Package: CytoML 2.17.0

Mike Jiang

CytoML: A GatingML Interface for Cross Platform Cytometry Data Sharing

Uses platform-specific implemenations of the GatingML2.0 standard to exchange gated cytometry data with other software platforms.

Authors:Mike Jiang, Jake Wagner

CytoML.pdf |CytoML.html
CytoML/json (API)

# Install 'CytoML' in R:
install.packages('CytoML', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

Bug tracker:

Uses libs:
  • zlib– Compression library
  • openblas– Optimized BLAS
  • libxml2– GNOME XML library
  • c++– GNU Standard C++ Library v3

On BioConductor:CytoML-2.17.0(bioc 3.20)CytoML-2.16.0(bioc 3.19)


35 exports 1.45 score 75 dependencies 4 mentions

Last updated 2 months agofrom:e3d2e9e178



Import FlowJo workspace to R

Rendered fromflowjo_to_gatingset.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jun 13 2024.

Last update: 2020-07-09
Started: 2020-07-03

How to export a GatingSet to GatingML

Rendered fromHowToExportGatingSet.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jun 13 2024.

Last update: 2019-12-12
Started: 2016-05-25

How to import Cytobank into a GatingSet

Rendered fromcytobank2GatingSet.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jun 13 2024.

Last update: 2021-02-27
Started: 2019-03-11

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
add customInfo nodes to each gate node and add BooleanAndGatesaddCustomInfo
Extract channels from cytobank_experimentce_get_channels
Obtain the spillover matrices for the samples in a Cytobank experimentce_get_compensations
Extract markers from cytobank_experimentce_get_markers
Obtain counts of the number of samples associated with each marker panel in a Cytobank experimentce_get_panels
Obtain a mapping between the samples and marker panels in a Cytobank experimentce_get_samples
Obtain the transformations associated with each channel in a Cytobank experimentce_get_transformations
compensate a GatingSet based on the compensation information stored in graphGML objectcompensate,GatingSet,graphGML-method
Reconstruct the population tree from the GateSetsconstructTree
Methods for interacting with cytobank_experiment objectscolnames,cytobank_experiment-method cytobank_experiment-methods markernames,cytobank_experiment-method pData,cytobank_experiment-method print.cytobank_experiment sampleNames,cytobank_experiment-method
A wrapper that parses the gatingML and FCS files (or 'cytobank_experiment' object) into GatingSetcytobank2GatingSet cytobank_to_gatingset cytobank_to_gatingset.cytobank_experiment cytobank_to_gatingset.default
Deprecated functions in package 'CytoML'.CytoML-deprecated
Get a table of samples from a FACSDiva workspacediva_get_samples diva_get_sample_groups
Parse a FACSDiva Workspacediva_to_gatingset parseWorkspace,diva_workspace-method
An R representation of a BD FACSDiva workspacediva_workspace-class show,diva_workspace-method
extend the gate to the minimum and maximum limit of both dimensions based on the bounding information.extend extend.ellipsoidGate extend.polygonGate extend.rectangleGate
Get Keywordsfj_ws_get_keywords getKeywords
Get a table of sample groups from a flowJo workspacefj_ws_get_sample_groups getSampleGroups
Get a list of samples from a flowJo workspacefj_ws_get_samples getSamples
An R representation of a flowJo workspace.flowjo_workspace-class show,flowjo_workspace-method
Convert a GatingSet to a Cytobank-compatible gatingMLGatingSet2cytobank gatingset_to_cytobank
Convert a GatingSet to flowJo workspaceGatingSet2flowJo gatingset_to_flowjo
get children nodesgetChildren,graphGML,character-method
Extract compensation from graphGML object.getCompensationMatrices.graphGML
get gate from the nodegetGate,graphGML,character-method
get nodes from graphGML objectgetNodes,graphGML-method
get parent nodesgetParent,graphGML,character-method
Extract transformations from graphGML object.getTransformations.graphGML
A graph object returned by 'read.gatingML.cytobank' function.graphGML-class
compare the counts to cytobank's exported csv so that the parsing result can be verified.gs_compare_cytobank_counts
Given the leaf node, try to find out if a collection of nodes can be matched to a path in a graph(tree) by the bottom-up searchingmatchPath
Construct a 'cytobank_experiment' object from ACS filecytobankExperiment open_cytobank_experiment
open Diva xml workspaceopenDiva open_diva_xml
Open/Close a flowJo workspaceopen_flowjo_xml
Parse the cytobank custom_info for each gateparse.gateInfo
Parse a flowJo Workspaceflowjo_to_gatingset parseWorkspace parseWorkspace,flowjo_workspace-method
plot the population tree stored in graphGML.plot,graphGML,missing-method
the parameter range from the flow data associated with GatingHierarchyrange.GatingHierarchy
Parser for gatingML exported by Cytobankread.gatingML.cytobank
show method for graphGMLshow,graphGML-method