Package: DelayedMatrixStats 1.27.1

Peter Hickey

DelayedMatrixStats: Functions that Apply to Rows and Columns of 'DelayedMatrix' Objects

A port of the 'matrixStats' API for use with DelayedMatrix objects from the 'DelayedArray' package. High-performing functions operating on rows and columns of DelayedMatrix objects, e.g. col / rowMedians(), col / rowRanks(), and col / rowSds(). Functions optimized per data type and for subsetted calculations such that both memory usage and processing time is minimized.

Authors:Peter Hickey [aut, cre], Hervé Pagès [ctb], Aaron Lun [ctb]

DelayedMatrixStats.pdf |DelayedMatrixStats.html
DelayedMatrixStats/json (API)

# Install 'DelayedMatrixStats' in R:
install.packages('DelayedMatrixStats', repos = c('', ''))

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Bug tracker:

On BioConductor:DelayedMatrixStats-1.27.1(bioc 3.20)DelayedMatrixStats-1.26.0(bioc 3.19)


72 exports 7.32 score 16 dependencies 164 dependents 1 mentions

Last updated 2 months agofrom:0d321c2887



Overview of DelayedMatrixStats

Rendered fromDelayedMatrixStatsOverview.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jun 20 2024.

Last update: 2023-10-12
Started: 2017-10-05

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Check if all elements in a row (column) of a matrix-like object are equal to a valuecolAlls,DelayedMatrix-method colAnys,DelayedMatrix-method rowAlls,DelayedMatrix-method rowAnys,DelayedMatrix-method
Check if any elements in a row (column) of a matrix-like object is missingcolAnyNAs,DelayedMatrix-method rowAnyNAs,DelayedMatrix-method
Calculates for each row (column) a summary statistic for equally sized subsets of columns (rows)colAvgsPerRowSet,DelayedMatrix-method rowAvgsPerColSet,DelayedMatrix-method
Extract one cell from each row (column) of a matrix-like objectcolCollapse,DelayedMatrix-method rowCollapse,DelayedMatrix-method
Count how often an element in a row (column) of a matrix-like object is equal to a valuecolCounts,DelayedMatrix-method rowCounts,DelayedMatrix-method
Calculates the cumulative maxima for each row (column) of a matrix-like objectcolCummaxs,DelayedMatrix-method colCummins,DelayedMatrix-method colCumprods,DelayedMatrix-method colCumsums,DelayedMatrix-method rowCummaxs,DelayedMatrix-method rowCummins,DelayedMatrix-method rowCumprods,DelayedMatrix-method rowCumsums,DelayedMatrix-method
Calculates the difference between each element of a row (column) of a matrix-like objectcolDiffs,DelayedMatrix-method rowDiffs,DelayedMatrix-method
Calculates the interquartile range of the difference between each element of a row (column) of a matrix-like objectcolIQRDiffs,DelayedMatrix-method colMadDiffs,DelayedMatrix-method colSdDiffs,DelayedMatrix-method colVarDiffs,DelayedMatrix-method rowIQRDiffs,DelayedMatrix-method rowMadDiffs,DelayedMatrix-method rowSdDiffs,DelayedMatrix-method rowVarDiffs,DelayedMatrix-method
Calculates the interquartile range for each row (column) of a matrix-like objectcolIQRs,DelayedMatrix-method rowIQRs,DelayedMatrix-method
Accurately calculates the logarithm of the sum of exponentials for each row (column) of a matrix-like objectcolLogSumExps,DelayedMatrix-method rowLogSumExps,DelayedMatrix-method
Calculates the median absolute deviation for each row (column) of a matrix-like objectcolMads,DelayedMatrix-method colSds,DelayedMatrix-method rowMads,DelayedMatrix-method rowSds,DelayedMatrix-method
Calculates the mean for each row (column) of a matrix-like objectcolMeans2,DelayedMatrix-method colMeans2,Matrix-method colMeans2,SolidRleArraySeed-method rowMeans2,DelayedMatrix-method rowMeans2,Matrix-method
Calculates the median for each row (column) of a matrix-like objectcolMedians,DelayedMatrix-method rowMedians,DelayedMatrix-method
Calculates an order statistic for each row (column) of a matrix-like objectcolOrderStats,DelayedMatrix-method rowOrderStats,DelayedMatrix-method
Calculates the product for each row (column) of a matrix-like objectcolProds,DelayedMatrix-method colProds,SolidRleArraySeed-method rowProds,DelayedMatrix-method
Calculates quantiles for each row (column) of a matrix-like objectcolQuantiles,DelayedMatrix-method rowQuantiles,DelayedMatrix-method
Calculates the rank of the elements for each row (column) of a matrix-like objectcolRanks,DelayedMatrix-method rowRanks,DelayedMatrix-method
Calculates the sum for each row (column) of a matrix-like objectcolSums2,DelayedMatrix-method colSums2,Matrix-method colSums2,SolidRleArraySeed-method rowSums2,DelayedMatrix-method rowSums2,Matrix-method
Tabulates the values in a matrix-like object by row (column)colTabulates,DelayedMatrix-method rowTabulates,DelayedMatrix-method
Calculates the variance for each row (column) of a matrix-like objectcolVars,DelayedMatrix-method rowVars,DelayedMatrix-method
Calculates the weighted median absolute deviation for each row (column) of a matrix-like objectcolWeightedMads,DelayedMatrix-method rowWeightedMads,DelayedMatrix-method
Calculates the weighted mean for each row (column) of a matrix-like objectcolWeightedMeans,DelayedMatrix-method rowWeightedMeans,DelayedMatrix-method
Calculates the weighted median for each row (column) of a matrix-like objectcolWeightedMedians,DelayedMatrix-method rowWeightedMedians,DelayedMatrix-method
Calculates the weighted standard deviation for each row (column) of a matrix-like objectcolWeightedSds,DelayedMatrix-method colWeightedVars,DelayedMatrix-method rowWeightedSds,DelayedMatrix-method rowWeightedVars,DelayedMatrix-method