Package: NOISeq 2.49.0

Sonia Tarazona

NOISeq: Exploratory analysis and differential expression for RNA-seq data

Analysis of RNA-seq expression data or other similar kind of data. Exploratory plots to evualuate saturation, count distribution, expression per chromosome, type of detected features, features length, etc. Differential expression between two experimental conditions with no parametric assumptions.

Authors:Sonia Tarazona, Pedro Furio-Tari, Maria Jose Nueda, Alberto Ferrer and Ana Conesa

NOISeq.pdf |NOISeq.html
NOISeq/json (API)

# Install 'NOISeq' in R:
install.packages('NOISeq', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:


On BioConductor:NOISeq-2.49.0(bioc 3.20)NOISeq-2.48.0(bioc 3.19)

This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.


17 exports 6.30 score 4 dependencies 4 dependents 321 mentions

Last updated 2 months agofrom:50f1aa7809



NOISeq User's Guide

Rendered fromNOISeq.Rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Jul 03 2024.

Last update: 2018-10-15
Started: 2013-11-01

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
ASCA Removal of Systematic Noise on Seq dataARSyNseq arsynseq
Biodetection classBiodetection Biodetection-class dat2save,Biodetection-method explo.plot,Biodetection-method show,Biodetection-method
CD classCD CD-class dat2save,CD-method explo.plot,CD-method show,CD-method
CountsBio classCountsBio CountsBio-class dat2save,CountsBio-method explo.plot,CountsBio-method show,CountsBio-method
Exploration of expression data.dat
Saving data generated for exploratory plots.dat2save
Recovering differencially expressed features.degenes
Plotting differential expression resultsDE.plot
Example of objects used and created by the NOISeq packagemydata mynoiseq
Exploratory plots for expression data.explo.plot
Methods to filter out low count
GCbias classdat2save,GCbias-method explo.plot,GCbias-method GCbias GCbias-class show,GCbias-method
lengthbias classdat2save,lengthbias-method explo.plot,lengthbias-method lengthbias lengthbias-class show,lengthbias-method
Marioni's datasetmybiotypes mychroms mycounts myfactors mygc mylength
Class myCountsmyCounts myCounts-class
Differential expression method for technical replicates or no replicates at allnoiseq
Differential expression method for biological replicatesnoiseqbio
Normalization methodsrpkm tmm uqua
Output class of NOISeqOutput Output-class show,Output-method
PCA classdat2save,PCA-method explo.plot,PCA-method PCA PCA-class show,PCA-method
Principal Component AnalysisPCA.GENES
Quality Control report for expression dataQCreport
Creating an object of eSet classaddData readData
Saturation classdat2save,Saturation-method explo.plot,Saturation-method Saturation saturation Saturation-class show,Saturation-method