Package: methodical 1.3.0

Richard Heery

methodical: Discovering genomic regions where methylation is strongly associated with transcriptional activity

DNA methylation is generally considered to be associated with transcriptional silencing. However, comprehensive, genome-wide investigation of this relationship requires the evaluation of potentially millions of correlation values between the methylation of individual genomic loci and expression of associated transcripts in a relatively large numbers of samples. Methodical makes this process quick and easy while keeping a low memory footprint. It also provides a novel method for identifying regions where a number of methylation sites are consistently strongly associated with transcriptional expression. In addition, Methodical enables housing DNA methylation data from diverse sources (e.g. WGBS, RRBS and methylation arrays) with a common framework, lifting over DNA methylation data between different genome builds and creating base-resolution plots of the association between DNA methylation and transcriptional activity at transcriptional start sites.

Authors:Richard Heery [aut, cre]

methodical.pdf |methodical.html
methodical/json (API)

# Install 'methodical' in R:
install.packages('methodical', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:

Uses libs:
  • openjdk– OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot JIT

On BioConductor:methodical-1.3.0(bioc 3.21)methodical-1.2.0(bioc 3.20)


4.65 score 14 scripts 129 downloads 28 exports 220 dependencies

Last updated 1 months agofrom:635917c835. Checks:1 OK, 1 FAILURE, 3 ERROR, 3 WARNING. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 03 2025
R-4.5-winERRORMar 03 2025
R-4.5-macWARNINGMar 03 2025
R-4.5-linuxWARNINGMar 03 2025
R-4.4-winERRORMar 03 2025
R-4.4-macWARNINGMar 03 2025
R-4.3-winERRORJan 25 2025
R-4.3-macOUTDATEDDec 30 2024



Calculating Methylation Transcription Correlations

Rendered fromcalculating_methylation_transcription_correlations.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Mar 03 2025.

Last update: 2024-12-26
Started: 2023-10-10

Working with RangedSummarizedExperiments Big DNA Methylation Data

Rendered fromworking_with_meth_rses.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Mar 03 2025.

Last update: 2024-04-22
Started: 2023-11-24

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
methodical: A one-stop shop for dealing with big DNA methylation datasetsmethodical-package methodical
Calculate the number of bases in the intersection of two GRanges objects.calculate_regions_intersections
Split genomic regions into balanced chunks based on the number of methylation sites that they cover.chunk_regions
Calculate the number of unique bases covered by all regions in a GRanges object.count_covered_bases
Create a RangedSummarizedExperiment for methylation values already deposited in HDF5.create_meth_rse_from_hdf5
Add regions upstream of TSS and downstream of TES to a GRangesList for transcripts.expand_transcript_ranges
Find TSS-Proximal Methylation-Controlled Regulatory Sites (TMRs).find_tmrs_single
Perform setup for makeMethRSEFromBedgraphs or makeMethRSEFromArrayFiles.make_meth_rse_setup
Split data from a single methylation array files into chunks.split_bedgraph
Split data from bedGraph files into chunks.split_bedgraphs_into_chunks
Split data from a single methylation array files into chunks.split_meth_array_file
Split data from methylation array files into chunks.split_meth_array_files_into_chunks
Summarize methylation values for regions in a chunk.summarize_chunk_methylation
Find TMRs where smoothed methodical scores exceed thresholds.test_tmrs
Calculate meth site-transcript correlations for given TSS.tss_correlations
Create an iterator function for use with bpiterate.tss_iterator
Write chunks of data to a HDF5 sink.write_chunks_to_hdf5
Annotate GRangesannotateGRanges
Create a plot with genomic annotation for a plot of values at methylation sites.annotatePlot
Calculate correlation between expression of transcripts and methylation of sites surrounding their TSScalculateMethSiteTranscriptCors
Calculate the correlation values between the methylation of genomic regions and the expression of associated transcriptscalculateRegionMethylationTranscriptCors
Calculate methodical score and smooth it using a exponential weighted moving averagecalculateSmoothedMethodicalScores
Correct p-values for a list of methylation-transcription correlations resultscorrect_correlation_pvalues
Create a GRanges with random regions from a genomecreateRandomRegions
Expand GRangesexpand_granges
Extract values for methylation sites overlapping genomic regions from a methylation RSE.extractGRangesMethSiteValues
Create a GRanges with methylation sites of interest from a BSgenome.extractMethSitesFromGenome
Find TSS-Proximal Methylation-Controlled Regulatory Sites (TMRs)findTMRs
Create an index file for running KallistokallistoIndex
Run kallisto on a set of FASTQ files and merge the resultskallistoQuantify
Liftover rowRanges of a RangedSummarizedExperiment for methylation data from one genome build to anotherliftoverMethRSE
Create a HDF5-backed RangedSummarizedExperiment for methylation values in array filesmakeMethRSEFromArrayFiles
Create a HDF5-backed RangedSummarizedExperiment for methylation values in bedGraphsmakeMethRSEFromBedgraphs
Mask regions in a ranged summarized experimentmaskRangesInRSE
Convert a Methrix object into a RangedSummarizedExperimentmethrixToRSE
Create plot of Methodical score values for methylation sites around a TSSplotMethodicalScores
Plot the correlation coefficients for methylation sites within a region and an associated feature of interestplotMethSiteCorCoefs
Create a plot of methylation values for methylation sites in a regionplotMethylationValues
Add TMRs to a methylation site value plotplotTMRs
Find locations of genomic regions relative to transcription start sites.rangesRelativeToTSS
Rapidly calculate the correlation and the significance of pairs of columns from two data.framesrapidCorTest
Randomly sample methylation sites from a methylation RSE.sampleMethSites
Calculate distances of query GRanges upstream or downstream of subject GRangesstrandedDistance
Summarize methylation of genomic regions within samplessummarizeRegionMethylation
Combine the expression values of transcripts to get overall expression of their associated genessumTranscriptValuesForGenes