ORFik for analysis of open reading frames. | ORFik-package ORFik |
add_pseudo_5utrs_txdb_if_needed | add_pseudo_5utrs_txdb_if_needed |
Create small artificial orfs from cds | artificial.orfs |
Input a txdb and add a 5' leader for each transcript, that does not have one. | assignTSSByCage |
Map genomic to transcript coordinates by reference | asTX |
Get library variable names from ORFik 'experiment' | bamVarName |
Open SRA in browser for specific bioproject | browseSRA |
Codon usage | codon_usage |
Codon analysis for ORFik experiment | codon_usage_exp |
Plot codon_usage | codon_usage_plot |
Very fast fastq/fasta collapser | collapse.fastq |
Collapse duplicated reads | collapseDuplicatedReads |
Collapse duplicated reads | collapseDuplicatedReads,data.table-method |
Collapse duplicated reads | collapseDuplicatedReads,GAlignmentPairs-method |
Collapse duplicated reads | collapseDuplicatedReads,GAlignments-method |
Collapse duplicated reads | collapseDuplicatedReads,GRanges-method |
Create all unique combinations pairs possible | combn.pairs |
Get all main features in ORFik | computeFeatures |
Get all main features in ORFik | computeFeaturesCage |
Read directory config for ORFik experiments | config |
Get path for ORFik config in cache | config_file |
Set directories for experiment | config.exper |
Save/update directory config for ORFik experiments | config.save |
Convert libraries to ofst | convert_bam_to_ofst |
Convert to BigWig | convert_to_bigWig |
Convert libraries to covRle | convert_to_covRle |
Convert libraries to covRleList objects | convert_to_covRleList |
Convert to fstwig | convert_to_fstWig |
Converted format of NGS libraries | convertLibs |
Convert a GRanges Object to 1 width reads | convertToOneBasedRanges |
Get correlation between columns | cor_plot |
Get correlation between columns | cor_table |
Correlation plots between all samples | correlation.plots |
CountOverlaps with weights | countOverlapsW |
Extract count table directly from experiment | countTable |
Make a list of count matrices from experiment | countTable_regions |
Convert coverage RleList to data.table | coverage_to_dt |
coverageByTranscript with coverage input | coverageByTranscriptC |
coverageByTranscript with weights | coverageByTranscriptW |
Create a heatmap of coverage | coverageHeatMap |
Get coverage per group | coveragePerTiling |
Add a coverage scoring scheme | coverageScorings |
Coverage Rlelist for both strands | covRle |
Coverage Rle for both strands or single | covRle-class |
Convert GRanges to covRle | covRleFromGR |
Coverage Rlelist for both strands | covRleList |
List of covRle | covRleList-class |
Create an ORFik 'experiment' | create.experiment |
Defines trailers for ORF. | defineTrailer |
Get DESeq2 model without running results | DEG_model |
Get DESeq2 model results from DESeqDataSet | DEG_model_results |
Simple Fpkm ratio test DEG | DEG_model_simple |
Run differential TE analysis | DEG.analysis |
Plot DEG result | DEG.plot.static |
Get experimental design Find the column/columns that create a separation between samples, by default skips replicate and choose first that is from either: libtype, condition, stage and fraction. | design,experiment-method |
Detect ORFs by Ribosome profiling data | detect_ribo_orfs |
Detect ribosome shifts | detectRibosomeShifts |
Disengagement score (DS) | disengagementScore |
Distance to following range group | distanceToFollowing |
Distance to preceding range group | distanceToPreceding |
Get distances between ORF ends and starts of their transcripts cds. | distToCds |
Get distances between ORF Start and TSS of its transcript | distToTSS |
Download read libraries from SRA | download.SRA |
Downloads metadata from SRA | download.SRA.metadata |
Run differential TE analysis | DTEG.analysis |
Plot DTEG result | DTEG.plot |
Percentage of maximum entropy | entropy |
Get ORFik experiment environment | envExp |
Get ORFik experiment environment | envExp,experiment-method |
Set ORFik experiment environment | envExp<- |
Set ORFik experiment environment | envExp<-,experiment-method |
experiment class definition | experiment experiment-class |
Decide color for libraries by grouping | experiment.colors |
Export as bed12 format | export.bed12 |
Store GRanges object as .bedo | export.bedo |
Store GAlignments object as .bedoc | export.bedoc |
Export as bigWig format | export.bigWig |
Export as fstwig (fastwig) format | export.fstwig |
Store GRanges / GAlignments object as .ofst | export.ofst |
Store GRanges / GAlignments object as .ofst | export.ofst,GAlignmentPairs-method |
Store GRanges / GAlignments object as .ofst | export.ofst,GAlignments-method |
Store GRanges / GAlignments object as .ofst | export.ofst,GRanges-method |
Export as wiggle format | export.wiggle |
Extend the leaders transcription start sites. | extendLeaders |
Extend Leaders Until | extendLeadersUntil |
Extend the Trailers transcription stop sites | extendTrailers |
Extend Trailers Until | extendTrailersUntil |
Extract SRR/ERR/DRR run IDs from string | extract_run_id |
strandMode covRle | f |
strandMode covRle | f,covRle-method |
Get file extension of files without compressions | file_ext_without_compression |
Get filepaths to ORFik experiment | filepath |
Filter out transcript by a median filter | filterExtremePeakGenes |
Filter transcripts by lengths | filterTranscripts |
Load any type of sequencing reads | fimport |
Locates and check if fastq files exists in ebi | find_url_ebi |
Convenience wrapper for Rsamtools FaFile | findFa |
Find ORFs and immediately map them to their genomic positions. | findMapORFs |
Find Open Reading Frames. | findORFs |
Finds Open Reading Frames in fasta files. | findORFsFasta |
Find peaks per gene | findPeaksPerGene |
Find upstream ORFs from transcript annotation | findUORFs |
Find upstream ORFs from transcript annotation | findUORFs_exp |
Get first end per granges group | firstEndPerGroup |
Get first exon per GRangesList group | firstExonPerGroup |
Get first start per granges group | firstStartPerGroup |
Fix a malformed gff file | fix_malformed_gff |
Get flanks per group | flankPerGroup |
Fragment Length Organization Similarity Score | floss |
Create normalizations of overlapping read counts. | fpkm |
Fraction Length | fractionLength |
Load bed file as GRanges | fread.bed |
Get GC content | gcContent |
Get gene symbols from Ensembl gene ids | geneToSymbol |
Query eutils for bioproject IDs | get_bioproject_candidates |
Download Silva SSU & LSU sequences | get_silva_rRNA |
Download genome (fasta), annotation (GTF) and contaminants | getGenomeAndAnnotation |
Group GRanges | groupGRangesBy |
Get number of ranges per group as an iteration | groupings |
Coverage heatmap of single libraries | heatMap_single |
Create coverage heatmaps of specified region | heatMapRegion |
Load GRanges object from .bedo | import.bedo |
Load GAlignments object from .bedoc | import.bedoc |
Import region from fastwig | import.fstwig |
Load GRanges / GAlignments object from .ofst | import.ofst |
Import the GTF / GFF that made the txdb | importGtfFromTxdb |
Get initiation score for a GRangesList of ORFs | initiationScore |
Inside/Outside score (IO) | insideOutsideORF |
Download and prepare fastp trimmer | install.fastp |
Download sra toolkit | install.sratoolkit |
Find frame for each orf relative to cds | isInFrame |
Find frame for each orf relative to cds | isOverlapping |
Rank kozak initiation sequences | kozak_IR_ranking |
Make sequence region heatmap relative to scoring | kozakHeatmap |
Make a score for each ORFs start region by proximity to Kozak | kozakSequenceScore |
Get last end per granges group | lastExonEndPerGroup |
Get last exon per GRangesList group | lastExonPerGroup |
Get last start per granges group | lastExonStartPerGroup |
length covRle | length,covRle-method |
length covRleList | length,covRleList-method |
lengths covRle | lengths,covRle-method |
lengths covRleList | lengths,covRleList-method |
Get ORFik experiment library folder | libFolder |
Get ORFik experiment library folder | libFolder,experiment-method |
Which type of library type in 'experiment'? | libraryTypes |
List current experiment available | list.experiments |
List genomes created with ORFik | list.genomes |
Load transcript region | loadRegion |
Get all regions of transcripts specified to environment | loadRegions |
Load transcripts of given biotype | loadTranscriptType |
General loader for txdb | loadTxdb |
Get longest ORF per stop site | longestORFs |
Make ORF names per orf | makeORFNames |
Make a count matrix from a library or experiment | makeSummarizedExperimentFromBam |
Make txdb from genome | makeTxdbFromGenome |
Merge groups of Fastq /Fasta files | mergeFastq |
Merge and save libraries of experiment | mergeLibs |
Guess SRA metadata columns | metadata.autnaming |
Calculate meta-coverage of reads around input GRanges/List object. | metaWindow |
Get experiment design model matrix | model.matrix,experiment-method |
Get name of ORFik experiment | name |
Get name of ORFik experiment | name,experiment-method |
Internal nrow function for ORFik experiment Number of runs in experiment | nrow,experiment-method |
Get list of the number of exons per group | numExonsPerGroup |
Merge multiple ofst file | ofst_merge |
Load length and names of all transcripts | optimizedTranscriptLengths |
Make optimized GRangesList objects saved to disc | optimizeTranscriptRegions |
Find shifted Ribo-seq frame distributions | orfFrameDistributions |
An ORFik experiment to see how it looks | ORFik.template.experiment |
An ORFik experiment to see how it looks | ORFik.template.experiment.zf |
A post Alignment quality control of reads | ORFikQC |
Get ORFscore for a GRangesList of ORFs | orfScore |
Get ORFik experiment organism | organism,experiment-method |
Output NGS libraries to R as variables | outputLibs |
Simple PCA analysis | pcaExperiment |
Faster pmapFromTranscript | pmapFromTranscriptF |
Faster pmapToTranscript | pmapToTranscriptF |
Plot area around TIS as histogram | pSitePlot |
Get ORFik experiment QC folder path | QCfolder |
Get ORFik experiment QC folder path | QCfolder,experiment-method |
A post Alignment quality control of reads | QCreport |
Load ORFik QC Statistics report | QCstats |
Make plot of ORFik QCreport | QCstats.plot |
strandMode covRle | r |
strandMode covRle | r,covRle-method |
ORF rank in transcripts | rankOrder |
Read ORFik 'experiment' | read.experiment |
Custom bam reader | readBam |
Custom bigWig reader | readBigWig |
Get read widths | readWidths |
Custom wig reader | readWig |
Reassign all Transcript Start Sites (TSS) | reassignTSSbyCage |
Input a txdb and reassign the TSS for each transcript by CAGE | reassignTxDbByCage |
Reduce GRanges / GRangesList | reduceKeepAttr |
Find proportion of reads per position per read length in region | regionPerReadLength |
Remove ORFik experiment libraries load in R | remove.experiments |
Get ORFik experiment main output directory | resFolder |
Get ORFik experiment main output directory | resFolder,experiment-method |
Get periodogram data per read length | ribo_fft |
Get periodogram plot per read length | ribo_fft_plot |
Load Predicted translons | riboORFs |
Define folder for prediction output | riboORFsFolder |
Quality control for pshifted Ribo-seq data | RiboQC.plot |
Ribosome Release Score (RRS) | ribosomeReleaseScore |
Ribosome Stalling Score (RSS) | ribosomeStallingScore |
Normalize a data.table of coverage by RNA seq per position | rnaNormalize |
Get SRR/DRR/ERR run ids from ORFik experiment | runIDs |
Get SRR/DRR/ERR run ids from ORFik experiment | runIDs,experiment-method |
Save 'experiment' to disc | save.experiment |
Scale (bin) windows to a meta window of given size | scaledWindowPositions |
Helper function for makeSummarizedExperimentFromBam | scoreSummarizedExperiment |
Seqinfo covRle Extracted from forward RleList | seqinfo,covRle-method |
Seqinfo covRle Extracted from forward RleList | seqinfo,covRleList-method |
Seqinfo ORFik experiment Extracted from fasta genome index | seqinfo,experiment-method |
Seqlevels covRle Extracted from forward RleList | seqlevels,covRle-method |
Seqlevels covRleList Extracted from forward RleList | seqlevels,covRleList-method |
Seqlevels ORFik experiment Extracted from fasta genome index | seqlevels,experiment-method |
Seqnames ORFik experiment Extracted from fasta genome index | seqnames,experiment-method |
Get list of seqnames per granges group | seqnamesPerGroup |
Shift footprints by selected offsets | shiftFootprints |
Shift footprints of each file in experiment | shiftFootprintsByExperiment |
Plot shifted heatmaps per library | shiftPlots |
Load the shifts from experiment | shifts_load |
Save shifts for Ribo-seq | shifts_save |
covRle show definition | show,covRle-method |
covRleList show definition | show,covRleList-method |
experiment show definition | show,experiment-method |
Converted format of NGS libraries | simpleLibs |
Sort a GRangesList | sortPerGroup |
Align all libraries in folder with STAR | STAR.align.folder |
Align single or paired end pair with STAR | STAR.align.single |
Create STAR multiQC plot and table | STAR.allsteps.multiQC |
Create STAR genome index | STAR.index |
Download and prepare STAR | STAR.install |
Create STAR multiQC plot and table | STAR.multiQC |
Remove crashed STAR genome | STAR.remove.crashed.genome |
Get the Start codons(3 bases) from a GRangesList of orfs grouped by orfs | startCodons |
Returns start codon definitions | startDefinition |
Start region as GRangesList | startRegion |
Start region coverage | startRegionCoverage |
Get start region as DNA-strings per GRanges group | startRegionString |
Get the start sites from a GRangesList of orfs grouped by orfs | startSites |
Get the Stop codons (3 bases) from a GRangesList of orfs grouped by orfs | stopCodons |
Returns stop codon definitions | stopDefinition |
Stop region as GRangesList | stopRegion |
Get the stop sites from a GRangesList of orfs grouped by orfs | stopSites |
Get logical list of strands | strandBool |
strandMode covRle | strandMode,covRle-method |
strandMode covRle | strandMode,covRleList-method |
Get list of strands per granges group | strandPerGroup |
Subset GRanges to get desired frame. | subsetToFrame |
sum covRle | sum,covRle-method |
Get ORFik experiment QC folder path | symbols |
Get ORFik experiment QC folder path | symbols,experiment-method |
Translational efficiency plots | te_rna.plot |
Translational efficiency plots | te.plot |
Create a TE table | te.table |
Tile each GRangesList group to 1-base resolution. | tile1 |
TOP Motif ecdf plot | TOP.Motif.ecdf |
TOP Motif detection | topMotif |
Make 100 bases size meta window for all libraries in experiment | transcriptWindow |
Translational efficiency | translationalEff |
Create trimming table | trimming.table |
Get transcript names from orf names | txNames |
Convert transcript names to gene names | txNamesToGeneNames |
Get transcript sequence from a GRangesList and a faFile or BSgenome | txSeqsFromFa |
Get the unique set of groups in a GRangesList | uniqueGroups |
Get unique ordering for GRangesList groups | uniqueOrder |
Safe unlist | unlistGrl |
Get flanks as GRanges | unlistToExtremities |
Create search space to look for uORFs | uORFSearchSpace |
Get list of widths per granges group | widthPerGroup |
Get meta coverage plot of reads | windowCoveragePlot |
Get window region of GRanges object | windowPerGroup |
Find proportion of reads per position per read length in window | windowPerReadLength |