Package: randPack 1.51.0

Robert Gentleman

randPack: Randomization routines for Clinical Trials

A suite of classes and functions for randomizing patients in clinical trials.

Authors:Vincent Carey <[email protected]> and Robert Gentleman

randPack.pdf |randPack.html
randPack/json (API)

# Install 'randPack' in R:
install.packages('randPack', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

  • CT1 - Demonstration data for use with randPack
  • SampleData - Randomly generated data representing a potential patient cohort.
  • alltabs - Demonstration data for use with randPack
  • pD1 - Demonstration data for use with randPack
  • sco - Demonstration data for use with randPack

On BioConductor:randPack-1.51.0(bioc 3.20)randPack-1.50.0(bioc 3.19)

This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.


14 exports 1.16 score 2 dependencies 1 mentions

Last updated 2 months agofrom:38ed46e4f7



Clinical trial randomization infrastructure

Rendered fromrandPack.Rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Jul 03 2024.

Last update: 2022-10-28
Started: 2013-11-01

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Class "ClinicalExperiment"ClinicalExperiment-class randomization<- randomization<-,ClinicalExperiment,list-method show,ClinicalExperiment-method
Class "ClinicalTrial"ClinicalTrial-class
A function to create instances of the ClinicalTrial class.createTrial
demonstration data for use with randPackalltabs CT1 pD1 sco
Returns a named list, data frames by strata giving all covariate information along with allocationsgetEnrolleeInfo
Computes random allocation to treatment of a patient in a trialgetTreatment
A function to create specific instances of randomizers.makeRandomizer
use the Pocock-Simon or Taves algorithm for computing covariate-adaptive 'minimization' allocations for a clinical trialminimizePocSim minimizeTaves
Class "PatientData"PatientData-class
Class "PatientID"PatientID-class validPID
Class "Randomizer" and "RandomizerDesc" plus their subclasses.coerce,Randomizer,Minimization-method ForcedAlloc-class ForcedAllocDesc-class PermutedBlock-class PermutedBlockDesc-class Random-class RandomDesc-class Randomizer-class RandomizerDesc-class Urn-class UrnDesc-class
Randomly generated data representing a potential patient cohort.SampleData
A function to simulate patient covariate data.simPats
Accessor functions for the ClinicalExperiment class.factorNames numberOfFactorLevels numberOfTreatments treatmentFactors treatmentNames