Package: fedup 1.13.0

Catherine Ross

fedup: Fisher's Test for Enrichment and Depletion of User-Defined Pathways

An R package that tests for enrichment and depletion of user-defined pathways using a Fisher's exact test. The method is designed for versatile pathway annotation formats (eg. gmt, txt, xlsx) to allow the user to run pathway analysis on custom annotations. This package is also integrated with Cytoscape to provide network-based pathway visualization that enhances the interpretability of the results.

Authors:Catherine Ross [aut, cre]

fedup.pdf |fedup.html
fedup/json (API)

# Install 'fedup' in R:
install.packages('fedup', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

Bug tracker:

  • geneDouble - Example list of a background set and two sets of test genes to use for enrichment analysis.
  • geneMulti - Example list of a background set and multiple sets of test genes to use for enrichment analysis.
  • geneSingle - Example list of a background set and single set of test genes to use for enrichment analysis.
  • pathwaysGMT - Named list of human pathway annotations obtained from a GMT file.
  • pathwaysTXT - Example list of SAFE terms obtained from a TXT file.
  • pathwaysXLSX - Example list of SAFE terms obtained from a XLSX file.

On BioConductor:fedup-1.13.0(bioc 3.20)fedup-1.12.0(bioc 3.19)


7 exports 0.49 score 72 dependencies

Last updated 2 months agofrom:8a2647961b



Running fedup with a single test set

Rendered fromfedup_singleTest.rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jun 30 2024.

Last update: 2021-04-24
Started: 2021-03-24

Running fedup with multiple test sets

Rendered fromfedup_mutliTest.rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jun 30 2024.

Last update: 2021-04-24
Started: 2021-03-24

Running fedup with two test sets

Rendered fromfedup_doubleTest.rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jun 30 2024.

Last update: 2021-04-24
Started: 2021-03-24