Package: scQTLtools 0.99.11

Xiaofeng Wu

scQTLtools: An R package for single-cell eQTL analysis and visualization

This package specializes in analyzing and visualizing eQTL at the single-cell level. It can read gene expression matrices or Seurat data, or SingleCellExperiment object along with genotype data. It offers a function for cis-eQTL analysis to detect eQTL within a given range, and another function to fit models with three methods. Using this package, users can also generate single-cell level visualization result.

Authors:Xiaofeng Wu [aut, cre, cph], Xin Huang [aut, cph], Jingtong Kang [com], Siwen Xu [aut, cph]

scQTLtools.pdf |scQTLtools.html
scQTLtools/json (API)

# Install 'scQTLtools' in R:
install.packages('scQTLtools', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:


On BioConductor:scQTLtools-0.99.11(bioc 3.21)


4.48 score 1 stars 40 exports 123 dependencies

Last updated 1 months agofrom:ea832403d6. Checks:5 OK, 1 WARNING. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKJan 31 2025
R-4.5-winOKJan 31 2025
R-4.5-macWARNINGJan 31 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKJan 31 2025
R-4.4-winOKJan 31 2025
R-4.4-macOKJan 31 2025



scQTLtools:An R package for single-cell eQTL analysis.

Rendered fromscQTLtools.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jan 31 2025.

Last update: 2025-01-15
Started: 2024-08-13

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Adjust p-values and perform threshold filtering based on the adjusted p-values.adjust_pvalues
Build zinb model.buildZINB
callQTL: Uncover single-cell eQTLs exclusively using scRNA-seq data. A function designed to identify eQTLs from scRNA-seq data.callQTL
Check if the SNP ids in the input genotype matrix are valid.checkSNPList
Normalize the gene expression matrix with CPM.CPM_normalize
Create gene location dataframe.createGeneLoc
createObject:Create the eQTLObject. We next create a S4 object. The object serves as a container that contains both data (like the count matrix) and
Create SNP location dataframe.createSNPsLoc
Normalize the gene expression matrix with DESeq.DESeq_normalize
Generate a boxplot of expression levels by SNP factordraw_boxplot
Generate a hist plot of expression levels by SNP factor.draw_histplot
Create a combined plot with violin, boxplot, and scatter point overlay.draw_QTLplot
Generate a violin plot of expression levels by SNP factordraw_violinplot
Class 'eQTLObject' The eQTLObject class is an R object designed to store data related to eQTL analysis, encompassing data lists, result data frames, and layers for biClassify, species, and grouping information.eQTLObject-class
Filters data frame by absolute b-values, returning rows meeting or exceeding a threshold.filter_by_abs_b
filterGeneSNP: Filter gene expression matrix and genotype matrix.filterGeneSNP
Retrieve Cells by SNP Valueget_cell_groups
Extract Counts from an Expression Matrixget_counts
Generic to access eQTLObject filter dataget_filter_data
Method to access eQTLObject filter dataget_filter_data,eQTLObject-method
Generic to access eQTLObject used model informationget_model_info
Method to access eQTLObject used model informationget_model_info,eQTLObject-method
Generic to access eQTLObject raw dataget_raw_data
Method to access eQTLObject raw dataget_raw_data,eQTLObject-method
Generic to access the result of identifying eQTLs from scRNA-seq dataget_result_info
Method to access the result of identifying eQTLs from scRNA-seq dataget_result_info,eQTLObject-method
Progress Bar for Model Analysis.initialize_progress_bar
Normalize the gene expression matrix with limmalimma_normalize
Linear model fitting the gene expression matrix and genotype matrix.linearModel
Generic to access eQTLObject biclassify informationload_biclassify_info
Method to access eQTLObject biclassify informationload_biclassify_info,eQTLObject-method
Generic to access eQTLObject cell grouping informationload_group_info
Method to access eQTLObject cell grouping informationload_group_info,eQTLObject-method
Generic to access eQTLObject species informationload_species_info
Method to access eQTLObject species informationload_species_info,eQTLObject-method
Normalize the gene expression matrix with logNormalize method.log_normalize
normalizeGene: Normalize the gene expression data.normalizeGene
Theme options for customized plotsplots_theme_opts
Poisson model fitting the gene expression matrix and genotype matrix.poissonModel
Process a matrix to extract a row and convert it to a data frameprocess_matrix
Remove outliers from gene expression data and update cell listsremove_outliers
Generic to set eQTLObject filter dataset_filter_data
Method to set eQTLObject filter dataset_filter_data,eQTLObject-method
Generic to set eQTLObject used model informationset_model_info
Method to set eQTLObject used model informationset_model_info,eQTLObject-method
Generic to set eQTLObject raw dataset_raw_data
Method to set eQTLObject raw dataset_raw_data,eQTLObject-method
Generic to set the result of identifying eQTLs from scRNA-seq dataset_result_info
Method to set the result of identifying eQTLs from scRNA-seq dataset_result_info,eQTLObject-method
Show Method for eQTLObject Classshow,eQTLObject-method
Test eqtl objecttestEQTL
Test Gene Expression DatasettestGene
Test SeuratObjecttestSeurat
Test Genotype DatasettestSNP
Test Genotype DatasettestSNP2
Normalize the gene expression matrix with TPMTPM_normalize
visualizeQTL: Visualize the gene-snp pairs by group.visualizeQTL
Zinb model fitting the gene expression matrix.zinbModel