Package: ORFik 1.27.1

Haakon Tjeldnes

ORFik: Open Reading Frames in Genomics

R package for analysis of transcript and translation features through manipulation of sequence data and NGS data like Ribo-Seq, RNA-Seq, TCP-Seq and CAGE. It is generalized in the sense that any transcript region can be analysed, as the name hints to it was made with investigation of ribosomal patterns over Open Reading Frames (ORFs) as it's primary use case. ORFik is extremely fast through use of C++, data.table and GenomicRanges. Package allows to reassign starts of the transcripts with the use of CAGE-Seq data, automatic shifting of RiboSeq reads, finding of Open Reading Frames for whole genomes and much more.

Authors:Haakon Tjeldnes [aut, cre, dtc], Kornel Labun [aut, cph], Michal Swirski [ctb], Katarzyna Chyzynska [ctb, dtc], Yamila Torres Cleuren [ctb, ths], Eivind Valen [ths, fnd]

ORFik.pdf |ORFik.html
ORFik/json (API)

# Install 'ORFik' in R:
install.packages('ORFik', repos = c('', ''))

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Uses libs:
  • c++– GNU Standard C++ Library v3

On BioConductor:ORFik-1.27.1(bioc 3.21)ORFik-1.26.1(bioc 3.20)


10.59 score 33 stars 2 packages 119 scripts 364 downloads 2 mentions 221 exports 129 dependencies

Last updated 2 months agofrom:6b522dff39. Checks:1 OK, 8 WARNING. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKJan 13 2025
R-4.5-win-x86_64WARNINGJan 13 2025
R-4.5-linux-x86_64WARNINGJan 13 2025
R-4.4-win-x86_64WARNINGJan 13 2025
R-4.4-mac-x86_64WARNINGJan 13 2025
R-4.4-mac-aarch64WARNINGJan 13 2025
R-4.3-win-x86_64WARNINGJan 13 2025
R-4.3-mac-x86_64WARNINGJan 13 2025
R-4.3-mac-aarch64WARNINGJan 13 2025



Annotation & Alignment

Rendered fromAnnotation_Alignment.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jan 13 2025.

Last update: 2024-10-14
Started: 2022-10-27

Data management

Rendered fromORFikExperiment.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jan 13 2025.

Last update: 2024-12-13
Started: 2022-10-27

Importing data

Rendered fromImporting_Data.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jan 13 2025.

Last update: 2024-10-02
Started: 2023-03-23

ORFik Overview

Rendered fromORFikOverview.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jan 13 2025.

Last update: 2024-06-05
Started: 2017-11-22

Ribo-seq pipeline

Rendered fromRibo-seq_pipeline.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jan 13 2025.

Last update: 2024-10-02
Started: 2022-10-27

Working with transcripts

Rendered fromWorking_with_transcripts.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jan 13 2025.

Last update: 2023-08-04
Started: 2023-03-23

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
ORFik for analysis of open reading frames.ORFik-package ORFik
Create small artificial orfs from cdsartificial.orfs
Input a txdb and add a 5' leader for each transcript, that does not have one.assignTSSByCage
Map genomic to transcript coordinates by referenceasTX
Get library variable names from ORFik 'experiment'bamVarName
Open SRA in browser for specific bioprojectbrowseSRA
Codon usagecodon_usage
Codon analysis for ORFik experimentcodon_usage_exp
Plot codon_usagecodon_usage_plot
Very fast fastq/fasta collapsercollapse.fastq
Collapse duplicated readscollapseDuplicatedReads
Collapse duplicated readscollapseDuplicatedReads,data.table-method
Collapse duplicated readscollapseDuplicatedReads,GAlignmentPairs-method
Collapse duplicated readscollapseDuplicatedReads,GAlignments-method
Collapse duplicated readscollapseDuplicatedReads,GRanges-method
Create all unique combinations pairs possiblecombn.pairs
Get all main features in ORFikcomputeFeatures
Get all main features in ORFikcomputeFeaturesCage
Read directory config for ORFik experimentsconfig
Get path for ORFik config in cacheconfig_file
Set directories for experimentconfig.exper
Save/update directory config for ORFik
Convert libraries to ofstconvert_bam_to_ofst
Convert to BigWigconvert_to_bigWig
Convert libraries to covRleconvert_to_covRle
Convert libraries to covRleList objectsconvert_to_covRleList
Convert to fstwigconvert_to_fstWig
Converted format of NGS librariesconvertLibs
Convert a GRanges Object to 1 width readsconvertToOneBasedRanges
Get correlation between columnscor_plot
Get correlation between columnscor_table
Correlation plots between all samplescorrelation.plots
CountOverlaps with weightscountOverlapsW
Extract count table directly from experimentcountTable
Make a list of count matrices from experimentcountTable_regions
Convert coverage RleList to data.tablecoverage_to_dt
coverageByTranscript with coverage inputcoverageByTranscriptC
coverageByTranscript with weightscoverageByTranscriptW
Create a heatmap of coveragecoverageHeatMap
Get coverage per groupcoveragePerTiling
Add a coverage scoring schemecoverageScorings
Coverage Rlelist for both strandscovRle
Coverage Rle for both strands or singlecovRle-class
Convert GRanges to covRlecovRleFromGR
Coverage Rlelist for both strandscovRleList
List of covRlecovRleList-class
Create an ORFik 'experiment'create.experiment
Defines trailers for ORF.defineTrailer
Get DESeq2 model without running resultsDEG_model
Get DESeq2 model results from DESeqDataSetDEG_model_results
Simple Fpkm ratio test DEGDEG_model_simple
Run differential TE analysisDEG.analysis
Plot DEG resultDEG.plot.static
Get experimental design Find the column/columns that create a separation between samples, by default skips replicate and choose first that is from either: libtype, condition, stage and,experiment-method
Detect ORFs by Ribosome profiling datadetect_ribo_orfs
Detect ribosome shiftsdetectRibosomeShifts
Disengagement score (DS)disengagementScore
Distance to following range groupdistanceToFollowing
Distance to preceding range groupdistanceToPreceding
Get distances between ORF ends and starts of their transcripts cds.distToCds
Get distances between ORF Start and TSS of its transcriptdistToTSS
Download read libraries from SRAdownload.SRA
Downloads metadata from SRAdownload.SRA.metadata
Run differential TE analysisDTEG.analysis
Plot DTEG resultDTEG.plot
Percentage of maximum entropyentropy
Get ORFik experiment environmentenvExp
Get ORFik experiment environmentenvExp,experiment-method
Set ORFik experiment environmentenvExp<-
Set ORFik experiment environmentenvExp<-,experiment-method
experiment class definitionexperiment experiment-class
Decide color for libraries by groupingexperiment.colors
Export as bed12 formatexport.bed12
Store GRanges object as .bedoexport.bedo
Store GAlignments object as .bedocexport.bedoc
Export as bigWig formatexport.bigWig
Export as fstwig (fastwig) formatexport.fstwig
Store GRanges / GAlignments object as .ofstexport.ofst
Store GRanges / GAlignments object as .ofstexport.ofst,GAlignmentPairs-method
Store GRanges / GAlignments object as .ofstexport.ofst,GAlignments-method
Store GRanges / GAlignments object as .ofstexport.ofst,GRanges-method
Export as wiggle formatexport.wiggle
Extend the leaders transcription start sites.extendLeaders
Extend Leaders UntilextendLeadersUntil
Extend the Trailers transcription stop sitesextendTrailers
Extend Trailers UntilextendTrailersUntil
Extract SRR/ERR/DRR run IDs from stringextract_run_id
strandMode covRlef
strandMode covRlef,covRle-method
Get file extension of files without compressionsfile_ext_without_compression
Get filepaths to ORFik experimentfilepath
Filter out transcript by a median filterfilterExtremePeakGenes
Filter transcripts by lengthsfilterTranscripts
Load any type of sequencing readsfimport
Locates and check if fastq files exists in ebifind_url_ebi
Convenience wrapper for Rsamtools FaFilefindFa
Find ORFs and immediately map them to their genomic positions.findMapORFs
Find Open Reading Frames.findORFs
Finds Open Reading Frames in fasta files.findORFsFasta
Find peaks per genefindPeaksPerGene
Find upstream ORFs from transcript annotationfindUORFs
Find upstream ORFs from transcript annotationfindUORFs_exp
Get first end per granges groupfirstEndPerGroup
Get first exon per GRangesList groupfirstExonPerGroup
Get first start per granges groupfirstStartPerGroup
Fix a malformed gff filefix_malformed_gff
Get flanks per groupflankPerGroup
Fragment Length Organization Similarity Scorefloss
Create normalizations of overlapping read counts.fpkm
Fraction LengthfractionLength
Load bed file as GRangesfread.bed
Get GC contentgcContent
Get gene symbols from Ensembl gene idsgeneToSymbol
Query eutils for bioproject IDsget_bioproject_candidates
Download Silva SSU & LSU sequencesget_silva_rRNA
Download genome (fasta), annotation (GTF) and contaminantsgetGenomeAndAnnotation
Group GRangesgroupGRangesBy
Get number of ranges per group as an iterationgroupings
Coverage heatmap of single librariesheatMap_single
Create coverage heatmaps of specified regionheatMapRegion
Load GRanges object from .bedoimport.bedo
Load GAlignments object from .bedocimport.bedoc
Import region from fastwigimport.fstwig
Load GRanges / GAlignments object from .ofstimport.ofst
Import the GTF / GFF that made the txdbimportGtfFromTxdb
Get initiation score for a GRangesList of ORFsinitiationScore
Inside/Outside score (IO)insideOutsideORF
Download and prepare fastp trimmerinstall.fastp
Download sra toolkitinstall.sratoolkit
Find frame for each orf relative to cdsisInFrame
Find frame for each orf relative to cdsisOverlapping
Rank kozak initiation sequenceskozak_IR_ranking
Make sequence region heatmap relative to scoringkozakHeatmap
Make a score for each ORFs start region by proximity to KozakkozakSequenceScore
Get last end per granges grouplastExonEndPerGroup
Get last exon per GRangesList grouplastExonPerGroup
Get last start per granges grouplastExonStartPerGroup
length covRlelength,covRle-method
length covRleListlength,covRleList-method
lengths covRlelengths,covRle-method
lengths covRleListlengths,covRleList-method
Get ORFik experiment library folderlibFolder
Get ORFik experiment library folderlibFolder,experiment-method
Which type of library type in 'experiment'?libraryTypes
List current experiment availablelist.experiments
List genomes created with ORFiklist.genomes
Load transcript regionloadRegion
Get all regions of transcripts specified to environmentloadRegions
Load transcripts of given biotypeloadTranscriptType
General loader for txdbloadTxdb
Get longest ORF per stop sitelongestORFs
Make ORF names per orfmakeORFNames
Make a count matrix from a library or experimentmakeSummarizedExperimentFromBam
Make txdb from genomemakeTxdbFromGenome
Merge groups of Fastq /Fasta filesmergeFastq
Merge and save libraries of experimentmergeLibs
Guess SRA metadata columnsmetadata.autnaming
Calculate meta-coverage of reads around input GRanges/List object.metaWindow
Get experiment design model matrixmodel.matrix,experiment-method
Get name of ORFik experimentname
Get name of ORFik experimentname,experiment-method
Internal nrow function for ORFik experiment Number of runs in experimentnrow,experiment-method
Get list of the number of exons per groupnumExonsPerGroup
Merge multiple ofst fileofst_merge
Load length and names of all transcriptsoptimizedTranscriptLengths
Make optimized GRangesList objects saved to discoptimizeTranscriptRegions
Find shifted Ribo-seq frame distributionsorfFrameDistributions
An ORFik experiment to see how it looksORFik.template.experiment
An ORFik experiment to see how it looksORFik.template.experiment.zf
A post Alignment quality control of readsORFikQC
Get ORFscore for a GRangesList of ORFsorfScore
Get ORFik experiment organismorganism,experiment-method
Output NGS libraries to R as variablesoutputLibs
Simple PCA analysispcaExperiment
Faster pmapFromTranscriptpmapFromTranscriptF
Faster pmapToTranscriptpmapToTranscriptF
Plot area around TIS as histogrampSitePlot
Get ORFik experiment QC folder pathQCfolder
Get ORFik experiment QC folder pathQCfolder,experiment-method
A post Alignment quality control of readsQCreport
Load ORFik QC Statistics reportQCstats
Make plot of ORFik QCreportQCstats.plot
strandMode covRler
strandMode covRler,covRle-method
ORF rank in transcriptsrankOrder
Read ORFik 'experiment'read.experiment
Custom bam readerreadBam
Custom bigWig readerreadBigWig
Get read widthsreadWidths
Custom wig readerreadWig
Reassign all Transcript Start Sites (TSS)reassignTSSbyCage
Input a txdb and reassign the TSS for each transcript by CAGEreassignTxDbByCage
Reduce GRanges / GRangesListreduceKeepAttr
Find proportion of reads per position per read length in regionregionPerReadLength
Remove ORFik experiment libraries load in Rremove.experiments
Get ORFik experiment main output directoryresFolder
Get ORFik experiment main output directoryresFolder,experiment-method
Get periodogram data per read lengthribo_fft
Get periodogram plot per read lengthribo_fft_plot
Load Predicted translonsriboORFs
Define folder for prediction outputriboORFsFolder
Quality control for pshifted Ribo-seq dataRiboQC.plot
Ribosome Release Score (RRS)ribosomeReleaseScore
Ribosome Stalling Score (RSS)ribosomeStallingScore
Normalize a data.table of coverage by RNA seq per positionrnaNormalize
Get SRR/DRR/ERR run ids from ORFik experimentrunIDs
Get SRR/DRR/ERR run ids from ORFik experimentrunIDs,experiment-method
Save 'experiment' to discsave.experiment
Scale (bin) windows to a meta window of given sizescaledWindowPositions
Helper function for makeSummarizedExperimentFromBamscoreSummarizedExperiment
Seqinfo covRle Extracted from forward RleListseqinfo,covRle-method
Seqinfo covRle Extracted from forward RleListseqinfo,covRleList-method
Seqinfo ORFik experiment Extracted from fasta genome indexseqinfo,experiment-method
Seqlevels covRle Extracted from forward RleListseqlevels,covRle-method
Seqlevels covRleList Extracted from forward RleListseqlevels,covRleList-method
Seqlevels ORFik experiment Extracted from fasta genome indexseqlevels,experiment-method
Seqnames ORFik experiment Extracted from fasta genome indexseqnames,experiment-method
Get list of seqnames per granges groupseqnamesPerGroup
Shift footprints by selected offsetsshiftFootprints
Shift footprints of each file in experimentshiftFootprintsByExperiment
Plot shifted heatmaps per libraryshiftPlots
Load the shifts from experimentshifts_load
Save shifts for Ribo-seqshifts_save
covRle show definitionshow,covRle-method
covRleList show definitionshow,covRleList-method
experiment show definitionshow,experiment-method
Converted format of NGS librariessimpleLibs
Sort a GRangesListsortPerGroup
Align all libraries in folder with STARSTAR.align.folder
Align single or paired end pair with STARSTAR.align.single
Create STAR multiQC plot and tableSTAR.allsteps.multiQC
Create STAR genome indexSTAR.index
Download and prepare STARSTAR.install
Create STAR multiQC plot and tableSTAR.multiQC
Remove crashed STAR genomeSTAR.remove.crashed.genome
Get the Start codons(3 bases) from a GRangesList of orfs grouped by orfsstartCodons
Returns start codon definitionsstartDefinition
Start region as GRangesListstartRegion
Start region coveragestartRegionCoverage
Get start region as DNA-strings per GRanges groupstartRegionString
Get the start sites from a GRangesList of orfs grouped by orfsstartSites
Get the Stop codons (3 bases) from a GRangesList of orfs grouped by orfsstopCodons
Returns stop codon definitionsstopDefinition
Stop region as GRangesListstopRegion
Get the stop sites from a GRangesList of orfs grouped by orfsstopSites
Get logical list of strandsstrandBool
strandMode covRlestrandMode,covRle-method
strandMode covRlestrandMode,covRleList-method
Get list of strands per granges groupstrandPerGroup
Subset GRanges to get desired frame.subsetToFrame
sum covRlesum,covRle-method
Get ORFik experiment QC folder pathsymbols
Get ORFik experiment QC folder pathsymbols,experiment-method
Translational efficiency plotste_rna.plot
Translational efficiency plotste.plot
Create a TE tablete.table
Tile each GRangesList group to 1-base resolution.tile1
TOP Motif ecdf plotTOP.Motif.ecdf
TOP Motif detectiontopMotif
Make 100 bases size meta window for all libraries in experimenttranscriptWindow
Translational efficiencytranslationalEff
Create trimming tabletrimming.table
Get transcript names from orf namestxNames
Convert transcript names to gene namestxNamesToGeneNames
Get transcript sequence from a GRangesList and a faFile or BSgenometxSeqsFromFa
Get the unique set of groups in a GRangesListuniqueGroups
Get unique ordering for GRangesList groupsuniqueOrder
Safe unlistunlistGrl
Get flanks as GRangesunlistToExtremities
Create search space to look for uORFsuORFSearchSpace
Get list of widths per granges groupwidthPerGroup
Get meta coverage plot of readswindowCoveragePlot
Get window region of GRanges objectwindowPerGroup
Find proportion of reads per position per read length in windowwindowPerReadLength