Package: demuxmix 1.7.0

Hans-Ulrich Klein

demuxmix: Demultiplexing oligo-barcoded scRNA-seq data using regression mixture models

A package for demultiplexing single-cell sequencing experiments of pooled cells labeled with barcode oligonucleotides. The package implements methods to fit regression mixture models for a probabilistic classification of cells, including multiplet detection. Demultiplexing error rates can be estimated, and methods for quality control are provided.

Authors:Hans-Ulrich Klein [aut, cre]

demuxmix.pdf |demuxmix.html
demuxmix/json (API)

# Install 'demuxmix' in R:
install.packages('demuxmix', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

Bug tracker:

  • csf - Hashtag oligonucleotide (HTO) counts from 2,590 droplets

On BioConductor:demuxmix-1.7.0(bioc 3.20)demuxmix-1.6.0(bioc 3.19)


10 exports 0.91 score 29 dependencies 1 dependents

Last updated 2 months agofrom:f35ec72c4a



Demultiplexing oligonucleotide-labeled scRNA-seq data with demuxmix

Rendered fromdemuxmix.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jun 24 2024.

Last update: 2022-09-07
Started: 2021-08-08

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Hashtag oligonucleotide (HTO) counts from 2,590 dropletscsf
Demultiplexing using mixture modelsdemuxmix demuxmix,Matrix,missing-method demuxmix,matrix,missing-method demuxmix,Matrix,numeric-method demuxmix,matrix,numeric-method
A class representing a set of mixture models fitted to HTO dataDemuxmix Demuxmix-class pAcpt pAcpt,Demuxmix-method pAcpt<- pAcpt<-,Demuxmix,numeric-method show,Demuxmix-method summary,Demuxmix-method
Return classification results from a Demuxmix objectdmmClassify dmmClassify,Demuxmix-method
Calculate the intersection of two components of a mixture modeldmmOverlap dmmOverlap,Demuxmix,ANY-method dmmOverlap,Demuxmix,missing-method
Simulate HTO sequencing datadmmSimulateHto dmmSimulateHto,matrix-method
Plotting a histogram with mixture probability mass functionplotDmmHistogram plotDmmHistogram,Demuxmix,ANY-method plotDmmHistogram,Demuxmix,missing-method
Plotting a histogram of posterior probabilitiesplotDmmPosteriorP plotDmmPosteriorP,Demuxmix,ANY-method plotDmmPosteriorP,Demuxmix,missing-method
Plotting RNA features versus HTO countsplotDmmScatter plotDmmScatter,Demuxmix,ANY-method plotDmmScatter,Demuxmix,missing-method
Summarize classification results of a Demuxmix modelsummary summary,data.frame-method