Package: scoreInvHap 1.27.0

Dolors Pelegri-Siso

scoreInvHap: Get inversion status in predefined regions

scoreInvHap can get the samples' inversion status of known inversions. scoreInvHap uses SNP data as input and requires the following information about the inversion: genotype frequencies in the different haplotypes, R2 between the region SNPs and inversion status and heterozygote genotypes in the reference. The package include this data for 21 inversions.

Authors:Carlos Ruiz [aut], Dolors Pelegrí [aut], Juan R. Gonzalez [aut, cre]

scoreInvHap.pdf |scoreInvHap.html
scoreInvHap/json (API)

# Install 'scoreInvHap' in R:
install.packages('scoreInvHap', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

  • Refs - Genotype frequency in references
  • SNPsR2 - R2 between the SNPs and the inversion status
  • hetRefs - Heterozygote genotypes in the references
  • info - SNP reference description
  • inversionGR - Inversions' description

On BioConductor:scoreInvHap-1.27.0(bioc 3.20)scoreInvHap-1.26.0(bioc 3.19)

This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.


13 exports 0.91 score 72 dependencies 2 mentions

Last updated 2 months agofrom:509fec21b5



Inversion genotyping with scoreInvHap

Rendered fromscoreInvHap.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jun 21 2024.

Last update: 2019-06-07
Started: 2017-06-22

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Adapt references to imputed dataadaptRefs
Check genotype objectcheckSNPs
Get similarity scores and probabilityclassifSNPs classifSNPsImpute
Compute all similarity scores for a samplecomputeScore
Solve genotypes discrepanciescorrectAlleleTable
Compute the allele tablegetAlleleTable
Get genotypes tablegetGenotypesTable
Get the inversion status of a samplegetInvStatus
Heterozygote genotypes in the referenceshetRefs
SNP reference descriptioninfo
Inversions' descriptioninversionGR
Modify feature data from VCFprepareMap
Genotype frequency in referencesRefs
scoreInvHap: package to get inversion status of predefined regions.scoreInvHap
scoreInvHapRes instancescertainty certainty,scoreInvHapRes-method classification classification,scoreInvHapRes-method diffscores diffscores,scoreInvHapRes-method maxscores maxscores,scoreInvHapRes-method numSNPs numSNPs,scoreInvHapRes-method plotCallRate plotCallRate,scoreInvHapRes-method plotScores plotScores,scoreInvHapRes-method propSNPs propSNPs,scoreInvHapRes-method scoreInvHapRes scoreInvHapRes-class scoreInvHapRes-methods scores scores,scoreInvHapRes-method
R2 between the SNPs and the inversion statusSNPsR2