Package: minfi 1.53.1
minfi: Analyze Illumina Infinium DNA methylation arrays
Tools to analyze & visualize Illumina Infinium methylation arrays.
minfi.pdf |minfi.html✨
minfi/json (API)
# Install 'minfi' in R: |
install.packages('minfi', repos = c('', '')) |
Bug tracker:
On BioConductor:minfi-1.53.1(bioc 3.21)minfi-1.52.1(bioc 3.20)
Last updated 3 months agofrom:3852366c4f. Checks:1 OK, 3 ERROR, 3 NOTE. Indexed: yes.
Target | Result | Latest binary |
Doc / Vignettes | OK | Jan 19 2025 |
R-4.5-win | NOTE | Jan 19 2025 |
R-4.5-linux | ERROR | Jan 19 2025 |
R-4.4-win | NOTE | Jan 19 2025 |
R-4.4-mac | NOTE | Jan 19 2025 |
R-4.3-win | ERROR | Jan 19 2025 |
R-4.3-mac | ERROR | Jan 19 2025 |
Readme and manuals
Help Manual
Help page | Topics |
Analyze Illumina's methylation arrays | minfi-package minfi |
Finds blocks of methylation differences for Illumina methylation arrays | blockFinder |
Methods for function 'bumphunter' in Package 'minfi' | bumphunter,GenomicRatioSet-method |
A method for combining different types of methylation arrays into a virtual array. | combineArrays combineArrays,GenomicMethylSet,GenomicMethylSet-method combineArrays,GenomicRatioSet,GenomicRatioSet-method combineArrays,MethylSet,MethylSet-method combineArrays,RatioSet,RatioSet-method combineArrays,RGChannelSet,RGChannelSet-method |
Estimates A/B compartments from Illumina methylation arrays | compartments createCorMatrix extractAB |
Plot control probe signals. | controlStripPlot |
A method for converting a type of methylation arrays into a virtual array of another type. | convertArray convertArray,GenomicMethylSet-method convertArray,GenomicRatioSet-method convertArray,MethylSet-method convertArray,RatioSet-method convertArray,RGChannelSet-method |
Collapse methylation values of adjacent CpGs into a summary value. | cpgCollapse |
Density bean plots of methylation Beta values. | densityBeanPlot |
Density plots of methylation Beta values. | densityPlot |
Detection p-values for all probed genomic positions. | detectionP |
Find differentially methylated positions | dmpFinder |
Cell Proportion Estimation | estimateCellCounts |
Fix methylation outliers | fixMethOutliers |
Find gap signals in 450k data | gaphunter |
GenomicMethylSet instances | annotation,GenomicMethylSet-method annotation<-,GenomicMethylSet,ANY-method combine,GenomicMethylSet,GenomicMethylSet-method featureNames,GenomicMethylSet-method featureNames<-,GenomicMethylSet-method GenomicMethylSet GenomicMethylSet-class getBeta,GenomicMethylSet-method getCN,GenomicMethylSet-method getM,GenomicMethylSet-method getMeth,GenomicMethylSet-method getUnmeth,GenomicMethylSet-method mapToGenome,GenomicMethylSet-method pData,GenomicMethylSet-method pData<-,GenomicMethylSet,DataFrame-method preprocessMethod,GenomicMethylSet-method sampleNames,GenomicMethylSet-method sampleNames<-,GenomicMethylSet,ANY-method show,GenomicMethylSet-method |
GenomicRatioSet instances | annotation,GenomicRatioSet-method annotation<-,GenomicRatioSet,ANY-method combine,GenomicRatioSet,GenomicRatioSet-method featureNames,GenomicRatioSet-method featureNames<-,GenomicRatioSet-method GenomicRatioSet GenomicRatioSet-class getBeta,GenomicRatioSet-method getCN getCN,GenomicRatioSet-method getM,GenomicRatioSet-method mapToGenome,GenomicRatioSet-method pData,GenomicRatioSet-method pData<-,GenomicRatioSet,DataFrame-method preprocessMethod,GenomicRatioSet-method sampleNames,GenomicRatioSet-method sampleNames<-,GenomicRatioSet,ANY-method show,GenomicRatioSet-method |
Accessing annotation for Illumina methylation objects | addSnpInfo dropLociWithSnps getAnnotation getAnnotationObject getIslandStatus getLocations getProbeType getSnpInfo |
Reading Illumina methylation array data from GEO. | getGenomicRatioSetFromGEO |
Various utilities | getMethSignal |
Estimate sample-specific quality control (QC) for methylation data | addQC getQC plotQC |
Estimating sample sex based on methylation data | addSex getSex plotSex |
Class 'IlluminaMethylationAnnotation' | getManifest,IlluminaMethylationAnnotation-method IlluminaMethylationAnnotation IlluminaMethylationAnnotation-class show,IlluminaMethylationAnnotation-method |
Class '"IlluminaMethylationManifest"' | getControlAddress getManifest getManifest,character-method getManifest,IlluminaMethylationManifest-method getManifestInfo getProbeInfo IlluminaMethylationManifest IlluminaMethylationManifest-class show,IlluminaMethylationManifest-method |
logit in base 2. | ilogit2 logit2 |
Make a GenomicRatioSet from a matrix | makeGenomicRatioSetFromMatrix |
Mapping methylation data to the genome | mapToGenome mapToGenome,MethylSet-method mapToGenome,RatioSet-method mapToGenome,RGChannelSet-method mapToGenome-methods |
Multi-dimensional scaling plots giving an overview of similarities and differences between samples. | mdsPlot |
MethylSet instances | annotation,MethylSet-method annotation<-,MethylSet,ANY-method combine,MethylSet,MethylSet-method dropMethylationLoci featureNames,MethylSet-method featureNames<-,MethylSet-method getBeta getBeta,MethylSet-method getCN,MethylSet-method getM getM,MethylSet-method getManifest,MethylSet-method getMeth getMeth,MethylSet-method getUnmeth getUnmeth,MethylSet-method MethylSet MethylSet-class pData,MethylSet-method pData<-,MethylSet,DataFrame-method preprocessMethod preprocessMethod,MethylSet-method sampleNames,MethylSet-method sampleNames<-,MethylSet,ANY-method show,MethylSet-method |
Defunct functions in package 'minfi' | minfi-defunct read.450k read.450k.exp read.450k.sheet |
Deprecated functions in package 'minfi' | minfi-deprecated |
easy one-step QC of methylation object | minfiQC |
Plot the overall distribution of beta values and the distributions of the Infinium I and II probe types. | plotBetasByType |
Plot methylation values at an single genomic position | plotCpg |
Functional normalization for Illumina 450k arrays | preprocessFunnorm |
Perform preprocessing as Genome Studio. | bgcorrect.illumina normalize.illumina.control preprocessIllumina |
The Noob/ssNoob preprocessing method for Infinium methylation microarrays. | preprocessNoob |
Stratified quantile normalization for an Illumina methylation array. | preprocessQuantile |
Creation of a MethylSet without normalization | preprocessRaw |
Subset-quantile Within Array Normalisation for Illumina Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChips | preprocessSWAN |
QC report for Illumina Infinium Human Methylation 450k arrays | qcReport |
Converting methylation signals to ratios (Beta or M-values) | ratioConvert ratioConvert,GenomicMethylSet-method ratioConvert,MethylSet-method ratioConvert-methods |
RatioSet instances | annotation,RatioSet-method annotation<-,RatioSet,ANY-method combine,RatioSet,RatioSet-method featureNames,RatioSet-method featureNames<-,RatioSet-method getBeta,RatioSet-method getCN,RatioSet-method getM,RatioSet-method pData,RatioSet-method pData<-,RatioSet,DataFrame-method preprocessMethod,RatioSet-method RatioSet RatioSet-class sampleNames,RatioSet-method sampleNames<-,RatioSet,ANY-method show,RatioSet-method |
Parsing IDAT files from Illumina methylation arrays. | read.metharray |
Reads an entire metharray experiment using a sample sheet | read.metharray.exp |
Reading an Illumina methylation sample sheet | read.metharray.sheet |
Read in Unmethylated and Methylated signals from a GEO raw file. | readGEORawFile |
Read in tab deliminited file in the TCGA format | readTCGA |
Class '"RGChannelSet"' | annotation,RGChannelSet-method annotation<-,RGChannelSet,ANY-method coerce,RGChannelSetExtended,RGChannelSet-method combine,RGChannelSet,RGChannelSet-method featureNames,RGChannelSet-method featureNames<-,RGChannelSet-method getBeta,RGChannelSet-method getGreen getManifest,RGChannelSet-method getNBeads getOOB getRed getSnpBeta pData,RGChannelSet-method pData<-,RGChannelSet,DataFrame-method RGChannelSet RGChannelSet-class RGChannelSetExtended RGChannelSetExtended-class sampleNames,RGChannelSet-method sampleNames<-,RGChannelSet,ANY-method show,RGChannelSet-method |
Subset an RGChannelset by CpG loci. | subsetByLoci |