Package: midasHLA 1.15.0

Maciej Migdał

midasHLA: R package for immunogenomics data handling and association analysis

MiDAS is a R package for immunogenetics data transformation and statistical analysis. MiDAS accepts input data in the form of HLA alleles and KIR types, and can transform it into biologically meaningful variables, enabling HLA amino acid fine mapping, analyses of HLA evolutionary divergence, KIR gene presence, as well as validated HLA-KIR interactions. Further, it allows comprehensive statistical association analysis workflows with phenotypes of diverse measurement scales. MiDAS closes a gap between the inference of immunogenetic variation and its efficient utilization to make relevant discoveries related to T cell, Natural Killer cell, and disease biology.

Authors:Christian Hammer [aut], Maciej Migdał [aut, cre]

midasHLA.pdf |midasHLA.html
midasHLA/json (API)

# Install 'midasHLA' in R:
install.packages('midasHLA', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:


On BioConductor:midasHLA-1.15.0(bioc 3.21)midasHLA-1.14.0(bioc 3.20)

This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.


4.70 score 3 scripts 182 downloads 36 exports 129 dependencies

Last updated 2 months agofrom:b204d6ff76. Checks:OK: 1 WARNING: 4 ERROR: 2. Indexed: yes.

Doc / VignettesOKNov 29 2024
R-4.5-winWARNINGNov 29 2024
R-4.5-linuxWARNINGNov 29 2024
R-4.4-winWARNINGNov 29 2024
R-4.4-macERRORNov 29 2024
R-4.3-winWARNINGNov 29 2024
R-4.3-macERRORNov 29 2024



MiDAS quick start

Rendered fromMiDAS_vignette.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Nov 29 2024.

Last update: 2021-01-27
Started: 2020-10-20

MiDAS tutorial

Rendered fromMiDAS_tutorial.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Nov 29 2024.

Last update: 2021-03-30
Started: 2020-10-20

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Transform amino acid variation data frame into counts tableaaVariationToCounts
Adjust P-values for Multiple ComparisonsadjustPValues
Alleles frequencies scraped from allelefrequencies.netallele_frequencies
Association analysisanalyzeAssociations
Stepwise conditional association analysisanalyzeConditionalAssociations
Apply inheritance modelapplyInheritanceModel applyInheritanceModel.matrix applyInheritanceModel.SummarizedExperiment
Coerce MiDAS to Data
Backquote characterbackquote
Check if character matches one of possible valuescharacterMatches
Check HLA allele formatcheckAlleleFormat
Assert colData datacheckColDataFormat
Assert hla calls data frame formatcheckHlaCallsFormat
Assert KIR counts data frame formatcheckKirCallsFormat
Check KIR genes formatcheckKirGenesFormat
Assert statistical modelcheckStatisticalModel
Check column namescolnamesMatches
Convert allele numbers to additional variablesconvertAlleleToVariable
Convert counts table to variablescountsToVariables
Helper transform data frame to experiment matrixdfToExperimentMat
Grantham distancedict_dist_grantham
Calculate Grantham distance between amino acid sequencesdistGrantham
Helper transform experiment matrix to data frameexperimentMatToDf
Filter MiDAS object by frequencyfilterByFrequency
Filter MiDAS object by omnibus groupsfilterByOmnibusGroups
Filter MiDAS object by featuresfilterByVariables
Filter experiment by frequencyfilterExperimentByFrequency filterExperimentByFrequency.matrix filterExperimentByFrequency.SummarizedExperiment
Filter experiment by variablefilterExperimentByVariables filterExperimentByVariables.matrix filterExperimentByVariables.SummarizedExperiment
Filter list by elementsfilterListByElements
Pretty format statistical analysis results helperformatResults
Calculate amino acid frequenciesgetAAFrequencies
Infer HLA allele resolutiongetAlleleResolution
Get HLA alleles for amino acid positiongetAllelesForAA
Calculate experiment's features frequenciesgetExperimentFrequencies getExperimentFrequencies.matrix getExperimentFrequencies.SummarizedExperiment
Get experiment's population multiplicatorgetExperimentPopulationMultiplicator getExperimentPopulationMultiplicator.matrix getExperimentPopulationMultiplicator.SummarizedExperiment
Get available experiments in MiDAS object.getExperiments
Calculate features frequencies for a given experiment in MiDAS object.getFrequencies
Helper function for filtering frequency data framegetFrequencyMask
Get HLA calls from MiDAS object.getHlaCalls
Get HLA calls genesgetHlaCallsGenes
Calculate HLA allele frequenciesgetHlaFrequencies
Get HLA - KIR interactionsgetHlaKirInteractions
Get KIR calls from MiDAS object.getKirCalls
Calculate KIR genes frequenciesgetKIRFrequencies
Get attributes of statistical model objectgetObjectDetails
Get omnibus groups from MiDAS object.getOmnibusGroups
Get placeholder name from MiDAS object.getPlaceholder
Helper transforming reference frequenciesgetReferenceFrequencies
Find variable positions in sequence alignmentgetVariableAAPos
Check if tidy method for class existhasTidyMethod
Helper function returning alignment for Grantham distance calculationshlaAlignmentGrantham
Calculate Grantham distance between HLA alleleshlaCallsGranthamDistance
Transform HLA calls to counts tablehlaCallsToCounts
Generate amino acid variation matrixhlaToAAVariation
Convert HLA calls to variableshlaToVariable
Test for Hardy Weinberg equilibriumHWETest
Check if object is character vector or NULLisCharacterOrNULL
Check if object is of class xisClass
Check if object is of class x or nullisClassOrNULL
Check if object is count or NULLisCountOrNULL
Check if vector contains only counts or zerosisCountsOrZeros
Check if frequencies can be calculated for an experimentisExperimentCountsOrZeros
Check if experiment is inheritance model applicableisExperimentInheritanceModelApplicable isExperimentInheritanceModelApplicable.matrix isExperimentInheritanceModelApplicable.SummarizedExperiment
Check if object is flag or NULLisFlagOrNULL
Check if object is number or NULLisNumberOrNULL
Check if object is string or NULLisStringOrNULL
Check if object is TRUE or FALSE flagisTRUEorFALSE
Iterative likelihood ratio testiterativeLRT
Iteratively evaluate model for different variablesiterativeModel
Create association analysis results table in HTML or LaTeXkableResults
KIR genes frequencies scraped from allelefrequencies.netkir_frequencies
lapply with tryCatch routinelapply_tryCatch
List HLA alleles dictionarieslistMiDASDictionaries
Likelihood ratio testLRTest
MiDAS tutorial HLA dataMiDAS_tut_HLA
MiDAS tutorial KIR dataMiDAS_tut_KIR
MiDAS tutorial MiDAS objectMiDAS_tut_object
MiDAS tutorial phenotype dataMiDAS_tut_pheno
MiDAS classfilterByFrequency,MiDAS-method filterByOmnibusGroups,MiDAS-method filterByVariables,MiDAS-method getAllelesForAA,MiDAS-method getExperiments,MiDAS-method getFrequencies,MiDAS-method getHlaCalls,MiDAS-method getKirCalls,MiDAS-method getOmnibusGroups,MiDAS-method getPlaceholder,MiDAS-method MiDAS MiDAS-class
Transform MiDAS to wide format data.framemidasToWide
Check if placeholder is present in object formulaobjectHasPlaceholder
Omnibus testomnibusTest
Construct a MiDAS objectprepareMiDAS
Prepare MiDAS data on HLA amino acid levelprepareMiDAS_hla_aa
Prepare MiDAS data on HLA allele levelprepareMiDAS_hla_alleles
Prepare MiDAS data on custom HLA levelprepareMiDAS_hla_custom
Prepare MiDAS data on HLA divergence levelprepareMiDAS_hla_divergence
Prepare MiDAS data on HLA allele's G groups levelprepareMiDAS_hla_g_groups
Prepare MiDAS data on HLA heterozygosity levelprepareMiDAS_hla_het
Prepare MiDAS data on HLA - KIR interactions levelprepareMiDAS_hla_kir_interactions
Prepare MiDAS data on HLA allele's groups levelprepareMiDAS_hla_NK_ligands
Prepare MiDAS data on HLA allele's supertypes levelprepareMiDAS_hla_supertypes
Prepare MiDAS data on custom KIR levelprepareMiDAS_kir_custom
Prepare MiDAS data on KIR genes levelprepareMiDAS_kir_genes
Prepare MiDAS data on KIR haplotypes levelprepareMiDAS_kir_haplotypes
Read HLA allele alignmentsreadHlaAlignments
Read HLA allele callsreadHlaCalls
Read KIR callsreadKirCalls
Reduce HLA allelesreduceAlleleResolution
Reduce HLA calls resolutionreduceHlaCalls
Run MiDAS statistical analysisrunMiDAS
Get variables frequencies from MiDASrunMiDASGetVarsFreq
Check if string matches one of possible valuesstringMatches
Summarize amino acid positionsummariseAAPosition
Extend and Re-fit a Model CallupdateModel
Validate frequency cutoffsvalidateFrequencyCutoffs