To cite package ‘gDRimport’ in publications use: Gladki A, Czech B, Hafner M, Mocanu S, Scigocki D, Vuong A, Gerosa L, Smola J (2024). _gDRimport: Package for handling the import of dose-response data_. R package version 1.3.2, , . A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Manual{, title = {gDRimport: Package for handling the import of dose-response data}, author = {Arkadiusz Gladki and Bartosz Czech and Marc Hafner and Sergiu Mocanu and Dariusz Scigocki and Allison Vuong and Luca Gerosa and Janina Smola}, year = {2024}, note = {R package version 1.3.2, }, url = {}, }