Package: GenomAutomorphism 1.9.1

Robersy Sanchez

GenomAutomorphism: Compute the automorphisms between DNA's Abelian group representations

This is a R package to compute the automorphisms between pairwise aligned DNA sequences represented as elements from a Genomic Abelian group. In a general scenario, from genomic regions till the whole genomes from a given population (from any species or close related species) can be algebraically represented as a direct sum of cyclic groups or more specifically Abelian p-groups. Basically, we propose the representation of multiple sequence alignments of length N bp as element of a finite Abelian group created by the direct sum of homocyclic Abelian group of prime-power order.

Authors:Robersy Sanchez [aut, cre]

GenomAutomorphism.pdf |GenomAutomorphism.html
GenomAutomorphism/json (API)

# Install 'GenomAutomorphism' in R:
install.packages('GenomAutomorphism', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:

  • aaindex1 - List of 571 Amino Acid Physicochemical Indexes from AAindex Database
  • aaindex2 - List of 94 Amino Acid Matrices from AAindex
  • aaindex3 - Statistical protein contact potentials matrices from AAindex ver.9.2
  • aln - Simulated 'DNAStringSet' class object
  • autby_coef - Automorphisms between DNA Primate BRCA1 Genes Grouped by Coefficients
  • autm - Automorphisms between DNA Sequences from two COVID-19 genomes
  • autm_3d - Automorphisms between DNA Sequences from two COVID-19 genomes
  • autm_z125 - Automorphisms between DNA Sequences from two COVID-19 genomes
  • brca1_aln - Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) of Primate BRCA1 DNA repair genes.
  • brca1_aln2 - Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) of Primate BRCA1 DNA repair genes.
  • brca1_autm - Automorphisms between DNA Sequences from Primate BRCA1 Genes
  • brca1_autm2 - Automorphisms between DNA Sequences from Primate BRCA1 Genes
  • cdm_z64 - Codon Distance Matrices for the Standard Genetic Code on Z4
  • covid_aln - Pairwise Sequence Alignment (MSA) of COVID-19 genomes.
  • covid_autm - Automorphisms between DNA Sequences from two COVID-19 genomes
  • cyc_aln - Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) of Primate Somatic Cytochrome C
  • cyc_autm - Automorphisms between DNA Sequences from Primate Cytochrome C Genes
  • dna_phyche - Some Physicochemical Properties of DNA bases

On BioConductor:GenomAutomorphism-1.9.1(bioc 3.21)GenomAutomorphism-1.8.1(bioc 3.20)


4.30 score 9 scripts 150 downloads 81 exports 48 dependencies

Last updated 2 months agofrom:cd1ebdfe0b. Checks:6 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKJan 29 2025
R-4.5-winOKJan 29 2025
R-4.5-macOKJan 29 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKJan 29 2025
R-4.4-winOKJan 29 2025
R-4.4-macOKJan 29 2025



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Rendered fromGenomAutomorphism.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jan 29 2025.

Last update: 2024-12-29
Started: 2021-10-24

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Amino acid mutation matrixaa_index aa_mutmat aa_phychem_index
List of 571 Amino Acid Physicochemical Indexes from AAindex Databaseaaindex1
List of 94 Amino Acid Matrices from AAindexaaindex2
Statistical protein contact potentials matrices from AAindex ver.9.2aaindex3
Simulated 'DNAStringSet' class objectaln
Distance Between Aminoacids in Terms of Codon Distanceaminoacid_dist aminoacid_dist,AAStringSet,ANY-method aminoacid_dist,character,character-method aminoacid_dist,CodonGroup_OR_Automorphisms,ANY-method aminoacid_dist,DNAStringSet,ANY-method
Methods for AutomorphismList-class Objectsas.AutomorphismList as.AutomorphismList,GRangesList,GRanges_OR_NULL-method as.AutomorphismList,list,GRanges_OR_NULL-method
Compute the Automorphisms of Mutational Events Between two Codon Sequences Represented in Z5^3.aut3D
Automorphisms between DNA Primate BRCA1 Genes Grouped by Coefficientsautby_coef
Automorphisms between DNA Sequences from two COVID-19 genomesautm
Automorphisms between DNA Sequences from two COVID-19 genomesautm_3d
Automorphisms between DNA Sequences from two COVID-19 genomesautm_z125
Autmorphism Grouping by Coefficientautomorphism_bycoef automorphism_bycoef,Automorphism-method automorphism_bycoef,AutomorphismList-method
Autmorphism Probabilityautomorphism_prob automorphism_prob,AutomorphismByCoef-method automorphism_prob,AutomorphismByCoefList-method
Get the automorphisms by ranges.automorphismByRanges automorphismByRanges,Automorphism-method automorphismByRanges,AutomorphismList-method
Compute the Automorphisms of Mutational Events Between two Codon Sequences Represented in a Given Abelian group.automorphisms automorphisms,DNAStringSet_OR_NULL-method
Compute the Automorphisms of Mutational Events Between two Codon Sequences Represented in Z125.autZ125
Compute the Automorphisms of Mutational Events Between two Codon Sequences Represented in Z5.autZ5
Compute the Automorphisms of Mutational Events Between two Codon Sequences Represented in Z64.autZ64
DNA Sequences Methodsbase_coord base_coord,DNAStringSet_OR_NULL-method base_matrix base_matrix,DNAStringSet_OR_NULL-method base_methods base_seq2string_set base_seq2string_set,BaseSeq-method seq2granges seq2granges,DNAStringSet_OR_NULL-method
Split a DNA sequence into codonsbase2codon base2codon,character-method base2codon,DNAMultipleAlignment-method base2codon,DNAStringSet-method
Replace bases with integers from Z4 and Z5base2int base2int,character-method base2int,data.frame-method
Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) of Primate BRCA1 DNA repair genes.brca1_aln
Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) of Primate BRCA1 DNA repair genes.brca1_aln2
Automorphisms between DNA Sequences from Primate BRCA1 Genesbrca1_autm
Automorphisms between DNA Sequences from Primate BRCA1 Genesbrca1_autm2
Codon Distance Matrices for the Standard Genetic Code on Z4cdm_z64
Codon coordinates on a given a given Abelian group representation.codon_coord codon_coord,BaseGroup-method codon_coord,DNAStringSet_OR_NULL-method codon_coord,matrix_OR_data_frame-method
Weighted Manhattan Distance Between Codonscodon_dist codon_dist,character-method codon_dist,CodonGroup_OR_Automorphisms-method codon_dist,DNAStringSet-method
Compute Codon Distance Matrixcodon_dist_matrix
Codon Coordinate Matrixcodon_matrix codon_matrix,BaseSeqMatrix-method codon_matrix,DNAMultipleAlignment-method codon_matrix,DNAStringSet-method
Conserved and Non-conserved Regions from a MSAconserved_regions conserved_regions,Automorphism-method conserved_regions,AutomorphismByCoef-method conserved_regions,AutomorphismByCoefList-method conserved_regions,AutomorphismList-method
Pairwise Sequence Alignment (MSA) of COVID-19 genomes.covid_aln
Automorphisms between DNA Sequences from two COVID-19 genomescovid_autm
Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) of Primate Somatic Cytochrome Ccyc_aln
Automorphisms between DNA Sequences from Primate Cytochrome C Genescyc_autm
Some Physicochemical Properties of DNA basesdna_phyche
DNA numerical matrixdna_phychem dna_phychem,character-method dna_phychem,DNAStringSet_OR_DNAMultipleAlignment-method
DNA base/codon sequence and coordinates represented on a given Abelian group.get_coord get_coord,BaseGroup_OR_CodonGroup-method get_coord,DNAStringSet_OR_NULL-method
Get Mutation Score from an AAindex or a Mutation/Distance Matrixget_mutscore get_mutscore,BaseSeq,missing-method get_mutscore,character,character-method get_mutscore,DNAMultipleAlignment,missing-method get_mutscore,DNAStringSet,missing-method
Get AutomorphismsgetAutomorphisms getAutomorphisms,AutomorphismList-method getAutomorphisms,DataFrame_OR_data.frame-method getAutomorphisms,list-method
Get the Coordinate Representation from DNA Sequences on Specified Abelian Groupmatrices matrices,CodonSeq-method matrices,DNAStringSet_OR_NULL-method matrices,MatrixList-method
Modulo Operation'%%' mod mod,matrix,numeric-method modulo
Modular System of Linear Equation Solver (MLE)modlineq
Classification of DNA base mutationsmut_type
Amino acid numerical matrixpeptide_phychem_index peptide_phychem_index,character-method peptide_phychem_index,DNAStringSet_OR_DNAMultipleAlignment-method
Get DNA sequence Ranges and Coordinates representation on a given Abelian Groupseqranges seqranges,CodonSeq-method seqranges,DNAStringSet_OR_NULL-method
Apply a function over a list-like object preserving its attributesslapply
Sorting 'GRanges-class' objectssortByChromAndEnd sortByChromAndStart
String to Characterstr2chr str2chr,character-method str2chr,list-method
String to Digitsstr2dig str2dig,character-method str2dig,list-method
Translation of DNA/RNA sequencestranslation translation,BioString-method translation,character-method