Package: methylPipe 1.39.0

Mattia Furlan

methylPipe: Base resolution DNA methylation data analysis

Memory efficient analysis of base resolution DNA methylation data in both the CpG and non-CpG sequence context. Integration of DNA methylation data derived from any methodology providing base- or low-resolution data.

Authors:Mattia Pelizzola [aut], Kamal Kishore [aut], Mattia Furlan [ctb, cre]

methylPipe.pdf |methylPipe.html
methylPipe/json (API)

# Install 'methylPipe' in R:
install.packages('methylPipe', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

On BioConductor:methylPipe-1.39.0(bioc 3.20)methylPipe-1.38.0(bioc 3.19)

This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.


32 exports 1.24 score 154 dependencies 1 dependents 9 mentions

Last updated 2 months agofrom:7fec8ef4a9




Rendered frommethylPipe.rnwusingknitr::knitron Jun 25 2024.

Last update: 2015-05-11
Started: 2014-08-27

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Analysis of base-pair resolution DNA methylation data.methylPipe-package methylPipe
Class "BSdata"BSdata BSdata-class show,BSdata-method
Class "BSdataSet"$,BSdataSet $,BSdataSet-method BSdataSet BSdataSet-class length,BSdataSet-method show,BSdataSet-method [,BSdataSet,ANY,ANY-method [[,BSdataSet,ANY,ANY-method [[<-,BSdataSet,ANY,ANY-method
Preparing tabular data to be used to feed a BSdata objectBSprepare
Fisher's method implementationchiCombP
Consolidating Differentially Methylated Regions (DMRs)consolidateDMRs
Extract genomic ranges for a given binextractBinGRanges
Identifying Differentially Methylated Regions (DMRs)findDMR findDMR,BSdataSet-method findDMR,methylPipe,BSdataSet findDMR,methylPipe,BSdataSet-method findDMR-methods
Identifying Partially Methylated Domains (PMDs)findPMDs findPMDs,BSdata-method findPMDs,methylPipe,BSdata findPMDs,methylPipe,BSdata-method findPMDs-methods
Class "GEcollection"binC binC,GEcollection-method binmC binmC,GEcollection-method binrC binrC,GEcollection-method binscore binscore,GEcollection-method binscore<- binscore<-,GEcollection-method chr chr,GEcollection-method GEcollection GEcollection-class length length,GEcollection-method nbins nbins,GEcollection-method show,GEcollection-method
Class "GElist"$,GElist $,GElist-method GElist GElist-class length,GElist-method show,GElist-method [,GElist,ANY,ANY-method [[,GElist,ANY,ANY-method [[<-,GElist,ANY,ANY-method
Get genomic Cxx positons for a series of genomic regionsgetCpos getCposChr
Determines the density of genomic Cxx positions for a series of genomic regionsgetCposDensity
Retrieve mC calls for a GRanges set of genomic regions given a BSdata object for a samplemapBSdata2GRanges mapBSdata2GRangesBin
Smoothing and plotting methylation datamCsmoothing mCsmoothing,BSdata-method mCsmoothing,methylPipe,BSdata mCsmoothing,methylPipe,BSdata-method mCsmoothing-methods
Function to read methylation
Exploratory statistics of samples in BSdataSet objectmethstats methstats,BSdataSet-method methstats,methylPipe,BSdataSet methstats,methylPipe,BSdataSet-method methstats-methods
Plot DNA methylation together with other omics, or annotation data for a genomic regionplotMeth
Function to pool reads of replicatespool.reads
Processing hmC information from the MLML outputprocess.hmc
Profile DNA methylation data for a set of genomic regionsprofileDNAmetBin profileDNAmetBinParallel
Partitioning genome in chunks, for parallel computationsplitChrs
Convert the list returned by the function scanTabix into a GRangestabixdata2GR