Package: esATAC 1.29.0

Zheng Wei

esATAC: An Easy-to-use Systematic pipeline for ATACseq data analysis

This package provides a framework and complete preset pipeline for quantification and analysis of ATAC-seq Reads. It covers raw sequencing reads preprocessing (FASTQ files), reads alignment (Rbowtie2), aligned reads file operations (SAM, BAM, and BED files), peak calling (F-seq), genome annotations (Motif, GO, SNP analysis) and quality control report. The package is managed by dataflow graph. It is easy for user to pass variables seamlessly between processes and understand the workflow. Users can process FASTQ files through end-to-end preset pipeline which produces a pretty HTML report for quality control and preliminary statistical results, or customize workflow starting from any intermediate stages with esATAC functions easily and flexibly.

Authors:Zheng Wei, Wei Zhang


esATAC.pdf |esATAC.html
esATAC/json (API)

# Install 'esATAC' in R:
install.packages('esATAC', repos = c('', ''))

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Uses libs:
  • c++– GNU Standard C++ Library v3
  • openjdk– OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot JIT

On BioConductor:esATAC-1.29.0(bioc 3.21)esATAC-1.28.0(bioc 3.20)


6.11 score 23 stars 3 scripts 236 downloads 4 mentions 61 exports 190 dependencies

Last updated 2 months agofrom:508f345865. Checks:OK: 1 NOTE: 5. Indexed: yes.

Doc / VignettesOKNov 29 2024
R-4.5-linux-x86_64NOTENov 29 2024
R-4.4-mac-x86_64NOTENov 29 2024
R-4.4-mac-aarch64NOTENov 29 2024
R-4.3-mac-x86_64NOTENov 29 2024
R-4.3-mac-aarch64NOTENov 29 2024



esATAC: an Easy-to-use Systematic pipeline for ATAC-seq data analysis

Rendered fromesATAC-Introduction.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Nov 29 2024.

Last update: 2019-12-18
Started: 2017-12-09

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
An Easy-to-use Systematic pipeline for ATACseq data analysisesATAC-package atacPipe
Pipeline for single replicate case-control paired-end sequencing dataatacPipe2
Base class of this packageATACProc-class
Pipeline for multi-replicates case paired-end sequencing dataatacRepsPipe
Pipeline for multi-replicates case-control paired-end sequencing dataatacRepsPipe2
Convert bam format to bed format.atacBam2Bed atacBam2Bed,ATACProc-method bam2bed BamToBed
generate BigWig file from BED fileatacBedToBigWig atacBedToBigWig,ATACProc-method BedToBigWig bedToBigWig
process bed file with limit memoryatacBedUtils atacBedUtils,ATACProc-method BedUtils bedUtils
Use bowtie2 aligner to map reads to reference genomeatacBowtie2Mapping atacBowtie2Mapping,ATACProc-method Bowtie2Mapping bowtie2Mapping
Count cut site number in given motif region and plot footprint.atacCutSiteCount atacCutSiteCount,ATACProc-method cutsitecount CutSiteCountR
Extract ATAC-seq cutting site from bed file.atacExtractCutSite atacExtractCutSite,ATACProc-method CutSitePre extractcutsite
Quality control for ATAC-seq data.atacQCReport atacQCReport,ATACProc-method FastQC qcreport
Use AdapterRemoval to identify adaptersatacFindAdapter atacFindAdapter,ATACProc-method FindAdapter findAdapter
Quality control for fragment length distributionatacFragLenDistr atacFragLenDistr,ATACProc-method FragLenDistr fragLenDistr
Quality control for fraction of reads in peaks (FRiP)atacFripQC atacFripQC,ATACProc-method FRiPQC fripQC
Generate PFMatrix or PFMatrixList from file.getMotifInfo
Quality control for library complexityatacLibComplexQC atacLibComplexQC,ATACProc-method LibComplexQC libComplexQC
Use F-seq to call peakatacPeakCalling atacPeakCalling,ATACProc-method peakCalling PeakCallingFseq
Use MACS2 to call peakatacPeakCallingMACS2 atacPeakCallingMACS2,ATACProc-method PeakCallingMACS2 peakCallingMACS2 testPeakCallingMACS2
Quality control for peak overlapatacPeakQC atacPeakQC,ATACProc-method PeakQC peakQC
Use AdapterRemoval to remove adaptersatacRemoveAdapter atacRemoveAdapter,ATACProc-method RemoveAdapter removeAdapter
Rename reads name in fastqatacRenamer atacRenamer,ATACProc-method Renamer renamer
Gene Ontology AnalysisatacGOAnalysis atacGOAnalysis,ATACProc-method goanalysis RGo
Search Motif Position in Given RegionsatacMotifScan atacMotifScan,ATACProc-method motifscan RMotifScan
Search Motif Position in Given RegionsatacMotifScanPair atacMotifScanPair,ATACProc-method motifscanpair RMotifScanPair
Annotate ATAC-seq PeakatacPeakAnno atacPeakAnno,ATACProc-method peakanno RPeakAnno
Find the overlap or differential peaks between two samples.atacPeakComp atacPeakComp,ATACProc-method peakcomp RPeakComp
Find whether snps are in the given regions.atacSNPAnno atacSNPAnno,ATACProc-method RSNPs snpanno
Sort bam file and rebuild bai index.atacBamSort atacBamSort,ATACProc-method bamsort Rsortbam
Convert sam format to bam format.atacSam2Bam atacSam2Bam,ATACProc-method sam2bam SamToBam
Convert SAM file to BED fileatacSamToBed atacSamToBed,ATACProc-method SamToBed samToBed
Final report for single group of regionsatacSingleRepReport atacSingleRepReport,Step-method SingleRepReport
Quality control for transcription start site(TSS) reads enrichmentatacTSSQC atacTSSQC,ATACProc-method TSSQC tssQC
Unzip and merge fastq filesatacUnzipAndMerge UnzipAndMerge unzipAndMerge