Package: lumi 2.59.0

Lei Huang

lumi: BeadArray Specific Methods for Illumina Methylation and Expression Microarrays

The lumi package provides an integrated solution for the Illumina microarray data analysis. It includes functions of Illumina BeadStudio (GenomeStudio) data input, quality control, BeadArray-specific variance stabilization, normalization and gene annotation at the probe level. It also includes the functions of processing Illumina methylation microarrays, especially Illumina Infinium methylation microarrays.

Authors:Pan Du, Richard Bourgon, Gang Feng, Simon Lin

lumi.pdf |lumi.html
lumi/json (API)

# Install 'lumi' in R:
install.packages('lumi', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:


On BioConductor:lumi-2.59.0(bioc 3.21)lumi-2.58.0(bioc 3.20)

This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.


6.52 score 9 packages 290 scripts 2.1k downloads 238 mentions 97 exports 155 dependencies

Last updated 2 months agofrom:130abf107a. Checks:OK: 1 ERROR: 1 WARNING: 5. Indexed: yes.

Doc / VignettesOKDec 18 2024
R-4.5-winWARNINGNov 18 2024
R-4.5-linuxERRORDec 20 2024
R-4.4-winWARNINGNov 18 2024
R-4.4-macWARNINGDec 18 2024
R-4.3-winWARNINGNov 18 2024
R-4.3-macWARNINGDec 18 2024



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
A package for preprocessing Illumina microarray datalumi-package lumi
Add probe color channel and basic annotation information based on the annotation library of Illumina methylation microarrayaddAnnotationInfo
Add the control probe data into the controlData slot of LumiBatch objectaddControlData2lumi
Add methylation control data to a MethyLumiM objectaddControlData2methyLumiM
Add the nuID information to the LumiBatch objectaddNuID2lumi addNuId2lumi
Color bias adjustment of Illumina Infinium methylaton microarrays using smooth quantile normalizationadjColorBias.quantile
Color bias adjustment of Illumina Infinium methylaton microarrays using simple shift and scaling normalizationadjColorBias.ssn
convert the data matrix in the assayData of a ExpressionSet as BigMatrixasBigMatrix asBigMatrix,ExpressionSet-method asBigMatrix-methods
Convert methylation Beta-value to M-valuebeta2m
Background adjustment for Illumina databgAdjust
Estimate and adjust the background levels of Illumina Infinium methylaton microarraysbgAdjustMethylation
boxplot of a ExpressionSet objectboxplot,ExpressionSet-method boxplot-methods boxplot.ExpressionSet
boxplot of a MethyLumiM objectboxplot,MethyLumiM-method
Plot the Illumina Infinium methylation color bias in terms of boxplotboxplotColorBias
A summary of colorBias informationcolorBiasSummary
Density plot of a ExpressionSet objectdensity,ExpressionSet-method density-methods density.ExpressionSet
Estimate the detectable probe ratiodetectionCall
Detect the outlier sample (or gene)detectOutlier
Estimate methylation Beta-value matrixestimateBeta
Estimate intensity of Illumina methylation dataestimateIntensity
Estimate the coefficient of variance matrix of LumiBatch objectestimateLumiCV
Estimate methylation M-value matrixestimateM
Estimate the background levels of Illumina Infinium methylaton microarraysestimateMethylationBG
Example Illumina Expression data in LumiBatch classexample.lumi
Example Illumina Infinium Methylation data in MethyLumiM classexample.lumiMethy
Example Illumina Infinium Methylation titration data in MethyLumiM classexample.methyTitration
Estimate the methylation status by fitting a Gamma mixture model using EM algorithmgammaFitEM
Get Illumina Chip Information based on probe identifiersgetChipInfo
get the chromosome location information of methylation probesgetChrInfo
Get control probe informationgetControlData
Get the control probe IdsgetControlProbe
Get the types of the control probesgetControlType
get the mapping information from nuID to RefSeq IDgetNuIDMappingInfo
Density plot of a ExpressionSet objecthist,ExpressionSet-method hist-methods hist.ExpressionSet
Transfer a nuID as a nucleotide sequenceid2seq
Matching Illumina IDs to nuID based on Illumina ID mapping libraryIlluminaID2nuID
Import Illumina methylation .idat files as an MethyLumiM objectimportMethyIDAT
Inverse VST transforminverseVST
nuID self-identificationis.nuID
Background correction of Illumina Expression datalumiB
Class LumiBatch: contain and describe Illumina microarray databeadNum beadNum,ExpressionSet-method beadNum<- beadNum<-,ExpressionSet,ANY-method beadNum<-,ExpressionSet-method class:LumiBatch combine,ExpressionSet,LumiBatch-method combine,LumiBatch,ExpressionSet-method combine,LumiBatch,LumiBatch-method controlData controlData,LumiBatch-method controlData<- controlData<-,LumiBatch,ANY-method controlData<-,LumiBatch-method detection detection,ExpressionSet-method detection<- detection<-,ExpressionSet,ANY-method detection<-,ExpressionSet-method getHistory getHistory,LumiBatch-method initialize,LumiBatch-method LumiBatch LumiBatch-class sampleNames<-,LumiBatch,ANY-method se.exprs se.exprs,ExpressionSet-method se.exprs<- se.exprs<-,ExpressionSet,ANY-method se.exprs<-,ExpressionSet-method show,LumiBatch-method summary,LumiBatch-method [,LumiBatch,ANY,ANY,ANY-method [,LumiBatch-method
From raw Illumina probe intensities to expression valueslumiExpresso
Adjust background level of Illumina Infinium methylation datalumiMethyB
Color bias adjust of Illumina Infinium methylation datalumiMethyC
Normalize the Illumina Infinium methylation datalumiMethyN
Reading Illumina methylation microarray datalumiMethyR
Estimate the methylation status of individual methylation siteslumiMethyStatus
Between chip normalization of a LumiBatch objectlumiN
Quality control evaluation of the LumiBatch objectlumiQ
Read in Illumina expression datalumiR
Read BeadStudio output files in batchlumiR.batch
Transfer the Illumina data to stabilize the variancelumiT
Convert methylation M-value to Beta-valuem2beta
MAplot of a ExpressionSet objectMAplot MAplot,ExpressionSet-method MAplot-methods MAplot.ExpressionSet
Estimated methylation callmethylationCall
Monotonic smooth methodmonoSmu
Fitting a curve with monotonic splinemonoSpline
Quantile normalization of Illumina Infinium methylation data at probe levelnormalizeMethylation.quantile
Shift and scaling normalization of Illumina Infinium methylation data at probe levelnormalizeMethylation.ssn
Map nuID to Entrez IDnuID2EntrezID
Matching nuIDs to Illumina IDs based on Illumina ID mapping librarynuID2IlluminaID
Mapping nuID into Illumina ProbeIDnuID2probeID
Map nuID to RefSeq IDnuID2RefSeqID
Mapping nuID into Illumina TargetIDnuID2targetID
Pair plot of an ExpressionSet objectpairs,ExpressionSet-method pairs-methods pairs.ExpressionSet
Plot of a ExpressionSet objectplot,ExpressionSet,missing-method plot,ExpressionSet-method plot-methods plot.ExpressionSet
plot the cumulative distribution function of a ExpressionSet objectplotCDF plotCDF,ExpressionSet-method plotCDF.ExpressionSet
Plot the color bias density plot of Illumina Infinium Methylation dataplotColorBias1D
Plot the color bias of Illumina Infinium Methylation data in two dimensionsplotColorBias2D
Plot the mean expression (with standard deviation bar) of different type of control probesplotControlData
plot the density distributionplotDensity plotDensity.ExpressionSet
plot the fitting results of 'gammaFitEM'plotGammaFit
Plot the housekeeping gene expression profileplotHousekeepingGene
visualize the sample relationsplotSampleRelation
plot the Stringency related control probe profilesplotStringencyGene
plot the VST (Variance Stabilizing Transform) functionplotVST
Mapping Illumina ProbeID as nuIDprobeID2nuID
Produce GEO Platform Submission File in SOFT formatproduceGEOPlatformFile
Produce the template of GEO sample informationproduceGEOSampleInfoTemplate
Produce GEO Sample Submission File in SOFT formatproduceGEOSubmissionFile
Produce GEO Sample Submission File of Illumina methylation microarray data in SOFT formatproduceMethylationGEOSubmissionFile
Rank Invariant Normalizationrankinvariant
Robust Spline Normalization between chipsrsn
Transfer a nucleotide sequence as a nuIDseq2id
Smooth quantile normalizationsmoothQuantileNormalization
Simple Scaling Normalizationssn
Mapping Illumina TargetID (GeneID) into nuIDtargetID2nuID
Variance Stabilizing Transformationvst