Package: PhyloProfile 1.99.4

Vinh Tran

PhyloProfile: PhyloProfile

PhyloProfile is a tool for exploring complex phylogenetic profiles. Phylogenetic profiles, presence/absence patterns of genes over a set of species, are commonly used to trace the functional and evolutionary history of genes across species and time. With PhyloProfile we can enrich regular phylogenetic profiles with further data like sequence/structure similarity, to make phylogenetic profiling more meaningful. Besides the interactive visualisation powered by R-Shiny, the package offers a set of further analysis features to gain insights like the gene age estimation or core gene identification.

Authors:Vinh Tran [aut, cre], Bastian Greshake Tzovaras [aut], Ingo Ebersberger [aut], Carla Mölbert [ctb]

PhyloProfile.pdf |PhyloProfile.html
PhyloProfile/json (API)

# Install 'PhyloProfile' in R:
install.packages('PhyloProfile', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:


On BioConductor:PhyloProfile-1.99.3(bioc 3.21)PhyloProfile-1.20.4(bioc 3.20)


7.76 score 33 stars 10 scripts 226 downloads 5 mentions 78 exports 140 dependencies

Last updated 10 days agofrom:5f2a0cc69b. Checks:6 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 08 2025
R-4.5-winOKFeb 08 2025
R-4.5-macOKFeb 08 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKFeb 08 2025
R-4.4-winOKFeb 08 2025
R-4.4-macOKFeb 08 2025




Rendered fromPhyloProfile-vignette.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 08 2025.

Last update: 2024-12-17
Started: 2019-03-07

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Add colors for taxa in dimension reduction plotaddDimRedTaxaColors
Add colors for each feature/domainaddFeatureColors
Add taxonomy rank division lines to the heatmap plotaddRankDivisionPlot
Calculate percentage of present species in each super taxoncalcPresSpec
Check if a color pallete has enough colors for a list of itemscheckColorPalette
Check the validity of the input phylogenetic profile filecheckInputValidity
Check the validity of input newick treecheckNewick
Check the validity of input OMA IDscheckOmaID
Identify feature type(s) containing overlapped domains/featurescheckOverlapDomains
Create a hclust object from the distance matrixclusterDataDend
Compare the median values of a variable between 2 taxon groupscompareMedianTaxonGroups
Compare the score distributions between 2 taxon groupscompareTaxonGroups
Create protein's domain architecure plotcreateArchiPlot
Generate data for dimension reduction plotcreateDimRedPlotData
Create gene age plotcreateGeneAgePlot
Create a long matrix format for all kinds of input phylogenetic profilescreateLongMatrix
Create data for percentage present taxa distributioncreatePercentageDistributionData
Create a phylogenetic profile from a raw OMA dataframecreateProfileFromOma
Create unrooted tree from a taxonomy matrixcreateUnrootedTree
Create distribution plotcreateVarDistPlot
Create data for additional variable distributioncreateVariableDistributionData
Create data for additional variable distribution (for a subset data)createVariableDistributionDataSubset
Create data for customized profile plotdataCustomizedPlot
Create data for feature distribution comparison plotdataFeatureTaxGroup
Create data for main profile plotdataMainPlot
Create data for variable distribution comparison plotdataVarDistTaxGroup
Perform dimension reduction 2DdimReduction
Compare the distribution of 2 numeric vectorsdistributionTest
Calculate the phylogenetic gene age from the phylogenetic profilesestimateGeneAge
Fallback for UMAP in case of insufficient samplesfallbackUmap
Parse multi-fasta input filefastaParser
Create feature distribution comparison plotfeatureDistTaxPlot
An example of a filtered phylogenetic profilefilteredProfile
Filter phylogentic profilesfilterProfileData
An example of a final processed & filtered phylogenetic profilefinalProcessedProfile
Complete processing of raw input phylogenetic profilesfromInputToProfile
An example of a fully processed phylogenetic profilefullProcessedProfile
Create data for plotting gene agesgeneAgePlotDf
Create a single violin distribution plotgenerateSinglePlot
Create domain annotation dataframe from a raw OMA dataframegetAllDomainsOma
Get all fasta sequences from a raw OMA dataframegetAllFastaOma
Get all taxa that share a common ancestorgetCommonAncestor
Identify core genes for a list of selected taxagetCoreGene
Get data for calculating distance matrix from phylogenetic profilesgetDataClustering
Get OMA info for a query protein and its orthologsgetDataForOneOma
Plot dendrogram treegetDendrogram
Calculate the distance matrixgetDistanceMatrix
Get domain file from a folder for a seed proteingetDomainFolder
Get fasta sequences from main input file in multi-fasta formatgetFastaFromFasInput
Get fasta sequences from main input file in multi-fasta formatgetFastaFromFile
Get fasta sequencesgetFastaFromFolder
Get taxonomy info for a list of taxagetIDsRank
Get ID list of input taxa from the main inputgetInputTaxaID
Get NCBI taxon names for a selected list of taxagetInputTaxaName
Get list of pre-installed NCBI taxon namesgetNameList
Get taxonomy ID, sequence and annotation for one OMA proteingetOmaDataForOneOrtholog
Get domain annotation from OMA BrowsergetOmaDomainFromURL
Get OMA membersgetOmaMembers
Get color for a list of itemsgetQualColForVector
Get selected fasta sequences from a raw OMA dataframegetSelectedFastaOma
Get a subset of input taxa based on a selected taxonomy rankgetSelectedTaxonNames
Get taxonomy hierarchy for a list of taxon IDsgetTaxHierarchy
Get taxonomy info for a list of input taxagetTaxonomyInfo
Get taxonomy matrixgetTaxonomyMatrix
Create a list containing all main taxanomy ranksgetTaxonomyRanks
Plot Multiple Graphs with Shared Legend in a GridgridArrangeSharedLegend
Reduce the number of labels for DIM reduction plot based on the gene/taxon frequencygroupLabelDimRedData
Create profile heatmap plotheatmapPlotting
Create profile heatmap plot using scattermoreheatmapPlottingFast
Highlight gene and/or taxon of interest on the phylogenetic profile plothighlightProfilePlot
Get taxon names for a list of taxon IDsid2name
NCBI ID list for experimental data setsidList
Join multiple plots and merge legendsjoinPlotMergeLegends
Linearize PFAM/SMART annotations by best e-value/bitscorelinearizeArchitecture
An example of a raw long input filemainLongRaw
Get all NCBI taxonomy rank namesmainTaxonomyRank
Modify feature namesmodifyFeatureName
Create architecure plot for a pair of seed and ortholog proteinpairDomainPlotting
Parse domain input fileparseDomainInput
Parsing info for phylogenetic profilesparseInfoProfile
Helper function to handle UMAP logicperformUmap
Create dimension reduction plotplotDimRed
Create dimension reduction 3D plotplotDimRed3D
An example of a taxonomy matrixppTaxonomyMatrix
An example of a taxonomy tree in newick formatppTree
Prepare data for dimension reductionprepareDimRedData
Pre-processing NCBI taxonomy dataprocessNcbiTaxonomy
Process ortholog IDsprocessOrthoID
An example of a raw long input file together with the taxonomy infoprofileWithTaxonomy
Create qualitative coloursqualitativeColours
Indexing all available ranks (including norank)rankIndexing
NCBI rank list for experimental data setsrankList
Reduce the filtered profile data into supertaxon levelreduceProfile
Modify domain dataframe to resolve overlapped domains/featuresresolveOverlapFeatures
Run PhyloProfile apprunPhyloProfile
Create architecure plot for a single proteinsingleDomainPlotting
Sort one domain dataframe based on the other domain dataframesortDomains
Sort one domain dataframe based on list of ordered feature typessortDomainsByList
Sort list of (super)taxa based on a selected reference (super)taxonsortInputTaxa
Get sorted supertaxon list based on a rooted taxonomy treesortTaxaFromTree
NCBI Taxonomy reduced data settaxonNamesReduced
Taxonomy matrix for experimental data setstaxonomyMatrix
Align NCBI taxonomy IDs of list of taxa into a sorted rank list.taxonomyTableCreator
Create variable distribution comparison plotvarDistTaxPlot
Transform input file in wide matrix into long matrix formatwideToLong
Parse orthoXML input filexmlParser