Package: snpStats 1.55.0

David Clayton

snpStats: SnpMatrix and XSnpMatrix classes and methods

Classes and statistical methods for large SNP association studies. This extends the earlier snpMatrix package, allowing for uncertainty in genotypes.

Authors:David Clayton <[email protected]>

snpStats.pdf |snpStats.html
snpStats/json (API)

# Install 'snpStats' in R:
install.packages('snpStats', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

Uses libs:
  • zlib– Compression library
  • Asnps - Test data for the snpStats package
  • Autosomes - Test data for the snpStats package
  • Xchromosome - Test data for the snpStats package
  • Xsnps - Test data for the snpStats package
  • ceph.1mb - Datasets to illustrate calculation of linkage disequilibrium statistics
  • genotypes - Test data for family association tests
  • pedData - Test data for family association tests
  • - Data for exercise in use of the snpStats package
  • snps.10 - Data for exercise in use of the snpStats package
  • - Test data for the snpStats package
  • - Data for exercise in use of the snpStats package
  • support.ld - Datasets to illustrate calculation of linkage disequilibrium statistics
  • yri.1mb - Datasets to illustrate calculation of linkage disequilibrium statistics

On BioConductor:snpStats-1.55.0(bioc 3.20)snpStats-1.54.0(bioc 3.19)

This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.


62 exports 5.37 score 5 dependencies 16 dependents 51 mentions

Last updated 2 months agofrom:6be473e64c



Data input

Rendered fromdata-input-vignette.Rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Jul 03 2024.

Last update: 2015-08-14
Started: 2013-11-01


Rendered fromFst-vignette.Rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Jul 03 2024.

Last update: 2022-07-27
Started: 2013-12-12

Imputation and meta-analysis

Rendered fromimputation-vignette.Rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Jul 03 2024.

Last update: 2013-11-01
Started: 2013-11-01

LD statistics

Rendered fromld-vignette.Rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Jul 03 2024.

Last update: 2013-11-01
Started: 2013-11-01

Principal components analysis

Rendered frompca-vignette.Rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Jul 03 2024.

Last update: 2014-08-08
Started: 2013-11-01


Rendered fromdifferences.Rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Jul 03 2024.

Last update: 2013-11-01
Started: 2013-11-01

snpStats introduction

Rendered fromsnpStats-vignette.Rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Jul 03 2024.

Last update: 2013-11-01
Started: 2013-11-01

TDT tests

Rendered fromtdt-vignette.Rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Jul 03 2024.

Last update: 2013-11-01
Started: 2013-11-01

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
SnpMatrix and XSnpMatrix classes and methodssnpStats-package snpStats
Extract test statistics and p-valueschi.squared deg.freedom effect.sign effective.sample.size p.value sample.size
Convert 'snpMatrix' objects to 'snpStats' objectsconvert.snpMatrix convert.snpMatrix.dir
An example of intensity data for SNP genotypingexample-new
Test data for family association testsfamilies genotypes pedData
Filter a set of imputation rulesfilter.rules
Data for exercise in use of the snpStats packagefor.exercise snps.10
Calculate fixation indicesFst
Set up control object for GLM computationsglm.test.control
Class "GlmEstimates"coerce,GlmEstimates,GlmTests-method GlmEstimates-class show,GlmEstimates-method [,GlmEstimates,ANY,missing,missing-method
Classes "GlmTests" and "GlmTestsScore"chi.squared,GlmTests,missing-method coerce,GlmTests,data.frame-method deg.freedom,GlmTests-method effect.sign,GlmTests,logical-method GlmTests-class GlmTestsScore-class names,GlmTests-method p.value,GlmTests,missing-method pool2,GlmTestsScore,GlmTestsScore,logical-method sample.size,GlmTests-method show,GlmTests-method summary,GlmTests-method switch.alleles,GlmTestsScore,character-method [,GlmTests,ANY,missing,missing-method [,GlmTestsScore,ANY,missing,missing-method
Count alleles identical by stateibsCount
Distance matrix based on identity by state (IBS)ibsDist
Extract statistics from imputation rulescan.impute imputation.maf imputation.nsnp imputation.r2
Class "ImputationRules"ImputationRules-class plot,ImputationRules,missing-method show,ImputationRules-method summary,ImputationRules-method [,ImputationRules,ANY,missing,missing-method
Impute snpsimpute.snps
Pairwise linkage disequilibrium measuresld
Datasets to illustrate calculation of linkage disequilibrium statisticsceph.1mb ld.example support.ld yri.1mb
Raw coding of posterior probabilities of SNP genotypeg2post mean2g post2g
Find non-Mendelian inheritances in family datamisinherits
Multivariate SNP testsmvtests
Plot posterior probabilities of genotype assignmentplotUncertainty
Pool test results from several studies or sub-studiespool
Pool results of tests from two independent datasetspool2
Unpack posterior probabilities from one-byte codespp
Quantile-quantile plot for chi-squared testsqq.chisq
Generate random SnpMatrixrandom.snps
Read genotypes imputed by the BEAGLE programread.beagle
Read genotypes imputed by the IMPUTE2 programread.impute
Read SNP genotype data in long formatread.long
Read genotypes imputed by the MACH programread.mach
Read a pedfile as '"SnpMatrix"' objectread.pedfile
Read a PLINK binary data file as a SnpMatrixread.plink
Read SNP data in long format (deprecated)read.snps.long
Summarize rows or columns of a snp matrixcol.summary row.summary
Sample datasets to illustrate data inputmach1.out.mlprob.gz sample-long-alleles.gz sample-long.gz sample.bed sample.bim sample.fam
1-df and 2-df tests for genetic associations with SNPs (or imputed SNPs)single.snp.tests
Classes "SingleSnpTests" and "SingleSnpTestsScore"chi.squared,SingleSnpTests,numeric-method coerce,SingleSnpTests,data.frame-method effect.sign,SingleSnpTestsScore,missing-method effective.sample.size,SingleSnpTests-method names,SingleSnpTests-method p.value,SingleSnpTests,numeric-method pool2,SingleSnpTestsScore,SingleSnpTestsScore,logical-method sample.size,SingleSnpTests-method show,SingleSnpTests-method SingleSnpTests-class SingleSnpTestsScore-class summary,SingleSnpTests-method switch.alleles,SingleSnpTestsScore,ANY-method [,SingleSnpTests,ANY,missing,missing-method [,SingleSnpTestsScore,ANY,missing,missing-method
Compare two SnpMatrix
Correlations with columns of a SnpMatrixsnp.cor
Calculate imputation rulessnp.imputation
Logistic regression with SNP genotypes as dependent variablesnp.lhs.estimates
Score tests with SNP genotypes as dependent variablesnp.lhs.tests
Pre- or post-multiply a SnpMatrix object by a general snp.pre.multiply
Fit GLMs with SNP genotypes as independent variable(s)snp.rhs.estimates
Score tests with SNP genotypes as independent variablesnp.rhs.tests
Class "SnpMatrix"cbind,SnpMatrix-method cbind2,SnpMatrix,SnpMatrix-method coerce,matrix,SnpMatrix-method coerce,SnpMatrix,character-method coerce,SnpMatrix,numeric-method initialize,SnpMatrix-method,SnpMatrix-method rbind,SnpMatrix-method rbind2,SnpMatrix,SnpMatrix-method show,SnpMatrix-method SnpMatrix-class summary,SnpMatrix-method switch.alleles,SnpMatrix,ANY-method [,SnpMatrix,ANY,ANY,ANY-method
Switch alleles in columns of a SnpMatrix or in test resultsswitch.alleles
1-df and 2-df tests for genetic associations with SNPs (or imputed SNPs) in family datatdt.snp
Test for switch of alleles between two collectionstest.allele.switch
Test data for the snpStats packageAsnps Autosomes testdata Xchromosome Xsnps
Write files for analysis in the PLINK toolsetwrite.plink
Write a SnpMatrix object as a text filewrite.SnpMatrix
Class "XSnpMatrix"coerce,SnpMatrix,XSnpMatrix-method coerce,XSnpMatrix,character-method initialize,XSnpMatrix-method show,XSnpMatrix-method summary,XSnpMatrix-method XSnpMatrix-class [,XSnpMatrix,ANY,ANY,ANY-method [<-,XSnpMatrix,ANY,ANY,XSnpMatrix-method
X.X-transpose for a standardized SnpMatrixxxt