Statistical analysis for sparse high-throughput sequencing | metagenomeSeq-package metagenomeSeq |
Aggregates a MRexperiment object or counts matrix to by a factor. | aggregateBySample aggSamp |
Aggregates a MRexperiment object or counts matrix to a particular level. | aggregateByTaxonomy aggTax |
Biom to MRexperiment objects | biom2MRexperiment |
Cumulative sum scaling (css) normalization factors | calcNormFactors |
Positive component | calcPosComponent |
Calculate shrinkage parameters | calcShrinkParameters |
Calculate the zero-inflated log-normal statistic's standard error | calcStandardError |
Estimated effective samples per feature | calculateEffectiveSamples |
Calculate the zero-inflated component's adjustment factor | calcZeroAdjustment |
Zero component | calcZeroComponent |
Calculate the correct indices for the output of correlationTest | correctIndices |
Correlation of each row of a matrix or MRexperiment object | correlationTest corTest |
Cumulative sum scaling normalization | cumNorm |
Cumulative sum scaling factors. | cumNormMat |
Cumulative sum scaling percentile selection | cumNormStat |
Cumulative sum scaling percentile selection | cumNormStatFast |
Compute the Maximization step calculation for features still active. | doCountMStep |
Compute the Expectation step. | doEStep |
Compute the zero Maximization step. | doZeroMStep |
Export the normalized MRexperiment dataset as a matrix. | exportMat exportMatrix |
Various statistics of the count data. | exportStats |
Access MRexperiment object experiment data | expSummary expSummary,MRexperiment-method |
Extract the essentials of an MRexperiment. | extractMR |
Filter datasets according to no. features present in features with at least a certain depth. | filterData |
Wrapper to calculate Discovery Odds Ratios on feature values. | fitDO |
Computes differential abundance analysis using a zero-inflated log-normal model | fitFeatureModel |
Class "fitFeatureModelResults" - a formal class for storing results from a fitFeatureModel call | fitFeatureModelResults-class |
Computes a log-normal linear model and permutation based p-values. | fitLogNormal |
Discover differentially abundant time intervals for all bacteria | fitMultipleTimeSeries |
Wrapper to run fisher's test on presence/absence of a feature. | fitPA |
Discover differentially abundant time intervals using SS-Anova | fitSSTimeSeries |
Discover differentially abundant time intervals | fitTimeSeries |
Compute the log fold-change estimates for the zero-inflated log-normal model | fitZeroLogNormal |
Computes the weighted fold-change estimates and t-statistics. | fitZig |
Class "fitZigResults" - a formal class for storing results from a fitZig call | fitZigResults-class |
Compute the value of the count density function from the count model residuals. | getCountDensity |
Calculate the relative difference between iterations of the negative log-likelihoods. | getEpsilon |
Calculate the negative log-likelihoods for the various features given the residuals. | getNegativeLogLikelihoods |
Calculate the mixture proportions from the zero model / spike mass model residuals. | getPi |
Calculate the current Z estimate responsibilities (posterior probabilities) | getZ |
Function to determine if a feature is still active. | isItStillActive |
Access sample depth of coverage from MRexperiment object | libSize |
Replace the library sizes in a MRexperiment object | libSize<- libSize<-,MRexperiment,numeric-method |
Load objects organized in the Biom format. | loadBiom |
Load a count dataset associated with a study. | loadMeta metagenomicLoader |
Load a count dataset associated with a study set up in a Qiime format. | loadMetaQ qiimeLoader |
Load a clinical/phenotypic dataset associated with a study. | loadPhenoData phenoData |
OTU abundance matrix of samples from a smoker/non-smoker study | lungData |
Function to make labels simpler | makeLabels |
Merge two MRexperiment objects together | mergeMRexperiments |
Merge two tables | mergeTable |
Depcrecated functions in the metagenomeSeq package. | deprecated_metagenomeSeq_function fitMeta load_biom load_meta load_metaQ load_phenoData metagenomeSeq-deprecated |
OTU abundance matrix of mice samples from a diet longitudinal study | mouseData |
Table of top-ranked features from fitZig or fitFeatureModel | MRcoefs |
Accessor for the counts slot of a MRexperiment object | MRcounts MRcounts,MRexperiment-method |
Class "MRexperiment" - a modified eSet object for the data from high-throughput sequencing experiments | colMeans,MRexperiment-method colSums,MRexperiment-method libSize,MRexperiment-method MRexperiment-class normFactors,MRexperiment-method rowMeans,MRexperiment-method rowSums,MRexperiment-method [,MRexperiment,ANY,ANY,ANY-method [,MRexperiment-method |
MRexperiment to biom objects | MRexperiment2biom |
Table of top microbial marker gene from linear model fit including sequence information | MRfulltable |
MRihw runs IHW within a MRcoefs() call | MRihw |
MRihw runs IHW within a MRcoefs() call | MRihw,fitFeatureModelResults-method |
MRihw runs IHW within a MRcoefs() call | MRihw,fitZigResults-method |
Table of top microbial marker gene from linear model fit including sequence information | MRtable |
Create a MRexperiment object | newMRexperiment |
Access the normalization factors in a MRexperiment object | normFactors |
Replace the normalization factors in a MRexperiment object | normFactors<- normFactors<-,MRexperiment,numeric-method |
Basic plot of binned vectors. | plotBubble |
Plot abundances by class | plotClassTimeSeries |
Basic correlation plot function for normalized or unnormalized counts. | plotCorr |
Basic plot function of the raw or normalized data. | plotFeature |
Basic plot function of the raw or normalized data. | genusPlot plotGenus |
Basic heatmap plot function for normalized counts. | plotMRheatmap |
Plot of either PCA or MDS coordinates for the distances of normalized or unnormalized counts. | plotOrd |
Basic plot function of the raw or normalized data. | plotOTU |
Plot of rarefaction effect | plotRare |
Plot difference function for particular bacteria | plotTimeSeries |
Access the posterior probabilities that results from analysis | posteriorProbs posteriorProbs,MRexperiment-method |
Check if MRexperiment or matrix and return matrix | returnAppropriateObj |
smoothing-splines anova fit | ssFit |
calculate interesting time intervals | ssIntervalCandidate |
class permutations for smoothing-spline time series analysis | ssPerm |
smoothing-splines anova fits for each permutation | ssPermAnalysis |
Trapezoidal Integration | trapz |
With a list of fitTimeSeries results, generate an MRexperiment that can be plotted with metavizr | ts2MRexperiment |
Table of features unique to a group | uniqueFeatures |
Computes normalization factors using wrench instead of cumNorm | wrenchNorm |
Settings for the fitZig function | settings2 zigControl |