Package: DECIPHER 3.1.4

Erik Wright

DECIPHER: Tools for curating, analyzing, and manipulating biological sequences

A toolset for deciphering and managing biological sequences.

Authors:Erik Wright


# Install 'DECIPHER' in R:
install.packages('DECIPHER', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

Uses libs:
  • openmp– GCC OpenMP (GOMP) support library
  • BLOSUM - BLOSUM Amino Acid Substitution Matrices
  • HEC_MI1 - Mutual Information for Protein Secondary Structure Prediction
  • HEC_MI2 - Mutual Information for Protein Secondary Structure Prediction
  • MIQS - MIQS Amino Acid Substitution Matrix
  • MMLSUM - MMLSUM Amino Acid Substitution Matrices
  • NonCodingRNA_Archaea - NonCoding Models for Common Non-Coding RNA Families
  • NonCodingRNA_Bacteria - NonCoding Models for Common Non-Coding RNA Families
  • NonCodingRNA_Eukarya - NonCoding Models for Common Non-Coding RNA Families
  • PAM - PAM Amino Acid Substitution Matrices
  • PFASUM - PFASUM Amino Acid Substitution Matrices
  • RESTRICTION_ENZYMES - Common Restriction Enzyme's Cut Sites
  • TrainingSet_16S - Training Set for Classification of 16S rRNA Gene Sequences
  • deltaGrules - Free Energy of Hybridization of Probe/Target Quadruplets on Microarrays
  • deltaGrulesRNA - Pseudoenergy Parameters for RNA Quadruplets
  • deltaHrules - Change in Enthalpy of Hybridization of DNA/DNA Quadruplets in Solution
  • deltaHrulesRNA - Change in Enthalpy of Hybridization of RNA/RNA Quadruplets in Solution
  • deltaSrules - Change in Entropy of Hybridization of DNA/DNA Quadruplets in Solution
  • deltaSrulesRNA - Change in Entropy of Hybridization of RNA/RNA Quadruplets in Solution

On BioConductor:DECIPHER-3.1.2(bioc 3.20)DECIPHER-3.0.0(bioc 3.19)

This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.


65 exports 3.33 score 19 dependencies 15 dependents 415 mentions

Last updated 29 days agofrom:6f007bbc5a



Classify Sequences

Rendered fromClassifySequences.Rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Jun 12 2024.

Last update: 2023-09-28
Started: 2017-10-24

Design Group-Specific FISH Probes

Rendered fromDesignProbes.Rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Jun 12 2024.

Last update: 2024-04-29
Started: 2013-11-01

Design Group-Specific Primers

Rendered fromDesignPrimers.Rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Jun 12 2024.

Last update: 2024-02-11
Started: 2013-11-01

Design Microarray Probes

Rendered fromDesignMicroarray.Rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Jun 12 2024.

Last update: 2024-02-11
Started: 2013-11-01

Design Primers That Yield Group-Specific Signatures

Rendered fromDesignSignatures.Rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Jun 12 2024.

Last update: 2024-02-11
Started: 2015-09-23

Detecting Obscure Tandem Repeats in Sequences

Rendered fromRepeatRepeat.Rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Jun 12 2024.

Last update: 2024-06-01
Started: 2022-04-25

Finding Chimeric Sequences

Rendered fromFindChimeras.Rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Jun 12 2024.

Last update: 2024-02-11
Started: 2013-11-01

Getting Started DECIPHERing

Rendered fromDECIPHERing.Rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Jun 12 2024.

Last update: 2024-05-20
Started: 2013-11-01

Growing Phylogenetic Trees with TreeLine

Rendered fromGrowingTrees.Rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Jun 12 2024.

Last update: 2024-04-18
Started: 2022-04-25

Searching biological sequences

Rendered fromSearchForResearch.Rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Jun 12 2024.

Last update: 2024-05-20
Started: 2024-02-11

The Art of Multiple Sequence Alignment in R

Rendered fromArtOfAlignmentInR.Rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Jun 12 2024.

Last update: 2024-04-29
Started: 2014-01-26

The Double Life of RNA: Uncovering Non-Coding RNAs

Rendered fromFindingNonCodingRNAs.Rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Jun 12 2024.

Last update: 2023-09-28
Started: 2021-02-13

The Magic of Gene Finding

Rendered fromFindingGenes.Rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Jun 12 2024.

Last update: 2024-01-17
Started: 2020-10-26

Upsize Your Clustering with Clusterize

Rendered fromClusteringSequences.Rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Jun 12 2024.

Last update: 2024-04-18
Started: 2022-09-15

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Tools for curating, analyzing, and manipulating biological sequencesDECIPHER-package DECIPHER
Reduced amino acid alphabetsAA_REDUCED
Add Data to a DatabaseAdd2DB
Improve An Existing Alignment By Adjusting Gap PlacementsAdjustAlignment
Align Two Sets of Aligned Sequences in a Sequence DatabaseAlignDB
Align pairs of sequencesAlignPairs
Align Two Sets of Aligned SequencesAlignProfiles
Align a Set of Unaligned SequencesAlignSeqs
Pairwise Aligns Syntenic BlocksAlignSynteny
Align Sequences By Their Amino Acid TranslationAlignTranslation
Simulate Amplification of DNA by PCRAmplifyDNA
Create a Matrix Representation of a MicroarrayArray2Matrix
BLOSUM Amino Acid Substitution MatricesBLOSUM
View a Database Table in a Web BrowserBrowseDB
View Sequences in a Web BrowserBrowseSeqs
Predict the Hybridization Efficiency of Probe/Target Sequence PairsCalculateEfficiencyArray
Predict Thermodynamic Parameters of Probe/Target Sequence PairsCalculateEfficiencyFISH
Predict Amplification Efficiency of Primer SequencesCalculateEfficiencyPCR
Cluster Sequences By DistanceClusterize
Compression/Decompression of Character VectorsCodec
Create a Consensus SequenceConsensusSequence
Compute cophenetic distances on dendrogram objectsCophenetic
Corrects Frameshift Errors In Protein Coding SequencesCorrectFrameshifts
Create Artificial ChimerasCreateChimeras
Export Database Sequences to a FASTA or FASTQ FileDB2Seqs
Free Energy of Hybridization of Probe/Target Quadruplets on MicroarraysdeltaGrules
Pseudoenergy Parameters for RNA QuadrupletsdeltaGrulesRNA
Change in Enthalpy of Hybridization of DNA/DNA Quadruplets in SolutiondeltaHrules
Change in Enthalpy of Hybridization of RNA/RNA Quadruplets in SolutiondeltaHrulesRNA
Change in Entropy of Hybridization of DNA/DNA Quadruplets in SolutiondeltaSrules
Change in Entropy of Hybridization of RNA/RNA Quadruplets in SolutiondeltaSrulesRNA
Design a Set of DNA Microarray Probes for Detecting SequencesDesignArray
Design PCR Primers Targeting a Specific Group of SequencesDesignPrimers
Design FISH Probes Targeting a Specific Group of SequencesDesignProbes
Design PCR Primers for Amplifying Group-Specific SignaturesDesignSignatures
Detect Repeats in a SequenceDetectRepeats
Simulate Restriction Digestion of DNADigestDNA
Expand Ambiguities into All Permutations of a DNAStringSetDisambiguate
Calculate the Distances Between SequencesDistanceMatrix
Extract Predicted Genes from a GenomeExtractGenes
Find Chimeras in a Sequence DatabaseFindChimeras
Find Genes in a GenomeFindGenes
Find Non-Coding RNAs in a GenomeFindNonCoding
Finds Synteny in a Sequence DatabaseFindSynteny
Forms Groups By RankFormGroups
Genes objects and accessorsGenes-class plot.Genes print.Genes [.Genes
Mutual Information for Protein Secondary Structure PredictionHEC_MI1 HEC_MI2
Create Consensus Sequences by GroupsIdConsensus
Identify By Taxonomic RankIdentifyByRank
Determine the Number of Characters in Each SequenceIdLengths
Assign Sequences a Taxonomic ClassificationIdTaxa
Build an inverted indexIndexSeqs
InvertedIndex objectsInvertedIndex-class print.InvertedIndex
Learn a Non-Coding RNA ModelLearnNonCoding
Train a Classifier for Assigning TaxonomyLearnTaxa
Map Changes in Ancestral Character StatesMapCharacters
Mask Highly Variable Regions of An AlignmentMaskAlignment
Simulate Melting of DNAMeltDNA
MIQS Amino Acid Substitution MatrixMIQS
MMLSUM Amino Acid Substitution MatricesMMLSUM
Available Models of Sequence EvolutionMODELS
Sequential Coordinate-wise Algorithm for the Non-negative Least Squares ProblemNNLS
NonCoding Objects and MethodsNonCoding-class print.NonCoding
NonCoding Models for Common Non-Coding RNA FamiliesNonCodingRNA_Archaea NonCodingRNA_Bacteria NonCodingRNA_Eukarya
Orient Nucleotide SequencesOrientNucleotides
PAM Amino Acid Substitution MatricesPAM
PFASUM Amino Acid Substitution MatricesPFASUM
Predict RNA Secondary Structure in Dot-Bracket NotationPredictDBN
Predict Protein Secondary Structure as Helix, Beta-Sheet, or CoilPredictHEC
Read a Dendrogram from a Newick Formatted FileReadDendrogram
Remove Gap Characters in SequencesRemoveGaps
Common Restriction Enzyme's Cut SitesRESTRICTION_ENZYMES
Score a Multiple Sequence AlignmentScoreAlignment
Obtain Specific Sequences from a DatabaseSearchDB
Search an inverted indexSearchIndex
Add Sequences from Text File to DatabaseSeqs2DB
Produce a Staggered AlignmentStaggerAlignment
Synteny blocks and hitspairs.Synteny plot.Synteny print.Synteny Synteny-class [.Synteny
Taxa training and testing objectsc.Taxa plot.Taxa print.Taxa Taxa-class [.Taxa
Determine the Number of Terminal CharactersTerminalChar
Form a Set of Tiles for Each Group of Sequences.TileSeqs
Training Set for Classification of 16S rRNA Gene SequencesTrainingSet_16S
Construct a Phylogenetic TreeTreeLine
Trims DNA Sequences to the High Quality Region Between PatternsTrimDNA
Write a Dendrogram to Newick FormatWriteDendrogram
Write Genes to a FileWriteGenes