Package: gDRimport 1.3.2

Arkadiusz Gladki

gDRimport: Package for handling the import of dose-response data

The package is a part of the gDR suite. It helps to prepare raw drug response data for downstream processing. It mainly contains helper functions for importing/loading/validating dose-response data provided in different file formats.

Authors:Arkadiusz Gladki [aut, cre], Bartosz Czech [aut], Marc Hafner [aut], Sergiu Mocanu [aut], Dariusz Scigocki [aut], Allison Vuong [aut], Luca Gerosa [aut], Janina Smola [aut]

gDRimport.pdf |gDRimport.html
gDRimport/json (API)

# Install 'gDRimport' in R:
install.packages('gDRimport', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

Bug tracker:

On BioConductor:gDRimport-1.3.1(bioc 3.20)gDRimport-1.2.0(bioc 3.19)


26 exports 2.38 score 197 dependencies 1 dependents

Last updated 6 days agofrom:b00edeb07b



Converting a gDR-generated MultiAssayExperiment object into a PharmacoSet

Rendered fromConvertingMAEtoPharmacoSet.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jul 05 2024.

Last update: 2024-02-20
Started: 2023-10-02

Converting PharmacoSet Drug Response Data into gDR object

Rendered fromConvertingPharmacoSetToGDR.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jul 05 2024.

Last update: 2024-03-14
Started: 2023-06-02


Rendered fromgDRimport.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jul 05 2024.

Last update: 2024-05-22
Started: 2023-03-29

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Evaluate if template file with single sheet is present, if the name of the sheet is correct and if it can be fixed.check_against_single_template_sheet
Extracts an assay from a SummarizedExperiment object or creates a new one if it does not exist.extract_or_create_assay
are template sheet valid?are_template_sheets_valid
Check metadata against spacescheck_metadata_against_spaces
Check metadata field namescheck_metadata_field_names
Check whether metadata headers are correct and make fixes if neededcheck_metadata_headers
Check metadata for required column namescheck_metadata_req_col_names
load, convert and process the level 5 PRISM data into a gDR inputconvert_LEVEL5_prism_to_gDR_input
load, convert and process the level 6 PRISM data into a gDR inputconvert_LEVEL6_prism_to_gDR_input
Convert MultiAssayExperiment to TreatmentResponseExperimentconvert_MAE_to_PSet
Convert a PharmacoSet to a data.table that is prepare for input into gDR pipelineconvert_pset_to_df
Correct names of the template sheets (if required)correct_template_sheets
Detect format of results datadetect_file_format
Enhance raw edited EnVision data.tableenhance_raw_edited_EnVision_df
Fix typos using reference datafix_typos_with_reference
gDR Test Data objectgdr_test_data-class
Get final results (as a data.table) from raw edited EnVision data.tableget_df_from_raw_edited_EnVision_df
Get final results (as a data.table) from raw unedited EnVision data.tableget_df_from_raw_unedited_EnVision_df
Get properties of EnVision dataget_EnVision_properties
get Excel sheets names for a charvec of files for non-Excel files return 0get_excel_sheet_names
get exception dataget_exception_data
Get names of the sheets expected in templates xlsxget_expected_template_sheets
Get plate info from template xlsxget_plate_info_from_template_xlsx
get test D300 dataget_test_D300_data
get primary test dataget_test_data
get test EnVision dataget_test_EnVision_data
get test Tecan dataget_test_Tecan_data
get test tsv dataget_test_tsv_data
Get Excel sheetsget_xl_sheets
Get PharmacoSetgetPSet
Import D300import_D300
is_readable_v Check if all paths in vector are readableis_readable_v
Load dataload_data
Load manifestload_manifest
Load resultsload_results
Load EnVision results from xlsxload_results_EnVision
Load tecan results from xlsxload_results_Tecan
Load results from tsvload_results_tsv
Load templatesload_templates
Load templates from tsvload_templates_tsv
Load templates from xlsxload_templates_xlsx
Method manifest_pathmanifest_path manifest_path,gdr_test_data-method
grep wrapper to support multiple patternsmgrepl
Parse D300parse_D300_xml
Read EnVision delimited text filesread_EnVision_delim
Read in single xlsx data from EnVisionread_EnVision_xlsx
Read excel file and transorm it into data.table objectread_excel_to_dt
Read EnVision fileread_in_EnVision_file
read manifest filesread_in_manifest_file
Read in results filesread_in_result_files
read in Tecan dataread_in_results_Tecan
Read in data from xlsx template sheetread_in_template_sheet_xlsx
Read in xlsx template filesread_in_template_xlsx
read in tsv template filesread_in_tsv_template_files
Method result_pathresult_path result_path,gdr_test_data-method
for each drug create a Gnumber and Concentration information for each wellsave_drug_info_per_well
Adjust environment variables to meet gDR standardssetEnvForPSet
Method template_pathtemplate_path template_path,gdr_test_data-method
Validate template xlsx datavalidate_template_xlsx