's dataset
  5162. TCGAbiolinks::SC_PCBC_stemSig
    A numeric vector with stem cell-like signature trained on PCBC's dataset
  5163. TCGAbiolinks::TabSubtypesCol_merged
    TCGA samples with their Pam50 subtypes
  5164. TCGAbiolinks::Tumor.purity
    TCGA samples with their Tumor Purity measures
  5165. TCGAbiolinks::bcgsc.ca_CHOL.IlluminaHiSeq_DNASeq.1.somatic.maf
  5166. TCGAbiolinks::chol_maf
    TCGA CHOL MAF transformed to maftools object
  5167. TCGAbiolinks::clinical.biotab
    A list of data frames with clinical data parsed from XML (code in vignettes)
  5168. TCGAbiolinks::dataBRCA
    TCGA data matrix BRCA
  5169. TCGAbiolinks::dataDEGsFiltLevel
    TCGA data matrix BRCA DEGs
  5170. TCGAbiolinks::dataREAD
    TCGA data SummarizedExperiment READ
  5171. TCGAbiolinks::dataREAD_df
    TCGA data matrix READ
  5172. TCGAbiolinks::gbm.exp.harmonized
    A RangedSummarizedExperiment two samples with gene expression data from vignette aligned against hg38
  5173. TCGAbiolinks::gbm.exp.legacy
    A RangedSummarizedExperiment two samples with gene expression data from vignette aligned against hg19
  5174. TCGAbiolinks::geneInfo
    geneInfo for normalization of RNAseq data
    matrix|20531 x 3
  5175. TCGAbiolinks::geneInfoHT
    geneInfoHT for normalization of HTseq data
  5176. TCGAbiolinks::met.gbm.27k
    A DNA methylation RangedSummarizedExperiment for 8 samples (only first 20 probes) aligned against hg19
  5177. TCGAbiolinks::msi_results
    MSI data for two samples
  5178. TCGAbiolinks::tabSurvKMcompleteDEGs
  5179. TCGAutils::clinicalNames
    Clinical dataset names in TCGA
  5180. TCGAutils::diseaseCodes
    TCGA Cancer Disease Codes Table
  5181. TCGAutils::sampleTypes
    Barcode Sample Type Table
  5182. TCseq::countsTable
    An example read Counts table
    matrix|2751 x 12
  5183. TCseq::experiment
    An example experiment design without BAM file infomration
  5184. TCseq::experiment_BAMfile
    An example experiment design with BAM file infomration
  5185. TCseq::genomicIntervals
    An example reference genomic regions
  5186. TCseq::tca_ATAC
    An example TCA object
  5187. TEKRABber::ctInputDE
    Input expression data of gene/TE for differentially expressed analysis within same species
  5188. TEKRABber::fetchDataHmChimp
    Example output comparing human and chimpanzee data using orhtologScale()
  5189. TEKRABber::hg38_panTro6_rmsk
    Repeatmasker track annotations with human and chimpanzee
  5190. TEKRABber::speciesCounts
    Gene/TE expression data from human/chimpanzee brain RNA-seq
  5191. tenXplore::CellTypes
    cellTypes: data.frame with ids and terms
  5192. tenXplore::tenx500
    tenx500: serialized full SummarizedExperiment for demonstration
  5193. TFARM::DELTA
    Contains the delta variations of support, confidence and lift.
  5194. TFARM::IMP
    Contains the mean Importance Index of each co-regulator.
  5195. TFARM::IMP_Z
    Contains the Importance Index associated with each co-regulator which is present in at least one association rule.
  5196. TFARM::I_c_2
    Contains the mean Importance Index of pairs of transcription factors which are present in at least one association rule.
  5197. TFARM::MCF7_chr1
    Contains genomic regions in the first chromosome of the MCF-7 human breast adenocarcinoma cell line at the ranges side, and the presence indexes of transcription factors in such regions at the metadata side.
  5198. TFARM::TF_Imp
    Contains the candidate co-regulators and the number of rules associated with them.
  5199. TFARM::imp_FOSL2
    Contains the set of Importance Indexes of FOSL2 in a given set of rules.
  5200. TFARM::p_TFs
    Contains co-regulators found in at least one association rule.
  5201. TFARM::r_FOSL2
    Represents an example of rulesTF output, i.e. the subset of rules whose left-hand-sides contain FOSL2, and the correspondent quality measures.
  5202. TFARM::r_TEAD4
    Contains the association rules for the prediction of the presence of the transcription factor TEAD4 in the considered genomic regions, i.e., with TEAD4 in the right-hand-side of the association rules.
  5203. TFARM::r_noFOSL2
    Represents an example of rulesTF0 output, where the presence of FOSL2 was replaced with its absence.
  5204. TFBSTools::MA0003.2
    Some example PFM matrices.
  5205. TFBSTools::MA0004.1
    Some example PFM matrices.
  5206. TFBSTools::MA0043
    Some example PFM matrices.
  5207. TFBSTools::MA0048
    Some example PFM matrices.
  5208. TFEA.ChIP::ARNT.metadata
    Metadata data frame
  5209. TFEA.ChIP::ARNT.peaks.bed
    ChIP-Seq dataset
  5210. TFEA.ChIP::ChIPDB
    TF-gene binding binary matrix
  5211. TFEA.ChIP::DnaseHS_db
    DHS databse
  5212. TFEA.ChIP::Entrez.gene.IDs
    List of Entrez Gene IDs
  5213. TFEA.ChIP::GSEA.result
    Output of the function GSEA.run from the TFEA.ChIP package
  5214. TFEA.ChIP::Genes.Upreg
    List of Entrez Gene IDs
  5215. TFEA.ChIP::MetaData
    TF-gene binding DB metadata
  5216. TFEA.ChIP::gr.list
    List of one ChIP-Seq dataset
  5217. TFEA.ChIP::hypoxia
    RNA-Seq experiment
  5218. TFEA.ChIP::hypoxia_DESeq
    RNA-Seq experiment
  5219. TFEA.ChIP::log2.FC
    List of Entrez Gene IDs
  5220. TFHAZ::Ishikawa
    Contains genomic regions of transcription factors at the ranges side and the name of the transcription factors at the metadata side.
  5221. TFHAZ::TF_acc_w_0
    Contains an output of the accumulation function.
  5222. TFHAZ::TF_dense_w_0
    Contains an output of the dense_zones function.
  5223. TFHAZ::TF_dense_w_10
    Contains an output of the dense_zones function.
  5224. TFHAZ::TF_dense_w_100
    Contains an output of the dense_zones function.
  5225. TFHAZ::TF_dense_w_1000
    Contains an output of the dense_zones function.
  5226. TFHAZ::TF_dense_w_10000
    Contains an output of the dense_zones function.
  5227. TFHAZ::base_dense_w_10
    Contains an output of the dense_zones function.
  5228. TFHAZ::reg_dense_w_10
    Contains an output of the dense_zones function.
  5229. TFutils::cisbpTFcat
    cisbpTFcat: data.frame with information on CISBP TFs for human, retained for reproducibility support; see cisbpTFcat_2.0 for a more recent catalog
  5230. TFutils::cisbpTFcat_2.0
    cisbpTFcat_2.0: data.frame with information on CISBP TFs for human, described in PMID 31133749
  5231. TFutils::demo_fimo_granges
    a list of GRanges instances with TF FIMO scores returned by 'fimo_granges'
  5232. TFutils::encode690
    encode690: DataFrame extending AnnotationHub metadata about ENCODE cell line x TF ranges
  5233. TFutils::fimo16
    fimo16: GenomicFiles instance to AWS S3-resident FIMO bed for 16 TFs
  5234. TFutils::fimoMap
    fimoMap: table with Mnnnn (motif PWM tags) and HGNC symbols for TFs
  5235. TFutils::gwascat_hg19_chr17
    gwascat_hg19: GRanges of march 21 2018 EBI gwascat, limit to chr17
  5236. TFutils::hocomoco.mono
    hocomoco.mono: data.frame with information on HOCOMOCO TFs for human
  5237. TFutils::hocomoco.mono.sep2018
    hocomoco.mono.sep2018: data.frame with information on HOCOMOCO TFs for human, Sept 2018 download
  5238. TFutils::lambert_snps
    lambert_snps is Table S3 of Lambert et al PMID 29425488
  5239. TFutils::metadata_tf
    metadata_tf: list with metadata (motif_if and hgnc_symbol) about all the CISBP FIMO scan TF bed files
  5240. TFutils::named_tf
    named_tf: named list with the names being the hgnc_symbol of the motif_id
  5241. TFutils::seqinfo_hg19_chr17
    a Seqinfo instance for a chr17 in hg19
  5242. TFutils::tfhash
    tfhash: data.frame with MSigDb TFs, TF targets as symbol or ENTREZ
  5243. TFutils::tftColl
    tftColl: GSEABase GeneSetCollection for transcription factor targets
  5244. TFutils::tftCollMap
    tftCollMap: data.frame with information on MSigDb TFs for human
  5245. tidybulk::X_cibersort
    Cibersort reference
  5246. tidybulk::breast_tcga_mini_SE
    Needed for vignette breast_tcga_mini_SE
  5247. tidybulk::counts_ensembl
    Counts with ensembl annotation
  5248. tidybulk::ensembl_symbol_mapping
    Data set
  5249. tidybulk::flybaseIDs
  5250. tidybulk::se
  5251. tidybulk::se_mini
    SummarizedExperiment mini for vignette
  5252. tidybulk::tximeta_summarizeToGene_object
    Needed for tests tximeta_summarizeToGene_object, It is SummarizedExperiment from tximeta
  5253. tidybulk::vignette_manuscript_signature_boxplot
    Needed for vignette vignette_manuscript_signature_boxplot
  5254. tidybulk::vignette_manuscript_signature_tsne
    Needed for vignette vignette_manuscript_signature_tsne
  5255. tidybulk::vignette_manuscript_signature_tsne2
    Needed for vignette vignette_manuscript_signature_tsne2
  5256. tidyCoverage::ac
    Example 'CoverageExperiment' and 'AggregatedCoverage' objects
  5257. tidyCoverage::ce
    Example 'CoverageExperiment' and 'AggregatedCoverage' objects
  5258. tidyFlowCore::metal_masterlist
    A character vector of CyTOF metal name patterns supported by tidyFlowCore
  5259. tidySingleCellExperiment::cell_type_df
    Cell types of 80 PBMC single cells
  5260. tidySingleCellExperiment::pbmc_small
  5261. tidySingleCellExperiment::pbmc_small_nested_interactions
    Intercellular ligand-receptor interactions for 38 ligands from a single cell RNA-seq cluster.
  5262. tidySpatialExperiment::demo_brush_data
    Demo brush data
  5263. tidySpatialExperiment::demo_select_data
    Demo select data
  5264. tidySummarizedExperiment::pasilla
    Read counts of RNA-seq samples of Pasilla knock-down by Brooks et al.
  5265. tidySummarizedExperiment::se
    Read counts of RNA-seq samples derived from Pasilla knock-down by Brooks et al.
  5266. tidytof::ddpr_data
    CyTOF data from two samples: 5,000 B-cell lineage cells from a healthy patient and 5,000 B-cell lineage cells from a B-cell precursor Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (BCP-ALL) patient.
  5267. tidytof::ddpr_metadata
    Clinical metadata for each patient sample in Good & Sarno et al. (2018).
  5268. tidytof::metal_masterlist
    A character vector of metal name patterns supported by tidytof.
  5269. tidytof::phenograph_data
    CyTOF data from 6,000 healthy immune cells from a single patient.
  5270. tigre::drosophila_gpsim_fragment
    Fragment of 12 time point Drosophila embryonic development microarray gene expression time series
  5271. tigre::drosophila_mmgmos_fragment
    Fragment of 12 time point Drosophila embryonic development microarray gene expression time series
  5272. tilingArray::gffSub
    Example of a genomic feature object
  5273. tilingArray::segnf
    Example of a segmentation output object
  5274. timecourse::fruitfly
    Drosophila microarray time course data in Tomancak et al. (2002)
    matrix|2000 x 36
  5275. timeOmics::timeOmics.simdata
  5276. TIN::geneAnnotation
  5277. TIN::geneSets
  5278. TIN::sampleSetFirmaScores
  5279. TIN::sampleSetGeneSummaries
  5280. TIN::splicingFactors
    A list of 280 splicing factor genes
  5281. TitanCNA::convergeParams
    TITAN EM trained results for an example dataset
  5282. TitanCNA::data
    TITAN EM trained results for an example dataset
  5283. tLOH::humanGBMsampleAC
    Imported dataset of a human glioblastoma spatial transcriptomics sample processed with tLOHImportData.
  5284. tLOH::initialStartProbabilities
    Imported dataset of sample start probabilities for hiddenMarkovAnalysis
  5285. TMixClust::best_clust_toy_obj
    TMixClust object containing the optimal clustering solution for the toy data with 3 clusters.
  5286. TMixClust::best_clust_yeast_obj
    TMixClust object containing the optimal clustering solution for the yeast data.
  5287. TMixClust::toy_data_df
    Simulated time-series gene expression data
  5288. TOAST::CBS_PBMC_array
    An example dataset for partial reference-free cell composition estimation from tissue gene expression
  5289. TOAST::RA_100samples
    An example dataset for cellular proportion estimation and multiple factor design
  5290. TOAST::beta_emp
    Simulated methylation 450K array data with related
  5291. tomoda::zh.data
    A raw read count matrix of zebrafish injured heart.
    matrix|16495 x 40
  5292. tomoseqr::mask
    A matrix containing mask data.
  5293. tomoseqr::testx
    A data.frame object containing a simulated Tomo-seq data for x-axis sections.
  5294. tomoseqr::testy
    A data.frame object containing a simulated Tomo-seq data for y-axis sections.
  5295. tomoseqr::testz
    A data.frame object containing a simulated Tomo-seq data for z-axis sections.
  5296. tomoseqr::tomoObj
    A tomoSeq object.
  5297. TOP::TOP_data_binary
    A simulated binary data
  5298. topdownr::tds
    TopDownSet Example Data
  5299. topGO::GOdata
    Sample topGOdata and topGOresult objects
  5300. topGO::affyLib
    A toy example of a list of gene identifiers and the respective p-values
  5301. topGO::geneList
    A toy example of a list of gene identifiers and the respective p-values
  5302. topGO::resultFisher
    Sample topGOdata and topGOresult objects
  5303. topGO::resultKS
    Sample topGOdata and topGOresult objects
  5304. topGO::topDiffGenes
    A toy example of a list of gene identifiers and the respective p-values
  5305. ToxicoGx::HCC_sig
    HCC_sig dataset
  5306. ToxicoGx::TGGATESsmall
    TGGATESsmall dataset
  5307. TPP::hdacCCR_config
    The configuration table to analyze hdacCCR_data.
  5308. TPP::hdacCCR_data
    TPP-CCR example dataset (replicates 1 and 2)
  5309. TPP::hdacTR_config
    The configuration table to analyze hdacTR_data.
  5310. TPP::hdacTR_data
    TPP-TR example dataset.
  5311. TPP::panobinostat_2DTPP_config
    The configuration table to analyze panobinostat_2DTPP_data.
  5312. TPP::panobinostat_2DTPP_data
    2D-TPP-CCR example dataset
  5313. TPP::resultTable
    Example of a TPP-TR result table.
  5314. TPP::tppRefData
    Example of a reference dataset for 2D-TPP experiments.
  5315. TPP2D::config_tab
    Example config table for a import of a simulated 2D-TPP cell extract dataset
  5316. TPP2D::raw_dat_list
    Example raw data for a subset of a simulated 2D-TPP cell extract dataset
  5317. TPP2D::simulated_cell_extract_df
    Example subset of a simulated 2D-TPP cell extract dataset
  5318. tracktables::Intervals
    Example genomic intervals
  5319. tradeSeq::celltype
    A vector defining cell types, used in the package vignette.
  5320. tradeSeq::countMatrix
    A count matrix, used in the package vignette.
  5321. tradeSeq::crv
    A SlingshotDataset object, used in the package vignette.
  5322. tradeSeq::gamList
    A list of GAM models, used to demonstrate the various tests.
  5323. tradeSeq::sds
    A SlingshotDataset object, used in the package unit tests.
  5324. TrajectoryGeometry::chol_answers
  5325. TrajectoryGeometry::chol_attributes
    matrix|229 x 10
  5326. TrajectoryGeometry::chol_branch_point_results
  5327. TrajectoryGeometry::chol_pseudo_time
  5328. TrajectoryGeometry::chol_pseudo_time_normalised
  5329. TrajectoryGeometry::crooked_path
    Crooked path
  5330. TrajectoryGeometry::crooked_path_center
    Crooked path center
  5331. TrajectoryGeometry::crooked_path_projection
    Crooked path projection
  5332. TrajectoryGeometry::crooked_path_radius
    Crooked path radius
  5333. TrajectoryGeometry::hep_answers
  5334. TrajectoryGeometry::hep_attributes
    matrix|360 x 10
  5335. TrajectoryGeometry::hep_pseudo_time
  5336. TrajectoryGeometry::hep_pseudo_time_normalised
  5337. TrajectoryGeometry::oscillation
  5338. TrajectoryGeometry::single_cell_matrix
    matrix|447 x 10
  5339. TrajectoryGeometry::straight_path
    Straight path
  5340. TrajectoryGeometry::straight_path_center
    Straight path center
  5341. TrajectoryGeometry::straight_path_projection
    Straight path projection
  5342. TrajectoryGeometry::straight_path_radius
    Straight path radius
  5343. transcriptogramer::DEsymbols
    Dictionary Protein2Symbol
  5344. transcriptogramer::GPL570
    Dictionary Protein2Probe
  5345. transcriptogramer::GSE9988
    Dataset containing expression values
  5346. transcriptogramer::Hs700
    Ordered Homo sapiens proteins of combined score greater than or equal to 700
  5347. transcriptogramer::Hs800
    Ordered Homo sapiens proteins of combined score greater than or equal to 800
  5348. transcriptogramer::Hs900
    Ordered Homo sapiens proteins of combined score greater than or equal to 900
  5349. transcriptogramer::HsBPTerms
    Dictionary Protein2GO
  5350. transcriptogramer::Mm700
    Ordered Mus musculus proteins of combined score greater than or equal to 700
  5351. transcriptogramer::Mm800
    Ordered Mus musculus proteins of combined score greater than or equal to 800
  5352. transcriptogramer::Mm900
    Ordered Mus musculus proteins of combined score greater than or equal to 900
  5353. transcriptogramer::Rn700
    Ordered Rattus norvegicus proteins of combined score greater than or equal to 700
  5354. transcriptogramer::Rn800
    Ordered Rattus norvegicus proteins of combined score greater than or equal to 800
  5355. transcriptogramer::Rn900
    Ordered Rattus norvegicus proteins of combined score greater than or equal to 900
  5356. transcriptogramer::Sc700
    Ordered Saccharomyces cerevisiae proteins of combined score greater than or equal to 700
  5357. transcriptogramer::Sc800
    Ordered Saccharomyces cerevisiae proteins of combined score greater than or equal to 800
  5358. transcriptogramer::Sc900
    Ordered Saccharomyces cerevisiae proteins of combined score greater than or equal to 900
  5359. transcriptogramer::association
  5360. transcriptR::annot
    Reference annotation (knownGene from UCSC)
  5361. transcriptR::cds
    Example of 'ChipDataSet' object.
  5362. transcriptR::tds
    Example of 'TranscriptionDataSet' object.
  5363. transite::ge
    Toy Gene Expression Data Set
  5364. transite::kmers_enrichment
    Example _k_-mer Enrichment Data
  5365. transite::motifs
    Transite Motif Database
  5366. transite::toy_motif_matrix
    Toy Motif Matrix
  5367. tRanslatome::CCComparison
    Sample data set for tRanslatome
  5368. tRanslatome::CCEnrichment
    Sample data set for tRanslatome
  5369. tRanslatome::expressionMatrix
    Sample data set for tRanslatome
    matrix|1000 x 12
  5370. tRanslatome::limma.DEGs
    Sample data set for tRanslatome
  5371. tRanslatome::regulatory.elements.counts
    Sample data set for tRanslatome
  5372. tRanslatome::regulatory.elements.regulated
    Sample data set for tRanslatome
  5373. tRanslatome::translatome.analysis
    Sample data set for tRanslatome
  5374. traseR::CEU
    Sampled SNPs from all SNPs of CEU population in 1000 genome project
  5375. traseR::Tcell
    Peak regions of H3K4me1 in Peripheral blood T cell
  5376. traseR::taSNP
    trait-associated SNPs in dbGaP and NHGRI downloaded from Association Results Browser
  5377. traseR::taSNPLD
    linkage disequilibrium (>0.8) within 100kb SNPs of all trait-associated SNPs from dbGaP and NHGRI
  5378. traviz::counts
    A count matrix, used for testing.
    matrix|240 x 2660
  5379. traviz::crv
    A SlingshotDataset object, used for testing.
  5380. traviz::sce
    A SingleCellExperiment object, used for testing.
  5381. TreeAndLeaf::phylo_species
    Species metadata from STRING-db v11
  5382. TreeAndLeaf::phylo_tree
    Species tree from STRING-db v11
  5383. TreeAndLeaf::spdata
    Genome statistics for eukaryotes with complete genome sequence
  5384. treekoR::DeBiasi_COVID_CD8_samp
    COVID-19 Sample data
  5385. TreeSummarizedExperiment::tinyTree
    A simulated phylogenetic tree with 10 tips and 9 internal nodes
  5386. TREG::sce_zero_test
    Test SummarizedExperiment data
  5387. Trendy::trendyExampleData
    Example dataset for Trendy
    matrix|50 x 40
  5388. TRESS::Basal
    Bin-level and region-level data from basal mouse brain samples
  5389. TRESS::DMR_M3vsWT
    Transcriptome location and read counts of 200 candidate DMRs, and size factors.
  5390. TRESS::DMR_SixWeekvsTwoWeek
    Transcriptome location and read counts of 200 candidate DMRs.
  5391. tricycle::RevelioGeneList
    5 stage cell cycle gene marker list from Revelio
  5392. tricycle::neuroRef
    Pre-learned reference projection matrix from the Neurosphere dataset
  5393. tricycle::neurosphere_example
    Example SingleCellExperiment dataset
  5394. trigger::yeast
    A yeast data set for Transcriptional Regulation Inference from Genetics of Gene ExpRession
  5395. trio::LDdata
    Case-Parent Trio Data
    matrix|500 x 50
  5396. trio::freq.hap
    Case-Parent Trio Data
  5397. trio::mat.test
    Case-Parent Trio Data
    matrix|300 x 6
  5398. trio::prob.mat.test
    Case-Parent Trio Data
  5399. trio::simuBkMap
    Case-Parent Trio Data
  5400. trio::step3way
    Case-Parent Trio Data
  5401. trio::trio.gen.err
    Case-Parent Trio Data
  5402. trio::trio.gen1
    Case-Parent Trio Data
  5403. trio::trio.gen2
    Case-Parent Trio Data
  5404. trio::trio.ped.err
    Case-Parent Trio Data
  5405. trio::trio.ped1
    Case-Parent Trio Data
  5406. trio::trio.ped2
    Case-Parent Trio Data
  5407. tRNA::gr
    tRNA example data
  5408. tRNA::gr_eco
    tRNA example data
  5409. tRNA::gr_human
    tRNA example data
  5410. tRNA::gr_human2
    tRNA example data
  5411. TRONCO::aCML
    Atypical chronic myeloid leukemia dataset
  5412. TRONCO::crc_gistic
    GISTIC example data
  5413. TRONCO::crc_maf
    MAF example data
  5414. TRONCO::crc_plain
    Plain mutation dataset
  5415. TRONCO::maf
    MAF example data
  5416. TRONCO::muts
    Simple mutation dataset
  5417. TRONCO::stage
    Stage information for test_dataset
  5418. TRONCO::test_dataset
    A complete dataset with hypotheses
  5419. TRONCO::test_dataset_no_hypos
    A complete dataset
  5420. TRONCO::test_model
    A complete dataset with a reconstructed model
  5421. TRONCO::test_model_kfold
    A complete dataset with a reconstructed model and crossvalidation informations
  5422. TSAR::example_tsar_data
    Example tsar_data file
  5423. TSAR::qPCR_data1
    qPCR_data1 Dataset
  5424. TSAR::qPCR_data2
    qPCR_data2 Dataset
  5425. TSAR::well_information
    example well information Data
  5426. TSAR::well_information_template
    Well Information Template
  5427. TSCAN::lpsdata
    Sinlge-cell RNA-seq data for BMDC cells before and after LPS stimulation
    matrix|16776 x 131
  5428. TurboNorm::methylation
    CpG island DNA methylation array data
  5429. tweeDEseq::seizure
    Epileptic seizure counts
  5430. twilight::exfdr
    Example of twilight result
  5431. twilight::expval
    Example of twilight.pval result
  5432. twoddpcr::KRAScounts
    KRAS mutant and wild type droplet counts and Poisson estimates.
  5433. twoddpcr::KRAScountsQS
    KRAS mutant and wild type droplet counts and Poisson estimates.
  5434. twoddpcr::KRAScountsWellCol
    KRAS mutant and wild type droplet counts and Poisson estimates.
  5435. twoddpcr::KRASdata
    Droplet amplitude data for KRAS mutant and wild type molecules.
  5436. UCell::sample.matrix
    Sample dataset to test UCell installation
  5437. UMI4Cats::ex_ciita_umi4c
    Contacs with CIITA promoter
  5438. UNDO::BiologicalMixMCF7HS27
    MCF7 and HS27 biologically mixed
  5439. UNDO::NumericalMixMCF7HS27
    MCF7 and HS27 numerically mixed
  5440. UNDO::NumericalMixingMatrix
    mixing matrix of data NumericalMixMCF7HS27
  5441. UNDO::PureMCF7HS27
    pure MCF7 and HS27
  5442. unifiedWMWqPCR::NBdata
    Documentation for the dataset NBdata
  5443. unifiedWMWqPCR::NBgroups
    Documentation for the dataset NBdata
  5444. unifiedWMWqPCR::NBmat
    Documentation for the dataset NBdata
    matrix|323 x 61
  5445. universalmotif::ArabidopsisMotif
    Arabidopsis motif in 'universalmotif' format.
  5446. universalmotif::ArabidopsisPromoters
    Arabidopsis promoters as a 'DNAStringSet'.
  5447. universalmotif::JASPAR2018_CORE_DBSCORES
    JASPAR2018 CORE database scores
  5448. universalmotif::examplemotif
    Example motif in 'universalmotif' format.
  5449. universalmotif::examplemotif2
    Another example motif in 'universalmotif' format.
  5450. universalmotif::fontDFroboto
    Polygon coordinates for plotting letters.
  5451. UPDhmm::hmm
    HMM data for predicting UPD events in trio genomic data
  5452. VanillaICE::snp_exp
    An example SnpArrayExperiment
  5453. VarCon::gene2transcript
    Small data frame specifying a transcript to certain genes for synonymous use.
  5454. VarCon::hbg
    Donor sequences and their HBS
  5455. VarCon::hex
    Hexamers and Z scores
  5456. VarCon::referenceDnaStringSet
    Small DNAStringset as exemplary reference genome sequence
  5457. VarCon::transCoord
    Small table as exemplary transcript table with exon coordinates
  5458. variancePartition::countMatrix
    A simulated dataset of gene counts
    matrix|19364 x 24
  5459. variancePartition::geneCounts
    Simulation dataset for examples
    matrix|200 x 100
  5460. variancePartition::geneExpr
    Simulation dataset for examples
    matrix|200 x 100
  5461. variancePartition::info
    Simulation dataset for examples
  5462. variancePartition::metadata
    A simulated dataset of gene counts
  5463. VariantTools::coverage_H1993
    Vignette Data
  5464. VariantTools::coverage_H2073
    Vignette Data
  5465. VariantTools::genome_p53
    Vignette Data
  5466. VariantTools::p53
    Vignette Data
  5467. VariantTools::tallies_H1993
    Vignette Data
  5468. VariantTools::tallies_H2073
    Vignette Data
  5469. VaSP::rice.bg
    Rice ballgown object
  5470. vbmp::BRCA12
    BRCA tumour dataset
  5471. VDJdive::contigs
    SplitDataFrameList containing AIRR-seq (TCR) data for six cells
  5472. veloviz::pancreas
    Pancreas scRNA-seq data
  5473. veloviz::vel
    MERFISH velocity subset
  5474. VennDetail::T2DM
  5475. VERSO::inference
    Results obtained running VERSO on the provided input dataset.
  5476. VERSO::variants
    Mutation data obtained by variant calling from raw data of a selected set of SARS-CoV-2 samples available from NCBI BioProject PRJNA610428.
  5477. vidger::df.cuff
    A 'cuffdiff' example dataset
  5478. vidger::df.deseq
    A 'DESeq2' example dataset
  5479. vidger::df.edger
    A 'edgeR' example dataset
  5480. ViSEAGO::myGOs
    myGOs dataset
  5481. vissE::hgsc
    The Hallmark collection from the MSigDB
  5482. Voyager::ditto_colors
    Colorblind friendly palette from dittoSeq
  5483. VplotR::ABF1_sacCer3
  5484. VplotR::ATAC_ce11_Serizay2020
  5485. VplotR::CTCF_hg38
  5486. VplotR::MNase_sacCer3_Henikoff2011
  5487. VplotR::MNase_sacCer3_Henikoff2011_subset
  5488. VplotR::REB1_sacCer3
  5489. VplotR::bam_test
  5490. VplotR::ce11_all_REs
  5491. VplotR::ce11_proms
  5492. vsclust::artificial_clusters
    Synthetic/artificial data comprising 5 clusters
  5493. vsclust::protein_expressions
    Data from a typical proteomics experiment
  5494. vsn::kidney
    Intensity data for one cDNA slide with two adjacent tissue samples from a nephrectomy (kidney)
  5495. vsn::lymphoma
    Intensity data for 8 cDNA slides with CLL and DLBL samples from the Alizadeh et al. paper in Nature 2000
  5496. vtpnet::cancerMap
    variant-transcription factor-phenotype networks
  5497. vtpnet::maurGWAS
    variant-transcription factor-phenotype networks
  5498. vtpnet::pax4
    variant-transcription factor-phenotype networks
  5499. vtpnet::pax4_75
    variant-transcription factor-phenotype networks
  5500. vtpnet::pax4_85
    variant-transcription factor-phenotype networks
  5501. wateRmelon::ageCoefs
  5502. wateRmelon::coef
    Age Prediction from methylomic expression data
  5503. wateRmelon::epic.controls
  5504. wateRmelon::epicV2.controls
  5505. wateRmelon::hannumCoef
    Age Prediction from methylomic expression data
  5506. wateRmelon::iDMR
    Imprinting differentially methylated region probes of Illumina 450 arrays
  5507. wateRmelon::melon
    Small MethyLumi data set for examples and testing
  5508. wateRmelon::sex_coef
  5509. wateRmelon::smokp_cpgs
    Smoking Prediction from methylomic expression data
  5510. wavClusteR::model
    Components of the non-parametric mixture moodel fitted on Ago2 PAR-CLIP data
  5511. weitrix::simwei
    Simulated weitrix dataset.
  5512. wiggleplotr::ncoa7_cdss
    Coding sequences from 9 protein coding transcripts of NCOA7
  5513. wiggleplotr::ncoa7_exons
    Exons from 9 protein coding transcripts of NCOA7
  5514. wiggleplotr::ncoa7_metadata
    Gene metadata for NCOA7
  5515. wpm::data_test
    Fictitious clinical data for demonstration.
  5516. xcms::faahko_sub
    LC-MS preprocessing result test data sets
  5517. xcms::faahko_sub2
    LC-MS preprocessing result test data sets
  5518. xcms::xdata
    LC-MS preprocessing result test data sets
  5519. xcms::xmse
    LC-MS preprocessing result test data sets
  5520. xcore::remap_mini
    xcore example molecular signatures
  5521. xcore::rinderpest_mini
    xcore example expression data
    matrix|14191 x 9
  5522. XDE::expressionSetList
    Example of ExpressionSetList
  5523. XDE::xmcmc
    Object of class XdeMcmc
  5524. xenLite::e79sym
    mapping from ENSG to symbols based on EnsDb.Hsapiens.v79
  5525. Xeva::PDXMI
    PDX-MI data
  5526. Xeva::brca
    PDXE breast cancer dataset
  5527. Xeva::repdx
    Example PDX dataset
  5528. XINA::example_clusters
    Randomly generated example datasets for XINA users. A dataset containing the XINA clustering results.
  5529. XINA::gn
    A character vector containing 19,396 human genes This is for the randome data generation of XINA
  5530. XINA::gn_desc
    A character vector containing 19,396 human gene descriptions This is for the randome data generation of XINA
  5531. XINA::hprd_ppi
    Protein-protein interaction resource downloaded from HPRD DB A data frame containing HRPD protein-protein interaction data
  5532. XINA::string_example
    Protein-protein interaction resource downloaded from STRING DB for XINA's example dataset A data frame containing protein-protein interactions
  5533. XINA::xina_result_example
    Previously processed xina analysis using XINA's random example data A list containing 'xina_analysis' results
  5534. xmapbridge::exon.data
    Sample exon array dataset
  5535. XNAString::complementary_bases
    Default XNAString complementarity dictionary
  5536. XNAString::xna_dictionary
    Default XNAString dictionary
  5537. yamss::cmsRawExample
    An example cmsRaw object
  5538. YAPSA::AlexCosmicArtif_sigInd_df
    Data for mutational signatures
  5539. YAPSA::AlexCosmicArtif_sig_df
    Data for mutational signatures
  5540. YAPSA::AlexCosmicValid_sigInd_df
    Data for mutational signatures
  5541. YAPSA::AlexCosmicValid_sig_df
    Data for mutational signatures
  5542. YAPSA::AlexCosmicValid_sig_df
    Data for mutational signatures
  5543. YAPSA::AlexInitialArtif_sigInd_df
    Data for mutational signatures
  5544. YAPSA::AlexInitialArtif_sig_df
    Data for mutational signatures
  5545. YAPSA::AlexInitialValid_sigInd_df
    Data for mutational signatures
  5546. YAPSA::AlexInitialValid_sig_df
    Data for mutational signatures
  5547. YAPSA::COSMIC_subgroups_df
    Test and example data
  5548. YAPSA::GenomeOfNl_raw
    Example data for the Indel vignette
  5549. YAPSA::MutCat_indel_df
    Example mutational catalog for the Indel vignette
  5550. YAPSA::PCAWG_SP_ID_sigInd_df
    Data for PCAWG SNV signatures (COSMIC v3), including artifacts 'PCAWG_SP_SBS_sigs_Artif_df': Data frame of the signatures published by Alexandrov et al. (Biorxiv 2013) which were decomposed with the method SigProfiler. SNV signatures are labeled with SBS, single base signature. There are 67 signatures which constitute the columns, 47 of which were validated by a bayesian NFM mehtod, SignatureAnayzer. Validated signatures are SBS1-SBS26,SBS28-SBS42 and SBS44. SBS7 is split up into 7 a/b/c and d. SBS10 ans SBS17 are both split up into a and b. Resulting in a 47 validated sigantures. Please note, unlike the paper by Alexandrov et al. (Biorxiv 2018) the data sets do not contain a SBS84 and SBS85 as not all were availiablt to perfom supervised signature analysis. In total there are 96 different features and therefore 96 rows when dealing with a trinucleotide context.
  5551. YAPSA::PCAWG_SP_ID_sigs_df
    Data for PCAWG SNV signatures (COSMIC v3), including artifacts 'PCAWG_SP_SBS_sigs_Artif_df': Data frame of the signatures published by Alexandrov et al. (Biorxiv 2013) which were decomposed with the method SigProfiler. SNV signatures are labeled with SBS, single base signature. There are 67 signatures which constitute the columns, 47 of which were validated by a bayesian NFM mehtod, SignatureAnayzer. Validated signatures are SBS1-SBS26,SBS28-SBS42 and SBS44. SBS7 is split up into 7 a/b/c and d. SBS10 ans SBS17 are both split up into a and b. Resulting in a 47 validated sigantures. Please note, unlike the paper by Alexandrov et al. (Biorxiv 2018) the data sets do not contain a SBS84 and SBS85 as not all were availiablt to perfom supervised signature analysis. In total there are 96 different features and therefore 96 rows when dealing with a trinucleotide context.
  5552. YAPSA::PCAWG_SP_SBS_sigInd_Artif_df
    Data for PCAWG SNV signatures (COSMIC v3), including artifacts 'PCAWG_SP_SBS_sigs_Artif_df': Data frame of the signatures published by Alexandrov et al. (Biorxiv 2013) which were decomposed with the method SigProfiler. SNV signatures are labeled with SBS, single base signature. There are 67 signatures which constitute the columns, 47 of which were validated by a bayesian NFM mehtod, SignatureAnayzer. Validated signatures are SBS1-SBS26,SBS28-SBS42 and SBS44. SBS7 is split up into 7 a/b/c and d. SBS10 ans SBS17 are both split up into a and b. Resulting in a 47 validated sigantures. Please note, unlike the paper by Alexandrov et al. (Biorxiv 2018) the data sets do not contain a SBS84 and SBS85 as not all were availiablt to perfom supervised signature analysis. In total there are 96 different features and therefore 96 rows when dealing with a trinucleotide context.
  5553. YAPSA::PCAWG_SP_SBS_sigInd_Real_df
    Data for PCAWG SNV signatures (COSMIC v3), including artifacts 'PCAWG_SP_SBS_sigs_Artif_df': Data frame of the signatures published by Alexandrov et al. (Biorxiv 2013) which were decomposed with the method SigProfiler. SNV signatures are labeled with SBS, single base signature. There are 67 signatures which constitute the columns, 47 of which were validated by a bayesian NFM mehtod, SignatureAnayzer. Validated signatures are SBS1-SBS26,SBS28-SBS42 and SBS44. SBS7 is split up into 7 a/b/c and d. SBS10 ans SBS17 are both split up into a and b. Resulting in a 47 validated sigantures. Please note, unlike the paper by Alexandrov et al. (Biorxiv 2018) the data sets do not contain a SBS84 and SBS85 as not all were availiablt to perfom supervised signature analysis. In total there are 96 different features and therefore 96 rows when dealing with a trinucleotide context.
  5554. YAPSA::PCAWG_SP_SBS_sigs_Artif_df
    Data for PCAWG SNV signatures (COSMIC v3), including artifacts 'PCAWG_SP_SBS_sigs_Artif_df': Data frame of the signatures published by Alexandrov et al. (Biorxiv 2013) which were decomposed with the method SigProfiler. SNV signatures are labeled with SBS, single base signature. There are 67 signatures which constitute the columns, 47 of which were validated by a bayesian NFM mehtod, SignatureAnayzer. Validated signatures are SBS1-SBS26,SBS28-SBS42 and SBS44. SBS7 is split up into 7 a/b/c and d. SBS10 ans SBS17 are both split up into a and b. Resulting in a 47 validated sigantures. Please note, unlike the paper by Alexandrov et al. (Biorxiv 2018) the data sets do not contain a SBS84 and SBS85 as not all were availiablt to perfom supervised signature analysis. In total there are 96 different features and therefore 96 rows when dealing with a trinucleotide context.
  5555. YAPSA::PCAWG_SP_SBS_sigs_Real_df
    Data for PCAWG SNV signatures (COSMIC v3), including artifacts 'PCAWG_SP_SBS_sigs_Artif_df': Data frame of the signatures published by Alexandrov et al. (Biorxiv 2013) which were decomposed with the method SigProfiler. SNV signatures are labeled with SBS, single base signature. There are 67 signatures which constitute the columns, 47 of which were validated by a bayesian NFM mehtod, SignatureAnayzer. Validated signatures are SBS1-SBS26,SBS28-SBS42 and SBS44. SBS7 is split up into 7 a/b/c and d. SBS10 ans SBS17 are both split up into a and b. Resulting in a 47 validated sigantures. Please note, unlike the paper by Alexandrov et al. (Biorxiv 2018) the data sets do not contain a SBS84 and SBS85 as not all were availiablt to perfom supervised signature analysis. In total there are 96 different features and therefore 96 rows when dealing with a trinucleotide context.
  5556. YAPSA::chosen_signatures_indices_df
    Test and example data
  5557. YAPSA::cutoffCosmicArtif_abs_df
    Cutoffs for a supervised analysis of mutational signatures.
  5558. YAPSA::cutoffCosmicArtif_rel_df
    Cutoffs for a supervised analysis of mutational signatures.
  5559. YAPSA::cutoffCosmicValid_abs_df
    Cutoffs for a supervised analysis of mutational signatures.
  5560. YAPSA::cutoffCosmicValid_rel_df
    Cutoffs for a supervised analysis of mutational signatures.
  5561. YAPSA::cutoffInitialArtif_abs_df
    Cutoffs for a supervised analysis of mutational signatures.
  5562. YAPSA::cutoffInitialArtif_rel_df
    Cutoffs for a supervised analysis of mutational signatures.
  5563. YAPSA::cutoffInitialValid_abs_df
    Cutoffs for a supervised analysis of mutational signatures.
  5564. YAPSA::cutoffInitialValid_rel_df
    Cutoffs for a supervised analysis of mutational signatures.
  5565. YAPSA::cutoffPCAWG_ID_WGS_Pid_df
    Opt. cutoffs, PCAWG SNV signatures, including artifacts
  5566. YAPSA::cutoffPCAWG_SBS_WGSWES_artifPid_df
    Opt. cutoffs, PCAWG SNV signatures, including artifacts
  5567. YAPSA::cutoffPCAWG_SBS_WGSWES_realPid_df
    Opt. cutoffs, PCAWG SNV signatures, including artifacts
  5568. YAPSA::exchange_colour_vector
    Colours codes for displaying SNVs
  5569. YAPSA::exome_mutCatRaw_df
    Example mutational catalog for the exome vignette
  5570. YAPSA::lymphomaNature2013_mutCat_df
    Example mutational catalog for the SNV vignette
  5571. YAPSA::lymphoma_Nature2013_COSMIC_cutoff_exposures_df
    Test and example data
  5572. YAPSA::lymphoma_Nature2013_raw_df
    Test and example data
  5573. YAPSA::lymphoma_PID_df
    Test and example data
  5574. YAPSA::lymphoma_test_df
    Test and example data
  5575. YAPSA::rel_lymphoma_Nature2013_COSMIC_cutoff_exposures_df
    Test and example data
  5576. YAPSA::targetCapture_cor_factors
    Correction factors for different target capture kits
  5577. yarn::bladder
    Bladder RNA-seq data from the GTEx consortium
  5578. yarn::skin
    Skin RNA-seq data from the GTEx consortium
  5579. zinbwave::toydata
    Toy dataset to check the model
    matrix|96 x 500
  5580. zitools::mtx
    Matrix Data
  5581. ZygosityPredictor::GR_GENE_MODEL
    germline small variant object
  5582. ZygosityPredictor::GR_GERM_SMALL_VARS
    germline small variant object
  5583. ZygosityPredictor::GR_HAPLOBLOCKS
  5584. ZygosityPredictor::GR_SCNA
    copynumber object
  5585. ZygosityPredictor::GR_SOM_SMALL_VARS
    somatic small variant object