Package: spatialHeatmap 2.11.0

Jianhai Zhang

spatialHeatmap: spatialHeatmap

The spatialHeatmap package offers the primary functionality for visualizing cell-, tissue- and organ-specific assay data in spatial anatomical images. Additionally, it provides extended functionalities for large-scale data mining routines and co-visualizing bulk and single-cell data.

Authors:Jianhai Zhang [aut, trl, cre], Le Zhang [aut], Jordan Hayes [aut], Brendan Gongol [aut], Alexander Borowsky [aut], Julia Bailey-Serres [aut], Thomas Girke [aut]

spatialHeatmap.pdf |spatialHeatmap.html
spatialHeatmap/json (API)

# Install 'spatialHeatmap' in R:
install.packages('spatialHeatmap', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

Bug tracker:


On BioConductor:spatialHeatmap-2.11.0(bioc 3.20)spatialHeatmap-2.10.1(bioc 3.19)


80 exports 1.38 score 163 dependencies

Last updated 2 months agofrom:59099722a3



spatialHeatmap: Visualizing Spatial Assays in Anatomical Images and Large-Scale Data Extensions

Rendered fromspatialHeatmap.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jul 06 2024.

Last update: 2024-04-19
Started: 2020-10-21

spatialHeatmap: Co-visualizing Bulk and Single-cell Assay Data

Rendered fromcovisualize.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jul 06 2024.

Last update: 2024-02-11
Started: 2022-06-09

Creating Custom Annotated SVGs

Rendered fromcustom_SVGs.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jul 06 2024.

Last update: 2024-02-11
Started: 2023-12-06

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
spatialHeatmap Spatial Heatmap, Spatial Enrichment, Data Mining, Co-visualizationspatialHeatmap-package spatialHeatmap
Computing adjacency matrix and identifying network modulesadj_mod
Aggregate "Sample__Condition" Replicates in Data Matrixaggr_rep
A list of URLs of remote aSVG reposaSVG.remote.repo
Add manual cell group labels to SingleCellExperimentcell_group
Cluster single cells or combination of single cells and bulkcluster_cell
Optimization of co-clustering bulk and single cell datacoclus_opt
Co-clustering bulk and single cell datacocluster desired_bulk_shiny filter_asg filter_cell refine_asg
Combine Factors in Targets Filecom_factor
Co-visualizing spatial heatmaps with single-cell embedding plotscovis covis,SPHM-method
Create Customized spatialHeatmap Shiny Appscustom_shiny
Cutting dendrogramscut_dendro
Converting gene ids using annotation databasescvt_id
Calculating relative expression valuesdata_ref
Creat databases for the Shiny AppDatabase read_hdf5 write_hdf5
Edit Targets Filesedit_tar
Filtering the Data Matrixfilter_data
Hierarchical clustering combined with matrix heatmapmatrix_hm
Network graphsnetwork
Normalizing single cell datanorm_cell
Normalize Sequencing Count Matrixnorm_data
Jointl normalization of spatially resolved single cell data and bulk datanorm_srsc
Bar plots of co-clustering optimization results.opt_bar
Bar plots of co-clustering optimization results.opt_setting
Violin plots of co-clustering validation resultsopt_violin
Using the elbow method to find the optimal number of clusters in K-means clusteringoptimal_k
Embedding plots of single cells/bulk tissues after co-clusteringplot_dim
Plotting the clusters returned by K-means clusteringplot_kmeans
Meta function for plotting spatial heatmaps or co-visualizing bulk and single cell dataplot_meta
Processing single cell RNA-seq count dataprocess_cell_meta
Quality control in single cell dataqc_cell
Read R Objects from Cacheread_cache
Import Data from Tabular Filesread_fr
Parsing annotated SVG (aSVG) filesread_svg
Reducing dimensionality in count datareduce_dim
Reduce sample replicatesreduce_rep
Return aSVG Files Relevant to Target Featuresreturn_feature
Save R Objects in Cachesave_cache
Integrated Shiny Appshiny_shm
Plot Spatial Heatmapsshm shm,SPHM-method
Plot Spatial Heatmapsspatial_hm spatial_hm,SVG-method
Identifying spatially enriched or depleted biomoleculesgraph_line ovl_enrich query_enrich sf_var SpatialEnrichment spatial_enrich
The SPHM classSPHM SPHM-class
Methods for S4 class 'SPHM'bulk bulk,SPHM-method bulk<- bulk<-,SPHM-method cell cell,SPHM-method cell<- cell<-,SPHM-method length length,SPHM-method match match,SPHM-method match<- match<-,SPHM-method name name,SPHM-method output output,SPHM-method output<- output<-,SPHM-method SPHMMethods svg svg,SPHM-method svg<- svg<-,SPHM-method [,SPHM,ANY,ANY,ANY-method [<-,SPHM,ANY,ANY,ANY-method
Subsetting data matrixsubmatrix
The SVG class for storing annotated SVG (aSVG) instancesSVG SVG-class
Methods for S4 class 'SVG'angle angle,SVG-method angle<- angle<-,SVG-method attribute attribute,SVG-method attribute<- attribute<-,SVG-method cmb cmb,SVG,SVG-method coordinate coordinate,SVG-method coordinate<- coordinate<-,SVG-method dimension dimension,SVG-method dimension<- dimension<-,SVG-method length,SVG-method names names,SVG-method names<-,SVG-method raster_pa raster_pa,SVG-method raster_pa<- raster_pa<-,SVG-method sub_sf sub_sf,SVG-method SVGMethods svg_obj svg_obj,SVG-method svg_obj<- svg_obj<-,SVG-method [,SVG,ANY,ANY,ANY-method [<-,SVG,ANY,ANY,ANY-method
Assign true bulk to cells in 'colData' slot.true_bulk
Update aSVG Spatial Featuresupdate_feature
Exporting each spatial heatmap to a separate SVG filewrite_svg