Package: EpiCompare 1.9.0

Thomas Roberts

EpiCompare: Comparison, Benchmarking & QC of Epigenomic Datasets

EpiCompare is used to compare and analyse epigenetic datasets for quality control and benchmarking purposes. The package outputs an HTML report consisting of three sections: (1. General metrics) Metrics on peaks (percentage of blacklisted and non-standard peaks, and peak widths) and fragments (duplication rate) of samples, (2. Peak overlap) Percentage and statistical significance of overlapping and non-overlapping peaks. Also includes upset plot and (3. Functional annotation) functional annotation (ChromHMM, ChIPseeker and enrichment analysis) of peaks. Also includes peak enrichment around TSS.

Authors:Sera Choi [aut], Brian Schilder [aut], Leyla Abbasova [aut], Alan Murphy [aut], Nathan Skene [aut], Thomas Roberts [cre]

EpiCompare.pdf |EpiCompare.html
EpiCompare/json (API)

# Install 'EpiCompare' in R:
install.packages('EpiCompare', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

Bug tracker:


On BioConductor:EpiCompare-1.9.0(bioc 3.20)EpiCompare-1.8.0(bioc 3.19)


30 exports 1.24 score 189 dependencies

Last updated 2 months agofrom:e29605b2ea



Docker/Singularity Containers

Rendered fromdocker.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jul 02 2024.

Last update: 2022-06-14
Started: 2022-06-14

EpiCompare: Getting started

Rendered fromEpiCompare.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jul 02 2024.

Last update: 2024-01-18
Started: 2022-03-21

Example report

Rendered fromexample_report.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jul 02 2024.

Last update: 2024-01-18
Started: 2022-12-16

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Wrapper for bplapplybpplapply
Check workerscheck_workers
Example CUT&Run peak fileCnR_H3K27ac
Example Picard duplication metrics file 2CnR_H3K27ac_picard
Example CUT&Tag peak fileCnT_H3K27ac
Example Picard duplication metrics file 1CnT_H3K27ac_picard
Compute consensus peakscompute_consensus_peaks
Compute correlation matrixcompute_corr
Download local filedownload_button
Example ChIP-seq peak fileencode_H3K27ac
Compare epigenomic datasetsEpiCompare
Summary on fragmentsfragment_info
Gather filesgather_files
Group filesgroup_files
Human genome hg19 blacklisted regionshg19_blacklist
Human genome hg38 blacklisted regionshg38_blacklist
Liftover peak listliftover_grlist
Mouse genome mm10 blacklisted regionsmm10_blacklist
Mouse genome mm9 blacklisted regionsmm9_blacklist
Generate heatmap of percentage overlapoverlap_heatmap
Calculate percentage of overlapping peaksoverlap_percent
Statistical significance of overlapping peaksoverlap_stat_plot
Generate Upset plot for overlapping peaksoverlap_upset_plot
Summary of Peak Informationpeak_info
Create ChIPseeker annotation plotplot_ChIPseeker_annotation
Plot ChromHMM heatmapplot_chromHMM
Plot correlation of peak filesplot_corr
Generate enrichment analysis plotsplot_enrichment
Plot precision-recall curvesplot_precision_recall
Compute precision-recallprecision_recall
Predict precision-recallpredict_precision_recall
Rebin peaksrebin_peaks
Report commandreport_command
Report headerreport_header
Tidy peakfiles in GRangestidy_peakfile
Translate genometranslate_genome
Read count frequency around TSStss_plot
Peak width boxplotwidth_boxplot
Write example peakswrite_example_peaks