Package: cmapR 1.19.0

Ted Natoli

cmapR: CMap Tools in R

The Connectivity Map (CMap) is a massive resource of perturbational gene expression profiles built by researchers at the Broad Institute and funded by the NIH Library of Integrated Network-Based Cellular Signatures (LINCS) program. Please visit for more information. The cmapR package implements methods to parse, manipulate, and write common CMap data objects, such as annotated matrices and collections of gene sets.

Authors:Ted Natoli [aut, cre]

cmapR.pdf |cmapR.html
cmapR/json (API)

# Install 'cmapR' in R:
install.packages('cmapR', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

Bug tracker:

  • cdesc_char - An example table of metadata, as would be parsed from or parse.gctx. Initially all the columns are of type character.
  • ds - An example of a GCT object with row and column metadata and gene expression values in the matrix.
  • gene_set - An example collection of gene sets as used in the Lamb 2006 CMap paper.
  • kd_gct - An example GCT object of knockdown experiments targeting a subset of landmark genes.

On BioConductor:cmapR-1.19.0(bioc 3.21)cmapR-1.18.0(bioc 3.20)


8.79 score 87 stars 262 scripts 794 downloads 3 mentions 52 exports 38 dependencies

Last updated 4 months agofrom:53a0f4e424. Checks:1 OK, 5 NOTE, 1 WARNING. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKJan 17 2025
R-4.5-winNOTEJan 17 2025
R-4.5-linuxNOTEJan 17 2025
R-4.4-winNOTEJan 17 2025
R-4.4-macNOTEJan 17 2025
R-4.3-winNOTEJan 17 2025
R-4.3-macWARNINGNov 18 2024



cmapR Tutorial

Rendered fromtutorial.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jan 17 2025.

Last update: 2023-04-03
Started: 2020-01-14

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Align the rows and columns of two (or more) matricesalign_matrices
Add annotations to a GCT objectannotate.gct annotate_gct annotate_gct,GCT-method
An example table of metadata, as would be parsed from or parse.gctx. Initially all the columns are of type character.cdesc_char
Check whether 'test_names' are columns in the 'data.frame' dfcheck_colnames
Check for duplicates in a vectorcheck_dups
Collapse the rows or columns of a matrix using weighted averagingdistil
An example of a GCT object with row and column metadata and gene expression values in the matrix.ds
Exract elements from a GCT matrixextract.gct extract_gct
Initialize an object of class 'GCT'GCT
An S4 class to represent a GCT objectGCT-class
An example collection of gene sets as used in the Lamb 2006 CMap paper.gene_set
Extract the or set row or column ids of a GCT objectids ids,GCT-method ids<- ids<-,GCT-method
Check if x is a whole numberis.wholenumber
An example GCT object of knockdown experiments targeting a subset of landmark genes.kd_gct
Read an LXB file and return a matrixlxb2mat
Extract or set the matrix of GCT objectmat mat,GCT-method mat<- mat<-,GCT-method
Transform a GCT object in to a long form 'data.table' (aka 'melt')melt.gct melt_gct melt_gct,GCT-method
Merge two GCT objects togethermerge.gct merge_gct merge_gct,GCT,GCT-method
Extract the or set metadata of a GCT objectmeta meta,GCT-method meta<- meta<-,GCT-method
Pad a matrix with additional rows/columns of NA valuesna_pad_matrix
Parse a GCTX file into the workspace as a GCT objectparse.gctx parse_gctx
Read a GMT file and return a listparse.gmt parse_gmt
Read a GMX file and return a parse_gmx
Read a GRP file and return a vector of its contentsparse.grp parse_grp
Convert a GCT object's matrix to ranksrank.gct rank_gct rank_gct,GCT-method
Read GCTX row or column idsread.gctx.ids read_gctx_ids
Parse row or column metadata from GCTX filesread.gctx.meta read_gctx_meta
Compoute robust z-scoresrobust_zscore
Subset a gct object using the provided row and column idssubset.gct subset_gct subset_gct,GCT-method
Threshold a numeric vectorthreshold
Transpose a GCT objecttranspose.gct transpose_gct transpose_gct,GCT-method
Update the matrix of an existing GCTX fileupdate.gctx update_gctx
Write a nested list to a GMT filewrite_gmt
Write a vector to a GRP filewrite_grp
Write a GCT object to disk in GCT formatwrite.gct write_gct
Write a GCT object to disk in GCTX formatwrite.gctx write_gctx
Write a 'data.frame' to a tab-delimited text filewrite.tbl write_tbl