Package: Pedixplorer 1.3.0
Pedixplorer: Pedigree Functions
Routines to handle family data with a Pedigree object. The initial purpose was to create correlation structures that describe family relationships such as kinship and identity-by-descent, which can be used to model family data in mixed effects models, such as in the coxme function. Also includes a tool for Pedigree drawing which is focused on producing compact layouts without intervention. Recent additions include utilities to trim the Pedigree object with various criteria, and kinship for the X chromosome.
Pedixplorer.pdf |Pedixplorer.html✨
Pedixplorer/json (API)
# Install 'Pedixplorer' in R: |
install.packages('Pedixplorer', repos = c('', '')) |
Bug tracker:
- minnbreast - Minnesota Breast Cancer Study
- relped - Relped data
- sampleped - Sampleped data
On BioConductor:Pedixplorer-1.3.0(bioc 3.21)Pedixplorer-1.2.0(bioc 3.20)
Last updated 2 months agofrom:e84d0d4470. Checks:OK: 7. Indexed: yes.
Target | Result | Date |
Doc / Vignettes | OK | Nov 29 2024 |
R-4.5-win | OK | Nov 29 2024 |
R-4.5-linux | OK | Nov 29 2024 |
R-4.4-win | OK | Nov 29 2024 |
R-4.4-mac | OK | Nov 29 2024 |
R-4.3-win | OK | Nov 29 2024 |
R-4.3-mac | OK | Nov 29 2024 |
Pedigree alignment details
Rendered frompedigree_alignment.Rmd
on Nov 29 2024.Last update: 2024-10-06
Started: 2024-01-16
Pedigree kinship() details
Rendered frompedigree_kinship.Rmd
on Nov 29 2024.Last update: 2024-10-06
Started: 2024-01-16
Pedigree object
Rendered frompedigree_object.Rmd
on Nov 29 2024.Last update: 2024-10-06
Started: 2024-01-16
Pedigree plotting details
Rendered frompedigree_plot.Rmd
on Nov 29 2024.Last update: 2024-10-09
Started: 2024-01-16
Pedixplorer tutorial
Rendered fromPedixplorer.Rmd
on Nov 29 2024.Last update: 2024-10-06
Started: 2024-10-06
Readme and manuals
Help Manual
Help page | Topics |
The Pedixplorer package for pedigree data | Pedixplorer-package Pedixplorer |
Align a Pedigree object | align align,Pedigree-method |
Alignment first routine | alignped1 |
Alignment second routine | alignped2 |
Alignment third routine | alignped3 |
Alignment fourth routine | alignped4 |
Initial hint for a Pedigree alignment | auto_hint auto_hint,Pedigree-method |
Best hint for a Pedigree alignment | best_hint best_hint,Pedigree-method |
Bit size of a Pedigree | bit_size bit_size,character_OR_integer-method bit_size,Ped-method bit_size,Pedigree-method |
Affection and availability information table | family_infos_table |
Find single affected and available individual from a Pedigree | find_avail_affected find_avail_affected,Ped-method find_avail_affected,Pedigree-method |
Find uninformative but available subject | find_avail_noninform find_avail_noninform,Ped-method find_avail_noninform,Pedigree-method |
Find unavailable subjects in a Pedigree | find_unavailable find_unavailable,Ped-method find_unavailable,Pedigree-method |
Fix parents relationship and gender | fix_parents fix_parents,character-method fix_parents,data.frame-method |
Process the filling and border colors based on affection and availability | generate_colors generate_colors,character-method generate_colors,numeric-method generate_colors,Pedigree-method |
Hints object | as.list,Hints-method Hints Hints,Hints,missing_OR_NULL-method Hints,list,missing_OR_NULL-method Hints,missing_OR_NULL,missing_OR_NULL-method Hints,numeric,data.frame-method Hints,numeric,missing_OR_NULL-method Hints-class horder horder,Hints-method horder<- horder<-,Hints-method spouse spouse,Hints-method spouse<-,Hints,data.frame-method subset,Hints-method |
IBD matrix | ibd_matrix |
Find informative individuals | is_informative is_informative,character_OR_integer-method is_informative,Ped-method is_informative,Pedigree-method |
Are individuals parents | is_parent is_parent,character_OR_integer-method is_parent,Ped-method |
Individual's depth in a pedigree | kindepth kindepth,character_OR_integer-method kindepth,Ped-method kindepth,Pedigree-method |
Kinship matrix | kinship kinship,character-method kinship,Ped-method kinship,Pedigree-method |
Compute family id | make_famid make_famid,character-method make_famid,Pedigree-method |
Minimum distance to the informative individuals | min_dist_inf min_dist_inf,character-method min_dist_inf,Ped-method min_dist_inf,Pedigree-method |
Minnesota Breast Cancer Study | minnbreast |
Normalise a Ped object dataframe | norm_ped |
Normalise a Rel object dataframe | norm_rel |
Number of childs | num_child num_child,character_OR_integer-method num_child,Pedigree-method |
Get parents of individuals | parent_of parent_of,character_OR_integer-method parent_of,Ped-method parent_of,Pedigree-method |
Run Pedixplorer Shiny application | ped_shiny |
Create plotting legend data frame from a Pedigree | ped_to_legdf ped_to_legdf,Pedigree-method |
Create plotting data frame from a Pedigree | ped_to_plotdf ped_to_plotdf,Pedigree-method |
Ped object | affected affected,Ped-method affected<- affected<-,Ped,numeric_OR_logical-method,Ped-method as.list,Ped-method avail avail,Ped-method avail<- avail<-,Ped,numeric_OR_logical-method dadid dadid,Ped-method dadid<- dadid<-,Ped,character_OR_integer-method famid famid,Ped-method famid<- famid<-,Ped,character_OR_integer-method id id,Ped-method id<- id<-,Ped,character_OR_integer-method isinf isinf,Ped-method isinf<- isinf<-,Ped,numeric_OR_logical-method kin kin,Ped-method kin<- kin<-,Ped,numeric-method mcols<-,Ped,data.frame-method mcols<-,Ped,list-method momid momid,Ped-method momid<- momid<-,Ped,character_OR_integer-method Ped Ped,character_OR_integer-method Ped,data.frame-method Ped,missing-method Ped-class sex sex,Ped-method sex<- sex<-,Ped,character_OR_integer-method show,Ped-method status status,Ped-method status<- status<-,Ped,numeric_OR_logical-method subset,Ped-method summary,Ped-method useful useful,Ped-method useful<- useful<-,Ped,numeric_OR_logical-method |
Pedigree object | as.list,Pedigree-method border,Pedigree-method border<-,Pedigree,data.frame-method fill,Pedigree-method fill<-,Pedigree,data.frame-method hints hints,Pedigree-method hints<- hints<-,Pedigree,Hints-method horder,Pedigree-method horder<-,Pedigree-method length,Pedigree-method mcols,Pedigree-method mcols<-,Pedigree,ANY-method ped ped,Pedigree,ANY-method ped,Pedigree,missing-method ped<- ped<-,Pedigree,ANY,ANY-method ped<-,Pedigree,missing,Ped-method Pedigree Pedigree,character_OR_integer-method Pedigree,data.frame-method Pedigree,missing-method Pedigree-class rel rel,Pedigree,ANY-method rel,Pedigree,missing-method rel<- rel<-,Pedigree,ANY,ANY-method rel<-,Pedigree,missing,Rel-method scales scales,Pedigree-method scales<- scales<-,Pedigree,Scales-method show,Pedigree-method spouse,Pedigree-method spouse<- spouse<-,Pedigree,data.frame-method subset,Pedigree-method summary,Pedigree-method [,Pedigree,ANY,missing,ANY-method |
Create a plot from a data.frame | plot_fromdf |
Plot Pedigrees | plot,Pedigree plot,Pedigree,missing-method plot.Pedigree |
Rel object |,Rel-method as.list,Rel-method code code,Rel-method famid,Rel-method famid<-,Rel,character_OR_integer-method id1 id1,Rel-method id2 id2,Rel-method Rel Rel,character_OR_integer-method Rel,data.frame-method Rel,missing-method Rel-class show,Rel-method subset,Rel-method summary,Rel-method |
Relped data | relped |
Sampleped data | sampleped |
Scales object | as.list,Scales-method border border,Scales-method border<- border<-,Scales,data.frame-method fill fill,Scales-method fill<- fill<-,Scales,data.frame-method Scales Scales,data.frame,data.frame-method Scales,missing,missing-method Scales-class |
Shrink Pedigree object | shrink shrink,Ped-method shrink,Pedigree-method |
Find Unrelated subjects | unrelated unrelated,Ped-method unrelated,Pedigree-method |
Update family prefix in individuals id | upd_famid upd_famid,character,ANY-method upd_famid,Ped,character_OR_integer-method upd_famid,Ped,missing-method upd_famid,Pedigree,character_OR_integer-method upd_famid,Pedigree,missing-method upd_famid,Rel,character_OR_integer-method upd_famid,Rel,missing-method |
Usefulness of individuals | useful_inds useful_inds,character-method useful_inds,Ped-method useful_inds,Pedigree-method |