Package: hypeR 2.3.0

Anthony Federico

hypeR: An R Package For Geneset Enrichment Workflows

An R Package for Geneset Enrichment Workflows.

Authors:Anthony Federico [aut, cre], Andrew Chen [aut], Stefano Monti [aut]

hypeR.pdf |hypeR.html
hypeR/json (API)

# Install 'hypeR' in R:
install.packages('hypeR', repos = c('', ''))

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Bug tracker:

On BioConductor:hypeR-2.3.0(bioc 3.20)hypeR-2.2.0(bioc 3.19)


34 exports 1.58 score 93 dependencies 3 mentions

Last updated 2 months agofrom:c8695b3683




Rendered fromhypeR.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jul 03 2024.

Last update: 2021-07-01
Started: 2019-01-29

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Clean labels of genesetsclean_genesets
Get enrichr available genesetsenrichr_available
Download data from enrichr in the form of a named listenrichr_download
Download data from enrichr in the form of a gsets objectenrichr_gsets
Shiny server module for geneset selectiongenesets_Server
Shiny interface module for geneset selectiongenesets_UI
An empty ggplotggempty
Enrichment plot implemented in ggplotggeplot
Venn diagram implemented in ggplotggvenn
A genesets objectgsets
A hyp objecthyp
Visualize hyp/multihyp objects as a dots plothyp_dots
Visualize hyp/multihyp objects as an enrichment maphyp_emap
Visualize hyp/multihyp objects as a hiearchy maphyp_hmap
Convert a hyp object to a reactable tablehyp_show
Export hyp/multihyp object to excelhyp_to_excel
Convert a hyp object to an igraph objecthyp_to_graph
Export hyp object to rmarkdownhyp_to_rmd
Export hyp/multihyp object to tablehyp_to_table
Calculate enrichment of one or more signatureshypeR
Check available data to download from hyperdbhyperdb_available
Download data from hyperdbhyperdb_gsets
Download data from hyperdb in the form of a rgsets objecthyperdb_rgsets
Differential Expressionlimma
Get msigdbr available genesetsmsigdb_available
Download data from msigdb in the form of a named listmsigdb_download
Download data from msigdb in the form of a gsets objectmsigdb_gsets
Print msigdb gsets informationmsigdb_info
Get msigdbr available speciesmsigdb_species
Get msigdbr package version numbermsigdb_version
A multihyp objectmultihyp
Reactable builder for hyp or mhyp objectsrctbl_build
Reactable table for hyp objectsrctbl_hyp
Reactable table for multihyp objectsrctbl_mhyp
A relational genesets objectrgsets
Co-expression Moduleswgcna