Package: CNAnorm 1.51.0

Stefano Berri

CNAnorm: A normalization method for Copy Number Aberration in cancer samples

Performs ratio, GC content correction and normalization of data obtained using low coverage (one read every 100-10,000 bp) high troughput sequencing. It performs a "discrete" normalization looking for the ploidy of the genome. It will also provide tumour content if at least two ploidy states can be found.

Authors:Stefano Berri <[email protected]>, Henry M. Wood <[email protected]>, Arief Gusnanto <[email protected]>

CNAnorm.pdf |CNAnorm.html
CNAnorm/json (API)

# Install 'CNAnorm' in R:
install.packages('CNAnorm', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

  • CN - A CNAnorm object with information about most abundant ploidy states, obtained from data LS041.
  • LS041 - Mapped reads in tumor and matched blood for patient LS041
  • gPar - An object with the default graphical parameters
  • hg19_hs_ideogr - An object with the ideogram information for homo sapiens - hg19

On BioConductor:CNAnorm-1.51.0(bioc 3.20)CNAnorm-1.50.0(bioc 3.19)

This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.


26 exports 3.43 score 1 dependencies 21 mentions

Last updated 2 months agofrom:e3f8a1c019



An introduction to CNAnorm

Rendered fromCNAnorm.Snwusingutils::Sweaveon Jul 03 2024.

Last update: 2014-03-05
Started: 2013-11-01

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Methods for Function addDNACopy in Package `CNAnorm'addDNACopy addDNACopy,CNAnorm-method addDNACopy-methods
Methods for Function addSmooth in Package `CNAnorm'addSmooth addSmooth,CNAnorm-method addSmooth-methods
Accessors methods for Function ratio in Package `CNAnorm'arms arms,CNAnorm-method arms-methods chrs chrs-methods chrs<- chrs<--methods pos pos,CNAnorm-method pos-methods pos<- pos<--methods
A CNAnorm object with information about most abundant ploidy states, obtained from data LS041.CN
Class "CNAnorm"chrs,CNAnorm-method chrs<-,CNAnorm-method CNAnorm CNAnorm-class length,CNAnorm-method pos<-,CNAnorm-method ratio,CNAnorm-method ratio.n,CNAnorm-method ratio.s,CNAnorm-method ratio.s.n,CNAnorm-method segMean,CNAnorm-method segMean.n,CNAnorm-method sugg.peaks,CNAnorm-method sugg.ploidy,CNAnorm-method valid.peaks,CNAnorm-method valid.ploidy,CNAnorm-method [,CNAnorm-method
Wrapper to '"CNAnorm"' workflowCNAnormWorkflow
Convert a data frame into an object of Class '"CNAnorm"'dataFrame2object
Class "DerivData"DerivData-class length,DerivData-method
Methods for Function addSmooth in Package `CNAnorm'discreteNorm discreteNorm,CNAnorm-method discreteNorm-methods
Methods for Function exportTable in Package `CNAnorm'exportTable exportTable,CNAnorm-method exportTable-methods
Methods for Function gcNorm in Package `CNAnorm'gcNorm gcNorm,CNAnorm-method gcNorm-methods
An object with the default graphical parametersgPar
An object with the ideogram information for homo sapiens - hg19hg19_hs_ideogr
Class "InData" ~~~InData-class length,InData-method
Mapped reads in tumor and matched blood for patient LS041LS041
Class "Params"Params-class
Methods for Function peakPloidy in Package `CNAnorm'peakPloidy peakPloidy,CNAnorm-method peakPloidy-methods
Methods for Function plotGenome in Package `CNAnorm'plotGenome plotGenome,CNAnorm-method plotGenome-methods
Methods for Function plotPeaks in Package `CNAnorm'plotPeaks plotPeaks,CNAnorm-method plotPeaks-methods
Methods for Function ratio in Package `CNAnorm'ratio ratio-methods ratio.n ratio.n-methods ratio.s ratio.s-methods ratio.s.n ratio.s.n-methods segMean segMean-methods segMean.n segMean.n-methods
Methods for Function to retrieve suggested/validated ploidy and peaks in Package `CNAnorm'sugg.peaks sugg.peaks-methods sugg.ploidy sugg.ploidy-methods valid.peaks valid.peaks-methods valid.ploidy valid.ploidy-methods
Methods for Function addSmooth in Package `CNAnorm'validation validation,CNAnorm-method validation-methods