Package: infercnv 1.21.0

Christophe Georgescu

infercnv: Infer Copy Number Variation from Single-Cell RNA-Seq Data

Using single-cell RNA-Seq expression to visualize CNV in cells.

Authors:Timothy Tickle [aut], Itay Tirosh [aut], Christophe Georgescu [aut, cre], Maxwell Brown [aut], Brian Haas [aut]

infercnv.pdf |infercnv.html
infercnv/json (API)

# Install 'infercnv' in R:
install.packages('infercnv', repos = c('', ''))

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Uses libs:
  • jags– Just Another Gibbs Sampler for Bayesian MCMC
  • c++– GNU Standard C++ Library v3
  • HMM_states - Infercnv object result of the processing of run() in the HMM example, to be used for other examples.
  • infercnv_annots_example - Generated classification for 10 normal cells and 10 tumor cells.
  • infercnv_data_example - Generated SmartSeq2 expression data with 10 normal cells and 10 tumor cells. This is only to demonstrate how to use methods, not actual data to be used in an analysis.
  • infercnv_genes_example - Downsampled gene coordinates file from GrCh37
  • infercnv_object_example - Infercnv object result of the processing of run() in the example, to be used for other examples.
  • mcmc_obj - Infercnv object result of the processing of inferCNVBayesNet in the example, to be used for other examples.

On BioConductor:infercnv-1.21.0(bioc 3.20)infercnv-1.20.0(bioc 3.19)


11 exports 1.58 score 189 dependencies 4 mentions

Last updated 2 months agofrom:65aaf9fcdc



Visualizing Large-scale Copy Number Variation in Single-Cell RNA-Seq Expression Data

Rendered frominferCNV.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jun 17 2024.

Last update: 2021-02-12
Started: 2016-03-15

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
infercnv: Infer Copy Number Variation from Single-Cell RNA-Seq Datainfercnv-package _PACKAGE
Helper function allowing greater control over the steps in a color palette.color.palette
filterHighPNormals: Filter the HMM identified CNV's by the CNV's posterior probability of belonging to a normal state.filterHighPNormals
infercnv object result of the processing of run() in the HMM example, to be used for other examples.HMM_states
Generated classification for 10 normal cells and 10 tumor cells.infercnv_annots_example
Generated SmartSeq2 expression data with 10 normal cells and 10 tumor cells. This is only to demonstrate how to use methods, not actual data to be used in an analysis.infercnv_data_example
Downsampled gene coordinates file from GrCh37infercnv_genes_example
infercnv object result of the processing of run() in the example, to be used for other examples.infercnv_object_example
The infercnv Classinfercnv infercnv-class
inferCNVBayesNet: Run Bayesian Network Mixture Model To Obtain Posterior Probabilities For HMM Predicted StatesinferCNVBayesNet
MCMC_inferCNV classMCMC_inferCNV MCMC_inferCNV-class
infercnv object result of the processing of inferCNVBayesNet in the example, to be used for other examples.mcmc_obj
Plot the matrix as a heatmap, with cells as rows and genes as columns, ordered according to chromosomeplot_cnv
Plot a heatmap of the data in the infercnv object with the subclusters being displayed as annotations.plot_subclusters
run() : Invokes a routine inferCNV analysis to Infer CNV changes given a matrix of RNASeq