Package: QDNAseq 1.41.0

Daoud Sie

QDNAseq: Quantitative DNA Sequencing for Chromosomal Aberrations

Quantitative DNA sequencing for chromosomal aberrations. The genome is divided into non-overlapping fixed-sized bins, number of sequence reads in each counted, adjusted with a simultaneous two-dimensional loess correction for sequence mappability and GC content, and filtered to remove spurious regions in the genome. Downstream steps of segmentation and calling are also implemented via packages DNAcopy and CGHcall, respectively.

Authors:Ilari Scheinin [aut], Daoud Sie [aut, cre], Henrik Bengtsson [aut], Erik van Dijk [ctb]

QDNAseq.pdf |QDNAseq.html
QDNAseq/json (API)

# Install 'QDNAseq' in R:
install.packages('QDNAseq', repos = c('', ''))

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Bug tracker:

  • LGG150 - LGG150 chromosomes 7-10

On BioConductor:QDNAseq-1.41.0(bioc 3.20)QDNAseq-1.40.0(bioc 3.19)


28 exports 1.85 score 50 dependencies 4 dependents 31 mentions

Last updated 2 months agofrom:c25e2b94b3



Introduction to QDNAseq

Rendered fromQDNAseq.Rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Jun 30 2024.

Last update: 2021-10-16
Started: 2014-03-20

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Package QDNAseqQDNAseq-package QDNAseq
Adds phenotype data from a file to a QDNAseqReadCounts or a QDNAseqCopyNumbers objectaddPhenodata
Adjusts the filtering on which bins are usedapplyFilters applyFilters,QDNAseqReadCounts-method
Calculate binned read counts from a set of BAM filesbinReadCounts
Call aberrations from segmented copy number datacallBins callBins,QDNAseqCopyNumbers-method
Divide binned read counts with those of reference samplescompareToReference compareToReference,QDNAseqCopyNumbers,numeric-method
Correct binned read counts for GC content and mappabilitycorrectBins correctBins,QDNAseqReadCounts-method
Builds bin annotation data for a particular bin sizecalculateBlacklist calculateBlacklistByRegions calculateMappability createBins iterateResiduals
Estimate correction to read counts for GC content and mappabilityestimateCorrection estimateCorrection,QDNAseqReadCounts-method
Exports to a fileexportBins exportBins,QDNAseqSignals-method
Plot copy number aberration frequenciesfrequencyPlot frequencyPlot,QDNAseqCopyNumbers,missing-method
Gets bin annotation data for a particular bin sizegetBinAnnotations
Highlights data points in a plotted profile to evaluate filteringhighlightFilters highlightFilters,QDNAseqSignals-method
Plot median read counts as a function of GC content and mappabilityisobarPlot isobarPlot,QDNAseqReadCounts,missing-method
LGG150 chromosomes 7-10LGG150
Constructs a 'cghRaw', 'cghSeg', or 'cghCall' objectmakeCgh makeCgh,QDNAseqCopyNumbers-method
Plot noise as a function of sequence depthnoisePlot noisePlot,QDNAseqReadCounts,missing-method
Normalizes binned read countsnormalizeBins normalizeBins,QDNAseqCopyNumbers-method
Normalize segmented binsnormalizeSegmentedBins normalizeSegmentedBins,QDNAseqCopyNumbers-method
Plot copy number profileplot plot,QDNAseqSignals,missing-method
Pools binned read counts across samplespoolRuns poolRuns,QDNAseqSignals,character-method
Defunct functions in package 'QDNAseq'downloadBinAnnotations
Container for QDNAseq read count dataQDNAseqCopyNumbers QDNAseqCopyNumbers-class
Container for QDNAseq read count dataQDNAseqReadCounts QDNAseqReadCounts-class
A parent class for containers of QDNAseq databpend,QDNAseqSignals-method bpstart,QDNAseqSignals-method chromosomes,QDNAseqSignals-method QDNAseqSignals QDNAseqSignals-class
Segments normalized copy number datasegmentBins segmentBins,QDNAseqCopyNumbers-method
Smooth outlier bins after normalizationsmoothOutlierBins smoothOutlierBins,QDNAseqCopyNumbers-method