Package: CrispRVariants 1.33.0

Helen Lindsay

CrispRVariants: Tools for counting and visualising mutations in a target location

CrispRVariants provides tools for analysing the results of a CRISPR-Cas9 mutagenesis sequencing experiment, or other sequencing experiments where variants within a given region are of interest. These tools allow users to localize variant allele combinations with respect to any genomic location (e.g. the Cas9 cut site), plot allele combinations and calculate mutation rates with flexible filtering of unrelated variants.

Authors:Helen Lindsay [aut, cre]

CrispRVariants.pdf |CrispRVariants.html
CrispRVariants/json (API)

# Install 'CrispRVariants' in R:
install.packages('CrispRVariants', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

  • gol - Variant sequences from golden clutch 1

On BioConductor:CrispRVariants-1.33.0(bioc 3.20)CrispRVariants-1.32.0(bioc 3.19)

This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.


26 exports 3.26 score 85 dependencies 18 mentions

Last updated 2 months agofrom:e5a758ecc3



CrispRVariants User Guide

Rendered fromuser_guide.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jul 02 2024.

Last update: 2023-04-28
Started: 2015-12-30

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
formatVarLabels.findMismatches .formatVarLabels
Helper functions for selectAlnRegions.adjustRelativeInsLocs .checkRelativeLocs .invertKeepRanges .offsetIndices
Read a file in ab1 (Sanger) format and convert to fastqabifToFastq
Extrapolates mapping location from clipped, aligned readsaddClipped addClipped,GAlignments-method
Internal CrispRVariants function for indicating codon frame on an alignment tile plotaddCodonFrame
Get allele namesalleles alleles,CrisprSet-method
Get alignmentsalns alns,CrisprSet-method
Plots and annotates transcriptsannotateGenePlot
Arrange plots for plotVariants:CrisprSetarrangePlots
Plots barplots of the spectrum of variants for a sample setbarplotAlleleFreqs barplotAlleleFreqs,CrisprSet-method barplotAlleleFreqs,matrix-method
Internal CrispRVariants function for collapsing pairs with concordant indelscollapsePairs
Get consensus sequences for variant allelesconsensusSeqs consensusSeqs,CrisprSet-method
Count the number of reads containing an insertion or deletioncountDeletions countDeletions,GAlignments-method countIndels countIndels,GAlignments-method countInsertions countInsertions,GAlignments-method indelPercent indelPercent,GAlignments-method
CrisprRun classCrisprRun CrisprRun-class
CrisprSet classCrisprSet CrisprSet-class
Removes reads from a bam fileexcludeFromBam
Find chimeric readsfindChimeras
Find frequent SNVsfindSNVs findSNVs,CrisprSet-method
Get chimeric alignmentsgetChimeras getChimeras,CrisprSet-method
Variant sequences from golden clutch 1 (Burger et al)gol gol_clutch1
Internal CrispRVariants function for creating the plotAlignments backgroundmakeAlignmentTilePlot
Merge two CrisprSetsmergeCrisprSets mergeCrisprSets,CrisprSet,CrisprSet-method
Get mutation efficiencymutationEfficiency mutationEfficiency,CrisprSet-method
Narrow a set of aligned reads to a target regionnarrowAlignments narrowAlignments,GAlignments,GRanges-method
Plot alignments with respect to a reference sequenceplotAlignments plotAlignments,character-method plotAlignments,CrisprSet-method plotAlignments,DNAString-method
Display a dot plot of chimeric alignmentsplotChimeras
Plot a table of counts with colours indicating frequencyplotFreqHeatmap plotFreqHeatmap,CrisprSet-method plotFreqHeatmap,matrix-method
Plot alignments, frequencies and location of target sequenceplotVariants plotVariants,CrisprSet-method
Internal CrispRVariants function for determining read orientationrcAlns
Finds overlaps between aligned reads and PCR primersreadsByPCRPrimer readsByPCRPrimer,GAlignments,GRanges-method readsByPCRPrimer,GRanges,GRanges-method
Trims reads to a target region.readsToTarget readsToTarget,character,GRanges-method readsToTarget,GAlignments,GRanges-method readsToTarget,GAlignmentsList,GRanges-method readsToTargets readsToTargets,character,GRanges-method readsToTargets,GAlignmentsList,GRanges-method
Internal CrispRVariants function for reading and filtering a bam filereadTargetBam
refFromAlnsrefFromAlns refFromAlns,GAlignments,ANY-method refFromAlns,GAlignments,GRanges-method
Reverses the order of operations in a cigar stringreverseCigar
Remove chimeric reads overlapping multiple primersrmMultiPCRChimera rmMultiPCRChimera,character,Hits,integer-method
selectOpsselectOps selectOps,character-method
Creates a text alignment from a set of cigar stringsselectAlnRegions seqsToAln
Sets colours for plotting aligned DNA sequences.setDNATileColours
Sets colours for plotting mismatches in aligned DNA sequences.setMismatchTileColours
Transform data for plottingtransformAlnsToLong
Get variant countsvariantCounts variantCounts,CrisprSet-method
Append a sequence to a fastq filewriteFastq