Package: microbiome 1.27.0

Leo Lahti

microbiome: Microbiome Analytics

Utilities for microbiome analysis.

Authors:Leo Lahti [aut, cre], Sudarshan Shetty [aut]

microbiome.pdf |microbiome.html
microbiome/json (API)

# Install 'microbiome' in R:
install.packages('microbiome', repos = c('', ''))

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On BioConductor:microbiome-1.27.0(bioc 3.20)microbiome-1.26.0(bioc 3.19)


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Last updated 2 months agofrom:b21696527a



Introduction to the microbiome R package

Rendered fromvignette.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jun 24 2024.

Last update: 2022-04-22
Started: 2013-11-20

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
R package for microbiome studiesmicrobiome-package microbiome
Abundance Matrix from Phyloseqab, abundances otu
Adds 'best_hist' to a 'phyloseq-class' Objectadd_besthit
Add 'refseq' Slot for 'dada2' based 'phyloseq' Objectadd_refseq
Aggregate Rare Groupsaggregate_rare
Aggregate Taxaaggregate_taxa
Global Ecosystem State Variablesalpha
Cross Correlation Wrapperassociate cross_correlate
HITChip Atlas with 1006 Western Adultsatlas1006
Pick Baseline Timepoint Samplesbaseline
Bimodality Analysisbimodality
Sarle's Bimodality Coefficientbimodality_sarle
Abundance Boxplotboxplot_abundance
Alpha Boxplotboxplot_alpha
Convert Correlation Matrix into a Tablecmat2table
Collapse Replicate Samplescollapse_replicates
Core Microbiotacore filter_prevalent
Core Abundancecore_abundance
Core Heatmapcore_heatmap
Core Matrixcore_matrix
Core Taxacore_members prevalent_taxa
Coverage Indexcoverage
Default Colorsdefault_colors
Density Plotdensityplot
Diet Swap Datadietswap
Divergence within a Sample Groupdivergence
Diversity Indexdiversity
Dominance Indexdominance
Dominant taxadominant
Evenness Indexevenness
Find Optimafind_optima
Age Classesgroup_age
Body-Mass Index (BMI) Classesgroup_bmi
Association Heatmapheat
HITChip Taxonomyhitchip.taxonomy
Univariate Bimodality Plothotplot
Gini Indexinequality
Intermediate Stabilityintermediate_stability
Test Compositionalityis_compositional
Log-Modulo Skewness Rarity Indexlog_modulo_skewness
Low Abundance Indexlow_abundance
Map Taxonomic Levelsmap_levels
Merge Taxamerge_taxa2
Retrieve Phyloseq Metadata as Data Framemeta
Multimodality Scoremultimodality
Neatmap Sortingneat
Neatmap Sortingneatsort
Overlap Measureoverlap
Probiotics Intervention Datapeerj32
Visualize Samples of a Microbiota Atlasplot_atlas
Taxonomic Composition Plotplot_composition
Visualize OTU Coreplot_core
Plot Densityplot_density
Plot Frequenciesplot_frequencies
Landscape Plotplot_landscape
Visually Weighted Regression Plotplot_regression
Visualize Prevalence Distributions for Taxaplot_taxa_prevalence
Variation Line Plotplot_tipping
Bootstrapped Potential Analysispotential_analysis
Potential Analysis for Univariate Datapotential_univariate
OTU Prevalenceprevalence
Convert 'phyloseq-class' object to long data formatpsmelt2
Rare Microbiotarare
Rare (Non-Core) Abundance Indexrare_abundance
Rare Taxarare_members
Rarity Indexrarity
Read BIOM File into a Phyloseq Objectread_biom2phyloseq
Read Simple OTU Tables into a Phyloseq Objectread_csv2phyloseq
Read Mothur Output into a Phyloseq Objectread_mothur2phyloseq
Import phyloseq Dataread_phyloseq
Total Read Countreadcount
Exclude Samplesremove_samples
Exclude Taxaremove_taxa
Richness Indexrichness
Abundance Spread Plotspreadplot
Summarize phyloseq objectsummarize_phyloseq
Taxa Namestaxa
Utilities For 'phyloseq-class' Slots to Tibblescombine_otu_tax otu_tibble sample_tibble tax_tibble TibbleUtilites
Normalize Phyloseq Metadata Time Fieldtime_normalize
Temporal Sorting Within Subjectstime_sort
Time Splittimesplit
Identify Top Entriestop
Top Taxatop_taxa
Data Transformations for phyloseq Objectstransform