Package: gwascat 2.37.0

VJ Carey

gwascat: representing and modeling data in the EMBL-EBI GWAS catalog

Represent and model data in the EMBL-EBI GWAS catalog.

Authors:VJ Carey <[email protected]>

gwascat.pdf |gwascat.html
gwascat/json (API)

# Install 'gwascat' in R:
install.packages('gwascat', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

  • ebicat_2020_04_30 - Serialized gwaswloc instance from april 30 2020, sample of 50000 records
  • efo.obo.g - Convert a typical OBO text file to a graphNEL instance
  • g17SM - SnpMatrix instance from chr17
  • gg17N - Genotype matrix from chr17 1000 genomes
  • gr6.0_hg38 - Image of locon6 in GRanges, lifted over to hg38
  • gw6.rs_17 - Character vector of rs numbers for SNP on chr17
  • gwastagger - GRanges with LD information on 9998 SNP
  • locon6 - Location data for 10000 SNP
  • low17 - SnpMatrix instance from chr17
  • si.hs.37 - Seqinfo for GRCh37
  • si.hs.38 - Seqinfo for GRCh38

On BioConductor:gwascat-2.37.0(bioc 3.20)gwascat-2.36.0(bioc 3.19)

This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.


18 exports 2.09 score 99 dependencies 2 dependents 4 mentions

Last updated 2 months agofrom:5c502fb496



GWAS catalog: Phenotypes systematized by the experimental factor ontology

Rendered fromgwascatOnt.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jul 05 2024.

Last update: 2020-05-02
Started: 2015-08-03

gwascat: structuring and querying the NHGRI GWAS catalog

Rendered fromgwascat.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jul 05 2024.

Last update: 2022-08-09
Started: 2020-05-02

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
extractor for gwaswloc[,gwaswloc,ANY,ANY,ANY-method
produce a GRanges from gwascat tibbleas_GRanges
bind CADD scores of Kircher et al. 2014 to a GRanges instancebindcadd_snv
return TRUE if all named SNPs with locations in both the SNPlocs package and the gwascat agreechklocs
serialized gwaswloc instance from april 30 2020, sample of 50000 recordsebicat_2020_04_30
SnpMatrix instance from chr17g17SM
use BiocFileCache to retrieve and keep an image of the tsv file distributed by EBIget_cached_gwascat
generic snp name retrievalgetRsids
specific snp name retrievalgetRsids,gwaswloc-method
generic trait retrievalgetTraits
specific trait retrievalgetTraits,gwaswloc-method
genotype matrix from chr17 1000 genomesgg17N
image of locon6 in GRanges, lifted over to hg38gr6.0_hg38
character vector of rs numbers for SNP on chr17gw6.rs_17
grab an image of EBI GWAS catalog from AnnotationHubgwascat_from_AHub
GRanges with LD information on 9998 SNPgwastagger
container for gwas hit data and GRanges for addressesgwaswloc-class
use AnnotationHub snapshot as basis for gwaswloc structure creationgwcat_snapshot
Prepare salient components of GWAS catalog for rendering with Gvizgwcex2gviz
expand a list of variants by including those in a VCF with LD exceeding some threshold; uses snpStats ld()ldtagr
location data for 10000 SNPlocon6
get locations for SNP affecting a selected traitlocs4trait
SnpMatrix instance from chr17low17
read NHGRI GWAS catalog table and construct associated GRanges instance records for which clear genomic position cannot be determined are dropped from the ranges instance an effort is made to use reasonable data types for GRanges metadata, so some qualifying characters such as (EA) in Risk allele frequency field will simply be omitted during coercion of contents of that field to numeric.makeCurrentGwascat
convert a typical OBO text file to a graphNEL instance (using Term elements)efo.obo.g node2uri obo2graphNEL uri2node
convert GWAS catalog data.frame to gwaswloc, a GRanges extension with simple show methodprocess_gwas_dataframe
given a matrix of subjects x SNP calls, count number of risky allelesriskyAlleleCount
Seqinfo for GRCh37si.hs.37
Seqinfo for GRCh38si.hs.38
generic trait subsettingsubsetByChromosome
specific trait subsettingsubsetByChromosome,gwaswloc-method
generic trait subsettingsubsetByTraits
specific trait subsettingsubsetByTraits,gwaswloc-method
operations on GWAS catalogtopTraits
use ggbio facilities to display GWAS results for selected traits in genomic coordinatestraitsManh