Package: CATALYST 1.29.1

Helena L. Crowell

CATALYST: Cytometry dATa anALYSis Tools

CATALYST provides tools for preprocessing of and differential discovery in cytometry data such as FACS, CyTOF, and IMC. Preprocessing includes i) normalization using bead standards, ii) single-cell deconvolution, and iii) bead-based compensation. For differential discovery, the package provides a number of convenient functions for data processing (e.g., clustering, dimension reduction), as well as a suite of visualizations for exploratory data analysis and exploration of results from differential abundance (DA) and state (DS) analysis in order to identify differences in composition and expression profiles at the subpopulation-level, respectively.

Authors:Helena L. Crowell [aut, cre], Vito R.T. Zanotelli [aut], Stéphane Chevrier [aut, dtc], Mark D. Robinson [aut, fnd], Bernd Bodenmiller [fnd]


# Install 'CATALYST' in R:
install.packages('CATALYST', repos = c('', ''))

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On BioConductor:CATALYST-1.29.0(bioc 3.20)CATALYST-1.28.0(bioc 3.19)


44 exports 1.80 score 170 dependencies 2 dependents 37 mentions

Last updated 13 days agofrom:17fb2cb46c



Preprocessing with CATALYST

Rendered frompreprocessing.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jun 28 2024.

Last update: 2024-04-02
Started: 2018-05-13

Differential discovery with CATALYST

Rendered fromdifferential.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jun 28 2024.

Last update: 2024-06-21
Started: 2020-04-14

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Adapt spillover matrixadaptSpillmat
Single-cell debarcoding (2)applyCutoffs
Single-cell debarcoding (1)assignPrelim
DR plot on CLR of proportionsclrDR
'FlowSOM' clustering & 'ConsensusClusterPlus' metaclusteringcluster
Compensate CyTOF datacompCytof
Compute spillover matrixcomputeSpillmat
Example data setsdata isotope_list merging_table mp_cells PBMC_fs PBMC_md PBMC_panel raw_data sample_ff sample_key ss_exp
Estimation of distance separation cutoffsestCutoffs
Extract clusters from a 'SingleCellExperiment'extractClusters
'SingleCellExperiment' filteringfilterSCE
Guess parameter panelguessPanel
Manual cluster mergingmergeClusters
Bead-based normalizationnormCytof
Pseudobulk-level MDS plotpbMDS
Population frequencies across samples & clustersplotAbundances
Plot expression distributions by clusterplotClusterExprs
tSNE and PCA on SOM codesplotCodes
Plot cell countsplotCounts
Plot differential heatmapplotDiffHeatmap
Plot reduced dimensionsplotDR
Event plotplotEvents
Plot expression heatmapplotExprHeatmap
Expression densitiesplotExprs
Cluster frequency heatmapplotFreqHeatmap
Biaxial plotplotMahal
Multi-panel expression & frequency heatmapsplotMultiHeatmap
Plot non-redundancy scoresplotNRS
Pseudobulk-level boxplotplotPbExprs
Scatter plotplotScatter
Spillover matrix heatmapplotSpillmat
Yield plotplotYields
Data preparationprepData
Dimension reductionrunDR
'SingleCellExperiment' accessorschannels channels,SingleCellExperiment-method cluster_codes cluster_codes,SingleCellExperiment-method cluster_ids cluster_ids,SingleCellExperiment,character-method cluster_ids,SingleCellExperiment,missing-method delta_area delta_area,SingleCellExperiment-method ei ei,SingleCellExperiment-method marker_classes marker_classes,SingleCellExperiment-method n_cells n_cells,SingleCellExperiment-method sample_ids sample_ids,SingleCellExperiment-method SCE-accessors state_markers state_markers,SingleCellExperiment-method type_markers type_markers,SingleCellExperiment-method
SCE to 'flowFrame/Set'sce2fcs