Package: qsea 1.31.0

Matthias Lienhard

qsea: IP-seq data analysis and vizualization

qsea (quantitative sequencing enrichment analysis) was developed as the successor of the MEDIPS package for analyzing data derived from methylated DNA immunoprecipitation (MeDIP) experiments followed by sequencing (MeDIP-seq). However, qsea provides several functionalities for the analysis of other kinds of quantitative sequencing data (e.g. ChIP-seq, MBD-seq, CMS-seq and others) including calculation of differential enrichment between groups of samples.

Authors:Matthias Lienhard [aut, cre], Lukas Chavez [aut], Ralf Herwig [aut]

qsea.pdf |qsea.html
qsea/json (API)

# Install 'qsea' in R:
install.packages('qsea', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

On BioConductor:qsea-1.31.0(bioc 3.20)qsea-1.30.0(bioc 3.19)

This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.


37 exports 0.91 score 56 dependencies

Last updated 2 months agofrom:6c29f2de2c



QSEA Tutorial

Rendered fromqsea_tutorial.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jun 30 2024.

Last update: 2018-06-21
Started: 2016-06-28

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
QSEA: Quantitative sequencing enrichment analysis and visualizationqsea-package QSEA qsea
estimate CNV information and add to qseaSet objectaddCNV
fit GLMs to reduced model and test for significanceaddContrast
Import sequencing dataaddCoverage
Enrichment analysisaddEnrichmentParameters
Estimate effective library sizeaddLibraryFactors
Extends an exisiting qseaSet by new samplesaddNewSamples
Estimate background readsaddOffset
Infer sequence pattern density values and add to qseaSet objectaddPatternDensity
Add sequence preference to qseaSet objectaddSeqPref
Prepares a qseaSet ObjectcreateQseaSet
Fit GLM for each windowfitNBglm
Simulation of MeDIP seq QSEA setgetExampleQseaSet
Principle Component Analysis (PCA) in QSeagetPCA
Finds Significant RegionsisSignificant
Create a Results TablemakeTable
Definition of normalization procedurenormMethod
Plots a Heatmap-like Overview of the CNVsplotCNV
Plots a genome-browser-like image of a regionplotCoverage
Plotting functions for enrichment profilesplotEnrichmentProfile plotEPmatrix
Plots for Principle Component Analysis (PCA) in QSEAplotPCA plotPCA,qseaPCA-method plotPCAfactors plotPCAfactors,qseaPCA-method
qseaGLM class and its methodsaddParameters,qseaGLM-method getParameters,qseaGLM-method getSampleNames,qseaGLM-method qseaGLM qseaGLM-class show,qseaGLM-method
qseaPCA class and its methodsgetSampleNames,qseaPCA-method qseaPCA qseaPCA-class show,qseaPCA-method
qseaSet class and its methodsaddParameters,qseaSet-method getChrNames getChrNames,qseaSet-method getCNV getCNV,qseaSet-method getCounts getCounts,qseaSet-method getLibSize getLibSize,qseaSet-method getNormFactors getNormFactors,qseaSet-method getOffset getOffset,qseaSet-method getParameters getParameters,qseaSet-method getRegions getRegions,qseaSet-method getSampleGroups getSampleGroups,qseaSet-method getSampleNames getSampleNames,qseaSet-method getSampleTable getSampleTable,qseaSet-method getWindowSize getWindowSize,qseaSet-method getZygosity getZygosity,qseaSet-method hasCNV hasCNV,qseaSet-method qseaSet qseaSet-class setZygosity setZygosity,qseaSet-method show,qseaSet-method
Counts the Windows in Regions of InterestregionStats