Package: mosbi 1.13.0

Tim Daniel Rose

mosbi: Molecular Signature identification using Biclustering

This package is a implementation of biclustering ensemble method MoSBi (Molecular signature Identification from Biclustering). MoSBi provides standardized interfaces for biclustering results and can combine their results with a multi-algorithm ensemble approach to compute robust ensemble biclusters on molecular omics data. This is done by computing similarity networks of biclusters and filtering for overlaps using a custom error model. After that, the louvain modularity it used to extract bicluster communities from the similarity network, which can then be converted to ensemble biclusters. Additionally, MoSBi includes several network visualization methods to give an intuitive and scalable overview of the results. MoSBi comes with several biclustering algorithms, but can be easily extended to new biclustering algorithms.

Authors:Tim Daniel Rose [cre, aut], Josch Konstantin Pauling [aut], Nikolai Koehler [aut]

mosbi.pdf |mosbi.html
mosbi/json (API)

# Install 'mosbi' in R:
install.packages('mosbi', repos = c('', ''))
Uses libs:
  • c++– GNU Standard C++ Library v3

On BioConductor:mosbi-1.13.0(bioc 3.21)mosbi-1.12.0(bioc 3.20)

This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.


4.30 score 8 scripts 180 downloads 81 exports 53 dependencies

Last updated 4 months agofrom:ba952acfa3. Checks:1 OK, 1 NOTE, 9 WARNING. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 20 2025
R-4.5-win-x86_64WARNINGFeb 20 2025
R-4.5-mac-x86_64WARNINGFeb 20 2025
R-4.5-mac-aarch64WARNINGFeb 20 2025
R-4.5-linux-x86_64NOTEFeb 20 2025
R-4.4-win-x86_64WARNINGFeb 20 2025
R-4.4-mac-x86_64WARNINGFeb 20 2025
R-4.4-mac-aarch64WARNINGFeb 20 2025
R-4.3-win-x86_64WARNINGFeb 20 2025
R-4.3-mac-x86_64WARNINGFeb 20 2025
R-4.3-mac-aarch64WARNINGFeb 20 2025



Example workflow

Rendered fromexample-workflow.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 20 2025.

Last update: 2022-01-14
Started: 2021-08-24

Similarity Metrics Evaluation

Rendered fromsimilarity-metrics-evaluation.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 20 2025.

Last update: 2021-10-12
Started: 2021-08-24

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Get list the list of algorithms from a list of bicluster objects.algohistogram
Apply a threshold to a bicluster similarity adjacency matrix or a co-occurrence adjacency matrix.apply_threshold
Apply a threshold to a bicluster similarity adjacency matrix.apply_threshold,bicluster_net-method
Apply a threshold to a co-occurrence adjacency matrix.apply_threshold,cooccurrence_net-method
Count how often row/column elements occur in biclusters.attr_overlap
Generate attribute specific co-occurance networks.attribute_graph
Extract the class-wise degree of an adjacency matrix.attributeConnector
Plot a heatmap of a biclusterbicluster_heatmap
Plot a heatmap of a biclusterbicluster_heatmap,bicluster,matrix-method
Convert Bicluster network to an igraph graph objectbicluster_net_to_igraph
Convert Bicluster network to an igraph graph objectbicluster_net_to_igraph,bicluster_net-method
A S4 class to store bicluster networks.bicluster_net bicluster_net-class
Generate a bicluster networkbicluster_network
Convert a bicluster object to an acutal submatrix of the original matrix.bicluster_to_matrix
Convert a bicluster object to an acutal submatrix of the original matrix.bicluster_to_matrix,matrix,bicluster-method
A S4 class to store biclusters.bicluster bicluster-class
Throw an error, if a matrix has not both row- and colnames.check_names
Clean a list of biclusters, by returning only the valid ones,clean_bicluster_list
Get the columnlengths for a list of bicluster objects.colhistogram
Convert a co-occurence network to an igraph graph objectcooccurrence_net_to_igraph
Convert a co-occurrence to an igraph graph objectcooccurrence_net_to_igraph,cooccurrence_net-method
A S4 class to store co-occurence networks.cooccurrence_net cooccurrence_net-class
Subsetting of R matrices within c++.cpp_matrix_subsetting
Detect the number of elements in a list of biclusters.detect_elements
Get the dimensions of a bicluster.dim,bicluster-method
Compute distances between biclustersdistance_matrix
Convert communities into ensemble biclustersensemble_biclusters
Overlap of features/samples in different louvain communitiesfeature_louvain_overlap
Generate a co-occurence networkfeature_network
Filter a list of bicluster objects, by erasing all biclusters, that do not fulfill the minimum number of rows and columns. Utilizes the function 'validate_bicluster'.filter_bicluster_size
Filter biclusters based on a user defined filter function.filter_biclusters
Filter a matrixfilter_matrix
Remove all biclusters from a list, that are identical or perfect subsets from each other. Additionally all invalid biclusters are removed (See 'validate_bicluster').filter_subsets
Generate a similarity network for a list of biclustersfull_graph
Get Adjacency matrixget_adjacency
Get Adjacency matrixget_adjacency,bicluster_net-method
Get Algorithmsget_algorithms
Get bicluster network algorithmsget_bic_net_algorithms
Get bicluster network algorithmsget_bic_net_algorithms,bicluster_net-method
Extract biclusters from different algorithms/packagesget_biclusters
Get louvain communities from a bicluster networkget_louvain_communities
Get louvain communities from a bicluster networkget_louvain_communities,bicluster_net-method
Get louvain communities from a co-occurrence networkget_louvain_communities,cooccurrence_net-method
Extract a list of bicluster objects from an akmbiclust biclustering object.getAkmbiclustClusters
Get all biclusters from a Bi-Force output file.getallBFClusters
Get a bicluster a Bi-Force output filegetBFCluster
Extract a list of bicluster objects from an BicARE biclustering object.getBicAREbiclusters
Extract a list of bicluster objects from a biclust object.getBiclustClusters
Extract a list of bicluster objects from an biclustpy output file.getBiclustpyClusters
Extract a list of bicluster objects from an fabia biclustering object.getFabiaClusters
Extract a list of bicluster objects from an isa2 biclustering object.getIsaClusters
Extract QUBIC2 biclustersgetQUBIC2biclusters
Check, whether a matrix has row- and colnames.has_names
Check if a bicluster is a subset (in rows AND columns) of identical to another bicluster.is_subset_or_identical
Mouse brain lipidomics datamouse_data
Count edges in an adjacency matrix using different cut-off thresholds.network_edge_strength
Count edges in an adjacency matrix using different cut-off thresholds.network_edge_strength_float
Get the number of biclusters, generated by the Bi-Force algorithm.NoBFBiclusters
Node sizes for plotting bicluster networks.node_size
Occurance matrix of data points in a list of biclustersoccurance_matrix
Occurance table of data points in a list of biclustersoccurance_table
Probability for an overlap of two samples.p_overlap
Probability for an overlap of two dimensional samplesp_overlap_2d
Probability for an overlap higher or equal to the observed one of two dimensional samplesp_overlap_2d_higher
Probability for an overlap higher or equal to the observed one of two samplesp_overlap_higher
Plot a bicluster network colored by algorithms.plot_algo_network
Plot a bicluster network with piecharts as nodes.plot_piechart_bicluster_network
Plot a bicluster networkplot,bicluster_net,missing-method
Plot a co-occurrence networkplot,cooccurrence_net,missing-method
Randomize a matrixrandomize_matrix
Replace elements of an integer matrix.replace_threshold
Replace values in an integer adjacency matrix.replace_values
Replace values in a adjacency matrix.replace_values_float
Get the rowlengths for a list of bicluster objects.rowhistogram
Run the akmbiclust biclustering algorithmrun_akmbiclust
Run the Bimax biclustering algorithmrun_bimax
Run the CC biclustering algorithmrun_cc
Run the fabia biclustering algorithmrun_fabia
Run the isa biclustering algorithmrun_isa
Run the Plaid biclustering algorithmrun_plaid
Run the QUBIC biclustering algorithmrun_qubic
Run the Quest biclustering algorithmrun_quest
Run the spectral biclustering algorithmrun_spectral
Run the UniBic biclustering algorithmrun_unibic
Run the Xmotifs biclustering algorithmrun_xmotifs
Sample a list of biclusters.sample_biclusters
Create a subset of biclusters based on a bicluster networkselect_biclusters_from_bicluster_network
Create a subset of biclusters based on a bicluster networkselect_biclusters_from_bicluster_network,bicluster_net,list-method
Add row-/colnames to a bicluster object.set_bicluster_names
Add row-/colnames to a bicluster object.set_bicluster_names,bicluster,matrix-method
Compute similarities between biclusterssimilarity_matrix
Transpose a bicluster. Row and column slots will be changed.transpose_bicluster
Indicates, whether a bicluster is valid. That means it needs at least one row and one column.validate_bicluster
Save adjacency matrix as GraphML filewrite_graphml
Write an R matrix to a file (In a Bi-Force or QUBIC2 readable format).write_matrix
Make a vector of R indices compatible with c++ by substracting every element by one.zero_subsetting