Package: cpvSNP 1.37.0

Caitlin McHugh

cpvSNP: Gene set analysis methods for SNP association p-values that lie in genes in given gene sets

Gene set analysis methods exist to combine SNP-level association p-values into gene sets, calculating a single association p-value for each gene set. This package implements two such methods that require only the calculated SNP p-values, the gene set(s) of interest, and a correlation matrix (if desired). One method (GLOSSI) requires independent SNPs and the other (VEGAS) can take into account correlation (LD) among the SNPs. Built-in plotting functions are available to help users visualize results.

Authors:Caitlin McHugh, Jessica Larson, and Jason Hackney

cpvSNP.pdf |cpvSNP.html
cpvSNP/json (API)

# Install 'cpvSNP' in R:
install.packages('cpvSNP', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:


On BioConductor:cpvSNP-1.37.0(bioc 3.20)cpvSNP-1.36.0(bioc 3.19)

This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.


14 exports 0.82 score 94 dependencies

Last updated 2 months agofrom:f0d2886282



Running gene set analyses with the "cpvSNP" package

Rendered fromcpvSNP.Rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Jun 19 2024.

Last update: 2015-04-09
Started: 2014-11-24

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Create a Density Plot of P-Values, Highlighting SNPs Within a Gene SetassocPvalBySetPlot
Create a GRanges Object for a GWAS data.framecreateArrayData
~~ Methods for Function 'degreesOfFreedom' ~~degreesOfFreedom degreesOfFreedom,GeneSetResult-method degreesOfFreedom,GeneSetResultCollection-method degreesOfFreedom,GLOSSIResult-method degreesOfFreedom,GLOSSIResultCollection-method degreesOfFreedom,VEGASResult-method degreesOfFreedom,VEGASResultCollection-method degreesOfFreedom-methods
SNP Array Data to Use for Gene Set AnalysisexampleArrayData
Data to run gene set analysis methodsgeneSetAnalysis
~~ Methods for Function 'geneSetName' ~~geneSetName geneSetName,GeneSetResult-method geneSetName,GeneSetResultCollection-method geneSetName,GLOSSIResult-method geneSetName,GLOSSIResultCollection-method geneSetName,VEGASResult-method geneSetName,VEGASResultCollection-method geneSetName-methods
Class '"GeneSetResult"'GeneSetResult-class
Class '"GeneSetResultCollection"'GeneSetResultCollection-class
Gene Set Collection objectgeneSets
Translate a List of Gene Ids to Their Corresponding SNP IdsgeneToSNPList
Calculate a Chi-squared Statistic and P-Value for Independent Items of a Set Using the GLOSSI Methodglossi
Calculate a Chi-squared Statistic and P-Value for Items in a SetglossiMarginal
Class '"GLOSSIResult"'GLOSSIResult-class
Class '"GLOSSIResultCollection"'GLOSSIResultCollection-class
Create a Plot of P-Values Against Number of SNPs per Set for All Sets in a CollectionplotPvals
~~ Methods for Function 'pValue' ~~pValue pValue,GeneSetResult-method pValue,GeneSetResultCollection-method pValue,GLOSSIResult-method pValue,GLOSSIResultCollection-method pValue,VEGASResult-method pValue,VEGASResultCollection-method pValue-methods
Simulate a Chi-squared Statistic from a Distribution with a Specified Correlation Structuresimulate_chisq
~~ Methods for Function 'simulatedStats' ~~simulatedStats simulatedStats,VEGASResult-method simulatedStats,VEGASResultCollection-method simulatedStats-methods
~~ Methods for Function 'statistic' ~~statistic statistic,GeneSetResult-method statistic,GeneSetResultCollection-method statistic,GLOSSIResult-method statistic,GLOSSIResultCollection-method statistic,VEGASResult-method statistic,VEGASResultCollection-method statistic-methods
~~ Methods for Function 'show' in Package 'base' ~~show show,GLOSSIResult-method show,VEGASResult-method show-methods
Calculate the P-Value for a Set Using the VEGAS Methodvegas
Calculate the P-Value for a Set Using the VEGAS MethodvegasMarginal
Class '"VEGASResult"'VEGASResult-class
Class '"VEGASResultCollection"'VEGASResultCollection-class