Package: SynMut 1.21.0

Haogao Gu

SynMut: SynMut: Designing Synonymously Mutated Sequences with Different Genomic Signatures

There are increasing demands on designing virus mutants with specific dinucleotide or codon composition. This tool can take both dinucleotide preference and/or codon usage bias into account while designing mutants. It is a powerful tool for in silico designs of DNA sequence mutants.

Authors:Haogao Gu [aut, cre], Leo L.M. Poon [led]

SynMut.pdf |SynMut.html
SynMut/json (API)

# Install 'SynMut' in R:
install.packages('SynMut', repos = c('', ''))

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Bug tracker:

On BioConductor:SynMut-1.21.0(bioc 3.20)SynMut-1.20.0(bioc 3.19)


15 exports 0.49 score 36 dependencies

Last updated 2 months agofrom:dc19ea3341



SynMut: Tools for Designing Synonymously Mutated Sequences

Rendered fromSynMut.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jun 23 2024.

Last update: 2019-04-29
Started: 2019-04-23

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Calculating the codon usage difference between sequencescodon_dist codon_dist,ANY-method
Mimic a target codon usage biascodon_mimic codon_mimic,DNAStringSet,DNAStringSet-method codon_mimic,regioned_dna,DNAStringSet-method codon_mimic,regioned_dna,vector-method
Generate random synonymous mutationscodon_random codon_random,DNAStringSet-method codon_random,regioned_dna-method
Maximize or minimize the usage of certain codon.codon_to codon_to,regioned_dna-method
Calculating the dinucleotide usage difference between sequencesdinu_dist dinu_dist,ANY-method
Maximize or minimize the usage of certain dinucleotide.dinu_to dinu_to,regioned_dna-method
Get codon usage matrixget_cu get_cu,DNAStringSet-method get_cu,regioned_dna-method
Get the DNAStringSet dataget_dna get_dna,regioned_dna-method
Get dinucleotide usage matrixget_du get_du,DNAStringSet-method get_du,regioned_dna-method
Get codon usage frequency of synonymous codonsget_freq get_freq,DNAStringSet-method get_freq,matrix-method get_freq,regioned_dna-method get_freq,vector-method
Get nucleotide usage matrixget_nu get_nu,DNAStringSet-method get_nu,regioned_dna-method
Get the variable regionget_region get_region,regioned_dna-method
Get Relative Synonymous Codon Usage (rscu) of synonymous codonsget_rscu get_rscu,DNAStringSet-method get_rscu,regioned_dna-method
Import region / constructing regioned_dna objectinput_seq input_seq,character-method input_seq,DNAString-method input_seq,DNAStringSet-method
An S4 class to record DNA sequences and variable regions for mutationsregioned_dna-class
Generate 'n' random DNA sequnces of length 'm'seq_random seq_random,numeric,numeric-method