Package: mosdef 1.1.0

Federico Marini

mosdef: MOSt frequently used and useful Differential Expression Functions

This package provides functionality to run a number of tasks in the differential expression analysis workflow. This encompasses the most widely used steps, from running various enrichment analysis tools with a unified interface to creating plots and beautifying table components linking to external websites and databases. This streamlines the generation of comprehensive analysis reports.

Authors:Leon Dammer [aut], Federico Marini [aut, cre]

mosdef.pdf |mosdef.html
mosdef/json (API)

# Install 'mosdef' in R:
install.packages('mosdef', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

Bug tracker:


On BioConductor:mosdef-1.1.0(bioc 3.20)mosdef-1.0.0(bioc 3.19)


26 exports 1.85 score 176 dependencies

Last updated 2 months agofrom:33678acc43



The mosdef User's Guide

Rendered frommosdef_userguide.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jul 05 2024.

Last update: 2024-04-23
Started: 2021-10-01

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Printing some info before the enrichment runs.info_enrichrun
Create sets of buttons for gene symbolsbuttonifier
Link to dbPTM databasecreate_link_dbPTM
Link to ENSEMBL databasecreate_link_ENSEMBL
Link to the GeneCards databasecreate_link_GeneCards
Link to AMIGO databasecreate_link_GO
Link to the GTEx Portalcreate_link_GTEX
Link to the Human Protein Atlascreate_link_HPA
Link to NCBI databasecreate_link_NCBI
Link to Pubmedcreate_link_PubMed
Link to UniProt databasecreate_link_UniProt
DE table painterde_table_painter
Generates a volcano plot using ggplot2de_volcano
Generate a table from the 'DESeq2' resultsderesult_to_df
Plot expression values for a genegene_plot
Information on a genegeneinfo_to_html
Get expression valuesget_expr_values
Information on a Gene Ontology identifiergo_to_html
Generates a volcano plot using ggplot2 This function generates a base volcano plot highlighting genes associated with a certain GOterm that can then be expanded upon using further ggplot functions.go_volcano
Maps numeric values to color valuesmap_to_color
A function checking if your 'de_container' contains everything you needmosdef_de_container_check
A function checking if your res_de contains everything you needmosdef_res_check
MA-plot from base means and log fold changesplot_ma
A sample enrichment objectres_enrich_macrophage_cluPro
A sample enrichment objectres_enrich_macrophage_goseq
A sample enrichment objectres_enrich_macrophage_topGO
A sample 'DESeqResults' objectres_macrophage_IFNg_vs_naive
Extract functional terms enriched in the DE genes, based on clusterProfilerrun_cluPro
Extract functional terms enriched in the DE genes, based on goseqrun_goseq
Extract functional terms enriched in the DE genes, based on topGOrun_topGO
Style DT color barsstyleColorBar_divergent