Package: rTRM 1.43.0

Diego Diez

rTRM: Identification of Transcriptional Regulatory Modules from Protein-Protein Interaction Networks

rTRM identifies transcriptional regulatory modules (TRMs) from protein-protein interaction networks.

Authors:Diego Diez

rTRM/json (API)

# Install 'rTRM' in R:
install.packages('rTRM', repos = c('', ''))

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On BioConductor:rTRM-1.43.0(bioc 3.20)rTRM-1.42.0(bioc 3.19)


32 exports 1.16 score 42 dependencies 1 dependents 4 mentions

Last updated 2 months agofrom:f94a5e670a



rTRM: an R package for the identification of transcription regulatory modules (TRMs)

Rendered fromIntroduction.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jun 26 2024.

Last update: 2021-06-19
Started: 2021-06-19

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Identification transcription regulatory modules (TRMs)rTRM-package rTRM
Annotate a graph with frequency of nodes/edges in other graphs.annotateFreq
Annotate a network module with informationannotateModule
Annotate a network object with information about clusters.annotateTRM
Network dataset of class 'igraph'biogrid_hs
Network dataset of class 'igraph'biogrid_mm
Indentifies a TRM associated with a target node and one or more query nodes.findTRM
Obtain the 'pwm' table fromt the database, containing PWM's annotations.getAnnotations
Downloads network data from BioGRID in TAB2 format.getBiogridData
Returns a list with nodes membership to be used in a graph with a concentric layoutgetConcentricList
Gets the largest connected componentgetLargestComp
Obtain the mapping between PWM and Entrez Gene identifiers.getMaps
Obtain a list of PWMs.getMatrices
Retrieve PWMs associated with genes provided as entrezgene identifiers.getMotifsFromEntrezgene
Retrieve PWMs associated with genes provided as symbol.getMotifsFromSymbol
Obtain gene identifiers for a target organism associated with a list of PWMs.getOrthologFromMatrix
Obtain the mapping to Entrez Gene identifiers in the given organism.getOrthologs
Returns ortholog genes for a target organismgetOrthologsFromBiomart
Retrieves a set of sequences from a BSgenome object and optionally appends a label to each sequence id.getSequencesFromGenome
Compute similarity matrix of list of graphs.getSimilarityMatrix
Return the ontology in the TFclass database associated with an entrezgene identifiergetTFclass
Applies getTFclass sequentially to a vector of entrezgene identifiers.getTFclassFromEntrezgene
Get terms associated with a specified TFclass subset.getTFterms
Initializes mart objects to identify ortholog genesinitBiomart
Layouts a graph using arcs.layout.arc
Generates a concentric layout for graphslayout.concentric
Plot degree distribution for network nodesplotDegree
Plot an graph in igraph format.plotGraph
Plot an annotated TRM.plotTRM
Plot the legend of a TRM with information about the cluster families.plotTRMlegend
Process a data.frame with BioGRID data into a network for a target organismprocessBiogrid
Remove nodes from a graph and returns the largest componentremoveVertices
Export a table with TRM nodes and associated information.writeTRMreport