Package: EGAD 1.33.0

Sara Ballouz

EGAD: Extending guilt by association by degree

The package implements a series of highly efficient tools to calculate functional properties of networks based on guilt by association methods.

Authors:Sara Ballouz [aut, cre], Melanie Weber [aut, ctb], Paul Pavlidis [aut], Jesse Gillis [aut, ctb]

EGAD.pdf |EGAD.html
EGAD/json (API)

# Install 'EGAD' in R:
install.packages('EGAD', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:


On BioConductor:EGAD-1.33.0(bioc 3.20)EGAD-1.32.0(bioc 3.19)

This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.


44 exports 1.16 score 57 dependencies 19 mentions

Last updated 2 months agofrom:78ebe6daf1



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Calculating network assortativityassortativity
Human GENCODE annotations (v22)attr.human
Mouse GENCODE annotations (M7)attr.mouse
Calculating AUC for functional groups from ranked listsauc_multifunc
Area under the precision recall curveauprc
Area under the receiver operating characteristic curveauroc_analytic
BIOGRID v3.4.126biogrid
Builds a binary networkbuild_binary_network
Builds a coexpression network from an expressionSetbuild_coexp_expressionSet
Builds a coexpression network given a GEO IDbuild_coexp_GEOID
Builds a coexpression network from an expressionSetbuild_coexp_network
Builds a semantic similarity networkbuild_semantic_similarity_network
Builds a weighted networkbuild_weighted_network
Performing multifunctionality analysiscalculate_multifunc
Plot smoothed curveconv_smoother
Example of annotationsexample_annotations
Example of binary networkexample_binary_network
Example of binary networkexample_coexpression
Example of binary networkexample_neighbor_voting
Builds an extended network from a binary networkextend_network
Filter on matrixfilter_network
Filter on columnsfilter_network_cols
Filter on rowsfilter_network_rows
Filter on orthologsfilter_orthologs
Fmeasure of precision-recallfmeasure
Genes from BIOGRID v3.4.126genes
Calculates the area under a curveget_auc
Downloading and filtering BIOGRIDget_biogrid
Get countsget_counts
Get densityget_density
Obtain expression matrix from the GEMMA databaseget_expression_data_gemma
Obtain expression matrix from GEO databaseget_expression_matrix_from_GEO
Downloading and filtering Phenocartaget_phenocarta
Build precision-recall curveget_prc
Build receiver operating characteristic curveget_roc
GO - humanGO.human
GO - mouseGO.mouse
Gene ontology vocabularyGO.voc
Creating gene annotationsmake_annotations
Creating gene-by-gene networkmake_gene_network
Creating list of all genes in the data set.make_genelist
Make a color transparent (Taken from an answer on StackOverflow by Nick Sabbe)make_transparent
Evaluating Gene Function Predictionneighbor_voting
Calculate node degreenode_degree
Gene orthologsortho
Plot densitiesplot_densities
Plot density comparisonsplot_density_compare
Plot distribution histogramplot_distribution
Plot network heatmapplot_network_heatmap
Plot precision recall curveplot_prc
Plot receiver operating characteristic curveplot_roc
Plot ROC overlayplot_roc_overlay
Plot value comparisonsplot_value_compare
Performing Gene Function Predictionpredictions
Rep function for matricesrepmat
Performing 'Guilt by Association' Analysisrun_GBA