Package: systemPipeR 2.13.0
systemPipeR: systemPipeR: Workflow Environment for Data Analysis and Report Generation
systemPipeR is a multipurpose data analysis workflow environment that unifies R with command-line tools. It enables scientists to analyze many types of large- or small-scale data on local or distributed computer systems with a high level of reproducibility, scalability and portability. At its core is a command-line interface (CLI) that adopts the Common Workflow Language (CWL). This design allows users to choose for each analysis step the optimal R or command-line software. It supports both end-to-end and partial execution of workflows with built-in restart functionalities. Efficient management of complex analysis tasks is accomplished by a flexible workflow control container class. Handling of large numbers of input samples and experimental designs is facilitated by consistent sample annotation mechanisms. As a multi-purpose workflow toolkit, systemPipeR enables users to run existing workflows, customize them or design entirely new ones while taking advantage of widely adopted data structures within the Bioconductor ecosystem. Another important core functionality is the generation of reproducible scientific analysis and technical reports. For result interpretation, systemPipeR offers a wide range of plotting functionality, while an associated Shiny App offers many useful functionalities for interactive result exploration. The vignettes linked from this page include (1) a general introduction, (2) a description of technical details, and (3) a collection of workflow templates.
systemPipeR.pdf |systemPipeR.html✨
systemPipeR/json (API)
# Install 'systemPipeR' in R: |
install.packages('systemPipeR', repos = c('', '')) |
Bug tracker:
On BioConductor:systemPipeR-2.13.0(bioc 3.21)systemPipeR-2.12.0(bioc 3.20)
Last updated 3 months agofrom:94357f24a2. Checks:1 OK, 6 ERROR. Indexed: yes.
Target | Result | Latest binary |
Doc / Vignettes | OK | Jan 26 2025 |
R-4.5-win | ERROR | Jan 26 2025 |
R-4.5-linux | ERROR | Jan 26 2025 |
R-4.4-win | ERROR | Jan 26 2025 |
R-4.4-mac | ERROR | Jan 26 2025 |
R-4.3-win | ERROR | Jan 26 2025 |
R-4.3-mac | ERROR | Jan 26 2025 |
systemPipeR: Workflow Environment for Data Analysis and Report Generation
Rendered fromsystemPipeR.Rmd
on Jan 26 2025.Last update: 2024-09-01
Started: 2015-07-27
systemPipeR: Workflow Templates
Rendered fromsystemPipeR_workflows.Rmd
on Jan 26 2025.Last update: 2024-07-28
Started: 2019-10-15
Readme and manuals
Help Manual
Help page | Topics |
systemPipeR package for Workflow Environment | systemPipeR-package |
Extension accessor methods for SummarizedExperiment object | addAssay addAssay,SummarizedExperiment-method addAssay-methods addMetadata addMetadata,SummarizedExperiment-method addMetadata-methods |
Alignment statistics | alignStats |
Class '"catDB"' | catDB-class catlist,catDB-method catmap,catDB-method coerce,list,catDB-method idconv,catDB-method names,catDB-method show,catDB-method |
catDB accessor methods | catlist catlist-methods catmap catmap-methods idconv idconv-methods |
Checking if the outfiles files exist | check.outfiles check.output |
Submit command-line tools to cluster | clusterRun |
Adding param file | config.param |
Workflow Steps Selection | configWF |
Read counting for several range sets | countRangeset |
createParam | createParam createParamFiles writeParamFiles |
Update CWL description files | cwlFilesUpdate |
Class '"EnvModules"' | $,EnvModules-method available_modules,EnvModules-method coerce,EnvModules,list-method coerce,list,EnvModules-method default_modules,EnvModules-method EnvModules,EnvModules-method EnvModules-class loaded_modules,EnvModules-method modulecmd,EnvModules-method names,EnvModules-method show,EnvModules-method [,EnvModules,ANY,ANY,ANY-method [[,EnvModules,ANY,ANY-method [[,EnvModules,ANY,missing-method [[<-,EnvModules,ANY,ANY,ANY-method [[<-,EnvModules,ANY,ANY-method [[<-,EnvModules-method |
Toggles option 'eval' on the RMarkdown files | evalCode |
Genome read coverage by transcript models | featureCoverage |
Plot read distribution across genomic features | featuretypeCounts |
Filter and plot DEG results | filterDEGs |
Filter VCF files | filterVars |
Generate feature ranges from TxDb | genFeatures |
GO term enrichment analysis for large numbers of gene sets | goBarplot GOCluster_Report GOHyperGAll GOHyperGAll_Simplify GOHyperGAll_Subset makeCATdb |
Import R Markdown file as workflow | importWF |
Class '"INTERSECTset"' | as.list,INTERSECTset-method coerce,list,INTERSECTset-method complexitylevels,INTERSECTset-method intersectlist,INTERSECTset-method intersectmatrix,INTERSECTset-method INTERSECTset-class length,INTERSECTset-method names,INTERSECTset-method setlist,INTERSECTset-method show,INTERSECTset-method |
Class '"LineWise"' | $,LineWise-method appendCodeLine,LineWise-method appendCodeLine<-,LineWise-method codeChunkStart codeChunkStart,LineWise-method codeLine,LineWise-method coerce,LineWise,list-method coerce,list,LineWise-method dependency,LineWise-method files,LineWise-method length,LineWise-method LineWise linewise linewise,LineWise-method LineWise-class names,LineWise-method replaceCodeLine,LineWise-method replaceCodeLine<-,LineWise-method rmdPath rmdPath,LineWise-method runInfo,LineWise-method show,LineWise-method status,LineWise-method stepName,LineWise-method [,LineWise,ANY,ANY,ANY-method [[,LineWise,ANY,missing-method [[<-,LineWise,ANY,ANY,ANY-method [[<-,LineWise,ANY,ANY-method |
List/check the existence of command-line tools of a workflow | listCmdModules listCmdTools |
Constructs SYSargs2 object from CWL param and targets files | loadWF loadWorkflow renderWF updateWF |
Merge BAM files based on factor | mergeBamByFactor |
Interface to allow full use of the Environment Modules system for Unix | module moduleAvail moduleClear moduleInit modulelist moduleload moduleUnload |
Bar plot for intersect sets | olBarplot |
Identify Range Overlaps for IRanges and GRanges Object | olRanges |
Updates the output files paths in the 'SYSargs2' object | output_update |
Set Intersect and Venn Diagram Functions | complexitylevels complexitylevels-methods intersectlist intersectlist-methods intersectmatrix intersectmatrix-methods overLapper setlist setlist-methods vennlist vennlist-methods |
Plot feature coverage results | plotfeatureCoverage |
Plot read distribution across genomic features | plotfeaturetypeCounts |
Visualize SPR workflow and status | plotWF plotwfOutput renderPlotwf |
Predict ORFs | predORF |
Run custom read preprocessing functions | preprocessReads |
Accessories function to modify the Command-line Version 1 | appendParam printParam renameParam replaceParam subsetParam |
Accessories function to modify the Command-line Version 2 | appendParam2 printParam2 removeParam2 renameParam2 replaceParam2 |
Import sample comparisons from targets file | readComp |
Render RMarkdown Logs Report | renderLogs |
Render RMarkdown Report | renderReport |
RPKM Normalization | returnRPKM |
Runs DESeq2 | run_DESeq2 |
Runs edgeR | run_edgeR |
Execute SYSargs and SYSargs2 | runCommandline |
Differential abundance analysis for many range sets | runDiff |
Execute SYSargsList | runWF |
Translate SYSargsList back to a bash workflow | sal2bash |
Translate SYSargsList back to a workflow template Rmarkdown file | sal2rmd |
Scale spliced ranges to genome coordinates | scaleRanges |
Quality reports for FASTQ files | seeFastq seeFastqPlot |
Create an HTML table using DT package with fixed columns | showDF |
Workflow Project Initiation | SPRproject |
Subsetting SYSargs2 class slots | subsetWF |
Symbolic links for IGV | symLink2bam |
SYSargs accessor methods | cores cores-methods infile1 infile1-methods infile2 infile2-methods modules-methods other other-methods outfile1 outfile1-methods outpaths outpaths-methods reference reference-methods results results-methods SampleName-methods software software-methods sysargs sysargs-methods targetsheader-methods targetsin targetsin-methods targetsout targetsout-methods |
Class '"SYSargs"' | coerce,list,SYSargs-method cores,SYSargs-method infile1,SYSargs-method infile2,SYSargs-method length,SYSargs-method modules,SYSargs-method names,SYSargs-method other,SYSargs-method outfile1,SYSargs-method outpaths,SYSargs-method reference,SYSargs-method results,SYSargs-method SampleName,SYSargs-method show,SYSargs-method software,SYSargs-method sysargs,SYSargs-method SYSargs-class targetsheader,SYSargs-method targetsin,SYSargs-method targetsout,SYSargs-method [,SYSargs,ANY,ANY,ANY-method |
Class '"SYSargs2"' | $,SYSargs2-method baseCommand,SYSargs2-method clt clt,SYSargs2-method cmdlist,SYSargs2-method cmdToCwl cmdToCwl,SYSargs2-method cmdToCwl<- cmdToCwl<-,SYSargs2-method coerce,list,SYSargs2-method coerce,SYSargs2,list-method files files,SYSargs2-method infile1,SYSargs2-method infile2,SYSargs2-method input input,SYSargs2-method inputvars inputvars,SYSargs2-method internal_outfiles internal_outfiles,SYSargs2-method length,SYSargs2-method modules modules,SYSargs2-method names,SYSargs2-method output output,SYSargs2-method SampleName,SYSargs2-method show,SYSargs2-method status status,SYSargs2-method sysargs2 sysargs2,SYSargs2-method SYSargs2-class targets targets,SYSargs2-method targetsheader,SYSargs2-method wf wf,SYSargs2-method yamlinput,SYSargs2-method yamlinput<-,SYSargs2,ANY,ANY-method yamlinput<-,SYSargs2-method [,SYSargs2,ANY,ANY,ANY-method [[,SYSargs2,ANY,missing-method [[<-,SYSargs2,ANY,ANY,ANY-method [[<-,SYSargs2,ANY,ANY-method |
SYSargsList Constructor | SYSargsList |
Class '"SYSargsList"' | $,SYSargsList-method addResources addResources,SYSargsList-method appendCodeLine<- appendCodeLine<-,SYSargsList-method appendStep<- appendStep<-,SYSargsList-method baseCommand baseCommand,SYSargsList-method cmdlist cmdlist,SYSargsList-method codeLine codeLine,SYSargsList-method coerce,list,SYSargsList-method coerce,SYSargsList,list-method copyEnvir copyEnvir,SYSargsList-method dependency dependency,SYSargsList-method dependency<- dependency<-,SYSargsList-method getColumn getColumn,SYSargsList-method length,SYSargsList-method names,SYSargsList-method outfiles outfiles,SYSargsList-method projectInfo projectInfo,SYSargsList-method renameStep<- renameStep<-,SYSargsList-method replaceCodeLine<- replaceCodeLine<-,SYSargsList-method replaceStep<- replaceStep<-,SYSargsList-method runInfo runInfo,SYSargsList-method SampleName SampleName,SYSargsList-method SE SE,SYSargsList-method SE<- SE<-,SYSargsList-method show,SYSargsList-method statusWF statusWF,SYSargsList-method stepName stepName,SYSargsList-method stepsWF stepsWF,SYSargsList-method subset subset,SYSargsList-method sysargslist sysargslist,SYSargsList-method SYSargsList-class targetsheader targetsheader,SYSargsList-method targetsWF targetsWF,SYSargsList-method targets_connection targets_connection,SYSargsList-method updateColumn<- updateColumn<-,SYSargsList-method viewEnvir viewEnvir,SYSargsList-method yamlinput yamlinput,SYSargsList-method yamlinput<- yamlinput<-,SYSargsList-method [,SYSargsList,ANY,ANY,ANY-method [[,SYSargsList,ANY,missing-method [[<-,SYSargsList,ANY,ANY,ANY-method [[<-,SYSargsList,ANY,ANY-method |
Constructs SYSargs object from param and targets files | systemArgs |
Convert targets to list or data.frame | |
Genome read coverage by transcript models | trimbatch |
Collect information about the third-party software | tryCL tryCMD |
Validation of the files or directories | tryPath |
Generate Variant Report | combineVarReports variantReport varSummary |
Plot 2-5 way Venn diagrams | vennPlot |
Class '"VENNset"' | as.list,VENNset-method coerce,list,VENNset-method complexitylevels,VENNset-method intersectmatrix,VENNset-method length,VENNset-method names,VENNset-method setlist,VENNset-method show,VENNset-method vennlist,VENNset-method VENNset-class |
Writeout SYSargsList object | write_SYSargsList |
Write updated targets out to file from 'SYSargsList' | writeTargets |
Write updated targets out to file | writeTargetsout |
Generate targets file with reference | writeTargetsRef |