Package: unifiedWMWqPCR 1.41.0

Joris Meys

unifiedWMWqPCR: Unified Wilcoxon-Mann Whitney Test for testing differential expression in qPCR data

This packages implements the unified Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney Test for qPCR data. This modified test allows for testing differential expression in qPCR data.

Authors:Jan R. De Neve & Joris Meys

unifiedWMWqPCR.pdf |unifiedWMWqPCR.html
unifiedWMWqPCR/json (API)

# Install 'unifiedWMWqPCR' in R:
install.packages('unifiedWMWqPCR', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

  • NBdata - Documentation for the dataset NBdata
  • NBgroups - Documentation for the dataset NBdata
  • NBmat - Documentation for the dataset NBdata

On BioConductor:unifiedWMWqPCR-1.41.0(bioc 3.20)unifiedWMWqPCR-1.40.0(bioc 3.19)

This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.


24 exports 0.91 score 16 dependencies

Last updated 2 months agofrom:ced73006fc



Using unifiedWMWqPCR

Rendered fromunifiedWMWqPCR.Rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Jul 02 2024.

Last update: 2014-02-25
Started: 2014-02-25

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Unified Wilcoxon-Mann Whitney Test for qPCR data.unifiedWMWqPCR-package unifiedWMWqPCR uWMWqPCR
S3 method as.matrix for uwmwEstimate,uwmwEstimate-method as.matrix.uwmwEstimate
S3 method as.matrix for uwmwRes,uwmwRes-method as.matrix.uwmwRes
Making a forest plot of the results of uWMWforestplot forestplot,ANY-method forestplot,uwmwEstimate-method forestplot,uwmwRes-method forestplot.internal
Extract logor, or, odds and percentages from a uwmwRes objectgetEstimate getEstimate,uwmwRes-method
Documentation for the dataset NBdataNBdata NBgroups NBmat
Quick forest plot of significantly up- and downregulated features.plot,uwmwRes,ANY-method
Extract info from uwmwRes and uwmwEstimate objectscoef coef,uwmwRes-method esttype esttype,uwmwEstimate-method getOrder getOrder,uwmwRes-method groupinfo groupinfo,uwmwEstimate-method groupinfo,uwmwRes-method housekeeping housekeeping,uwmwEstimate-method housekeeping,uwmwRes-method is.unsorted is.unsorted,uwmwRes-method length,uwmwEstimate-method length,uwmwRes-method logor logor,uwmwRes-method names,uwmwEstimate-method names,uwmwRes-method oddsRatio oddsRatio,uwmwRes-method orderedBy orderedBy,uwmwEstimate-method orderedBy,uwmwRes-method pval pval,uwmwRes-method ref ref,uwmwEstimate-method se se,uwmwEstimate-method se,uwmwRes-method type type,uwmwEstimate-method type,uwmwRes-method uwmw_Accessors vcov vcov,uwmwRes-method zval zval,uwmwRes-method
Sort and order method for uWMWRes objectsorder,uwmwRes-method sort sort,uwmwRes-method unorder unorder,ANY-method unorder,uwmwRes-method
Extract data from uwmwRes and uwmwEstimate objects.uwmw_Extract [,uwmwEstimate,ANY-method [,uwmwEstimate,character-method [,uwmwRes,ANY-method [,uwmwRes,character-method
The unified Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test for qPCR datauWMW uWMW,data.frame-method uWMW,matrix-method uWMW,qPCRset-method
The class uwmwEstimateuwmwEstimate uwmwEstimate-class
Class uwmwResuwmwRes uwmwRes-class
Parameters used for the function volcanoplotvolcano-par volcanopar volcanoplot-par volcanoplotpar
Make a volcano plot of the outcome of a uWMW testvolcanoplot volcanoplot,MArrayLM-method volcanoplot,matrix-method volcanoplot,numeric-method volcanoplot,uwmwRes-method