bugfix, updated user manual
add function: combp,ipdmr,mhtplot,p.qqplot
removed function bmiq.mc and ComBat.mc
getBeta: bugfix for handling large dataset
updated User's guide
corrected User's guide
bug fix
add pipeline function mpreprocess
bug fix
bug fix
bug fix
bug fix
added function relic
added function ctrlsva
added function oxBS.MLE
added function rcp for probe type bias correction
Bugfix in function rm.outlier
Improved code for parallel computing
Added a function freqpoly
Removed function QCfilter
Heavily modified function QCinfo
Add an argument exSample to preprocessENmix
Citation information update
Revised user's guide
Improved code in function nmode.mc.R
Improved code in function multifreqpoly.R and rm.outlier.R
rm.outlier was modified to have more functionality
Function rm.outlier was added
Function multifreqpoly was added
Improve code in function preprocessENmix to use less memory.
Bugfix in function preprocessENmix for parallel computing.
Initial release to Bioconductor.
Added NEWS file.
Bugfix to vignette.