Package: ENmix 1.41.2

Zongli Xu

ENmix: Quality control and analysis tools for Illumina DNA methylation BeadChip

Tools for quanlity control, analysis and visulization of Illumina DNA methylation array data.

Authors:Zongli Xu [cre, aut], Liang Niu [aut], Jack Taylor [ctb]

ENmix.pdf |ENmix.html
ENmix/json (API)

# Install 'ENmix' in R:
install.packages('ENmix', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

Bug tracker:

On BioConductor:ENmix-1.41.1(bioc 3.20)ENmix-1.40.1(bioc 3.19)


37 exports 1.58 score 149 dependencies 27 mentions

Last updated 28 days agofrom:b6da63addc



ENmix User's Guide

Rendered fromENmix.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jun 13 2024.

Last update: 2024-06-13
Started: 2023-03-04

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Converting methylation beta value to M value.B2M
To calculate detection P valuescalcdetP
Identification of differentially methylated regionscombp
Non-negative internal control surrogate variablesctrlsva
Evaluation of measurement reliability using duplicate samplesdupicc
Cell type proportion estimatorestimateCellProp
Frequency polygon plotfreqpoly
Extract methylation Beta values.getB
CpG probe annotation inforamtiongetCGinfo
Create a methDataSetgetmeth
Differentially methylated regionsipdmr
Converting methylation M value to beta value.M2B
Class '"methDataSet"'methDataSet methDataSet-class show, methDataSet-method
DNA Methylation predictorsmethscore
Methylation Age estimatormethyAge
P value manhattan plotmhtplot
methylation data QC and preprocessing pipeline for Illuminal BeadChipsmpreprocess
Multiple frequency polygon plotmultifreqpoly
Estimating number of mode for each row of datanmode
Quantile normalization.norm.quantile
P value Q-Q plotp.qqplot
Principal component regression plotpcrplot
Internal control plotplotCtrl
Estimating sample sexpredSex
The ENmix background correctionpreprocessENmix
Filtering out low quality and outlier dataqcfilter
Extract QC informationQCinfo
Illumina methylation array probe type bias correctionrcp
Modified RCP methodrcp2
Parsing IDAT files for Illumina methylation arrays .readidat
Parsing Illumina methylation arrays manifest file.readmanifest
REgression on Logarithm of Internal Control probes (RELIC)relic
Calculating intraclass correlation coefficient using replicate samplesrepicc
Class '"rgDataSet"'rgDataSet rgDataSet-class show, rgDataSet-method
Remove suffix from CpG names and combine duplicated CpGsrm.cgsuffix
Simulation of bed format example file.simubed