methylPipe 1.17.1
- updated or fixed the following functions:
+ getCposDensity : fixed the warning message in checking for NA in a list
methylPipe 1.4.3
- updated or fixed the following functions:
+ findDMR: updated the function to allow it to run without number of processor specification
methylPipe 1.4.2
- updated or fixed the following functions:
+ meth.stats: updated the coverage object error in this function
methylPipe 1.4.1
- updated or fixed the following functions:
+ pool.reads: added this new function to pool reads of replicates into a single file for each condition
methylPipe 1.3.3
- updated or fixed the following functions:
+ profileDNAmetBinParallel: fixed the error when there is single minus strand in GRanges for profiling
methylPipe 1.3.2
- updated or fixed the following functions:
+ coverage is outputted now as an GRanges object
+ findDMR: coverage threshold is used even for unmethylated cytosines
+ getCposChr: fixed bug which was ignoring Cytosines at the boundary of genomic ranges on both sides
methylPipe 1.2.1
- updated or fixed the following functions:
+ plotMeth: updated arguments: grl, brmeth and genomic co-ordinates; removed arguments: Datatrackname
+ updated vignette
methylPipe 1.0.4
- updated or fixed the following functions:
+ BSprepare: fixed the problem of chromosome name with numeric values
+ updated all examples with updated tabix indexed files
+ updated vignette
methylPipe 1.0.3
- updated or fixed the following functions:
+ BSprepare: fixed the problem of unsorted files
+ BSprepare: fixed the problem of methylation files with numeric chromosome name
+ methstats: Added a new function to provide descriptive statistics of methylation data
methylPipe 1.0.2
- updated or fixed the following functions:
+ profileDNAmetBinParallel
+ updated R version dependency information
methylPipe 1.0.0
- initial version with the following functions implemented:
+ mCsmoothing
+ findPMDs
+ plotAnnoBar
+ mapBSdata2GRanges
+ findDMR
+ consolidateDMRs
+ getCpos
+ profileDNAmetBin
+ plotMeth
+ BSprepare
+ GElist-class
+ GEcollection-class
+ BSdataSet-class
+ BSdata-class