Package: twoddpcr 1.31.0

Anthony Chiu

twoddpcr: Classify 2-d Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR) data and quantify the number of starting molecules

The twoddpcr package takes Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR) droplet amplitude data from Bio-Rad's QuantaSoft and can classify the droplets. A summary of the positive/negative droplet counts can be generated, which can then be used to estimate the number of molecules using the Poisson distribution. This is the first open source package that facilitates the automatic classification of general two channel ddPCR data. Previous work includes 'definetherain' (Jones et al., 2014) and 'ddpcRquant' (Trypsteen et al., 2015) which both handle one channel ddPCR experiments only. The 'ddpcr' package available on CRAN (Attali et al., 2016) supports automatic gating of a specific class of two channel ddPCR experiments only.

Authors:Anthony Chiu [aut, cre]

twoddpcr.pdf |twoddpcr.html
twoddpcr/json (API)

# Install 'twoddpcr' in R:
install.packages('twoddpcr', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:

  • KRAScounts - KRAS mutant and wild type droplet counts and Poisson estimates.
  • KRAScountsQS - KRAS mutant and wild type droplet counts and Poisson estimates.
  • KRAScountsWellCol - KRAS mutant and wild type droplet counts and Poisson estimates.
  • KRASdata - Droplet amplitude data for KRAS mutant and wild type molecules.

On BioConductor:twoddpcr-1.31.0(bioc 3.21)twoddpcr-1.30.0(bioc 3.20)


5.78 score 10 stars 4 scripts 237 downloads 2 mentions 60 exports 56 dependencies

Last updated 4 months agofrom:c2e2c951ae. Checks:1 OK, 7 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 17 2025
R-4.5-winNOTEFeb 17 2025
R-4.5-macNOTEFeb 17 2025
R-4.5-linuxNOTEFeb 17 2025
R-4.4-winNOTEFeb 17 2025
R-4.4-macNOTEFeb 17 2025
R-4.3-winNOTEFeb 17 2025
R-4.3-macNOTEFeb 17 2025



twoddpcr: A package for Droplet Digital PCR analysis

Rendered fromtwoddpcr.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 17 2025.

Last update: 2018-08-13
Started: 2017-02-17

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Classifying and summarising 2-d droplet digitial PCR (ddPCR) data.twoddpcr-package twoddpcr
K-means classify a data frame where the droplets are negative in the same channels only..classifyDfOnChannel
K-means classify a list of data frames individually, where each data frame comprises droplets that are negative in the same channels only..classifyOnChannel
Fuzzy clusters by bivariate normal distributions..classwiseMahalanobisRain
Get the covariance of a cluster..cov
Get a vector of all dependent columns..dependentCols
Get a vector of essential dependent columns..essentialDependentCols
Retrieve the well names to use from a given list..extractWellNames
Get a summary of the number of molecules in 20ul..getAllSummary
Find the centres of each of the wells in a given channel..getChannelCentres
Extract a classification from a data frame..getClassificationData
Get the mutant copies per 20ul of a data frame..getMutCopies
Extract the well names from a data frame..getWellNames
Get the wild type copies per 20ul of a data frame..getWtCopies
Checks whether an object is a data frame with two leading double columns..isTwoDimDataFrame
Checks a data frame is a wide-form table..isWideForm
Mahalanobis distance of droplets from a distribution..mahDist
Get the inverse of a matrix.matrixInverse
Find the number of wells in the data frame..numberOfWells
Normalise a well on one channel only and then transform it back to the original (combined) scale..renormaliseByChannel
Normalise a well in both channels and then transform it back to the original (combined) scale..renormaliseWell
Round to at least n decimal places..roundIt
Splits a long vector and according to a vector of sizes..slice
Get the total number of molecules in 20ul..totalCopies
Retrieve droplet amplitudes.amplitudes amplitudes,ddpcrPlate-method amplitudes,ddpcrWell-method
Get the very basic columns of a data frame.basicsSummary
Makes a long form data frame into wide form.castSummary
Get the covariance of each cluster.classCov
Get the mean of each cluster.classMeans
Get some basic statistical properties for each class.classStats
Retrieve the cluster centres.clusterCenters clusterCentres clusterCentres,ddpcrPlate-method clusterCentres,ddpcrWell-method combinedCenters combinedCentres combinedCentres,ddpcrPlate-method combinedPlateCenters combinedPlateCentres plateCenters plateCentres wellCenters wellCentres
Get the total copies per 20ul of a data frame in the context of the basic counts.copiesSummary
An environment for package variables.ddpcr
An S4 class for multiple wells in a ddPCR experiment..ddpcrPlate ddpcrPlate ddpcrPlate,character-method ddpcrPlate,ddpcrPlate-method ddpcrPlate,list-method ddpcrPlate,missing-method ddpcrPlate-class show,ddpcrPlate-method
An S4 class for the classification of a single well in a ddPCR experiment..ddpcrWell ddpcrWell ddpcrWell,character-method ddpcrWell,data.frame-method ddpcrWell,ddpcrWell-method ddpcrWell,missing-method ddpcrWell-class show,ddpcrWell-method
Plot nothing.drawBlank
Plot a droplet classification with a colour-blind palette, optional cluster centres and fixed axes.dropletPlot dropletPlot,data.frame-method dropletPlot,ddpcrPlate-method dropletPlot,ddpcrWell-method
Check the types of the elements in a 'SimpleList'.elementType,SimpleList-method
Exports an object to file.exportTable exportTable,data.frame-method exportTable,ddpcrPlate-method exportTable,ddpcrWell-method exportZip exportZip,ddpcrPlate-method
Try to get plate name from a filename.extractPlateName
Try to get well names from a vector of filenames.extractWellNames
Draw each of the individual wells in a ddPCR experiment.allPlot facetPlot facetPlot,data.frame-method facetPlot,ddpcrPlate-method plotAll
Plot droplet amplitudes with all droplets classified as "N/A" (or a chosen class).flatPlot flatPlot,data.frame-method flatPlot,ddpcrPlate-method flatPlot,ddpcrWell-method
Get all of the counts data in a summarised data frame.fullCopiesSummary
Take a data frame and compute the abundance of molecules.fullCountsSummary
Find the standard deviation of droplets (in a given class) multipied by a given constant.getCutOff
ggplot methods for the 'ddpcrWell' and 'ddpcrPlate' classes.ggplot.multiwell ggplot.plate ggplot.plate,ddpcrPlate-method ggplot.well ggplot.well,ddpcrWell-method ggplot.wells
Use a 'grid' to create training data for classification algorithms.gridClassify gridClassify,data.frame-method gridClassify,ddpcrPlate-method gridClassify,ddpcrWell-method
Draw a heat plot of the droplets.densityPlot heatPlot heatPlot,data.frame-method heatPlot,ddpcrPlate-method heatPlot,ddpcrWell-method
Is a 'ddpcrWell' object empty?isEmpty,ddpcrPlate-method isEmpty,ddpcrWell-method
K-means classify the wells in a 'ddpcrWell' or 'ddpcrPlate' object, or in a data frame.kmeansClassify kmeansClassify,data.frame-method kmeansClassify,ddpcrPlate-method kmeansClassify,ddpcrWell-method
Use the k-nearest neighbour algorithm to classify the wells in a 'ddpcrWell' or 'ddpcrPlate' object, or in a data frame.knnClassify knnClassify,data.frame-method knnClassify,ddpcrPlate-method knnClassify,ddpcrWell-method
KRAS mutant and wild type droplet counts and Poisson estimates.KRAScounts KRAScountsQS KRAScountsWellCol
Droplet amplitude data for KRAS mutant and wild type molecules.KRASdata
Define 'rain' (unclassified) droplets by fitting the clusters to bivariate normal distributions.mahalanobisRain mahalanobisRain,data.frame-method mahalanobisRain,ddpcrPlate-method mahalanobisRain,ddpcrWell-method multivariateNormalRain multivariateRain mvNormalRain mvnRain
Get the mutant copies per 20ul of a data frame in the context of the basic counts.mutantCopiesSummary
Retrieve the number of droplets.numberDroplets numberDrops numberOfDroplets numberOfDrops numDroplets numDroplets,ddpcrPlate-method numDroplets,ddpcrWell-method numDrops numOfDroplets
Inline 'numericInputs'.numericInputRow
Retain cluster counts and user-specified columns in data frames.parseClusterCounts
Set and retrieve classifications for multiple wells.plateClassification plateClassification,ddpcrPlate-method plateClassification<- plateClassification<-,ddpcrPlate,character,factor-method plateClassification<-,ddpcrPlate,character,list-method
Set or retrieve the classification method strings for multiple wells.commonClassificationMethod commonClassificationMethod,ddpcrPlate-method plateClassificationMethod plateClassificationMethod,ddpcrPlate-method plateClassificationMethod<- plateClassificationMethod<-,ddpcrPlate-method plateClassificationName plateClassMethod plateClassName
Counts the number of positives and negatives in an experiment and produces estimates for the number of molecules.plateSummary plateSummary,ddpcrPlate-method plateSummary,list-method
Get a vector of droplet positive and negative counts.positiveCounts
Read all given CSV files into a list.readCSVDataFrame
Re-label clusters.relabelClasses
Retrieve a data frame of droplet amplitudes with droplets of a given class removed.removeDropletClasses removeDropletClasses,data.frame-method removeDropletClasses,ddpcrPlate-method removeDropletClasses,ddpcrWell-method
Normalise all wells in a plate to the overall/average cluster positions.renormalisePlate
Add rain to a classification by using a chosen multiple of standard deviation.sdRain sdRain,data.frame-method sdRain,ddpcrPlate-method sdRain,ddpcrWell-method
Rename the channels.setChannelNames setChannelNames,data.frame-method setChannelNames,list-method
Set the droplet volume in microlitres (ul).setDropletVol setDropletVolume setDropVol setDropVolume
A Shiny environment.shinyVis
Shiny app.shinyVisApp
Shiny visualisation server.shinyVisServer
Shiny visualisation UI.shinyVisUI
Sorts a data frame according to the well names.sortDataFrame
Return given well names sorted.sortWells
Inline 'textInputs'.textInputRow
Set thresholds to classify droplets.thresholdClassify thresholdClassify,data.frame-method thresholdClassify,ddpcrPlate-method thresholdClassify,ddpcrWell-method
Retrieve a classification vector.wellClassification wellClassification,ddpcrWell-method wellClassification<- wellClassification<-,ddpcrWell-method
Retrieve the classification method.wellClassificationMethod wellClassificationMethod,ddpcrWell-method wellClassificationMethod<- wellClassificationMethod<-,ddpcrWell-method
Use a theme with a white background and grey lines.whiteTheme
Get the wild type copies per 20ul of a data frame in the context of the basic counts.wildTypeCopiesSummary