Package: reconsi 1.17.0

Stijn Hawinkel

reconsi: Resampling Collapsed Null Distributions for Simultaneous Inference

Improves simultaneous inference under dependence of tests by estimating a collapsed null distribution through resampling. Accounting for the dependence between tests increases the power while reducing the variability of the false discovery proportion. This dependence is common in genomics applications, e.g. when combining flow cytometry measurements with microbiome sequence counts.

Authors:Stijn Hawinkel [cre, aut]

reconsi.pdf |reconsi.html
reconsi/json (API)

# Install 'reconsi' in R:
install.packages('reconsi', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

Bug tracker:

  • Vandeputte - Microbiomes of Crohn's disease patients and healthy controls

On BioConductor:reconsi-1.17.0(bioc 3.20)reconsi-1.16.0(bioc 3.19)


7 exports 0.61 score 82 dependencies

Last updated 2 months agofrom:5e0d65c893



Manual for the RCM pacakage

Rendered fromreconsiVignette.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jul 01 2024.

Last update: 2023-11-10
Started: 2019-11-05

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Bin the test statistic into equally sized binsbinStats
Obtain weights as posterior probabilities to calculate the consensus nullcalcWeights
Fast estimation of mean and standard deviation of a normal distrbution, optionally with weightsestNormal
Estimate the fraction of true null hypotheses.estP0
Obtain a null covariance matrix of binned test statisticsgetApproxCovar
Find the dependence pat C1 of the approximate covariance matrix, and extract the ratio of the first eigenvalue to the sum of all positive eigenvaluesgetC1prop
Calculate tail-area (Fdr) and local (fdr) false discovery rates, based on a certain null distributiongetFdr
Obtain the consensus nullgetG0
A function to calculate observed and permuation z-statistics on a n-by-p matrix of observationsgetTestStats
A function to obtain a t-test statistic efficiently. For internal use onlygetTstat
Plot an approximation of the correlation structure of the test statisticsplotApproxCovar
Plot an the corvariance matrix of the test statistics estimated through permutationsplotCovar
Plot the obtained null distribution along with a histogram of observed test statisticsplotNull
A custom function to calculate the distribution function of the t-test statistic. For internal use onlyptEdit
A custom function to calculate the quantile function of the t-test statistic. For internal use onlyqtEdit
Correct quantiles by not returning 0 or 1quantCorrect
Perform simultaneous inference through collapsed resampling null distributionsreconsi
A function to efficiently row multiply a a-by-b matrix by a vector of length b. More memory intensive but that does not matter with given matrix sizesrowMultiply
A function to numerically stabilize an exponentiation. For internal use onlystabExp
A function to test for differential absolute abundance on a phyloseq objecttestDAA testDAA,matrix-method testDAA,phyloseq-method
Microbiomes of Crohn's disease patients and healthy controlsVandeputte