Package: icetea 1.23.0

Vivek Bhardwaj

icetea: Integrating Cap Enrichment with Transcript Expression Analysis

icetea (Integrating Cap Enrichment with Transcript Expression Analysis) provides functions for end-to-end analysis of multiple 5'-profiling methods such as CAGE, RAMPAGE and MAPCap, beginning from raw reads to detection of transcription start sites using replicates. It also allows performing differential TSS detection between group of samples, therefore, integrating the mRNA cap enrichment information with transcript expression analysis.

Authors:Vivek Bhardwaj [aut, cre]

icetea.pdf |icetea.html
icetea/json (API)

# Install 'icetea' in R:
install.packages('icetea', repos = c('', ''))

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Bug tracker:

On BioConductor:icetea-1.23.0(bioc 3.20)icetea-1.22.0(bioc 3.19)


18 exports 0.82 score 107 dependencies 2 mentions

Last updated 2 months agofrom:8212f8ca70



Analysing transcript 5'-profiling data using icetea

Rendered frommapcap_analysis.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jun 30 2024.

Last update: 2018-05-18
Started: 2018-02-19

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Match BAM headers bw files and get active chromosome list (from restrict) (written by Aaron Lun, 12 Dec 2014, copied and modified here)activeChrs
Annotate the provided Transcription Start SitesannotateTSS
Check capset validitycheck_capSet
Demultiplex and tag fastq files using sample barcodesdemultiplexFASTQ demultiplexFASTQ,CapSet-method
Detect differentially expressed Transcription Start Sites between two conditions (test)detectDiffTSS detectDiffTSS,DESeqDataSet-method detectDiffTSS,DGEGLM-method
Detection of Trancription start sites based on local enrichmentdetectTSS detectTSS,CapSet-method
Make DESeq2 or edgeR QC plotsdiffQCplots
Create example CapSet objectexampleCSobject
Export the detected TSS from CapSet object as .bed filesexportTSS exportTSS,CapSet-method
Filter PCR-duplicates from mapped files using internal UMIsfilterDuplicates filterDuplicates,CapSet-method
Filter PCR-duplicates from BAM file using internal UMIsfilterDups
Detect differentially expressed Transcription Start Sites between two conditions (fit model)fitDiffTSS fitDiffTSS,CapSet-method
Get data to create new ShortReadQ object after barcode trimmingget_newfastq
Get flags to read from bamgetBamFlags
Get chromosome bins from BAM filesgetChromBins
Get chromosome sliding windows from BAM filesgetChromWindows
Get gene-level counts from TSS datagetGeneCounts getGeneCounts,CapSet-method
Get platform-specific multicore paramsgetMCparams
Calculate normalization factors from CapSet objectgetNormFactors getNormFactors,CapSet-method
Assign feature ranks on a VariantAnnotation outputgetranks
Map the data from 5' profiling techniquesmapCaps mapCaps,CapSet-method
Create a new CapSet objectCapSet CapSet-class newCapSet
Count the number of reads in a given GRangesnumReadsInBed
Plotprecision background scriptplotPrecision
Plot read statistics from the CapSet objectplotReadStats plotReadStats,CapSet-method
Compare the precision of TSS detection between multiple samplesplotTSSprecision plotTSSprecision,GRanges,CapSet-method plotTSSprecision,GRanges,character-method
preprocess reads to count only 3' overlapsreadsTo3p
preprocess reads to count only 5' overlapsreadsTo5p
preprocess reads to count only center overlapsreadsToCenter
Retrieve and replace sample information of a CapSet objectsampleInfo sampleInfo,CapSet-method sampleInfo<- sampleInfo<-,CapSet-method
Split paired-end fastq by barcodessplit_fastq
Split the composite BAM file using internal indexes (MAPCap)splitBAM_byIndex
Split the composite BAM file using replicate indexes (MAPCap data)splitBAM_byRepindex
Get features with the best rank for each TSSsplitranks
Perform stranded Bin countsstrandBinCounts